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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Linda Ross

Vol. XXVIII No. 37

September 9, 2015

Rivas sentenced to 30 years By Laura McFarland News Editor


Dr. Adolph Brown III was entertaining and insightful when he was the keynote speaker at the Powhatan County Public Schools’ convocation on Sept. 1.

Speaker energizes convocation By Laura McFarland

vocation on Tuesday, Sept. 1, at Powhatan High School, Dr. Adolph Brown III was at turns funny, whimsical, outrageous, and serious. But he was always in earnest OWHATAN – Fun, fairness, firmness and as he spoke of the important role educators can play in faith are four key components Powhatan students’ lives. County Public School staff members were Drawing comparisons to his own troubled backurged to bring to the 2015-2016 school year. see SPEAKER page 2A As the keynote speaker at the school district’s con-

News Editor


Hearing held on state election law By Laura McFarland

tries on ballots and of Friday, Sept. 18 to print them in time to be sent out for absentee voting. The biggest statewide impact would be on Fairfax County, which has already printed its ballots. If an injunction were granted, it would have to print them again. Lauck said she would rule on the injunction by early this week. Her decision had not been released at press time.

News Editor

POWHATAN – A federal judge last week heard arguments in a case of the Powhatan County Republican Committee and four Republican candidates for the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors trying to challenge state election law. U. S. District Judge M. Hannah Lauck presided over a hearing on Thursday, Sept. 3 that saw the local Republi- Laying out the case cans suing the Virginia State Board of Elections to chalA big focus of the arguments heard in the case were lenge a state code they say would unconstitutionally pretwo documents – the ballots themselves and a website vent the political party affiliation of local candidates from sponsored by the state board that simplifies voter informabeing included on the Nov. 3 general election ballot next tion. The link to the page is called “What is on my ballot?” to the candidate’s name. The suit was filed in the U.S. and is found at https://voterinfo.sbe.virDistrict Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.gov. ginia, Richmond Division. Speaking after the hearing, Marcellus Pat McSweeney, chairman of the Powsaid that when he asked state board offi“The ballot hatan Republican Committee, acted as the cials how to verify the information he lawyer for the plaintiffs, who in this case are standards are had just filed was entered correctly, he Robert G. “Bob” Marcellus, who is running obsolete and was referred to the “What is on my Balfor the District 2 supervisor seat; David T. ignored by local lot?” website. Party affiliation is listed on Williams, District 1; Barry Hodge, District the site, and he said that based on how registrars for 3; and Timothy L. “Tim” Gresham, who is the website represents itself, he thought running for the District 5 seat. good reason.” the ballot would reflect him as the ReThe Sept. 3 hearing was to argue the case publican candidate for the District 2 suof an injunction filed by the Powhatan RePat McSweeney pervisor seat. publicans to mandate that the names of the Chairman of the It wasn’t until another supervisor individual plaintiffs be accompanied on the pointed out that might not be the case Powhatan Republican official ballot on Nov. 3 by their political that he began checking into it and learned Committee party affiliation. about the state code that prohibits party This goes against the part of Va. Code § affiliation being listed on the actual bal24.2-613 that requires party affiliations to lot for local candidates, he said. be listed “for elections for federal, statewide, The issue is more sensitive for Marceland General Assembly offices only.” lus than any of the other plaintiffs in the case because his Joshua Heslinga, the assistant attorney general who opponent is incumbent Larry Nordvig, who successfully acted as counsel for the board of elections, said in a status ran for the seat as a Republican in a special election on hearing on Monday, Aug. 17 that if this injunction were Feb. 10. However, on May 18, Nordvig publically split granted, it would affect not only Powhatan County ballots with the party. but ballots statewide for the sake of uniformity. McSweeney said some voters might be confused as to The injunction proceedings were being moved along who the Republican candidate in that race is if they are not on an accelerated timeline because of impending deadaware of what happened earlier this year. lines to get ballots printed. The State Board of Elections has a deadline of Friday, Sept. 11 to make changes to ensee HEARING page 3A



A3 Board moves forward on new school plans

B1 Second half propels Indians to win

POWHATAN – A Henrico County man found guilty of murder in a jury trial in June was sentenced to 30 years in prison last week in a Powhatan County Court. On Wednesday, Sept. 2, Juan Carlos Ayala Rivas, 30, who was originally from El Salvador, was sentenced to RIVAS 30 years in prison for second degree murder, arson and grand larceny in the death of Jaime Cruz-Avila, 24, also of Henrico, in February 2014. Circuit Court Judge Paul W. Cella presided over the trial and sentencing and handed down the sentence recommended by the 12 members of the jury on Friday, June 19. Rivas was originally charged with first degree murder and the two other felonies, but at the end of the three-day trial, the jury found him guilty of the lesser murder charge. The jury recommended 30 years for all three charges. Robert Cerullo, Powhatan County’s deputy commonwealth’s attorney, who tried the case along with Richard Cox, commonwealth’s attorney, said he was pleased the judge decided to heed the recommendation of the jury, which he called the “conscience of Powhatan County.” “I was happy. I think the jury gave a just and appropriate sentence. I think justice was served,” Cerullo said.

Motion to continue The sentencing hearing started with the question of a possible continuance on the table when it was revealed that Rivas’ girlfriend had retained a lawyer for him with the firm of Morrissey and Goldman. Cerullo objected to a motion for continuance because the firm had yet to file paperwork with the court saying it had been retained on Rivas’ behalf in place of court-appointed attorney Susan Allen. Thomas Coatsworth, representing Morrissey and Goldman, said the firm did not accept the case because a transcript of the trial was not available. One is now available, he said, so the firm would be ready to accept the case and asked for a continuance. Cella ruled that because no paperwork had been filed, he would not grant a continuance. Allen also tried to have the convictions on all three charges set aside, saying the commonwealth had not produced any physical evidence or witnesses that tied Rivas to the crime. see HENRICO page 3A

Economic development plan presented By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – Affordable housing, diversification in employment, capitalizing on natural and recreational resources, and potential in agribusiness were some of the issues tackled in a presentation on Powhatan County’s Faith McClintic economic development plan last week. A team of people working on an economic development plan for the county spoke to the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors during its workshop on Monday, Aug. 31 about what it found in several months of interviews and research on the county and localities that see ECONOMIC page 7A

Index Calendar A6 Classified B7-8 Crime Report A2 Letters A6 Obituaries A5 Opinion A6 TV Listings B4-5

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Page 2A

Speaker Continued from page 1A

ground, Brown thanked the teachers for what they do for students to help them move beyond the circumstances in their lives that might try to hinder their future. “I am thankful for you recognizing that the tree is in the seed, and I am thankful for you not killing the seed before it had an opportunity to grow,” he said. Brown was the first person in a family of five to graduate high school and then went on to earn five degrees. At age 29, he became the youngest tenured full professor in the nation and he founded the Business Education Leadership Authority. During his address, Brown pointed out the importance of teachers learning to recognize their students’ “second backpacks,” or the things they carry with them to school outside of their books – abandonment, abuse, poverty, neglect and other issues. “Maybe I’m irritable in first period because last night I had sleep for dinner,” he said.

principals, principals are afraid of superintendents, superintendents are afraid of school boards, school boards are afraid of parents, parents are afraid of their children and the children aren’t afraid of anybody,” he said. Brown also talked about four F’s teachers need to know about. The first is fun, he said, pointing out that the No. 1 complaint of students in the United States is boredom.

you were going to educate. All means all,” Brown said. Every student needs firmness, consistency, and boundaries, so teachers need to correct students equally just as they treat them equally, he said. The last “F” Brown touched on was faith – thanking teachers for believing in students and the district the school board for believing in its leaders.

ies stayed the same, but when you are in the mid 90s, it’s hard to go up,” he said with a smile. He also pointed out some special achievements in scores among the schools. Flat Rock Elementary School saw increases of eight points in English and 15 points in math. Pocahontas Middle School saw increases of six points in English, six points in science and 13 points in math.

Right attitudes There are two types of people – basement and balcony people, Brown said. Basement people, who are toxic and “wake up every single day looking for an opportunity to be offended,” have no place in education, he said. Balcony people are the cheerleaders of life who go above and beyond to help others and form relationships, he said. They are the ones who let students know if they come to school and put forth the two things that are easiest to change – work ethic and attitude – they will partner to ensure the student succeeds. Students who are loved at home come to school to learn, but the ones who aren’t loved at home come to school to be loved, Brown said. “The ones who are the toughest to love are the ones who need our love the most,” he said. Brown commended the school district for its best practices and the relationships it fosters. He said it is not true of everywhere he has visited as an “edu-tainer.” “I have been to districts that have it backwards, where teachers are afraid of


Above and center, teachers gathered for breakfast before the start of Powhatan County Public Schools’ convocation on Sept. 1. Bottom, keynote speaker Dr. Adolph Brown III, right, had Dr. Eric Jones, left, superintendent, and other local officials cracking up throughout his address.

Fairness is an essential component of teaching as educators seek to treat all students equally, regardless of age, language, race, religion or lack thereof, gender, disability, economics or sexual orientation, he said. “Last time I checked, public education wasn’t a private country club where you pick and choose who


PET of the WEEK

Great achievements Powhatan schools have a great deal to celebrate going into the new school year, Dr. Eric Jones, superintendent, said when he addressed staff and gave highlights of achievements in the last year. Preliminary results of the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests for the district show Powhatan saw increases in average tests scores of three points in English, six points in math and two points in science. “History and social stud-

Jones especially highlighted Powhatan Junior High School’s eighth grade math team, which helped students go from a 45 percent pass rate on their math test results in 2012-2013 to 82 percent pass rate in 20142015. Some of the scores were both an increase and a reminder that there is still room for improvement, he said. SOL scores for black students increased by four points in reading and eight points in math, but they were still 17 points and 23 points, respectively, less


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than average reading and math scores for all students. Economically disadvantaged students saw a four point increase in reading and math but were still 13 and 14 points, respectively, than the average for all students. Finally, students with disabilities saw an increase of 1 point in reading and six points in math, but they were still 37 and 35 points, respectively, below the average for all students. Equity and achievement gaps are a problem that is systemic in society, and there are many factors that play into it, he said. “It takes hard work and it takes an intense focus on individual children and making sure you are meeting their needs and designing a program that is going to be successful for them. But I know in Powhatan we can do it. We are taking steps in the right direction,” he said. The district was also named to the fifth annual AP Honor Roll for the second time in three years due to the hard work of the high school, Jones said. Powhatan is one of only six school divisions in the state to win this. The high school saw a 20 percent increase in enrollment in AP courses and 37 percent increase in Career and Technical Education Industry certifications in the 2014-2015 school year, he said. Other highlights he pointed out were extending planning period times for teachers, fixing salary disparities, looking to expand science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) offerings, and moving forward with plans for a renovated middle school at the site of Powhatan Junior High School. Valarie Ayers, who represents District 3 on the Powhatan County School Board, brought greetings to the teachers on behalf of the board and welcomed them back to their “home away from home.” Ayers said it is an exciting time to be part of education, especially in Powhatan’s school district. She praised the educators for their hard work, passion and dedication to the county’s children. “I am in constant awe of the work you do and the lives that you touch in such a special way. Education is our greatest hope for the future,” she said. “We thank you for teaching and igniting a spark in our children – the same children that will be our future leaders and that will make our world a better place.” Also present at the convocation were school board members Rick Cole, District 1, James Kunka, District 2, and Kim Hymel, District 5, and Powhatan County Board of Supervisors members Larry Nordvig, District 2, Bill Melton, District 4, and Carson Tucker, District 5. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.

CRIMES Thursday, Aug. 27 A deputy responded to a hit and run of property near Stavemill Court and Swiftwood Drive. A deputy responded to a larceny in the 2400 block of Batterson Road.

Friday, Aug. 28 A deputy responded to an attempted breaking and entering in the 2400 block of Anderson Highway. A deputy responded to a larceny in the 1800 block of Dorset Road. A deputy responded to a report of an IRS scam in the 1400 block of Loch Gate Court. A deputy responded to an identity theft in the 3900 block of Running Fox Court.

Saturday, Aug. 29 A deputy responded to a report of threatening phone calls in the 4000 block of Old River Trail. A deputy responded to a shoplifting in the 1900 block of Anderson Highway.

Sunday, Aug. 30 A deputy arrested an intoxicated driver in the 2500 block of Anderson Highway.

Monday, Aug. 31 A deputy responded to a report of fraudulent checks in the 5500 block of Anderson Highway. A deputy responded to a larceny in the 2000 block of Hearthstone Lane. A deputy responded to a larceny in the 2100 block of Eastwood Ridge Drive. A deputy responded to a shoplifting in the 1900 block of Anderson Highway.

Tuesday, Sept. 1 A deputy responded to a hit and run of property in the 4000 block of Anderson Highway. A deputy responded to a fraud in the 3200 block of Anderson Highway. A deputy responded to a larceny in the 2900 block of Moyer Road.

Wednesday, Sept. 2 A deputy responded to a vandalism in the 1600 block of Hollowlog Drive.

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Page 3A

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Cumberland sheriff endorses DeHart Hearing Continued from page 1A

McSweeney and Heslinga each had a chance to make their case to the judge, who questioned the attorneys during their arguments, with McSweeney also getting a second chance to answer issues raised by Heslinga. Through the course of the hearing, a variety of issues were touched on, including several key ones. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Cumberland County sheriff Darrell Hodges, left, recently announced his endorsement for Chris DeHart as the Powhatan County sheriff.

Contributed Report umberland County sheriff Darrell Hodges has announced his support of undersheriff Chris DeHart for Sheriff of Powhatan. “In my seven years as sheriff of Cumberland, I have, on numerous occasions, called on an individual from the Powhatan Sheriff’s Office that has always accepted the responsibility in assisting with my request and promptly addressed my needs,� Hodges said. “This is the caliber of individual I feel possesses the work ethic, integrity and commitment to effectively serve and protect. That is why I am endorsing undersheriff Chris DeHart for sheriff of


Powhatan County.� Emphasizing DeHart’s experience and public safety leadership to the residents of Powhatan County, Hodges said, “I have personally known Chris for over 10 years and during that time I have seen how dedicated he is to serving his office and the public. Chris understands the needs of those he works for and with, always striving to obtain the highest level of professionalism. I ask that you support undersheriff Chris DeHart for sheriff of Powhatan County.� Hodges joins a list of prominent endorsements to DeHart, including recently announced Chesterfield County sheriff Karl Leonard and Sen. John C. Watkins, R-10.

Voter confusion McSweeney said that regardless of whether voters are diligent about educating themselves, listen only to candidate claims or try to block out all the distractions entirely, there is potential for confusion if the party affiliation is not listed, especially in the District 2 race. Heslinga wrote in a brief to the court explaining the commonwealth’s case that instead of real evidence of relevant voter confusion, the plaintiffs offered speculation that on Nov. 3, “there will be an electorally-significant group of voters who are uninformed enough to be confused about who the Republican candidate is, yet savvy enough to draw erroneous conclusions about party affiliation by closely comparing the ballot’s candidate listings for different offices.�

Delay in plaintiffs filing state board of election vised him meant at least one McSweeney argued Marcellus did not learn about the state law until Aug. 3, which was why the group filed so close to the ballot deadlines. Lauck said that if the law has been in place more than 14 years, shouldn’t Marcellus have been aware of it if he voted in any of the previous elections? McSweeney said Marcellus relied on the state’s website, believing it to be an indication of how the ballot would look. He added that even staff of the

were not immediately aware of the law until they went looking for reasons why party affiliation doesn’t appear with local candidates. Heslinga argued that laches bars preliminary injunctive relief when a plaintiff inexcusably delays bringing suit, thereby causing prejudice. He said Marcellus’ only argument in defense of that delay was ignorance, which is legally barred. He also pointed out that Marcellus’ brief states the fact another supervisor ad-

of the plaintiffs knew party affiliation wasn’t on the ballot. In regard to the state’s website, Heslinga said that it doesn’t have on there a statement saying it reflects exactly what appears on a ballot. He pointed out that some candidates’ names also have websites listed with them on the “What is on my Ballot?� website but that information is not included on a ballot. see HEARING page 5A

Outperforms Outpowers Outlasts

Gravely Pro-Turn

St art ing at$5 , 9 9 9 Continued from page 1A

Cella denied the motion for continuance, saying that while it was a circumstantial case, the commonwealth’s attorney’s office provided sufficient evidence to support the conviction. Cerullo said that if the new law firm does become involved with the case, it will probably be in the appeals process or in motions to reconsider filed with the judge.

Sentencing Instead of the 30 years recommended by the jury, Allen asked for the judge to sentence Rivas within the sentencing guidelines, which range from a low of 14 years nine months to a high of 24 months eight months. Sentencing guidelines are based on a statistical analysis and are not mandatory, so a judge can go above, below or stay within them. Allen argued that Rivas had no serious criminal history and given the circumstantial nature of the case, he should receive a more lenient sentencing. “We have a man sitting


The body of Cruz-Avila would not be discovered in the van until the next day, when police began to suspect that something had happened to him. Regardless of where the murder took place, Virginsee HENRICO page 5A

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here before his honor that is a hard working man prior to going to jail. He has children,� she said. Cerullo argued that the way the victim was killed and his body disposed of was egregious enough that Rivas should be sentenced to the full amount recommended by the jury. He said sentencing guidelines do not take into account all of the factors of a case and how much weight they should be given. During the trial, Cerullo argued that around Feb. 5 or 6, Rivas killed Cruz-Avila outside of his home by blunt force trauma to the head, transported the body to Watkins Boat Landing in Powhatan County, set the vehicle on fire to destroy any evidence and made his way back to his home in Henrico, first on foot and then by calling a friend to pick him up. The Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a burned-out vehicle at Watkins Boat Landing. At the time it was found, it was so badly damaged by fire that it was not immediately clear that the wreckage contained human remains. The vehicle was towed to a storage lot in Chesterfield County.

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Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Page 4A

County moves forward on school design By Laura McFarland News Editor


POWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors last week furthered plans to renovate and rebuild Powhatan Junior High School when it approved extra funds needed to cover the cost of the design services for the project. A resolution to budget and appropriate

an additional $335,120 came before the board during its meeting on Monday, Aug. 31 and was continued to the next day, where it was addressed during a joint workshop with the Powhatan County Planning Commission. During the Aug. 31 meeting, the resolution was passed unanimously by all five supervisors and then rescinded not long after. It was then passed unanimously by the four


SEPT 16 “Spectrum”

supervisors present at the joint workshop. Barry Hodge, District 3, was absent from the workshop. On Sept. 1, the supervisors voted to budget and appropriate $120,120 of school cash proffers and $215,000 from the county’s general fund capital maintenance reserve for the design costs. The board had previously budgeted and appropriated $1,131,000 for design services at its June 15 meeting, which is the amount that was available to put toward the project in the fiscal year 2015 budget, Pat Weiler, county administrator, explained to the board. When she first presented the resolution at the Aug. 31 meeting, Weiler explained the school district had anticipated the design costs would be about $1.6 million. The county did not budget for project management costs. “We didn’t budget for project management for a project that we are not even sure yet that the board has decided to approve,� she said. “At this point the board of supervisors has only approved designing three different projects, the junior high school the transportation facility and the sally port. “You have only budgeted the design and the plan is that we are hoping to have all of those designs back by the end of December and bring forward to the board of supervisors the total cost of the projects for the board to decide if they want to indeed go forward with any, all or none of these projects.� Weiler pointed out that based on the original estimate of $1.6 million, the win-

ning bid was less than that amount. The school district cannot award the design to the winning company until the supervisors approve the additional funds, she said. David Williams, District 1, and Hodge, took issue with the fact that it was not made more clear that what the board was appropriating in June would not be the full cost of design services. Hodge said that while it is nice to know what funds are available, when he makes a decision as a policy maker it should be based on the total cost needed to achieve the end goal. Williams agreed and asked that be the policy going forward so the board of supervisors could make informed decisions. Weiler said she took responsibility for the way her staff budgeted the items, but said the full amount was in the capital improvement plan (CIP). The county was expecting to use money from the cash proffer account and savings expected in the Joint Transportation Facility Project fund to help fund the difference between the $1.1 million and the final bid chosen by the school district, she said. That changed when they realized the funds for the transportation facility would be needed, so the money was pulled from capital reserve instead. Other business handled by the supervisors last week included: Meeting with the planning commission to discuss updating the county’s comprehensive plan. see BOARD page 7A

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Page 5A

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015


Henrico Continued from page 3A

ia code makes a homicide subject to prosecution in the county in which a body is found. The arson and grand larceny charges relate to the theft and destruction of the van in the course of the murder. Cerullo argued during

Hearing Continued from page 3A

Administrative burden In answer to questions about the administrative burden of changing the ballots, McSweeney argued it wouldn’t be as onerous as the defense claimed. The board of elections posted the names of more than 1,500 candidates statewide on its website within days of the primaries, so adding a hyphen, space and a letter to signify republican, democrat, libertarian or independent to the ballots would represent significantly less work and would not call for a ballot redesign.

Brooks, Tucker Brooks and Emma Brooks. The family received friends from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, September 3, at the Mechanicsville Chapel of Bennett Funeral Home, 8014 Lee-Davis Road, where a funeral service was held at 11 a. m. on Friday, September 4, with interment following at Signal Hill Memorial Park, Hanover. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his honor to Advanced Heart Failure Center, 7001 Forest Avenue, Suite 103, Richmond, VA 23230; and East Hanover Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 454, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. The family greatly appreciates all of the acts of kindness and support extended to Jimmie by the many friends, caregivers and staff at the Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit and the Cardiovascular Care Unit, 4th floor. Jimmie will always be remembered as a loving husband, father, brother and friend. LIPSKI, Curtis Edward, 62, of Manquin, formerly of Powhatan, passed away on September 3, 2015. He was sentencing, Cella said sentencing guidelines don’t necessarily apply in a jury case and given that the “circumstances were fairly brutal,” he would go with the jury recommendation of 30 years. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday. com.

Moreover, those changes would be made to a master thumb drive that would simply have to be downloaded to secondary thumb drives used by localities, he said. Several times, McSweeney referenced a written declaration from Cecil Jordan, a member of the Powhatan County Electoral Board, that gave his opinion on several aspects of the case. Jordan questioned several facts presented by Judy Flaig, elections manager for Fairfax County, including the number of different ballot styles used in her county and how much work it would take to make the changes to the ballot. Lauck questioned Jor-

dan’s ability to speak to procedures if he has no direct knowledge of their procedures. McSweeney argued it didn’t matter because they use the same technology. After the hearing, Jordan said he felt the judge disregarded his knowledge of the patents he used as reference to define his understanding of the technology used in optical scanners that read ballots. Heslinga reiterated the validity of Flaig’s statement that there are 76 unique ballot styles and the fact that, Fairfax County already printed its ballots due to its

1059 Dorset Road Powhatan, VA 23139 Reverend Mark A. Divens, Sr. Pastor

Praise and Worship Service Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.

see Hearing page 7A

POWHATAN ABE/ GED® CLASSES ABE/GED® preparation classes will start the week of September 14, 2015 and end the week of June 1, 2016. Classes include Adult Basic Education (ABE) and General Educational Development (GED®) preparation. Class instruction prepares adult students to increase their educational functioning level in math, reading, writing, science and social studies as well as preparation for the 2014 computer-based GED® test. A pertinent part of the class includes free Official GED® practice testing at no cost to the student at the discretion of the instructor to determine readiness for the Official GED® test. Free Official GED® Test Vouchers will be provided to students who take the class and qualify on a first-come, first-serve basis until all Test Vouchers have been exhausted. Class locations include: the Powhatan Library at 2270 Mann Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; and Powhatan High School at 1800 Jude’s Ferry Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 on Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Registration must be done in person at the site of interest. Students must present government-issued photo identification (ID) at the time of registration (first night of class). Classes are open to adults 18 years of age or older who are no longer enrolled in a secondary school program. For more information, call Richmond Region 15 Adult and Continuing Education at 804-780-6039 or visit www.gedrocs.com.


St. James Baptist Church Powhatan, Virginia Located on Lee's Landing Road

Christian Fellowship Powhatan, Va

Worship - 10:30 am Bible Study Wednesday 7 pm

Bill Sisson, Pastor 794-5864

Office: 804-598-2667 Worship Service, Each Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School, Each Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study, Each Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Reverend Lawrence A. Wilson, Sr., Pastor 804-379-3539

Holly Hills Baptist Church

Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God!


5680 Cartersville Road • Powhatan, Virginia 23139

(Independent Bible Believing)

Pastor Gregory L. Beechaum Sr.

Randy Blackwell, Pastor Pastor Shawn Dandridge, Sr. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Bible Study Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Ministry - 6:00 p.m.

"The church where Jesus is Alive"

379-8930 1659 Anderson Highway 3½ miles east of Flat Rock


Hollywood Baptist Church Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Wednesday Children’s Choir, Church Supper, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action, May’s Kids, TeamKID, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study Youth and Adult Handbells, Adult Choir

Dr. Michael Edwards, Pastor Deborah Thompson, Minister of Music Sheri Jordan, Minister of Children Chris Wondree, Minister of Youth Irma Alvis, Organist Nita Porterfield, Organist Emeritus

“A Church Where Love Never Fails!” Pastor Otis B. Lockhart, Jr.

598-2763 Sunday School at 9:30 am Morning Service at 11:00 am Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm 3964 Old Buckingham Road

Muddy Creek BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church


2591 Ridge Road Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-598-2051

3920 MAIDENS RD., POWHATAN Pastor Vera Rhyne


Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor 11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.

Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship - 11 am Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 pm


3470 Trenholm Road www.muddycreekbaptist.org

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid Day Bible Study 11:30 a.m.


Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Jeff Beard, MA, MBA

2095 Red Lane Road 1/2 mile off Rt. 60 on Red Lane Road 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org Contemporary Service 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Classes for all ages 6:30-7:30

Dr. David Clippard, Interim Pastor

Praise & Worship 8:30 am Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00 am Children’s Worship 11:00 am Prayer Service - Wednesday 6:30 pm 598-3481 975 Dorset Road Four miles south of Flat Rock www.gracelandbc.org


9:45 a.m.-----------Sunday School 10:45 a.m.----------Prayer & Praise 11:00 a.m.----------Sunday Morning Worship Kid's Church on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays 7:30 p.m.-----------Tuesday Night Worship & Bible Study

Wednesday Prayer - 7:30 p.m.

Graceland Baptist Church SBC Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor

2901 Jude’s Ferry Rd.


4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491

hatan; and his loving dog, Precious Star. The family received friends from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 5, at the Nelsen Funeral Home, Reid Chapel, 412 S. Washington Highway, Ashland. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Curtis’ grandchildren’s college fund in the care of Sandra Lipski at 8005-C Creighton Pkwy. #178, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.


the trial that Cruz-Avila owed Rivas money, which probably was the root cause of the murder. When he was arrested, Rivas denied involvement, was not contrite and stonewalled law enforcement officers, which should also be taken into account, Cerullo said. In handing down the


preceded in death by his mother, Margaret Waters Lipski and his father, Edward Lipski. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Lipski; children, Chad Lipski (Tracy) and Apryl; grandchildren, Kaitlyn, Allyssa, Bailey, Tiana, and Carly; brother, Gary Lipski; sisters-in-law, Carol, Merle, and Pearl; brothers-in-law, George Jr., and Randy; many nieces, nephews, and friends, many from Pow-


JIMMIE McCOY Jimmie Paul McCoy, 74, of Mechanicsville, passed away peacefully at his home on Monday, August 31, 2015. He was retired from Hanover County Public Schools. Jimmie is survived by his wife, Joan W. McCoy; brother, Chuck McCoy; sister, Adele Baker; children, Linda Davis (Stuart) of Aylett, Susan SimpMcCOY son (Daniel) of Mechanicsville, Kay Whitley (Wayne) of Old Church, Cheryl Dixon (James, “Jimbo”) of Ashland, W.D. “Bubba” Brooks (Susan) of Chester, Doug Brooks (Meg) of Glen Allen, Donald Brooks (Cheryl) of Champlain and Dean Brooks (Tammy) of Powhatan; grandchildren, Alexander Davis, Amanda Burnett (Frank), Laura Davis, Megan Simpson, Matthew Simpson, Justin Whitley, Amanda Dixon (Austin Tevis), Erin Brooks, Chris Brooks, Mitch Brooks, Austin Brooks, Hilary Brooks, Rebekah

3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-403-3070 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor

Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241 First Worship 8:30 am Bible Study for all ages 9:45 am Second Worship 11:00 am Wed. Family Ministry 6:30 pm

2202 Old Church Road www.powhatanbaptist.org

Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory

Call 598-4305 for details.

A Loving Church that Worships and Serves a Loving God!

www. firstbaptistpowhatan.com (Independent, Fundamental Bible Believing) Travis Keith, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 am • Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service - 6:30 pm • Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00 Contact - 794-7054 2109 Anderson Hwy Across from Food Lion & Wendy's

What community event do you feel best represents Powhatan County? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses.

September 9, 2015

Page 6A

Parade emphasizes community spirit By Laura McFarland News Editor


rowing up in a big city, there are things you miss. First and foremost among those things, in this writer’s opinion, is not having a real sense of your community. My parents did a fine job raising my two sisters and me as we grew up in Houston, Texas. We received lots of love, a safe and secure home, a good education and were involved in different activities, usually related to school. But at the end of the day, in a city of four million people spread out over about 600 square miles, the opportunities for having a real community identity are

harder. Now having watched plenty of movies and television shows set in small communities, I thought I would have a sense of what to expect when a community like Powhatan County gathered to celebrate. This time last year, this writer attended her first Powhatan-style Labor Day Parade. The event put on by the Powhatan Lions Club was both exactly what I expected and completely different. The 2015 parade was held on Monday, Sept. 7. This parade is not a huge extravaganza by many people’s estimation. There are no huge personalities to act as the grand marshal, fireworks displays or $1 million floats. Here were Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts on the back of a decorated trailer sitting

on hay bales and waving. Here were dance and martial arts academies having their students walk along and show off some of their skills. Here were fire engines, ambulances and law enforcement vehicles buffed and shined and showing the hard work of men and women, paid and volunteer, who try to keep residents safe. Here were the Powhatan High School Marching Band and JROTC participants marching with pride. Here was then-commonwealth’s attorney Bob Beasley willing to dress up in a full lion costume and ham it up for the crowd. And, most importantly, here were several thousand people willing to drag chairs and blankets to the Village area to watch

Guest commentary

School doing its part for environment Editor’s note: This column is part of a series in- up in our oceans. volving the Powhatan Anti-Litter Council to highHowever, the company discontinued the program light local efforts and opportunities in keeping Pow- this spring and we are no longer able to do this. The hatan County beautiful. PTO actually used this system as another way of making money for our school by sorting out the By Shelley Shust Coke caps from other caps and sending them in to Special to the Powhatan Today the Coke Rewards program. This earned us free supplies for our school, but Coke has since changed its he Powhatan Elementary PTO has worked policy on this program as well. hard to increase and expand recycling efThe school also has a recycling account set up forts over the last two years. with Office Max to bring in our used ink cartridges. The school has a large bin in the staff A bin is located in our school lobby to collect the parking lot that allows the school and community to cartridges, and a PTO member collects them a few bring paper to be recycled. This bin is owned by a times a year and takes them to Office Max at Westcompany that pays the school a small amount of chester Commons. The store sends a voucher to the money each time it is dumped. The frequency that it school to help us pay for needed school supplies. needs to be dumped has greatly increased over the Powhatan Elementary also has other staff memlast year, thanks in part to the participation and help bers that have encouraged and taught our students of staff and students. about different types of recycling and why it is so Most classrooms in the building have some type important for our environment. The PTO has distribof small bin for paper recycling, and there are bins in uted information to all teachers about recycling in the workrooms, library, and office for staff to use. the county and posted fliers throughout the building The PTO was able to get several new bins from the about recycling facts. It helps show our students and Powhatan Anti-Litter Council to make it easier for staff how easy it is to recycle and what a difference it staff to access recycling, as well as a larger bin with can make for our planet. wheels that all smaller bins can be dumped into. This Our school has had some great volunteers to help larger bin can then be rolled outside and dumped into with our recycling efforts, but we also appreciate the the large bin in the parking lot. A couple of our staff’s help and support of the Powhatan Anti-Litter Counolder students volunteered to check and dump the cil. We think it would be wonderful if all our county bins inside the building weekly, and they helped with schools could have the same recycling methods and getting it out of the building. could make it easier for all the schools to recycle Along with our paper recycling, we had our phys- everything. ical education teacher, Mrs. Joann Woodson, leading It is an easy way to be good citizens, and can ofa program to collect bottle caps to be recycled. Stu- ten be a benefit to our children as well. It helps teach dents would bring in bottle caps from home, Mrs. our children that we all have a role to play in taking Woodson would collect them, and then mail them off care of our community and protecting our future. to a company for recycling. This program was done Shelley Shust is the former PTO President at to try to protect marine life from bottle caps ending Powhatan Elementary.


this small moment of Americana and Powhatan community spirit at their best. Only a little more than three months into the job as Powhatan Today’s news editor, the role and the community still felt new in so many ways. So it was a little surprising how many times that day I could wave or greet someone I knew by name (or with an apology that I recognized them but had forgotten their names). For those who want to make human connections in Powhatan County, there are plenty of people who are willing to meet you halfway. And an event like the Labor Day Parade represents that feeling at its best and brightest. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

LET TER TO THE EDITOR Listing party affiliations unnecessary in county politics Dear Editor, I read with interest your article about local Powhatan Republicans filing a lawsuit in a federal court, asking that court to trump Virginia law, and implement a requirement that party affiliation be required on the election ballots when candidates are vying for elected county positions. I repeat. Local Powhatan Republicans are asking the Feds for help on a Virginia/county issue! When we moved to Powhatan about nine years ago, one of the first local faces I met was that of Bob Cosby, our former District 3 supervisor. He and his wife pulled up into my driveway and humbly asked for my vote on Election Day 2007. I obliged. He has since retired from many years of noble service to our county. But I never did find out which party he favored. Actually it didn’t matter. All I knew was that Powhatan was in good hands with those elected local servants such as him. Fast forward to the 2011 Election. Barry Hodge, Republican, was running against Franklin Flannagan (no party affiliation) for Mr. Cosby’s vacant seat. I recall experiencing that numb feeling that Powhatan’s supervisor candidates were suddenly wearing party labels. I also recall that Mr. Hodge also pulled up into my driveway, soliciting my vote. Being relatively new to the area at the time, I asked if he knew Mr. Cosby, and what he thought of him. Mr. Hodge muttered a few non-answers and left. My point. It was such a pleasure to vote for folks back then, who didn’t wear a party name tag, and stood only on their reputations. I’ve voted for many Republicans myself. So I understand how strongly Republican our county is. But I’ve since learned that Powhatan’s candidates for local positions can put a thumb on the scales of the election simply by announcing that they are the local Republican Party’s choice. And I, for one, don’t think that’s such a good idea. Donald Laslie Powhatan County

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dogtown Road, Goochland. The event will introduce guests to Young Farmers and how they can make a difference. RSVP to Powhatan Farm Bureau Offices at 804-598-3081.

Wednesday, Sept. 9

Family story hours are held at 10:30 a.m. at the Powhatan Library on Monday and Wednesday. Library hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to The Goochland Powhatan Master Gardeners will present 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to “Urban Gardening—Large 3 p.m. on Saturday. The library Harvest, Small Space” at 6:30 is closed on Sundays and counp.m. at the Powhatan Village ty holidays. For more informaBuilding, 3910 Old Buckingham tion, call 804- 598-5670. Road. The event is free. Go to Thursday, Sept. 10 www.gpmga.org or contact 804-598-5640. The Farm Bureau Young Farmers will hold an introductory The Ruby Leonard Food Pantry meeting and dinner at 7 p.m. at is in need of helpers to pick up Byrd Presbyterian Church, 2229 food from the Food Lion loca-

tions on Academy Road and an Village Building. Kay’s Krafters, a small branch of Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. South Creek One. Participants From the Heart Stitchers, will every Saturday at Manakin meet at 8:15 a.m. every Thurs- The Powhatan Rotary Club meet from 1 to 5 p.m. Call DonEpiscopal Church on Huguenot meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the food pantry in the na at 804-598-7514 or visit Trail. day at the County Seat RestauPlainview Office Center, 2152 www.fromtheheartstitchers. Sunday, Sept. 13 rant. Plainview. Participants might org. be asked to lift as much as 50 Red Lane Baptist Church will pounds. Contact Theresa The Powhatan Republican Saturday, Sept. 12 hold a 169th anniversary Committee’s monthly meeting Fields at 804-389-9136. Homecoming service at 11 a. is held at 7 p.m. (with a social A Memorial Breakfast to comm. followed by lunch on the mixer at 6:30 p.m.) at Rosa’s memorate Sept. 11 and honor The Powhatan Farmers Market grounds. The guest speaker is Pizza Restaurant, 2470 Anderveterans and service employwill set up from 4 to 7 p.m. evPastor Michael Howard Jr. son Hwy in Powhatan. ees with a free breakfast will be ery Thursday through Oct. 29 held at 8 a.m. at Powhatan Monday, Sept. 14 at 2470 Anderson Highway in Awaken to Hope Al-Anon High School. General public front of Tractor Supply. Contact meets at 7:30 p.m. every Thurscost is $5. Contact Lt. Col. Ve- The Goochland Chapter of 804-598-2636 or go to www. day at St. John Neumann CathVirginia Oath Keepers, which ronica Baker to RSVP at Veronipowhatanfarmersmarket.com. olic Church. ca.baker@powhatan.k12.va.us see CALENDAR page or 804-598-5710 ext. 240. Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11 7A every Thursday in the Powhat-

P.O. Box 10 Powhatan, Va. 23139 Phone: 804-598-4305 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-598-7757

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Page 7A

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Continued from page 5A

size and election preparation needs at a cost of more than $94,000. Revising the ballots now would require changes to each of the 76 ballot styles, and some candidate names are too long to allow simply putting the party identifier after the name, creating further design issues, he said. McSweeney took issue with the 25 character limit for a candidate entry in a Ballot Standards and Verification Procedures document, pointing to examples in other jurisdictions where it had gone over. Adding those three extra characters with the party affiliation would be a simple matter with current technol-

Calendar Continued from page 6A serves Powhatan, will hold its meeting at 7 p.m. at the Goochland Public Library, 3075 River Road West. Open to the public. Contact Doug

Economic Continued from page 1A

would be considered competitors. Faith McClintic, principal for Spectrum Growth Solutions; Kathy Beard, project manager/tourism lead and president of CE&O Economic Development Services, and Spencer Francis, regional manager with Bowman Consulting Group, took turns addressing different aspects of the study and its findings. Spectrum signed a contract with the county on Feb. 19 for $45,000 to pay for a team of people to work on the project. Dominion Power awarded Powhatan a grant for $25,000 to be used for the economic development plan process. McClintic said the team found both strengths the county can build on and weaknesses that need to be addressed as the county moves forward. “We heard some good things. We heard some bad things. But we heard about a lot of opportunities, and that’s what we want to really try to focus on,” McClintic said. With the summation delivered to the board of supervisors, the team will spend the next two to three months developing goals, objectives and related performance measures, McClintic said. The team will come back by the end of 2015 with a final economic development plan that will hopefully be embraced by the board and shared with the public, she said. She said the team would be looking to receive feedback on the report from the supervisors during September. “We want to be sure that we incorporate and develop for you a strategic plan that you can support and that you are willing to implement going forward,” she said.

Economic development findings Powhatan County is in a good place today because it is a subset of an active, solid metro area, McClintic said. It is incumbent upon the county to seize some of that opportunity before neighboring counties do. Some of the key points in the presentation included: Currently, Powhatan County has 727 businesses, a low unemployment rate of 4.5 percent, a higher underemployment rate of 12 percent and access to a talented and well-educated labor

ogy and is doable in the space allowed, he said. “The ballot standards are obsolete and ignored by local registrars for good reason,” he said, adding technology allows for adjustments much easier now. Heslinga said having a limit is necessary because there are only so many characters that can be included before the font would need to go below an acceptable size to fit all of them. If the ballots had to be re-designed, Fairfax would be required to re-order hundreds of thousands of paper ballots from its printing company – likely at a higher cost – and to reprogram about 1,000 thumb drives for electronic voting systems, a time-consuming task, according to the defendant’s brief.

Shackelford 2409.



The Powhatan chapter of the NAACP meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Powhatan County Fairgrounds. Contact Gail Hairston at 804-598-3435.

party-nominated candidates, he said. The law whose constitutionality is being contested serves the purpose of minimizing partisanship in local offices, attempting to ensure that as many citizens are eligible to hold local office as possible, and promoting impartial local governance and administration of law, according to Heslinga’s brief. During the hearing, he said the plaintiffs are trying to get the court involved in a “local county squabble” and that any voter confusion about the Republican candidate’s identity can be cleared up through normal campaign activities in the coming weeks. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Virginia has 133 localities (counties and independent cities), and a preliminary injunction would also require the commonwealth to re-review revised ballots and to coordinate with hundreds of local electoral board members and general registrars to ensure uniform and proper implementation of ballot, Heslinga said.

Partisanship McSweeney said the plaintiffs have stated that they do not claim an absolute right to have their party’s identifier after their names on the ballot. Instead, their equal protection and freedom of association claims are based on the unreasonable and discriminatory treatment of local

Tuesday, Sept. 15 Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers needed starting at 9 a.m. Call 804-318-6485.

fice will hold a Health Educa598-1795. tion Series for Veterans event from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call The Powhatan Junior Woman’s Club meets at 7 p.m. The non804-598-5640. Free event. profit volunteer organization is open to women over the The Chrysalis Writers Group will meet at 5 p.m. at the Powage of 18. Call Joy Matkowsky hatan County Library. Call 804at 804-492-3038.

The Powhatan Extension Of-

pool, with 60 percent of candidates having 10+ years experience, McClintic said. But Powhatan County lacks diversity in its employment base, with the top five employment sectors of public administration, construction, educational services, retail and accommodation and food services. “Unfortunately you have low levels of the professional, scientific and technical services and manufacturing employment opportunities here, which of course tend to pay the higher wages,” she said. The county is well positioned to attract some of those industry sectors, and one way to encourage that is by the creation of technology zones, she said. She also pointed out that a significant portion of the county’s workforce – 70 percent – leave the county to work somewhere else, which is a high number. Having those people leave also hurts because it affects where they spend their money. Modifying depreciation schedules/assessment ratios for computer equipment and other business personal property would go a long way to helping the county build those clusters in particular, she said. Powhatan had the highest real estate tax of all five of the comparative communities and the effective rates on its machinery and tool tax puts the county at a disadvantage, McClintic said. The fact that the county does not have a and Professional Occupational License (BPOL) tax or Merchant’s Capital Tax is a big advantage that needs to be promoted more, she said. One of the big challenges for the county is the limitation of affordable housing, which “causes a lot of people to not be able to live and work in the same community,” McClintic said. It is always a good idea to have a free standing Economic Development website that has extensive data, McClintic said. All of the data from this study will be a basis upon which the county can build that website. Include on that site strategic properties for future economic development uses, she said. “It is a starting point for site location consultants and businesses that are looking outside of the area for a new home or a place to expand,” she said. The county should also consider using the Economic Development Authority to

finance infrastructure and site-readiness activities and have dedicated staff and resources to focus on economic development activities and programs, McClintic said. In particular a Business Visitation Program would be an asset. The goal is to make sure the county isn’t at risk of losing existing businesses.

tourism is about wallets standing in front of cash registers. “We want other people’s dollars in front of your local business base’s cash registers and one of the ways to do that is to have adequate lodging,” she said. “Then folks are going to come, they are going to stay, they are going to eat here and they are going to shop here.” Powhatan’s historic reTourism and sources are wonderful and agribusiness the county has done a good People the team talked to job of identifying them, but were enthusiastic about they are not necessarily genPowhatan County and felt erating revenue or driving


Kathy Beard and Spencer Francis speak to the board.

connected to the community and what it has to offer, Beard said. Some of the key points on tourism and agribusiness included: Creating a tourism-focused website that includes a calendar of events and local activities caters to what people will be looking for when they search the Internet, Beard said. “As you can develop a standalone tourism website, then all of the wonderful things you have going on here – from fiber festivals to quite a stellar wine festival to historic bike races – all of those things you are doing are quick and easy in one place and easy for folks to get to them and know what to do with them,” she said. Cross promoting that with the Virginia Tourism Corporation’s website listings will attract an even larger audience, she said. With more than 10,000 horses in Powhatan, the team identified that aspect of county life as very strong, Beard said. The county would benefit from looking at the ordinances that encourage farm-based business activities such as “pick-your-own farms, pumpkin patches, corn mazes and hayrides, she said. These entertain not only local residents but have the potential to draw people from the surrounding counties. The county can work with landowners, farmers, and area chefs to create a “Powhatan Food Trail” and other special experiences. A major disadvantage Powhatan has is the limited lodging options, she said. While it may sound basic,

tourism, she said. “More things happen in Virginia than a lot of other places and it is tough to get that visitor to come into the county when you are not providing an edu-tainment kind of approach to historic resources,” she said. Marketing needs to be paid some attention, she said. There is also not much of a “local to local” movement about shopping in Powhatan. Branding and website opportunities are being missed.

Infrastructure and planning Suggestions presented by Francis relating to infrastructure and planning ranged from how roads impact tourism to relationships and programs the county needs to be looking at. Some of his suggestions were: Implementing interconnections between river access points, roadways, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities. Powhatan State Park has plenty of potential for additional trails and riverfront

improvements. There are opportunities for pedestrian and cycling tourism, and Bicycle Route 1 has the potential to be a big tourism draw. River front access opportunities with tourism extend to pedestrians and cyclists. With power, natural gas and communications systems, the county has the framework but there are missing gaps, he said. Telecommunications is spotty throughout the county. Dominion Power and Southside Electric Cooperative handle power for the county. In general, there is sufficient capacity to support development, although there is not any available redundant power, which may be required by some larger users, he said. In general there is nothing particularly broken with the development review and zoning processes, but there is a political uncertainty with zoning cases that may inhibit new opportunities. Review processes can be unusually long, often due to lack of knowledge by staff, Francis said. Submittal requirements can be more reasonable than other localities. There is a perception among some that the county is not being as businessfriendly as it could, he said. The county has a glaring lack of land zoned for commercial use, he said. Coordinate with Dominion Virginia Power to plan for new business parks and enhance existing service and begin discussions with Columbia Gas to assess feasibility and cost for extension of service from the eastern portion of the county going west, he said. The county might look at revisiting the list of conditional uses, reducing required building setbacks in industrial districts regardless of adjoining use, and considering implementation of performance standards to address unique impacts and provide flexibility, Spencer said.

Board Continued from page 7A

The two boards met to discuss how extensive of an update they wanted to do on the comprehensive plan and establish a timeline for how long it would take. The boards agreed that they wanted to start by identifying “low hanging fruit,” or aspects of the comp plan related to the immediate future. The supervisors agreed to get an individualized prioritized list of their low hanging fruit items to their corresponding planning commission member by Tuesday, Sept. 15. The planning commission can then compare and decide what their priorities should be moving forward and have county staff set a timeline for accomplishing the tasks. Transferring $204,663 from general fund contingency for clerk of Circuit Court, sheriff’s office, animal control and detention. Weiler pointed out this was not an appropriation of funds. The contingency fund is appropriated when the board adopts the budget. The board appropriated $276,618 to the contingency fund. It has since been used to cover some line items. The money transferred on Aug. 31 was to cover salary costs and the cost of a court machine recorder in the clerk of the court’s office; sheriff comp time and accrued leave payouts for retiring officers; temp payouts and professional health services for animal control, and Discussing the Powhatan County Local Fire Suppression Response Plan. The board adopted a partner document, the Powhatan County Local EMS Response Plan, on Aug. 3, Fire and Rescue Chief Steven Singer said. The document will set a standard for services in the county. The plans sets desired response times based on population and distances. Discussing conditional use permits (CUP). The board discussed the CUP application for Frances Emma Inc. to operate a conference center. The board also discussed a CUP for Molly Strong to operate a medical clinic at 3016 Lower Hill Road. Passing a consent agenda with several appropriations. During the Aug. 31 meeting, the supervisors unanimously approved a consent agenda that budgeted and appropriated $47,942 of lease proceeds for the capital lease purchase of the AS400 server; $10,080 of proceeds from the sale of land; $4,349 of state and federal asset forfeitures; $19,834.82 from the Library of Virginia for Clerk of the Circuit Court Grants; $3,000 for a Grant from Comcast Cable, and $732,875 of bond proceeds for issuance costs related to the fall VRA refunding and refunding of the 2007 and 2010 lease revenue bonds.


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Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Page 8A

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Berna Seabrook, FNP


September 9, 2015

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B

Second half propels Indians to win By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


t was a tale of two halves for the Powhatan football team in its season-opening game against Midlothian. The opening half on Thursday night was not the way that the Indians wanted to come out, with turnovers and stalled drives. After halftime and a blocked field goal, however, the Indians came to life and were able to pull away to a 43-7 win over the Trojans. ‘I’m just as proud as I could be of how the guys performed after the adversity,” Powhatan coach Jim Woodson said. “We got hit right in the mouth. (Midlothian) was very physical. We answered the call, kept grinding. I was really impressed at how the kids continued to battle.” Powhatan (1-0) had jumped out to a 10-0 lead after an early Justin Deleon rushing touchdown and a Wesley Livermon field goal, but that’s when the tide started to change. Midlothian (0-2) found an avenue in the middle of the Powhatan defense where Zak Symister ripped off three straight runs of 10 yards or more on the Indians.


Jacob Oglesby (No. 2) runs with an interception ahead of Midlothian’s Casey Joyce (No. 22) with blockers Jeremy Arnold (No. 21) and Lamont Henderson (No.40). Oglesby would score and turn the tide of the game to the Indians.

Jacob Oglesby then tipped an Ivan Jackson pass attempt and it was intercepted by Lamont Henderson. But, a few plays later, Powhatan gave the ball right back to Midlothian on a Peyton

Mawyer fumble. The defense stepped up for a threeand-out, but on the punt, Powhatan fumbled the return attempt and the Trojans hopped on the ball. And, despite two un-

sportsmanlike conduct penalties and a sideline warning to Midlothian, the Trojans were able to score on a Jack Swope 5-yard run to get Midlothain within see INDIANS page 2A

Knights fall 42-7 at Atlantic Shores By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

Youth, inexperience and early turnovers didn’t add up to a victory for Blessed Sacrament Huguenot on Sept. 4, falling 42-7 to Atlantic Shores. Knights coach Ron Gundry said that the offense had some early fumbles that led to two quick Atlantic Shores touchdowns and put BSH in an early hole. “We had the ball first, drove the ball

down the field and had some first downs in a row,” he said. “They blitzed and we fumbled and (Atlantic Shores) scored (three plays later). Then, we fumbled on our next possession. Within six minutes, they had scored three times.” The Knights have a young squad this season and not much depth, even less so due to some injuries which have plagued the team through scrimmages and the win against Grace Christian. After being down 21-0, the inexperience of the team started

to show, according to Gundry. “They started to panic, and all of a sudden, we can’t remember the play or where we’re supposed to go,” he said. “You know, we’re playing eighth and ninth graders. That’s how they looked and it just got out of hand.” Tanner Dobrucky was the bright spot for the Knights with 130 rushing yards. “We could move the ball, but just made a lot of mistakes,” Gundry said. “The interior line had a tough job, and that’s where

the young kids are. The front four, they are an eighth, ninth, ninth and tenth grader. We were prepared, but they weren’t prepared the speed that was played.” Despite the loss, the Knights were on the field at 7 a.m. on Sept. 5, trying to learn from their mistakes and get better. “We’re going to be ok,” Gundry said. “They’re growing, they’re good kids. They’ll learn.” Blessed Sacrament Huguenot plays North Cross on Friday at 7 p.m. at BSH.

NASCAR returns to Richmond on Sept. 12 By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


t has all come down to one last race. Well, for the drivers looking to make it into the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Chase for the Sprint Cup, anyway. The Federated Auto Parts 400 at Richmond International Raceway on Sept. 12 marks the final race before the Chase begins and represents the last effort for drivers that haven’t gotten a win yet this season or are on the bubble for being in the top 16 in points to make the postseason grid. Prior to the Southern 500 at Darlington on Sept. 6, which ended after this edition went to print, Clint Bowyer is the last


Team Penske’s Brad Keselowski won in dominating fashion, leading 383 of 400 laps in the 2014 Federated Auto Parts see NASCAR page 2A 400. He has one win in 2015 and is locked into the Chase for the Sprint Cup.



WHAT HE DID: Sophomore quarterback Noah Dowdy was all over the field in Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s 42-20 season opening win over Grace Christian on Aug. 29.

Dowdy had two rushing touchdowns to a Tanner Dobrucky touchdown that would put the Knights up for good. “The defense worked well,” he said after the game. Blessed Christian quarterback Gage Frazier Sacrament Huguenot heads down four times and recovered one to the Virginia Beach Sportsplex on fumble. His third interception proved Friday to take on Atlantic Shores in to be the one that set the tone for its second game of the season. the rest of the game for BSH, leading

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Page 2B

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

NASCAR Continued from page 1A


Above, Hannah Adams sends a pass to her teammate. The win against Charlottesville was the first win against the Black Knights with coach Steph Brooks at the helm. Above right, Brie Burgio (No. 3) takes a shot on goal while Hannah Adams looks on. Burgio had one of the two goals against Charlottesville for the Indians.

Revenge of the Indians Indians field hockey win upsets Charlottesville to improve to 2-0 Mike Schoeffel For Powhatan Today


lot can change in 12 months. The Powhatan High School field hockey team proved that to be true when it accomplished something in its home opener against powerhouse Charlottesville on Sept. 2 that few could have foresaw. Playing on a home field that featured a newly-installed scoreboard, the Indians “put a ton of pressure on Charlottesville early,” according to Powhatan head coach Steph Brooks, and downed the Black Knights, 2-1, to improve to 2-0 on the season. It was the Indians’ first win over Charlottesville during Brooks’ tenure, which began last season. Charlottesville finished the 2014 season with a 15-3 record. In two games against the Black Knights in 2014, the Indians failed to score a goal. But script was utterly flipped in this match-up. Brooks credited her team for putting crushing pressure on the formidable visi-

Indians Continued from page 1A

striking distance. Momentum continued to swing toward the Trojans when they blocked an end-of-the-half field goal attempt from the Indians. Midlothian was able to block another field goal attempt by Powhatan on the first drive of the second half. That’s when, as Woodson put it, the call was answered by his team. “They never stopped,” he said. “They never stopped competing and that’s what I’m most proud of.” On a 3rd and 16, Jackson threw the ball over the middle of the field and Oglesby snagged it and ran 60 yards for a touchdown. “I just got to give it all to the team,” he said. “The pass rush was great, so that made the quarterback throw bad passes and I was just playing my position.” Oglesby snagged his second interception of three on the day just two plays after Midlothian had the ball back, which led to Deleon’s second touchdown run of the game, this one from eight yards out. “It’s all the offensive line,” he said. “It’s the best offensive line I’ve ever run behind.” Deleon had 13 carries for 93 yards and two touchdowns for the Indians. Oglesby scored two touchdowns, one on defense and another late in the game on offense, when he was in at quarterback and was able to fool the entire Midlothian defense on a quarterback sweep that went 75 yards to the end zone.

tors early in the first half. That initial blitz, she surmised, was the key to victory. “For about the first 15 minutes of the game, we had the ball in Charlottesville’s defensive end,” said Brooks. “It was only on our half of the field maybe twice in the first half. I think we got on them so fast that they got flustered and couldn’t rebound.” The Indians never trailed. They went up 1-0 with a goal relatively early in the first half. Charlottesville tied the game a few minutes later, but the Indians bested the Black Knights’ goalie moments before halftime to take the lead for good. Kayla Hathaway and Brie Burgio scored goals for the Indians. “I wasn’t sure what to expect from her since she was coming off that injury,” Brooks said of Hathaway. “But she played awesome.” Sophomore goalie Gatlin Snyder, a returning starter, had a solid day in net for Powhatan. She wasn’t tested often, but responded when she was, saving three of four shots that came her way. Brooks noted that Snyder “went to a Peyton Mawyer also scored a rushing touchdown for Powhatan, from four yards out to go along with 94 passing yards. Powhatan also answered the call when it came to injuries. Several players went down due to injuries, according to Woodson, and others had to start playing both ways to fill in the gaps. “We had two starters go down who play both ways, so that’s like having four starters go down,” he said. “We had to put in guys that weren’t starters. Robert Myers (63 rushing yards, TD) is an example, went in and ran the ball really well.” Powhatan turns its attention to Hopewell, hitting the road to a team that is athletic and fast, while they themselves are banged up after the win over the Trojans. “That’s going to be a huge test,” Woodson said. “They are just stacked with athletes every year. With all the injuries, we’re going to have to make some major adjustments, regroup, and get some depth. (Thursday night), we just took all our depth up. We have really gone down the depth chart, so we have to rekindle that and get some renewed depth.” Deleon said he is confident in Woodson and the coach’s ability to get the Indians ready, no matter what the roster situation. “We’ll see what Coach Woodson dials up for us,” he said. “I’m sure he’ll get us ready for the game. I’m excited.” Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @BillyFellin.

camp this summer” and “came back a different kid.” In fact, Brooks commended many of her players for putting in extra work during the summer months, noting that “everyone in my starting lineup has worked incredibly hard during the offseason.” Indeed, and that hard work has paid off thus far, as the Indians head into the second home game of the season (Albemarle on Sept. 5 at 5 p.m.) with a 2-0 record. Powhatan’s first win of the year came at Colonial Heights on Aug. 28 in a game that was originally scheduled as a scrimmage, but was then converted into a regular season contest. Brooks characterized her team as “very young” and noted that they are playing far above expectations at this point in the season. She said, in so many words, that she hopes her team’s current high level of play will be a defining characteristic, not a fleeting trend. “I don’t know if the girls just don’t know how to be scared yet, or if this is going to be their mentality all season long,” she said. “Either way, it’s a great start.”

BOX SCORE Midlothian Powhatan

0 7 0 0— 7 7 3 13 21 — 43

P — Deleon 25 run (Livermon kick) P — FG Livermon 20 M — Swope 5 run (Tuohy kick) P —Oglesby 60 interception return (kick failed) P — Deleon 8 run (Livermon kick) P — Mawyer 4 run (Livermon kick) P — Myers 8 run (Livermon kick) P — Oglesby 75 run (kick failed)

NEXT UP: Sept. 11 at Hopewell, 7:30 p.m. Record: 1-0

LAST GAME: Cameren Hill had 265 yards passing and three touchdowns as Hopewell rolled on Tabb 49-20 in the seasonopening game for both teams. Hill is a dual-threat quarterback, who gave Powhatan fits last season. Victor Figueroa was Hill’s favorite target against the Tigers, recording 192 yards and two touchdowns. The Powhatan secondary will have to contain him, while the front seven will have to keep Hill under wraps as well. With the injuries the Indians sustained against Midlothian, it will be a tall order.

PREDICTION: Powhatan 28, Hopewell 24

driver in on points, with Kasey Kahne just a few points behind him. A poor run at Darlington for either driver could end their aspirations for a chance at the Chase. Jimmie Johnson and Kyle Busch lead the Chase grid prior to Darlington with four wins each. Busch just needs to avoid disaster at Darlington and Richmond to stay in the top 30 in points to assure his standing in the Chase. “Whether we get into the Chase and become Chase eligible next week or the week after or the week after that, it doesn’t matter as long as it comes post-race Richmond,” Busch said after his win at Indianapolis. “That’s all that matters.” Joey Logano, who has won two of the last three races after being winless since the Daytona 500, is in third, with Matt Kenseth (also three wins) fourth, followed by Kevin Harvick, Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kurt Busch, all of whom have two wins. Brad Keselowski, Martin Truex Jr., Chesterfield native Denny Hamlin and Carl Edwards all have one win each. Keselowski dominated last season’s Federated Auto Parts 400 and Kurt Busch also won in dominating fashion at RIR in the spring. “We’ve had a great year. Statistics-wise, it’s been one of my best years,” Busch said recently. “It’s that point in the season where you have to grab another gear and push harder when the Chase starts.” Jamie McMurray, Ryan Newman, Paul Menard, Jeff Gordon, and Bowyer are the drivers in the Chase (prior to Darlington) that are in on points and have not won a race. But, if a driver without a win wins at Darlington or Richmond, that driver would leap ahead of those just in on points. Of the drivers not locked in to the Chase, Bowyer has won twice at Richmond, most recently in 2012. Kahne also has won at Richmond in 2005. Tony Stewart, one of the drivers needing to win for a Chase spot, has two wins at Richmond, the last of which came in 2002. Regardless of what happens at Darlington, the sparks will be flying in Richmond this weekend for those crucial last Chase spots. Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @BillyFellin.

Race weekend schedule Thursday, Sept. 10: NASCAR K&N East Series UNOH 100 Friday, Sept. 11: NASCAR XFINITY Series Virginia529 College Savings 250 (TV: NBCSN, 7:30 p.m.) Saturday, Sept. 12: NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Federated Auto Parts 400 (TV: NBC, 7 p.m.) Tickets: Call 866-455RACE or go to rir.com Show car: Denny Hamlin’s No. 11 FedEx Toyota Camry show car will be on display at the Southern States Cooperative in Midlothian on Sept. 10 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The store will be cooking hot dogs and brats as well as sampling jams and jellies all day. An 11-percent discount will be offered storewide, along with nearly $800 in giveways, including a patio heater, a residential power washer, and 14-gun safe. The store is located at 1200 Alverser Drive. The event is free and open to the public.

Page 3B

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

Powhatan lifters earn wins at Discover the Difference! 100% Raw Old Dominion Classic Chris Baldwin

Shelly Blair

Suzanne Cline

Pat Cook

Sharyn Humphrey

Lynda Kenyon

Tracey McClung

Brian Pontius

Michael Potter

Mary Anne Schensky

Jeff Waters

Tammy Weekley


The 100-percent Raw Old Dominion Classic single-lift championships were held in Midlothian on Aug. 22, and two Powhatan lifters took first place in three categories. Penny Muire took first place in the Masters Division for the deadlift, with a lift of 242 pounds. Mary Hodge won first in the Masters Division for the bench press. She benched 137 pounds. Additionally, she won the strict curl in the Masters Division. She curled 77 pounds, which also set a Raw U.S. record. Both lifters train at the Elizabeth Randolph Lewis YMCA in Powhatan. Videos of the competition are available on the Powhatan Powerlifting page on Facebook.


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Penny Muire (left), Kenneth James (trainer, middle) and Mary Hodge (right).


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Jordan Davis (No. 12) and Abby Nee (No. 1) go up for the block against Hanover’s Kylie Tuxford. The Indians’ middle-block was crucial in the second set win and slowing down the Hawks’ attack.

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Indians have strong showing in opener Sports Editor

Normal volleyball sets go to 25 points, with the winner of the set having to win by two. Very rarely do you see sets that go to 31 points, but the Powhatan Indians did just that against the Hanover Hawks on Sept. 2. While that second set was the only one the Indians won in a 3-1 (21-25, 31-29, 22-25, 9-25) loss to the Hawks, Powhatan coach Amber Ortolano said that she was proud of how her team performed against Hanover. “I think we did an awesome job today,” she said. “The concept is we play as a team. Overall, I think we did great tonight. I’m proud of the scores. They came back and fought, especially in that second set.” While the whole game, except perhaps the final set, was a back-and-forth affair, the second set exemplified it. Powhatan called timeout down 18-12 to the Hawks and that’s when an adjustment was made on the Indians’ line. “I told them ‘you need to close the gap’,” Ortolano said. “We made an adjustment, I pulled my middle hitter and my outside hitter, and had my middle hitter hit from the outside. When the pass isn’t there, she wasn’t getting the passes to execute. We made some adjustments and I told them to just look for the ball.” The adjustment worked as Powhatan went on two

separate five point runs that gave the Indians the lead in the set. Then, the grind started. After the set was tied at 24, both the Hawks and Indians would get out to set point, but the other would tie it up on the next point. It wasn’t until back-toback kills from Julia Goodman, who had eight in the match, and Kelli Nee (24 digs) that put the Indians over the top in the second set. “Game two was just fun to watch,” Hawks coach Karl Lippa said. “I don’t care who you are, that was just fun.” While the Indians were right with the Hawks in the first and third set, but fell in the fourth and in the game, Lippa said that they were the best team the Hawks have faced this season. “They definitely outpassed us, and their setter had awesome, awesome sets,” he said. “The thing is, our setter had an awesome game and our offense was just on point.” Ortolano said that the Indians are prepared for facing more teams just like Hanover this season, which means more grind-it-out type matches on the way. “We scrimmaged Midlothian and Grafton, which prepped us for the Hanover game,” she said. “I know that we’re going to face teams that are going to better than (Hanover) and we’re going to face teams that are just as good as (Hanover). We’re not going to take any team lightly, I’ll tell you that much.”

Powhatan will face L.C. Bird today in its second match of the season. Ortolano is confident for the Indians season going forward. “For the first game of the season, I thought we did great and any team we face the rest of the season will have their work cut out for them,” she said. “We still have stuff we have to work on. We are still feeling out the lineup. No one knows who we are. That’s fine, people won’t see us coming.” Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@ powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @BillyFellin.

PINK TIE GALA MASQUERADE BALL Saturday, October 17 | 7:30pm-12:30am 205937-01

By Billy Fellin

THE GREATER RICHMOND CONVENTION CENTER BALLROOM For more information contact Susan Groves | 745-0006 | pinktiegala.org TICKETS ONLY $100. SPACE IS LIMITED. Come enjoy dinner, silent auction, live music, dancing, and experience an all new “Celebration of Life Dance Team” with a special performance by Dr. Misti H. Wilson M.D.

Gates open at 8 a.m. Virginia High School Rodeo Robinson’s Racin’ Pigs Civil War 150 HistoryMobile Songs of Ol’ Virginny 4-H Livestock Shows Antique Vehicles, Tractors, Construction Equipment Apple Butter Making Demos Music & Much More! Admission: $10 on Fri., Sun. $15 on Sat. 12 & younger free 804-741-8468

Powhatan Today, September 9, 2015

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MLB Whiparound (Live) UFC Tonight (N) Å UFC Unleashed Å The Ultimate Fighter (N) (In Stereo) Å Garbage Sports MLB Baseball: New York Mets at Washington Nationals. (N) (Live) Å MLB Baseball: Los Angeles Dodgers at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2015 U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s Quarterfinal. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Shogun Fights NASCAR Racing SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Ravens Wheel Jeopardy! Shark Tank (In Stereo) Mod Fam blackish Nashville (In Stereo) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Big Brother (In Stereo) Extant “Double Vision; The Greater Good” Å News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef (In Stereo) Home Free Å (DVS) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. America’s Got Talent Carmichl Carmichl Last Comic Standing News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary “Tremors” Elementary (In Stereo) House Session (N) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: You’re Home With Jill In the Kitchen With David “PM Edition” Carolyn’s Closet Dennis Basso Boutique PBS NewsHour Å Nature (In Stereo) The Civil War: (In Stereo) Å Lost Civil War Prison: C. Rose Between Curious Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Mystery! (In Stereo) Vicious (N) PBS NewsHour Å The Civil War: Å Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Quiz Show: TV: Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show West Texas Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Make Me a Millionaire Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Train Dragon” ››› “The Croods” (2013, Comedy) ››› “The Croods” (2013, Comedy) “The Mask” (1994) NCIS “Berlin” NCIS “Revenge” NCIS “Double Blind” NCIS (In Stereo) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Castle “Pandora” Castle “Linchpin” CSI: NY “Fare Game” Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office Conan Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Lachey’s Lachey’s Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Duck D. Duck D. “The Guardian” (2006) ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994, Drama) Tim Robbins. (In Stereo) Å ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999) Key Key Key Key Key Key Key Key At Mid. Nightly Key Key Fast N’ Loud Å Airplane Repo Å Airplane Repo (N) Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fabulous Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Suddenly Royal Å Fabulous Fabulous Suddenly Royal Å The Last Alaskans Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People Ice Lake Rebels Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People Henry Henry iCarly Å iCarly Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends (In Stereo) Å Friends (In Stereo) Å Jessie Best Fr. K.C. Undercover Å Best Fr. Bunk’d K.C. Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Bunk’d So Raven So Raven “Harry Potter-Prince” Young Kevin ›› “Step Up” (2006, Musical) Channing Tatum. The 700 Club Å ›› “The Perfect Man” Facts-Life Facts-Life Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Gaffigan Impastor The Exes King King King “One on One” (1977) ››› “3:10 to Yuma” (1957) Van Heflin. Å ›››‡ “The Man From Laramie” (1955) Å ›››› “The Gunfighter” The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA Å Atlanta Plastic Å Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA Å Buying and Selling Property Brothers Å Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Å Buying and Selling Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Carnival C. Beach Diners Diners Cutthroat Kitchen The BET Life of ›› “National Security” (2003, Comedy) Martin Lawrence. Punk’d The BET Life of Wendy Williams Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Dating Naked Dating Naked Dating Naked (N) Twinning “Twin Job” Candidly Dating Naked Twinning Gumball Regular King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen Ghost Hunters Å Ghost Hunters Å Ghost Hunters (N) Å Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters Å Paranormal Witness ››‡ “Con Air” (1997) ›‡ “Gone in Sixty Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. ›› “Black Dog” (1998, Action) Patrick Swayze. Saving Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Gaines. Gaines. Gaines. Gaines. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å Power & Ice (In Stereo) American Pickers Å American Pickers Å Graham Classic Trinity Turning Prince By Faith Praise the Lord (N) (Live) Å Graham Duplantis



Boxing College Football: Miami at Florida Atlantic. (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Kickoff 2015 U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s Semifinals. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Football Countdown College Football: Utah State at Utah. (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (Live) World Team Tennis: Austin Aces at Washington Kastles. SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Ravens Wheel Jeopardy! Think It Up: (N) Å Shark Tank (In Stereo) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Think It Up: (N) Å Hawaii Five-0 Å Blue Bloods Å News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang Think It Up: (N) Å Gotham (In Stereo) News First Spo Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. Think It Up: (N) Å Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Perricone MD H by Halston Late with Jayne & Pat Friday Night Beauty “Perricone” (N) Dooney & Bourke PBS NewsHour Å Wash McL’ghlin The Civil War: (In Stereo) Å Austin City Limits Å C. Rose Italy Dropping Antiques Roadshow In Their Own Words September’s Children: PBS NewsHour Å The Civil War: Å Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show 9/11: As It Happened Lockup: Savannah American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File ››‡ “Men in Black 3” › “Grown Ups 2” (2013) Adam Sandler. › “Grown Ups 2” (2013) Adam Sandler. “The Benchwarmers” Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Playing Playing “Sherlock-Game” Cold Justice (N) Å Cold Justice: Cold Justice Å Cold Justice: Hawaii Five-0 Å Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy ›› “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009) (DVS) ›› “The House Bunny” (2008) Sleepless Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Boxing: Premier Boxing Champions. (N) Road; Dynamite: Unrivaled: Cops Å Key Key Key Key Futurama Futurama South Park South Park Archer Archer “Jackass 3D” (2010) Bering Sea Gold Å Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Å Edge of Alaska Å Bering Sea Gold Å Edge of Alaska Å Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å Fabulous Fabulous Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å To Be Announced Redwood Kings “Redwood Renaissance” (N) Treehouse Masters (N) Redwood Kings “Redwood Renaissance” Henry Henry Henry Danger Å Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends (In Stereo) Å Jessie Best Fr. Jessie (N) Girl Meets I Didn’t Gravity Star-For. Best Fr. Jessie Girl Meets I Didn’t Austin ››› “Hercules” (1997, Adventure) ››› “A Bug’s Life” (1998, Fantasy) Voices of Dave Foley. The 700 Club Å “Fox & Hound” Facts-Life Facts/Life ››‡ “Footloose” (1984, Drama) Kevin Bacon. Å Gaffigan King King King King “Miracle in the Rain” ››‡ “Evergreen” (1934) Jessie Matthews. “The Macomber Affair” (1947) Å “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (1952) The Waltons Cedar Cove Å The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Bring It! Å Bring It! (N) Å Bring It! (N) Å Atlanta Plastic (N) Å Atlanta Plastic Å Bring It! Å Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It, Too Diners Diners Diners Taco Trip Diners Diners Diners Carnival C. Diners, Drive Diners Diners ›› “Vampire in Brooklyn” (1995, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ›› “Little Man” (2006, Comedy) Shawn Wayans. Å Wendy Williams Show Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridiculous. Ridiculous. ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. (In Stereo) ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn. ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) Steve Carell. ››‡ “The Girl Next Door” (2004) Gumball Regular King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Cleveland Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Childrens Jesus Face Eric Andre Back-Futr ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) Michael J. Fox. Z Nation (N) Continuum (N) Z Nation ››‡ “Sahara” (2005) ››‡ “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. Å ›› “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (2008) Keanu Reeves. Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å ››› “Smokey and the Bandit” (1977) Burt Reynolds. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. 9/11: The Days After: Miracle of Stairway B: 9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America: Å Hotel Ground Zero: Miracle of Stairway B: Supernat. Potters Bless Lord H. Lindsey Harvest P. Stone Cross and the Towers: Days of Miracles: F.K. Price Fontaine


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Countdown to Kickoff FOX Sports Live Å Match Day Bundesliga Soccer: Bayern Munich vs Augsburg Ftball College Football SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College GameDay (N) (Live) Å College Football Storied NFL Live Å NFL SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Football SportsNet Redskins Football Inside N.D. ACC Gridiron Live (S) Cavaliers Va. Tech ACC Football College Football Good Morning America Good Morning Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore College Football CBS 6 Sunday Morning CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (S) Å Battle Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Innovation Recipe All In Live Life Wild Amer. Sleep Paid Prog. Fish Oil Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pregame Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today: Saturday (N) Ruf-Tweet Astroblast LazyTown Luna! Poppy Cat Soccer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Law & Order (S) Å Law & Order (S) Å Law & Order (S) Å Law & Order (S) Å Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week AM Style With Leah Williams “Accessories Edition -- Dooney Bourke” Saturday Morning Q Dooney & Bourke Garden Greener Victory This Old House Hr Hometime Woodright Rough Cut Chefs Life Sara’s Martha Kitchen Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Barney Angelina Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Sesame Dinosaur New Day Saturday (N) New Day Saturday (N) Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Up W/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In Bob Massi Jour. Buffy, Vampire Slayer Buffy, Vampire Slayer Anger Anger Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men 19th Annual Prism: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. P. Chris Paid Prog. Playing Playing English Premier League Soccer “Big Momma’s House” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Angel” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› “Just Like Heaven” (2005) Mark Ruffalo ››› “Sleepless in Seattle” (1993) Meg Ryan “The House Bunny” Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Flipping Vegas (S) Å Flipping Vegas (S) Å Flipping Vegas (S) Å Flipping Vegas (S) Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›››› “Jaws” (1975, Suspense) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw. (S) ›› “Jaws 2” (1978) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Comedy South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Disney Paid Prog. Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival (S) Å Edge of Alaska (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Disney Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes It’s Me or the Dog (S) Dogs 101 (S) Å To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Pig Goat Harvey Sponge. Rangers Alvinnn!!! Doc McSt. Sofia Mickey Wil. West Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Jessie (S) I Didn’t Girl Meets Dog K.C. Undercover (S) ››› “The Fox and the Hound” (1981, Drama) ››› “A Bug’s Life” (1998, Fantasy) ›› “Pocahontas” (1995, Adventure) Family Feud (S) Å FamFeud FamFeud Gold Girls Gold Girls The Golden Girls (S) Gold Girls Gold Girls “Footloose” (1984) “Edison, the Man” ››› “Treasure Island” (1934) Wallace Beery. Batman “Bulldog Drummond at Bay” (1937) “Mouse-Roared” Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls › “Flower Girl” (2009) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bring It! Å “Dead on Campus” Kit. Crash Flip or Flip or Flip or Rehab Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Be.- Made Guy’s, Bite Brunch at Southern Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Farmhouse The Kitchen (N) Valerie’s In Italy Inspiration Inspiration Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d The BET Life of Å Husbands ›› “Little Man” (2006, Comedy) › “What a Girl Wants” (2003) Amanda Bynes. (S) New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl VH1 Plus Music (S) VH1 Plus Music (S) The 20 (S) (Part 1 of 2) The 20 (S) (Part 2 of 2) ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) (S) Sonic Teen Pokémon Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Teen Teen Clarence Gumball Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Twi. Zone ›› “Beautiful Creatures” (2013) Alden Ehrenreich. ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis. Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman ›› “The Shakiest Gun in the West” (1968) Don Knotts. ›› “Sahara” (2005) Matthew McConaughey. CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) Hot 20 Countdown “From The Johnny Cash Museum” (N) Å Dog and Beth American Operation Mysteries of the Freemasons “The Beginning” The Da Vinci Code: The Templar Code: (S) Å Veggie Wonder Kids Club Storykeep RocKids Auto B. Gd Paha. Is. Veggie Monster Hopkins Lassie (EI) Goliath

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College Football: Kansas State at Texas-San Antonio. (Live) College Football: Stephen F. Austin State at Texas Christian. (N) (Live) Å College Football Score 2015 U.S. Open Tennis: Women’s Final. (N) (Live) College Football College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Houston at Louisville. (N) (Live) College Football: Tulane at Georgia Tech. (N) (Live) College Football: Oregon State at Michigan. (N) Football College Football: Notre Dame at Virginia. (N) (Live) Football Icons Pets.TV Lucas Oil Off Road Football College Football: Georgia at Vanderbilt. (N) (Live) Å MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at New York Yankees. (N) (S Live) Å Pregame College Football: Iowa at Iowa State. (N) (S Live) English Premier League Soccer Goal Zone Action Sports (S) Å Boxing: Premier Boxing Champions. (N) (S Live) News NBC News Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Person of Interest (S) Washington This Week Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week (S) Washing Commun Dooney & Bourke Shawn Says, Accessorize! “Dooney & Bourke” Isaac Mizrahi Live! Dooney & Bourke Clarks Footwear Project Hubert Paint Paint This British Baking Antiques Roadshow Aviators Currents Weekend Charlie Thomas Builder This Old House Hr Baking Victory Old House Old House Old House Hometime Charlie Rose (S) Å CNN Newsroom CNN News Vital Sign CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish Weekends-Witt Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News HQ America’s News HQ The Five America’s News HQ ››› “Flight” (2012, Drama) Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle. ››› “Avatar” (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington. “Big Momma’s House” › “Big Momma’s House 2” (2006, Comedy) ››› “Bridesmaids” (2011, Comedy) Kristen Wiig. Ugly Truth “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself” ›› “Why Did I Get Married?” (2007) Tyler Perry. “Why Did I Get Married Too?” “The House Bunny” ›› “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009) (DVS) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Seinfeld Seinfeld Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å ›› “Jaws 2” (1978, Suspense) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park “Insecurity” South Park Edge of Alaska (S) Edge of Alaska (S) Bering Sea Gold (S) Bering Sea Gold (S) Rusted Development Rusted Development Nightmare Next Door Nightmare Next Door Nightmare Next Door Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life To Be Announced Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. (:15) Gravity Falls (S) Bunk’d (S) (:40) “Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams” Spy Kids 3 ›››› “Cinderella” (1950, Fantasy) ››› “Sleeping Beauty” (1959, Fantasy) ›››› “Toy Story” (1995) Voices of Tom Hanks. ›› “Footloose” (1984, Drama) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Å Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Mouse ›› “The Hunters” (1958) Robert Mitchum. ›› “Triple Cross” (1967, Suspense) Å “No Time for Sergeants” (1958) › “Flower Girl” (2009) ››› “Wedding Daze” (2004) John Larroquette. “A Ring by Spring” (2014) Stefanie Powers. “Love by the Book” “Dead on Campus” “Sorority Surrogate” (2014) Cassie Steele. Å “The Choking Game” (2014) Freya Tingley. Å “Til Death Do Us Part” Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Kids Cook-Off Food Truck Race Cake Masters Guy’s Grocery Games Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped ›› “Little Man” (2006) ›› “Vampire in Brooklyn” (1995, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ››› “The Nutty Professor” (1996, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. New Girl ›› “Scary Movie 3” (2003) Anna Faris. (S) ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. (S) 40 Year Saturday Night Live (S) Å Saturday Night Live (S) Saturday Night Live (S) Saturday Night Live (S) Dating Naked (S) Teen Teen Teen Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Movie 5th Elmnt ››› “Back to the Future” (1985, Comedy) Michael J. Fox. ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) Michael J. Fox. ››› 1408 ›› “Sahara” (2005) ›› “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (2008) Keanu Reeves. ›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. Å ››› “Smokey and the Bandit” (1977) Burt Reynolds. ›› “Smokey and the Bandit II” (1980) Burt Reynolds. Å “Walk the Line” (2005) Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Ishine Inspir. Stories Veggie Heroes & Legends Bless Lord News ››› “Angel in the House” (2011) Praise

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NFL Films Garbage College Football: Louisiana Tech at Western Kentucky. (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports 2015 U.S. Open Tennis: Women’s Semifinals. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Insiders Football Wrestling: 2015 World Championships. Baseball Tonight (Live) World Armwrestling Baseball Tonight (Live) World Team Tennis: Boston Lobsters at Washington Kastles. SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Ravens Wheel Jeopardy! Shark Tank (In Stereo) Scandal (In Stereo) Get Away With Murder News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Big Bang Mom Å Big Brother (N) Å Under the Dome Å News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang BOOM! (N) Å (DVS) Bones (In Stereo) (PA) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent NFL Kickoff 2015 Å NFL Football: Pittsburgh Steelers at New England Patriots. (N) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Capitol Hill Hearings: Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Fall Fashion Fest “Dennis Basso” (N) Shoe Shopping H by Halston (N) Isaac Mizrahi Live! Perricone MD PBS NewsHour Å Currents Inside Out The Civil War: (In Stereo) Å The Civil War C. Rose Well Read As Time... Undiscovered Haiti: African Americans Lost Year: Currents PBS NewsHour Å The Civil War: Å Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Make Me a Millionaire Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Make Me a Millionaire Make Me a Millionaire Make Me a Millionaire Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File After Earth ››‡ “Men in Black 3” (2012, Action) Will Smith. Sex & Married (N) Sex & Married Married Sex & Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Graceland (N) Å Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Castle “Linchpin” Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Castle “47 Seconds” Castle “The Limey” CSI: NY (In Stereo) Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Behind Bars: Overtime Behind Bars Behind Bars The First 48 (In Stereo) Live Free ››› “The Italian Job” (2003, Crime Drama) Mark Wahlberg. ›‡ “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” (2009, Action) Channing Tatum. South Park South Park Gaffigan Tosh.0 Drunk Drunk Review (N) Key At Mid. Nightly Chris Hardwick: Ma.: Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Suddenly Royal Å Our Little Family Å Our Little Family Å Little People, World Our Little Family Å Our Little Family Å To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Henry Henry Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends (In Stereo) Å Jessie Des: “Descendants” (2015, Comedy) Dove Cameron. K.C. Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Jessie Good Luck Good Luck ›› “Step Up” (2006, Musical) ››‡ “Step Up 2 the Streets” (2008, Drama) Briana Evigan. The 700 Club Å ››› “Hercules” (1997) Facts-Life Facts/Life Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “The Sand Pebbles” “I Can Get It for You Wholesale” ››› “David and Bathsheba” (1951) Gregory Peck. Premiere. “President’s L.” The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Project Runway Å Project Runway Å Project Runway (N) Å Project Runway Å Project Runway Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Å Chopped “Swai Not?” Chopped Chopped (N) Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Chopped Security Punk’d The BET Life of Husbands ›› “Soul Plane” (2004, Comedy) Kevin Hart. Å Wendy Williams Show Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) One Bad Choice Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. ›‡ “Empire Records” (1995) Å Gumball Regular King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen “Total Recall” (1990) WWE SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Dominion (N) Geeks Geeks Dominion “Gone in Sixty” ››‡ “Fletch” (1985, Comedy) Chevy Chase. ››‡ “Fletch Lives” (1989) Chevy Chase. ››‡ “Fletch” (1985) Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Party Down South Å Gaines. Gaines. Cowboys Cheerleaders Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Mountain Men Å Mountain Men Å Mountain Men (N) Å Power & Ice “Thin Ice” Mountain Men Å Mountain Men Å Graham Potters Trinity J. Osteen Prince Hillsong Praise the Lord (N) (Live) Å 9/11: Bless Lord

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MLB Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Cleveland Indians. (N) (Live) Å Football College Football: Central Florida at Stanford. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Oklahoma at Tennessee. (Live) College Football: LSU at Mississippi State. (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Football: East Carolina at Florida. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Boise State at BYU. (N) (Live) Å SportsNet Dew Tour D.C. MLS Soccer: D.C. United at Colorado Rapids. SportsNet 3 & Out SportsNet Ravens Wheel Jeopardy! College Football: Oregon at Michigan State. (N) (Live) Å News The Good Wife “Pilot” Laughs Monopoly NCIS (In Stereo) NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours (In Stereo) News White Collar Å Pinkertons College Football Bullseye (In Stereo) Home Free (In Stereo) News Mod Fam Animation Domination Big Bang Big Bang Entertainment Tonight Running Wild American Ninja Warrior “Vegas Finals” (DVS) News Saturday Night Live (In Stereo) Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å How I Met How I Met Washington This Week (In Stereo) Washington This Week (In Stereo) Washington This Week (In Stereo) Clarks Footwear Dooney & Bourke Fashionably Late with Jayne & Pat (N) Your Home Lawrence Welk Keep Up As Time... Father Brown Å New Tricks (In Stereo) Globe Trekker Bluegrass Chefs Life “Smokin’ Fish” (2011) Nature (In Stereo) NOVA (In Stereo) The Forsyte Saga Å Front and Center Å Nature (In Stereo) CNN Newsroom CNN Special Report CNN Special Report CNN Special Report CNN Special Report Forensic Forensic Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Lockup: Savannah Lockup: Indiana Lockup: Indiana Lockup: Indiana Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å FOX Report (N) Stossel Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine ›››‡ “Avatar” (2009) ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013, Science Fiction) Charlie Hunnam. Premiere. Mike Mike Mike Mike ›‡ “The Ugly Truth” (2009) ›› “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection” (2012) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam “Married Too?” ››› “A Time to Kill” (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock. Å (DVS) ››‡ “Why Did I Get Married?” (2007) Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Next Weatherman Next Weatherman The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Behind Bars Behind Bars The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas Cops Å ›››› “Jaws” (1975, Suspense) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw. (In Stereo) South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Archer Archer Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Dateline: Real Life Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Suddenly Royal Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Henry Henry Henry Game Shakers (N) Å Nicky Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Å “Spy Kids 3: Gm” “Spy Kids: All the Time” Gamer’s Gamer’s Lab Rats Jessie Jessie Jessie Dog ›››› “Toy Story 2” (1999, Comedy) Tim Allen ›››‡ “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012, Comedy) ›››‡ “Monsters, Inc.” (2001, Comedy) Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Johnny Cash: American Rebel: King King King King “No Time-Sgts.” ›››‡ “The Nun’s Story” (1959, Drama) Audrey Hepburn. ››› “The Sins of Rachel Cade” (1961) Angie Dickinson. “Love by the Book” Cedar Cove (N) Å “A Wish Come True” (2015) Megan Park. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Til Death Do Us Part” “The Murder Pact” (2015) Beau Mirchoff. Å “A Teacher’s Obsession” (2015, Suspense) “The Murder Pact” Buying and Selling Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Å Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped NuttyProf ›› “Boomerang” (1992, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. Å ››‡ “Eddie Murphy Raw” (1987, Comedy) Å The BET Life of Å Dark ›‡ “Friday After Next” (2002, Comedy) Ice Cube. › “How High” (2001, Comedy) Method Man. (In Stereo) BoyzHood Twinning “Twinfection” Twinning “Twin Job” ››‡ “Step Up Revolution” (2012, Drama) Ryan Guzman. ›‡ “Honey 2” (2011, Drama) Movie Dragon King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Dragon Akame ››› “1408” (2007, Horror) John Cusack. ››› “The Conjuring” (2013, Horror) Vera Farmiga. ››‡ “Sinister” (2012, Horror) ››› “300” (2007, Action) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. Å ››› “Troy” (2004, Adventure) Brad Pitt, Eric Bana. ››› “Walk the Line” (2005) Joaquin Phoenix. Johnny Cash: American Rebel: Johnny Cash: American Rebel: Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn The Knights Templar The Knights Templar The Knights Templar Pawn Pawn Precious Memories In Touch Hour Of Power Graham Classic Where the Red Fern Grows:

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Soccer Women’s Soccer (N) (Live) Å World Cup NASCAR Horse Racing World Poker Football Scoreboard 30 for 30 Å U.S. Open 2015 U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s Final. (N) (Live) Running Basketball Golf: Walker Cup, Highlights. Å MLS Soccer Hokie Playback (N) Ravens Kickoff (Live) Redskins Postgame Redskins Game 365 SportsNet SportsNet Seinfeld Community 21 Day Fix Storms McCarver Paid Prog. World of X Games (N) Bones (S) Å News ABC News NFL Football: Miami Dolphins at Washington Redskins. (N) (Live) Å NFL Football: Baltimore Ravens at Denver Broncos. (Live) NFL Football: Green Bay Packers at Chicago Bears. (N) (S Live) Å The OT (N) Bundesliga Soccer: Bayern Munich vs Augsburg Two Men LPGA Tour Golf Adventure Sports Cycling Auto Racing: Global RallyCross Series. (S) Å News NBC News Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Person of Interest (S) Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week (S) Washington This Week Newsmakers (S) In the Kitchen With David Your Home Carolyn Pollack Sterling Silver Jewelry That’s Cool Currents Real Va. Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti in Concert: (S) In Their Own Words (S) Father Brown (S) Å Weekend Start Up Dinosaur Peg Cat in the Odd Wild Kratts Arthur Cyberchas Wash Charlie Contrary Great Performances Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Meet the Press Å Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Bob Massi Jour. America’s News HQ MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday ››› “Avatar” (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington. ›› “Battleship” (2012, Science Fiction) Taylor Kitsch. NCIS “Iceman” (S) NCIS “Angel of Death” NCIS “Knockout” (S) NCIS “Aliyah” (S) Å NCIS (S) Å NCIS “Double Identity” ›› “Think Like a Man” (2012) ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Kimberly Elise. ››› “A Time to Kill” (1996) Sandra Bullock. MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at New York Yankees. (N) (Live) ›› “Due Date” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. ›› “The Change-Up” Behind Bars Behind Bars Behind Bars Behind Bars Behind Bars Intervention (S) Å Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) ›› “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” (2013) Steve Carell. ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey. Å Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Å Naked and Afraid (S) Ultimate Homes (S) Ultimate Homes (S) Naked and Afraid (S) Naked and Afraid (S) Naked and Afraid (S) Sister Wives Å Sister Wives (S) Å Sister Wives (S) Å Sister Wives (S) Å Sister Wives (S) Å Sister Wives (S) Å To Be Announced To Be Announced Henry Henry Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Game Shakers (S) Å Henry Thunder “Spy Kids-All” Austin Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Jessie (S) K.C. K.C. K.C. Bunk’d (S) Bunk’d (S) Best Fr. “Cinderella” (1950) ››› “Sleeping Beauty” (1959, Fantasy) ›››› “Toy Story” (1995) Voices of Tom Hanks. “Toy Story 2” (1999) The Golden Girls Å Gold Girls Chris Chris Chris Old Christine Chris Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) “Bell Book Cndl” ››› “Mogambo” (1953, Adventure) Clark Gable. ››› “Kim” (1950, Adventure) Errol Flynn. “Day Earth-Still” ››› “Love Takes Wing” (2009, Drama) ›› “Love Finds a Home” (2009) Patty Duke. ›› “Love Begins” (2011, Drama) Wes Brown. ›› “The Gabby Douglas Story” (2014) Å “With This Ring” (2015, Romance) Jill Scott. › “Obsessed” (2009, Suspense) Idris Elba. Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å The Kitchen Carnival C. Beach Chopped Chopped Chopped Food Truck Race “Johnson Fam.” ››› “The Nutty Professor” (1996, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ›› “Boomerang” (1992, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. Å › “Friday After Next” (2002, Comedy) Ice Cube. (S) ›› “Project X” (2012, Comedy) (S) ›› “Roll Bounce” (2005) Bow Wow. (S) › “Honey 2” (2011, Drama) Katerina Graham. She’s Got Game (S) Black Ink Crew (S) Black Ink Crew (S) Love & Hip Hop Movie Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Teen Teen Steven 6 Souls ›› “Sinister” (2012, Horror) Ethan Hawke. ››› “1408” (2007, Horror) John Cusack. Conjuring ››› “300” (2007, Action) Gerard Butler. Å ››› “Troy” (2004, Adventure) Brad Pitt, Eric Bana. Walking Johnny Cash: ››› “Walk the Line” (2005, Biography) Joaquin Phoenix. Johnny Cash: American Rebel: Ancient Aliens (S) Å Ancient Aliens (S) Å Ancient Aliens (S) Å Ice Road Truckers (S) Ice Road Truckers (S) Ice Road Truckers (S) PowerPnt. Is Written Pathway Super Kelinda Jesse J. Hagee Marriage Bal. Living G. Dickow T.D. Jakes J. Meyer

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NASCAR MotoGP Racing Match Day Bundesliga Soccer Bundesliga Soccer SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Insiders Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å Football Scoreboard Football Scoreboard Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fantasy Football Now (N) (Live) SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet 3 & Out Ravens Redskins Va. Tech Football Football Redskins Kickoff (Live) Good Morning America Good Morning This Week In Touch First Baptist Church Va. Tech Paid Prog. CBS 6 Sunday Morning St. Paul’s Deliver CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) Face the Nation (N) (S) Changers The NFL Today (Live) Faith: Angling Miracles How to Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Inside FOX NFL Kickoff (N) FOX NFL Sunday Å 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour Relief LPGA Golf Search Creflo Doll David Paid Prog. Law & Order (S) Å Law & Order “Thrill” Law & Order “Denial” Law & Order (S) Å Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Newsmakers (S) Washington This Week (S) Easy Solutions Sundays With Carolyn & Dan In the Kitchen David WordWorld Peep Curious Farming Richmond Religion Charlie American Forum McL’ghlin Mack Inside Out Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Sesame Peg Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Sesame Dinosaur New Day Sunday (N) New Day Politics State of the Union (N) Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Lockup Business Up W/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) News HQ Housecall How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met ››› “Flight” (2012, Drama) Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle. ››› “Avatar” (2009) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. P. Chris Paid Prog. NCIS “Light Sleeper” NCIS “Untouchable” NCIS “Escaped” (S) NCIS “Twisted Sister” Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Encore” Law & Order “Savior” Law & Order “Deceit” Law & Order (S) “Think Like a Man” Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends (S) Friends (S) ›› “Life as We Know It” (2010) Katherine Heigl. (DVS) Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Off Road Engine Truck Muscle Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Comedy Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Å ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey. Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. J. Osteen In Touch Bering Sea Gold (S) Edge of Alaska (S) Edge of Alaska (S) Edge of Alaska (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Disney Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Sister Wives Å Untamed and Uncut (S) Untamed and Uncut (S) To Be Announced Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Rangers Sponge. Game Shakers (S) Å Sponge. Sponge. Turtles Sponge. Game Shakers (S) Å Doc McSt. Sofia Mickey Tmrrwland Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Austin Liv-Mad. “Spy Kids 3: Game Over” (2003) Spy Kids Kevin Young ››› “Robin Hood” (1973, Adventure) ›› “Pocahontas” (1995, Adventure) “Cinderella” (1950) Old Christine Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls The Golden Girls (S) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” › “A Kiss for Corliss” (1949) ›› “Kissin’ Cousins” (1964) Elvis Presley. “Bell Book Cndl” Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls › “Love’s Unfolding Dream” (2007, Drama) In Touch Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prog. Atlanta Plastic Å Atlanta Plastic Å Atlanta Plastic Å Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Rachael Ray’s Contessa Giada Pioneer Trisha’s Barbecue Valerie’s In Italy Farmhouse Pioneer Trisha’s Inspiration Inspiration P. Popoff P. Chris Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice Bobby Jones Gospel “Johnson Family Vacation” (2004) Todrick (S) ›› “Scary Movie 3” (2003) Anna Faris. (S) › “Zookeeper” (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. (S) “Roll Bounce” (2005) VH1 Plus Music (S) The 20 (S) (Part 1 of 2) The 20 (S) (Part 2 of 2) Dating Naked (S) Candidly Twinning “Twin Job” Honey 2 Pokémon Steven Steven Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Teen We Bare We Bare Movie Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Z Nation “House of Bones” (2009, Documentary) › “6 Souls” (2010, Horror) Julianne Moore. ››› “The Abyss” (1989, Science Fiction) Ed Harris. ›› “Predator 2” (1990, Science Fiction) Danny Glover. Å 300 (2007) Johnny Cash: American Rebel: Hot 20 Countdown “From The Johnny Cash Museum” Å Johnny Cash: The UFO Files The UFO Files The UFO Files The UFO Files Ancient Aliens (S) Å Ancient Aliens (S) Å Falwell Dr. Tony Passion Touching Franklin Turning Walk Win Walk Prince Carpenter Hour of In Touch



MLS Soccer: Sporting Kansas City at Orlando City SC. (Live) NWSL Soccer FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports SportsCenter (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Kansas City Royals at Baltimore Orioles. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportCtr Baseball Tonight SportCtr Wrestling: 2015 World Championships. Armwrest. NHRA Drag Racing ESPN FC (N) Å Ravens Postgame Live Fame Gymnastics SportsNet The Base Redskins Postgame SportsNet Ravens Funniest Home Videos Shark Tank (In Stereo) The 2016 Miss America Competition: (N) Å News Scandal (In Stereo) Blue Blood Football 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Big Brother (In Stereo) Madam Secretary Å CSI: Cyber “Bit by Bit” News White Collar Å Burgers Burgers Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Last Man News Big Bang ROH Wrestling Big Bang Mod Fam Football Night in America (N) Å NFL Football: New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys. (In Stereo Live) Å News Inside Ed. Sleep Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Manhattan “Tangier” Washington This Week Q & A (In Stereo) House of Commons Road to White House Q & A (In Stereo) House of Commons It Cosmetics iGrow Hair Your Home Susan Graver Style Rick & Easy Solutions Accessorize Your Fall Globe Trekker Masterpiece Mystery! Masterpiece Mystery! (In Stereo) Vicious (N) Jewel in the Crown British Baking Great Perf. Currents Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti in Concert: Å Great Performances (In Stereo) Currents Masterpiece Mystery! Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Caught on Camera Serial Bomber: “McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American” Lockup: Colorado Lockup: Colorado On Money Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed FOX Report (N) L&L: Real West Stossel Greg Gutfeld L&L: Real West FOX Report ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013, Science Fiction) Charlie Hunnam. The Strain (N) The Strain The Strain NCIS “Broken Arrow” NCIS (In Stereo) NCIS “The Namesake” NCIS “Better Angels” NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles “A Time to Kill” (1996) ›››‡ “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. ›››‡ “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. ›› “The Change-Up” ››› “Knocked Up” (2007, Romance-Comedy) Seth Rogen. ›‡ “Killers” (2010, Action) Ashton Kutcher. Knocked Intervention (In Stereo) Intervention (In Stereo) Intervention Intervention Behind Bars Intervention (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 The Comedy Central Roast “Justin Bieber” Natasha Leggero: Live Comedy Central Roast Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Sister Wives “Countdown to the New Season” Sister Wives (Season Premiere) (In Stereo) Å Sister Wives (In Stereo) Å To Be Announced Rugged Justice (N) North Woods Law Ice Lake Rebels (N) Rugged Justice North Woods Law Thunder Henry Game Shakers Å Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends (In Stereo) Å Best Fr. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. K.C. Undercover Å Girl Meets I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Good Luck “Toy Story 2” (1999) ›››‡ “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012, Comedy) ›››‡ “Monsters, Inc.” (2001, Comedy) J. Osteen Jeremiah Reba Å Reba Å Reba “Labor of Love” Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Day Earth-Still” ›››‡ “Gaslight” (1944) Charles Boyer. ›››‡ “Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte” (1965) Bette Davis. KidBrother ›› “Love’s Everlasting Courage” (2010, Drama) ›› “Love Comes Softly” (2003) Katherine Heigl. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” (2008) “Tyler Perry’s-Marriage Counselor” “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” (2008) Love It or List It Å Beach Beach Island Life Island Life Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Island Life Island Life Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Food Truck Race Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Food Truck Race ›› “Johnson Family Vacation” (2004, Comedy) Å “Madea’s Tough Love” Punk’d Punk’d P. Popoff Inspiration Project X ›‡ “Zookeeper” (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. (In Stereo) Awkward. Faking It (In Stereo) Todrick Girl Code Basketball Wives LA Basketball Wives LA Basketball Wives LA Basketball Wives LA Love & Hip Hop Black Ink Crew Adventure Regular King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Rick Aqua Teen Mr. Pickles ››› “The Conjuring” (2013) Vera Farmiga. ››‡ “The Last Exorcism” (2010, Horror) ›‡ “Silent Hill: Revelation” (2012, Horror) Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead ›››› “Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior” (1981) ››› “Smokey and the Bandit” (1977) Burt Reynolds. Johnny Cash: American Rebel: Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers American Pickers Power & Ice “Thin Ice” Ice Road Truckers Lead Way BlessLife J. Osteen K. Shook Copeland Creflo Doll ›‡ “Solomon” (1998, Drama) Ben Cross, Anouk Aimée.


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MLB Whiparound (Live) Mission Red Bull: Air Race (N) Å World Poker FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) NFL Football: Philadelphia Eagles at Atlanta Falcons. (N) (Live) NFL Football: Minnesota Vikings at San Francisco 49ers. (N) (Live) Around Pardon World/Poker World/Poker SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Best of Dan Patrick MLS Soccer: D.C. United at Colorado Rapids. SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! Dancing With the Stars (N) Å DanceBattle America: News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Big Bang Odd Cple Scorpion (In Stereo) NCIS: Los Angeles News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang So You Think You Can Dance (N) Å Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. American Ninja Warrior “Vegas Finals” (Season Finale) (N) (In Stereo) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Funniest Home Videos How I Met How I Met Capitol Hill Hearings: Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Inspired Style (N) LOGO by Lori: Isaac Mizrahi Live! PM Style with Shawn Killinger “Cuddl Duds” Denim & Co. PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow American Experience “Walt Disney” Å (DVS) Restoration Neon: Å Charlie Rose (N) Å Richmond City Council PBS NewsHour Å American Experience Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. CNN Newsroom Live Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show White Collar: Shark Tank (In Stereo) West Texas West Texas Make Me a Millionaire Make Me a Millionaire Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Here Cm Boom” ›› “Bad Teacher” (2011) Cameron Diaz. ›› “Bad Teacher” (2011) Cameron Diaz. “Here Cm Boom” NCIS “Lt. Jane Doe” WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å ›› “Big Momma’s House” (2000, Comedy) Castle “Always” Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Law & Order “Illegal” Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) The Office Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) ›› “I Am Number Four” (2011) ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese. ›› “I Am Number Four” (2011) Alex Pettyfer. Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer At Mid. Nightly South Park South Park Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud (N) Å Rusted Development Fast N’ Loud Å Rusted Development Lost His Face: Human Spiders: Å Mermaid Girl: Shiloh’s Journey (In Stereo) Å Body Bizarre Å Human Spiders: Å Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Henry Henry Game Shakers Å Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends (In Stereo) Å Austin Bunk’d ›› “Teen Beach 2” (2015) Ross Lynch. Å Liv-Mad. Jessie I Didn’t Austin Good Luck Good Luck ›› “Step Up” (2006) Switched at Birth Å Chasing Life (N) Å Switched at Birth Å The 700 Club Å ›› “Step Up” (2006) Facts/Life Facts/Life Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Man-Came to Dinner” ››› “Deathtrap” (1982, Mystery) Michael Caine. ››› “Running on Empty” (1988, Drama) Christine Lahti. Verdict The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Friends With Kids” ››› “Friends With Benefits” (2011) Justin Timberlake. Å “The Preacher’s Mistress” (2013) “Frnds-Benefits” Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Kids Cook-Off Kids Cook-Off Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners Diners “Chocolate City” (2015, Drama) Robert Ri’chard. Å ›› “The Players Club” (1998, Comedy-Drama) LisaRaye. Wendy Williams Show Sucker Free (In Stereo) MTV Special Awkward. Special Todrick (N) Girl Code Wolf MTV Special (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Black Ink Crew (N) She’s Got Game (N) Love & Hip Hop Black Ink Crew Gumball Regular King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Cleveland Rick Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››› “Hanna” (2011, Action) Saoirse Ronan. ››‡ “Secret Window” (2004) Johnny Depp. ›››‡ “Se7en” (1995, Suspense) Brad Pitt. “Quick-Dead” ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Å ›‡ “Wild Hogs” (2007, Comedy) Tim Allen. Å Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Cowboys Cheerleaders Cowboys Cheerleaders Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Pawn Pawn Outlaw: Hells Angels Outlaw: Hells Angels Outlaw: Hells Angels Outlaw: Hells Angels Outlaw: Hells Angels Rodriguez Potters Bless Lord End Franklin Duplantis Praise the Lord Å J. Osteen P. Stone

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For subscription information, contact Birgit Weeks at (804) 598-4305 today!

Hsr-chubby’s Ii

Rt 60 & Rt 522

Plaza Pharmacy

Old Tavern

Ballsville, Rt 60

Pow. Star Shell

Cumberland E-z Mart

Cumberland, Rt 60

Shell - Country Store


Anderson Hwy

Anderson Hwy

Dorset Market

Dorset Rd / Genito Rd


2150 Anderson Hwy

Pow. Pharmacy

South Creek One

Cumberland, Rt 60


Anderson Hwy

Video Square

Anderson Hwy

Kim’s Deli

Rt 711 And Rt 522


Rt 711


Flatrock, Anderson Hwy


Rt 60 And Rt 45

Food Lion (South Creek) South Creek One

R&M Bi-Rite

6345 Old Buckingham Rd.


Rt 60 And Academy Rd

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS POWHATAN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Pursuant to Sections 15.2-1427 and 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, notice is hereby given that the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on Monday, September 21, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Building Auditorium located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA, 23139. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public comment on the following proposed ordinances:

COMPANY #1 FIRE STATION OVERHEAD DOORS The County of Powhatan is seeking sealed bids from qualified contractors to remove eight (8) existing overhead doors and furnish and install new doors and operators at Company #1 Fire Station in Powhatan Virginia. Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. September 29th, 2015 at 3834 Old Buckingham Rd, Suite A, Powhatan,Virginia 23139. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for September 18th, 2015 at 10:00 am at Company #1 Fire Station, 3971 Old Buckingham Rd, Powhatan, Virginia 23139.

• Ordinance O-2015-19 Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Francis Emma, Inc. to operate a conference center at Belmead located at 5004 Cartersville Road. Francis Emma Inc. (Smiths Crossroads/Pineville/Tobaccoville Electoral District) requests renewal of a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a conference center in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83-162(34) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preservation/Natural Conservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The property is approximately 1585.5 acres in size and is located at 5004 Cartersville Road. Reference Tax Map Parcel #14-1. Ref. 15-04-CUP.

Bid information may be viewed on the County website at www.powhatanva.gov under “Bid Opportunities” and through Virginia’s eVA web-based procurement system. Questions regarding this advertisement will be answered by contacting Powhatan County Public Works Department (804) 598-5764.

• Ordinance O-2015-20 Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Molly Strong to operate a medical clinic at 3016 Lower Hill Road. Molly Strong (Powhatan Courthouse/Mt. Zion Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a medical clinic in the R-C, Residential Commercial District per §83-362(11) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The property is approximately 1.16 acres in size and is located at 3016 Lower Hill Road. Reference Tax Map Parcel #40-8. Ref. 15-05-CUP.

Community News In Focus

• Ordinance O-2015-21 Repealing Previous Chief Local Elected Officials Agreement. • Ordinance O-2015-22 Enacting, Article V. Inoperative Vehicles, of Chapter 74, Traffic and Vehicles, of the Code of the County of Powhatan. For the latest in... Community News, Business News, Sports, Engagements & Weddings, Birth Announcements, Student News, Letters to the Editor, Calendar, Obituaries, and Classified Advertising read Powhatan Today!


• Ordinance O-2015-23 Enacting Article III, Removal and Disposal of Trash from Property, of Chapter 66, Solid Waste, of the Code of the County of Powhatan, by enacting Section 66-50, Unlawful conditions of trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances generally, Section 66-51, Enforcement; Liens, and Section 66-52, Penalties.

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• Ordinance O-2015-24 Amending Article I, In General, by enacting Section 14-1, Authority to remove, repair or secure unsafe, derelict, or defaced structures; and amending and re-enacting Article II, Uniform Statewide Building Code, Section 14-31, Local building department and building official generally, Section 14-32, Civil penalties, and Section 1448, Hurricane damage, of Chapter 14, Buildings and Building Regulations, of the Code of the County of Powhatan.

Target your Customers

A copy of the proposed ordinances may be reviewed at the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office located at 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Suite A, Powhatan, Virginia, during normal business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearings. Persons requiring special assistance to attend and participate in the hearings should contact the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office at (804) 598-5612 at least three days prior to the meeting.

with a Bulletin Board ad! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.

CLASSIFIEDS AC & HEATING Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Safe, Clean, Efficient, WOOD HEAT. 25 year warranty available. Ellis Contracting 804-366-9536

SIDING Miller’s Exterior Works All types of repair jobs, or new jobs! Decks, soffit & facia work, sheds, wood wrapping siding, siding repairs, replacing entry doors & wrap them. Licensed. Call Marlin Miller 804-512-3131

Merchandise MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Mattress Truck Load Sale - Twin $89; Full $99; Queen $129; King $189. Delivery/Lay -A-Way. Call 804-218-0680.

Recruitment ADMIN. & OFFICE WORK

SECRETARY The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is seeking a full time secretary. Applicant must have experience in office duties such as managing intake of calls, computer skills such as word, excel, publisher and spreadsheets. Applicant must have the ability to work independently, to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, have organizational skills, be able to provide excellent customer service and assist officers as necessary. Salary will be based on experience. For application go to the VAVRS website at www.vavrs.com. Application with resume must be submitted to VAVRS, Personnel Committee Chair, 27 Mill Creek Lane, Staunton, Va 24401. All applications must be received by September 30, 2015.

Call 598-4305 to advertise with your community newspaper!

EDUCATION & TRAINING Daycare is looking for a qualified preschool teacher to start immediately. Individual must be a confident, nurturing, and enthusiastic teacher who has experience with this age group and younger. CPR/First Aid. Please send resume to imagination.child@gmail.com. Background checks. LEAD SCHOOL AGE TEACHER ∂ Part-Time position M-F, 2:30pm - 6pm ∂ Must have teaching experience ∂Must be Fun, Organized & Energetic!! ∂ Top Pay Call 639-1632 Email resume: cloverhillchildrenscenter@msn.com LEAD TODDLER TEACHER ∂ Full-Time Teaching positions ∂ Must have experience in classroom setting. ∂Must be Fun, Energetic & Loving!! ∂ Top Pay Call 639-1632 Email resume: cloverhillchildrenscenter@msn.com


(804) 746-1235 ext. 2

FAX: (804) 598-7757 or classifieds@powhatantoday.com HOMES FOR SALE

Rentals Available in Powhatan & Surrounding Areas Class A CDL Delivery Drivers Needed Looking to come off of the road? BEX Logistics has a driving position for you! Competitive Pay, Home Daily, Local Deliveries. Dedicated routes delivering to CVS stores and MUCH more! Contact Carmina at 804-359-8806 or email at carmina@bexlogistics.com Hiring Experienced Flatbed Drivers. Minimum of 2 years of CDL experience. Full Benefits. Call 804-271-0752 or apply in person at 9200 Burge Avenue, 23237

RESTAURANT & FOOD SERV. Restaurant - EXPERIENCED Short Order Line Cooks, waiters/waitresses and dishwashers. FT or PT avail. Apply in person. 3867 Old Buckingham Rd., Powhatan, Va. 23139

www.HankCosby.com Click RENTAL PROPERTIES for more details. 5603-01

Business & Service Directory



Commercial Real Estate for Rent OFFICE & DESK SPACE

GENERAL Dump truck drivers needed; Class A or Class B. Part-Time & Full-Time positions available. Good driving record a must. Call 804-794-4100 Family Services Specialist III (Goochland) Job Open Date: 09/04/2015 - 09/11/2015 Hiring Range:Minimum $32,089 (higher salary based on qualifications) Position Number: 00025 Job Type: Full-Time (Salaried) Website: https://jobs.agencies.virginia.gov EEO/AA

OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS Class A and Class B Drivers Needed for Dump Trailers & Dump Trucks Minimum 2 years driving experience Health, Dental & Vacation Benefits Call R.S. Thomas Hauling, Inc. Today! 804-598-6292 2285 Batterson Road Powhatan, VA 23139

Advertise in the Bulletin Board! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.

Residential for Rent


Apartment Referral Services Policy Apartment referral service companies sell lists of available apartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure that you understand and agree to all the terms and the cancellation policy of the contract.

Located near Flatrock in the Fine Creek Realty office building. 3 offices plus reception area, all on first floor. Comcast & Verizon internet are available. $650 per month including electricity!

HOUSES UNFURNISHED Powhatan - Near Food Lion. 2-bedroom. No Pets. $850 per month + deposit. Call 804~314-5191

Call Jim Blandford at


Fine Creek Realty (804)598-1525

ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

Call 598-4305 to advertise with your community newspaper!

SELLING HOMES? List your properties with The Powhatan Today! Call (804) 746-1235 for advertising information today!


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