10 minute read
from Autumn
Ukpeme is an award-winning author, a lawyer, speaker, Ambassador for peace, song writer, amongst others, she is the Executive Secretary of Mediators and Advocates of peace (LAMPAIX)
PGMAG: Ukpeme, great to have you on today's interview.
UAO: Peace greetings! Thank you.
PGMAG: You are a great advocate for peace, and you hold so many other positions not mentioned in our introduction. Please briefly tell us about your work and some of the values you
UAO: As an Ambassador for Peace (title awarded by the Universal Peace Federation), peace is an integral part of my endeavours. In addition to peace, I integrate organizational excellence, sterling leadership, resilience, self-esteem, integrity, ethics, sustainable collaborations, into my work. I believe in the power of individual action, collective action, and
have added in the world. global sustainability. If we apply good values to our work and work with dedication, the world will experience beneficial human interactions, and a viable Earth system.
As a member of the International Federation of Women Lawyers, as well as Women, Peace, and Security Network, I participated in outreach programmes, committees,
campaigns, organization, fostered collaborations for the betterment of women, and so on.
At Mediators & Advocates of Peace (LAMPAIX), where I am the Executive Secretary, 13 episodes of Lamp of Peace were produced, and broadcast by a radio station in Abuja, Nigeria. The program addressed societal issues that affect peace and gave guidance to lasting peace in our society. At LAMPAIX, we continue our devotion to the cause of building sustainable peace for development, and full enjoyment of human rights.

I am the Founding Coordinator of Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) — Catholic Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles Parish, Abuja. During my tenure as Coordinator, we embarked on peace projects: we produced peace pamphlets for distribution at the parish, visited Kuje Prison —in the Federal Capital Territory, where counsel was given to the inmates. Toiletries and devotionals were presented, as well as cash donation to cover payment of fines and bails for twenty-three inmates.
I am actively engaged in The Spirit of Peace initiative of African Views Organization, which is mainly to gather faith based leaders, and official representatives from cultural and spiritual backgrounds, to observe and partake in a cultural harmony forum, and to pray for spiritual healing of the whole society.
I am involved in mediation, conflict prevention, conflict management, and conflict
resolution, within my family, and among individuals. After successfully reconciling persons involved in a protracted difficult case, I was referred to as “Peacemaker.” This experience is an example that peace is possible. It has also inspired my peace work.
My zeal for peace propelled me to write my first book, The Values String: A book on Transitional Life, Compelling Fulfillment, and Profound Peace in year 2018.
I am fostering the historic Jazz for Peace concert in Nigeria.
Year 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of Jazz for Peace concert at the United Nations, which united Israeli, Palestinian and American Jazz Musicians. Now, it is time for them to come to Abuja, Nigeria for the very first time in year 2021, for a historic event to honour my peace causes, where Rick DellaRatta will perform a Live Concert and Worldwide Cybercast Event. Jazz for Peace is an American organization with the goal of promoting unity and peace across cultures, through the performance of music. The organization was founded by jazz pianist and vocalist — Rick DellaRatta. I founded Guild of Adjudicators in Nigeria (GAIN), which is the first of its kind in Nigeria, established, among other objectives, to promote, facilitate and provide the determination of disputes by adjudication and alternative means of dispute resolution, other than by litigation.
I am delighted, and inspired to collaborate with Donald Brown — a renowned sculptor, celebrated athlete, and fervent peace advocate, on The Millennium Monument. The Millennium Monument aims to position positive images from the African Diaspora to the world. This monumental cause promotes peace, through history, arts, and culture.
I am the Convener of The Peace Agenda — a platform for peace enthusiasts to create a sustainable agenda, and action for peace. The Peace Agenda Summit was launched on September 21, 2019 with 17 speakers: Presenting Strategies for Achieving Both Personal and World Peace. One of the post-summit goals is to encourage people to identify their Peace Agendas. The Peace Agenda prompts everyone to do something for peace. I am collating The Peace Agenda of people across the world.
I advocate outstanding leadership. I am a recipient of Powerhouse Global Award — Justice for the People Advocate. I received the Golden Role Model Award, by Nigeria Youth Advocacy for Good Governance Initiative, as an Icon of Humanitarian Service, in recognition and appreciation of my contribution to Peace, Youth and Women Empowerment, Service to Nigeria and Africa at large. I am also a recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award as a Visionary Leader, by Visioneers International, in recognition of my extraordinary contribution to create, invent and promote new ways of being and new solutions across the wide array of human activities, thus adding to humanity’s reservoir of human goodness.
I am involved in other outstanding causes.

PGMAG: As a woman and a leader, how have you been able to overcome some of the challenges of life?
UAO: Challenges are normal, and can be surmounted. Challenges can also provide opportunities. I have overcome some of the challenges I experienced by believing in the power of the Almighty, remaining focused, organized, and determined to achieve my goals, and collective goals. I also leverage my network for support.
My ability to handle setbacks teaches me lessons in possibilities, resoluteness, the power of determination, focus, and the effectiveness of self / group organizational skills.
In John Maxwell’s words — “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.”
PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership?
UAO: Whilst I strive for excellence, I know that perfection is impossible.
My style of leadership is values-based leadership.
I inspire myself to believe that as a leader, I can surmount hindrances and achieve sterling leadership.
I motivate people I lead to teach, learn, practice, and sustain non-violent conflict prevention, conflict management, and conflict resolution methods. Conflict is a part of life. Conflicts do not need to be violent. Constructive conflicts can provide opportunities for growth. Destructive conflicts should be avoided.
I note that leadership transcends officeholding, and emphasize the power of individual, and team action.
Imbued with conflict

prevention, conflict management, and conflict resolution skills, a leader can direct an organization effectively, and efficiently to achieve its objectives.
As a Rotarian, I apply the FourWay Test of Rotary: Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
PGMAG: Please tell us about your recently released music. UAO: Thank you. I am musically known as UkpEmem. I believe in the power of music, and discovered my love for music since childhood. I recall writing songs and self-tuning them at a young age.
Music is a very strong medium for connecting people. It is one of the ways I seek to entertain, spread worthy messages, and foster a better world.
My song — The Values String, is an Afrobeat, rap infused song about values, positive action, resilience, and unity. It was released on September 1, 2020. The Values String (Instrumental Version) was
released on September 8, 2020.
The inspiration for this song was mostly derived from my book — The Values String: A book on Transitional Life, Compelling Fulfillment, and Profound Peace.
PGMAG: A lot of women feel marginalised - Especially in Africa. In your capacity as a key player in women empowerment, what are some of the steps women should take in order to live a life of fulfilment?
UAO: This is an apt question. My extensive involvement in women empowerment and advancement present the numerous injustices that women in Africa suffer. Notable barriers to their fulfilment include, but not limited to educational, religious, political, social, and cultural factors. Women empowerment transcends financial empowerment. Education is a very viable empowerment tool.
Despite the challenges that women face, a lot of women have risen above these setbacks, and are thriving.
In order to live a fulfilled life, some of the steps women can take include:
Women need to enhance, and maintain their self-worth and integrity. Lawyers, and women in civic groups are encouraged to educate women on their rights, provided under the various laws.
Lawyers are enjoined to be ready at all times to defend the rights of women, when their rights are about to be violated or are violated. Lawyers and women-focused organizations need to ensure that indigent women enjoy full access to justice.
Women in governance need to ensure that laws and polices repugnant to women are repealed, and that harmful, discriminatory practices are eliminated.
Violence in all forms must be eschewed. Awareness creation of the provisions of the laws prohibiting violence should be ongoing. Women are encouraged to organize enlightenment programmes, collaborate with stakeholders to disseminate laws, establish desks/offices to address cases of violence, and continue to advocate non-violence. Women are encouraged to
aspire to compete for top leadership positions, and compete for positions they seek to occupy, which they are capable of functioning effectively. When given the opportunity to lead, women should prove themselves, and explore their collective power for success.
Mentorship is a worthy initiative. Women are encouraged to present themselves as mentors or mentees for co-development. Women are encouraged to be voices for the voiceless, and to support each other. There are many ways to give: through one’s time, energy, resources, and so on.
PGMAG: What are the measures that need to be put in place by leaders, in order to aid the development of our children (boys and girls)?
UAO: The family is a strong social unit. Every family member is encouraged to teach, and learn basic peacebuilding skills, uphold human rights education in the family, accord respect to each other as they interrelate by ensuring domestic violence, outright inequalities, oppression and injustice do not thrive in the family. Family education is very essential. When children learn lofty values in the family, they become advocates of societal development.
Leaders also play roles in aiding the development of children. Leaders need to ensure that our children gain equal access to education. Education can equip children with other skills in addition to or in alternative to literacy. This underscores the efficacy of good quality education in its ramifications —formal, non-formal and informal. Leaders are urged to advocate and ensure that education is accessible to every child.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do
The family is a strong social unit. Every family member is encouraged to teach, and learn basic peace-building skills, uphold human rights education in the family, accord respect to each other as they interrelate by ensuring domestic violence, outright inequalities, oppression and injustice do not thrive in the family.
UAO: This is an interesting question.
I now know that I do not need to be on anyone’s stage to amplify my voice. Whilst not disregarding the advantages of networking, and seeking opportunities, I would create opportunities for myself, through my enthusiasm for fulfilment.
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
UAO: To my younger self, I would say, “it is okay to make mistakes but grow from them as you grow.”
PGMAG: It has been a great pleasure to have interviewed you today.
UAO: I am grateful for the opportunity to share my perspectives. I commend you, and your team for your great work.
PGMAG: Please share your links with us
UAO: Thank you: https://www.thevaluesstring. com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ ukpeme-okon-4ab41715/ https://www.instagram.com/ ambassador.for.peace/ https://twitter.com/values_the https://www.facebook.com/ ThePeaceAgenda/ https://ukpemem.hearnow. com/ https://www.instagram.com/ ukpemem/ https://www.youtube. com/channel/ UCL8ezrONhnK45rRRcBSpc9A