Heather kearney new build proposal

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R e f e r r a l p r o p o s al heatherkearney

t a b l eo fc o n t e n t s 1 .Thebuyerwhoi sal soasel l er 2.Ourpr oposal 3.How i tbenef i t syou,t hebui l der 4.WhyPower sPr emi er e


T H EB U Y E RWH OI SA L S OAS E L L E R Wek now t hatyouasabui l derhavebuyer scomei nt hatar e unr epr esent edandt heymayhaveahomet hatt heywoul dneed t osel li nor dert opur chaseonofyourbui l ds.Weal sok now t hat mostbui l der sar enoti nt er est edi naccept i ngcont i ngentof f er s andt hei rsal esst af fdoesnotgeti nvol vedi nt her esal esi de. Whatweal sok now,i st hati ft hatpot ent i albuyerhadexcel l ent r epr esent at i onandsomeonewhonotonl yhadar el at i onshi pwi t h you,t hebui l der ,butast r ongpr esencei nt her esal emar k et ,t hat t heywoul df eelmor econf i dentt ot ak eont het askofsel l i ngt hei r homet opur chaseoneofyourbui l ds

o u rp r o p o s a lt oc r e a t eawi n wi n s i t u a t i o nf o re v e r y o n e 1 .I fyouhaveapot ent i albuyert hathasahomet osel l ,you woul dr ef erust ot hatcl i entt hr oughaf or mali nt r oduct i on. 2.Wewoul dmeetwi t ht hecl i entandi fi twoul dbebenef i ci al , agr oupmeet i ngatyourof f i cet oputt oget heracompr ehensi ve gamepl ant hatwoul dputt hem i naposi t i ont osel lt hei rhome andpur chaseyour si nt hemostef f ect i vemanner . 3.I nr et ur nf ort her ef er r al ,wewoul dof f era2% commi ssi on cr edi tbackt ot hebuyeront hepur chaseoft henew bui l d whi chcoul dei t herbeappl i edt owar dscl osi ngcost s,upgr ades,or howeverwoul dbenef i tyouandt hecl i enti nt hebestpossi bl eway.



h o wi tb e n e f i t sy o u , t h eb u i l d e r 1 .Youhaveat r ust edpar t nerwhoi shel pi ngt hecl i ent ( s)and wi l lbeabl et ohel pt hem navi gat et hebuy/ sel lpr ocess. 2.Communi cat i onandupdat es.Wewoul dpr ovi deconsi st ent updat est oyouf oreachandever ycl i entt hatwe’ vemetwi t h. Thi swoul dbebyt hewayofaschedul ede-mai lupdat ewi t h adet ai l edbr eak downofst at usesandt i mel i nes. 3.Havi nganexcl usi ver ef er r alpar t nerwhoyouhaveconf i dence i nwi l lsi mpl i f yt hepr ocessf oryouandyouwi l lspendl esst i me f ol l owi ngupwi t ht hecl i entt ogetupdat esandmor et i mewor k i ng wi t hnew cl i ent s.Addi t i onal l y,wi t hourabi l i t yt onavi gat et he mar k et ,wewi l lpr ovi deamuchhi gherconver si onr at i of ort hose whoneedt osel li nor dert obuy. 4.Savi ngsof2% wi t hal loft hebuyer swebr i ngbacki n.Whet her wer educet hecommi ssi onof ft het oporpr ovi deacr edi tt hr ough ourcommi ssi ont ot hebuyer s,i t ’ smoneyt hatyou,t hebui l der ,wi l l saveandi mpr oveyournetever yt i me.

wh yp o we r sp r e mi e r e ? 1 .Exper i ence-wehavebeenapar tofsomeoft het opt eams i nmul t i pl emar k et sandourt eamshavesol dover3, 000homes si nce2008. 2.Rel at i onshi ps-t hesamewaywewoul dl i k et of or m al ong t er mr el at i onshi pwi t hyou,wehavef or medal otofst r ong r el at i onshi psi nt heRealEst at ei ndust r yt hatal l ow ust ocr eat e anexcel l entexper i encef orourcl i ent s. 3.Resul t s-i nt hepast1 2 mont hs,ourl i st i ngshavesol di n1 7. 7 daysonaver ageandf or1 01 . 1 % ofl i stpr i ce.Thi si sduet oour abi l i t yt oanal yzet hel ocalmar k et ,cr eat east r onganduni que mar k et i ngpl anandt henexecut e. 4.Reci pr ocat i on-wewantt ocr eat eamut ual l ybenef i ci al r el at i onshi pwher ewear eaddi ngasmuchval uet oyourbusi ness asyoudoour s.Wear ewi l l i ngt ogot heext r ami l et oshow you t hatwear et her i ghtpar t ner . 5.Reput at i onandcust omerexper i ence-i fyoul ookupour companyonl i ne,t her ei snotasi ngl er evi ew t hati snot5 st ar s. Thi si sbecausewehaveandwi l lal waysputt hecl i ent ’ sneedsf i r st .


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