Case Studies for Civil Works R&D Strategic Targets

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Case Studies


Strategic Targets represent the Corps' priority needs for innovation in the next years to decades. The following information provides case studies of past successes towards innovation in each Strategic Target area.


The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 dictated that material dredged in the Mobile Bay navigation channel in Alabama be disposed of in an Offshore Dredged Material Disposal Site located as far as 40 miles from the north end of the bay, thus limiting the dredge type to only ocean going vessels and nearly tripling the cost of dredging in the bay.

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In 2012, the Corps’ Mobile District pursued a onetime demonstration of TLP in Mobile Bay that included 9 million cubic yards of sediment. ERDC used several data collection and modeling tools to determine sediment transport directions once placed there.




Modeling and monitoring results brought a unanimous decision to support in-bay placement as an environmentally acceptable alternative to ocean disposal. A permit was issued on June 30, 2014, allowing in-bay placement of Operations & Maintenance material from Mobile Ship Channel.

CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Innovation in Sediment Management Case Study


Thin Layer Placement (TLP) involves the intentional placement of thin layers of sediment, such as dredged material, in an environmentally acceptable manner to achieve a target elevation or thickness. TLP projects can utilize dredged sediment as a valuable resource to create, maintain, enhance or restore ecological function. A large Regional Sediment Management strategy was created for Mobile Bay that included constructing a TLP project using sediment from the federally-authorized Mobile Harbor Navigation Project (MHNP), thereby keeping valuable sediment in the regional system. The MHNP contains a 45-feet-deep by 400-feet-wide channel that extends 29 miles from the northern portion of the bay to the entrance that is regularly dredged to maintain navigable depths, and consists of mostly fine-grained sediments that are dredged to maintain channel depth and width. Along with several other strategies employed in the bay, the TLP project helped decrease overall cost of dredged material management due to its shorter haul distance over taking material offshore to an Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site.


Coastal areas are vulnerable to devastating storm surge and waves, with national implications increasing as coastal populations and infrastructure increase. The threat is exacerbated by sea level rise and potential changes in the frequency and severity of hurricane hazards. This includes compound flooding events of surge, rainfall and fluvial flooding. Corps coastal engineers and navigation managers need accurate estimates of storm surge and waves to assess storm damage risk to coastal communities and coastal infrastructure.


CSTORM-MS provides a robust, accurate, and standardized approach to characterize storm hazards that put coastal communities at risk. The state-of-theart system assesses the coastal storm hazard with an efficient workflow that is easy to configure and execute. It allows for multi-scale numerical scenarios for reducing the uncertainty of storm impacts to existing structures and for the design of new flood-risk reduction projects, including natural and nature-based features.


CSTORM-MS has been used for numerous regional coastal studies. In addition to being applied by the Corps, the system is being applied by FEMA for flood risk mapping and by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency for assessing coastal flood risk at its power plants. Timely and accurate flood risk quantifications save millions of dollars in new construction costs, such as by lowering uncertainties for structure heights. CSTORM-MS is also used to populate the Coastal Hazard Systems database.



CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Continental-Scale Capability to Manage Hydro-Terrestrial Risk Case Study


Most existing coastal storm modeling systems focus on developing effective empirical tuning methods for optimizing calibration. This works well for operational systems but does not address critical needs for advancing modeling technology. A robust, high-fidelity, and standardized approach to accurately establish the risk of coastal communities to future occurrences of storm events is needed to inform effective and efficient flood risk reduction. Corps researchers have produced the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CSTORM-MS), a comprehensive system of highly skilled and highly resolved models to simulate coastal storms and accurately assess risk to coastal communities. With physics-based modeling, CSTORM-MS integrates a suite of highfidelity storm modeling tools to support a wide range of coastal engineering needs. The driving processes are tropical and extra-tropical storms; wind, wave and water levels; and coastal response, including erosion, breaching and accretion. The system has been applied by the Corps’ North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, the Coastal Texas Comprehensive Study, the Alabama Coast Comprehensive Study and the South Atlantic Coast Study, as well as by the state of Louisiana for its entire coastal area.

CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Innovative Technologies for Resilient & Reliable Infrastructure Case Study


A popular baseball movie quote declares, “If you build it, they will come,� and ERDC scientists and engineers have created novel structural materials that make building and repairing Civil Works infrastructure faster, better and cheaper. Novel materials such as ultra-high performance concrete and rapid repair cements, metallic materials with improved strength and corrosion resistance, and advanced polymeric materials and composites with improved mechanical properties and durability represent a new selection paradigm that can greatly improve performance at reduced costs. Benefits range from enabling innovative ways to construct and repair to improved durability and strength. Implementation of developed novel materials is providing new capabilities to extend the life of existing USACE aging infrastructure and ensuring that future infrastructure is longer lasting and more resilient to serve the needs of the Nation. ERDC is continuing to develop and transition novel materials for Civil Works applications, across USACE. This R&D research leverages R&D investments in novel materials for military applications to solve maintenance, repair and operational needs of our nation’s aging infrastructure. New technologies developed by industry and academia are being transitioned into ERDC research. This integrated approach ensures that the best solutions are being brought to bear on the challenges facing USACE infrastructure.


As USACE Civil Works infrastructure surpasses its originally designed service life, material deterioration (concrete, steel, timber) is an increasing concern. Some facilities, dating to the late 1800s, require frequent repair for acceptable performance. Most construction today is based on traditional materials; construction industry and code agencies are reluctant to adopt new materials without successful long-term track records. Stakeholders need solutions to repair/sustain infrastructure over incurring costly new construction and environmental concerns.





Innovative high-strength corrosion resistant steels, composite materials, and advanced cement-based products optimize structures and improve durability in extreme environments. New concrete developments using local materials and chemical admixtures aid in construction processes, reduce costs and provide extended service life. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites are being tested on structural components, large structures, concrete reinforcement, water control structures, piping/penstocks, bridge decks and utility poles.




ERDC expertise aids in selecting best match, modern day structural materials, and design development and procurement specifications for Civil Works projects. Multiple demonstrations and fielded systems are being used for bridge and lock repair, and as retrofit applications across multiple Corps districts. The systems show reductions in life cycle operational/maintenance costs. FRP composites reduce construction time and maintenance activities.




As the Corps’ water resources infrastructure surpasses its designed service life, the risk of component failure due to material degradation is an increasing concern. Further, maintenance budgets are not keeping pace with the rate of degradation. Long-term performance data are needed to validate newer corrosion-resistant materials so they can be incorporated into industry specification and code documents for design engineers and maintenance personnel.


Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites are proving to be a significant advantage in replacing corrosion-prone steel, timber and concrete structural components; repairing degraded structures; and arresting crack propagation in hydraulic steel structures. Recent research into the long-term durability of FRP composite materials for these applications has proven their durability, strength, low initial costs, and low maintenance costs. This research will extend the life and long-term durability of Civil Works infrastructure.





Guide specification updates will provide minimum requirements for FRP composite materials in a specific application and realistic service life expectations, saving millions of dollars by extending time intervals between rehabilitation. For example, assuming that 10 percent of the Corps’ Civil Works infrastructure would benefit from FRP composites, and 5 percent of these need maintenance on an annual basis, use of FRP composites could save $2 million annually in Corps Operations & Maintenance on navigation lock gates alone. The savings potential for all applications of FRP composite materials is even greater.



CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Innovative Technologies for Resilient & Reliable Infrastructure Case Study


The Corps maintains 12,000 miles of inland waterways, including more than 200 inland navigation structures such as locks and dams. The majority of these structures were constructed between 1930 and 1950 with a 50year economic service life, meaning they are beyond their intended lifespans. Due to national budgetary constraints, these aging structures are not being replaced, but simply maintained. However, the rate of degradation due to corrosion and wear now exceeds the rate at which they can be maintained. Since approximately 565 million tons of waterborne cargo are moved through these structures annually, prolonged component failure would have devastating effects on commerce. The Corps has placed a high priority on developing novel materials to repair or replace aging infrastructure to extend the structures’ working lifetime. Over the last decade, the Corps has demonstrated repair or replacement of typical construction materials with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite materials for numerous applications. These materials have been used to repair failing concrete, replace rotted timber, and repair or replace corroded metals. Since implementation, these FRP composite materials have been evaluated for their long-term durability, strength and performance to validate initial construction and long-term maintenance cost projections.

CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Innovative Technologies for Resilient & Reliable Infrastructure Case Study

STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING Structural Health Monitoring makes accurate condition assessments about the current and future ability of an asset or system of assets, particularly infrastructure, to perform intended design functions based on sensor and inspection data, numerical models and statistical analyses. Numerous sensing techniques and non-destructive testing methods can be incorporated during construction, rehabilitation or during the operational phase of an infrastructure project. Traditional construction projects do not use structural sensors for construction-phase activities or lifecycle monitoring. New construction offers the opportunity to design a sensing system that can be embedded or protected in the long-term, (design-for-sensing) and offer lower lifecycle costs for monitoring and damage information. Targeted sensor suites can be installed on existing or new assets to detect signals that will indicate damage or assist during construction activities. Various sensors and measurement methods exist for observing information about concrete, steel and geotechnical structures.


The complex infrastructure projects the Corps constructs, operates and maintains require capabilities to continuously monitor during operations including when subjected to various hazards to ensure optimal project performance. Knowledge of performance degradation due to aging and use is also needed to inform systems-based asset management approaches that prioritize O&M investments. Past structural health monitoring systems have been costly and challenging.


ERDC research is developing new approaches that utilize industry technologies implemented to meet unique challenges of Corps projects. These approaches combine traditional sensor-based SHM systems such as SMART Gate with information obtained by unmanned aerial systems and human inspectors. SHM measurements are used in a data analytics approach integrated into the Lock Operation Management Application to provide real-time early warning to operations personnel on project performance concerns.


SHM technologies provide improved project performance and prevent catastrophic failures. The SMART Gate used at Portland District’s The Dalles Lock and Dam provided early indication of miter gate degradation due to fatigue cracking. This allowed rapid proactive response that kept the lock gates from collapsing and the shut down of the entire Columbia River navigation system. Broader SHM implementation is reducing flood risk.

CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Strategic Invasive & Nuisance Species Prevention, Detection, and Management Case Study


Native to tropical South America, water hyacinth entered the United States at the 1884 International Cotton Exposition in New Orleans, Louisiana, where blooming plants were distributed as “souvenirs” because of their beautiful purple flowers. Water hyacinth is now established in freshwater habitats throughout the southeast, as well as California, Washington, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Water hyacinth is an aggressive, invasive floating plant, often described as one of the world’s worst weeds due to its rapid growth rate and ability to form large interlocking mats of vegetation. This matting can impede navigation, and clog flood control structures and irrigation intakes, negatively impacting recreation and other water uses. Problematic dense growths overtake native plants and degrade water quality, thus creating the need for controls.


Dense water hyacinth populations can weigh as much as 400 tons per acre, clogging USACE navigation channels, locks and flood control structures. Large water hyacinth mats form a physical barrier on the water surface and hinder recreational activities, such as boating, fishing and swimming. Public health issues are also a concern as dense growths provide mosquito breeding habitats and conditions for mosquito-borne illnesses.




Through the USACE Aquatic Plant Control Research Program, ERDC developed numerous effective biological and chemical management strategies that selectively control water hyacinth with minimal impact to the environment and native, non-targeted species.




Long-term management of invasive aquatic plants is economically beneficial. Economic analysis in 2018 demonstrated that water hyacinth ecosystem management benefits greatly exceeded research dollars spent to investigate control of this nuisance species. Initial research investments ($704K) to develop management tools generated $4.2B in benefits to boating-dependent businesses, water treatment facilities and recreationists.




CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

INTEGRATING MEASUREMENTS, MACHINE LEARNING & MODELS Imagine a future in which weather forecasts and numerical methods are combined with measured and assimilated river and coastal data to predict navigation channel shoaling, flooding and ecosystem impacts on watershed scales, nationwide. In this future scenario, the Corps will work with federal, state and local partners to integrate available data sources such as vessel traffic and navigation data, condition observations and forecasts to inform safe and efficient scheduling and routing through waterways and ports. Regional experts will use real-time river and coastal measurements, satellite imagery, pre-calculated numerical model predictions, water quality data, and anticipated weather patterns weeks to months in advance to predict impacts to Corps operations for large riverine and coastal systems. The integrated system will use machine learning to continuously understand dynamic changes throughout the system to aid decision makers. Shoaling forecasts will be used to position dredges to rapidly remove sediment that hinders safe and efficient vessel transit. Anticipated extreme runoff, flooding and riverine hydraulics will be used to trigger flood mitigation methods, prepare automated flood walls, and mitigate nutrient runoff and ecosystem response.

CW R&D STRATEGIC TARGET: Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Numerous large enterprise data sets have been established and maintained over many years by the Corps’ Navigation business line. However, sifting through this information and applying it to meaningful queries is an ongoing challenge. Modern computing environments now offer powerful data analysis and visualization capabilities to unlock corporate knowledge previously out of reach to navigation managers and decision makers. Dredging cost effectiveness, availability metrics for the portfolio of navigation channels, hopper fleet availability trends, and many other questions can be answered with quantitative, scalable and repeatable data queries. Even modest percentage gains in efficiency can free up significant resources to be applied against the large backlog of maintenance dredging, infrastructure rehabilitations and deferred upkeep actions. Applied nationwide through a comprehensive framework, advanced data analytics for navigation can achieve savings in the tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars annually.


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