5 minute read
Fiona Coppard
My name is Fiona and I am a midlife personal trainer and wellness coach helping women to ease and have balance through Perimenopause, menopause and into older age. I work with women to help maintain their Cardiovascular, bone, muscle and cognitive health all of which are important as we age, it’s never too early to start to look at these areas to make sure we ease into midlife without health problems.
I also work to improve Core and balance, improve functional posture, and flexibility, maintain fascial spring, hydrate fascia, increase movement acuity plus at all times being respectful pelvic floor.
This is all done in a purpose driven way, we need to stop looking at the typical exercise and fat loss method and wanting to be thin and think more about doing non exhausting, purposeful exercise that is energy giving, achievable, enjoyable and gives us the tools to stay fit and healthy.
I also look at nutrition and hydration to ensure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals in your diet and offering supplementation where needed.
Other topics like stress, sleep patterns, gut health, hot flushes ,night sweats, toxic overload from environmental factors, weight gain, anxiety/depression, lack of sex drive, breast care, hair thinning and thyroid health are covered in my programmes.
Lastly we look at restorative ways to calm the mind and reduce the stress of everyday life.
I am passionate about nutrition and have created many healthy recipes for you to try as well as specialized ones for gut health, Low carbohydrate, High protein, fat loss and more.
Maintaining cognitive and brain health through Menopause
The current global and UK stats on dementia and cognitive decline are quite something
850,000 people in the UK are estimated to be living with Dementia.
24.6 Million People in the UK that’s 38% of the population know a family member or close friend living with dementia.
1 in 3 people born in the UK this year will develop dementia in their lifetime.
1 in 14 people over 65 have dementia in the UK and 1 in 79 of the whole population. The dementias are now the leading cause of death in the UK and the projected increase of dementias by 2030 is that it will increase by 40% from now to 2030.
So what are we going to do about it? Can lifestyle and nutrition interventions prevent/slowdown cognitive decline? YES!!!!!
By following some of these called the Blue zones Power 9 what makes people live longer and healthier.
1 Move Naturally
Make daily physical activity an unavoidable part of your environment.
2 Have THE right outlook
Know your purpose and downshift i.e. work less, slow down and take holidays.
3 Eat wisely
Eat until 80% full, eat more veggies, less red meat and less processed foods, drink a glass of red wine daily just 1 though !!!!
4 Belong
Create a healthy social network, prioritise family and connect with your beliefs.
Key elements that support brain health
Rest and calm
Less environmental toxins
Movement and exercise
Love community connection and faith
Mild cognitive impairment includes
Difficulty concentrating
Words on tip of your lounge
Going in to a room and forgetting why you went in there
Brain fog
Symptoms worsen
Increasing disorientation
Increasing difficulty communicating
Increasing difficulty with basic life skills i.e. dressing, cooking and eating
Personality changes
Worsening symptoms over time leading to death.
Different types of dementia, it is not one thing they include
Alzheimer’s 62%
Vascular dementia 17%
Mixed dementia 10%
Dementia with Lewy bodies 4%
Parkinson’s disease 2%
Frontotemporal 29%
Others like MS, CJD
Foods you should eat THE MIND DIET Mediterranean –Dash intervention for neurodegenerative Delay. The mind diet aims to reduce dementia and the decline in brain health that occurs as people get older; it combines aspects of two very popular diets, the Mediterranean and the dietary approaches to stop hypertension DASH.
Green leafy vegetables
Other vegetables
Red wine
Olive oil
Whole grains
Foods to avoid
Red meat
Butter and margarine
Fried and fast foods
Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis
The brain's ability to recognise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, it allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
Is a process of generating functional neurons from adult neural precursors, occurs throughout life in restricted brain regions in mammals. Response to new situations or to changes in their environment. It appears we are able to teach old dogs new tricks and have the capacity to create new neurons, habits and learn new information for all our lives.
Factors that increase and improve cognitive health, neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis
Novelty and new stimulus – neurogenic
Touch via a trusted person as it stimulates production of Oxytocin
Rest/sleep minus blue light
Less stress- cortisol damages the hippocampus (the new brain cell factory)
Meditation and breath work, a calm brain is more functional
Supportive nutrition an anti-inflammatory diet
Community, love/ social support
Movement/ exercise increasing blood flow to the brain
Ongoing education
Learning a new language
Factors that improve and increase cognitive health and neurogenesis.
Playing board game
Less sugar beta amyloid plaques = Alzheimer’s= Diabetes type 111 and age
Less multi-tasking it actually reduces efficiency
Less environmental toxins
Pets – brain calming and encourage exercise
Being in nature- calming and less rumination
Enriched environments promotes brain activity
BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) can be increased with exercise.
What we can do right now to help ourSELVE
Less sugar
Less alcohol
More sleep
Rest, meditation
Less rumination
Lessen environmental toxins
Include brain challenges in to exercise sessions
Stress reduction
Drug management
Improve gut health
Improve oral health
Act now before they are symptomatic
Fiona Coppard
Smart Nutrition and fitness
S.M.A.R.T Actions today improve all your tomorrows