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My first initiation on the blockages that the modern lifestyle can have on our bodies came at me through a naturalist called Paul Skey, who I coworked with in the early 1980s. His conversations with me was about being free from everything that did not feel natural. We covered so much in the 3 years I worked for him. The topics ranged from underarm deodorant, perfume, underwired under garments, nutrition to environmental issues and so much more.
One of the topics was the effects of use of underarm deodorants/ antiperspirants • Antiperspirants: Stops you from perspiring or sweating. • Deodorants: Stop the bacteria in your perspiration from smelling, often by killing the bacteria or neutralising the smell.
Here are some natural tips and methods I have used in the past for my armpits • Applied baby talcum powder • Washed the armpits with alcohol or white vinegar • Added a few drops of rose water in the bathtub before taking bath.
More recently my friend/coach and International Breathe Therapist Desiree Ferrari introduced me to Tea tree which is an antibacterial herb. Made a deodorant by mixing two drops of the essential oil and one ounce of water.
The next initiation was something I picked up from my dear mother (who recently passed away). For a brief period, my mother lived with me while she was waiting to move into the care home. Seeing my mother pop 20 pharmaceuticals in the morning, 30 at lunchtime and 10 in the evening was a bitter pill to swallow. I found it extremely difficult to communicate with her during my frequent visits to the care home. I asked myself what happened to my very independent active mum? She was now in the late stages of dementia and I felt helpless. My visits got better because I started using my supercoherence tools* from my personal life coaching and gave her some Angelic Reiki healing**. I recall one session when she said I love these stones can I keep them. *Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies (RTLFs)*, has produced major shifts and life changing successes for my clients. It balances both male and female energies hence, coaching from zero point. These tools are precious when you want to get to the root of the problem, and the light bulb moment is instantaneous.
**Angelic Reiki a healing method that combines the traditional Reiki healing therapy and the angelic healing. Over the years I have been searching and learning about diverse types of alternative methods of healing the body from within. My third initiation came in December 2016. I had begun to feel very tired, had zero energy to complete tasks, felt my brain was in a fog and I was totally over-weight and the finally straw was my Doctor confirmed that I had high blood pressure. Wow this was a sign, I was offered pharmaceuticals which brought home my words to myself – I was never going to go through what my mum went through.
So, during one of my morning meditations I put out the thoughts of wellness and wellbeing. I came across something which sounded too good to be true on Facebook. Even though I was skeptical, I registered for a body scan with NESS Health. The scanner arrived a few days later and I had my 1st remote scan with a NESS Health Practitioner on Skype. The scan showed me something I did not expect to see; the level of details was so overwhelmingly and though I was still slightly skeptical the alternative was a life on pharmaceutical. Four weeks later I saw the change and is was phenomenal, my energy level sky rocketed, loved the feeling of wellness and I knew I finally found something I could work with passion and gusto. Today I am a qualified NES Health Practitioner with global clients, and I love the difference I can make to other people lives. Using the Supercoherence Personal Life Coaching, Angelic Reiki Healing and the NES Health Total WellNES system I am able to customise to individual client needs.
Here is why I think the NES Health system is the perfect addition to my practice: • It Re-asseses your physiology with a single click in seconds with multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics • Shows you the information that your body needs to heal • Shows you the distortions and clear energy blockages • Shows you how to get well, stay well and excel. • It Re-juvenates and unblocks the energy-field with NES miHealth • It is an easy-to use hand-held device which tells you how and where to place it • It is non-invasive and clinically researched • It uses the proven benefits of biofeedback and Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy to locates, unblocks and releases energy blockages • It Re-imprints the information of the body’s control system with NES Infoceuticals (NES Infoceuticals are a wide range of liquid remedies imprinted with propriety bio-information. They contain filtered water, plant- derived micromineral and 5% alcohol for preservation.) • They help re-imprint the body to its original and optimal blueprint. • They interact directly with the human body-field to address blockages connected to physical, emotional, environmental chemical toxins
For more information or to see case studies/testimonials please visit www.antonettafernandes. co.uk. For a special discount on NES Health system for readers of this publication please email antonettafernandes8@google. com.