5 minute read
from New Horizon
Perspectives on Achieving World Peace through Harnessing our Innate Humane Attributes
Of the many problems that we face today are actually of our own making – created by misunderstandings and can therefore be also corrected. One such type arises from the conflict of ideologies – political or religious- when people fight with each other for petty ends, losing sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a single human family. We must remember that the different religions, ideologies and political systems of the world are meant for human beings to achieve happiness. Every one of us wants happiness and does not want suffering. If we, as intelligent human beings, do not accept this fact, there will be more and more suffering on this planet. If we adopt a self- centred approach to life and constantly try to use others for our own self-interest, we may gain temporary benefits, for sure, but in the long run we will not succeed in achieving even personal happiness – and achieving world peace will be completely out of question.
The world is indeed becoming smaller and smaller and increasingly more interdependent day by day as a result of rapid technological advancements, international trade as well as increasing transactional relations. Today we are so interdependent and closely interconnected with each other that without a sense of universal brotherhood and sisterhood and an understanding and belief that we really are part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence – let alone bring about peace and happiness. Although the increasing interdependence among nations might be expected to generate more sympathetic cooperation, it is difficult to achieve a spirit of genuine cooperation as long as people remain indifferent to the feelings and happiness of others.
The pursuit of the objects of our desire and attachment involves the use of aggression and competitiveness as supposedly efficacious instruments. These mental processes easily translate into actions breeding belligerence as an obvious effect. Such processes have been going on in the human mind since times immemorial, but their execution has become more effective under modern conditions. So, what can be done to control and regulate these poisons in the form of our delusions, greed and aggression – since these are the poisons which are behind almost every trouble in the world today?
Love and compassion are the moral fabric of world peace. The rationale for compassion is that every one of us wants to avoid suffering and gain happiness. Whether one believes in religion or not, there is no one who does not appreciate love and compassion. Right from the moment of our birth, we are under the care and kindness of our parents; later in life when facing the agony and sufferings of disease and old age, we are again dependent on the kindness of others. So, if at the beginning and end of our lives, we depend upon others’ kindness, why then during the interim period should we not act kindly towards others?
The development of a kind heart does not involve the religiosity we usually associate with conventional religious practices. It is not only for people who believe in religion, but is for everyone regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. It is for anyone who considers himself or herself, above all, a member of the human family and who sees things from this larger perspective. This is a powerful feeling that we should develop and apply; instead we often neglect it, particularly in the prime of our lives when we experience and revel in a false and fabricated sense of security and invincibility.
Magically, it also provides a calmness and presence of mind. Our lives are in constant flux bringing many difficulties and challenges in our ways. When faced with a calm and clear mind, even intricate problems can be successfully resolved. When instead we tend to lose control over our minds through hatred, selfishness, jealousy and anger, we lose our sense of judgement. Our minds are then completely blinded and at those wild moments anything can happen – even war. Thus, the practice of compassion and wisdom is beneficial for all, especially to those responsible for running national affairs, in whose hands lie the power and opportunity to create the structure of World Peace.

With a purposeful career in the education space spanning over more than 20 years, Dr. Shauli Mukherjee has dedicated her life towards promotion of child-centric and activity-oriented education.
A passionate educationist and a thought leader with a background of setting up and leading new age K- 12 schools, Dr. Mukherjee had been the Founder Principal of Adamas World School and STEM World School, the first STEM school in West Bengal. Under her inspiring leadership, STEM World School had been ranked and awarded as the 2nd best International Day School in West Bengal by Education World. Dr. Mukherjee ardently believes that the purpose of meaningful education is to develop lifelong learners, creative thinkers and responsible global citizens who are confidently equipped to face the challenges of an uncertain and constantly unfolding future.
All through her career in education, Dr. Mukherjee had actively contributed to and spearheaded the process of creating a personalized, engaging and stress-free curriculum for children of all age groups. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including NATIONAL QUALITY EXCELLENCE AWARD, GEM OF INDIA AWARD, PEERLESS ABP PRATIBHA SWIKRITI AWARD, SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN AWARD, GURUPNISHAD SAMMAN, GURUVARYA SAMMAN, NATIONAL EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD in the category of commitment to excellence in education, (to name a few), WORLD PEACE AWARD 2021.
She is associated with premiere educational organizations across India and abroad in senior advisory capacity. As a highly prolific motivational speaker, she is regularly invited in numerous national and international conferences, summits, conclaves and events to share her insights on the futuristic and transformative role of education. She is currently working as the Director of School of Education and Dean of Students’ Affairs at Adamas University, Kolkata.