8 minute read
Sue Booth
Powerhouse Global Magazine (Pgmag) Interview with
Sue Booth (SB)
PGMAG: Sue, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.
SB: I am honoured to be a part of your interview Lady Anita, I have followed you for a number of years and love what you have done with PowerHouse Gobal Magazine. I feel very privileged to be included in this. I feel that there should be more publications that build up males and females that endeavour to make a difference in the world.
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
SB: I am 68, have been married to my childhood sweetheart for almost 42 years, have 1 daughter Lauren and 2 amazing grandchildren of 10 and 6 years old and a step grandson of 20.. Have been self employed for 40 years and have been successful in the Network Marketing industry for over 34 of those years. It's something that I have loved doing and it allows me to bring value to others and empower them to make a great residual income without having to sell their soul.
PGMAG: You are an inspiration to many individuals around the world due to your commitment to sharing your knowledge in health and wellness. As a leader with over 34 years of involvement in the wellness industry, what are some of the keys to living a healthy life?
SB: That's a great question Lady Anita!
I start my day with hot lemon water and ginger which is very cleansing to the system. I then spend around 30 minutes writing my gratitude journal which gives me time to reflect on what I have achieved the previous day. Meditation and visualisation have been a part of my daily habit for many years. I have always been an advocate of following a holistic lifestyle and always looking for natural solutions and remedies to manage my health.
I don't smoke or drink as they don't provide any value to my body.. Having studied nutrition, I know that we really don't get everything our bodies need for optimum health from our food any longer. I try not to have any processed foods in my diet and cook everything from fresh wherever possible. Even following an organic diet I was always aware that it was a neccessity to supplement that to help fill in the gaps in our day to day diet. I have a great immune system which has been a blessing in these trying times. I don't catch colds or bugs that go round and I know that is down to my nutrition. I am not a fan of the gym but I do love to walk whenever possible. I am quite partial to skipping at the moment which can be done anywhere at anytime, it's great cardiovascular workout too.
PGMAG: You know some people give up on their dreams due to life challenges. In your capacity as a leader, what are some of the tips for overcoming adversity in life?
SB: You are so right, people often have those dreams and aspirations smashed by the naysayers and sadly that can even be from close family members and friends. The people that you hope will be your supporters.
I grabbed it with both hands and promised to excel in whatever I did. These are the rules that I follow even now.
1. Fall in love with the Products and the Company
2. Make sure you have a system to work to - without one you will have no roadmap
3. Make sure you have a Mentor to keep you accountable
4. Have your goals written down, with a date on them
5. Review your activity daily - Needs to be trackableYour Daily Disciplines done Daily
6. Celebrate your victoriesCelebrate others victories also.
7. Always work on the success of others as they will reward you with your success too.
8. Personal Development is key to your successNourish your mind.
PGMAG: Please tell us more on how you can help reduce ‘inflammation’ in the body.
SB: Well this has been my mission for almost 4 years, why? Since I found out that my own inflammation levels were out of whack by doing a simple dry blood spot test, it opened up my eyes to cellular health, We have trillions of cells that all play a crucial role in our health, every single cell needs to be pliable but if we consume too many Omega 6's in our diet...... if it's processed then it's an Omega 6 and that's a Pro inflammatory. We need to balance that out with additional Omega 3's which are Anti inflammatory. Omega 3 by itself isn't effective by itself. It needs a chaperone to ensure the fragile Omega 3 molecule arrives in perfect condition at a cellular level. That's why BalanceOil has been so effective within 120 days. The fact that it's test based it's proven to work. So many health conditions are helped by reducing inflammatory markers. For me it's been life-changing as I had been on 7 medications since my heart attack and 3 stent (they said I would need them for life) Within 4 months of testing myself and following the Health Protocol I was able reduce and then stop my medication. I am back at the optimum Omega 6-3 ratios and it's my mission to help as many as possible gain benefits too.
PGMAG: At the age of 38, you went on the mission to find solutions to alleviate your psoriasis. Some people would have just done nothing, but you took it upon yourself to find a way out. What inspired you to go on such a journey?
SB: I had suffered from psoriasis from the age of 11 so had been subjected to many topical "solutions" I cut out certain foods that had muted to affect it, including chocolate! When I was offered Methotrexate as a solution at the age of 22 (hideous side effect in women) I knew there had to be another solution. I cut out all harmful ingredients from my personal care products, stopped using anything with SLS, SLES Propylene Glycol and a whole range of other ingredients. Within 3 months my 85-90% coverage had cleared and has been clear to date. If I had known about the revelation of BalanceOil back then it would have been a quicker process. I now recommend the exculsion of harmful ingredients and the addition of BalanceOil.
PGMAG: What is your message for women?
SB: Hmmm I guess the overwhelming thing for most women is about finding their identity again, maybe after having children or losing their independence after marriage. For me I wanted to be recognised as Sue, not just Nigel's wife or Lauren's Mum and Taxi driver.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?
SB: I would have done it sooner, had bigger, scarier goals, not listened to others opinions. Worked harder and played harder!

PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
SB: I spent years listening to people telling me that won't work and you must be crazy which just slowed my progress.
Find something that you are passionate about, Learn how to do what needs to be done and grab it with both hands. Be unstoppable in what you want to achieve - what does that mean? Do whatever it takes until it's done. Failure is not an option.
PGMAG: Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us through this interview. We wish you continues success as you travel in life.
SB: It's been an absolute pleasure Lady Anita, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.
PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us
SB: https://bit.ly/ PartnerwithSueB