Powhatan, Virginia
The hometown paper of David Lyles
Vol. XXVIII No. 21
May 20, 2015
Samuels named Teacher of the Year By Laura McFarland News Editor
OWHATAN – The Powhatan County School Board recognized Powhatan High School educator Blythe Samuels as the district’s 2015 Teacher of the Year at its meeting on Tuesday, May 12. Samuels, who was also selected as the Teacher of the Year for the high school, teaches computer game design, advanced
placement computer science and Algebra II. The enthusiastic educator said she can’t help but love her job. “I really enjoy the process of working with our students to make them better and help them get to where they need to be to be an adult. I appreciate the contribution I am allowed to make for them,” she said. Samuels was selected as Powhatan’s Teacher of the Year after conducting panel interviews of all six school teacher’s of
Powhatan County Public Schools superintendent Eric Jones, left, and school board chairman James Kunka, right, congratulated Blythe Samuels, who was chosen as this year’s district Teacher of the Year, as well as being the Teacher of the Year for Powhatan High School.
see TEACHER page 4A
Musician 17-year-old Carly Ann Hippchen, strums the guitar for everyone’s listening pleasure. Mom Stacey Akrie and daughters Kuhlyeia Akrie and Amani Akrie enjoy the funnel cake. Finnegan Douglas smiles widely while riding Nemo the fish.
MORE ON PAGE 5 & ONLINE For more photos of the fair visit www.powhatantoday.com or www.facebook/powhatantoday
Tucker to run for supervisor Schoeffel promoted By Laura McFarland
ports the free enterprise system, he said. “Our economic development plan will help us recruit more businesses, create more jobs, and genPOWHATAN – Carson Tucker has announced erate more tax revenue to relieve homeowners and that he will seek re-election for the District 5 seat on farmers,” he said. the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors. Tucker is a tree farmer who is unequivocally in Tucker said his performance and support of the farming community, behavior as a public official are motiFarm Bureau, and land-use taxation. vated by a desire to serve and a comAs an environmentalist, he cares mitment to results. about Powhatan’s water, soil, rivers He considers himself a servant and streams, air, night sky, open leader who believes the government fields, forests, farms, and scenic byonly exists to be of service to the peoways. ple. He said he is and shall continue to Tucker said he doesn’t duck the be accessible and approachable. fact that Powhatan has an aging popHe called himself an educator. ulation, its share of poor, specialYoung people are the future of any needs citizens, domestic violence community, he said, and he supports and child and elder abuse, and neighthe Powhatan County School Board’s bors who can’t heat their homes TUCKER attempt to address salary inequities and sometimes. He pledged to stay active in competitiveness. government and non-government agencies that deal “I support the plan crafted by our county admin- with these problems. istrator and superintendent of schools to fund the Tucker said he is an action-oriented conservative building of a new junior high without a tax increase,” who relishes turning thinking into doing. he said. “I am deliberative but abhor paralysis by analyAs a taxpayer himself, Tucker said he doesn’t sis,” he said. spend his own or other taxpayers’ money lightly. Laura McFarland may be reached at LmcfarAs a businessperson, he understands and sup- land@powhatantoday.com. News Editor
to sports editor
Staff Report
ike Schoeffel, who has served as sports writer for Powhatan Today since May 2013, has been promoted to sports editor. The announcement was made last week by Joy Monopoli, publisher SCHOEFFEL of Richmond Suburban News. In addition to serving as sports editor of Powhatan Today, he also is responsible for all sports coverage for The Goochland Gazette and Cumberland Today. “We are pleased to see Mike advance in his career with RSN. He has proven his commitment to the readers in Powhatan, Goochland and Cumberland counties since joining our team,” Monopoli said. “We are confident he will continue to provide and improve upon the sports coverage expected by our readers.” see EDITOR page 2A
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