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Sue had a dynamic career in corporate marketing and was the owner of a successful direct marketing business for 17 years before starting her health coaching and now her fertility coaching business, which she is passionate about.
Her previous life involved working long hours under high levels of stress. She was putting everyone else first in her life, including work and was constantly pushing herself to the limit, trying to fit everything in, thinking her body would somehow keep going regardless. All this ended in a big health wake – up call 14 years ago. This led her to making some big life changing decisions that involved getting a good work-life balance, putting herself first and taking responsibility for her health and her life.
When she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and was told by her doctor that she could not recover and would be on medication for the rest of her life, she chose not to accept that prognosis and made a decision that would see her discovering the root cause which lay in her gut health. By rebalancing her gut microbiome, changing her diet and doing some inner healing, she recovered and came off the medication within 18 months.
She went on to establish her health business, successfully helping other women to recover from similar chronic diseases and transforming their lives, taking an holistic approach. She now successfully brings together all her specialist knowledge on health, gut health, nutrition, mindset and emotional healing to help women and their partners increase their potential for conception.
Sue is the author of an award-winning book Love your Gut and co-writer of 5 others. She regularly has articles published in magazines and speaks on the radio, podcasts and at events. She is a wife, mother of two grown up children and to her delight a grandmother to little Phoebe.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-ritchie/ https://www.facebook.com/OptiMumFertility