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I am a mother, grandmother, “The Love Ambassador”, a creative, multi-award winner, a holistic practitioner and well-being specialist. I hold a PGDip in Education, Training and Development of Adults.
My focus is personal development, selfactualisation, authenticity and embracing change as a pathway to a healthy work life balance and sustained personal success. My passion is supporting people to achieve their goals and to live their best life. My employment at Disney and similar corporations taught me valuable lessons. For example, we have the power to achieve what we want, once we commit to learning what and how to change the things that are holding us back.
Losing my father and paternal grandmother at age 11, creative writing and art were a means to deal with my grief and muted voice.
Our choices, decisions and how we react to any given situation can inform our lives for better or worse!
Those I meet and work with, experience, sense and witness all of me, enabling potent professional and personal relationships including with self - facilitating change to build powerful and inspired individuals. Enabling the overwhelmed to overcome, to stand in their truth and to operate from a place of authenticity and strength.
My education and career path
Quite the entrepreneur, earning my own pocket money as a teenager, I helped mum make cushions, embroidered napkins and plaited hair in extensions before they became popular. While in 6th form, I worked in publication sales. After leaving education I worked with a job agency gaining experience within various business sectors. I undertook various Office Management & Executive Assistant roles until I joined The Walt Disney Company in 1991 working for the late John Elia, Executive Vice President of Global Operations. After being made redundant I started my own Events and Project Management company at Disney HQ, they hoped I would change my mind about leaving. Following 9-11 the corporate industry changed its focus, no elaborate celebrations, retreats or corporate entertainmentso Komplete Project Solutions folded.
I enrolled at City University doing Cultural Studies with the aim of restarting my events company but with a greater edge. I really enjoyed this time, especially working in the film and TV industry working alongside some of the more famous TV hosts you see today. While studying, I was offered a temporary contract within adult education and ESOL, which involved the launch of Adult ESOL initiatives across educational institutions. During this time, I was afforded the opportunity to undertake a MSc in the Training, Education and Development of Adults. Unfortunately, I became extremely unwell with a virus which caused sight loss for several months and other symptoms which required major rehabilitation. Recovery took its toll on me while doing my dissertation but I acquired a PGDip. During my recovery I became involved in the voluntary sector utilising my corporate experience and creative skills to aid organisations and institutions to deliver impacting work on the front line. At that time, Mental Health was not recognised and accepted as it is today. I got involved in governance, collaborating with others, started writing groups and set up a voluntary organisation for victims of trauma and abuse, providing a safe space in which to heal, engage change and find a sense of self, discovering new possibilities and potential. I also dealt with the fallout of other social issues, poor housing, family breakdown, educational needs, crime and suicide prevention. I continued to develop my skills within the private industries, travelling to learn from and work with master practitioners and game changers. My varied experience as a holistic practitioner/ facilitator and coach has taken me far and wide across the UK, Ireland, Europe, the USA and Bali. Public Speaking and performing my poetry in Antigua, the USA, Ireland and of course - home from home Barbados.
During my time at Disney, I suffered a back injury which is still causing complications. I was diagnosed with Stenosis of the spine and suffered debilitating symptoms. This was when I decided to travel to as many countries in a year as I could, even if I did part of the trips with special assistance. I almost reached my target of 5 countries when the pandemic hit. I had become used to pushing through and dealing with acute and chronic pain, using a combination of my holistic practice of breath work, meditation and essential oils (which helped to reduce inflammation) alongside conventional medication.
As the Love Ambassador, I designed and delivered Self-Love and SelfCare programmes specifically working with women’s organisations and institutions. I collaborated with Miss Barbados UK and Miss Caribbean UK, as the Love coach guiding contestants while on their pageantry journey.
At first, the lockdown had an adverse effect physically, mentally and emotionally. I utilised the online platforms and social media to encourage myself and others. I engaged with online coaching summits and specialised courses to further enhance my skills and holistic practice. I delivered 1-2-1 and group sessions to help others suffering with Mental Unwellness. During
May 2020, I committed to delivering Mindful Meditations via Zoom, delivering the Mellow May Meditation series (over 30 sessions) which included participants from across the globe and different time zones. Following the lockdowns I formed alliances and forged new relationships with likeminded people to achieve a collective consciousness of Love, Unity and Respect, through self-development and expanded awareness.