2 minute read

Mynoo Maryel

Mynoo Maryel is the visionary and matriarch of the JEGO movement which stands for Joy Ease and Grace Omnipresent in your personal and professional lives. She is a spiritual friend and guide, who helps you uncover your repetitive patterns and blocks, connects you to your unique mastery and equips you to thrive in a state of JEGO in every area of your life, work and relationships.

At the pinnacle of an impressive corporate career in London, Mynoo Maryel stepped away from her hamster-on-a-wheel life, leapt out into the great unknown — and landed, on both feet, in pure magic.


Hers is an ordinary, extraordinary story. From a lifelong pattern of incessant thinking, constant go-go-going and never ending to-do lists for ever-increasing performance, Mynoo learned to become still. She turned up the volume on her inner knowing, and listened to guidance.

She went through a series of spiritual awakenings and was blessed with the calling of her soul, to awaken humans and humanity to the miracle that they are, activating expecting and accepting miracles as the norm.

It is her great joy to share this work and wisdom with major leaders and corporations across the world, including, the United Nations, Women’s Economic Forum, as well as many prestigious International networks of key influencers and game changers.

Mynoo is the author of the global bestseller The BE Book: A Journey Into Miracles and Guide to Self-Liberation, available worldwide on Amazon.com.

Mynoo co-founded the Inspired Leaders Network, The POEM Estates and is now the Co-Founder of Federation 100, a business collective causing Extraordinary Results and JEGO an online Education and Solutions Platform plus App, for Full Spectrum Living, as well as The PoEM Foundation, an NGO, focused on bringing JEGO into the world. More…. visit https://mynoomaryel.com

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