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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Karen Hall

Vol. XXVIII No. 40

October 7, 2015

Christmas Mother expects miracles By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Miracles happen every day. Sometimes people have to look for them. Sometimes they are the ones bringing them about. But for 2015 Christmas Mother Gayle Walters, expecting miracles is what the coming season will be all about. “It is just not good enough to believe in miracles. You have to expect them and watch for them,” said Walters of Powhatan. “And of course the whole Christmas story is based PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND on several miracles, too.” Gayle Walters, 2015 Powhatan Christmas Mother, is joined by her husband, Al Walters, on her first The theme chosen by official act in her new role as she rides in the Powhatan Labor Day Parade. Walters as this year’s

Christmas Mother theme, “Expect Miracles,” is deeply personal for her. When, 42 years ago, Walters was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, her mother was given a little angel doll with the phrase written across its chest. The family did expect miracles, and two years later, Walters was cancer free. Four decades later, the doll was sitting on her desk when 2014 Christmas Mother Fran Carleton asked her if she wanted to step into the role. She immediate said yes, and, when asked about a theme, grabbed the doll. “It has been the theme of my life,” said Walters, see MOTHER page 2A

Young artist’s work hangs in clerk’s office By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – The vibrant and varying shades of purple and blue filling the sky above the Powhatan County Courthouse offset the brilliant green grass and crisp yellow of the building. In front of the structure, the United States and Virginia flags hanging at rest show no sign of wind. The familiar but altogether different scene is the artistic interpretation of the courthouse brought to life by Tré Taliaferro, 19, of Powhatan. Taliaferro created the acrylic painting of the local landmark that now hangs, appropriately, in the Powhatan County Clerk of the Court’s office. The painting was hung during a small ceremony on Tuesday, Sept.

29 as several people who work in the courthouse area and the artist’s proud grandmother, Jeanette “Memaw” Taliaferro, looked on. “I love the idea. I love the fact that people can come in and see it and ask about,” Tré Taliaferro, a 2014 graduate of Powhatan High School, said. Teresa Dobbins, clerk of the court, purchased the painting and donated it to hang in the office after she saw it, fell in love with it and said she knew it had to be hung in the courthouse. The clerk’s office sees its fair share of sadness and joy as people come into to record the momentous moments of their life, bad and good, she said. Having such a vivacious painting visible as soon as people walk in the door is a wonderful sight see ARTIST page 4A


A painting of the Powhatan County Courthouse painted by Tré Taliaferro of Powhatan, far right, now hangs in the Powhatan Clerk of the Court’s office.

Hodge running for re-election By Laura McFarland

The county has a large number of unfunded capital projects for schools OWHATAN – and county government Barry Hodge has but residents can’t afford a announced he is real estate tax increase to running for reelection to the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors District 3 seat. Hodge was nominated as the Republican Candidate for District 3 by the Powhatan County Republican Committee. He said his goals for the next four years are to reduce taxes, control spending, and not incur additional debt. “We need to reduce our real estate tax rate to encourage economic growth and provide tax reHodge lief to families and businesses,” he said. “We don’t pay for them, he said. Inneed more taxes, like the stead, the county needs to gross receipts tax. County provide for these projects spending must be con- on a pay as you go basis trolled.” by saving now.

News Editor


“David Williams and I successfully defeated an effort this year to raise the real estate tax rate 11 cents to pay for capital projects,” he said, “and we were able to begin funding these projects out of current revenues after recommending and holding a series of joint meetings between the board of supervisors and the school board. “The real challenge for Powhatan in the next four years will be the need to exercise a great degree of fiscal discipline to reduce taxes, control spending, and pay for capital projects out of current revenues.” The general election will be held on Nov. 3. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday. com.

Rice vying for supervisor seat By Laura McFarland

advertising is word of mouth,” he said. “My business model is cenOWHATAN – tered on fixing issues Gregory Todd correctly, efficiently and Rice has an- cost effectively for the nounced he is running for the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors District 4 seat. Rice, who is running as a Libertarian candidate, owns and operates Mode Comfort & Air Quality, a boutique company specializing in heating, air conditioning and air quality solutions. He established Mode in July 2007, doing business in Rice Powhatan and throughout central Virginia. “A high level of eth- consumer.” ics and a great reputaRice said his goal is to tion are important to me bring ideas to the board as a business owner of supervisors to help whose main source of curb excessive spending News Editor




C1 Leisure & Entertainment in Powhatan

B1 Goodman honored twice by CAA.

and misuse of funds. “I think we can all agree that smarter expenditures of our money would mean lower taxes for our citizens,” he said. Rice said he is running to bring county issues to the floor that he believes could be better handled. He said he dislikes wasteful spending and the burden it puts on local businesses and individuals. If elected, Rice said he will bring to Powhatan County his principles of promoting responsible budgeting, eliminating wasteful spending and encouraging transparency. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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