Powhatan, Virginia
The hometown paper of L.M. Todd
Vol. XXVIII No. 36
September 2, 2015
PHS Class of 2015 expands By Laura McFarland
“You have shown me dignity and grace. When your path was different than those of your peers, you held your head high and made your own path,” she POWHATAN – The Powhatan High School Class said. of 2015 got a little bigger last week when the school Dr. Eric Jones, superintendent, also praised the held its first summer graduation in recent memory. Seven seniors were recognized at a special summer graduation held on Thursday, Aug. 27 in the high school auditorium. Five of the students were present to accept their diplomas. The seniors who joined the Class of 2015 this summer were Katherine Dian Browder, Hunter Lane Davis, Jasmine Shad`i Harris, Steven Bruce Jarrell, Ellen Michelle Proffitt, Ryan Nicholas Smiley and John Robert Spencer III. Tracie Omohundro, PHS principal, was the first to congratulate the students on their achievement in front of a small audience of family and friends. The reasons that led to their graduation in the summer ranged from finishing the high school curriculum early to needing extra time for some course work to finalizing state testing requirements. Whatever the reason, they were all there to become official graduates of Powhatan High School, she said. While the staff hopefully has imparted life lessons to the students, the graduating seniors have also demonstrated many admirable traits worthy of learning from, Omohundro said. She praised them for demonPHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND strating motivation in pushing through tasks at an adPowhatan High School principal Tracie vanced rate even with commitments pulling them in Omohundro hugs Jasmine Harris after a special different directions and perseverance in not giving up summer graduation ceremony on Aug. 27. in the face of challenges. News Editor
students for their persistence and hard work. He later said he was pleased the high school had offered a summer graduation after so many years of not having one. “We had seven students who, for a variety of reasons, didn’t graduate with their class, but it doesn’t diminish their accomplishments. We are really proud of their hard work and persistence,” he said. The graduation address was delivered by Rick Cole, who represents District 1 on the Powhatan County School Board and is also a graduate and former principal of the high school. Cole talked about what it meant for the school to be offering a summer graduation. For the students graduating early, he said it was an accomplishment they can carry with them the rest of their lives. For those who needed extra time to finish either coursework or testing, he acknowledged that graduating later probably caused them some disappointment. “But the good thing is you didn’t stop. You didn’t quit. You chose to continue trying. You chose to work through those disappointments and those difficulties,” Cole said. “You took a different, and in many ways a more difficult, path to get to graduation. But you reached the same destination as the rest of the Class of 2015 and you are now graduates. You are a success.” The students hopefully have learned valuable life lessons in their quest to get a high school diploma, including the importance of being prepared, setting see PHS page 3A
Merry Christmas to be allowed on marquees By Laura McFarland News Editor
OWHATAN – The Christmas spirit was revived a little early for some local residents when the Powhatan County School Board made an informal decision last week to allow “Merry Christmas” to appear on school marquees. A local citizen had first put a request before the
school board last fall to allow the greeting “Merry Christmas” to be placed on school marquees during that season. Christopher Smith of Powhatan came before the board at meetings in October and December 2014 and then again in May 2015 to make the request. He spoke alone at first, but in the subsequent meetPHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND
see MARQUEES page A group of residents thank the Powhatan County School Board for its decision to allow “Merry 4A Christmas” to appear on school marquees during the holiday season.
Tim Gresham vies for supervisor seat By Laura McFarland
quately, while county administraDrawing a distinction between tion needs to reduce other spend- himself and incumbent Carson News Editor ing, he added. Tucker, Gresham said they have OWHATAN – Tim Gresh“We need strong leadership had different life experiences. am has announced he is from public servants whose entire “I’ve been married for 34 years running for the Powhatan and have been blessed to raise two County Board of Supervigirls here in Powhatan. I see things sors District 5 seat. through the filter of an involved The former Powhatan County dad. My opponent has not had School Board chairman, Christian those opportunities,” Gresham activist and community leader said said. “I know what it is like to run his campaign and board service a small business and worry about will focus on representing the taxmaking payroll every two weeks. payers to see that the tax rate is The incumbent doesn’t.” enough to pay for core functions Gresham said that as an orof government, but not a penny dained deacon, youth leader, and more. youth Sunday school teacher, he is “Most of us don’t want Powgrounded in strong faith and serhatan to become another Chestervice through his church, Red Lane field. Our current board is putting Baptist. Gresham together a government structure “Mission trips and youth camps that is going to steadily and shockare a way of life for me, and servingly increase the appetite for your life is filtered through strong Chris- ing others in this manner shapes a tax dollars,” Gresham said. tian faith and values. I will fight person’s perspective,” he said. Gresham said he will work to for gun rights and property rights. cut spending, cut taxes and reduce And I will fight for a tax cut, reLaura McFarland may be borrowing. Schools and public duced spending and work to reduce reached at Lmcfarland@powhatsafety need to be supported ade- our debt,” said Gresham. antoday.com.
A6 Leisure & Entertainment in Powhatan
B1 Blessed Sacrament rolls in season opener.
Blessed Sacrament Huguenot
Paula Ledbetter, head of school, greets students as they arrive on the first day of school on Aug. 24. See page 8A.
Index Calendar A10 Classified B8-9 Crime Report A11 Letters A9 Obituaries A2 Opinion A9 Property A5 TV Listings B10-11