4 minute read
from The contender
Interviewer: Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
PGMAG: Thank you for granting us this interview today.
ALW: It is my great pleasure.. Thank you so much!
PGMAG: Who is Amina Leelo Weewo (AlGhamdi)?
ALW: I come from Northern Europe, where we have four mystical seasons with utterly beautiful white nights during summer time and surrounded with heavy snow and darkness during winter.
PGMAG: From your bio, we understood that you have a unique model which connects women from around the world. Please tell us more about your business.
ALW: I have loved to travel all my life, I love to meet people from different nationalities and countries.
What I noticed during all these years is that women don’t know much about each
other. They draw lines easily without getting more deeper to different women traditions, culture, religious background.
If we learn move about each other, we start to understand more each other. With understanding each other we can make a much better & peaceful World!
We start to learn from each other, inspire, motivate. We start to be there for each other, to do business together & become friends with each other.
This lead me to start to do women events, to connect them all.. Globally!
I named this women organization Stella Women Around the World. Stella means a star in Italian, and every woman is a star!
Our company Stella Polare Boutique Events is doing all kinds of events – starting from the Fashion Shows, Marriages, up to big conferences and concerts.
PGMAG: What was one major event that changed your life?
ALW: I have 2 sons. When they suddenly grew up and announced that they are starting their own life – it was a shocking news to me as I was raising my sons alone and lived for them.
Suddenly my mission was like completed and it was the moment I didn’t know what to and was lost a bit.
This was the time I started to search myself. I started to search my goal in life. I started to travel and search.
PGMAG: Your story is very inspiring - especially with the decision to move to a new country. How did you know it was the right decision to make at that time?
ALW: This is like a continuing to the previous question. When I was searching myself and my goal in life, I travelled to many countries. I was also in India.
My very first visit to Bahrain was by chance! I had a fourhour stopover in the kingdom. At the time my knowledge about Bahrain was very limited, so to get to know the place I decided to take a quick tour, grabbed a taxi from the airport and drove around. I don't

know what happened exactly, but could definitely tell I fell in love with the country the first moment I landed. I felt deeply that would be my place, where I would love to come back and stay for a while.
I returned in 2009 for one month. After that I couldn't leave the island anymore and I have been living in Bahrain for more than eleven years.
The hospitality of Bahrainis, their caring and generous souls and their welcoming arms especially towards guests, their big hearts is irresistibly enormous.
The beautiful Land of the TwoSeas made me get attached to the island. From that moment onward I had an urge to tell the whole world what a beautifully diversified country Bahrain is! It was like I started a beloved mission; to share my story about Bahrain with the rest of the world and tell a tale that has flourishing details in every single page.
PGMAG: What is your message to someone who had given up on their dream?
ALW: Never give up your DREAMS! You must know that your dreams do not come true in a moment. It needs time and patience and strong belief in your GOAL DREAM!
PGMAG: As a mother and an entrepreneur, how do you create a work/life balance?
ALW: I am already a grandmother of 2 sweet grandsons – 1,5 years old and 3,5 years old. All my family lives in Finland, so I travel to them and they travel to me.
PGMAG: Who is your role is your role model?
ALW: I have many role models – Every woman who has come a long way to achieve her GOAL is my role model! They inspire & motivate me and give me a lot of power.
PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?
ALW: Once upon a time when I was a small girl, my dream was to see different countries and get acquainted with different people. I had a huge correspondence with so many pen pals from many countries. Now I can say my childhood dream has come true as I am working with my dream now!
PGMAG: Finally, what makes you laugh?
ALW: To see my little grandsons and their cute & innocent actions and their sincere saying.
PGMAG: It's been great knowing you more through this interview - Thank you for your time!
ALW: Thank you so much for taking time to listen to me!
PGMAG: Please share your contact details with our readers.
ALW: My main website is www.stellapolarevents.com and the women event website is www. stellawomenaroundtheworld. com E-mail to contact me: info@ stellaevents.net