7 minute read
from New Horizon
PGS: Concetta, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.
CS: Thank you for the opportunity given Lady Anita, happy to share my major life milestones with you today.
PGS: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
CS: My name is Concetta, I am Italian, I live in Brussels, Belgium -the heart of Europe, I am mother of 2 fabulous children who make me prouder every day. I am a very active and creative business woman and I am always in search of opportunities to improve my true purpose and help those who are in need. I have held high-ranked positions within European leading entertainment, media, telecom firms for more than 15 years mainly in executive advisory roles to top executives. I held Vice President functions in the domain of Sponsoring, PR & Events, CSR and Reputation for more than 8 years in the largest Telco in Belgium. It has been more than 8 years ago since I took the heroic decision to move from the hardworking Corporate world which had its comfort zones, to the harder but more rewarding world of entrepreneurship. This reflection gave birth to the creation of a concept with long lasting, organic, water free floral art. My company RosaPiù was born. Its meaning is Roses and More…in Italian to honor my origins. RosaPiù specializes in long lasting floral art. We create floral arrangements made from stabilized flowers, greeneries, bouquets, plants, trees, green walls. We serve mainly B2B customers, we tailor make arrangements to fit their style and budget. Our concept can make up to 60% savings.
PGS: As a leader, what would you suggest to those struggling to keep their businesses afloat due to the impact of the pandemic (covid-19)?
This was already expanding before the pandemic now it is just be hastened by the economical, sanitary and humanitarian crisis. New needs have arisen. It’s up to us to identify them and invest in them.
PGS: Please tell us a little bit about your transition from a ‘C level’ executive to a global business owner.
CS: During a trip to Dubai with my children, I realised it was time for me to quit my corporate functions and have my own project where my innate creativity could come to life. The trigger was when I saw that in Dubai there were so many luxurious hotels with incredible floral arrangements but the local hot temperatures and the water from the fresh flowers resulted in an unpleasant odour that wafted in the air. Then and there the first idea came to me to create a concept with long lasting, water free flower arrangements.
PGS: What are some of the keys to staying relevant in today’s challenged world?
CS: You have to be able to pivot at a moment’s notice, be innovative and creative to keep your model current and always be market fit. The ability to create new revenue sources, keeping customers happy and never stop finding new ones are all in a days work. Being an entrepreneur, you have to be self sustaining with the uncertainty of tomorrow always adapt and be innovative. It’s now that you need to prepare yourself for the “new normality”. When life will get to the normal rhythm it will go very fast and only those who have worked hard to be ready will stay relevant.
PGS: Please tell us a little bit about ‘Willow Thrive’.
CS: The lockdown period also allowed me to think about the real priorities in my life and how, having acquired all this expertise and experience, I could give back to the community.
My strong bond with nature, my real values, my valued authenticity and my passion for environmental concerns pushed me to launch an initiative which gathered all these important pillars. This think thank brought to the birth of Willow Thrive: Resilience through concrete actions. Willow Thrive is the platform that creates an holistic, collaborative perspective on how the world should be. We aim at gathering entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and from all around the world. We aim to support them on tangible projects that promote diversity and encourage resilience. We turn the lessons and experiences we have had in life as an asset for those who are in need of concrete support, inspiration and hope.
Why the name Willow? The Willow Tree is the symbol of resilience, resistance. When extreme weather conditions hit it badly: it adapts, it leans, it bows, it remains flexible and does not break. Therefore it survives. This is my story and the story of many women.

PGS: What makes you stand out from the crowd as a business leader?
CS: My life’s conviction has always been to work hard to become the best efficient version of myself. I learned very early that to be considered equal in predominant male surroundings, females should not and could not perform as good as men, so I decided to be better. I am driven by talent and focus. I do not recruit based upon the ethnicity of the person but based on his/her skills.
This neutral gender, ethnic approach allows me to focus on giving the best chance to the best person for the need at hand.
At the same time I do not tolerate racist behaviors and therefore all ethnicities must have an equal chance.
PGS: What is your message for women who are currently in the valley of decision regarding the next step to living a fulfilled life?
CS: The life we all knew before this global pandemic does not exist anymore, therefore now, more than ever women must adapt and embrace this change. We must make a tangible asset out of it. My business journey was not easy but I feel it is because of all the challenges I’ve been through that I am here today in front of you all sharing my story. It is paramount to ask ourselves now who we want to be, what we want to change and keep. Covid has given us the opportunity to “reset” our life and make finally the changes needed to be happy or happier.
PGS: Considering the amount of work required to meet the need of those you serve. How do you create a work/life balance?
CS: I am driven by passion for whatever I decide to focus on. When I get into something, I give 100% of myself. My motivation is generated by the support of my 2 fabulous children and nature is always close to me. I do value quality rather than quantity, but I work really very hard to get to results. There is no secret. When I get overwhelmed by work or issues, I take a step back and go for a long walk in nature and there my inner peace is restored, and I am aligned again. It is not a problem to work hard or a lot, the key is to stay focused and keep balance.
PGS: What would you say to your younger self?
CS: It’s difficult to reply here, I have a high level of determination and passion maybe with experience you learn to think twice before acting, but would a life be worth living without that fire and enthusiasm which allows you to move mountains? Sometimes I say “if I knew”, “if I had to get back”, then I realise that it’s the sum of all those experiences good and bad that made of me who I am today, that built this resilience in me, key to surmount any difficulty. PGS: Thank you for your time once again.
CS: It has been a great pleasure to share a bit of my life journey with you. I am open to any person who would like to get in touch with me. Only by sharing we will realise that we are far from being alone and unity makes us stronger.
PGS: Please share your links with us.
CS: Concetta Spitaleri: +32475765432 LinkedIn Profile : http://linkedin. com/in/concettaspitaleri Facebook Profile : https:// www.facebook.com/concetta. spitaleri.39 Facebook Page : https://www. facebook.com/RosaPiu/ Website : https://rosapiu.com Instagram : rosapiuworld LinkedIn Willow Thrive: https:// www.linkedin.com/company/ willow-thrive FB: Willow Thrive Instagram: Willow Thrive