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Inside A3 School district receives leadership award

Powhatan, Virginia

B2 Gerardi wins second state title

Vol. XXIX No. 8

February 24, 2016

Board of supervisors cautious on county borrowing impact By Laura McFarland

whether the board of supervisors wanted to move forward with the renovation and replacement of Powhatan Junior High School to create a new middle school. OWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Several of the supervisors committed to making a deciSupervisors last week exsion on the junior high one way or ercised caution on moving another by the board’s meeting on ahead with bonding $62.6 Monday, Feb. 22, to help the school million to help fully fund the counboard and county administration ty’s Capital Improvement Program better plan with budgets and other but called for a major decision on financial decisions that are loomthe biggest project – a $35.3 million ing. school building project – by this Pat Weiler, county administraweek. tor, had showed the board a draft Decisions about how and if to resolution they would be seeing on fund all of the project’s on the Monday that approved both a $71 county’s Capital Improvement Promillion fiscal year 2017 Five-Year gram (CIP) list were the main topCIP (the most expensive option ics up for discussion during a joint discussed) and a plan to finance workshop with the Powhatan Counthose projects that had been formuty School Board on Wednesday, lated by Davenport & Company ROSE Feb. 17. LLC, the county’s investment firm. But while several supervisors asked for more time to “You are approving the proposed CIP, which is a prediscuss and consider the county’s list of CIP projects and liminary sketch, with the understanding that a final list of hinted that tough decisions might be made in the coming see BOARD page 9A weeks to save money, they also called for a decision on

News Editor


Local dog wins at Westminster By Meredith Rigsby Richmond Suburban News


OWHATAN – A Powhatan County redbone coonhound named Dixie won a best in breed award at the 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City last week. On Monday, Feb. 15, Dixie became the first female dog to win best in breed at the Westminster Show for the redbone coonhound category. Owned by husband and wife, John Kochensparger and Susan DellaPenta, who reside in Powhatan, Dixie was born in Kentucky at the Twisted Creek kennel and goes by the stage name “Gentlemen, Start Your En-

County staffers speak out on losing benefits By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Three of the constitutional officer employees set to lose a significant amount of county benefits by the end of the year recently shared how the change stands to negatively impact their lives. Barbara Hutchison, chief deputy clerk, and Darlene Tyler and Rene Holy, deputy clerks, are three of the five employees who staff the office of Teresa Hash Dobbins, clerk of the Powhatan County Circuit Court. They are also three of the five set to lose several key parts of what they have always considered their benefits package after their boss, county administrator Pat Weiler and the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors failed to reach an agreement earlier this month. Dobbins was the only one of Powhatan’s five constitutionals who did not sign an agreement that would have extended the county’s personnel system to her one part-time and four full-time employees but only if she agreed to certain terms. The agreement between the board and constitutional officers was referred to as a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in previous stories and still is by some people.

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see OFFICER page 2A



Deputy clerks Darlene Tyler, left, and Rene Holy and chief deputy clerk Barbara Hutchison are three of the five employees who stand to lose benefits at the end of the year.

Susan DellaPenta of Powhatan shows off her dog Dixie, who won best in breed at the Westminster Dog Show last week in the redbone coonhound category.

gines.” For this year’s Westminster competition, DellaPenta, who has participated in dog shows for almost 30 years, decided to use a dog handler to show Dixie so she would get a chance to watch Dixie in her element and appreciate her. “She loves the applause,” Della-

Penta said. “She just goes out there like ‘here I am, I’m walking the red carpet.’ She loves the attention.” When dogs are in the show ring, there are often camera crews set up and about 20 to 30 people standing around to watch and applause, Kosee DOG page 5A

Spelling bee winners SUBMITTED PHOTO

Bailey Stagner, left, the winner of the PCPS divisionwide spelling bee and A.J. Cascone, the runner up, are recognized by Dr. Eric Jones, superintendent. See story on page 10A.

Charges pending for pastor in attempted voter fraud case By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – A local pastor who was charged with attempted voter fraud in the 2015 General Election had his case continued last week and will see all charges dropped in six months if he “keeps the peace.” Curtis W. Blankenship of Powhatan appeared in Powhatan General District Court on Friday, Feb. 19 and received a general continuance on a Class 6 felony charge of attempted voter fraud. A Class 6 felony is the lowest class of felony. BLANKENSHIP Special prosecutor D. Michael Caudill said that if Blankenship “keeps the peace and is of good behavior” until the general continuance date of Aug. 12, the prosecutor would enter an order then to dismiss the charges. Judge Ray P. Lupold III, 11th District General District Court Judge, accepted the terms agreed upon by the prosecutor and Blankenship’s defense attorney Thomas Gordon. Blankenship, who is pastor of Cumberland Baptist Temple in Cumberland County, left the courtroom with family members and a large group of supporters. Caudill, who is the deputy commonwealth’s attorney in Goochland County, said there was probable cause to charge Blankenship in relation to the incident, which occurred at a Powhatan polling station on Nov. see CHARGES page 4A

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