B E T T E R S T E WA R D S .
LEARNING Presented by: The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
How the Villanova University Master of Science in Church Management Degree is building capacity for leadership By The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
One of the most limited resources in a church is a pastor’s time. Yet, because of a variety of trends outside of the pastor’s control, pastoring a congregation has arguably never been more complicated. By The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
ONLINE EDUCATION FOR BUSY PASTORS 6 How Villanova’s Center for Church Management & Business Ethics is making it easy for busy pastors and church leaders to continue their education. By The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
CHURCH EXECUTIVE • Continuing Education – The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
Villanova University Center for Church Management & Business Ethics About Us Villanova’s Center for Church Management & Business Ethics performs research, conducts both for-credit and non-credit programs in church management, and coordinates all business ethics activities within the Villanova School of Business. The center offers a Master of Science in Church Management (MSCM), as well several non-credit programs in church management throughout the year. Through collaboration with Our Sunday Visitor, as well as seminaries and dioceses throughout the country, the center works to help church leadership be good stewards of their resources, use their facilities effectively, and build a stronger church. Villanova School of Business has been at the forefront of business education since it was founded in 1922 by the Roman Catholic Order of Saint Augustine. Today, the online MSCM program is ranked the #10 among online graduate business programs nationally by US News & World Report. VSB is home to the internationally recognized Center for Church Management, led by Charles Zech, PhD, faculty director and Professor of Economics. The first of its kind in the nation, the center is dedicated to serving the church through education and research. Dr. Zech is widely recognized for his expertise in Catholic Church management and finances.
Customized On-Site Programming The Center Church Management & Business Ethics stands ready to visit individual congregations or church groups to provide on-site education in church leadership and administration. Presentations can be tailored for clergy, church business managers, parish finance councils, diocesan staff, or any other group. Additionally, the Center for Church Management works with seminarians, groups of pastors, and lay staff. Presentations can be done at one time over a few-day period, or spread throughout the year in quarterly or monthly sessions.
Master of Science in Church Management The Master of Science in Church Management is an innovative, twoyear graduate business program that provides church leaders with a highlevel skill set in church management. If you are interested in strengthening your ability to contribute to the church’s mission — and you require the convenience of an online program — then the MSCM is the degree for you.
On-Campus Programs and Conferences The Center for Church Management sponsors programs, workshops, and conferences at the Villanova University campus, conveniently located just outside of Philadelphia.
Who should apply to the MSCM program? The MSCM is designed to meet the needs of a national student body of church leaders and managers—including parish business managers, managers of diocesan and religious order departments, and those engaged in managing church-related social service ministries. It is ideal for professionals who cannot take leave of their positions to relocate and pursue full-time study. The MSCM can be completed online in only two years of part-time study. Some Examples of Courses Offered • Civil Law and Church Law for Church Administrators • Stewardship and Development • Financial Reporting and Controls • Human Resource Management in a Ministry Setting • Information Technology for Churches Church Management Certificate Webinar Series The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics, in partnership with Our Sunday Visitor and AmericanChurch, Inc., is offering the Church Management Certificate Program webinar series. The series of 12 web seminars is designed to allow busy pastors, priests, business managers and other church administrators to participate without having to leave the privacy of their home or office. The webinar series is designed to help church leaders of all denominations deal with common temporal problems. Webinar participants will learn how to use those resources as effectively as possible to meet their ministry goals.
Possible Modules • Strategic Planning • Parish Websites • Facilities Security • Effective Use of Social Media • Internal Financial Controls • Stewardship • Human Resources • Civil Law • And many more…
Partnerships Currently the Center for Church Management enjoys educational partnerships with several dioceses and groups, but we are constantly looking for new partners in our mission to build up the church. Some of our current partners include: • The Catholic Archdiocese of New York • The Pontifical Lateran University (Rome) • Our Sunday Visitor • AmericanChurch, Inc. • The Catholic Diocese of Camden • The Catholic Diocese of Trenton • St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Research Through its university affiliation, the Center for Church Management is committed to contributing to knowledge formation and dissemination through research. This includes both scholarly and applied research. Church management researchers who would like to share their unpublished work with the broader public are invited to submit manuscripts for inclusion in the center’s working papers series. For more information, on any of our programs, please visit our website.
Continuing Education – The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business • CHURCH EXECUTIVE
Management skills for more effective ministry How the Villanova University Master of Science in Church Management Degree is building capacity for leadership The popular myth says that leaders are born, not made. Not so, according to the Very Reverend John P. Bambrick, V.F., pastor of St. Aloysius Church in Jackson, NJ, and a graduate of Villanova School of Business’ Master of Science in Church Management (MSCM) program. “The MSCM program quickly dispels this notion effectively making leaders for the Church of the 21st Century,” Bambrick says. For the past nine years, the Villanova School of Business has been offering a Charles Zech, PhD Master of Science in Church Management to church leaders, both clergy and laity. This unique program aims to build leadership capacity and practical management skills for the leaders of the church of the future. While classes might focus largely on practical subjects — such as pastoral planning, financial reporting and human resources — each course is imbued with the theology necessary for the proper stewardship of the church. According to Charles Zech, PhD, professor of Economics — the program’s founder and faculty director — the MSCM program provides clergy with practical skills to lead the church, as well as engage the laity in a form of management that’s beneficial to church leaders. The goal, according to Zech, is to remove some of the temporal burden of the church from the clergy, while being mindful of their role as leaders in the church, and to empower the laity to take more of a leadership role within their congregations. Zech also mentions that some people are surprised that a church management program would be housed in a business school; however, he asserts, it’s important that church leaders receive the practical management skills similar to an MBA program while grounding those skills in theology and ethics. “In an MBA course, you learn about Wall Street,” Zech explains. “That’s not helpful to a church leader, but some of the practical lessons you would learn in a business program are important for church leaders to learn.” Of course, it can be difficult for busy church leaders to take time out of their schedules to attend classes. Villanova’s MSCM program helps accommodate this by offering its program almost completely online. With the exception of a one-week residency on the beautiful and scenic Villanova campus, the classes are taken online. Students are able to log in and communicate with their classmates during live, synchronous class sessions. However, they’re also able to access the class at their convenience to catch up on course materials, pre-recorded lectures and archived live sessions. The program is built — with flexibility in mind — for busy church leaders. The first course focuses specifically on leadership for religious organizations, and is team-taught by professors in business, ethics and 4
theology. It is designed to be clear from the very start that this unique program teaches practical business management skills with a strong foundation of theology and ethics. Other courses in the MSCM curriculum also aim to build capacity in church leaders. Throughout the program — which is typically completed in two years — students will study human resources, civil law, financial reporting, church technology, stewardship and development, and strategic planning. “The MSCM program provides church workers with a ‘tool box’ filled with leadership techniques and tools to navigate the increasingly complex realities of emerging church work,” says Bambrick. “The church is not a business,” Zech points out. “But it does have a responsibility to be a good steward of its resources.” The MSCM program hopes to develop church leaders of the future, grounded in theology and possessing the tools necessary to strengthen the church in a changing world. This article is provided by the Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business in Villanova, PA.
CHURCH EXECUTIVE • Continuing Education – The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business
Make time for pastoral counseling One of the most limited resources in a church is a pastor’s time. Yet, because of a variety of trends outside of the pastor’s control, pastoring a congregation has arguably never been more complicated. While most pastors are very comfortable with their roles as counselors and teachers, it is in administration where they tend to be least prepared. Administration is a vital part of their ministry. However, by carefully choosing staff to help with the daily administration of the congregation, the pastor might have more time to exercise his ministerial duties, such as pastoral counseling. “During ‘Making All Things New,’ our pastoral planning process, one thing we heard over and over — from both priests and parishioners — was the need to help support our pastors in managing our parishes by developing stronger business practices,” said His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York in a recent press conference. The Archdiocese of New York entered a partnership with Villanova University’s Center for Church Management & Business Ethics to provide a Master of Science in Church Management (MSCM) degree to church business administrators. Cardinal Dolan hopes the program will help educate lay people to take on more of a leadership role in the church. He says this will allow the priests in the diocese to continue their role as pastoral counselors, and not “be into replacing boilers and leaky roofs.”
A little help, helps a lot A 2010 study of Catholic parishes sponsored by the Cooperative Congregational Studies Partnership and conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) surveyed 390 Catholic parishes, asking a variety of questions about church life. Various staffing options were explored, including options where the pastor was left to the do the full administrative work of the church. Also explored were options where a full-time administrator was employed. The study found that pastors who were assisted by a full-time congregation administrator devoted significantly more time in ministry activities and in leadership, while spending an insignificant amount of time performing management activities. In fact, the impact of a full-time administrator on the pastor’s ability to spend more time on ministerial activities had the greatest impact of any of the staffing options analyzed. Villanova’s MSCM program aims to educate just such administrators, who are able to take some of the temporal burden away from the pastor, while freeing pastors to spend more time in their ministerial and leadership duties. Students in the MSCM program receive an education that is both practical in administration and grounded in faith and the life of the church. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Villanova School of Business website. This article is provided by the Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business in Villanova, PA.
Continuing Education – The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business • CHURCH EXECUTIVE
Online education for busy pastors How Villanova’s Center for Church Management & Business Ethics is making it easy for busy pastors and church leaders to continue their education. Continuing education might seem like an impractical proposition for many busy pastors. During a typical day, pastors are engaged in the daily lives of their congregations. They spend their time offering counseling, consoling the bereaved, visiting the sick, and reaching out to the disenfranchised of their church communities. When they are not directly interacting with their flock, pastors spend significant time preparing for services, writing their sermons, and planning for the future of their congregations. For more than a decade, Villanova University’s Center for Church Management & Business Ethics has offered an extensive array of online and satellite educational programs for busy pastors and church leaders. In addition to a Master of Science in Church Management (MSCM) that can be completed online, Villanova also offers online webinars that can be taken individually or together for a certificate in Church Management. “These programs offer busy professionals the opportunity to learn church management concepts in a flexible and user-friendly environment,” says Michael Castrilli, an adjunct professor in the MSCM program, and instructor in the webinar series. Master of Science in Church Management The online Master of Science in Church Management is an innovative, two-year graduate business program that provides busy pastors and church leaders with a high-level skill set in church management. It is ideal for professionals who cannot take leave of their positions to relocate and pursue full-time study. With the exception of a one-week residency on the beautiful Villanova campus, the program can be completed online in only two years of part-time study. The program aims to provide the practical skills necessary for successful stewardship of a church. “Participants are able to join a live online classroom and actively participate through polling questions and opportunities during the session to engage in Q&A with the faculty,” says Castrilli. “Flexibility is a key component of the program. For those days / times when participants can’t join due to a schedule conflict, they can go online and view the recorded session.” Examples of courses offered: • Civil Law and Church Law for Church Administrators • Stewardship and Development • Financial Reporting and Controls • Human Resource Management in a Ministry Setting • Information Technology for Churches Church Management Certificate Webinar Series The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics, in partnership with Our Sunday Visitor and AmericanChurch, Inc., also offers the Church Management Certificate Program webinar series. The series of 12 web seminars is designed to allow busy pastors, priests, business managers and other church administrators to continue their education without having to leave the privacy of their home or office. 6
The webinar series is designed to help church leaders of all denominations deal with common temporal problems. Webinar participants will learn how to use those resources as effectively as possible to meet their ministry goals. This innovative series of 90-minute webinars can be taken as a whole program for a Certificate in Church Management from Villanova University, or individually, depending on the interests and needs of the pastor or church administrator. Examples of webinar topics: • Church Security and Loss Prevention • Leadership Development • External Communications / Church Marketing • Church Websites • Social Media for Churches • Church Budgeting According to Castrilli, “The webinars attract a wide variety of church professionals with diverse roles and responsibilities. This provides opportunities for participants to not only learn from the instructor, but also from other students in the program.” This article is provided by the Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business in Villanova, PA.
CHURCH EXECUTIVE • Continuing Education – The Center for Church Management & Business Ethics at the Villanova School of Business