
Page 1

Fi nanci ng


Mar ket Condi t i ons

Debat e

Cont r act s

$1 00

$1 00

$1 00

$1 00

$1 00











$1 000

$1 000

$1 000

$1 000

$1 000

Pert heRPA, anot i cet oper f or m canbes entnos oonert han. . .

ans wer

2dayspr i ort ot hecont r act ual obl i gat i on

ans wer

I fas el l eri spl anni ngonr ent i ng backf ormor et han60days onanowneroccupi edpur chas e whi chf or m woul dbeus ed?

ans wer

Tr i ckques t i on.Youcannot r entbackf ormor et han60 daysonanowneroccupi ed pur chas e. Got cha. ans wer

Tr ueorf al s e.

Anes cal at i oncl aus ei s al l owedwi t hFHA&VApur chas es ?

ans wer

Tr ue

ans wer

W hatf or m woul dyouus e t onegot i at eacommi s s i on onaFSBO?

ans wer

CBCCooper at i ngBr oker Commi s s i onAgr eement

ans wer

Themar keti sgoi ngt o appr eci at et hi syear .

ans wer

I ti sagoodt i met obuy.

ans wer

I ti sagoodt i met os el l .

ans wer

W hys houl dIl i s twi t hyou?

ans wer

W hati s t heconf or mi ng FHAl oanamount i nSanDi egocount y? ans wer

$690, 000

ans wer

W hati san over l ay?

ans wer

Anover l ayi sa gui del i net hatal ender put sont opoft he mi ni mum l oan r equi r ement s ans wer

As s umi nga51 % DTI maxi mum, whati st he maxpaymentabuyer canqual i f yf ori ft hey gr os$9500/ moandhave $736i nr ecur r i ngdebt s ?

ans wer

$4, 1 09 $9, 500x. 51 % -$736

ans wer

J ohni sbuyi nga$1 , 650, 000 homet hatr equi r es1 0% down, $1 8ki ncl os i ngcos t s , and 6mont hsofr es er ves .Hi sPI TI wi l lbe$9, 400.How much moneymus tJ ohnhavei nor der t ocl os e? ans wer

$239, 400 1 0% =$1 65, 000 $1 8, 000cl os i ngcos t s $9500x6=$54, 000

ans wer

How manyhomes expi r edi nCar l s badi nFebr uar y? A.1 9 B. 37 C. 44 D. 53 ans wer

B. 37 A.1 9 B. 37 C. 44 D. 53 ans wer

How manyhomes wer el i s t edi nCar l s badl as tmont h? A.1 05 B. 202 C. 431 D. 79 ans wer

B. 202 A.1 05 B. 202 C. 431 D. 79 ans wer

How manyhomess ol di n Car l s badl as tmont h? A.1 1 3 B. 1 96 C. 236 D. 72 ans wer

A. 1 1 3 A.1 1 3 B. 1 96 C. 236 D. 72 ans wer

92009-i nt hel as t1 0mont hs , whathast heaver agepr i cef or det achedhomesdone? A.+$1 04, 251 B. -$1 57, 473 C. +$21 , 394 D. -$96, 255 ans wer

B. -$1 57, 473 May201 8-$1 , 1 99, 842 Feb201 9-$1 , 042, 369 A.+$1 04, 251 B. -$1 57, 473 C. +$21 , 394 D. -$96, 255 ans wer

W hati st heper cent ageof di s abi l i t yabuyerneeds i nor dert oneverpayt he VA’ s“ f undi ngf ee” ?

ans wer

1 0%

ans wer

How muchwoul d aVAbuyerneedf oradown paymentf orapur chas epr i ceof $872, 000?

ans wer

$45, 500 $872, 000-$690, 000=$1 82000 $1 82, 000* . 25=$45, 500

ans wer

How muchi st heVA f undi ngf ee( nodi s abi l i t y)t he ďŹ r s tt i meabuyerus est he VAl oan?

ans wer

2. 1 5% oft hepur chas epr i ce

ans wer

Tr ueorf al s e: VAal l owsabuyert opur chas e wi t ht hei rs i gni ďŹ cantot her

ans wer

Fal s e.Tr i ckQues t i on. YouMUSTbemar r i edi nor der t ohavebot hpeopl eont he l oan

ans wer

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