5 minute read
from The contender
Founder of Global Goodwill Ambassadors
PGMAG: It's an honor and a great privilege to have you on this interview.
RD: Thank you. I always love the opportunity to talk about all the great people in our Global Goodwill Ambassadors family.
PGMAG; What an incredible inspirational being you are! Our research shows us a man on a mission to support so many others to become leaders themselves. Your passion in the service to humanity through your global organization (Global Goodwill Ambassadors known as GGA) is remarkable. So, who is Dr. Richard DiPilla? RD: I’m not a person who considers himself special or exceptional.Like many people I’ve traveled through a great part of my life with a feeling or hope that I would find a meaningful place in my life. When I started documenting and recognizing the great people I’d met along my life journey, I developed a passion to share these great people’s stories with others around the world.
PGMAG: How would you describe your leadership style?
RD: I know that creating a strong foundation is essential. Good people are drawn to something
that has a pulse. A passion behind it. Leading people who believe in that passion is much better than handing people a mission statement that reads like plagiarized platitudes . The most valuable part of any organization is its people. I’ve been shocked recently that during the covid pandemic CEOs keep private jets and layoff people. Really? I just believe differently then they do.
PGMAG: What are your five keys to leading successfully?
RD: Believe in and love your organization. Surround yourself with people who love your organization. Respect everyone around you without bias. Accept all opinions, even those you may not agree with. The overall consensus of a large collective will most often be closer to the correct path than that of any singular decision.
PGMAG: What would you say to a business owner who is struggling to build a global presence?
RD: Well everyone already has a global presence. Its called the world wide web. Their problem isn’t the presence its how to break through the clutter and noise. There is no one voice that can do this because we don’t have a universal language that speaks to the way different cultures feel and absorb content. The best way to accomplish this is to gain understanding through people on the ground throughout the world and to focus on areas that have highest probability the acceptance. I see too many people trying to sell products and services around the world without considering that they are readily available to the people they are reaching out to. Because they don’t do their homework about the needs in each area, they end up trying to sell ‘olive oil to people in Italy’. Its just not going to happen.
PGMAG: With the current global challenges due to the pandemic (COVID-19), and with so many businesses affected by the virus, what are some of the steps needed to rebuild the world economy?
RD: We have all learned more about safety and need to take those lessons and apply them to our businesses or organizations. The world economy will rebuild. It is resilient because people are resilient and the people are the economy not the governments or the businesses. Each owner has to think about how will my customers feel safe about returning to do business with me. This means you need to
adapt the way you do business and then get that message out to your customers. Every business has to then re-up their game on quality control and consistency to adhere to those standards.
PGMAG: If you were invited to address the world leaders, what would be your key point in your presentation?
RD: I’d tell them to stop and take a moment to think about what we are doing. What is driving hate in the world? I’d ask if there is any great victory they envision in their mind. What if they got everything they wanted with a magic wand right this second. Would it solve all their problems? The answer is no. Wouldn’t they be in a better situation pursuing compromises that are the only inevitable solution to a better civilization? I’d ask for a show of hands of anyone who disagrees with that. Id assure them they will not be embarrassed but I want to hear their current defense for not pursuing a path of immediate peace. Then I’d ask them each to state their suggested solutions. When we actually think about all the suffering in the world much of it based on an unwillingness to compromise honestly. Not posturing or rhetoric but true compromise. I know that we have been in existence as a species for but a speck of time and our time hear is even a smaller speck. If we fast forward 1000 years and imagine world leaders in a peaceful civilized world sitting together and looking back at this period, what might they say about each individual world leader at this time?
PGMAG: Who would be your ideal traveling companion?
RD: Alive or dead? Lol. I’m sure there are very wise people in the world I could research to travel with. Someone who can see what I may not see. Someone who can point out natures beauty as well as be able to stop and help me communicate to people everywhere in their language. I’d want Jesus, or Buddha, or Mohammed , or DiVinci, Aristotle, Mother Theresa, Susan B. Anthony or Benjamin Franklin. As for living I'd probably go with the Dalai Lama. I like his perspective.
PGMAG: What are the three books which changed your life?
RD: The Bible. The Catcher in the Rye. War and Peace. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self:
RD: Always chose what you love. Never chose materialistic things that sacrifice any part of my personal moral compass. Slow down. Decisions each have consequences. Think them out for how they effect the long term future rather than tomorrow.
PGMAG: We have come to the end of our interview. We are grateful for your contribution and wish you well as you continue to serve humanity.
RD: Thank you for your questions. I hope I haven’t bored your readers. It’s been a pleasure spending time with you and your team.
PGMAG: Please share your contact details (links and website) for our readers benefit.
RD: Richard DiPilla
Founder / CEO Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation Richard@ GlobalGoodwillAmbassadors. com www. globalgoodwillambassadors.org http://linkedin.com/in/richarddipilla-foundergga