Powhatan, Virginia
The hometown paper of J.D. Moore
Vol. XXVII No. 46
November 26, 2014
Two boards examine facilities study By Laura McFarland News Editor
he Powhatan County Board of Supervisors and Powhatan County School Board met jointly last week to start the discussion on a comprehensive facilities review of the county’s school buildings. Doug Westmoreland, vice president of Moseley Architects, gave a presentation on possible renovation and construction projects that came out of the study in a joint meeting held during the supervisors’ workshop on Monday, Nov.
17. Over the summer, Westmoreland presented the findings to a steering committee that then examined the options and made recommendations to the school board on which one to choose. While two of the supervisors served on the steering committee, the Nov. 17 presentation was the first time the board as a whole was presented with the findings. Jason Moore, who represents District 2, and Bill Melton, District 4, were on the steering committee. Since Westmoreland began presenting the findings this summer, updated cost esti-
mates and more feedback on how it has been received were added to the presentation. Westmoreland laid out five options that were presented to
the steering committee as well as one that came from the members during discussions . He also offered updated cost estimates for all of them. The most popular choice among steering committee members with 68 percent of the vote was Option 3, which involves a renovation and addition to Powhatan Junior High School, closes Pocahontas Middle School and causes a grade realignment of prekindergarten to fifth grades at the elementary schools and sixth to eighth grades at the renovated junior high. The estimated cost of the project is $33 million.
Option 1, the cheapest at $21.2 million, leaves all schools and grade alignments the same with deferred maintenance when necessary for long-term operation at the middle and junior high schools, Westmoreland said. All of the other options would involve grade realignments. Option 2a is a $40 million project that would close the middle and junior high schools and build a new middle school for grades six to eight on the former site of the junior high. Option 2b, estimated at $43.5 million, would close the middle see STUDY page 4A
Beautiful homes and history By Laura McFarland News Editor
he Coalition of Powhatan Churches is giving people a peek into their neighbors’ homes in time for Christmas. The local nonprofit will hold its first Village Christmas House Tour at Powhatan Courthouse to spread some holiday cheer, high-
light Powhatan County and do a good turn for the community, Patsy Goodwyn, director of the coalition, said. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 6 in the Village area. Tickets are $30 per person. The coalition will open eight homes and local sites to the public to tour as a fundraiser for the Ruby
Leonard Food Pantry building fund, Goodwyn said. Powhatan County is a special place with a closeknit community, but there are people joining that group all the time who haven’t experienced what the county is all about, she said. “We are all about giving. So hopefully we will
Wilma Weimer will open her home in Scottville for the Village Christmas House Tour at Powhatan Courthouse, which benefits the Ruby Leonard Food Pantry building fund. PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND
see HOMES page 2A
Powhatan student sees world through a lens By Laura McFarland News Editor
Standing on the sidelines of the Powhatan High School Homecoming game on Oct. 17 with a camera in his hand, Nathan Wheeler stopped to take a look around. All eyes were appropriately glued to the football field, as were half a dozen lenses as various photographers sought to capture the action with their cameras. While Nathan, an 18-year-old senior,
loves capturing sports action shots, he didn’t want to do what everyone else was doing. Instead, he turned his lens where few others were looking – the stands and the sidelines. The resulting video he put together – with images ranging from cheering crowds to band members to cheerleaders and even some football action – is one of the budding filmmaker’s favorite projects to date. “It just feels right. Looking through the lens gives me a different perspective of the world than just my two eyes,” Na-
than said. Nathan, the son of Lori and Jim Wheeler of Powhatan, said he feels most at home when he has a camera of some kind in his hands. He has been shooting photographs and videos since he was a child and got his hands on a Handycam. He remembers being at his aunt’s house and filming everybody just to play with the camera. From then on, he shot everything he could – making movies with neighborsee LENS page 2A
F O RU M S A I M TO B R I D G E G A P W I T H P O L I C E By Laura McFarland News Editor
he Powhatan Chapter of the NAACP and the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office continued efforts to work together for the betterment of the community this fall. The NAACP chapter sponsored a second forum focused on cooperation between community members and law enforcement and improving understanding between the two, Rovenia Vaughan, president of the chapter, said. The seminar, held on Aug. 23, featured several guest speakers, including Sheriff Greg Neal, and focused on the “Community, Neighbor, Law Enforcement Collaboration,” she said. “We were focusing on the whole community, it was not just a black thing,” she said. “We were trying to say that criminal justice affects everybody. Civil disobedience is the concern of all citizens, especially when it affects their property and
lives being invaded.” The NAACP and local law enforcement agencies worked together on a similar forum in September 2012 called “You and the Law,” she said. Four local law enforcement officials spoke in a panel discussion on how citizens – particularly young people of color – could learn how to have better, safer and more pleasant experiences with the police. This year’s panel went beyond only law enforcement. In addition to Neal, the other members on the panel were the Rev. Vera Rhyne, pastor of First Antioch Baptist Church in Powhatan, and the Rev. James Taylor, pastor of Race Street Baptist Church of Farmville and professor and program chairman of the criminal justice department at Southside Virginia Community College, Christanna campus. Similar to the topic at the first forum, PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND Taylor spoke about dealing with the police Rovenia Vaughan, left, president of the Powhatan Chapter of the NAACP, in a respectful manner, Earl Hobson, legal Sheriff Greg Neal and Earl Hobson, legal redress chair for the chapter, participated in a forum designed to improve cooperation between com-
see FORUMS page 7A munity members and law enforcement.
Happy Thanksgiving
from the staff at Powhatan Today
Sports B1 Ryleigh Roberts’ has thrived in the niche sport of artistic roller skating.
Index Calendar A3 Classified B8-9 Crime Report A5 Letters A8 Obituaries A5 Opinion A8 TV Listings B6-7
Page 2A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Homes Continued from page 1A
bring back the idea that we are a giving community and this is one way we show that,” Goodwyn said. “We are doing this for a good cause. It is not to make anybody rich. We are just trying to do something good for the county.” Ruth Boatwright, who is helping Goodwyn coordinate the event, said the stops on the tour are a diverse mix of new and historical, with five at private homes and three at other buildings. People should start at Village Concepts, or the Old Powhatan Farm Supply, 3835 Old Buckingham Road, which has a nice history in Powhatan, she said. The site is acting as a welcome center and people who didn’t buy advanced tickets may purchase them there. From there, participants
tour, but he will actually spend the day at the courthouse. As groups come through, he will offer some of the history of the building and its role in the community. Wilma Weimer is one of two homeowners in Scottville opening her house for the tour. Her entire downstairs will be on display, so people will see two bedrooms, a study, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. The two-year-old house is filled with a lifetime of furniture and art she collected with her late husband, Dr. George “Al” Weimer, during their 57year marriage. Her favorite piece is a bookcase dating to the late 1800s that sits in her living room. The tall bookcase with glass doors was part of a larger set from Chicago that was in a train wreck many years ago when it
~ IF YOU GO ~ Village Christmas House Tour 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 Village Courthouse area
may head to the two houses in Scottville, the four stops in the Village area or a home shortly beyond that. The tour includes the Powhatan County Courthouse and the Powhatan Historical Society’s building. “We can offer people an opportunity to explore some of the beautiful homes in the county,” she said. The Powhatan Garden Club volunteered to make wreaths for each of the stops on the tour and will be decorating the courthouse, Pam Mann, chair of the project for the club, said. The decorations will use natural greenery and be fitting for their surroundings. The club members were excited by the project, and there was no shortage of volunteers, she said. “They feel a sense of interest in the history in the courthouse area. Whenever they have an opportunity to do something that enhances that, they pretty much jump at the chance,” she said. John Rothert, president of the historical society, is opening the second floor of his home, the former Courthouse Tavern, for the
was being transported to Richmond, she said. “These three pieces of the original bookcase are the only parts that survived,” she said. Weimer said she has family and friends who will be helping her decorate the house for Christmas, and she is glad the tour will be benefiting a good cause. The food pantry lost its home at Bethesda Church of God in May and is currently renting space in the Plainview Business Center, Goodwyn said. Paying several hundred dollars in rent takes away money that could be spent on helping the community. “Luckily churches have stepped in and sent us money to help with that rent, so we have been fortunate that it hasn’t really taken away too much of our funds that are given for food,” she said. “We are happy for that. But we can’t stay there and keep doing that forever. That is why the building fund is important to us – to have our own space.” For more information or to purchase tickets, go to www.coalitionofpowhatanchurches.com.
PET of the WEEK
County mulls Dorset Road project By Laura McFarland News Editor
proposed road project design for a an intersection realignment at Dorset Road and Anderson Highway was the main focus of discussion at the Powhatan County Board of Supervisor’s meeting on Monday, Nov. 17. County staff presented a resolution for the board to discuss that would amend the county’s fiscal year 2015 budget by appropriating $260,000 from the Capital Projects Fund for the design. March Altman, deputy county administratorcommunity development, presented the resolution, which was up for discussion only, he said. Any action that might be taken on it would be at the board’s next meeting on Monday, Dec. 1. The project would reconstruct and realign the intersection of Dorset Road with Anderson Highway at its current location to address safety and operational issues. The resolution sparked discussion on several issues – the design of the road, who would pay for it, what agreements had been in place before the meeting and what the board’s policy should be on the issue of revenue sharing moving forward.
Lens Continued from page 1A
hood children and capturing Fourth of July fireworks. Lori Wheeler still has the tapes of zombie and vampire films her son shot with his friends when he was younger. She and her husband understood by that point that creativity was one of their son’s strengths, whether it was about shooting films or picking up musical instruments. To date, he has learned to play the drums, guitar, piano, bass, trumpet and some flute. “That word creative gets over used, but he always knew how to think outside the box. It was never just a standard video or picture. He knew how to look at it from a unique point of view,” she said. When a skateboarding friend asked Nathan to film him performing tricks, that led to a “massive love of the skateboarding culture
The proposed project was submitted by the county to the Virginia Department of Transportation for revenue sharing program funds in 2012, Altman said. The revenue sharing program provides additional funding for use by a county, city or town to construct or improve the highway systems in those areas with statutory limitations on the amount of state funds authorized per locality, according to VDOT’s website. The board of supervisors passed a resolution at its Jan. 6 meeting to amend the location of the Dorset Road Project to be consistent with Alternative 3 of the intersection feasibility analysis prepared for VDOT by Volkert, Inc., which was dated July 25, 2012. Under the revenue sharing program, the county would be responsible for $130,000 of the design project and VDOT would cover the other half, Altman said. “We would use the funding to hire a consultant that does traffic design to design that road,” he said. Altman pointed out on maps he presented to the board that the proposed road change on Dorset Road south of Anderson Highway approaches a house on one side. He said it would be staff’s inten-
tion to limit the improvements to the road to the point that it would not affect that house or that individual’s property as the plan moves forward. In looking many years down the road, Altman said the county also wants to consider how it would line up with the service road on the north side of Anderson Highway pending development of some of the vacant property in that area. “We just want to make sure that when we do have an opportunity to move forward with design, we are looking down the road and designing that intersection to where it meets our needs not just today but long term into the future,” he said. Supervisor David Williams, who represents District 1, questioned Altman on why two developers on either side of the south side of Dorset Road – Jacques Gits and Ed Nunnally – who had expressed willingness to participate in revenue sharing are not responsible for designing the road when they would best know how it would meet their needs. Those people would “know what particular economic uses are best suited for their property and they are going to draw a thoroughfare plan that accommodates those uses,” he said.
With revenue sharing, although the funding is handled by the county, VDOT does not care if it comes from developers, Williams said. And developers agree to do it because it cuts their costs. “In this particular case, I don’t know why we are proposing to spend $130,000 of county taxpayer dollars to design a road through somebody else’s property that already knows what they want to do with the property and clearly understands how to maximize it to his and to the county’s economic benefit and was heretofore willing to put up the money,” he said. Altman pointed out the county had made a commitment with VDOT to move forward with the process and an advertising date is set for Dec. 1, 2015 for accepting bids for constructing the road. “We’ve got to move through that process if we are going to meet that ad date,” he said. He also said that his conversations with the joint property owners have shown they are both unwilling to move forward with any development until they know where the road is going to go. “Once they know where the road design is going to be and how that is going to work out, then
and filming skateboarding” that lasts to this day, he said. Those early experiences broadened his horizons for making films and documentaries and made him open to new possibilities, which was the impetus for the homecoming video. For Nathan, the achievement in the short video stemmed both from the technical aspects he was going for and the fact he feels like he captured a slice of life in Powhatan County. “I want people to hopefully get a little taste of what Powhatan High School is like,” Nathan said. “We are not the biggest school but we definitely have a big community of people who are passionate about their school and their community and each other, which is good.” Having a camera in hand is a great way to capture those moments in life, whether in still shots or in video. If he goes more than a few days without taking
photos or filming something, it feels like he loses something, Nathan said. But while he loves photography, working with film is Nathan’s true passion and what he hopes to pursue as a career. “I find more joy in cinematography or video work because it moves,” he said. “No disrespect to photography but you can look at a photo and see a still image. It can definitely tell a story but with videography, it is a moving image. I think that captures the eye more.” Next fall, Nathan hopes to be a film major at the Art Institute of Washington, D.C. He hasn’t decided yet whether he wants to focus on being a cinematographer or a film editor, but he knows film of some kind is his future. This past summer, Nathan attended Camp Woodward, an extreme sports camp in Pennsylvania, as a camper. But when he showed some of his media work to camp staff, they invited him to come back as an intern in the media department for the rest of the summer. He hopes to return this
summer to Woodward as either an intern or a staff member. Nathan said he is always pushing himself to do better and learn more. He likes watching online tutorials and reading books on cinematography, lighting and other aspects of filmmaking. When birthdays or Christmas rolled around and Nathan got the question about what he wanted, it was often a piece of camera equipment, software or a computer that can be used to further his goals, Jim Wheeler said. “We have supported him in trying to give him the equipment he needed and the tools he needed to support that,” he said. “It turns out this is the direction he seems to want to go with the career.” Nathan said he has already started by forming his own business, Wheeler Visuals, but even when he is not working, he is creating. “I would love to make films or music videos or documentaries for a living. That is the dream. Even if I have to live out of a van or something, just as long as I get to do it,” he said.
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see Dorset page 6A
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Page 3A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Volunteers needed for Tax-Aide
Contributed Report AARP Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax assistance service, is seeking volunteers to prepare and electronically file federal and Virginia tax returns for low- and moderate-income taxpayers in Powhatan County. The Tax-Aide program, sponsored by the AARP Foundation and the IRS, began in 1968 in response to the need of senior citizens for free, quality assistance in filing their income tax returns. Volunteers at the Powhatan Library prepared more than 500 tax returns for the 2013 tax year. For the entire Richmond District, the total was 4,720 returns prepared. Membership in AARP is not required and adult volunteers of all ages are welcome. There are different options depending on a potential volunteer’s interests. Like working with people? A TaxAide client facilitator is the first person clients meet when they enter a tax site. The client facilitator makes sure the client has all the necessary paperwork in order, answers questions and manages the flow of clients being served. Like working with numbers? Tax counselors interact with clients by filing their federal 1040 tax forms and basic schedules. They also complete and file Virginia tax forms. Even if volunteers don’t have accounting or previous tax experience, they will receive free, comprehensive tax preparation training in cooperation with the IRS.
Training begins in early December with in-class and self-study training. Practical exercises include preparing sample returns on IRS-provided computers and software. Classes will be conducted at Deep Run Park in Henrico County. Those who complete training and become certified will be asked to volunteer at least once a week from Feb. 1 through April 15. Volunteers may be reimbursed for their travel to the training site and to the tax preparation site to which they are assigned. Tax preparation sites include on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Powhatan Library, on Mondays at the Cumberland Library and at six additional sites in Chesterfield and Henrico counties, Petersburg and Richmond. Volunteering offers participants a challenging endeavor, expanding their knowledge, flexible volunteer times, providing a valuable service and helping others in the community. Tax-Aide volunteers say they get a great deal of satisfaction from helping people with the challenges of preparing their tax forms and that it is a great way to learn new skills and help people from communities in their area. For more information volunteering with Tax-Aide team, visit AARP’s website at aarp.org/taxvolunteer. In Powhatan, contact Maureen Emerson, local coordinator, at 804-598-4763 or emoegal@ verizon.net. For other area locations, contact Mike Ross, district coordinator, at 804-748-2801 or mwrvatx@gmail.com.
will have a Missionary Day program at 3 p.m. with a theme of “United in the Spirit for the Purpose of Doing God’s Mission in the Earth.”
cooking program for youth. The class, which has three sessions, will be held from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 2, 9 and 16. Cost is $15. Contact 804-598-5640.
The Powhatan County Public Library will close at noon and remain closed until Saturday, Nov. 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Chrysalis Writers There will be no story time Monday, Dec. 1 Group will meet at 5 p.m. or Teen Advisory Council in the small meeting room The Huguenot Ruritan Thanksgiving week. of the Powhatan County Club meets at 7 p.m. at The Powhatan Lion’s Club Library. Call 804-598-1795. Italian Delight Restaurant. will meet at 6 p.m. at the For more information, County Seat Restaurant. contact Tom Grasty at The Powhatan Moose Lodge will host Bingo with Contact Mike Jones at 804-598-0777. doors opening at 6 p.m. 804-794-1440. and games starting at 7 p. Tuesday, Dec. 2 m. every Tuesday. Call Thursday, Nov. 27 804-598-2809. The Powhatan County Powhatan AA meets at 8 Public Library will hold a p.m. every Thursday in the Wreath Making Workshop AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s EpisPowhatan Village Buildfrom 10 a.m. to noon to copal Church on Hugueing. make a wreath using natunot Trail. ral items. Krista Weather Awaken to Hope Al-Anon ford, Powhatan State Park meets at 7:30 p.m. every educational interpreter, Upcoming Thursday at St. John Neuwill demonstrate the techmann Catholic Church. niques for designing a Blessed Sacrament Huguenot, 2501 Academy wreath. The cost is $15 Road, will have a Santa Saturday, Nov. 29 and includes supplies. Breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m. Deadline for registration Powhatan AA meets at 8 on Saturday, Dec. 6 in the is Nov. 26. Call the Powp.m. every Saturday at cafeteria. Tickets are $8. hatan County Cooperative Manakin Episcopal Church Proceeds will go toward Extension office at 804on Huguenot Trail. the sixth grade trip to 598-5640. Washington, D.C. Register Sunday, Nov. 30 by Dec. 2. Pay online at The Powhatan County Cohttp://blessedsacramenoperative Extension office Little Zion Baptist Church, thuguenot.org/ will hold an after school 5680 Cartersville Road, Cook Smart, Eat Smart
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Page 4A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Study Continued from page 1A
and junior high schools and build a middle school for grades six to eight on a new site. That price tag does not cover site acquisition and any possible offsite utilities, which could include roads and water and sewer. Option 4 is a $34 million plan that would close the junior high and renovate and add to the middle school to make it viable for grades six to eight. Option X, which one of the groups in the steering committee came up with, would cost $22.2 million and involve moving grades five and six into the elementary schools and renovating the junior high with a smaller maximum capacity than the other plans. These costs are con-
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struction costs on bid day plus 25 percent of project costs, which include fees, contingencies, furniture, technology, legal fees and other turnkey figures, Westmoreland said. The presentation also broke down enrollment projections, assessments of the existing facilities and deferred maintenance estimates to show the amounts the county is looking at regardless of which option it chooses.
Board reactions The supervisors had several questions on the different aspects of the presentation. David Williams, District 1, wondered if enrollment projections can be updated so the school system can plug in figures as the years progress to update the model they are using. “All future predictions are based on some form of past behavior and nearly all of them are wrong to some extent moving forward because things change,” he said. “If things are changing during that 15-year period, does your modeling take into account and adjust the model based on changing conditions that you see going through the 15-year period?” It is essentially taking historic trends and projecting them forward, Westmoreland said. “If the trends change, then going forward changes them.” In answer to questions about deferred maintenance
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on the schools, Westmoreland said it is an item specific list with costs projected for the life expectancy of structures or machinery and when they will be estimated as an immediate need. He reminded the board they are using 2015 dollars, so those numbers will probably go up. The number projected for 2015 was about $23 million, with about $7 million to the middle school for the roof and $10.9 million to the junior high for roof and mechanical issues. Total projected deferred maintenance costs through 2023 for the school system’s six schools are $33.9 million, he said. They are based on industry standard life cycle costs as well as observations of where those systems are now. “Does that mean if you don’t spend $23 million next year they are going to fall apart? No it means you are going to continue to patch roofs and put bandaids on mechanical systems,” he said. “At some point your roof may totally fail. At some point your mechanical system may totally fail and you’ve got to do something on an emergency basis.” Williams also wanted to know what the county would do with one of the schools if it was closed. Superintendent Eric Jones said several options could be looked at down the road depending on how much the county wants to spend on the building and what the use would be.
County administrator Pat Weiler pointed out that while the possibility was discussed somewhat, the use of vacated buildings wasn’t really within the scope of the steering committee’s objectives. “We are only in really high level broad discussions about potential uses because we don’t even know if that is what the school board or the board of supervisors would recommend doing. We didn’t spend a lot of time on it,” she said. One attractive aspect of the project at this point, Jones said, is that the district currently has capacity at the elementary schools to move grades down to accommodate students during construction without having to purchase or lease a number of trailers. Since Option 3 was the most popular in the steering committee, the architecture firm did some artist conceptual renderings to show a possibility of what the junior high school might look like, Westmoreland said. The vocational wing and gym are still sound and could be kept and completely renovated while the middle of the school would be torn down and redesigned. “It would really change the look of this building,” he said. With Option X, the core of the junior high would be kept and renovations done to it, but there are still many constrictions they would be working within because of
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379-8930 1659 Anderson Highway 3½ miles east of Flat Rock
Located on Rt. 13 in the Village Sundays Wednesdays 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 5:45 Church Supper 11:00 a.m. Worship 6:30 Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) 4:15 p.m. Children’s Choir May’s Kids, TeamKID, Youth 6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Girls in Action (GA’s) Group, Adult Bible Study Mondays 7:30 Adult Choir 7:00 p.m. Handbell Choir Irma Alvis, Organist Michael Edwards, Pastor Heather Martin, Pianist Ed Alexander, Minister of Music Nita Porterfield, Organist Emeritus Sheri Jordan, Minister of Children Chris Wondree, Minister of Youth
2095 Red Lane Road 1/2 mile off Rt. 60 on Red Lane Road 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org Contemporary Service 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Classes for all ages 6:30-7:30
Dr. David Clippard, Interim Pastor
5680 Cartersville Road • Powhatan, Virginia 23139
Hollywood 598-3098
Baptist Church
“A Church Where Love Never Fails!” Pastor Otis B. Lockhart, Jr.
598-2763 Sunday School at 9:30 am Morning Service at 11:00 am Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm 3964 Old Buckingham Road
3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-403-3070 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor
Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory
Call 598-4305 for details.
Muddy Creek BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
2591 Ridge Road Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-598-2051
3920 MAIDENS RD., POWHATAN Pastor Vera Rhyne
www. firstbaptistpowhatan.com (Independent, Fundamental Bible Believing)
Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor 11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.
Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship - 11 am Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Service- 7:00 pm
Survey results A survey was handed out to parents and posted on the school district’s website to get reaction to the study, Jones said. The school received 251 responses before it closed the survey on Friday, Nov. 14. He presented board members with the results of the study, which also included several pages of comments on why the survey takers chose the option they did. Options 1, 2a and 2b received roughly the same amount of votes with 53, 58 and 54, respectfully, while Option 3 pulled slightly ahead with 64 votes. Option 4 received 22 votes and Option X received none. One participant voting for Option 1 did so because he or she did not like the idea of fifth-graders in the elementary schools, leading to overcrowding and stretching teacher resources. One person said Option 3 would be best as long as the renovations to the junior high could make it high enough quality. Otherwise, he or she would want a completely new building. Another commenter said the junior high needs to be torn down and that retrofitting it or the middle school would be a waste of money. Still another liked Option 2a because it uses the land the county already has. The least preferable option, the commenter said, was to continue to use the junior high as the “building is old, poorly designed and does not promote a positive educational environment.”
Graceland Baptist Church SBC Praise & Worship 8:30 am Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00 am Children’s Worship 11:00 am Prayer Service - Wednesday 6:30 pm 598-3481 975 Dorset Road Four miles south of Flat Rock www.gracelandbc.org
9:45 a.m.-----------Sunday School 10:45 a.m.----------Prayer & Praise 11:00 a.m.----------Sunday Morning Worship Kid's Church on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays 7:30 p.m.-----------Tuesday Night Worship & Bible Study
Wednesday Prayer - 7:30 p.m.
“I don’t mind telling you it is a herculean challenge just to sit down and think about these challenges that have been presented to us over the last two weeks,” Williams said. “We are taking this information you are providing us and thinking about how can we do this in a responsible way to meet these identified needs.”
Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor
2901 Jude’s Ferry Rd.
Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.
4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491
the limitations of the existing building, he said. Jones pointed out that with all of the options, redistricting would have to be seriously examined because of school capacities. Moore said that the redistricting that happened when Flat Rock Elementary School was constructed did not cause an uproar within the county and there was little public input. Option X would be a worry, Jones said, not because of capacity but the prospect of having students in prekindergarten through sixth grade all in the same building. “I do anticipate there would be some community push back against that. Educationally you could make it work by keeping the kids separate, but there might be some issues that could crop up,” he said. During the discussion, the issue of the need for a new bus garage came up as well as its prioritization on the school’s Capital Improvement Plan. Jones said that a draft of the CIP released only a week earlier had moved the bus garage to the second place priority after the junior high renovation. “The feeling was that, based on the results of the facilities study, the junior high is in such disrepair that we owe it to the students to replace that first,” he said. Board of supervisors chairman Carson Tucker said that as difficult as it is to see the worst case scenario and grapple with these and other financial questions, the board wanted the “entire package proposed.” “To make decisions we need the information as much as they scare us,” he said. Problem solving starts with problem identification, Williams added. The challenge the supervisors now face is finding the money for this and other proposed projects that are coming before them, including a water and wastewater facility study presented at a recent meeting.
3470 Trenholm Road www.muddycreekbaptist.org
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid Day Bible Study 11:30 a.m.
Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
A Loving Church that Worships and Serves A Loving God!
Travis Keith, Pastor
Sunday School - 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service - 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00 Contact - 794-7054 2109 Anderson Hwy Across from Food Lion & Wendy's
Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241 First Worship 8:30 am Bible Study for all ages 9:45 am Second Worship 11:00 am Wed. Family Ministry 6:30 pm
2202 Old Church Road www.powhatanbaptist.org
Page 5A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
By Laura McFarland ing strong leads on a News Editor
The Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office last week was investigating a possible string of residential break-ins concentrated in the northeast corner of the county. Deputies were investigating five breakins that may be related and were committed in the area off of Huguenot Trail, according to Detective Jason Tackett. All of the break-ins occurred during the daytime. No arrests had been made by the print edition’s early press time. The items stolen from the homes ranged from jewelry to power tools, he said. Tackett said on Thursday, Nov. 20 that deputies were follow-
suspect and cooperating with other law enforcement agencies on the break-ins. The five incidents deputies believe may be related started with an attempted break-in on Oct. 31 in the 2400 block of Manakin Town Ferry Road. A breaking and entering occurred on Nov. 10 in the 2800 block of Watkins Landing Road, on Nov. 17 in the 2200 block of Founders View Lane and the 2400 block of Manakin Town Ferry Road and on Nov. 20 in the 2300 block of Huguenot Trail. Anyone with any information on the breakins is asked to call the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office at 804-5985656 or the Crime Solvers line at 804-403-4357.
C R I I M E R E P O RT A woman at the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office was arrested for indecent exposure. A deputy responded to a call of trespassing in the 6000 block of Miles Road. A deputy responded to a call of a larceny at the Food Lion in the 2100 block of Academy Road.
Thursday, Nov. 13 A deputy responded to a call of threatening phone calls in the 2400 block of Loch Gate Lane. A deputy responded to a call of threatening phone calls in the 5000 block of Cartersville Road. A deputy responded to a call of threatening text messages in the 2700 block of Rocky Oak Road.
Friday, Nov. 14 A deputy responded to a call of breaking and entering in the 2300 block of Ballsville Road.
Sunday, Nov. 16 A deputy responded to a call of a vicious dog in the 2400 block of Huguenot Springs Road.
Monday, Nov. 17 A deputy responded to a call of a vicious pig in the 2300 block of Mosby Road. A deputy responded to a call of a larceny at the Subway in the 2100 block of Academy Road. A deputy responded to a call of breaking and entering in the 2200 block of Founders View Lane. A deputy responded to a call of vandalism in the parking lot of the Walmart in the 1900 block of Anderson Highway.
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A deputy responded to a call of a larceny in the 2200 block of Lakeview Drive.
A deputy responded to a call of shoplifting in Walmart in the 1900 block of Anderson Highway. A deputy responded to a call of
O B I T UA R I E S David Fisher FISHER, David Moses, 81, of Powhatan, entered into eternal rest on Friday, November 14, 2014. He was born to the late Joshua and Maggie Fisher. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alice Gray Fisher; brothers, Joshua, Paul and Joe Robert Fisher and Leroy HarFISHER graves; sisters, Gertrude Fisher, Lillian Howell and Martha Wyche. He is survived by his two devoted children, David S. Fisher and Angela Rena Fisher, both of Powhatan, and two brothers-in-law, Junius L. Gray (Celestine) of Glen Allen and Walter H. Gray (Susie) of Goochland. He will be remembered by his nieces, Iolet Adams, Yvette Decker and Shirley Fisher; nephews, Lavonia and Donald Hargraves and James Howell, as well as a host of other devoted relatives and friends. His remains rested at the Robert Mealy Funeral Home, Goochland. Funeral services were held on Thursday, Nov. 20 at Hollywood Baptist Church, Powhatan. Pastor Otis Lockhart officiated. Interment in the church cemetery.
fraud in the 2800 block of Huguenot Springs Road.
Wednesday, Nov. 12
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Kyle Gillenwater GILLENWATER, Kyle E. “Pop,� 74, of Powhatan, departed this life on Monday, November 17, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Vicki Gillenwater; three sons, Kyle Gillenwater of Bridgewater, Scott Gillenwater, Stephen Gillenwater, both of Powhatan; GILLENWATER mother, Ruby Rossie of Wise; three stepchildren, Courtney Reynolds of Powhatan, Shelly Andrews of Richmond, Ashley Earley of Colorado; brother, Paul Gillenwater of Ohio; sisters, Nancy Mullins of Kent’s Store, Dorothy Powers of Powhatan; 14 grandchildren; one great-grandchild, and his sidekick and best buddy, “Fred� Jared Brandow. The family received friends on Wednesday, Nov. 19 at the Bennett & Barden Funeral Home, Powhatan. Funeral services were held on Thursday, Nov. 20 in the Jetersville Baptist Church, Amelia County. Interment Royster Family Cemetery, Charlotte County. Online condolences may be made at bennettbardenfh.com.
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Deputies investigate string of break-ins
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The Episcopal Churches of Powhatan welcome you!
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church SUNDAYS 8 AM Holy Communion 9 AM Family Service of Holy Communion with children’s sermon Followed by 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Holy Communion with Choir 5:30 PM, 4th Sundays September through May, Taize Service Wednesdays 7 PM Holy Communion and Healing Service
Route 711 at Three Bridge Rd. • 794-6953 Visit us at www.stlukespowhatan.org
EVERGREEN COMMUNITY CHURCH (PCA) Proclaiming & Practicing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Worship service at 9:30 AM Meeting at Flat Rock Elementary School www.EvergreenPowhatan.com
598-8844 Rev. Leonard Liu, Pastor
New Harvest Church
Don’t be fooled by the old building! Caring, Authentic, Practical, Casual Dress, Biblically Honest. 3931 Old Buckingham Road In the Village on Route 13 across from Skaggs Road Intersection. (Next to Kountry Kids Daycare) 804-403-3100 Ken Filliben, Pastor Email: newharvestassembly@comcast.net
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Turn South At Post Office at Rt. 522 on Emmanuel Church Road 9:15 am – Worship "A Traditional Episcopal Church"
Visitors Welcome The Rev. Stephen P. Beatty, Vicar
Manakin Episcopal Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 985 Huguenot Trail (1 mile west of Rt. 288)
794-6401 www.manakin.org
Bethesda Community Church
“It’s an Experience�
Providence Presbyterian Church
Powhatan Christian Fellowship Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am Wednesday Night 7:30 p.m.
598-4970 Located 1950 Ridge Road (Rt. 627) 2/10th of a mile north of Rt. 13
Pastor Linda Beyond Our Doors Lowe
Worship: 8:30 Just off Rt. 13 in8:30 the Village Worship: & 11 a.m.& 11 a.m. Sunday School: 598-4438 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 2253 Rosson Rd.
1957 Capeway Rd., Powhatan, VA
Sundays: 804-403-3963 Morning Worship 10:00 AM Stephen Shelton, Bishop Wednesday: Sacrament Service – 9:00 am Family Life Night 7:00 PM Gospel Doctrine – 10:20 am 2480 Academy Road Priesthood/Relief Society – 11:10 am 598-7159 Pastor: Johnathan M. Whichard Located off Route 60 at Lower Hill Rd.
Powhatan United Methodist Church Meeting Sundays in Powhatan, Midlothian, Fork Union & Online. Visit pccwired.net for services times & locations. 598-1174 pccwired.net
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
www.powhatanumc.us 2253 Rosson Road
Weekday Preschool (ages 2-5)
t ff Rt13 i th Vill
3308 Pleasants Road, 1/4 mile off of Route 711 Russ Cress, Pastor 598-0733
St. John Neumann Catholic Church Rev. Walter G. Lewis, Pastor
Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory
CALL 598-4305 for details.
Saturday - 5 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org Located behind Flat Rock Village Shopping Center
Hobson’s Chapel
United Methodist Church William Todd (Pastor Todd) Gess 1801 Huguenot Trail Sunday School 9am Sunday Worship 9:45 AM Sunday Worship 10am Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm Sunday School 11:00 AM Rev. Bryan M. Holt, Pastor 492-4366 378-3607 Located on Route 13 (Old Buckingham Road) www.EmmausChristianChurch.org
Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory Call 598-4305 for details.
Page 6A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
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they can move forward with the development of their property,” he said. “From a staff perspective, that is the hurdle.” The staff will proceed however the board wants, he said, whether it is following through with the county funding the road or adhering to a policy that it would be the developer’s responsibility to fund the design plans. “If the developers aren’t going to move, we probably should back away from this project and then wait until the opportunity occurs,” he said. However if the county is intent on doing the project, they need to move forward and “at least get the design done so we know where that road is going to be and where it benefits the county most – not either owner, the county the most,” Altman said. The county would work with landowners along the route to address what they want and reach “somewhat of a compromise for them but accomplish what we are looking for long term,” Altman said. Williams said he is unclear on why they are not ready to move forward now without seeing a road design when they were before. “They were ready before because they were more than willing to work with (Elmer) Hodge in filling out the numbers and the paperwork to do revenue sharing,” Williams said, referencing the man who served as inter-
im county administrator before Pat Weiler was hired in 2013. If they are not willing to move forward with a design, Williams said he is willing to wait rather than spend the $130,000 because that is “a lot of money for the people in this county.” Weiler said she was told by Elmer Hodge that neither developer was in agreement as to where the road was going to be and he had no agreement with either of the developers as to who would be putting up the money. “I can only say what he told me,” Weiler said. Bill Melton, District 4, pointed to a need for Powhatan to be “progressive not reactive” with its economic plans and said it makes sense to design the road to the best benefit of the county, not one developer. The question was also brought up by Jason Moore, District 2, on whether the realignment’s primary purpose was safety or economic development. Altman said in looking at past resolutions, they all reference the safety and operational functionality of the intersection, not economic development. Williams said public safety is always an issue for the county, but that isn’t the primary issue at hand with Dorset Road. “The issue I am hearing is you have two developers who can’t cooperate and figure out where the road is going to go,” he said. He said he doubted that would change even if the county drew up a plan and
tried to get them to agree to it. “I don’t know if we can afford to do everything when it comes to designing things for the people who want to develop economically in the county,” he added. Melton said he agreed $130,000 is a lot of money but that it is time to let staff act. “I don’t know of many places that are developing roads that are not 100 percent funded by developers. I think there is a lot of sharing going on from localities and the development community,” he said. Barry Hodge, District 3, said this is a policy issue about the use of revenue sharing as a way to provide roads without spending taxpayer money. The board needs to stand by its revenue sharing policy so developers know they are firm about it, he said. “You want to develop, you need to partner with us. If you live here or you have your businesses here or you are going to develop in this community, this is a partnership,” Hodge said. “We are working together, not against each other, I hope.” He said his understanding was that the purpose of revenue sharing was to focus on economic development and that solving some safety issues was an added bonus. Other business handled at the meeting included: Hearing a public comment about Moore’s position with the board of supervisors. Katrina Blankenship of Powhatan spoke during the see Dorset page 7A
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Page 7A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Dorset Continued from page 6A
meeting’s public comment section asking Moore to recuse himself from voting on any issues from now until his resignation with the board is effective on Feb. 8. Moore resigned to run for the office of Powhatan County Commonwealth’s Attorney. “Many citizens feel that Mr. Moore is using his position on the board as a possible stepping stone or to gain votes for the upcoming Commonwealth’s Attorney race,” she said. “If Mr. Moore votes on any issues, it appears there could be a
Forums Continued from page 1A
redress chair for the NAACP, said. Rhyne talked about rehabilitation with the prison system and how men and women coming out of incarceration can learn from their experiences and grow, Hobson said. The second forum drew a more diverse crowd than the first, but Vaughan said she still would have liked to see more people, especially younger ones, attend. After the success of the first forum in 2012, the chapter planned to have another one in 2013, but it didn’t come together, she said. Planning for the second forum started early this year. Around the same time the forum was scheduled in August, race riots were starting in Ferguson, Missouri. But the forum in Powhatan was never a reaction to that situation, Vaughan stressed.
conflict of interest and the citizens of Powhatan County are not being represented fairly.” She called Moore voting on whether there would be a special election “unethical since he was benefiting himself personally.” She ended her comments by saying it would be a benefit to the county for Moore to resign immediately to avoid any possible conflicts of interest. Offering an update on the Vision 2030 plan. Weiler pointed out that since the board adopted its Vision 2030 plan in August, board chairman Carson Tucker, District 5, has given 18 presentations
to community groups and two for the public. He is still available to come to community groups who would like to hear the presentation, which lasts about 45 minutes with an average of 15 minutes for questions. People who are interested may contact county administration for more information. Reappointing people to the Powhatan Community Action Agency Advisory Board. Tucker pointed that the board has a total of six openings coming up on the 15-person board. The Code of Virginia designates the board be made up of five members that are elected
“We didn’t want anybody to think we were attacking the sheriff’s department,” she said. “This whole forum was planned back in January. Any media or hype would have said we have all these issues.” Neal said he sees the forums as a chance to answer community members’ questions and educate them on how the police operate. Race was barely discussed at the most recent forum, he said. Instead they focused on issues such as how police and the public don’t communicate until something bad happens and tensions are high. This often leads to people saying things in the heat of the moment that they shouldn’t, he said. “With these forums, everybody is even tempered at that time and you get a chance to talk about issues,” he said. “I have been here 30 something years and I don’t remember a situation like this until something bad happens.” The goal of the forums is
to educate the public on the roles of law enforcement and working together on social justice issues, Vaughan said. The forum covered how the sheriff’s office implements the objectives outlined on its website, she said. Neal told the participants that they didn’t have to wait an entire year for a forum to feel like they could get their questions answered, Vaughan said. He told them people are welcome to go to the sheriff’s office with questions and that he was willing to attend a regular NAACP meeting to address questions and concerns. “This is about proaction, not reaction,” Vaughan said. The Powhatan chapter of the NAACP meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Powhatan County Fairgrounds. For more information, contact Rovenia Vaughan at rjviolet@hotmail.com.
officials or their designees, five members of business, industry, labor, religious, social service, education or other community service groups and five representatives of the poor. The board unanimously appointed one new elected official, Teresa Dobbins, Clerk of the Powhatan County Circuit Court, and reappointed four in the community groups category, Robert Bishop, Patsy Goodwyn, Charlotte Jackson and Gayzelle Taylor. However, the third group, representatives of the poor, continues to be a difficult slot to fill because of possible embarrassment, Tucker said.
“If you want to represent the poor, you’ve got to get 10 poor people to sign a petition to that effect,” he said. He asked each of the members to attempt to find a representative in their area to consider. Addressing the position Melton would take at the Capital Region Workforce Partnership Consortium meeting. The consortium exists to ensure the full development and operation of the region’s workforce development system, which offers job training centers to people in eight localities. Melton said he would be attending the meeting on Friday, Nov. 19 and
that members would be discussing how to decide the amount of funds the eight participating localities should contribute in program year 2015. The options were based on population or on the numbers of those using the program. Powhatan accounts for 2.8 percent of the population, so based on that figure the county would contribute $5,180. Only 0.5 percent of the usage is from Powhatan residents, so in that case, the contribution would be $925. Currently, Powhatan County is not contributing any money to the consortium.
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What approach would you like to see the county take regarding school facilities improvements? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses.
November 26, 2014
Page 8A
Lessons from the boy in a zig zag shirt By Laura McFarland News Editor
rowing up, you are learning life lessons everywhere you turn – at home, school, church, work and social situations. One of the more fun sources of pearls of wisdom comes through entertainment: books, nursery rhymes or movies with a moral or life lesson behind them. Some of them have a lot to offer, but – when it comes to holidays – no one has ever quite hit it home like Charlie Brown. Let’s take “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” for example. On one hand, the holiday special is a simple, fun tradition for many families. There are no dramatic buildups or computer-generated special effects – but the simple, silly story still stands up to the test of time for me. The cartoon captures many of the elements we like most and least about the holiday if you take a closer look. (Yes, I am analyzing a cartoon. It drives my friends crazy, too). And, as always, it leaves you with a nice feeling that you understand the holiday you are celebrating just a little bit more. The special starts off with Lucy convincing Charlie Brown yet again that she will hold the football, which is a fine Thanksgiving tradition, and he can run and kick it. The fact that he ends up flat on his back yet again when she yanks the ball away is a good reminder that some relationship dynamics don’t change. If that dynamic isn’t a good one, try not to let it drive you crazy or ruin your holiday. Cycles can be broken, and maybe this year is the one to accomplish that feat.
When Peppermint Patty invites not only herself but Marcie and Franklin for a Thanksgiving dinner at Charlie Brown’s house, I couldn’t help but think of those uninvited guests or the ones you really didn’t want to see but don’t have a choice in the matter. Like it or not, holidays bring people together. In some cases, it is people you don’t associate with much during the rest of the year and who can really
stretch your sense of hospitality. Hopefully, the entire mood of your holiday doesn’t hinge on that person or group of people. If it does, there are always parades, football and stuffing your face to provide a nice distraction. If I had one real gripe about a lesson not taught in the special, it is that the emphasis on thanks doesn’t extend to the one who made the party, albeit an unconventional event, possible – and that is Snoopy. That beagle and his little bird friend Woodstock do the bulk of the work to get Charlie Brown’s party
L E T T E R TO T H E E D I TO R Free Clinic needs help from the community
zation. It does not receive any federal funding and does not accept insurance. All funding received by the clinic is through donations from individuals, businesses, churches, civic groups, foundations, fundraisers and other charitable giving. For every $1 received the clinic can provide $5.60 worth of services to the patients. The Free Clinic is located in the Powhatan Health Department facility at 3908 Old Buckingham Road. The phone number is 804-5985637. The clinic is open from 3:30 to 9 p.m. on Mondays for patient visits and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays for patient visits. The clinic provides lab services from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursdays and is open for administrative services from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. The clinic is always in need of volunteers in both medical (doctors, dentists, nurse practitioners, mental health counselors, nurses, lab techs) and administrative personnel. This is Powhatan’s clinic. The clinic treats Powhatan’s residents. Powhatan needs this clinic to help those who need help. Without this clinic we go back in years to where our people went without their medicines and got sicker and sicker, people pulled out their own teeth with pliers because they could not stand the pain and had no dentist to see, women had no mammograms for decades…these stories go on and on. The Free Clinic needs the financial support of the whole Powhatan community. The clinic workers volunteer thousands of hours to help your Powhatan neighbor. This is your clinic. We need your help! Please help your neighbor by sending your contribution to the Free Clinic of Powhatan, 3908 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia, 23139.
Dear Editor, Six years ago the uninsured and low income residents of Powhatan County had no place to go to seek medical services. They lived in pain, many could not afford their medicines and their illnesses developed serious complications. Then came the Free Clinic of Powhatan. While the clinic started with zero patients, now it has registered 1,000 patients with an average of two new patients registering weekly. The mission of the Free Clinic is to provide quality, compassionate health care to the uninsured, low income adult residents of Powhatan County. The Clinic now provides free medical, dental, women’s health services, mental health counseling, lab testing, referrals for diagnostic testing, referrals for specialty care provided through Access Now, prescription assistance, case management services and patient education. The clinic serves the working poor population of the county. They are your neighbors, your friends and many times your family. Many work in gas stations, beauty shops, food stores, the service industry, etc. National statistics show that 80 percent of Free Clinic patients work. The Free Clinic is staffed primarily by volunteers – doctors, dentists, a mental health counselor, nurses, an executive director and administrative workers. The clinic has one fulltime paid staff member, a director of operations, and four part-time staff. To be eligible for the clinic, you must reside in Powhatan County, be between the ages of 19 and 64 years, have no health or dental insurance (may have Medicare or Medicaid for dental services) and meet certain income guidelines (200 percent or below the federal poverty guidelines). Patients must complete a financial screening Connie Moslow Executive director to determine eligibility for the clinic. The Free Clinic is a 501c3 nonprofit organi- Free Clinic of Powhatan
P.O. Box 10 Powhatan, Va. 23139 Phone: 804-598-4305 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-598-7757
Publisher Market Manager Managing Editor
Joy Monopoli
Birgit Weeks
Melody Kinser
Production Manager
Denine D’Angelo
News Editor
Laura McFarland
Sports Writer
Michael Schoeffel
Sales Representative Classifieds
Sue Smoak
Cindy Grant
ready. He finds and sets the table and prepares most of the food: toast, popcorn, jelly beans and pretzel sticks. Yet no one thanks him for his trouble and he is left to deal with the stressful aspects of holiday entertaining mostly flying solo. Whether your Thanksgiving meals are the work of the entire family or a select few, the people who made the meal possible need to be thanked. I am not talking about a “Thanks, Mom” when your mouth is stuffed with mashed potatoes. I mean a sincere show of appreciation for the hard work that goes into preparing a truly scrumptious meal for any size group of people. That brings me to my final lesson, and, as with the Christmas special, the source of the wisdom is Linus yet again. When the children are sitting down at the table, Linus gives a brief mention of the origins of Thanksgiving, the occasion in 1621 when the pilgrims invited members of the Wampanoag tribe, who had helped them survive in the New World, to share a feast. Linus offers a prayer similar to what he believes Elder William Brewster, the colony’s religious leader, would have offered: “We thank God for our homes and our food and our safety in a new land. We thank God for the opportunity to create a new world for freedom and justice.” Hopefully, Thanksgiving is more than eating for your family. It is a day when you take a moment to take stock and realize that even if life hasn’t thrown you what you expected – toast and jellybeans versus turkey and pumpkin pie – it can still be beautiful and hold wonderful possibilities. Happy Thanksgiving, Powhatan County.
Powhatan Today in Arizona
Jake and Brittney Berman took along a copy of Powhatan Today when they visited Kirsten Berman at Luke Air Force Base and stopped for a photo in Sedona, Arizona.
Powhatan Today in NYC
Abigail Stinnett and Meghan Hutto with Premiere Dance Company in Powhatan held a copy of the Powhatan Today when they took a photo with Lane Naper on the docks of New York City. They said they had “a blast” shooting the wrap-up dance video.
WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Monday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff.
Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: Powhatan Today, P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va., 23139. Subscription Rate: $23.50 per year. Single copy price is 50¢. © 2014 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.
Page 9A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
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Lummie Jones 804-794-4531
Nancy Wise 804-347-3639
Patrick Conner 804-402-3070
Better than new! Feel like you’re on vacation in this beautiful home on Stocked 4 Spec Homes Under Roof Pond w/dock for fishing. Craftsman, 1.5 $269,950— $320,000 Story Home w/Hardiplank Siding, built in 2013 has 3,000+ sq.ft., 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, Furnished Model 10 ft ceilings, hand scraped hardwood flrs, Open Sunday 1-3 pm Family Rm Open to Granite Kitchen w/ Island & Gas Cooking. Sunroom and 2nd * First floor masters—2 car garages— Large Wooded Lots Flr Rec Rm too. Shows Like a Model! Terry Adcock 375-3007 Nancy Wise 804-347-3639 3950 Fighting Creek $299,995 68 Jenkins Ridge Road $209,950
5 Acre Mini Farm with 1650 Sq Ft 2 story home, with family room, great room with dining area, lovely kitchen, 2 full baths attached carport, just renovated.Fruit trees and lots of privacy. VHDA, FHA, VA, USDA financing available Sylvia Miles, Associate Broker 804-310-7476 2766 Ballsville Road $574,950
Beautiful 3 story includes full basement with walkout to patio. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and finished bonus room on third floor. All appliances convey. Upgraded kitchen with granite and tile floor. Detached storage shed, oversized two car attached garage, and paved driveway. Don’t miss this one! Lummie Jones 804-794-4531 2106 French Hill Court $585,000
Unbelievable 3BR split ranch nestled in the woods on a cul-de-sac. This home has privacy & backs up to 800+ acres. The 1st flr has hdwd flrs & vaulted ceilings. Open floor plan w/fp & surround sound in family rm. Nice gardening plot. Pathways through the woods and a dog run in the woods away from the house. Outbuilding w/2 adjacent coverings. Patrick Conner 804-402-307 3041 Huguenot Trail $895,000
Lovely 3 bedroom ranch style home approx 1616 Sq Ft w/huge kitchen with loads of oak cabinets and bar, greatroom w/cathedral ceilings, hardwood flooring, walk-in closet attached garage, 3.06 acres nice home. VHDA, FHA, VA, USDA financing available Sylvia Miles, Asssociate Broker 804-310-7476 1992 Cook Road $174,950
Equestrian Ready Property with Historic Updated Home and 2nd Guest Quarters on Property. Features 30 acres, 9 stall center isle barn, riding ring with lights and wood fenced fields. Perfect for Equestrian Business, Bed & Breakfast, Wedding venue or Private Residence. Terry Adcock 804-375-3007 2182 Maple Cottage Road $359,850
Impressive 3,700 sq. ft. brick cape on 2 acres with an in-ground pool located in French Hill. 4 Bedrooms, 4 full Baths, first floor Master Suite, large Kitchen with custom cabinets and granite countertops with breakfast area. Screened-in porch and attached 3 car garage. Many additional Extras! Tim Konvicka 804-514-7237 1433 Gills Road $275,000
Beautiful Custom Home on 10 Ac. All brick w/Grand Manor roof and PVC trim. Formal rms on first flr, family rm w/stone fp, and first flr owner suite. Four bdrms & four full ba. Huge rec rm in basement features 11’ ceilings, wet bar, and music room w/fp. Enjoy nature from one of the decks or screen porch off family room. Only minutes from Rt.288. Lummie Jones 804-794-4531 3569 Timberview Rd $284,950
Over 4 acres w/new stamped concrete patio from walk out basement surrounded by herb gardens & deck above. Lots of exterior buildings, stable w/run-ins and 60 x 10 5 bay equipment shed. 4 bdrms w/2 on the first flr & 2 full ba. Kitchen w/lots of cabinetry opens to great rm w/wood stove. Unfinished basement has potential for additional living space. Terry Adcock 804-375-3007 1541 Ballsville Road $179,995
Private home located on 10 Acres just off Route 60 in Powhatan. This home is in excellent condition and features 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Kitchen offers stainless appliances, gas cooking, and large eat-in breakfast area. Attached garage, paved driveway, deck, and back yard with a firepit for outdoor fun! Lummie Jones 804-794-4531 1151 Sparrows Lane $354,950
This all brick home sits on over 2 acres and the home has a car port. There is a family room and a formal living room and a dining room. There is a newer roof on the home. There are out buildings as well as a lean to. The owner is offering an allowance for painting and carpet. Come and take a look at your new home. Patrick Conner 804-402-3070
www.SparrowsLandingPowhatan.com NEW HOME on 3.9 Acres in Eastern Powhatan! 1st Flr Living w/3 Bdrms on the main level including Master Suite w/ Luxury Bath. OPEN Floorplan w/Granite Kitchen w/Center Island & Breakfast Nook, Family Rm & Formal Dining Rm. 4th Bdrm w/Full Ba upstairs. Hdwd, Tile Flrs & numerous upgrades throughout! Nancy Wise 804-347-3639 Mill Station Lots
Tennis Shoe Terry Team 804-375-3007
Debbie Hairfield Jeanette Towler 804-334-4223 804-839-5682
Mike Williford 804-350-8278
Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700
$6,500 Closing Costs Paid by seller! Private 2.66 Acres! 2 Story Vinyl, 4 bd, 2.5 baths! Attached 2 car garage, aggregate sidewalks, rear deck and chain link fence, storage shed, paved driveway, plus Detached 36x40 garage (room for 6 cars!) Garage is 1440 sq.ft., 10 ft ceilings, 100 amp service, propane gas heat, floored attic for additional storage! Located off Huguenot Trail! Jeanette Towler 804-334-4223
LOTS FOR SALE 100222-01
Kim Wooten 804-517-1355
Sylvia Miles 804-310-7476
Tim Konvicka 804-514-7237
8 Wooded Acres with deeded access to James River in Goochland .....$65,000 8.9 Wooded Acres, lakefront, has driveway. Walnut Creek........ $112,000 2.5 Acre lot, Homesite cleared and graded. Community lake access. Westlake.................................... $69,500 Kim Wooten 804-517-1355
56 Buck Hollow Lane
4 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH on 16 ACRES Short drive to the “JAMES RIVER” Cartersville, lovely 4 Bedroom Brick Ranch on 16 + Acres in private setting. Features large family room with brick fireplace, country kitchen, dining room, 2 full baths. Located near Powhatan and minutes from the James River Call Sylvia Miles, Associate Broker 804-310-7476
Custom Cape on 3 acres welcomes you with the full wrap porch and makes you feel right at home in the open floor plan with huge stone fireplace and hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oversized 2 car garage with bonus room. Kim Wooten 804-517-1355
6100 Anderson Hwy.
This charming 3 bdrm 2 ba. Cape Cod has open flr plan & sits on 3 acre stocked pond. The great rm, dining rm, kitchen & master bdrm have views of the pond. All rms have hdwd flrs. Property contains 31 acres and is divided up into 4 different parcels The parcels are divided into a 10.3 acre and a 7.5 acre parcel that overlook the pond. Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700
UNDE 10 Ac. Ridge Rd..................... $80,000 CONTRACT Great building lot with frontage on Rte. 627 (Ridge Rd). Lot has been $64,000 - $85,000 Wooded—Village of Powhatan— perked for 5 bdrm house Fighting Creek Park—Powhatan Public 11.9 Ac. Bowling Quarter Rd......$89,000 Library—Playground—Restaurants and 4 Ac. Blackstone ................... $15,000 much more.
Floyd Palmore 338-9352 or Mike Williford 350-8278
Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700
Page 10A
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
ver" e i r t e R ique " n u r ou itoring n Plus, o m tank s when s e n l i f e d r i o w ts Wo r e l a e low! g n i servic n is run k n a t your
Proceeds from this charity tournament beneďŹ t Backpacks of Love, a nonproďŹ t working to feed hungry schoolchildren in Powhatan and Cumberland counties. The volunteer group prepares backpacks of ready-to-eat foods and produce to ensure that our area kids have food over the weekends.
– Dr. Eric L. Jones Superintendent Powhatan County Public Schools
November 26, 2014
Powhatan, Virginia
Art on Four Wheels By Mike Schoeffel Sports Writer
World champion speed skater Apollo Ohno got his start on roller skates. So did internationally renowned figure skater Tara Lipinski. Powhatan Junior High School student Ryleigh Roberts is doing her part to carry the artistic roller skating torch left behind by those two heavyweights of the hardwood. Over the past three years, Roberts has blossomed into a regional and national force on the circuit, receiving six gold medals at the regional level and two bronze medals at the national level. Her roller skating home base, if you will, is Skateland of Richmond on Hull Street, an older building that almost looks abandoned from the outside. Step through the front door and you’re instantly transported back to 1985. The walls are the most glaring hint that you’ve just lept 30 years into the past. Plastered on them you’ll find old records, a quirky Peanuts-esque cartoon, a freakishly disembodied roller skate, and other symbols transplanted from the Reagan era. Taking all of this into consideration, Skateland seems like perhaps the last place in the Richmond area you’d expect to stumble across a world champion of any sort. That’s why it’s so surprising
to find two of them – a mother/ daughter duo named Petra Dayney and April Dayney-Jacoobsen – instructing a small group of talented Lipinksy-like hopefuls (perhaps), including Roberts. Skateland: A Hidden Cove of World Champion skaters The story starts in Germany, where the sport of artistic roller skating is more popular than it is in the United States. Petra Dayney – a slender grandmother with a sharp mind and a youthful lilt in her voice – won a couple of world championships for team Germany. The man who would eventually become her husband skated for the U.S. national team. They met, fell in love, moved to Ohio and had a daughter named April. April would go on to become a three-time world champion for the U.S. national team. After earning her stripes as a skater, she became the coach of the national team, a position she has held for five years now. She, too, met her husband through the sport, and they had a boy, Devon, a senior at Manchester High School, who earned a silver medal at the most recent World Championships in Spain. Now, all three of them spend at least four days a week at Skateland. Petra and April coach, while Devon works tirelessly on his routine, dreaming
about the day he becomes a third-generation world gold medalist. Sitting rinkside while Devon jumps and spins out on the floor, Petra reflected on what has kept the sport alive in her lineage. “The sport transferred down in the family because it was a job for me,” she said. “My children saw it and learned how to do it. It was never a ‘you must do this’ sort of thing. If they wanted to play soccer, they could have played soccer. But they decided to stick with skating.” “You see a lot of families do it together,” agreed April. “That’s one very common trend.”
Page 1B
Eighth-grade phenom Ryleigh Roberts has already won two bronze medals in artistic figure skating at national competitions. You can find her at Skateland of Richmond four days a week, picking up pointers from two former world champions.
Families skating the whole year ‘round The trend has taken root in the Roberts family as well. Tracey Roberts, an assistant coach with the Skateland team (and a music teacher, to boot), began skating competitively eight years ago. Her daughter, the blossoming nationallevel skater, has, as Tracey put it, “surpassed what I can do on skates.” Ryleigh’s lengthy list of accomplishment supports this claim: four consecutive trips to the USARS National Championships in figures, loops and freestyle, and the aforementioned six gold medals at the regional level and two bronze levels at the national level. PHOTOS BY ANJIE HENLEY Like Petra and April, Tracey has not pressured her offspring to Ryleigh Roberts, an eighth grader at Powhatan Junior High School, has won six regional gold medals and two
see ART page 5B national bronze medals as an artistic roller skater.
Spotlight on...Sean Stanley By Mike Schoeffel Sports Writer
•The Vitals• Sport: football Age: 18 Year: senior School: Blessed Sacrament Position: defensive and offensive line, punter •The Accolades• First team all-state defensive line First team all-conference offensive line Randolph-Macon College Leadership Award Special Olympics award
ors? get home around 6 (p.m.). I Play football and base- do some homework and get ball at Randolph-Macon or in bed. •The Questions• How did you first get Shenandoah. into football? What are some of your What is the funniest interests When I came to Blessed outside of Sacrament my freshman thing that has ever hap- sports? year, I figured it would be pened to you on the field? Volunteering with SpeIn the locker room after cial Olympics. something worth trying. practice, some of the guys What is your greatest were messing around and If you could score two athletic accomplishment somehow half my ear got free tickets to any sportcut off. up to this point? ing event in the world, Being part of three state what would it be? championship winning footWhat is your daily The Army-Navy game. ball teams and a state cham- routine? The history behind it is inpionship baseball team. Wake up around seven, credible and I hear the ateat some breakfast. Head mosphere is awesome. What are you goals for off to school. At 3 (p.m.) I future athletic endeav- go to football practice and If you could sing one for Outstanding Support
song on American Idol, school, secure my families what would it be? [sic] financial future, “Let It Be” and donate to John Lennon charity. [sic] If you If somecould have one gave you dinner with the power to one athlete, save just one alive or dead, animal species who would it on earth, what be? Stanley would it be? Jesse Owens Definitely the manatees. If you were on a deserted island and could If you won $10 million, only have one book, what what would you do with would it be? it? The Bible. There’s alPut it back into my ways an answer in there.
C&F BANK’S ATHLETE of the WEEK records in rushing yards (521) and total yards (643). In the Indians final game of the season - a playoff match-up WHO: The Football Team with B.T. Washington - Logan WHAT THEY DID: The offensive line Allen finished with the for the Powhatan varsity football team – Stephon second most rushing yards Lemmons, Chris Bethea, Mitchell Frank, Tony Maiolo, in a single game in school Nelson Sutton and Will Schwarz – helped pave history (318). Allen became the way for a rushing attack that broke numerous the first 2,000 yard rusher to don the Orange and records throughout the course of the season. Black, breaking Ray Brown’s mark of 1,953 set in 2011. Allen finished one touchdown short of tying During the Homecoming game against Orange Taron Hampton’s high water mark for most rushing on Oct. 17, the Indians set new single game school
touchdowns in a season (28). “They don’t get a lot of glamour because they don’t score the touchdowns,” Powhatan head coach
Jim Woodson said of the offensive line. “But they deserve a tip of the hat. Without them, Logan wouldn’t have been able to do the things he’s done this season.”Way to go, boys!
1-800-296-6246 O www.cffc.com Citizens and Farmers Bank-Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Page 2B
Three Powhatan athletes to play in college
Top left, Andrew Llewellyn (center) signs his letter of intent to play baseball at Wingate University in North Carolina. Bottom left, Timesha Morris (center) signs her letter of intent to play basketball at High Point University in North Carolina. Above, Kyle Snyder is the first Powhatan club lacrosse player to commit to playing the sport in college. He’s heading to Randolph College. “I chose Randolph because of the small campus and the coaches,” said Snyder. “I was also looking at Hampden-Sydney, but decided Randolph was the best fit for me.”
PHS cross country finishes historic season at state meet Contributed report
Lovely Home in Powhatan
Nice home with fenced front yard for your pets – Open family room/kitchen with cathedral ceiling – Family room has hardwood floor, brick fireplace and gas logs – All appliances convey; electric range, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washer and dryer – large 16 × 12 rear deck – detached 20 × 20 garage with electricity – Owner is relocating. $149,900.
Call Jim Blandford 804-513-3878 JimBlandford.com
2405 Anderson Highway Powhatan, VA 23139 www.finecreekrealty.com
94. Anna Christovich 100. Madeline Wright Boys team 1. Midlothian 2. Faquier 3. Grafton 4. Tabb 5. Millbrook 6. John Handley 7. Sherando 8. Woodgrove 9. Powhatan Three other finishers Girls team 1. Jefferson Forest 2. E.C. Glass 3. Heritage (Leesburg) 4. Midlothian 5. Tabb 6. Loudoun County 7. Grafton 8. Woodgrove 9. Fluvanna 10. Glen Allen 11. Powhatan 12. Hanover
The Powhatan cross country team recently capped off the best season in program history. At the Group 4A state meet in The Plains, the boys finished ninth and the girls finished 11th. It was the highest finish for both teams in school history. It was also the first time both teams qualified for the state meet in the same season. The Powhatan runners finished as follows: Boys Individual 18. Austin Conway 16:31 42. Jakob Vaughan 17:07 54. Tyler Williams 17:21 75. Chase Miffleton 17:44 89. Jack Gerow 18:10 96. Jake Satko 18:22 Girls Individual 21. Lindsey Fanz 19:47 45. Taylor Holt 20:29 79. Megan Remillard 21:47 80. Caleigh Dintino 21:50 88. Kaitlin Adams 22:28
Dec. 3-6: Conf. 20 Tip-Off at Glen Allen Dec. 17: @ Fork Union, 3 p.m. HS
PHS girls basketball
This Christmas, a special page of the Powhatan Today will be devoted to pictures of your children, pets and family with your holiday message. You may purchase a spot on this page for only $30. Please send us the photograph of your choice by Thursday, December 18th, 2014 so you can be included in our December 24th, 2014 edition.
PHS wrestling
EMAIL ADDRESS: cgrant@mechlocal.com Names: (Please print the names as you wish them to appear in the newspaper.) Message:
Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Payment: Check Enclosed
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**All professionally taken photographs must contain the name of the photographer or photography studio for photo credits***
39 79 107 122 139 145 184 196 209 243 261 329
Dec. 10: @ Midlothian, 3 p.m.
BSH boys basketball
Dec. 9: @ Charlottesville, 6 p.m.
35 100 118 122 127 160 168 195 215 227+
W I N T E R S P O RT S T I P P I N G O F F PHS boys basketball
22:48 23:34
Nov. 25: @ St. Michaels, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 2: vs. Veritas School, 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 3-6: Conf. 20 Tip-Off at Glen Allen
BSH girls basketball
Dec.12: @ Louisa, 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 25: @ St. Michaels, 5 p.m.
Dec. 5-6: Central Region Rumble, Glen Allen HS Dec. 13: New Kent Duals, New Kent HS
PHS indoor track
Do you have local sports news that you’d like to see featured in the POWHATAN TODAY? Contact sports writer Mike Schoeffel at mschoeffel@ powhatantoday. com or (804) 921-6823
Dec. 1: @ Goochland, 7 p.m..
BSH swimming Dec. 6: @ Trinity (JV), 1:30 p.m. Dec. 12: home swim meet, 4:30 p.m.
This week in Powhatan sports history From the Nov. 26, 2008 issue In what would come to be known as the “Miracle at Chancellor,” the Powhatan varsity football team lets a 28-6 halftime lead slip away in the Region I championship, falling 42-31. The loss dashed the Indians hopes for a fourth consecutive regional championship. “We didn’t come out the way we did in the first half,” said tight end Hunter Gordon. “We just didn’t play as hard as they did.” From the Nov. 29, 2006 issue The now-defunct Powhatan Chiefs win their third Minors division championship in 13 years by defeating Gates 20-0 in the CQL Super Bowl at Meadowbrook High School. The three stars of that team? Quarterback Chance Morris, lineman Chris Bethea, and running backs Logan Allen and L.J. Jackson, all four of whom went on to have outstanding varsity careers.
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Page 3B
Capturing Indian Spirit On and o for 20 years, renowned photographer Anjie Henley has harnessed her unique vision to capture the true spirit of Powhatan Indians football. Here’s a look at 11 of her best shots from the 2014 season.
Shot of the Year
1 5
Shot of the Year. Logan Allen emotes after scoring the gamewinning touchdown against Charlottesville. 1. Alex Reyna and his horse, Sailor, share a smile prior to the Homecoming game against Orange. 2. Logan Allen goes airborne between two Louisa defenders to score a touchdown. 3. Logan Allen thrusts a palm in the face of a camo-clad Western would-be tackler. 4. Logan Allen stiff arms a Midlothian player to score his first touchdown of the season. 5. Johnathan Caporale lays it all on the line in an attempt to block a Louisa extra point. 6. Head coach Jim Woodson shows off the passion that made him a Virginia High School Hall of Famer. 7. Logan Allen seemingly levitates above a Louisa tackler. 8. Alex Reyna prepares to plant the spear at midfield prior to the Homecoming game against Orange. 9. All-Region linebacker Elijah Goode buries a Western ballcarrier into the turf. 10. With faces painted and orange-and-black garb donned, the student section was at full capacity for what turned out to be a record-setting
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Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
Page 4B
Why not have your office Christmas Party at the beautiful Belmead Mansion?
Cut Your Own
CHRISTMAS TREES Fresh Wreaths Available The Nuckols Christmas Tree Plantation is one of the oldest in Virginia. Thousands of trees on 20 beautifully manicured acres.
White and Scotch Pines Norway Spruce Leyland and Blue Ice Cypress Canaan Fir Fresh-cut Fraser Fir
Total yards by the Powhatan oense on Oct. 17 against Orange, breaking the previous single-game high of 517 set against Park View in 2010.
Rushing yards by the Powhatan oense on Oct. 17 against Orange, breaking the previous single-game high of 498 set against Goochland in 1991. Rushing touchdowns by Logan Allen, leaving him one shy of tying the record set by Taron Hampton in 2006
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Receiving yards by Chance Morris on Sept. 26 against Monticello, breaking Ryan Harris’ single game high of 169 set against Matoaca in 2001.
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Rushing yards by Logan Allen, breaking the previous single-season high of 1,953 set by Ray Brown in 2011.
Field goals by Wes Livermon, tying him with Ryan Ward (‘96 and ‘98), Caleb Barnes (‘05) and Johnathan Malcolm (‘10 and ‘12) for most in a single season.
T ďšş D TO P 10 x R E G I O N A L 1. Hermitage 2. L.C. Bird 3. Highland Springs 4. Manchester 5. Thomas Dale 6. Henrico 7. Atlee 8. Dinwiddie 9. Powhatan 10. Benedictine
1. Lake Taylor 2. Heritage (NN) 3. Phoebus 4. Powhatan 5. Monacan 6. I.C. Norcom 7. Hanover 8. King’s Fork 9. Dinwiddie 10. Grafton
N B C 1 2 / W H A N 8 S P O RT S B L I T Z 1.Highland Springs 2. Hermitage 3. Manchester 4. L.C. Bird 5. Thomas Dale 6. Benedictine 7. Atlee 8. Monacan 9. Hanover 10. Powhatan
1.Highland Springs 2. Hermitage 3. L.C. Bird 4. Manchester 5. Thomas Dale 6. Henrico 7. Atlee 8. Powhatan 9. Monacan 10. Dinwiddie Graphic shows highest ranking in each poll.
How did the preseason storylines pan out? By Mike Schoeel
nents and scoring touchdowns. That being said, Allen saw periodic playing time on defense in a rover, Polamalutype role, and his rare combination of size and power Back in August, before the first regular season snap made him a valuable wild card that Woodson played at his was taken, the Powhatan Today laid out six story lines for own discretion (particularly late in games when a player the Indians’ 2014 campaign. Now, a week after a season- needed a rest or the defense was pining for a big play). ending loss to B.T. Washington in the first round of the playoffs, the Powhatan Today takes a look back at how • The last game of the 2013 season was Cambrun those storylines panned out. Graham’s most efficient as a passer. He completed 10of-15 passes for 103 yards. How will he progress under • How will Logan Allen finish his career with the center in 2014? Indians? Will he surpass the numbers he put up in Graham was a steady presence for the Indians most of 2013, which included 1,500-plus yards and 20 touch- the season, completing 58-of-91 passes for 801 yards and downs? six touchdowns. He also was the master of ceremonies in The answer: an emphatic yes. Allen had one of the a break out 35-14 win against Monticello the fourth week greatest years for a running back in school history, rushing of the season, completing 9-of-13 passes for 220 yards for a school record 2,037 yards and 27 touchdowns. He and three touchdowns. Unfortunately, he turned the ball broke the 300-yard mark in two separate games, and his over three times against Charlottesville in a narrow 10-9 318 yards against B.T. Washington were the second most win, prompting head coach Jim Woodson to start junior in a game in school history. Now, one of the main story- Peyton Mawyer against B.T. in the playoffs. Late career lines for 2015 begins to take shape: who is going to re- blues not withstanding, Graham can take pride in the fact place perhaps the greatest running back in Powhatan his- that he helped the Indians to two playoff appearances in as tory? many seasons as a starter. Sports Writer
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• The Indians boast three potential all-region selections at linebacker in Logan Allen, Lamont Henderson and Elijah Goode. Will this year’s linebacking corps go down as one of the most talented in recent memory? In a word, yes. But there were some unforeseen changes to the Core Four as the season has progressed. Lamont Henderson and Elijah Goode were as good as advertised, filling running lanes and chasing down ball carriers from sideline-to-sideline with regularity. Both seem poised to capture All-Region honors. Harrison King was a pleasant surprise at outside backer, establishing himself as a legitimate pass-rushing threat, a quarterback’s worse nightmare coming off the edge. Perhaps wisely, Woodson opted to limit Allen’s number of snaps on defense so the star running back could save his energy for stiff-arming oppo-
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• The Indians have reached the postseason every year beginning in 2002 and extending through the present. Will they reach the playoffs for the 13th consecutive year in 2014? Yes, and they did so with a bang. Unlike the past two seasons, they didn’t sneak into the playoffs as a low seed. The Indians plowed their way through the regular season schedule to rightfully earn a fourth seed in the 4A South playoffs and the program’s first home postseason game since 2011. Grant it, things didn’t exactly go as planned when they got there. But they fought very hard against a tough B.T. team filled to the brim with athletes. • The Jefferson District has been owned by Western Albemarle and Monticello over the past two seasons. Will the Indians regain their status as an elite team within the district? Not only did the Indians establish themselves as an elite team in the district, they were THE elite team in the district this year. Powhatan outscored the two teams expected to win the district – Monticello and Western Albemarle – by a combined score of 88-30. In doing so, they also redeemed four straight losses against those two schools. • The Indians lost kicker Wes Livermon during the offseason to fall soccer. With no heir in sight, who will the Indians turn to? “We have a guy with a squaretoed shoe, that’s how bad things are right now,â€? said head coach Jim Woodson of his team’s kicking predicament. Woodson was able to coax Livermon into coming out for the team, and his return was a enormous boost to the special teams. He’s drilled 44 of his 45 extra points and four field goals, tying him for the most in a single season. Livermon also averaged 44 yards per kickoff, which is a good thing, considering the Indians have been kicking off at a pretty high rate this season. And the best part about Livermon’s return? He’s only a sophomore.
Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
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Art: Skateland of Richmond boasts two world champion artistic roller skaters, and much more
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pursue artistic skating. Instead, it just sort of fell into place. As Tracey puts it, “It’s her passion.” “My favorite part about roller skating is either all the friends I’ve made or how fit it’s made me,” said Ryleigh. “It has taught me how to reach my goals. One of the most rewarding aspects is being so active. People understimate skating because they don’t take into account all the conditioning it takes to build strong muscles and stamina.” For the crew at Skateland, artistic roller skating is truly a year round sport – it has to be, if they wish to stay competitive on a world stage that includes the likes of juggernaut South American teams that “kick our tooshes every time,” according to Tracey. A lot of the skaters do cardio, strength-training and cross-training to stay in peak physical condition, and nutrition is also an area of focus. Tracey accurately
summed up the intense sense of dedication felt by her fellow coaches and skaters. “It’s not recreational. This is their life, and they are very serious about it,” she said. The Decline of ARS “It’s so sad,” says Petra, gazing out over the rink. “In general, the sport is fading in the United States. It’s not so much a lack of rinks, it’s a lack of coaches.” Tracey can attest to the scarce nature of competitive ARS clubs. When she lived in New Mexico and Michigan, there were simply no programs in the area. It was pure fate that she happened to move to Richmond, which has a relatively strong ARS scene, she said. Had she not relocated to the area, who knows? Ryleigh may have never gotten the chance to progress into the nationallycompetitive skater she is today. Another factor in the decline of ARS is aging. As
kids get to the junior high school and high school level, numbers start to “dwindle,” as April put it. Kids often drop the sport due to lack of interest or other teenage obligations. But here, inside of Skateland, with its vintage vibe and world class talent, the sport is just as alive as it was in Germany during Petra’s Golden Years. And there must be at least a shred of pride for Tracey, Petra and April, knowing that though the sport may be fading beyond these walls (with its vinyl records and Peanutslike cartoons), right here in front of their eyes is their own flesh and blood carrying on the tradition for at least one more generation. “It’s not just about skating, it’s about life,” says April. “It’s about discipline, hard work, and learning to be acccountable.” “Many people don’t realize what it’s all about until they see a video,” says Tracey. “And then it’s like ‘Oh, I didn’t know you could do that on four wheels!’”
Top, Skateland of Richmond as it appears from Hull Street just after dark on a Tuesday evening. Bottom, April Dayney-Jacoobsen, a threetime world champion artistic roller skater and current head coach of the U.S. national team, gives some pointers to her skaters. In pink is Ryleigh Roberts. Her mother, Tracey, is in black. “I’m content in my tennis shoes now,” joked April. “But if I had to go out there and skate, I could.”
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Powhatan Today, November 26, 2014
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Pregame College Football: Texas Christian at Texas. (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) College Basketball SportCtr College Football: LSU at Texas A&M. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: Orlando Classic College Basketball: Orlando Classic College Basketball: DirecTV Wooden Legacy The 2014 Sea Trials: English Premier League Soccer Best of 3 & Out Redskins SportsNet Best of All Access Wheel Jeopardy! Thank You, America!: Get Away With Murder Get Away With Murder News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline Extra Å Access H. Big Bang Mom Å Two Men McCarthys Hollywood Christmas: News Late Show Letterman Ferguson Football The OT (N) Cause for Paws: Dog Spectacular: Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. Football NFL Football: Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers. (In Stereo Live) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos White House: Conversation with Representative Frank Wolf: Hearings: Bighorn: New Mex Conquer.: Mission Program: Ready, Set, Shop Electronic Gifts PBS NewsHour Å Currents Inside Out Poirot (In Stereo) Å Steves Bluegrass Bluegrass Charlie Rose (N) Å Start Up As Time... Finding Your Roots Great Performances “Cats” (N) (In Stereo) Å PBS NewsHour Å Nature (In Stereo) Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup Lockup Lockup Lockup Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Madagascar 3” ››› “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (2008) “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” (2012) “Train Dragon” Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Transporter Transporter Transporter Transporter On the Menu Å CSI: NY “On the Job” Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å Childrens Conan Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Å Duck D. Country Country Duck D. Duck D. Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å HappyGil ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey. All-Star: ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey. Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Fron Last Frontier Last Frontier Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å River Monsters Å When Turkeys Attack: The Hunt for Hogzilla: Monster Squid: When Turkeys Attack: The Hunt for Hogzilla: ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams. Å Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (In Stereo) Å Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin Liv-Mad. Austin Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Good Luck Good Luck ››‡ “Cars 2” (2011) Toy Story: ›››‡ “Ratatouille” (2007) Voices of Patton Oswalt. The 700 Club Å “Cinderella Story” Brady The Brady Bunch Å Brady Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends Friends “Chitty-Bang” ››› “The Trouble With Angels” (1966) Å ››‡ “Bright Eyes” (1934, Comedy) “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father” “The Christmas Shep “Northpole” (2014, Fantasy) Tiffani Thiessen. “A Royal Christmas” (2014) Lacey Chabert. “Princess Chrst” “The Notebook” (2004) ››‡ “The Holiday” (2006, Romance-Comedy) Cameron Diaz. Å The Sisterhood “The Holiday” (2006) Fixer Upper Å Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl House Hunters Reno Rehab Rehab Chopped Food Truck Face Off Chopped Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Chopped Browns ››› “The Preacher’s Wife” (1996, Fantasy) Denzel Washington. ››‡ “The Little Richard Story” (2000, Biography) Leon. Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Saturday Night Live “Best of Jimmy Fallon” A Very Bonnaroo Thanksgiving: (N) (In Stereo) ››› “A League of Their Own” (1992) Adventure Regular King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Newsread Heart ››‡ “Stargate” (1994) Kurt Russell. ›› “Poseidon” (2006, Adventure) Josh Lucas. The Johnsons ›› “Poseidon” (2006) ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill. Å ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum. “Jurassic Park III” Raising Raising Party Down South Party Down South (N) Party Down South ››‡ “Days of Thunder” (1990) Tom Cruise. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Search for the Pawn Pawn Good Potters Holy Land J. Osteen Prince Hillsong Jesus:
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FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å MLB Timeline (N) Å NFL Films Fntsy Ftbl College Football SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) College GameDay (N) (Live) Å College Football NFL Great Roll Tide/War Eagle NFL SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Football SportsNet Redskins SportsNet Football ACC Gridiron Live (S) Cavaliers Va. Tech Inside N.D. ACC Redskins Football Good Morning America Good Morning Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore College Football News CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (S) Å Battle Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Innovation Recipe All In Live Life Wild Amer. Paid Prog. Bald Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ACC Blitz Football Today (N) (S) Å News Today: Saturday Noodle Astroblast Chica Tree Fu LazyTown Poppy Cat Soccer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week Great Gifts Electronic Gifts Saturday Morning Gifts Garden Greener Victory This Old House Hr Joy Bauer’s Food Remedies: (S) John Sebastian Presents: Folk Rewind: Curious George: Tiger Tiger Barney Angelina Curious George: Tiger Tiger Sesame Dinosaur New Day Saturday (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Weekends-Witt Up W/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Cook Paid Prog. Body Sleep Cooker Paid Prog. Defrosting Paid Prog. Kitchen Guilt Free Paid Prog. Body FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In America’s News HQ Buffy, Vampire Slayer Anger Anger Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ››› “13 Going on 30” (2004) Jennifer Garner. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SHARK! Chrisley Chrisley Benched Benched NCIS (S) Å NCIS “Knockout” (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Hawaii Five-0 (S) Å Hawaii Five-0 (S) Å Hawaii Five-0 (S) Å “Total Recall” (1990) Married Married King King King King ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp. Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Storage Storage Focus T25 BodyBeast Clean! Paid Prog. Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue “Bug Bite” Paid Prog. Williams Work. ›› “Police Academy” (1984, Comedy) Steve Guttenberg. ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) Eddie Murphy. BodyBeast Paid Prog. J. Meyer Guilt Free Bitchin’ Rides (S) Å Bitchin’ Rides (S) Å Bitchin’ Rides (S) Å Misfit Garage (S) Å Kitchen Paid Prog. BodyBeast Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Life (S) My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life (S) Dogs 101 (S) Å Dogs 101 (S) Å Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Parents Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sanjay Bread Rabbids Power Parents Pirates Doc McSt. Sofia the First (S) Å Austin Jessie (S) Dog Girl Meets Jessie (S) Å “Eloise-C’mas.” Young ››› “Dolphin Tale” (2011, Docudrama) Harry Connick Jr. ›› “Bedtime Stories” (2008) Adam Sandler. ››› “Hook” (1991) The Nanny “First Date” The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Exes The Exes The Exes The Exes Brady Brady “Beauty-Asking” ›››› “Gentleman’s Agreement” (1947, Drama) Carson ›› “Between Two Women” (1944) Playing Meet Me “Farewell Mr. Kringle” ›› “Angels Sing” (2013) Harry Connick Jr. “A Bride for Christmas” (2012) Arielle Kebbel. “A Royal Christmas” Paid Prog. 21 DAY Kitchen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries “Twelve Trees” Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Sand. King Barbecue Be.- Made Best Thing Farmhouse Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Holiday Baking ›› “Joyful Noise” (2012, Comedy-Drama) Queen Latifah. Å › “I’m in Love With a Church Girl” (2013) Jeff “Ja Rule” Atkins. Å Are You the One? (S) Are You the One? (S) Are You the One? (S) Are You the One? (S) Are You the One? (S) Are You the One? (S) VH1 Plus Music (S) VH1 Plus Music (S) Top 20 Count. Top 20 Count. ›› “A Diva’s Christmas Carol” (2000, Fantasy) Sonic Teen Pokémon Teen NinjaGo NinjaGo ››› “The Spiderwick Chronicles” (2008) ››› “Shrek” (2001) Kitchen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SHARK! Twi. Zone Twi. Zone ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000, Adventure) Clint Eastwood. Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman ››› “The Matrix” (1999) Keanu Reeves. Å CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) CMT Social Hot 20 Countdown Å Alaska: Big America: (S) Å Alaska: Dangerous Territory: (S) Å Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby Veggie Penguins! Kids Club Storykeep RocKids Auto B. Gd Penguins! Veggie Monster Hopkins Lassie (EI) Goliath
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College Football: West Virginia at Iowa State. (N) (Live) Å Football College Football: Kansas at Kansas State. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (S Live) College Basketball: Maryland-Eastern Shore at Fordham. (N) Capitals College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Paid Prog. In Your Life (N) Å Football Football College Football: Mississippi State at Mississippi. (N) (Live) Å College Football: North Carolina State at North Carolina. (N) College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (S Live) English Premier League Soccer College Football: Bayou Classic -- Grambling State vs. Southern. (N) (S Live) Å News NBC News Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week (S) Washing Commun Saturday Morning Gifts Electronic Gifts Great Gifts Electronic Gifts Rock Rewind 1965-1967 (My Music): (S) Å Victor: Great Railway Journeys of Europe: 50 Years With Peter, Paul and Mary: (S) Å Thomas Builder This Old House Hr Kitchen Victory Old House Old House Old House Hometime Great Railway: CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Gupta CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Weekends-Witt MSNBC Live (N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Lockup Paid Prog. Kitchen KeithUrban Medicare Paid Prog. BodyBeast SHARK! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Jour. America’s News Headquarters (N) Carol Alt News HQ The Five America’s News HQ ›› “Baby Mama” (2008, Comedy) Tina Fey. ›› “American Reunion” (2012, Comedy) Jason Biggs. › “Grown Ups” (2010, Comedy) NCIS “Hide and Seek” NCIS (S) Å NCIS “Toxic” (S) Å NCIS “Semper Fidelis” NCIS “Aliyah” (S) Å NCIS (S) Å ››› “Total Recall” (1990) Å ›› “Terminator Salvation” (2009) Christian Bale. ›› “Battle: Los Angeles” (2011) Aaron Eckhart. ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” (2006, Adventure) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymond Raymond Storage Storage Country Country Country Country Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Criminal Minds (S) Bar Rescue (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) ›› “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987, Comedy) › “Vegas Vacation” (1997, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Å ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009) Å Misfit Garage (S) Å Misfit Garage Å Fast N’ Loud (S) Å Fast N’ Loud (S) Å Fast N’ Loud (S) Å Fast N’ Loud (S) Å My 600-Lb. Life (S) Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees The Fairly OddParents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Nicky Nicky Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Eloise ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Dog Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Good Luck ››› “Hook” (1991, Fantasy) Dustin Hoffman. ›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012) The Brady Bunch Å Brady Brady Brady Brady The Brady Bunch Å FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud “Meet Me in St. Louis” (1944) ›› “The Lemon Drop Kid” (1951) ››› “The Thing From Another World” (1951) “Butch Cassidy” “A Royal Christmas” “The Christmas Shepherd” (2014) Teri Polo. “Naughty or Nice” (2012) Hilarie Burton. “A Very Merry Mix-Up” “Twelve Trees” “All She Wants for Christmas” (2006, Drama) “Finding Mrs. Claus” (2012) Mira Sorvino. Å “Christmas-Krank” Fixer Upper Å Overseas Overseas Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Rewrap. Beat Flay Restaurant: Impossible Diners Diners Guy’s Grocery Games Kitchen Inferno Chopped Chopped Nellyville Å ›› “Why Did I Get Married?” (2007, Comedy-Drama) Tyler Perry. Å Madea’s Big Happy Family: Å Are You the One? (S) Snooki & JWOWW (S) Snooki & JWOWW (S) Snooki & JWOWW (S) Snooki & JWOWW (S) “Pirates-Carib.” T.I.-Tiny Weave Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny ››› “Shrek” (2001) ›› “Shark Tale” (2004) Voices of Will Smith. ››› “The Adventures of Tintin” (2011) “Madagascar” (2005) ›› “Stargate” (1994, Science Fiction) Kurt Russell. ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman. “Terminator 2” “The Matrix” (1999) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves. Å ›› “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003) Å Hot 20 Countdown CMT Crossroads Å ›› “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. Dukes Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby Vikings “Invasion” (S) Vikings “Treachery” Vikings (S) Å Vikings (S) Å Ishine Inspir. Paws/Tails Veggie Heroes & Legends Bless Lord News ››› “The First of May” (1998) Dan Byrd.
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MLB Moments MLB College Basketball: Stanford at DePaul. (Live) College Basketball: Delaware at Villanova. (Live) Basketball College Basketball Experts Poker World/Poker 2014 World Series of Poker: Final Table. College Basketball College Basketball: Providence at Kentucky. (N) College Basketball Pregame Grey Cup Hokie Playback (N) Fame Game 365 Redskins Postgame Redskins Table SportsNet SportsNet Community Storms World of X Games (N) World of X Games (N) Unforgettable Holiday Moments on Ice: (N) News ABC News NFL Football: San Diego Chargers at Baltimore Ravens. (N) (Live) Å NFL Football: New England Patriots at Green Bay Packers. NFL Football: Washington Redskins at Indianapolis Colts. (S Live) Å The OT (N) 2014 College Football Jdg Judy Two Men Two Men Red Bull Series Action Sports (S) Å Skiing Figure Skating: ISU Grand Prix: NHK Trophy. News NBC News Law Order: CI Law Order: CI NBA Basketball: Chicago Bulls at Brooklyn Nets. (Live) Å Raising Bones (S) Å Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week Newsmakers (S) In the Kitchen With David Electronic Gifts Gift Guide Kristin Chenoweth: Victor Borge’s Timeless Comedy!: Classic Hollywood Musicals: (S) The Best of 50s Pop (My Music): (S) Å Dinosaur Peg Cat in the Odd Wild Kratts Arthur Cyberchas Wash Charlie Contrary Libera: Angels: Innovators: Dr.: CNN Newsroom (Live) CNN Newsroom (Live) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Weekends-Witt Meet the Press Å MSNBC Live (N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Kitchen KeithUrban Healthier Clean! Cook Paid Prog. Clean! Paid Prog. Sleep Medicare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Jour. News HQ Carol Alt Housecall MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday ›› “American Reunion” (2012, Comedy) Jason Biggs. › “Grown Ups” (2010, Comedy) Adam Sandler. “Horrible Bosses” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ››› “War of the Worlds” (2005) Tom Cruise. Å (DVS) ›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. “Clash of the Titans” Shrek ››› “Home Alone” (1990) Macaulay Culkin. › “Surviving Christmas” (2004) Ben Affleck. ›› “Fred Claus” (2007, Comedy) Godfather-Pitt. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Country Country Shipping Shipping ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) (S) ››› “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (1984) Harrison Ford. (S) “Indiana Jones” “Major League” (1989) › “Vegas Vacation” (1997, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Å ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. Å Epic RVs (S) Å Epic RVs (S) Å Buying Al. Buying Al. Buying Al. Buying Al. Last Frontier Last Frontier The Little Couple (S) The Little Couple (S) The Little Couple (S) Couple Couple Couple Couple The Little Couple (S) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. The Fairly OddParents Sam & Cat (S) Å Nicky Nicky Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Dog Dog Dog Dog Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Liv-Mad. Dog Austin “Journey 2-Myst” “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium” (2007) ›› “The Flintstones” (1994) John Goodman. ››› “Brave” (2012) Roseanne (S) Å Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne (S) Å Roseanne Roseanne Gold Girls Gold Girls “Sounder” (1972) Å ›› “Zebra in the Kitchen” (1965) Jay North. ›››› “The Yearling” (1946) Gregory Peck. “Lassie Come Home” “Let It Snow” (2013) “Christmas Under Wraps” (2014, Drama) “Christmas With Holly” (2012) Sean Faris. “Northpole” (2014) › “An Accidental Christmas” (2007, Drama) “Merry In-Laws” (2012) Shelley Long. Å ››› “Crazy for Christmas” (2005) Andrea Roth. Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å The Kitchen Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Trisha’s Trisha’s Trisha’s Trisha’s Holiday Baking What’s Lv ››› “Ray” (2004, Biography) Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington. Å › “Obsessed” (2009, Suspense) Idris Elba. ››› “Bring It On: In It to Win It” (2007) (S) ›› “Bring It On: All or Nothing” (2006, Comedy) ›› “Bring It On: Fight to the Finish” (2009) (S) Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å › “The Smurfs” (2011, Comedy) Hank Azaria. NinjaGo NinjaGo ››› “Madagascar” (2005) Voices of Ben Stiller. Teen Clarence ›››› “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger. ›› “30 Days of Night” (2007, Horror) Josh Hartnett. Blade “Ghostbusters II” Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Hot 20 Countdown ›› “Young Guns” (1988, Western) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. ›› “Young Guns II” (1990) Emilio Estevez. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn PowerPnt. Is Written B. Conley Super Christ Jesse J. Hagee Marriage Bal. Living G. Dickow T.D. Jakes J. Meyer
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FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å NFL Films Fntsy Ftbl FOX NFL Kickoff (Live) SportsMo. MLB SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å College Football Final Outside Reporters Colin’s Football Show SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fantasy Football Now College Basketball SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet 3 & Out (S) Ravens Redskins Va. Tech Football Football Redskins Kickoff (N) Good Morning America Good Morning This Week In Touch First Baptist Church Coaches Seinfeld CBS 6 Sunday Morning St. Paul’s Deliver CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) Face the Nation (N) (S) Changers The NFL Today (Live) Paid Prog. Bald Miracles How to Fox News Sunday In Touch Paid Prog. Inside FOX NFL Sunday Å 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour Paid Prog. Red Bull Search Paid Prog. Key/David Tomorrow ››› “Exiled: A Law & Order Movie” (1998) Law & Order (S) Å Law & Order “Bait” (S) Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Newsmakers (S) Washington This Week (S) Great Gifts Sundays With Carolyn & Dan “Gifts” Electronic Gifts In the Kitchen David WordWorld Peep Curious Farming Richmond Religion Charlie Miller Center’s Am McL’ghlin Moyers Home: Curious George: Tiger Tiger Sid Peg Curious George: Tiger Tiger Sesame Dinosaur New Day Gupta New Day Sunday State of the Union Innovators: Dr.: Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Lockup Business Up W/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Cook Paid Prog. Cooker Fighting Kitchen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooker Guilt Free Defrosting Defrosting FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) News HQ Housecall Buffy, Vampire Slayer Buffy, Vampire Slayer How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met ›› “Baby Mama” (2008, Comedy) Tina Fey. Paid Prog. Jeremiah P. Chris J. Osteen Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order “Seer” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Smoke” King King Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (2008) ››› “Shrek” (2001, Comedy) Criminal Minds (S) Criminal Minds (S) Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Godfather-Pitt. Cook TCopper Paid Prog. SHARK! Off Road Engine Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Rescue Raiders Clean! Healthier Half Hour Chappelle Chappelle ›› “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987, Comedy) ›› “Major League” (1989) Å Paid Prog. Defrosting J. Osteen Paid Prog. Gold Rush “Goldzilla” Edge of Alaska (S) Dirty Jobs (S) Å Dirty Jobs (S) Å Guilt Free Frying Sexy In 3 Medicare Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Untamed and Uncut (S) Untamed and Uncut (S) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Parents Parents Power Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. “Santa Hunters” (2014, Fantasy) (S) Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Pirates Doc McSt. Doc McSt. Sofia “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003) “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Rebels Austin ››› “Hook” (1991, Fantasy) Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams. ››› “ParaNorman” (2012, Comedy) “Journey 2-Myst” The Nanny (S) Å The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Roseanne Roseanne “Ring of Bright Water” ›› “International Velvet” (1978, Drama) Å ›› “Goodbye, My Lady” (1956, Drama) Å “Sounder” (1972) Å ››› “The Santa Suit” “Snow Bride” (2013, Drama) Katrina Law. “A Very Merry Mix-Up” (2013) Alicia Witt. “Let It Snow” (2013) In Touch Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prog. The Sisterhood “Holly’s Holiday” (2012) Claire Coffee. Å Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar House Hunters Reno Property Brothers Rachael Ray’s Contessa Heartland Pioneer Trisha’s Contessa Giada Guy’s, Bite Pioneer Southern Farmhouse Bobby Jones Gospel Bobby Jones Gospel Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice ››› “What’s Love Got to Do With It” (1993) Angela Bassett. Girl Code ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003) Johnny Depp. ›› “Bring It On: Fight to the Finish” (2009) (S) VH1 Plus Music (S) Top 20 Count. Top 20 Count. Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Pokémon ››› “The Adventures of Tintin” (2011) ›› “Shark Tale” (2004) Voices of Will Smith. Teen Reindeer: Body Paid Prog. Cook Paid Prog. Twi. Zone Haven “Chemistry” ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman. Mad Men Å Mad Men Å ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984, Comedy) Bill Murray. Å ›› “Ghostbusters II” (1989) Å CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) CMT Crossroads Å Hot 20 Countdown Å Ax Men “Dog Days” Ax Men (S) Å Ax Men (S) Å Ax Men “Battle Ax” (S) Ax Men “Trucked Up” Ax Men (S) Å Falwell Urban Passion Touching Franklin Turning Walk Win Walk Prince Redempt. Liberate In Touch
Women’s College Basketball UFC UFC Countdown Å The Ultimate Fighter FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Who’s In? MLS Soccer: Western Conference Finals, Leg 2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 2014 Grey Cup: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball ESPN FC (N) (Live) College Basketball: Richmond at Northern Iowa. National Poker SportsNet Redskins Postgame Ravens Postgame Live SportsNet Funniest Home Videos Once Upon a Time (N) Resurrection (N) Å Revenge “Intel” Å News Scandal (In Stereo) Blue Blood Football 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Madam Secretary Å The Mentalist (N) Å CSI: Crime Scene News The Nation Collar Ice Age: Mulaney Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Burgers News Big Bang Ring of Honor Wrest. Big Bang Mod Fam Football Night in America (N) Å NFL Football: Denver Broncos at Kansas City Chiefs. (N) (In Stereo Live) News Inside Ed. Best Bones (In Stereo) Å ››› “Casino Royale” (2006, Action) Daniel Craig, Eva Green. Å ›››‡ “Three Kings” (1999) George Clooney. Washington This Week Q & A (In Stereo) Time: Commons Road to White House Q & A (In Stereo) Time: Commons Electronic Gifts Great Gifts Electronic Gifts Canon Cameras Rock Rewind 1965-1967 (My Music): (In Stereo) Downton Abbey Rediscovered: (N) Downton Abbey Rediscovered: (N) Austin City Limits Å Libera: Great Railway Journeys of Europe: Libera: Angels: Great Railway Journeys of Europe: Currents To Be Announced Somebody’s Somebody’s Somebody’s Somebody’s Somebody’s Somebody’s Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Lockup Lockup Lockup Car Chase On Money 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Marijuana USA: “Cocaine Cowboys II” American Greed FOX Report (N) Huckabee FOX News Special Stossel Huckabee FOX News Special “Horrible Bosses” ››› “21 Jump Street” (2012, Comedy) Jonah Hill. ›‡ “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller. The Watch Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam “Clash of the Titans” ››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf. Å (DVS) ›› “Clash of the Titans” (2010, Fantasy) “Fred Claus” (2007) ›› “Four Christmases” (2008) Vince Vaughn. ›› “Four Christmases” (2008) Vince Vaughn. “Nothing Like” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Dogs of War (N) Å Storage Storage “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989) ››‡ “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008) Harrison Ford. John Cartr Aziz Ansari: Kevin Hart: Laugh: Kevin Hart: Little Man: All-Star: South Park South Park South Park South Park Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Fron Last Frontier Edge of Alaska Last Frontier Edge of Alaska The Little Couple Å 90 Day Fiance Å 90 Day Fiance (N) Å My Five Wives (N) Å 90 Day Fiance Å My Five Wives Å North Woods Law North Woods Law (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced HALO Awards: “Santa Hunters” (2014, Fantasy) Full House Prince Prince Friends Friends How I Met Your Mother Jessie (In Stereo) Å ›› “Santa Buddies” (2009) Å Jessie Austin Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Good Luck Good Luck ›››‡ “Brave” (2012) ››› “Despicable Me” (2010, Comedy) ››› “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” J. Osteen Jeremiah Gold Girls The Golden Girls Å Gold Girls Raymond Raymond King King King King King King “Lassie Come Home” ›››‡ “The Black Stallion” (1979) Kelly Reno. ›››› “National Velvet” (1944, Drama) Mickey Rooney. Mare “Northpole” (2014) “One Christmas Eve” (2014) Anne Heche. “Snow Bride” (2013, Drama) Katrina Law. “The Christmas Spirit” ›› “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004) Å “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever” (2014) ›› “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004) Å Property Brothers Å Hawaii Life Hawaii Life Beach Beach Vacation House Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Holiday Baking Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Holiday Baking Soul Train Aw.: 2014 Soul Train Awards: Å Awards: Nellyville (N) Å Nellyville Å ››› “Bring It On: In It to Win It” (2007) ›› “Bring It On: All or Nothing” (2006, Comedy) Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Gumball Regular Sit Down King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Burgers Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Mr. Pickles Chicken Metal ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004) Wesley Snipes. › “The Happening” (2008) Mark Wahlberg. Spartacus: War ›› “Poseidon” (2006) The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Talking Dead (N) Å The Walking Dead Å Comic Walk:Dead “Young Guns II” (1990) Larry the Cable Guy’s, Christmas: Cable Guy’s Christmas Luau: ››‡ “Young Guns” (1988) Emilio Estevez. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Ax Men (N) (In Stereo) Alaska Off-Road Warri Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Lead Way Blessed J. Osteen K. Shook Copeland Creflo Doll ››› “The Greatest Story Ever Told” (1965) Max von Sydow.
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
Red Bull Cliff Diving Football Preview UFC UFC UFC Countdown Å FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) Monday Night NFL Football: Miami Dolphins at New York Jets. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Basketball: Nebraska at Florida State. NBA Coast to Coast (N) (Live) Å College Football Final NBA SportCtr NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Washington Wizards. (N) Postgame SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsNet SportsTalk SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! CMA Country Christmas: (N) (In Stereo) Å Castle (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Access H. Mike Mike Mike Mike Scorpion “A Cyclone” News Late Show Letterman Ferguson Big Bang Big Bang Gotham “Pilot” Sleepy Hollow (N) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. The Voice “Live Top 8 Performances” (N) Å State of Affairs Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos How I Met How I Met Rules Rules Parks Parks U.S. House of Representatives (In Stereo Live) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Dooney & Bourke Canon Cameras Rick & Shawn’s Gift Favorites “Canon” (N) Canon Cameras Dan’s Gift Favorites PBS NewsHour Å Great Performances (In Stereo) Å Celtic Woman: Home: Shen Charlie Rose (N) Å Travels Travels Rock Rewind 1965-1967: Rock Rewind 1965-1967: PBS NewsHour Å TBA 50 Years: Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN Tonight CNNI Simulcast Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Profit Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit Social The Profit Social (N) The Profit The Profit “Courage.b” Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File 21 Jump ››› “The Other Guys” (2010, Comedy) Will Ferrell. Anger Anger ››› “The Other Guys” (2010) Will Ferrell. NCIS “Reveille” Å WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Chrisley Chrisley Law & Order: SVU Castle (In Stereo) Major Crimes Å Major Crimes (N) Å Transporter Major Crimes Å Law & Order “Zero” Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å Childrens Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Godfather-Pitt. The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) “Indiana Jones” ››‡ “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008) ››‡ “John Carter” (2012) Taylor Kitsch. Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Colbert At Mid South Park To Be Announced Misfit Garage: Fired Up Misfit Garage (N) Å Fast N’ Loud: Demoli Misfit Garage Å Fast N’ Loud: Demoli The Little Couple Å Couple Couple The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å To Be Announced Finding Bigfoot Thunder Max Full House Full House Full House Full House Prince Prince Friends Friends How I Met Your Mother I Didn’t Austin Jessie Austin Movie (In Stereo) Å Girl Meets Jessie Dog Good Luck Good Luck “Nat’l-Christmas” ››› “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. ››› “The Santa Clause” (1994) Tim Allen. Santa Claus, Town: Heroes Hogan’s Heroes FamFeud Raymond Raymond King King King King Friends Friends Humoresq Playing ››› “This Is the Night” (1932) “She Done Him” ›››‡ “I’m No Angel” (1933) Mae West. Å Eagle “Most Wonderful” “Angels and Ornaments” (2014) Jessalyn Gilsig. ››› “All I Want for Christmas” (2007) › “Eve’s Christmas” Movie “An En Vogue Christmas” (2014) Terry Ellis. “Seasons of Love” (2014) LeToya Luckett. Å “En Vogue Chris” Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Guy’s Grocery Games My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible My. Diners My. Diners 2014 Soul Train Awards: Å ››‡ “Barbershop” (2002, Comedy) Ice Cube. Å Wendy Williams Show Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Slednecks (In Stereo) Are You the One? (N) Are You the One? “Walk-Remembr” Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop K. Michelle Weave Love & Hip Hop K. Michelle Weave Love & Hip Hop Gumball Regular King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Mike Ty. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Heart ›› “The Uninvited” (2009) Elizabeth Banks. ››‡ “Blindness” (2008, Suspense) Julianne Moore. › “The Apparition” (2012, Horror) “Footloose” (1984) ›› “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Comedy) Tim Allen. Å ››‡ “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” (1992, Comedy) Raising Raising ››‡ “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Down East Dickering Pawn Pawn Rodriguez Potters Trinity Living Franklin Duplantis Best of Praise J. Osteen P. Stone
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ABC LICENSES Courthouse Coffee & Creamery, LLC. Trading as: Mabel’s 3844 Old Buckingham Road in Powhatan County, Powhatan, Virginia 23139. The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a Wine & Beer on Premises License to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages. Jennifer Roberts, Member NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia .gov or 800-552-3200.
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This conveyance is made subject to all easements, rights of way, and restrictive covenants now of record and affecting subject property. Tax Map No.: 004-75C TERMS OF SALE: CASH. A deposit of 10% of the sales price, cash or certified check, will be required at the time of sale with settlement within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale. (Time is of the essence.) Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, I ADVISE YOU THAT THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT THE INDEBTEDNESS REFERRED TO HEREIN AND ANY INFORMATION WE WILL OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. L. RICHARD PADGETT, JR., P.C., SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
China Taste South Creek Inc. Trading as: China Taste & Asiana Bistro, 1800 Southcreek One, Suite C, Powhatan County, Powhatan, Virginia 23139-7951. The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a Wine & Beer/Mixed Beverage Restaurant on premises license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages. Miao Yan Guo, OWNER NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia .gov or 800-552-3200.
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: L. Richard Padgett, Jr., P.C. 521 Boulevard P.O. Box 1098 Salem, Virginia 24153 (540) 389-0102 Call between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING POWHATAN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given, pursuant to § 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, that the Planning Commission of Powhatan County will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at 7:00 PM in the Powhatan County Village Building Auditorium, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, to consider the following requests:
REZONING CASES 14-02-REZC. Billy J. & Mary K. Payne (Smiths Crossroads/Pineville/Tobaccoville Electoral District) requests a rezoning of approximately 1.00 acre of land from C Commercial to A-10 Agricultural. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 1.00 acre in size and is located at 6495 Old Buckingham Road (Rt. 13). Reference to Tax Map Parcel # 46-31D. 14-03-REZC. Fine Creek Mills LLC (Bethesda/ Lee’s Landing Electoral District) requests a rezoning of approximately 5.45 acres of land from RR Rural Residential to A-10 Agricultural. This request is concurrent with a request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a country inn and micro-brewery on the property. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 5.45 acres in size and is located at 2425 Robert E. Lee Road. Reference to Tax Map Parcel #18-31.
TRUSTEE SALE 5608 Cartersville Road D Powhatan VA 23139 (Powhatan County) In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $50,000.00 (with interest), from Patricia A. Dean, dated December 11, 2003 and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia in Deed Book 610, page 884; default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder (RKL Mortgage Corporation - VA f/k/a SLM Mortgage Corporation - VA), of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the entrance of the Circuit Court Powhatan County, Courthouse Building, 3880 Old Buckingham Rd., Powhatan, Virginia 23139-0037, on December 8, 2014 at 1:00 o’clock p.m., the property briefly described in said deed, located at the above address and briefly described as: ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of land, together with the improvements theroen and appurtenances thereunto appertaining , situate, lying and being in the Macon District, Powhatan County, Virginia shown as Parcel "A" containing 2.00 acres on a plat of survey prepared by Edmund C. Burruss, C.L.S., a copy of which plat is of record in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia, in Deed Book 285, page 446, to which plat and survey reference is here made for the metes and bounds of the lands hereby conveyed.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-07-CUP. Fine Creek Mills LLC (Bethesda/Lee’s Landing Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a country inn and micro-brewery on a property currently zoned RR Rural Residential District. This request is concurrent with a request to rezone the subject property to A-10 Agricultural District to allow for approval of this request per §83-162(49) and §83-162(53) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 5.45 acres in size and is located at 2425 Robert E. Lee Road. Reference to Tax Map Parcel #18-31.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO a nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress, 25 feet in width, over and across the 25 foot access easement as shown on the above mentioned plat of survey running from State Route 684 across other lands and across parcel "B" on said plat, to Parcel "A". AND TOGETHER WITH the 50’ easement granted to Effie L. Osborne by Deed of Easement dated July 14, 1996, from Edmund C. Burruss, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of said county in Deed Book 323, page 412. The real property described in this deed of trust/mortgage includes as an improvement to the land set forth hereto a manufactured home described below that is permanently affixed to such land:
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2 - 5 ACRE LOTS IN POWHATAN No Money Down Custom New Homes Will build to suit your needs. Will help with closing cost. 35 Years Experience - 804-357-8626 OPEN HOUSE EVERY SAT., 1-4PM
Open Floor plan with first floor master, gourmet kitchen and keeping room. 4 bedrooms plus bonus room, 3 ½ baths. 3,000 square feet on over 3 acres in Tilman’s Farm. $389,500. Builder ready to sell other plans! Call Jane Renger at 804-397-9796. Exit Elite Realty.
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HOUSES UNFURNISHED 2620 Mountain View Road 3-bedroom, 1-bath. $725/month. No pets! 4307 Anderson Highway 2-bedroom, 1-bath, Central Heat / AC. $850/month. No Pets! Call 804-437-0035
6325 Walnut Tree Drive Powhatan, VA 23139 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-car garage $1850/month
10610 Academy Drive Midlothian, VA 23112
4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Finished walk-out basement 5-car detached garage $1895/month
3610 Goodwyn Road Powhatan, VA 23139
3 bedrooms, 2 baths Beautiful setting, view of lake $1200/month
385 Pinegrove Road Cumerland, VA 23040 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $850/month
1355 Page Road Powhatan, VA 23139 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $995/month
3 BR 2 BA with storage building. Located in Cumberland near the Powhatan line. $850. per month plus references and deposit. No Pets. 804-690-7783 before 9:00pm. Cartersville Area - 2-bedrooms, walk-in closet in master loft, 3rd bedroom or office space. Stone fireplace with gas logs. Newly remodeled kitchen, large bath, sunroom, 2-car carport. $700/month + utilities. Call 804-598-4197
1543 Holly Hills Road Powhatan, VA 23139 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $1250/month
22 Hosten Lane Cumberland, VA 23040 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Pet friendly $975/month
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