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MEejie™ - Who is she?

She’s an innovative entrepreneur. international speaker, consultant, coach, trainer, who specializes on the development of social programs and initiatives that helps make improvement towards the performance and productivity of humankind. Her approach includes the delivery of motivation, inspiration, elevation and empowerment programs and services that foster opportunities for self-development, self-assessment, the optimization of potential and performance improvement. She hopes to help foster a desire in individuals, organizations, and groups to make an intentional and committed investment in human capital. MEejie is a mother to 3 amazing children. She’s a daughter, friend, sister, auntie, and a social leader. She’s the founder of MEej™ LLC (Motivational Empowering Energetic Journeys, LLC – Motiva- Inspira™ – MSA™ (Multi-Sensory Movement Surrender Approach for managing stress and anxiety™. She’s an innovative entrepreneur. international MEejie believes “We are born in speaker, consultant, coach, trainer, who greatness, with greatness, and for specializes on the development of social greatness. That if we are to succeed in programs and initiatives that helps make life, we must do everything we do in improvement towards the performance and love, with love and for love. And that productivity of humankind. we can best achieve our successes upon


“entrepreneuring our souls” – because that’s where our unique and individual greatness is held. She also believes, we are born to commune with each other, with the social responsibility to making a

sustainability are incorporated.

They use multi-sensoryand multidimensional

modalities that engageand help thrive.

Why Does Meejie

Do What SheDoes?www.powerhouseglobalmag.com


MEejie Chaparro-by positively

Traverso statesimpacting towards

she is driventhe betterment of

by her passionshumanity. That we

to intentionallyare born for the great

create and embodyopportunity of making a

experiences that fueldifference, leaving an imprint

her soul with pleasurableand carving a mark into our


emotions and feelings.world by unifying people and

includes hersignature

building communities that

programs “Motiva-Inspira &As she relates it, “it is in the

educate, advocate, prevent,

Multi-Sensory Movementaction of “basting in the

intervene, support, strengthen

Surrender Approach”. Theydelights of our sensory stimuli

and lead.”

help individuals, businessesthat we become energized

and organizations optimize

and invigorated to act. OurWhat Does Meejie Do?

potential; improve performance

and productivity; and improveIn partnership with her client

overall physiological andand adjusting to their preferred

psychological health and

learning and sensory styles she facilitates coaching, training, consultation, motivational speeches, and/or the development of socially based programs.

How Does Meejie Do It?

She has entrepreneured her soul. She has developed

wellness. Their process is designed to offer a motivational empowering energetic journey where one or more of the the following components of education, selfassessment, skills development, hand-on immersion, actionable goalsetting, energetic and actionable road mapping coaching plan, quality

She has entrepreneured her soul. She has developed and designed a unique style with that includes her signature programs “Motiva- Inspira & Multi- Sensory Movement Surrender Approach”.

and designed a unique style

control, maintenance andNOVEMBER 2020 45


response to the stimuli we receive, feel, and interpret through our senses, helps us craft settings we can utilize to calm our fears and discomforts. It’s the act of helping us tame the “ghostly and phantom biases” we carry around with us. Striving to surrender and preserve the integrity of our identity by fully understanding it (the greatness we hold from within), and expressing it, and merge it with our surroundings, will breathe fulfillment and rewards likely to help us succeed at work, at home, socially and in our communities, financially, spiritually, intellectually, and in the world.”

MEejie™ wholeheartedly believes “We are all born in greatness, with greatness, for greatness. We ought to do everything we do in love, with love and for love.” We come into this world with the purpose of living a life of greatness – one inevitably found from within the expression of our skills and talents, and the pursuit of our dreams and passions. That it is our responsibility to unveil our greatness and gift it to the world while being of service to others.” The gift itself is the sharing of our greatness.

We are responsible for optimizing our greatness. It’s

Striving to surrender and preserve the integrity of our identity by fully understanding it (the greatness we hold from within), and expressing it...


our choice to use our greatness for professional, personally, and social success that can bring about desired outcomes. This will ease our journey in this world. It will improve our physiological and psychological health and wellness,and offer greater professional personal and social experiences and successes at work, at home and at play (in our communities and in the world).” MEejie It is both, her personal and professional mission to

audience. She’s produced a variety of ways in which to share her voice and impact her audiences (Inspire TV show, This Is Us Podcast, Motiva-Inspira Publication/ Platform™ (Trending Voices™, M-I Palladium™), Motiva-Inspira Movement™, Motiva-Inspira Impact Tour™, Speed Learn & Connect™, MSA - As of March 2020 MEejie™ has transitioned into a mostly virtual business as an extension of her faceto-face components that offer

We are responsible for optimizing our greatness. It’s our choice to use our greatness for professional, personally, and social success that can bring about desired outcomes. This will ease our journey in this world.


positively impact others and help create a world of unity and equity where all can thrive.

Where Does Meejie Do Her Work?

Virtually and face to face through independent and hybrid deliveries. MEejie™ believes in a multi-sensory

integrative interpretations of what it is to deliver face to face interactive and virtual interactive methodologies that adjust to preferred learning and sensory methodologies. Who Is Meejie’s Target Audience?

At the risk of sounding too general, MEejie states her

values humanity, embraces

positive moral characterand values, and those whoseek self-development (tooptimize their potential andimprove their performanceand productivity). She enjoysworking with women and thosebusinesses and organizationssupporting them.delivery of ways to reach her

audience is EVERYONE who

She has a soft spot for women

NOVEMBER 2020 47


seeking a second chance at life. Those whose personal mission somehow involve a desire to help unify people and build communities and whose contributions involve the overall wellness and betterment of humanity. Those women whom like herself have somehow have given up, made sacrifices, failed, or have waited long to finally live out their dreams and passions.

Why Does Meejie Do What She Does?

She’s most proud of her Motiva-Inspira’s publication platform and movement; and her innovative MSA. They strive to support and develop resilient and self-reliant women leaders and individuals who positively impact social change. All designed to ignite economic development; education and training; physiological and psychological health and wellness; financial health, wellness and abundance; and emotional, social, spiritual and sensory intelligence. All with a

She has a soft spot for women seeking a second chance at life. Those whose personal mission somehow involve a desire to help unify people and build communities and whose contributions involve the overall wellness and betterment of humanity.

flexible and customized delivery

To create a movement and

methodology that integratesrippling of role modeling trends

and addresses prevention,that help unify people and

education, advocacy,build communities that lead

intervention, leadership,initiatives and behaviors, which

relationship needs and self-bridge the gap in equality,


peace, and health and wellness

for all. She’s developedHow Can You Reach Her?

signature offerings, created

a movement, and designedMEejie@Motiva-Inspira.com

programs that help set a trend

Info@Motiva-Inspira.comof motivation, inspiration,

https://www.motiva-inspira.elevation and empowerment of

com +1 (723) 551-1902



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