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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Richard Shelton

Vol. XXVIII No. 13

April 1, 2015

Boards debate interpretation of state funds


Members of Powhatan County’s board of supervisors, school board, county staff and school staff met on March 23 and 24 to discuss the school district’s proposed fiscal year 2016 budget.

By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Powhatan County’s top governing bodies began their joint budget process last week with meetings that members said they thought were a productive effort they hope will continue more frequently going forward. The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors and the Powhatan County School Board met on Monday, March 23 and Tuesday, March 24 to review the school board’s proposed fiscal year 2016 budget and how it fits in the overall budget for the county. The March 23 meeting was attended by all five members of the board of supervisors: David Williams, District 1; Larry Nordvig, District 2; Barry Hodge, District 3; Bill

Melton, District 4, and Carson Tucker, District 5. The meeting was also attended by all five members of the school board: Rick Cole, District 1; James Kunka, District 2; Valarie Ayers, District 3; Sammy Frame, District 4, and Kim Hymel, District 5. Kunka and Tucker couldn’t attend the March 24 meeting. Eric Jones, superintendent, started the first meeting with a presentation on the school district’s finances, efforts to save money and trends regarding its enrollment, class size and spending. The two boards looked at the school board’s proposed fiscal year budget, which is $44.2 million. The budget was based on the expected revenues from different sources, including almost $21.5 million from the county. The proposed amount, which Jones got from

a recommendation by Pat Weiler, county administrator, is an increase of $839,339 over the year before. This amount has not been approved by the supervisors. “The budget is currently balanced and was balanced based on the information we had both at the local, state and federal level,” Jones said. At the meeting on March 24, the two boards decided on more joint meetings, starting with one at 6 p.m. today (April 1) at the Village Building.

An 11th hour change While the first night’s discussion on the budget went smoothly with some questions, the follow-up meeting see FUNDS page 2A

Remaining budget items studied By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors and the Powhatan County School Board covered a range of budget items in joint meetings held on Monday, March 23 and Tuesday, March 24. The March 23 meeting was attended by all five members of the board of supervisors: David Williams, District 1; Larry Nordvig, District 2; Barry Hodge, District 3; Bill

Melton, District 4, and Carson Tucker, District 5. The meeting was also attended by all five members of the school board: Rick Cole, District 1; James Kunka, District 2; Valarie Ayers, District 3; Sammy Frame, District 4, and Kim Hymel, District 5. Kunka and Tucker couldn’t attend the March 24 meeting. In addition to discussions relating to a new capital fund for the school and pay raises, the two boards covered a range of topics.

In the proposed budget it approved on Tuesday, March 17, the school board approved 3.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions all tied to the district’s five-year plan, requirements by law and recommendations from advisory committees, according to Eric Jones, superintendent. A clinic assistant position would serve as back-up for all six schools. An instructional assistant will be needed at Flat Rock Elementary see BUDGET page 4A

Walters to vie for school board seat By Laura McFarland

with the board of supervisors to make difficult decisions about the future of our schools,” Walters said. News Editor Walters is a captain with the Virginia State Police POWHATAN – Joe Walters recently announced and serves as the human resource director for the that he will seek election to the District 4 seat on the 2,800-person state agency. He has a Master’s DePowhatan County School Board in the gree in public administration from general election on Nov. 3. Virginia Tech and is a graduate of the District 4 encompasses the southUniversity of Virginia’s National central part of Powhatan County, with Criminal Justice Command College. voting precincts at the Company 1 Fire Walters said that he is committed Station and at Little Mount Zion Baptist to the community and has served as a Church. scoutmaster, youth football coach and Walters said his focus will be on enin a variety of other volunteer posisuring the school board maintains a tions. He is also currently participatstrong atmosphere of fiscal prudence ing in the Powhatan Leadership Instiand accountability while placing availtute sponsored by the Powhatan able funding in the classrooms to most County Chamber of Commerce. directly help students. Walters is a 2011 recipient of the According to Walters, he made his Virginia YMCA Service to Youth WALTERS decision to run for the office after receivAward and is a past recipient of Inside ing encouragement from friends, teachers and other Business magazine’s “Top 40 Under 40” in the citizens in District 4. Richmond area. He and his wife, Allison, have three “I believe this is one of the most important elect- sons who all attend Powhatan County Public ed positions in Powhatan County, and I am confi- Schools. dent that my practical management experience will Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarbe very valuable as the school board works closely land@powhatantoday.com.



A6 Powhatan Leadership Institute visits General Assembly

B1 Powhatan High School baseball opens season with win over Midlothian


Karen Ylimaki makes silent auction baskets for Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, where she volunteers.

Ylimaki Volunteer Citizen of the year By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – Karen Ylimaki, who calls herself a professional volunteer, was recently honored for her contributions to Powhatan County when she was named Outstanding Powhatan Volunteer Citizen of 2014. The Powhatan resident became the 17th recipient of the annual award given by the Huguenot Ruritan Club of Powhatan at its awards dinner on Monday, March 9. Ylimaki, who was also nominated for the award in see VOLUNTEER page 1A

Index Calendar A7 Classified B5-7 Crime Report A7 Letters A8 Obituaries A8 Opinion A8 TV Listings B8-9

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