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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Lewis Wood

Vol. XXVIII No. 42

October 21, 2015

School board learns about graduation rates By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Recently released numbers for Powhatan High School’s graduation rates and advanced classes show the students and staff are hard at work. Figures released during the Powhatan County School Board workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 13, showed that while there is always room for improvement, the efforts of the high school staff and students are paying dividends in the graduation rates and college readiness measures. Sandy Lynch, assistant superintendent for instruction, Tracie Omohundro, principal, and John Ringstaff, assistant principal, spoke to the board about the school’s PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND graduation rates, Advanced Placement Sandy Lynch talks to the school enhancements and SAT results. Dr. Eric Jones, superintendent, com- board about graduation rates.

mended the high school team for their hard work, including the administration, teachers, counselors and the people who prepare the students before they get to high school. “I fully anticipate given the results we have just seen with AP that we will make the AP Honor Roll again,” he said after the presentation. “If you remember last year we were one of six districts in the state that (were) named to that and to see even higher scores and higher participation this year is really incredible work by that team and by the teachers and the students.” Valarie Ayers, who represents District 3, praised the “amazing things” staff are doing to help students. “It is a team. That is what our whole school system is and you guys are doing a great job,” she said. Rick Cole, District 1, also praised the

high school’s numbers and Sammy Frame, District 4, lauded the staff’s common sense approach in many ways.

Graduation rates In looking at graduation rates, one measure is the Graduation/Completion Index (GCI), which uses a weighted point system and is linked to state accreditation, Lynch said. The school receives different points depending on whether a student receives a diploma or GED, is still enrolled, has a certificate of completion or drops out. The benchmark for full state accreditation is a score of 85, but Powhatan County Public Schools in 2015 achieved a score of 95, which was an increase of three points, she said. “A lot of good work went into that,” see SCHOOL page 2A

Mission trip changes heart of Powhatan teen By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – Kneeling at the feet of African orphans is like no other experience Victoria Hughes could have imagined. The tiny feet were dirty and marked with cuts. As she washed them and tended to the wounds, very few of the children said anything. As she slid socks and shoes onto their feet – some of them experiencing the feeling for the first time – their eyes held wonder. And when she finished and they would stand and hug her, their simple “thank you” meant the world to her. “It definitely was more of an emotional thing than I thought it was going to be, just because you see these kids that have nothing,” said Hughes of Powhatan. “Something as simple as washing their feet and giving them shoes, they are so grateful. You think about how much you take for granted.”

The life-changing moment of giving shoes to African orphans who had none is part of what Hughes, a senior at Powhatan High School, experienced this summer when she traveled to Zambia as part of a month-long Teen Missions International trip. The program’s main goal of instilling a passion for missions in teenagers worked for Hughes. She said she wasn’t ready to come back to the United States and felt as though she was leaving part of her heart in Africa at the end of the 28-day trip. She already wants to return next summer, hopefully as an assistant leader with the program. She also plans to attend a leadership seminar in November in Florida related to the program and is holding a shoe drive to collect shoes that will be taken on similar trips by others. SUBMITTED PHOTO “At every rescue unit we eventually ran out of shoes. PHS student Victoria Hughes washes the There were more children than shoes. To tell a child I don’t feet of an orphan in Zambia during a missee MISSION page 6A sion trip this summer.

Bennett vies for supervisor seat Hymel seeks re-election to board By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Charlie Bennett has announced he is running for the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors District 5 seat. Bennett is running as a libertarian and acts as the secretary for the Libertarian Party of Powhatan County. Bennett, 24, is a lifelong resident of Powhatan County and owns a house on Bell Road. “Living in Powhatan all my life shows my heart and soul is invested in Powhatan,” he said. While working fulltime at his father’s business, Bennett and Barden Funeral Home, he also volunteers around the community to make a difference, he said. Bennett said his plan for economic growth will make Powhatan business-friendly. Business obstacles are

tougher at the county level than they are on the commonwealth level, so he said he wants to make starting a business in Powhatan an easier and more efficient process. Currently, Powhatan citizens spend much of

Bennett their money outside the county. As a supervisor, Bennett said he will prioritize finding ways to keep money within the county to cause an increase in revenue. When Bennett’s plan is successful, he said he plans to lower property taxes in Powhatan so the citizens will have more

Inside 2015 Election Guide

money to spend on local businesses within the county. Bennett’s responsible budgeting plan will promote transparency and ensure no last-minute decisions occur, he said. When the public is unaware of last-minute changes, it causes an unhealthy relationship between the board of supervisors and the citizens of Powhatan. “It is unfortunate that a last-minute decision was the reality of the last fiscal year 2016 budget meeting,” Bennett said. “I will ensure the public has reasonable and adequate time to acknowledge and understand any decision beneficial or detrimental to their taxes.” Bennett will be on the campaign trail gaining support throughout Powhatan’s 5th District. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@opwhatantoday.com.

By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Kim Hymel has announced she is running for re-election for the Powhatan County School Board District 5 seat. Hymel and her husband have two children in Powhatan County schools and their education is the family’s top priority, she said. She has been a board member since February 2014 and has a degree in education. Although retired now, Hymel was an elementary school teacher for more than 20 years, making her “uniquely qualified to serve this community and its schools.” Hymel said her steadfast goals are educating every student to maximize their potential within the county’s budgetary limitations. “For the past 19 months, I stood for financial transparency in

Sports B1 Defense stands tall in Homecoming thriller

all aspects of budgeting and appropriating taxpayers’ money,” she said. “I’ve met with taxpayers at homes, churches and public meetings throughout District 5 to listen to their concerns about the quality of our educational system in

Hymel Powhatan.” Hymel said she will continue to visit every facility and meet personally with every administrator and teacher to help understand from the inside out what’s happening in the school system. “I believe this enables me to make better financial, program, and

administrative decisions,” she said. Hymel said she has consistently stood for face-to-face meetings with the board of supervisors to deal with the difficulties encountered over the last few years. “I care passionately and believe in our school system and its potential to dramatically make our children’s future all that it can be. I also look forward to working with Jessica Gray, who is running in District 3 and Joe Walters, District 4,” she said. As a small community of caring and concerned parents, citizens, taxpayers, and excellent teaching staff working together on solutions, Powhatan can have the best school district in Virginia working toward state of the art technology and facilities, Hymel said. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Index Calendar A9 Classified B8-9 Crime Report A5 Letters A7 Obituaries A9 Opinion A7 TV Listings B6-7

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 2A

Committee causes tension in meeting By Laura McFarland

for approval, none of which had their districts listed. “I just don’t understand. You want people from the community to help. These people, a lot of them have OWHATAN – Decisions about a committee gone to school there; their parents have built this school,” whose purpose will be to look at possible fu- Hymel said. “They have a big interest in this and to not ture uses of Pocahontas Middle School should it eventually cease functioning as a school brought a tense atmosphere to the Powhatan County “My understanding is that the advisory School board last week. committees are formally named and are The number of potential committee members represtanding committees that meet every senting the county’s five districts became a point of disyear, and there are working committees sension during the board’s workshop on Tuesday, Oct. that may meet on a specific topic.” 13. Potential members for this committee and five others were scheduled to be approved in the meeting that followed. Dr. Eric Jones The conflict started when issues were raised that of Superintendent, Powhatan County Schools the 10 people up for approval and the six people already approved for the committee, eight were representing District 5, including school board member Kim Hymel. let people serve their community just because you only Rick Cole, District 1, raised the issue because he said want two from each district.” the school district’s policy for advisory committees dicDr. Eric Jones, superintendent, pointed out that there tated that each district should have no more than two are formal advisory committees to the school board representatives. listed in the policy and other committees that meet to Hymel asked why the number of people from each provide information or recommendations to the school district was only being singled out on this committee. board. She pointed to the other committees with members up “My understanding is that the advisory committees

are formally named and are standing committees that meet every year, and there are working committees that may meet on a specific topic,” he said. Jones said the staff put the committee in because it was the board’s desire to know who was on the committee and approve those people “because it is a very important topic.” Hymel agreed this wasn’t a continuing committee but one where as people from the community want to give input, that should be welcomed. Hymel stringently opposed limiting the number of people from District 5 since they were willing to help and said that if there are more people wanting to be on the committee from other districts they should also be welcomed. She said that if the other board members have someone from their districts they want to offer, they should do so. She added that either all of the advisory committees should be held to the same rules and have district numbers counted or none of them. Otherwise it looks “very discriminatory.” Cole said he would be fine with staff coming up with discussion points that committee members rate, but that he would be concerned having everyone come from one district. The discussion went on for several minutes with the


‘why don’t I challenge myself in this area?’ ” The high school saw a 16.9 percent increase in new students taking AP classes, Ringstaff said. Minorities make up 8.1 percent of students enrolled in AP classes and 7.8 percent in dual enrollment classes. One fact that should really stand out to people is that as the high school has increased the participation of students enrolling in AP courses, it has increased the number of students who earned qualifying scores of 3, 4, and 5. “So we upped our numbers and at the same time we got kids to make 3s, 4s, and 5s, which are those scores we want to see translate into college success,” he said. Further opportunities for growth include the AP Academy for students new to those courses, AP boot camps prior to the tests and summer AP prep days for enrolled students. The high school is also investigating new opportunities in AP art, music, and economics, he said.

News Editor


Continued from page 1A

she said. Lynch also talked about the on-time graduation rate, which takes into account six different types of diplomas – advanced, standard, international baccalaureate, modified standard, special, and general achievement diploma. The average on-time graduation rate for the state is 90.5 percent, while Powhatan had a rate of 92.6 percent, Lynch said. This was an increase of 5.7 percent. In looking a little deeper, Lynch showed the board how Powhatan High School ranked overall in a comparison of 16 central Virginia schools and did the same thing for some of its subgroups. Some of the districts it was compared to were in Amelia, Cumberland, Fluvanna, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Louisa, and Prince George counties and Richmond City. The school district’s overall on-time graduation rate in that comparison ranked in fifth place. The rate among females (94.6 percent) was higher than males (90.7 percent), but the rankings in those groups were fifth and fourth, respectively. The rate for white students (93.1 percent) ranked fourth in the comparison while the rate for black students (84.4 percent) was in 11th place. Lynch pointed out that while the on-time graduation rate for black students was the only one to see a decrease, that is more pronounced when

there are a smaller number of students. “When this went down 10.4 percent, we are talking about three to four students that caused that. It is a much smaller subgroup than 300 students that graduated altogether,” she said, adding there were 32 black students in the previous school year. The rate for students with disabilities (88 percent) ranked seventh while the one for economically disadvantaged (79.5 percent) was in 13th place. Jones said that the graduation rate evaluations can be affected by issues such as students moving to another school system, leaving and not enrolling somewhere else or leaving school for another reason and the school staff is unable to track them. “Remember this is a four-year graduation rate, so if a student takes longer, they are counted as not graduating on time. Even though our goal is to make sure they graduate, if they take a little more time then we certainly facilitate that,” he said. Lynch also pointed out that tracking a graduating class, called a cohort, starts at the ninth grade and so the rate can be affected by events throughout a fouryear period of high school. Of the 340 students in the Class of 2015, 197 graduated with an advanced studies diploma, 112 with a standard diploma, 12 dropped out and the rest fell in other categories. The advanced diploma rate of 57.9 percent was up

by 7.2 percent despite the fact that the number of credits required for that honor went up from 24 to 26 standard credits. “That is wonderful. We made great, great progress there,” Lynch said.

Increasing on-time graduation rates There were a number of strategies that school staff worked on to increase its graduation rates and all of them were part of a team effort, Omohundro said. Some of the efforts in English and math included creating algebra functions data analysis (AFDA) and English 12 classes for students without a math or English verified credit; conducting algebra remediation during Indian time, and moving the writing SOL test to the 10th grade to give additional time for retesting. A strategy in cohort monitoring included establishing a Green Team, which is a collaboration between school counselors and administrators, Omohundro said. The move has created a sense of teamwork in those two departments. “The green is the green light for graduation. The point is that we all want everyone to go for graduation,” she said. Other efforts include identifying rising freshmen who are at risk by meeting with the Powhatan Junior High School staff during the summer. The high school revised its school-based promotion policy, which previ-

ously said students were in whatever grade level that matched their English class level, she said. However, school staff found it wasn’t an accurate reflection and could be misleading to parents and students. “We revised the promotion policy so we could accurately reflect whether or not kids are progressing properly toward graduation,” she said. The school also is implementing an advisory style Indian time where students are put with targeted teachers they already have a connection with to support those who are more at risk, she said.

Advanced Placement program The amount of students taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes and the number of tests being taken have seen a big increase in the last four years, Ringstaff said. AP course enrollment has steadily grown from 169 students in the 20112012 school year to 305 in the 2014-2015 school year, he said. At the same time, the number of AP exams administered steadily rose from 275 in 2011-2012 to 445 in the most recent school year. Dual enrollment courses taken saw more fluctuation through the years, starting with 63 in 20112012 and going on to 56, 79 and 54 in the following three years, he said. He said to keep in mind that when more AP classes are added, “kids naturally say,

see BOARD page 4A

SAT results After this year, discussions about the SATs will change as the format is being changed, Omohundro said. The current SAT format was adopted in 2006. The overall trend lines have increased in the reading, writing and math scores, although the scores tend to fluctuate from year to year, she said. The school saw a seven-point increase in math scores in the 2014-2015 school year

among the 200 test takers. It saw dips in reading (down 10 points) and writing (down 5 points). “Over the course of this 10-year span, our biggest success was in reading. We saw significant gains, almost 30 points in reading,” she said. The combined scores of all three categories for Powhatan seniors exceeded the national average by five points, she added. Strategies to help the students in the old testing system included PSATs and boot camps. With the new test format, the school conducted a parent training on back-toschool night, is doing faculty training in November, is offering a PSAT analysis night for parents, and will have in-class incorporation of test questions. The new test still has reading, writing and math components, but now the essay is separate and they are going to provide a combined score for reading and math reminiscent of an older format, she said. There are eight major changes to the test, including having no penalty for wrong answers, taking an approach in reading and writing more like what students see in the classroom, and reduced geometry questions and increased emphasis on algebra in the math component. The first time the new SAT will be administered is in March. Juniors may choose to take the old SAT test earlier than that, but school staff is encouraging them to wait and take the new test, Omohundro said. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.


Hannah Sharp has been chosen as Powhatan Junior High School’s Student of the Month. We are so proud of Hannah for being a kind, generous and compassionate young woman. She shows respect to all of her classmates and teachers and is extremely considerate of the feelings of her peers. Hannah works hard on her academics. She enjoys activities at PJHS such as Yearbook Club and the FFA Soils Team. Outside of school she enjoys spending time with her friends.


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Page 3A

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Cox endorses Dobbins for re-election as clerk of court Contributed Report


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Iamtheonlycandidatewhoraisedtheirhandand tookanoathtosupportanddefendtheUnitedStates ConstitutionwhenIjoinedtheNavyduringtheVietnam War.Asagunownermyself,Ibelieveinandwillcontinue tosupportallthecitizenrightsunderourConstitution.





Richard Cox recently announced his support for Teresa Dobbins as clerk of the court.

what is necessary to conduct a criminal trial and anticipate the needs of both the prosecutor and defendant, Cox said. That allows for trials to be conducted in an efficient and fair manner ensuring justice is served.

“It is clear that superior service to the public is the goal, and from my perspective, they exceed expectations,” Cox said. “It is a pleasure to work with Teresa and her staff, and I support her bid for re-election.”

Richmond Realtors PAC endorses three supervisors Contributed Report


he Richmond REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has endorsed supervisors Bill Melton, Larry Nordvig, and Carson Tucker for re-election to the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors. Melton, Nordvig, and Tucker all have demonstrated their commitment to a fiscally responsible county government that operates efficiently to meet the needs of its constituents, according to the group. The three men’s dedication to the protection of private property rights was factored into the RPAC Trustees’ decision. It is clear that the three supervisors also know that the rural character of Paid Political Advertisement

Powhatan is what makes it attractive to homebuyers, the group said. They strive to make sure that character is maintained, while simultaneously leading efforts to foster a diverse housing plan that meets the needs of all Powhatan’s residents. “The RPAC trustees are pleased to endorse Mr. Melton, Mr. Nordvig, and Mr. Tucker,” Mary K. McDonald, chair of the RPAC trustees, said. “Preserving the county’s rural character is important to Realtors; any kind of growth in the county should be done intelligently and with the utmost care. We feel that these supervisors reflect our values.” The Richmond Association of Realtors represents more than 4,000 members who live and work in the Richmond metropolitan area.

I am a long time resident of Powhatan County, and raised three children here. I am a U.S. Navy Veteran, with a College Degree in Protective Services with a major in Administration of Justice, and 31 years Experience and Leadership as a Police Officer and Lieutenant. The decision to run for Sheriff was made after meeting with citizens, hearing their concerns about the Sheriff’s Department, and taking into consideration the Crime Trends, and Crime Clearance Rates. I concede that there are many areas needing positive change, such as management and leadership within the department. A department should be pro-active, and not just re-active. I plan to maintain the employees of the department, and to work with all the employees. When job openings come up, I plan to hire more female and minority Deputies. I know that with positive changes in leadership, the department will become one that all the citizens will be proud of. The citizens of Powhatan will see positive changes in the Sheriff’s Department when Dan is elected. I plan to review the budget and look for cost saving areas. During the reorganization of the Department I will address the need for Community Friendly Deputies, while being professional in the execution of their duties. My plan is to divide the county into Patrol Districts, and assign Deputies to specific areas of patrol. This will allow citizens to get to know the Deputies and work with them. Remember, this November you can vote for positive change in the Sheriff’s Department, not the continuing of the leadership of the past. I ask for your support and your vote. 229044-01

owhatan County’s commonwealth’s attorney, Richard K. Cox, has announced his support for Teresa Hash Dobbins for re-election as Powhatan County’s Circuit Court Clerk. “As commonwealth’s attorney it is important that you work with people you can trust to get the job done, and get it right,” he said. “Teresa Dobbins and her staff in the circuit court clerk’s office do just that. Under Teresa’s leadership I have seen first-hand a clerk’s office that is professional, proficient and polite.” Dobbins’ experience in the clerk’s office has enabled her to understand

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Candidates’ Night 2015 The Powhatan County Historical Society,

Tuesday, October 27 • 7-9pm Candidates for Virginia Senate and House of Delegates Candidates for Powhatan Constitutional Offices: Sheriff, Clerk of Circuit Court, Commissioner of Revenue, Treasurer, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District Directors #################################

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7-9 pm. Candidates for Board of Supervisors & School Board

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 4A

Board Continued from page 2A

tension, and voices, progressively rising. Chairman James Kunka, District 2, said the policy apparently hasn’t been enforced to date and the board should address that going forward. Jones said one thing to remember is

they can’t force people to be on committees. He added that his intent for the middle school committee is to have it look at information on the building, which parts of it are original and historic, what uses potentially are out there, and what are the needs of the county and school system. In the end, the board solved the issue by removing the middle school commit-

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tee from the list of advisory committees having members approved and made it a working committee that doesn’t need formal approval from the school board. Other business handled at the board’s workshop and meeting included: Approving an architectural and engineering contract for the design of a renovated Powhatan Junior High School. The board previously deferred this

vote to allow Tom Lacheney, county attorney, to review the contract with Moseley Architects to complete design work for a new middle school on the junior high school site, including bidding and construction contract administration. The school board voted unanimously to approve it. see BOARD page 8A

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CALL 598-4305 for details.

Page 5A

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Augusta clerk praises Dobbins

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Augusta County clerk of the court Carol Brydge, right, endorsed Teresa Hash Dobbins for Powhatan County clerk of the court.

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of courtroom experience, Brydge said. In addition to her experience stated above, she is the first clerk in Virginia to become a certified court manager through the National Center for State Courts, Brydge said. This title is one that many clerks throughout the state are currently working toward. “There is no one more knowledgeable, experienced or prepared to be clerk of the circuit court for Powhatan County than Teresa Hash Dobbins,� Brydge said.

Mechanicsville 8235 Mechanicsville Tnpk Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (804)746-7781

tion and damaging a phone line that was being used in an attempt to call 911, undersheriff Chris DeHart said. The strangulation charge is a felony and the other two are misdemeanors. On Saturday, Oct. 10, the Powhatan County

News Editor

POWHATAN – A Powhatan County man was arrested after a brief standoff with law enforcement officers who responded to a domestic violence call to his home. Michael Chambers, 42, has been charged with domestic assault, strangula-

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see ARREST page 9A


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Stando ends peacefully with arrest By Laura McFarland

Next to Dick’s Sporting Goods


Contributed Report Carol M. Brydge, clerk of the Augusta County Circuit Court, has announced she has given her full endorsement to Teresa Hash Dobbins as Powhatan County’s Clerk of Circuit Court. Brydge said she has been associated with Dobbins for a number of years through the Virginia Circuit Court Clerks’ Association. There are varying sizes of circuit court clerk’s offices throughout Virginia, she said. A number of those offices are supported by a large population base that provide funding for an abundance of staff. In some of those offices the clerk acts in the capacity of CEO only. “However, in the middle and smaller populated jurisdictions throughout Virginia, such as your beautiful county of Powhatan, the clerk is a working clerk. Not only does the clerk act in the capacity of CEO, she also works in the trenches with her employees, assuring the public are served promptly and efficiently,� Brydge said. Dobbins brings to the clerk’s office of Powhatan County 19 months of experience as the clerk of court, an additional six years as a civil, criminal, probate and land recording deputy clerk and over 11 years

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www. firstbaptistpowhatan.com (Independent, Fundamental Bible Believing) Travis Keith, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 am • Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service - 6:30 pm • Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00 Contact - 794-7054 2109 Anderson Hwy Across from Food Lion & Wendy's

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 6A



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During a mission trip to Zambia this summer, PHS student Victoria Hughes, center, said when she wasn’t washing the feet of the orphans, she was leading dramas, singing and playing with them.

Mission Continued from page 1A


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have shoes for you is the most heartbreaking thing in the world,” she said. The drop off point for new or used shoes in good condition is Sweet Shop Donuts in Powhatan, where Hughes works. The drive runs through Monday, Nov. 2. For more information on the shoe drive, One Sole at a Time, contact Hughes at onesoleatatime@ yahoo.com. Pat Storey, head female leader on the trip, said she was impressed with Hughes’ passion in Africa and by the fact it has continued with the shoe drive at home and with the teen’s plans to go back as a leader. “I think she would be very good at it. She adjusted well and she was so happy to do what she was doing. She would be a good leader for other teens. She was a good example as a member of our team,” Storey said.

will ruin them and get them dirty. It is an adjustment for them to have shoes on their feet.” The footwashing team traveled to three AIDS orphan rescue units, where they also evangelized and played games with the children, Hughes said. The centers, each manned by two people, are not orphanages. They provide a place where the orphans can go and get a meal and ask for help. Many of the orphans live with only a slightly older sibling to care for them. Spending a week at each of the

“By the time we left we were all in tears because we had to go. You just love those little guys, you wish you could scoop them all up because you don’t want to leave them there,” Storey said. “That goes for everybody on the team, teenagers and leaders alike. We all felt the same way.” Hughes recalled seeing television commercials about children in Africa but said the reality of being there and seeing it firsthand was completely different. The experience didn’t get any easier, but the teens became more com-


A change of heart

PHS student Victoria Hughes, right, said she left her guitar in Before 2014, when Hughes be- Africa to be used in missions.

came a Christian, travel was always about having fun. After a trip to Europe that summer, she decided what she really wanted to do was go on a missions trip. Choosing the Zambia trip was a last-minute decision, and Hughes said she is not quite sure why she made it. But after going on the trip this summer, she realized it was the right call. After two weeks of orientation in Florida, Hughes traveled with 18 other teenagers and four leaders on June 23 to the country in southern Africa. The team’s main purpose in Africa was washing the feet of orphans, treating the wounds caused by walking around barefoot and slipping shoes on their feet, Storey said. In all they gave out more than 700 pairs of shoes. “They are very proud of their new shoes. I saw one little boy dancing around his guardians after he got his,” Storey said. “At times you will see them wear them a little bit and take them off because they are afraid they

centers, the group always started with the feet washing, which took about two days, she said. Then they would spend several days putting on dramas, singing with the children and telling them about God. If she thought the feet washing was humbling, Hughes said she couldn’t imagine the feeling of leading 98 children in the salvation prayer during the trip. In all, more than 250 children said the prayer, she said. “I knew about how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to show them love. I knew when we were doing that we were showing them God’s love,” she said. “It was a cool way to break every wall. The language barrier didn’t matter. It was clear that we were loving them, so it didn’t matter that we couldn’t really talk to them.” The first center was a shock for the teenagers as it was generally their first time seeing people living in such poverty, Storey said. However, they adjusted and showered love on the children.

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fortable approaching the children, she said. The children at the second rescue center were a little older, so the teens could talk to them more and form closer relationships. The third center had a large number of toddlers and children who were ill, she said. “They had bellies that would pop out. We were told that was a sign of a disease that eventually kills them,” Hughes said. “That was really hard. We were playing with these kids knowing that they probably wouldn’t live much longer and there was nothing we could do about it.” Despite the abject poverty she saw, Hughes said she was amazed how much joy was there, too. “They rely on God for everything. There is a quote that says, ‘If God is all you have then you have all you need,’ and they really live by that,” she said. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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What are your family’s favorite Haloween traditions that you still do? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses.

October 21, 2015

Page 7A

Halloween safety needs to be a priority By Laura McFarland News Editor


o you ever have those instances where someone is telling you something you are positive you already know and you just want to tune them out? Frequent flyers know this feeling. There are only so many times you can listen to a flight attendant go over the safety instructions before you want to say “I know how to buckle a seatbelt!” Or imagine the look on a child’s face when his mother tells him – for the 20th time – to put on his helmet before going bike riding with his friends. Yes, absolutely it can be annoying. But in those instances and many others, the point of the repetition is to make sure safety is on your mind. Take Halloween. On Saturday, Oct. 31, it is a given that there are going to be lots of little people out and about on or around roads. Some people spend extensive amounts of time planning and executing costumes and working out routes for the best run of candy. It is a night of fun, frivolity and sugar rushes. It also is, on average, the one night of the year where children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed, according to Safe Kids Worldwide, a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children. Knowing what can happen – but thankfully hasn’t here – the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office takes Halloween safety seriously, 1st Sgt. Scott Lane said.

In addition to the regular patrol on duty, the sheriff’s office will have four additional deputies patrolling neighborhoods to make sure people stay safe. This is something the department has done annually for years. It isn’t even an added burden for the county to do it since the sheriff’s office pays for the deputies’ time using grants from the Department of Motor Vehicles, he said. That said, there is only so much they can do across a county this size. There are some steps people need to be responsible for before heading out for some Halloween fun: If you are a driver going through a neighborhood or entering or exiting a driveway, don’t take anything for granted. Assume a little goblin or princess could run out into the road at any moment in their quest for more candy and drive accordingly. Key trick-or-treating hours are usually from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. with higher concentrations of people definitely out by 6:30 p.m. On the flip side, parents can’t assume that every driver will follow through with this. It’s a Saturday night and a holiday. People are excited and heading to parties and other events, some of them in a hurry. Make sure your child knows road safety such as crossing at corners, crosswalks and traffic lights, looking both ways and walking, not running across. Darth Vader and ninja costumes are great, but they also are dark. It might not exactly fit the image they want, but decorate the costumes and trick-ortreat bags with reflective tape or stickers to increase their visibility. Glow sticks are a fun way to add an

eye-catching element. Children under the age of 12 should not be out alone at night without adult supervision. If kids are mature enough to be out without supervision, have a conversation with them about staying in familiar areas that are well lit and trick or treating in groups. Have fun with costumes, but make sure they fit. Length is especially important as you don’t want long robes, dresses and capes causing trips and falls. Making sure a child can see properly also is vital. Face paint is a better option to masks, helmets or other items covering their heads and eyes. Flashlights also are a must to help light their way. Put the phone down. Take a few photos with your smart phone to put on Facebook later and then put it away. If you are incessantly talking on your phone, texting or looking up stuff on the Internet, your eyes are not on your children and making sure nothing bad is happening to them. Know where to go. Tell children not to cross lawns as there could be things on the ground that might trip them. If the light is off, move to the next house. Powhatan County has been fortunate to not have a major issue of a child being hurt by a car on Halloween, Lane said. Some records don’t need to be broken. Have fun, but make safety a priority. Happy trick or treating! Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

L E T T E R S TO T H E E D I TO R Tucker proven to be man of character, dignity, decency Dear Editor, The Powhatan County District 5 residents should be proud of the leadership we have had under supervisor Carson Tucker. He has proven to be a man of great character. During his tenure in office, his salary has been allocated to helping Powhatan’s senior population. If the County of Powhatan wants to continue to grow for the betterment of all, District 5 citizens should vote for Carson Tucker, a man with budgeting and management skills. He is a man of dignity and decency. Vernell and Herbert Straughter Powhatan County

Dobbins a natural born leader dedicated to service Dear Editor It has been my honor and privilege to know Teresa Hash Dobbins for most of her life. She and my daughter Kelly were inseparable. Over the years I have watched her grow into a vibrant, energetic, and thoughtful woman. As a student in the Powhatan school system, she participated in several clubs, was active in class leadership serving as SCA (student council association) president and as junior class president. She worked hard in academics as well as played hard in sports. Teresa has always loved serving others and helping people that were in need. She and my daughter Kelly, decided to become “candy striper” volunteers at Chippenham Hospital. They would give up their free time on Saturdays and during the summer to offer help and comfort to hospital patients. Now, I am proud to see that strong work ethic and quest for learning continue as a very hard working clerk of the court. It is quite an honor that she is the first Circuit Court Clerk in Virginia to become a certified court manager. This puts Teresa among a very small group (less than 140) of people who have chosen to continue their education in a field they know and love. She has taken, completed and even qualified to teach her fellow clerks all of the six required courses to become a certified court manager. Teresa continues to serve others by training fellow clerks and deputy clerks so that they too can obtain their certification. Teresa is a natural born leader. She has extensive management experience and personifies customer service. She

has staffed her office with like minded people that enjoy serving their fellow Powhatan County citizens. She has taken her experience as the secretary/treasurer from her family’s construction company and used that knowledge to improve the clerk’s office in such areas as grants, technology, continuous training of staff, excellent customer service and efficiency. As a long-time resident of Powhatan, I would like to invite all citizens to vote for Teresa as we need her strong work ethic, energy and commitment to excellence. Vote Teresa Hash Dobbins on Nov. 3. Pauline Dufficy Powhatan County

Ayers puts students first, brings experience to office Dear Editor, Valarie Ayers, an experienced candidate, is running for re-election for the Powhatan County School Board in District 3. Valarie has shown her genuine spirit through her actions and service. She served six years as a volunteer at Powhatan Elementary School and for the past 20 years has served on the school board. What we love about Valarie is that her decisions and votes are based on thorough research and are very transparent. What’s most important is that these decisions are made by putting the students first, which makes us very proud to support her! We feel that Valarie’s hard work and devotion is a testimony to the superior school system that Powhatan County is so proud of! Jo Ann and James Woodson Powhatan County

History of service shows caring character of supervisor Dear Editor, My family and I moved to Powhatan County in 1990 and I was somewhat hesitant in voting in any of the elections for supervisor for District 5. None of them expressed to me to be for the good of Powhatan, nor for the good of the people. When I met Carson Tucker about eight years ago, I knew I had finally met a person who I could trust and depend upon for the good of the community. I say this

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because one day he walked into the Powhatan Fair building, introduced himself and asked me what he could do to help. In 2007, I started an outreach program called the Hope Supper Table, a program to serve a hot meal to the elderly people and those in need and to deliver meals to the sick and shut-ins every third Saturday. From that day on, Carson has helped serve every third Saturday unless pressing business did not allow him to come, which was very seldom. I not only find him to be an intelligent and caring man but a humble man who is willing to serve the people wherever he can. You don’t generally find these traits in a politician. He not only talks the talk, but he actually walks the walk. He has truly shown this from his years of being on the board. He’s a strong man who stands for and what a politician should be – willing to serve the people. We need to vote for someone who we have known for many years and who has done an exemplary job, as opposed to someone we don’t know. My vote goes to Carson Tucker, whom I have come to know very well. Mamie Scott Powhatan County

Political dealings have no place in local office level Dear Editor, Like so many Americans, I am tired and a little frustrated by all the political dealings on the federal level – possible shutdowns and maneuvers that only seem to hurt regular middle class Americans. The one time no one should have to deal with these kinds of shenanigans is in local government. Our supervisors are members of our community and should simply be concerned with running the county to meet the needs of the community. One example of a supervisor who follows this principal is Carson Tucker. Mr. Tucker is a traditional man with conservative values who has the strength of character to stand on his own two feet and simply choose what is best based on the merits of the proposition. Being an independent candidate allows him to be free of political ties to any party or obligations to anyone but the people he represents. He is a man who does not make a lot of easy promises but always keeps the ones he makes. Whenever there is an election, there will always be the candidates who will promise to lower your taxes. It is alsee LETTERS page 8A

WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Monday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff.

Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: Powhatan Today, P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va., 23139. Subscription Rate: $23.50 per year. Single copy price is 50¢. © 2015 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 8A

Board Continued from page 4A

Approving an architectural and engineering contract for the design of the joint transportation/maintenance facility. Negotiations with BCWH Architects have been ongoing to finalize the contract for basic service fees and additional services. The architectural and engineering contract to get the county to bid in January 2016 would require a total of $233,718. The contract would include $106,682 for the bidding phase and construction contract administration, which will require an appropriation of sufficient funds by the board of supervisors and the school board. The school board voted unanimously to approve it. Approving a student liai-

son to the school board. The school board previously discussed allowing a Powhatan student to become a student liaison to the school board. At the time the board asked to see if there was interest from the students. Jones said he spoke during a student leadership day at Powhatan High School this summer and had nine students express interest and write about why they wanted to be part of it. Jones and principal Tracie Omohundro reviewed those submissions and then she recommended Aaron Hockaday as the representative and Colton Milcarek as the alternate when Hockaday cannot attend meetings. The board also agreed to have both students attend a workshop for student representatives in November. The vote was unanimous. Discussing the school district’s admission policy pertain-

Letters Continued from page 7A

most a tradition. Most people know that is not really going to happen. Four years ago, there were those who made the same promises. Yet for most, real estate taxes did not go down more than a few dollars and for many taxes actually increased. The increase in the local license tax on each car offset the savings some had and the real estate rate went up twice. This all happened when the republicans had a majority on our board of supervisors. The truth is local taxes are not about being democrat or republican or even libertarian. Local taxes are about providing services to the citizens that they either need or want. Powhatan has an excellent credit rating because it is already reasonably well run, so when real estate assessments went down, the rate had to go up. Now that real estate values are increasing, after our next assessment, the tax rate should go down regardless of who has the majority vote on the board of supervisors. So as we work our way toward Election Day and the political rhetoric builds, think about what you really want in a candidate and ultimately a supervisor. An independent candidate like Carson Tucker is not expected to follow any agenda. He understands that as our county grows, we must

ing to kinship care. The school district recently had a request for admission for school admission from an out-of-state caregiver to enroll their grandchild in Powhatan County Public Schools, Jones said. Because of the difficulty the family had to go through to enroll the student, the school district became aware its policy was more stringent than dictated by Virginia Code. Current Powhatan policy asks for approval from the department of social services in both the receiving district and the district where the child is coming from, he said. “After researching it, we found out the Virginia Code says ‘or’ – it can be one or the other,” he said. Jones said kinship care cases are rare in Powhatan but that he recommended going with state code. Cole said he could understand

allowing approval from only one social services department, but he preferred the school district always try to get approval from both. Hymel said she thought the school district needs to make it so the process isn’t so difficult and “help out grandparents that are residents here that want to help their families.” No vote was taken on the issue. The less stringent policy will come back for approval at the board’s meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Recognizing two groups. The school board recognized the Powhatan High School FFA chapter for attending the Virginia FFA Convention in June and having three of the teams win their respective contests. The school board recognized National School Bus Safety Week and had many of its trans-

attract quality small and medium sized businesses to keep taxes from overburdening our citizens. As a person who often attends the supervisors’ meetings, I have watched Mr. Tucker thoughtfully consider and question many proposals. His concern is always for the people. His only consideration is the best course of action for the majority of the people of Powhatan, no strings attached. Isn’t that the way it should be? Joanne S. Fico Powhatan County

Record of supervisor shows integrity, willingness to listen

Dear Editor, It is time for Powhatan County to know the candidates for the board of supervisors. Our country’s political atmosphere has moved from ethical and moral rightness to mudslinging and character diminishment. Therefore we have nothing to base decisions upon other than looking at a candidate’s proven record. Mr. Carson Tucker, District 5 representative, is unique in his commitment not only to his constitutes but to all the people of Powhatan County. Mr. Tucker has served the Powhatan community for 31 years. Mr. Tucker’s record: Instrumental in stopping a third prison in the county. Active leadership in preventing a Richmond City landfill. Leadership in organizing and preventing the State Police firing range. Founded and continues to organize litter clean-up of 5 miles on Old River Trail for 31 years. Participates in yearly James River clean-up. Instrumental in the budgeting of state funds for safety improvement for the state park entrance on Route Jeff Cochran Ins Agcy Inc 522. I can help you get all the Jeff Cochran, Agent discounts you deserve. Chairman of James River Advisory Board. 3387 Anderson Highway Powhatan, VA 23139 Talk to me about a FREE Monthly water test with Master Naturalist for Deep Bus: 804-598-2277 Discount Double Check today. Water Creek. Get to a better State . Sits on the Powhatan Anti-Litter Council. Get State Farm. Instrumental in the state transfer of one acre of CALL ME TODAY. land to Shiloh Baptist Church for its cemetery. Chairman of the Deep Meadow Advisory Board. Donates 100 percent of his board salary to the Coalition of Powhatan Churches, thereby helping those at risk and in need. Specific issues Mr. Tucker stands for will help the individual and the business sector as well as keeping Powhatan’s rural character. He is a man of integrity, willing to listen and work with differences of opinion for the betterment of Powhatan County. He is a man for the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1201127 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL county and its people and not for himself. Mr. Tucker is a decision maker and has the leadership ability to work cohesively with others making Powhatan a county of equitableness. Vote because your vote is important. Electing our leaders is our privilege and a freedom Presents we should esteem. Study, pray and vote for persons who stand for integrity, rightness and respect for others. Maryclay and Wayne Smith Powhatan County

Stuff your wallet.




ernance and civic life. I am writing to attest to the significant contributions made by Carson Tucker to both. Carson is not a “come’ere”; he built his home in Powhatan more than 40 years ago. He has witnessed much change as the county has grown and prospered. But this continuing growth and prosperity requires commitment, dedication, and guidance, and Carson has given of himself, his skills, and compassion, in many ways. Early on, he led in the creation of the Michaux-St. James Foundation to preserve the St. James Chapel, maintain Michaux Grant Cemetery, and to insure the vitality of the Pineville area community. He has chaired the Deep Meadow Correctional Center Community Advisory Board. For the past eight years he has organized and managed the toys collection for children visiting inmates at Deep Meadow. As a life member and board member of the Powhatan County Historical Society, Carson implemented an archival system to record items placed in the society’s collections. On the planning commission, Carson exercised due diligence in supporting the needs and growth of the community within county regulation requirements. As chair of the Powhatan County Board of Equalization, Carson fairly evaluated requests for reductions or changes to county owners’ properties. When the Virginia State Police proposed the installation of a large rifle range in the county, Carson was in the forefront of citizens protesting the range, both for noise and safety standards. On the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors, Carson Tucker’s knowledge and expertise are vital for good decisions regarding the school system, county services, and community life. Ruth Doumlele Richmond

Election could move county forward, get it stuck in mud

Dear Editor, Laurie and I have been lucky enough to call Powhatan home for the last 25 years. We built our last home a few years back, and our next move will be across the street into the cemetery. So we care deeply about Powhatan and the folks who live here. This election coming up has us a bit worried because the outcome could do one of two things – move us forward or get us stuck in the mud, like what’s happening up north in Washington. Over the years we have tried to vote for candidates who think about issues and then decide, not the people overly influenced by party politics. We think that is especially important at the local level and particularly in this election. Powhatan’s future is on the line in November, and we want to do everything we can to make sure we move in a direction that benefits the majority of our residents. They’re our neighbors and they deserve competent, caring representation. That’s why we’re voting for Bill Melton in District 4. He understands the challenges the county faces right now and will make good, thoughtful decisions to move us in the right direction. There are other candidates that we cannot vote for but would if we could, like Carson Tucker, Larry Nordvig and Angie Cabell. These three are also thinking people who will study the issues and make informed, independent decisions. That’s what Powhatan needs right now ,and our sincere hope is that these four will represent us all come November. Dear Editor, Terry and Laurie Paquette As a former resident of Powhatan County, I continue Powhatan County to maintain a keen interest in and observance of its gov-

Body of work speaks to supervisor’s dedication

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portation employees come up to receive their appreciation. Having the school presented with anti-tobacco recognition. Tabitha Martin, a senior at Powhatan High School, spoke during public comments as a member of the Y Street leadership team, a youth volunteer program of the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth that focuses on promoting healthy living in Virginia. The group recognized the Powhatan school district as one of only 20 divisions in Virginia that already have a 100 percent comprehensive tobacco free policy. She presented the board with free tobacco free signage and tobacco-free tool kits for all schools in the division. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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Page 9A

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Forbes, former sheriffs give support to Nunnally Contributed Report


owhatan County sheriff candidate Brad Nunnally said he was honored and humbled to receive the encouragement and support of Congressman Randy Forbes this month. Forbes praised Nunnally’s character to be sheriff, saying his devotion to civic responsibility and willingness to serve is well-represented by his time spent working with many community

organizations and law enforcement offices. “Brad’s servant-leader style of leadership, integrity, commitment to fiscal responsibility, and extensive law enforcement experience are incredibly valuable to the communities of Powhatan,” Forbes said. This support bolsters the continued backing and endorsements from two of Powhatan County’s former sheriffs, Lynn Woodcock and Nelson Batterson. Woodcock said he is impressed with

Nunnally’s work and service ethics. “Brad Nunnally’s strong work ethic and dedication to service to all of the people of Powhatan always stood out to me when I was his sheriff. Brad always understood my vision for Powhatan, ‘Together we Can Make a Difference.’ He will be a working sheriff dedicated to serving all of Powhatan’s citizens equally and respectfully,” Woodcock said. Batterson cited Nunnally’s qualifications and leadership and said he sup-

ported his run for sheriff because of “his immense qualifications to fulfill this position. I speak from the perspective of being the former sheriff of Powhatan and understand the leadership skills required for this position. As a constitutional officer it is necessary to not only have the respect of the citizens but to also be respectful of our citizens.” All three men stressed Nunnally’s respect for and dedication to service to the citizens of Powhatan County.


days. For more information, call 804- 598-5670.

Food Lion locations on Academy Road and South Creek One. Participants meet at 8:15 a.m. every Thursday at the food pantry in the Plainview Office Center, 2152 Plainview. Participants might be asked to lift as much as 50 pounds. Contact Theresa Fields at 804-389-9136.

Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcoaccess for Powhatan County a.m. to 6 p.m. in the courtpal Church on Huguenot and share their own views. house area. Tickets are $25 Trail. in advance and $30 at the gates for adults 21 and old- Library family story hours (see above). The library is Powhatan Right (POWR) er, $15 in advance and $20 meets the fourth Tuesday of closed on Sundays and counfor youth ages 13 to 20, and each month at the Powhatan ty holidays. For questions call free for ages 12 and under. Library. For more informa804-598-5670. There is no non-drinking tion, go to the Facebook page adult ticket. Admission covPowhatan Right POWR. ers access to 30 winery The Powhatan chapter of the NAACP meets at 7 p.m. at the booths, 100 arts and crafts Powhatan County Fair- The Powhatan Women Revendors, all-day entertainpublicans monthly meeting grounds. For more informament and food. The ticket is held at 6:30 p.m. at the tion, contact Gail Hairston at covers tastings with particiPowhatan County Public Li804-598-3435. pating wineries. Go to www. brary. powhatanwinefestival.com.

The Powhatan County School Board will host an Powhatan Domestic Violence Services and Goochopen house at 6 p.m. at land Family Services hold a Powhatan Junior High support group for survivors School. All Powhatan resiof domestic violence from dents, along with candiPowhatan and Goochland dates in the Nov. 3 election, counties and surrounding are invited to hear a brief areas every Wednesday. presentation on the need The group meets in the for a new middle school to evening with childcare pro- The Powhatan Farmers replace Powhatan Junior vided. All women are welMarket will set up from 4 to High School and Pocahoncome. For more informa7 p.m. every Thursday tas Middle School. The pretion or location, contact through Oct. 29 at 2470 Ansentation will also include Tuesday, Oct. 27 Powhatan Domestic Vioderson Highway in front of work completed in the last Ongoing lence Services at 804-598Tractor Supply. Contact Applications are being taktwo months designing a The Powhatan County His5630 or go to the organiza804-598-2636 or go to en at the Powhatan Public new middle school. The torical Society and govern- A Powhatan High School stution’s Facebook page and www.powhatanfarmersLibrary, 2270 Mann Road, public is invited to take ment students at Powhatan dent is holding a shoe drive, send a private message. market.com. for the Christmas Mother guided or self-directed High School will host two One Sole at a Time, to collect program. Dates are from 10 tours of the facility to see candidates’ nights in the aunew and used shoes in good The Woman’s Club of PowPowhatan Relay for Life a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact 804first-hand the environment ditorium at the high school condition to be sent to mishatan meets at 10 a.m. at meets at 7 p.m. at May Me337-1346 if unable to come where students and staff for the public to meet candisions overseas. Shoes can be PCC (Powhatan Community morial Baptist Church. All of these times or have learn and work. School dates in the Nov. 3 general dropped off through MonChurch), 4480 Anderson are welcome. For more intransportation issues. board members and staff election. Candidates for the day, Nov. 2 at Sweet Shop DoHwy, Powhatan. The Womformation, contact Polly will be available to answer Virginia Senate, House of Delnuts. For more information, an’s Club manages the Mullins at 804-921-7983 or Powhatan AA meets at 8 questions or hear suggesegates, Powhatan’s constitucontact Victoria Hughes at Powhatan Clothes Closet, pmmullins89@aol.com. p.m. every Saturday at tions throughout the evetional officers and the Monaonesoleatatime@yahoo. which is the main source of Manakin Episcopal Church ning. can Soil and Water com. money for their many phil- Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. on Huguenot Trail. every Thursday in the PowConservation District will anthropic projects such as Applications are being takhatan Village Building. have the opportunity to The Coalition of Powhatan the Powhatan Rescue Monday, Oct. 26 en at the Powhatan Public Churches needs drivers for speak from 7 to 9 p.m. on Squad, Fire Departments, Library, 2270 Mann Road, Awaken to Hope Al-Anon clients to go to doctor ap Tuesday, Oct. 27. Candidates A Broadband Town Hall Social Services, Powhatan for the Christmas Mother meets at 7:30 p.m. every pointments and small erfor the board of supervisors Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. student scholarships, plus program. Dates are from 6 Thursday at St. John Neurands as present volunteers and school board will speak on Monday, Oct. 26 in the Vilmany more local causes. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 21 and 28 mann Catholic Church. are being overwhelmed with from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wedneslage Building auditorium, Contact membership chairand from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. requests. For more informaday, Oct. 28. This is a forum, 3910 Old Buckingham Road. man Joy Matkowsky, with on Oct. 24. Contact 804tion on volunteering, contact Friday, Oct. 23 not a debate. The event will give residents questions at 804-678-9108. 337-1346 if unable to come Liz Benton at 804-372-6384 a chance to learn what is beof these times or have Kay’s Krafters, a small AA meets at 8 p.m. every or angels5517@aol.com. ing done regarding Internet Thursday, Oct. 22 transportation issues. branch of From the Heart Stitchers, will meet from 1 Family story hours are held The October meeting of the to 5 p.m. For more inforPowhatan Resource Council at 10:30 a.m. at the Powmation and location, call will be held at 10 a.m. in the hatan Library on Monday Donna at 804-598-7514 or Powhatan Rescue Squad and Wednesday. Library visit www.fromtheheartmeeting room. Contact hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. stitchers.org. powhatanresourcesva@ Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. gamil.com or 804-598-5630. Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 24 to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 The Ruby Leonard Food a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. Pantry is in need of helpers Powhatan’s Festival of the The library is closed on Grape will be held from 11 to pick up food from the Sundays and county holi-

Arrest Continued from page 5A

Sheriff’s Office and the Virginia State Police responded to a home in the 1400 block of Palmore Road on a domestic violence call, DeHart said. The call came in at 1:53 p.m. Officers arrived at the scene and spoke to Chambers and the victim, but Chambers became agitated and went into the house, DeHart said. When law enforcement officers were notified Chambers had a possible military background and a firearm in the house, the county’s Special Response Team was

called and officers surrounded the house, DeHart said. Traffic was also cut off to the street. A state trooper established contact with Chambers, and after about an hour of talking, Chambers willingly exited the house and was arrested, DeHart said. He did not display any firearms. Chambers was arraigned on Wednesday, Oct. 14 in Powhatan County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court on the three charges and given an attorney advisement date of Wednesday, Oct. 28. He is currently being held without bond at Piedmont Regional Jail. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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Let’s Rebuild The Junior High School At last week’s School Board meeting, a concerned resident asked point-blank whether the County was going to proceed with the rebuilding of the Junior High School (see Powhatan Today, 9-23-15). I hope the concerned citizen asks the same question of us on the Board of Supervisors. We as a community have known for over a decade that our present Junior High is substandard. School Boards and School Administrations have said so. Our professional school facilities staff has documented its shortcomings. Parents have weighed in. Outside consultants have studied and confirmed. Those of us on the Board of Supervisors who have toured the facility under two Superintendents have witnessed the building’s failings first-hand. The school was built in the early seventies when open classrooms were the educational idea du jour. Open classrooms didn’t work. It was also the time of the OPEC oil crisis, so much of the building is windowless and ceilings are low to save heating costs. These two design features create a gray and depressing learning environment. Add to all this the age of the building and its escalating yearly (monthly?) maintenance and repair costs. These will continue to escalate. It seems the right time to seriously address this poor building. Past Boards of Supervisors have chosen not to address the issue, not because they disagreed with the various assessments, but because of financial constraints and important competing capital projects (such as public safety needs). As a community, we chose to punt and hope to eke out a few more useful years from the building. Now, any major project such as this has to be looked at from three points-of-view. One, what is the legitimate need? Does the project fit into the mission of government? How does it stand in priority to all other needs? Two, what is the community’s ability and willingness to pay? Can we afford it? Three, what constituency is being served? Does this project substantively help us provide quality education to help create mature, educated, capable, successful, and happy residents, citizens, workers?


If we dispassionately answer these questions, we will be closer to being able to make a balanced decision on a path forward.


It is hard to argue against questions 1 and 3. Of course such a project fulfills parts of the core mission of government (#1); and of course we have an obligation and desire to provide a quality education to our young folks (#3). So we’re down to #2: our ability to pay. There’s good news here. The economy is turning. Revenues are up; debt is down. There is an admittedly slow but definite improvement in our financial situation. Retiring bond debt and refinancing other bond debt provides us with the ability to do what we all know needs to be done: rebuild the Junior High. LACROIX

FRANCES TAYLOR Mrs. Frances M. Taylor, 85, of Powhatan passed away on Monday, October 12, 2015, at the Amelia Nursing Home. She is survived by her son, Sylvester B. Woolridge Jr.; three grandchildren, Lynice Mitchell, Alexis Woolridge and devoted, Katina Woolridge; three great-grandchildren, Demetrius Haden, Tishone Williams and Marcel Providence; one sister, Ruby Andrews; one devoted brother-in-law, Geroy Taylor (Linda); and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains rested at Mimms Funeral Home, Midlothian, where the family received friends from 6 to 7 p.m. on Friday, October 16, and where funeral services were held at noon on Saturday, October 17. The Rev. Charles Kirby officiated. Interment in TAYLOR Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery, Powhatan County.

Our County Administrator and her professional staff (with input from the Superintendent and the schools’ professional staffs) have figured out how to do this project WITHOUT A TAX INCREASE. (Let us not forget that a prime reason for hiring the county administrator was her depth of knowledge and skill in the financial aspects of local government. Our charge to her was to roll up her sleeves and guide us through the Recession and then create an even more robust financial plan for Powhatan. She has delivered.) It is true that such an undertaking is expensive. No one is eager to spend taxpayers’ money. By the same token, most of us don’t want to mortgage kids’ development. If the Board of Supervisors, of which I am part, doesn’t want to bite this bullet, I will propose going to referendum and let the people decide. But I hope, rather, they will elect to say, “Let’s do this.”



Vicky B. Lacroix, 78, of Powhatan, left us suddenly to be with the Lord on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. She is survived by her son, Sylvain Lacroix (Karen) of Pennsylvania; daughter, Josee Sadler (Ronnie) of Powhatan; two brothers, three sisters, five grandchildren and one great grandson. A memorial service was held at noon on Monday, October 19 at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Powhatan. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Alzheimer’s Association, 4600 Cox Road Suite 130 Glen Allen, VA 23060.

November 3, 2015

Authorized by the candidate. Paid for by Re-Elect Carson Tucker.

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 10A

P RO PE RT Y T R A N S F E R S 1.94 acres; Nancy B. Sconzo to Justin S. Wehner, $138,000. 2 acres; M. Richard Epps PC, substitute trustee to Wells Fargo Bank NA, $120,428. 3.954 acres; Stephanie Brooks Shield to Brian D. Harness, $61,000. 4.695 acres; Surety Trustees LLC to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., $225,000.

JUST LISTED – Powhatan

72.89 acres; Richard D. Ashpole to Edwin W. Rod, $250,000. Hunters Fare, 72.64 acres; Joanne K. Wellford to Deborah Ann Williams, $375,000. Lot 10, Gills Creek Estates, 20.766 acres; Brent R. Blair to Jason D. Price, $469,000. Lot 24, Section 8, Branchway Forest; Archie H. Goodwyn to Jonathan Brantley, $73,500.

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Close in location, 4+ acres that allows pets - not in a subdivision. Home features Hardwood Floors, spacious light filled Great Room with gas fireplace, over sized Dining Room, Eat-in Kitchen with walls of windows, raised panel cabinets, solid surface counter tops and double door pantry. 2nd floor Master Suite with WIC and full bath that is steps from the 2nd floor covered deck. 3 other spacious bedrooms, pull down attic with tons of storage, and attached 2 car garage. Fenced Rear Yard.

3835B Old Buckingham Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139



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14th Hole!!Like New Custom Built 4 Bdrm, 3.5 ba. Impressive two story 4869 sq. ft. all brick home This low maintenance home offers lots of upgrades Dumont Craftsman Style Home is located on the Over 4 acres on cul-de-sac with active creek home on a beautifully manicured golf course lot with an in-ground swimming pool. Walk into a and square footage for the price! First floor offers pond for you to enjoy for fishing or playing. The frontage!!!! 3900 sq. ft. of living area with first in Mill Quarter! Extravagant 1st flr Master Suite! grand entrance with beautiful hardwood floors. a bedroom with full bath, all hardwood, and 10’ home is designed with attention to the details floor master suite and 4 additional Beautiful Hdwd flring & Porcelain First floor master bedroom as well ceilings. Second floor has master found in much more expensive homes. large bedrooms with 2nd floor master tile throughout! Gourmet Kitchen, All as large office. 5 bedrooms total with suite and 3 additional bedrooms plus Extensive trim with extra custom too…Drastically reduced. Appliances convey!! Huge screened 4.5 baths. Located in beautiful French a bonus/media room. Third floor made Cedar Beams in the family Terry Adcock 804-375-3007 Porch! Plus join 90+ Acres Lake Hill Subdivision only 10 minutes from finished with large area, full bath, and room and kitchen area, hand cut and Randolph! Route 288 storage. Excellent condition! designed for this home. Lindsey Eck 804-244-1748

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Lummie Jones 804 794-4531 3827 Mill Mount Drive


NEW CONSTRUCTION ON 3.9 Acres in Eastern Wonderful floor plan w/1st floor owners suite Powhatan! 4 Bedroom, 3.5 Bath Craftsman plus formal rooms and open kitchen/family room. 4 Bedrm, 3 Ba all Brick Ranch nestled on 2 Style home with 1st Floor Master Suite, Open Equestrian Ready Farm on 16 acres. Center aisle barn and 2 separate run-ins with tack rooms. Fenced Acre Lot. 1st and 2nd floor Masters. Lg Great Floorplan with Hardwood Floors, Granite Charming all brick cape in Historic Bryan Park, Kitchen w/granite tops, stainless appliances, large island, and pantry. Hardwood floors Rm. Well equipped Eat-In Kitchen. Kitchen, Island, Butler’s Pantry with easy access to I-95 and I-64. and ready for your horses. Perfect in living areas of the 1st floor. Second Entertaining is a breeze on the with Wet Bar, Tile Baths and Mud Walking distance to Lakeside Ave. boarding opportunity. Unmatched floor has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths plus Trex Deck with plenty of room to Room, Rec Room, Office, Walkwith shopping and restaurants and to price for the amenities of this farm. a bonus room and loft area. Paved grill while overlooking the private in Attic and 2 Car Garage. www. Bryan Park. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths Terry Adcock 804-375-3007 driveway, two car garage. backyard. SparrowsLandingPowhatan.com Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 Lindsey Eck 804-244-1748

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First floor master Cape Cod on the golf course with Renovated Craftsman cape with 2792 sq. ft. offers all the bells & whistles – 9 ft ceilings, hardwood, 4 bedrooms, 3.5.baths, spacious tile and more. Millquarter Assoc. gourmet kitchen, heart pine floors & membership available with 90 acre exposed beams. Motivated Seller. lake usage.

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Don’t miss out on this opportunity! 22 acres on route 60 zoned residential/commercial. The lot Situated on 5 acres, this beautifully updated home Fabulous open floor plan in this maintenance free features a 4+ acre pond and beautiful mature features 4/5 bedrooms, 3 baths, tons of living home in Scottville! 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood hardwoods. Perfect home site or great location space and newer mechanicals. Huge throughout with ceramic tile baths. for a business. Public water and detached garage has separate 200 amp Heated garage, whole house generator, sewer available at the road allowing service. You have to see to believe! ADA compliant. Great location! for multiple uses and development Kim Wooten Kim Wooten potential.

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Wonderful 2952 Sq. Ft. 4 bdrm home w/ hardwood flooring, office, living rm, family rm, Great opportunity to own a classic Richmond dining rm, foyer & laundry rm and an additional home in the heart of Carytown/Museum District. All Brick 1.5 Story Ranch with 3,600 finished sq. Historic Town of Cartersville on the James! This Cumberland, 5.4 Acres with approx. 2456 Sq Ft room just minutes from 288. The home sits on a Accessible corner lot w/private backyard & upper/ ft., 4 Bedrooms, 3 Full Baths, extensive Hardwood Victorian, circa 1820, boasts 4 bdrms, 2.5 ba., 10 Ranch with 3-4 bedrooms, huge living room, wooded large lot and has an attached workshop lower covered decks. Beautiful and Tile Floors, Custom Millwork, total rooms. Tastefully modernized, family room with fireplace, rec room, and a backup generator. Be in the hwd floors throughout and lots of Pella Casement Windows, Huge Hardi-plank & wood siding, some new deck, workshop and small pond. country and still close to shopping natural light through newly replaced Walk-in Attic, 2.5 Car Garage and replacement windows, 2 large Trane Perfect mini farm. and major roadways. Just 15 minutes windows. All appliances convey with Fenced Garden with Potting Shed. heat pumps. Short walk to James Call Sylvia Miles, to the West End. the house. Priced $20,000 Under Assessment! River! Associate Broker Patrick Conner 804-402-3070

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Nancy Wise 804-347-3639

Pine Grove


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LOTS FOR SALE Great building lot with frontage on Rt. 627

Maintained Ranch w/Open Floor plan, Basement on 4.65 Acres in Eastern Powhatan. 3 Bedrms, 2 Full Baths on main level w/beautiful laminate wood & tile floors, Vaulted Ceiling & Breakfast Bar. Guest Room, Full Bath, 2.5 Car Garage in the partially finished basement. Move-in Ready!

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$64,000 - $85,000 Lovely, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath rancher with Wooded—Village of Powhatan—Fighting Creek (Ridge Rd.) Lot has been perked for 5 bdrm $80,000 large great room, huge country porch on front, Park—Powhatan Public Library—Playground— house deck out back, large workshop would be great Restaurants and much more. 4 Ac. Blackstone $7,000 LD for wood crafters, 2 other sheds, 2 + acres. SO Floyd Palmore $139,950. 338-9352

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Powhatan 8+- Ac. Part open & woods w/ Rd Frontage.........................................$42,950 Cumberland 5.00 Ac. w/singlewide, great for horses ..................................................$65,000 3.00 Ac.......................................................$25000 2.00 Ac.,.................................................... $18,500 Mecklenburg Long Road frontage on Rt 58 South Hill, 72.45 Acres fronts on 2 roads. Nice pines & creek. ........... $217,500.

Sylvia Miles, Associate Broker 804-310-7476 cell

October 21, 2015

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B

Defense stands tall in Homecoming thriller By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


t was fourth-and-seven for the visiting Charlottesville Black Knights, the ball resting on Powhatan’s 12 yard line with under a minute to go in the game on Oct. 16. Backup quarterback Samuel Neale snapped the ball, and rolled to his right. The Powhatan defense did its job, as Neale started to scramble and look for any open receiver. He eventually found Travis Houchens, but Powhatan defender Gabe Satterwhite was right there, jumping on Houchens’ back to bring him to the ground. The officials called for a measurement. The chains tightened and the Black Knights were short. The Homecoming crowd stadium erupted in cheers. Powhatan’s defense had held on for a Homecoming 20-15 win over Charlottesville. “The guys had to dig in. It was a difficult situation,” Indians coach Jim Woodson said. “A lot of those guys were going both ways. They somehow pulled it together and gathered enough energy, will, heart and all of the above to come together and get that one more play.” The sequence of events leading up to the fourth down stand were intricate and, at times, controversial. Powhatan had a 17-0 lead, fueled by two Johnathan Caporale touchdown runs and a Wesley Livermon field goal. Charlottesville (3-4) scored in the third quarter on a Rashad Brach 65-yard touchdown run. Neale, who replaced Rakeem Davis in the second quarter after Davis was hurt, ran it in for a two-point conversion to make it 17-8. Then, in the fourth, Lorenzo Louderback punched it in from 6-yards out to pull the Black Knights within two. On its ensuing drive, Powhatan (34) went three-and-out, but the punt was muffed by Charlottesville and Julius Edwards recovered for the Indians.


Johnathan Capole (38) was a two-way difference maker for the Indians on Oct. 16. He had 20 rushes for 79 yards and two touchdowns on offense and was a key contributor on defense as well, knocking a would-be touchdown pass out of the air on a crucial third down play when Charlottesville was on the doorstep of the end zone late in the game.

Deep in Charlottesville territory after a facemask call on Charlottesville, Edwards himself fumbled and the Black Knights recovered. The Indians argued that Edwards was down, but the fumble stood. Charlottesville took over, but shot themselves in the foot repeatedly, including a bad pitch from Neale to Louderback, an issue that was present most

of the game after Neale came in. Lamont Henderson sacked Neale on third down to end the threat and set up Powhatan’s final scoring drive. Jacob Oglesby came in at quarterback and ran the ball three out of the next four plays for the Indians and put them in the red zone. He hit Satterwhite in the end zone on third down, and Satterwhite appeared to get his foot

down, but the referees disagreed. A false start on a fourth-and-six attempt forced a field goal try from Livermon, which was good. As the Black Knights drove, the Indians defense stiffened up. Caporale made a heads up play on the Black Knights third down deep in Powhatan see DEFENSE page 2A

K N I G H T S G E T B O U N C E  B AC K H O M E C O M I N G W I N OV E R B RU N S W I C K front of the homecoming crowd and come out with a 55-14 victory. The first quarter was all BSH. It all started with a Tanner Dobrucky touchdown run just a minute and a half into the game. After holding the Vikings to just eight yards on the ensuing drive, the Knights were able to capitalize with a long 40-yard field goal by Michael Maronto. On the following drive, the Vikings again were shut down after just five plays. The Knights answered quickly with another score, this time on a run by Colby Johnson. After the first quarter, the Knights led 17-0.

By Shane Mullins for Powhatan Today


n a seasonably cool October night in Powhatan County, the Brunswick Academy Vikings came to town to face off with the Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Knights. Both teams were coming off of tough losses as the Knights fell to Blue Ridge, while the Vikings lost big to Quantico. It was Homecoming, a night for floats, celebration of school pride and of course, a win for the home team. Despite a rough start to the season, PHOTO BY JOHN BEBEE the Knights were able to Logan Cook (88) of Blessed Sacrament of Huguenot takes the opening kickoff back against the put the pieces together in visiting Brunswick Academy see KNIGHTS page 4A

C&F BANK’S ATHLETE of the WEEK VOLLEYBALL ALL-STARS WHO: Brie Burgio and Danielle Bigham WHAT THEY DID: Junior forward


Brie Burgio had a stellar week for the Powhatan Indians field hockey team. She scored two goals in the Indians 3-0 win

over Orange on Oct. 8. She followed that up with one goal against Conference 20 opponent Monacan on Oct. 9, also a 3-0 final. Freshman forward Danielle Bigham recorded a hat trick in an 8-0 rout of Louisa on Oct. 12. Powhatan’s field hockey team is having what Burgio described as “the best season in Powhatan field hockey

history.” The offense has been aggressive, with Burgio a main part of their attack. The defense has been solid all season as well. With just a handful of games left before the season ends, Burgio, Bigham and the Indians have the postseason in sight.

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Page 2B

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015


Left: Danielle Bigham (7), Kylie Maiolo (19) and Kayla Hathaway (16) battle in front of the Monticello goal. Hathaway would score on the play for the first goal of the game. Right: Bigham, Calie Rehme, and Hannah Adams (11) beat the Mustangs’ defense for the second goal of the game, credited to Rehme. The Indians were aggressive all game and spent much of the match setting up scoring opportunities in front of the Monticello net.

Powhatan field hockey hits historic mark By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

A new bar has been set by Powhatan field hockey. On Oct. 15, the Indians showed up aggressive, hungry and ready to score against Monticello, a team with which Powhatan battled in overtime before securing a one-goal win. The game Thursday against the Mustangs was a 2-0 tilt in favor of Powhatan, earning the club its 10th win of the season. “That’s like big time for us,” Powhatan coach Steph Brooks. “The last few years I know we haven’t won more than that. Last year, I think we won seven games. Double-digits, that’s pretty exciting for me.” Once again, the Indians were strong out of the gate, scoring on the Mustangs

within the first five minutes of the game off the stick of Kayla Hathaway. That pressure continued through much of the first half, with Monticello rarely getting into the Powhatan defensive zone. When the Mustangs did manage to get into the defensive zone, the ball was quickly escorted out by the Powhatan defenders, led by Magen Palmore. “She was awesome on defense,” Brooks said. “She was able to just run it up the middle past everybody.” Powhatan was able to put the ball in front of the goal, mostly off corner attempts, several times throughout the first half, but were unable to come away from the scramble with a goal. That changed just before halftime when Calie Rehme and Danielle Bigham were battling with the Mustangs’ defense right in front of the goal and

Rehme was able to put it in the net. Brooks said she was happy with the win, but said that the team didn’t play as crisply against Monticello as she would have liked. “It was a little sloppy, probably not our best game ever,” she said. “Some people stepped up that don’t usually step up for us. Danielle (Bigham) came in and gave us good minutes. Kayla Hathaway took a lot of great shots. She just seems to be getting better as the season has gone on. It was not my favorite game because we didn’t as well as I think we should be playing this time of year, but we got the win.” The future continues to look bright for the field hockey program, as the 10 win season is another milestone for Brooks and her club. She said that going forward, she hopes to establish a JV team at Powhatan, which she admitted is

not a well-known area for field hockey. “We had a lot of girls come to tryouts this year. We had to cut a lot of people, which I hated,” she said. “We got some girls that are super athletic. I just hope the more they play, field hockey will just come because they are super athletic. We did a camp this past summer, really just trying to raise awareness. There are no leagues in Powhatan, and you don’t really play until you come to high school. I think the word is starting to get around that this is a fun team and a great group of girls.” Powhatan has an away game at L.C. Bird and two home matches against Albemarle and Louisa left before the post season. Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @BillyFellin.

Running helps Ransone keep even keel By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


unning is a cathartic exercise for many. It clears the head, allows one to compete in a battle over fatigue. “It’s a treat being a runner, out in the world by yourself with not a soul to make you bad-tempered or tell you what to do,” Alan Sillitoe said about running. All of that applies to Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Anna Ransone. Ransone, a senior member of three different athletic teams at BSH, said that running is how she keeps everything in check in her life. Going on a run, for her, is incredibly important. “Running is my main stress reliever,” she said. In the fall, Ransone is one of three captains for the volleyball team. She’s the setter, which means that her role is to put the ball in prime position for the hitters to swing freely for kills on the defense. But, she said that she and the other captains also have a more important role on the floor. “Not only my job, but (other captains Liza Moore and Ann Marie Kemp) jobs as well, is to keep the team up,” she said. “Even if we are winning, we have to keep the team up, and keep the energy up. We always want to be talking and try to get a good attitude within the team.” Ransone started playing volleyball when she was in sixth grade, advanced to the JV team her ninth grade year and then moved up to varsity and has been playing on the top Knights team ever since. This season, she has accumulated 119 assists, 38 aces, and 11 kills for the squad.

Defense Continued from page 1A

territory, covering ground to break up a pass that would have been a touchdown for Charlottesville, setting up Satterwhite’s fourth down heroics. “(Caporale) did a nice job for us. He had ran some in the past for us,” Woodson said. “He did an excellent job. He picked up some big first downs for us. It was a battle of will out there. “ The Black Knights’ “flexbone” of-

She also swims in the winter for Blessed Sacrament Huguenot, and gets to play her main sport, tennis, in the spring. “Tennis is my favorite because I’ve been playing it the longest,” she said. “I also play summer league for tennis. I have a passion for tennis.” But, Ransone said that skills sets for one sport translate to the other two. And her running, of course, pays dividends across the board. “We have (volleyball) practice every day from 3:30-5, sometimes after,” she said. “When I get home, I run. That helps me with my agility for volleyball. With tennis and swimming, you have to have a positive attitude. Running helps with all three sports, so agility is important as well.” Ransone said that she is “really competitive,” so while volleyball is not the sport she has a “passion” for, she wants to win every time she steps on the court. Off the court is just as busy for Ransone as on the court chasing down kill attempts and setting up for a BSH kill can be. She said she is in the Drama Club, Science Club, National Honor Society, the National Spanish Honor Society (her “favorite”) as well as SGA. She also said she is a finalist for the Lexus of Richmond Scholarship. What school might she use that scholarship toward attending? “I want to go to UVA, that’s my dream, for the nursing school,” she said. “I’m also looking at Tennessee’s nursing school, JMU, Longwood nursing, Clemson, South Carolina.” The common theme among all of those is nursing, a passion that Ransone said she’s had since she was growing up. She wants to focus specifically on pedi-

fense, similar to the option or wildcat offense was effective, but also prone to mistakes after Neale replaced Davis. The Indians recovered two fumbles. “(Their offense) was a real test for our defense,” Woodson said. “It’s assignment football. Everybody has to take a certain part. We were very disciplined and hats off to Coach Henderson, our defensive coordinator, had a tremendous game plan. The guys did a hell of a job executing. I’m really proud of them.” Powhatan’s win could not have come at a better time. In addition to be-


Above: Anna Ransone (9) puts up a set for teammate Liza Moore (20). She has 119 assists this season from her setter position. Right: Ransone readies up for the serve from Abbey Goodwyn (15). While the Knights dropped the match 3-1 against Tidewater Academy, they came back and won in three sets against Brunswick Academy on Oct. 15. Ransone had 12 assists in that match.

atrics, and volunteers at a local hospital. “I’ve been volunteering at St. Francis Hospital in the emergency department, so that’s really exposed me to healthcare and exposed me to the nurses,” she said. “They provide compassion, and that’s what I want to do.” The Knights are 6-5 this season and will look to make waves in the VCC tournament. While her time as a member of the Blessed Sacrament Huguenot volleyball team is in its final season, Ransone said that she still has one goal

ing Homecoming, Powhatan had lost two in a row, so getting back on the winning track is huge for the team that has been ravaged by injuries. “It’s going to be helpful. Especially the way we won it,” Woodson said. “It wasn’t one guy that stood out. It was a bunch of guys just playing their hearts out. Everyone made contributions.” The Indians head to Albemarle on Oct. 23 for their next contest. Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @BillyFellin.

left to complete. “I think we’ve accomplished a lot of goals already, because we’ve won more games this year than in years past,” she said. “But, my goal would be to win against Kenston Forest on senior night. We lost against them at Kenston and I know we can beat them and I really want to beat them on senior night, since it’s my last chance to.” Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@ powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @ BillyFellin.

BOX SCORE Charlottesville 0 0 8 7 15 Powhatan

10 0 7 3 20

P- FG Livermon 38 P- Caporale 2 run (Livermon kick) P- Caporale 6 run (Livermon kick) C- Brach 65 run (Neale run) C- Louderback 6 run (Birle kick) P- FG Livermon 32

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

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Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

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Indians fire on all cylinders for Think Pink game By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

October is breast cancer awareness month, with pink everything being showcased around athletics to raise awareness for the disease. The Powhatan girls volleyball was not omitted from the teams showing support for the cause, as they went all out with pink uniforms, custom designed t-shirts that the athletic department wore, pink balloons and a pink student section. Even the volleyball and some of the Gatorades the players were drinking were pink. “We designed the shirts everyone is wearing tonight,” volleyball coach Amber Ortolano said. “I think it really motivates them. We had a large, large crowd here to-

night, larger than we’re used to. So, I think that also helps fuel the fire.” That fire was raging from the start for the Indians, as they took Monticello down in three sets, 25-15, 25-8, 25-19. Powhatan jumped out on a 5-0 run to start the first set, and Julia Goodman was responsible for most of those first five points. She was a force on the outside that the Mustangs didn’t have an answer for. She had 13 kills on the night, and was a welcome return to the Indians lineup after battling shin splints. “She got going early,” Ortolano said. “We were on the road the past two games and I could only play her for one set and then have to take her off because of the shin splints. I think she’s coming out rejuvenated and ready to roll.”


Julia Goodman came out on fire for the Indians offense. Coming back rejuvinated from a bout with shin splints, Goodman was a force on the outside for Powhatan and the Mustangs had no answers. Goodman finished the match with 13 kills.

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Abby Nee added six digs, five aces and four kills, while Kelli Nee had 26 assists, four kills and two aces. The whole team seemed to be running on all cylinders against Monticello, rolling out to a big lead in set two, which included a 10-1 run at one point. The Mustangs made some moves in set three, leading by four points at one point in time, but the Indians were able to rally and get the momentum back on their side and take the three-set win. Thursday’s win was a big response to being swept in three sets against Western Albemarle on Oct. 13. The loss broke a three-game winning streak after the Indians dropped a game against Albemarle on Oct. 1. “They did a great job tonight, especially after the loss to Western,” Ortolano said. “It was a hard loss. But, they learned their lesson and came back and fought hard tonight. I mean, earlier in the season Monti-

Knights Continued from page 1A



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In the second frame, the Vikings seemed to find their footing. Tanner Dobrucky was able to score early in the quarter with a phenomenal run, but it was called back due to a hold. The Vikings were able to capitalize with a six play, 75-yard touchdown drive that ended in a successful two-point conversion. Midway through the quarter, the score was now 17-8. Almost immediately following the Vikings’ score, Dobrucky was able to score again on a long run, but again it was called back because of a hold. Once again, the Vikings took advantage, this time with a nine play, 78-yard touchdown drive. With the score now at 17-14 just before the

cello fought hard and pushed us to five sets. Our serve-receive tonight was awesome and we had a lot of hits for kills. ” Four games remain on the Indians’ schedule, including a rematch with Albemarle, before the conference tournament begins and the team knows that there isn’t any ground to be given once the playoffs begin. “I told them it’s getting to the end of the season and their mentality needs to be how that they need to start a game and they need to know how to finish strong,” Ortolano said. “There’s going to be more teams like Western, we’re going to see Albemarle again. And, once we get into conference play, there’s going to be teams that aren’t going to let us go point-for-point with them. They’re going to get a lead and go with it.” Billy Fellin may be reached at wfellin@ powhatantoday.com or on Twitter at @ BillyFellin.

half, the Knights needed to answer to reclaim momentum. They did just that, this time with a touchdown in the form of a screen pass from Noah Dowdy to Tanner Dobrucky. The Knights took a 24-14 lead into halftime. The second half was all BSH. After a few drives back and forth, Noah Dowdy was able to make his way into the end zone on a quarterback keeper midway through the third quarter. The next four BSH drives were all scores, including two more Dobrucky touchdown runs. When all was said and done, the Knights had turned a 24-14 lead at halftime into a 55-14 victory. When asked about the stark difference between the first and second half, Coach Ron Gundry pointed to the increased focus


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of the Knights after halftime. He alluded to the excitement because of Homecoming serving as somewhat of a distraction during the first half, but was happy with how his team settled down in the second half. Coach Gundry was also pleased with how his team, especially quarterback Noah Dowdy, seemed to be grasping the option-style offense and making better decisions. The offense was obviously a factor in the Knights’ homecoming rout of the Vikings. However, standout defensive performances by David Hall, Matt Schiefer, Colby Johnson, Tanner Dobrucky, Christian Strauss, and Jacob Dowdy proved key in the victory. BSH (3-3) will look to carry their new found momentum to Isle of Wight Academy next week for a bitter rivalry game against the Chargers.

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MLB on FS1 Pregame MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Kansas City Royals. (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Countdown to Kickoff SportCtr Football College Football: Memphis at Tulsa. (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) High School Football: Paramus Catholic (N.J.) at IMG Academy (Fla.). (N) SportCtr College Football: Utah State at San Diego State. (Live) Å English Premier League Soccer Capitals NHL Hockey: Washington Capitals at Edmonton Oilers. (N) Capitals SportsNet Redskins Wheel Jeopardy! Last Man Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank (In Stereo) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood The Amazing Race (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) Å Blue Bloods (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang Gotham (In Stereo) Rosewood (In Stereo) News First Spo Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. Undate Truth Be Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Hearings: Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Gift Guide “CHI” (N) Clever Creations Holidays With Jill Bauer “Decor” (N) Friday Night Beauty (N) Great Gifts PBS NewsHour Å Wash McL’ghlin Great Performances “Billy Elliot the Musical Live” (N) Å Austin City Limits Å Journeys Roadtrip Antiques Roadshow I’ll Have What Phil’s All-Star Orchestra Å PBS NewsHour Å Great Performances Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight (N) Anthony Bourd. This Is Life This Is Life Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Lockup: Raw American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed (N) American Greed American Greed Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Snow White” ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010, Romance) Kristen Stewart. ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Satisfaction (N) Å Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ››‡ “Con Air” (1997) ›› “Resident Evil: Retribution” (2012, Horror) ›› “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” (2008) Hellboy II Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Girl Broke Girl ›› “The Hangover Part III” (2013, Comedy) ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper. My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House (N) The Enfield Haunting: My Haunted House My Haunted House Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Bellator MMA Live (N) (In Stereo Live) Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas “30 Nights of Paranormal Activity” Futurama Futurama Moonbeam South Park Archer Archer Triptank 30 Nights Gold Rush (In Stereo) Gold Rush - The Dirt Gold Rush “Gold Ship” Pacific Warriors Å Gold Rush “Gold Ship” Pacific Warriors Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiancé Å 90 Day Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes To Be Announced Tanked: Unfiltered (N) Tanked (In Stereo) Å Tanked (N) (In Stereo) Tanked (In Stereo) Å Tanked (In Stereo) WITS Sponge. Harvey Sanjay Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. “Descendants” (2015, Comedy) Dove Cameron. Droid Gravity Bunk’d Bunk’d Girl Meets Girl Meets ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012) ››› “Sleepy Hollow” (1999, Horror) Johnny Depp. Premiere. The 700 Club Å ››› “Matilda” (1996) Facts-Life Facts-Life ›› “Burlesque” (2010, Drama) Cher, Christina Aguilera. Premiere. Å King King King King › “Snowed Under” ››› “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (1941) Spencer Tracy. ›››‡ “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1939) Fall-Usher The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Step It Up Å Step It Up (N) Å Step It Up (N) Å The Jacksons: Next The Jacksons: Next Step It Up Å Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Tiny Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Å Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners BBQ Blitz Diners Diners Diners, Drive Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams Show Sweet Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. “Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa .5” (2014) South Park South Park T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny LHH: Out in Hip Hop: Love & Hip Hop ›› “White Chicks” (2004) Shawn Wayans. ›‡ “B.A.P.S” (1997) Be Cool Steven King of Hill Burgers Cleveland Cleveland Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Jesus Loiter Face Aqua Teen “The Wraith” (1986) “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” Z Nation (N) Haven “Enter Sandman” Å Z Nation Extinction ›‡ “Halloween II” (2009, Horror) Malcolm McDowell. Å ››› “Day of the Dead” (1985) Lori Cardille. The Walking Dead Å Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Party Down South Å Gaines. Steve Austin’s Cops Rel. Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens Å True Monsters (N) Å True Monsters Å Ancient Aliens Å Supernat. Potters Bless Lord H. Lindsey Harvest P. Stone Praise the Lord Å F.K. Price Fontaine


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College Football: Kansas State at Texas. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Kansas at Oklahoma State. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (S Live) College Football: Richmond at James Madison. (N) (S Live) SportsNet College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football Short Films: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Football College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Boston College at Louisville. (N) (Live) Å Coach (S) Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang English Premier League Soccer 2015 IRB Rugby World Cup: First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (S) Figure Skating News NBC News Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods “The Job” Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week (S) Commun Washing Saturday Morning Gifts Oil Cosmetics Countdown to Christmas Philosophy: Beauty Great Gifts Project Hubert Paint Paint This British Baking Antiques Roadshow Aviators Currents Weekend Charlie Thomas Builder This Old House Hr Baking Victory Old House Old House Old House Hometime Charlie Rose (S) Å CNN Newsroom CNN News Vital Sign CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish Weekends-Witt Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Conviction: Murder: Conviction: Orchard: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FanDuel Football Paid Prog. Football Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Medicare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News HQ America’s News HQ The Five America’s News HQ “Snow White” ››› “Paranormal Activity” (2007, Suspense) ›› “Paranormal Activity 2” (2010, Horror) “Paranormal 3” “Charlie’s Angels” ›› “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” (2009) ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. Å NCIS “Detour” (S) “Pitch Black” (2000) ›› “Final Destination 5” (2011, Horror) Å › “The Final Destination” (2009) Bobby Campo. “Resident Evil” ›› “Think Like a Man” (2012) Broke Girl Broke Girl MLB TBS MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at New York Mets. (N) (Live) Gangland Undercover Gangland Undercover Gangland Undercover Gangland Undercover Gangland Undercover Criminal Minds “Hit” Bar Rescue (S) Sweat Inc. (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) › “A Haunted House” (2013) › “Let’s Go to Prison” (2006) Dax Shepard. ›› “Dinner for Schmucks” (2010, Comedy) Steve Carell. Street Outlaws (S) Å Gold Rush “Gold Ship” Pacific Warriors (S) Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival Å A Haunting (S) Å A Haunting (S) Å A Haunting (S) Å A Haunting (S) Å Dateline on TLC (S) Dateline on TLC (S) To Be Announced To Be Announced Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Thunder “Liar, Liar, Vampire” (2015) Å Game Bunk’d (S) Bunk’d (S) Lab Rats Lab Rats Austin Best Fr. Best Fr. Best Fr. Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Austin “The Nightmare Before Christmas” ››› “Casper” (1995, Fantasy) Christina Ricci. ›› “The Addams Family” (1991, Comedy) Addams Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne ››› “3:10 to Yuma” (1957) Van Heflin. Å ››› “The Big Sky” (1952, Adventure) Kirk Douglas. Å ››› “The Cowboys” (1972) Å ›› “The Good Witch’s Family” (2011, Drama) ›› “The Good Witch’s Charm” (2012, Drama) “The Good Witch’s Destiny” (2013, Drama) “Dirty Teacher” (2013) “Dark Desire” (2012, Suspense) Kelly Lynch. “Stolen From the Womb” (2014) Laura Mennell. “Nanny Cam” (2014) Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Halloween Baking Halloween Wars Diners Diners Chopped (Part 1 of 4) Restaurant: Impossible Worst Cooks Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) ›› “Why Did I Get Married Too?” (2010) Tyler Perry. Å Are You “She’s Out” ›› “Project X” (2012, Comedy) Thomas Mann. (S) ›› “Little Man” (2006) Shawn Wayans. (S) Saturday Night Live (S) Couples Therapy (S) Love & Hip Hop › “B.A.P.S” (1997, Comedy) Halle Berry. (S) “Dance Flick” (2009) Wabbit Wabbit Gumball Gumball Be Cool Be Cool Teen Teen Teen Teen Scooby: Scooby: Chainsaw ›› “Hostel” (2006, Horror) Jay Hernandez. Å ›› “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones” (2013, Fantasy) Lily Collins. Orphan ›› “Tremors” (1990, Horror) Kevin Bacon. ›› “Child’s Play” (1988) Catherine Hicks. › “Seed of Chucky” (2004) Jennifer Tilly. ›› “Footloose” (1984, Drama) Kevin Bacon. Å › “Hope Floats” (1998, Romance) Sandra Bullock. Å Proposal American Facts: Modern Marvels (S) Modern Marvels (S) Great Wild North (S) American Pickers (S) American Pickers (S) Ishine Inspir. Stories Veggie Heroes & Legends Bless Lord News ›› “Heaven Sent” (1995) Whatever

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MLB on FS1 Pregame MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Kansas City Royals. (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Score College Football: Washington at Stanford. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å College Football: Villanova at Towson. (N) (In Stereo Live) SportsNet 3 & Out Football Ravens SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! College Football: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å News The Good Wife “Bad” Hollywood Monopoly NCIS: Los Angeles Criminal Minds 48 Hours (N) (In Stereo) News Person of Interest Å Elmntry Pregame College Football: Utah at USC. (N) (In Stereo Live) News Animation Domination RightSide Entertainment Tonight Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å Saturday Night Live News Saturday Night Live (In Stereo) Å Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Manhattan Å How I Met How I Met Landmark Cases (In Stereo) Washing Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Great Gifts Oil Cosmetics Countdown to Christmas KitchenAid Lawrence Welk Keep Up As Time... Father Brown Å Lady Vanishes: Masterpiece: Currents Midnight Frights: Brain-David Eagleman Nature (N) Å (DVS) NOVA (In Stereo) Masterpiece Mystery! (In Stereo) Front and Center Å Bluegrass CNN Special Report This Is Life Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Trail of Blood: Dead Men Talk: Dead Men Talk: Lockup: Raw (N) Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å FOX Report (N) Stossel Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine “Paranormal 3” ›› “Paranormal Activity 4” (2012, Horror) ›› “Paranormal Activity 4” (2012, Horror) Bastard Exec. NCIS “Prime Suspect” NCIS “Seek” NCIS (In Stereo) NCIS “Revenge” NCIS (In Stereo) “I Am Legend” (2007) “Resident Evil” ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993, Adventure) Sam Neill. ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. Å Rogue Baseball MLB Big Bang Billy/Street Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ››‡ “Due Date” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. Criminal Minds “Run” Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Dinner ››› “Tropic Thunder” (2008, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Å Ross Roasts Criminals: Amy Schumer: Half Hour Half Hour Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dateline on TLC Å Women/Prison Women/Prison Women/Prison Women/Prison Women/Prison To Be Announced To Be Announced Yankee Jungle (N) Pit Bulls and Parolees Yankee Jungle Pit Bulls and Parolees Henry Danger Å Henry Game 100 Things Nicky Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Jessie K.C. Lab Rats Gamer’s Kirby K.C. Undercover Å Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d “Addams Family Values” (1993) ››› “Monsters University” (2013) Voices of Billy Crystal. Toy Story: ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Roseanne Roseanne Instant Instant Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “The Cowboys” (1972) ›››› “I Remember Mama” (1948) Irene Dunne. Å (DVS) ››› “Comrade X” (1940) Å “Madwoman” “The Good Witch’s Wonder” (2014, Drama) Good Witch “Something Wicked” (N) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Nanny Cam” (2014) “16 and Missing” (2015) Ashley Scott. Å “Double Daddy” (2015, Drama) Mollee Gray. “16 and Missing” Å Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Buying and Selling Diners BBQ Blitz Unwrap2.0 Unwrap2.0 Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped “Why Did I Get” “Sister Code” (2015) Amber Rose. Å ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Kimberly Elise. Å MTV Special (In Stereo) MTV Special (In Stereo) South Park South Park “Dance Flick” (2009) ›› “White Chicks” (2004) Shawn Wayans. ››› “White Men Can’t Jump” (1992) Wesley Snipes. Major Lea. Scooby: Scooby: Dragon King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Dragon Akame ››‡ “Orphan” (2009, Horror) Vera Farmiga. “The Hollow” (2015) Deborah Kara Unger. Å ›› “The Fog” (2005, Horror) Tom Welling. Å › “Leprechaun 3” (1995) Warwick Davis. Å ›› “Leprechaun” (1993, Horror) Warwick Davis. ›‡ “Leprechaun 2” (1994) Warwick Davis. Å ››‡ “The Proposal” (2009) Sandra Bullock. ›››‡ “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Premiere. Å Cops Rel. American Pickers American Pickers Å American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Å American Pickers Å Precious Memories In Touch Hour Power: Schuller Graham Classic ›› “Love Comes Softly” (2003) Stranger

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Bundesliga Soccer Pregame Women’s Soccer: International Friendly MLS Soccer: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Who’s In? College Football Final 2015 World Series of Poker World/Poker 2015 World Series of Poker WSOP Women’s College Volleyball: Illinois at Purdue. 30 for 30 ››› “Catching Hell” (2011, Documentary) Shorts Hokie Playback (N) (S) Dew Tour Redskins Postgame MLS Soccer: D.C. United at Columbus Crew SC. Paid Prog. Raw Travel Rocket! McCarver World of X Games (N) Timbersports Series Box Office 1st Family News ABC News NFL Football: Pittsburgh Steelers at Kansas City Chiefs. (N) (Live) Å NFL Post. NFL Post. Golf’s Best of 2015 (N) CBS News News NFL Football: Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Washington Redskins. (N) (S Live) Å NFL Football: Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants. (S Live) EPL Soccer Goal Zone Form. One Formula One Racing: United States Grand Prix. Formula One Extra (N) News NBC News “A Matter of Justice” (2011) Michael Madsen. In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Blue Bloods (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week (S) Newsmakers (S) In the Kitchen With David “KitchenAid” Gourmet Holiday KitchenAid Currents Real Va. Moments to Remember: My Music: (S) Å Mock Con: Brain-David Eagleman Weekend Start Up Dinosaur Peg Cat in the Odd Wild Kratts Arthur Cyberchas Wash Charlie Contrary Moments-Music: Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Meet the Press Å Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Witness to Waco: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Medicare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Football Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FanDuel Paid Prog. Medicare America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Bob Massi Jour. America’s News HQ MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday ›› “Paranormal Activity 3” (2011, Horror) ›› “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters” (2013) ›› “Man of Steel” (2013) Henry Cavill. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ›› “Clash of the Titans” (2010, Fantasy) ›› “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. Å ››› “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill. Drillbit ›› “Due Date” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996) Adam Sandler. Å ›› “The Hangover Part III” (2013) The Enfield Haunting: The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å Nightwatch (S) Å Cops (S) Bar Rescue “Bug Bite” ››› “Star Trek” (2009) ›› “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. (S) “A Haunted House” ››› “Tropic Thunder” (2008, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Å ›› “Bad News Bears” (2005) Billy Bob Thornton. Å To Be Announced Last Frontier Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes To Be Announced To Be Announced “Monster High: Boo York” Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Game Thunder Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Dog Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin Austin Liv-Mad. ››› “Casper” (1995, Fantasy) ›› “The Addams Family” (1991, Comedy) ›› “Addams Family Values” (1993, Comedy) Toy Story: Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba Å Reba Å Reba (S) “Tea for Two” (1950) ›› “Shadow of the Thin Man” (1941) Å ››› “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (1947) “Jailhouse Rock” Good Witch “Something Wicked” “A Country Wedding” (2015) Jesse Metcalfe. “October Kiss” (2015) Ashley Williams. Ever After “Dead on Campus” (2014) Katelyn Tarver. Å “Perfect High” (2015, Drama) Bella Thorne. Å “The Bride He Bought Online” (2015) Å Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å The Kitchen Worst Cooks Chopped Chopped Chopped (Part 1 of 4) Halloween Wars Not Easily ›› “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too?” (2010) Tyler Perry. Å ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Å MTV Special (S) ›› “Project X” (2012, Comedy) Thomas Mann. MTV Special (S) Love & Hip Hop ››› “White Men Can’t Jump” (1992, Comedy) Wesley Snipes. (S) Black Ink Crew (S) Love & Hip Hop Scooby: Scooby: Scooby: Teen Teen Teen Wabbit Wabbit Be Cool Be Cool Be Cool Teen “Mortal Instruments” ›› “Orphan” (2009, Horror) Vera Farmiga. Å “Ominous” (2015, Horror) Barry Watson. Å › “Friday the 13th” (2009) Å ›› “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (2010, Horror) ›› “Freddy vs. Jason” (2003) Robert Englund. Walk:Dead › “Hope Floats” (1998) Sandra Bullock. Å ›› “The Proposal” (2009) Sandra Bullock. ››› “The Help” (2011, Drama) Hell: The Devil’s Domain: (S) Å Proving God: (S) Å Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn PowerPnt. Is Written Pathway Super Kelinda Jesse J. Hagee Marriage Bal. Living G. Dickow T.D. Jakes J. Meyer

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FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) Å Match Day Soccer SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Insiders Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å College Football Final College Football Final Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fantasy Football Now (N) (Live) Marine Corps Marathon: Ravens 3 & Out (S) Ravens Redskins Va. Tech Football Football Redskins Kickoff (Live) Good Morning America Good Morning This Week In Touch First Baptist Church Va. Tech Blender CBS 6 Sunday Morning St. Paul’s Deliver CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) Face the Nation (N) (S) Changers The NFL Today (Live) Faith: Paid Prog. Miracles How- Win Fox News Sunday Attkisson Inside FOX NFL Kickoff (N) FOX NFL Sunday Å 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour EPL Soccer Search Creflo Doll David Paid Prog. Law & Order “Expert” Law & Order “Castoff” In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Newsmakers (S) Washington This Week (S) Ninja Kitchen System KitchenAid Kitchen Unlimited with Carolyn “KitchenAid” In the Kitchen David WordWorld Peep Curious Farming Richmond Religion Charlie American McL’ghlin Contrary Mack Inside Out Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Sid Peg Curious Curious Tiger Tiger Sesame Dinosaur New Day Sunday (N) New Day Politics State/Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å State/Union Lockup Business PoliticsNation (N) Up (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Medicare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cook/Pro Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) News HQ Housecall How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met ››› “Paranormal Activity” (2007, Suspense) ›› “Paranormal Activity 2” (2010, Horror) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. P. Chris Paid Prog. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Return” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) ›› “Daredevil” (2003, Action) Ben Affleck. Å Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) ›› “Bedtime Stories” (2008) ›› “Drillbit Taylor” (2008, Comedy) Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Beyond Scared Beyond Scared The Enfield Haunting: The Enfield Haunting: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FanDuel Football Off Road Engine Truck Muscle ››› “Star Trek” (2009) Chris Pine. (S) Football Football South Park ›› “Dinner for Schmucks” (2010, Comedy) Steve Carell. Å › “A Haunted House” (2013) Paid Prog. Amazing J. Osteen In Touch To Be Announced Gold Rush “Gold Ship” Pacific Warriors (S) To Be Announced Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Medicare Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Untamed and Uncut (S) Untamed and Uncut (S) To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. Rangers Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Turtles Bread Sponge. Sponge. Doc McSt. Sofia Mickey Tmrrwland Panic! Bunk’d (S) Austin Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Jessie (S) ››› “ParaNorman” (2012, Comedy) ››› “Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride” (2005) “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Casper Old Christine Chris Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Mad Miss ››› “Kings Row” (1942, Drama) Ann Sheridan. Å (DVS) Moguls, Movie: ››› “Topaze” (1933, Comedy) Tea for 2 Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Good Wit. In Touch Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prog. Step It Up Å Step It Up Å Step It Up Å Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flipping Virgins Å Rachael Ray’s Contessa Giada Pioneer Trisha’s P. Heaton Pioneer Giada Pioneer Southern Trisha’s Inspiration Inspiration Popoff P. Chris Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice ›› “Not Easily Broken” (2009, Drama) Morris Chestnut. “She’s Out of My League” (2010) ›› “Little Man” (2006) Shawn Wayans. (S) › “Friday After Next” (2002) Ice Cube. (S) Project X VH1 Plus Music (S) The 20 (S) (Part 1 of 2) The 20 (S) (Part 2 of 2) Couples Therapy (S) Couples Therapy (S) Couples Therapy (S) Pokémon Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Scooby: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Twi. Zone Twi. Zone ›› “Sinister” (2012, Horror) Ethan Hawke. Å “Mortal Instruments” “Freddy’s Dead” ›› “House of Wax” (2005, Horror) Elisha Cuthbert. Å ›› “Jeepers Creepers 2” (2003) Ray Wise. Friday CMT Music (S) Instant Jam Å Hot 20 Countdown “Carrie Underwood Co-Hosts” Å “Hope Floats” (1998) The Antichrist: (S) Å Rise of the Antichrist: Exorcism: Driving out the Devil: (S) Å Gates of Hell: (S) Å Falwell Dr. Tony Passion Touching Franklin Turning Walk Win Walk Prince Carpenter Schuller In Touch



Red Bull Cliff Diving NASCAR UFC UFC Unleashed Å The Ultimate Fighter FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) WSOP SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2015 World Series of Poker World/Poker SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportCtr MLS Soccer: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ESPN FC 2015 CrossFit Games 2015 CrossFit Games Baseball Shorts SportsNet Women’s College Volleyball D.C. SportsNet SportsNet Redskins Postgame SportsNet Marathon: Funniest Home Videos Once Upon a Time (N) Blood & Oil (In Stereo) Quantico “Found” Å News Scandal (In Stereo) Blue Blood 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Madam Secretary Å The Good Wife Å CSI: Cyber (In Stereo) News Person of Interest Å Extra Å Football The OT (N) Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Last Man News Big Bang ROH Wrestling Big Bang Mod Fam Football Night in America (N) Å NFL Football: Philadelphia Eagles at Carolina Panthers. (In Stereo Live) News Inside Ed. Paid Prog. Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) ››‡ “Austin Powers in Goldmember” (2002) Washington This Week Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Road to the White Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Temp-tations Kitchen KitchenAid Gifts for the Cook “KitchenAid” (N) KitchenAid G.I.L.I. - Got It Love It Globe Trekker Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic The Guilty: (N) Å Jewel in the Crown British Baking Moments to Remember: My Music: Moments to Remember: My Music: (In Stereo) Å Easy Yoga for Arthritis: Masterpiece Classic Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Somebody’s Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Witness to Jonestown: Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw On Money The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy Pitbull: Fame: Jay Leno’s Garage Jay Leno’s Garage FOX Report (N) Fox News Reporting Stossel Greg Gutfeld Fox News Reporting FOX Report “Man of Steel” (2013) ›››‡ “Captain Phillips” (2013, Docudrama) Tom Hanks. ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Satisfaction Å “Jurassic Park” (1993) ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012, Action) Christian Bale. Å (DVS) ›› “Daredevil” (2003) Ben Affleck. “Hangover III” MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at New York Mets. (N) (Live) ››‡ “The Replacements” (2000, Comedy) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Sweat Inc. (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Gabriel Iglesias: Fluffy: Gabriel Iglesias: Fat: Brian Regan: Live: Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy: Å Gabriel Iglesias: Fat: Fluffy: Last Frontier Alaska Last Frontier Naked and Afraid Å Pacific Warriors Å Naked and Afraid Å 90 Day Fiancé Å Sister Wives (In Stereo) Sister Wives (In Stereo) 90 Day Fiancé (N) Å Sister Wives (In Stereo) 90 Day Fiancé Å To Be Announced Rugged Justice (N) North Woods To Be Announced Rugged Justice (N) North Woods Henry Henry Game Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Toy Story: Girl Meets K.C. I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Jessie Good Luck ››› “Monsters University” (2013) Voices of Billy Crystal. ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993, Comedy) Bette Midler. J. Osteen Jeremiah Reba Å Reba Å Reba “The Rings” Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King ››‡ “Jailhouse Rock” ››› “Broken Arrow” (1950) James Stewart. ››‡ “The Battle at Apache Pass” (1952) “Baby Peggy, Room” ››› “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” (1998) Good Witch “Something Wicked” Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “16 and Missing” (2015) Ashley Scott. Å “Girl Missing” (2015) Francesca Eastwood. Å “16 and Missing” (2015) Ashley Scott. Å Love It or List It Å Hawaii Life Hawaii Life Island Life Island Life Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Island Life Island Life Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Halloween Wars (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Halloween Baking Halloween Wars “Diary of Mad” Being Mary Jane Å Being Mary Jane Å The Westbrooks Å Scandal (In Stereo) Popoff Inspiration MTV Special 2015 MTV EMA: (N) (In Stereo) 2015 MTV EMA: (In Stereo) South Park South Park Love & Hip Hop LHH: Out in Hip Hop: CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story: (In Stereo) Black Ink Crew Love Teen Teen King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Rick Chicken Aqua Teen “The Hollow” (2015) Deborah Kara Unger. Å ››› “The Cabin in the Woods” (2011, Horror) ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004) Wesley Snipes. Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Talking Dead (N) Å The Walking Dead Å Comic Comic ›››‡ “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis. ›‡ “Fool’s Gold” (2008, Action) Matthew McConaughey. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Great Wild North Å Pawn Pawn Lead Way BlessLife J. Osteen K. Shook Copeland Creflo Doll ›‡ “The Bible” (1966, Drama) Michael Parks, George C. Scott.


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The Case of the Cubs: Finding Babe Ruth: (N) Haters World Poker FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) Monday Night NFL Football: Baltimore Ravens at Arizona Cardinals. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (Live) Shorts WSOP World/Poker World/Poker World/Poker Baseball Tonight Å SportsNet Ravens Kickoff (N) Dell Int. Best of Dan Patrick SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins Ravens SportsNet SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! Dancing With the Stars (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Castle (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Big Bang Supergirl “Pilot” Å Scorpion (N) (In Stereo) Å News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang Gotham (N) (In Stereo) Minority Report (N) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men Ent Inside Ed. The Voice “The Knockouts Premiere” (N) Å Blindspot (In Stereo) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse. ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington. U.S. House of Representatives (In Stereo) Landmark Cases (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: Landmark Cases Inspired Style (N) LOGO by Lori: Isaac Mizrahi Live! PM Style with Shawn Killinger (N) Computer Shop PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow I’ll Have What Phil’s The Forgotten Plague: Charlie Rose (N) Å Start Up Start Up Great Performances “Billy Elliot the Musical Live” (N) Å PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Long Road to Hell: CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Long Road to Hell: Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show To Be Announced Shark Tank (In Stereo) West Texas West Texas Make Me a Millionaire Blue Coll. Blue Coll. Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Paranml 4 ››› “Elysium” (2013, Science Fiction) Matt Damon. Fargo (N) Fargo Fargo Mod Fam Mod Fam WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mod Fam Mod Fam “The Mechanic” (2011) Castle “Slice of Death” Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Major Crimes Å Major Crimes Å Law & Order Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å Broke Girl Conan My Haunted House Fear: Buried Alive: (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Cursed: Witch: Cursed: Witch: Fear: Buried Alive: Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas Jail Å Key Key Key Key South Park South Park Archer Archer Daily Show Nightly At Mid. South Park Street Outlaws Å Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws (N) Å Vegas Rat Rods (N) Street Outlaws Å Vegas Rat Rods To Be Announced Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters WITS Thunder iCarly iCarly Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Halloween “Halloweentown II: Revenge” K.C. Austin Liv-Mad. Jessie Girl Meets K.C. Good Luck Good Luck “Sleepy Hollow” (1999) Switched at Birth Å Toy Story: “The Nightmare Before Christmas” The 700 Club Å ››› “Frankenweenie” Facts/Life Facts/Life Chris Chris Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Ride-High Ctry” ››› “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” (1960) ›› “The Impossible Years” (1968) ››› “55 Days at Peking” (1963) The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “I Don’t Know How” ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. Å ››‡ “The Switch” (2010) Jennifer Aniston. Å “27 Dresses” (2008) Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Halloween Baking Martin Martin Martin ›‡ “Alex Cross” (2012, Action) Tyler Perry. Å The Westbrooks Wendy Williams Show Ridiculous. Ridiculous. 2015 MTV EMA: Awkward. Faking It Follow the Girl Code 2015 MTV EMA: Follow the Ridiculous. Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Black Ink: Chicago Love & Hip Hop Black Ink: Chicago Love & Hip Hop Be Cool Steven King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Rick Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004) Wesley Snipes. Å ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. Å “Apocalypse L.A.” (2014, Horror) Justin Ray. ›››‡ “Predator” (1987, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. ›› “Predator 2” (1990, Science Fiction) Danny Glover. Å The Walking Dead Å Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å ››‡ “Footloose” (1984, Drama) Kevin Bacon. Å S. Austin Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony: (N) Å True Monsters Å Pawn Pawn Rodriguez Potters Bless Lord End Franklin Duplantis Praise the Lord Å J. Osteen P. Stone

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Pregame NFL Films UFC Reloaded “UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi” Å FOX Sports Live (Live) FOX Sports Live (Live) SportCtr Top 25 E:60 (N) 30 for 30 Shorts SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (Live) Football NFL Live (N) Å Football NFL Live Å 30 for 30 (N) Baseball Shorts Best of Dan Patrick Football Fantasy Redskins Count SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! Muppets Fresh-Boat Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Wicked City “Pilot” (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood NCIS “Viral” (In Stereo) NCIS: New Orleans (N) Limitless (N) (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Pregame 2015 World Series: Game 1: Teams TBA. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å News Mike Two Men Mod Fam Ent Inside Ed. Best Time Ever The Voice (In Stereo) Chicago Fire (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004) Denzel Washington. Manhattan (N) Manhattan Salem “Blood Kiss” Manhattan U.S. House of Representatives (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Gifts for You & Me Computer Shop Tuesday Night Beauty The Find With Shawn Killinger Lock & Lock Storage PBS NewsHour Å Virginia Home Grown War of the Worlds: Frontline (N) (In Stereo) POV “Web Junkie” Charlie Rose (N) Å Scully Keep Up American Masters Å Movie Poe: Shakespeare PBS NewsHour Å Secrets of the Dead Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Filthy The Filthy Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File ››› “Elysium” (2013) ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012) ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Pregame (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at Chicago Bulls. (Live) NBA Basketball: Pelicans at Warriors Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å The Office Conan Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ink Master (In Stereo) Å Ink Master Ink Master “Hallowink” Sweat Inc. (In Stereo) Ink Master “Hallowink” Sweat Inc. (In Stereo) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Drunk Daily Show Nightly At Mid. Tosh.0 Yukon Men (In Stereo) Yukon Men (In Stereo) Yukon Men (In Stereo) Gold Rush “Gold Ship” To Be Announced Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Our Little Family Å Cake Boss Cake Boss Our Little Family Å To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced WITS Thunder iCarly iCarly Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Halloween “Return to Halloweentown” (2006) Star-For. Star-For. Liv-Mad. Jessie Girl Meets K.C. Good Luck Good Luck Nightmare Toy Story: Monica the Medium (N) ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Bette Midler. The 700 Club Å “ParaNorman” (2012) Facts/Life Facts/Life Chris Chris Raymond Raymond Gaffigan Gaffigan King King King King “Night Heaven” ››‡ “Gigi” (1949) Gaby Morlay. ››› “Cleo From 5 to 7” (1961) ››› “Salaam Bombay!” (1988) Shafiq Syed. The Waltons The Waltons The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Chopped Chopped Junior (N) Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped Chopped ››‡ “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too?” (2010) Tyler Perry. Being Mary Jane (N) Being Mary Jane Wendy Williams Show Broke A$$ Broke A$$ › “How High” (2001, Comedy) Method Man. Finding Carter (N) Follow the › “How High” (2001) Method Man. Black Ink: Chicago Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop ››› “New Jack City” (1991, Crime Drama) Wesley Snipes. White Men Be Cool Steven King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. Å Face Off (N) Å Face Off (Part 1 of 2) Face Off (Part 2 of 2) “The Dead 2: India” ›› “Friday the 13th” ›‡ “Friday the 13th, Part 2” (1981) Amy Steel. ›‡ “Friday the 13th - Part III” (1982, Horror) “Friday 13th” Last Man Last Man ›››‡ “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Å Cops Rel. Cops Rel. The Curse of The Curse of The Curse of The Curse of The Curse of The Curse of Supernat. Potters Trinity J. Meyer Prince S. Furtick Praise the Lord (N) (Live) Å I Will Bless the Lord

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Shell - Country Store


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Anderson Hwy

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Anderson Hwy

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Anderson Hwy

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Rt 711


Flatrock, Anderson Hwy


Rt 60 And Rt 45

Food Lion (South Creek) South Creek One

R&M Bi-Rite

6345 Old Buckingham Rd.


Rt 60 And Academy Rd

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015



TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 4329 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, VA 23139 Being Immediately on the Southside of St. Hwy 60, Macon District, Powhatan County, VA Tax Map I.D. No. 026-45 In execution of Deed of Trust from James M. Harris and Shirley Ann Jordan, recorded 08/17/05, in Deed Book 659, page 212 ("Deed of Trust"), in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, County of Powhatan, VA ("Clerk’s Office"); the Sole Acting Substitute Trustee, having been appointed Substitute Trustee by Appointment of Substitute Trustee recorded 09/10/15, in Deed Book 875, page 3, in the Clerk’s Office, will offer for sale at public auction, the real estate briefly described as 4329 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, VA 23139, and which is more particularly described in the Deed of Trust. The sale will be conducted at the front entrance of the building which houses the Circuit Court of Powhatan, County, VA, located at 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139, on October 30, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. TERMS: Cash. Successful bidder’s deposit of 10% of the final amount bid will be required, with balance of sale price to be paid within 30 days. The successful bidder’s deposit MUST be paid by CASH, CASHIER’S OR CERTIFIED CHECK at the foreclosure sale. The real estate will be sold "AS IS." The real estate will be conveyed by SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, subject to all rights, reservations, leases, covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions superior to the Deed of Trust as they may lawfully affect the real estate. The purchaser will be required to pay all closing costs except the grantor’s recording tax. Real estate taxes will be prorated as of the date of sale. Risk of loss to the real estate will pass to the successful bidder upon acceptance of the bid by the Trustee. Additional terms may be announced at the sale. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Time is of the essence with respect to all dates and times. HAMILL D. JONES, JR., Sole Acting Substitute Trustee


Monday, October 26, 2015

Ordinance O-2015-27 Vacating the Subdivision Plat for Tax Map Parcels 016-4-1 through 016-4-10.

Ordinance O-2015-28 To conditionally rezone approximately 45+ acres of land located along Rocky Ford Road, from Residential-2 (R-2)to Agricultural-10 (A-10) District, with proffered conditions. The 2010 LongRange Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as Rural Preservation on the Land Use Plan Map. The subject properties are located on the west side of Rocky Ford Road (Rt. 603). Reference to Tax Map Parcels 51-1-1 through 51-1-11, and portions of 51-1- 14, 39-5-15, and 39-5-18.

Ordinance O-2015-29 Amending and reenacting provisions contained in Section 83-455, Off-street parking loading, and Section 83-465, Screening, of Article VIII, Development Standards, of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Powhatan related to the storage of inoperative vehicles.

7:00 p.m. Powhatan County Village Building Auditorium 3910 Old Buckingham Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors will hold a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the status of Broadband in the County and to solicit input from citizens.

All citizens are invited to attend and participate. LEGAL DISPLAY ADS

A copy of the proposed ordinances may be reviewed at the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office located at 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Suite A, Powhatan, Virginia, during normal business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearings. Persons requiring special assistance to attend and participate in the hearings should contact the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office at (804) 598-5612 at least three days prior to the meeting. LEGAL DISPLAY ADS

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to § 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, that the Planning Commission of Powhatan County will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, at 7:00 PM in the Powhatan County Village Building Auditorium, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, to consider the following requests: 15-03-REZC: Riverton Associates (Subletts/Manakin/Flat Rock Electoral District) request the rezoning from Residential–Utility (R-U) and Commercial (C) to Village Center Planned Development (VC-PD) and amendment of the zoning district map of approximately 50+ acres of land fronting 584 feet on the south side of Huguenot Trail and along Winterfield Road. Density and use will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as Village Center, Village Residential and Natural Conservation on the Route 711 Village Special Area Plan Map. Reference to Tax Map Parcels 32-58B, 32-44C, 32-45B1, 32-45B2, 32-46, 32-46A, 32-44A, 32D-1-1, 32D-1-3, 32C-2-1, 32C-2-2, 32C-2-3, 32C-2-4, 32C-2-5, 32C-2-6, and 32C-2-7. 15-06-REZC, Kevin and Kathy Carr (District 3, Bethesda Electoral District) request the rezoning of approximately 0.21 acre of land from I-1, Light Industrial to R-2, Residential. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is located at 3558 Richards Run Road. Reference to Tax Map Parcels 27A-8-28 a portion of 27-28.

15-08-CUP. Todd and Lisa Hiltunen (Powhatan Courthouse/Mt. Zion Electoral District) request a renewal of a conditional use permit (CUP) to maintain a temporary second dwelling for an elderly/infirmed family member in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83.164(c)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 LongRange Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The property is located at 1900 Capeway Road and is approximately 4.23 acres in size. Reference Tax Map Parcel #40-37E2. 15-09-CUP. Jennifer D. White (Bethesda/Lees Landing Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a child day care center in the R-2, Residential District per §83-212(7) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The property is approximately 2.02 acres in size and is located at 3555 Goodwyn Road. Reference Tax Map Parcel #27A-9-54.



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Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

Advertise in the Bulletin Board! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.

Ask how you can reach over 63,000 households in Mechanicsville, Powhatan, Goochland and Chesterfield!

R-2015-51 Capital Improvement Program Projects: Sources of Funding: General Fund Capital Maintenance Reserve $ Cash Proffers Total Funding Sources $

1,869,000.00 631,000.00 2,500,000.00

Projects: Sally Port and Courthouse Expansion Design Human Services Façade Village Area Parking Lots and Draining Old Plantation Road Improvements Multipurpose Field PJHS Replacement/Renovation Design Flat Rock Elevated Tank Mixing System Dutoy Creek WWTP Upgrades Fighting Creek WWTP Upgrades Total Projects

300,000.00 255,000.00 133,000.00 56,000.00 250,000.00 1,131,000.00 80,000.00 215,000.00 80,000.00 2,500,000.00

We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all the dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.


BUCKINGHAM This 73 acre tract has it all river frontage, excellent hunting and fishing, farm land. Virginia DeHart 434-581-3073 Keller Williams Realty vsdehart@embarqmail.com

Residential for Rent Apartment Referral Services Policy Apartment referral service companies sell lists of available apartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure that you understand and agree to all the terms and the cancellation policy of the contract.


$ HOUSES UNFURNISHED House for Rent available December 1 3229 Buckingham Road. 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch with central heat and air. Wood floors and ceramic tile throughout. 20’ x 16’ raised deck. One acre of land. $995. per monoth + deposit. Call 804-598-2972.

House for Rent available December 4077 Maidens Road. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2-story 1,700 sq ft. Heart pine floors. First floor master. Electric heat and gas log fireplace. Half acre land. $995. per month + deposit. 804-598-2972. Powhatan - Academy Road. 3 Bedroom. No Pets. $850 per month + deposit. Call 804~314-5191

APARTMENTS UNFURN. Powhatan - Eastern Anderson Highway. 1 Bedroom. No pets. $700 per month + deposit. Also, 1 Bedroom, $600. per month + deposit. Call 804~314-5191



Projects: School Buses Tanker 4 Ambulance - Unit 114 PC Replacement Public Works Work Order System Parks and Recreation Improvements Facilities Improvements


Real Estate Policy All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Virginia Fair Housing Law, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap.”


R-2015-52 Other Capital Improvement Program Projects: Sources of Funding: General Fund Capital Maintenance Reserve $ 492,750.00 Fire and Rescue Fund 165,000.00 Capital Leases 1,093,000.00 Total Funding Sources $ 1,750,750.00

15-10-CUP. Virginia Solar LLC (Powhatan Courthouse/Mt. Zion Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a solar energy farm in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83-162(26) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 898.4 acres in size and is located east of Old Buckingham Road (Rt. 13) south of its intersection with Old Plantation Road (Rt. 644). Reference to Tax Map Parcel #38-28.

Homes for Sale


There will be a public hearing on proposed amendments to the County of Powhatan Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budget at 7:00 PM on November 2, 2015 in the Village Building Auditorium. On May 18, 2015 the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors adopted the Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $99,890,394. The Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2507 states that any locality may amend its budget and must hold a public hearing if any such budget amendment exceeds one percent of the total expenditures of the currently adopted budget. Resolution R-2015-51 amends the Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budget in the amount of $2,500,000 (2.5%) for the Capital Improvement Program projects. Resolution R-2015-52 amends the Fiscal Year 2016 Operating budget by $1,750,750 (1.75%) for the Other Capital Improvement Program projects. Each resolution is available for review in the County Administrator’s office. The FY 2016 Capital Improvement Program is also available for review in the County Administrator’s Office or on the County’s website at www.powhatanva.gov. All public meetings are accessible to persons with handicap conditions. Any person requiring auxiliary aids, including signers in connection with the hearing should notify the Clerk of the Board at least five (5) days prior to the time of the meeting. The following is a list of projects with their funding sources proposed to be budgeted with Resolutions.

15-07-REZC, Sowers, LLC (District 2, Powhatan Station Electoral District) request the rezoning of approximately 4.87 acres of land from R-C, Residential Commercial and A-10, Agricultural to VC, Village Center. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Village Center on the Route 60 Corridor East Special Area Plan Map. The subject property is located on the south line of Rocky Oak Road. Reference to Tax Map Parcel 41-19B (a portion of).

15-04-AZ, County of Powhatan requests an Ordinance amending and reenacting provisions contained in Section 83-361, Permitted Uses, and Section 83-362, Conditional Uses, for the Residential-Commercial (RC) Zoning District, of Article V, Transition Base Districts, of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Powhatan.






Pursuant to Sections 15.2-1427 and 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, notice is hereby given that the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on Monday, November 2, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Building Auditorium located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA, 23139. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public comment on the following proposed ordinances:


Business & Service Directory



Town Hall Meeting




Join us for a


For Information Contact: Hamill D. Jones, Jr., Sole Acting Substitute Trustee 1900 One James Center 901 East Cary Street Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804) 697-5128


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926,000.00 500,000.00 165,000.00 18,750.00 9,000.00 88,000.00 44,000.00 1,750,750.00


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Page 8B


Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 9B



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GENERAL Dump truck drivers needed; Class A or Class B. Part-Time & Full-Time positions available. Good driving record a must. Call 804-794-4100 FABRICATOR/WELDER - Brookfield M&W is currently seeking an experienced Fabricator/Welder. Please apply @ 9135 Barricade Ln, Mechanicsville. Salary is negotiable depending on experience. Call (804) 746-0488.

ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

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Powhatan Today, October 21, 2015

Page 10B



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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

A Special Supplement to Powhatan Today • October 21, 2015


County of Powhatan General Election Sample Ballots



AUTHORIZED BY THE ELECTORAL BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF POWHATAN 3910 OLD BUCKINGHAM ROAD POWHATAN, VA 23139 Notice: The authority statement on this sample ballot must be removed and replaced with the appropriate authority statement for the candidate, committee, individual or group using this ballot for their own purposes. Any reproduction of this MAY NOT be printed on white or yellow paper. The authority statement used for this ballot must comply with the requirements of either federal or state law, as appropriate. For state requirements, see 24.2-622 and 24.2-956 of the Code of Virginia. For federal requirements call the Federal Election Commission, 1-800-424 9530.



A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015




Optical scanners biggest change for election By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – The 2015 general election has been an experience in highs and lows for Powhatan County. A diverse field of 35 candidates are vying for the 19 state and local races that will be on the ballot on Nov. 3, the most the county has seen in a general election in recent years, Karen Alexander, director of elections, said. Of those 19 races, 10 of them have two or more people running for office and some as many as four candidates, she said. Given those kind of numbers, Alexander said she is surprised interest from voters hasn’t been higher and hopes it will pick up before Election Day. Since absentee voting began on Sept. 18, the county has only had 66 people cast an absentee vote in person and another 67 request absentee ballots, she said. “That is much less than we expected at this point. It has been slow,” she said. Based on past elections, voter turnout in Powhatan County is expected to be between 50 and 60 percent, although it would be good if it was higher because of all the candidates, she said. Numbers notwithstanding, Alexander said the election ahead is set to run smoothly and that her office is working to make it as easy as possible for voters. The biggest change for


Optical scanners, like the one used at Powhatan Community Church in the Feb. 10 special election, will now be used at all Powhatan polling stations. Voters will fill out a paper ballot and feed it into the optical scanner to be counted. many people in this election will be the use of paper ballots and optical scanners at all voting precincts, she said. A decision by the State Board of Elections in April to ban the use of WINVote touchscreen voting machines across Virginia meant that Powhatan County was forced to replace the majority of its equipment. The decision meant that 45 touch screen voting machines used by Powhatan County in 10 out of its 13 voting precincts were no longer usable and had to be replaced in time for the June 9 primary, she said. The democratic primary was a trial run for the coun-

ty with the new machines, although several of the precincts had been using them for years, she said. The experience went smoothly. The paper ballots are expected to make the process run quicker because people can take their time filling out their ballots without feeling rushed since they are not taking up a machine, she said. “There are going to be multiple people voting on paper ballots at once. We are hoping the process is going to run smoother and cut down on waiting in line,” she said. While there are plenty of candidates to choose from,

people always have the writein option, she said. However, people wishing to do this need to mark the oval next to the name they wrote in if they want it to count. One great feature of the paper ballots is that if people mess up, they can request another up until the moment it is fed into the scanner, Alexander said. “But once you slide it in the scanner, it counts, whether it is a mess up or not. So it is important to let a poll worker know if you goof up as soon as possible,” she said. Every precinct also has special ADA accessible machines

for sight impaired individuals who want to vote without help, she said. Thus far, the requirement that people have a photo ID to vote has not been a problem in Powhatan, Alexander said. However, she is still able to issue IDs for people who don’t have a photo ID. People who need one can come to the voter registrar’s office in the Village Building, 3910 Old Buckingham Road. Because of the date, the weather can sometimes be a consideration on Election Day, Alexander said. The polling stations will be open regardless of wind, rain, snow or hail.

Absentee voting will also be open two Saturdays, Oct. 24 and 31, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The first Saturday coincides with the Festival of the Grape, but parking spots at the Village Building have been reserved for voters. “Voters could have a difficult time getting to our office because streets are blocked for the wine festival,” she said. “Anyone needing to vote needs to let the officers know they are allowed to enter because they are here to vote.” Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015



Election frequently asked questions

Q& A

What will be on my ballot? The purpose of this election is to choose candidates for the offices of the Senate of Virginia for the 10th Congressional District member, House of Delegates for the 65th Congressional District member, clerk of court, commonwealth’s attorney, sheriff, commissioner of revenue, treasurer, board of supervisors member for Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, school board member for Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District directors.

Will I be voting on paper or a touch screen voting machine?

the polls this year. If you do not have one, the registrar can make one for you free of charge in the registrar’s office. Acceptable forms of photo ID include: Valid Virginia driver’s license DMV-issued photo identification card Valid United States passport Valid employee photo identification card Other government-issued photo identification card Valid college, university or high school student photo identification card (issuer must be a recognized institution of education located in Virginia)

Each voter in Powhatan County will be given a paper ballot on which to cast their votes. Each of the 10 offices to be voted on will be listed on the front of one 8 ½ X 11 paper ballot. Each of the five voting districts will have individualized ballots. You will need to completely fill in the oval beside the candidate(s) you are voting for (do not “√” or “x” through the oval). You do not have to vote in every race if you do not want to. If you make a mistake, ask the nearest poll worker to get you another ballot before you cast the incorrect ballot. Once you place your ballot into the optical scanner machine, the vote is officially cast and cannot be repealed.

Call the Powhatan County registrar’s office at 804-598-5604 as soon as possible if you have questions about your registration status, polling precinct location, or Voter ID Law requirements. The busiest time for voting is first thing in the morning between 6 and 9 a.m. If at all possible, avoid voting during these times. If you must vote during that time, anticipate a potential wait in line and bring your patience with you to the polls.

Can I vote early?

It is mandatory that you bring a valid PHOTO ID (see list above).

How do I check my registration status?

What do you want people to know in terms of what they need to bring to the polls?

Powhatan County does not offer early voting. However, absentee voting is being offered now for registered voters with qualifying reasons who will not be able to make it to the polls on Nov. 3. Absentee voting is being offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the registrar’s office, located in the Village Building, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Suite E, Lower Level. Absentee voting will also be offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on two Saturdays, Oct. 24 and 31.

Do I need to have a photo ID to vote? You will be required to submit an acceptable form of Photo ID when you check in at


If you are not going to be in the county on Nov. 3, what should you do?


Vote absentee ether by mail or in person. To vote absentee, a registered voter must complete a Virginia Absentee Ballot Application, a copy of which can be picked up from the registrar’s office or downloaded from the Virginia Department of Elections’ website. All absentee ballot applications must be received, at the very latest, by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 27.

By going to the paper ballot voting method, multiple people may fill out their form at once without having to wait for a machine. The ballots are then fed into an optical scanner.

see QUESTIONS page 5C

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015

2015 ELECTION GUIDE Questions Continued from page 4C

What if I do not understand how to vote? You are entitled to a demonstration of the voting equipment. There is a demonstration officer at your polling place who is there to help you with the machines. Feel free to ask him or her for assistance.

Can my child watch me vote? Your minor child, 15 years or younger, may go with you into the voting booth.

Do I have to vote for every question on the ballot? No, you do not have to vote for every question on the ballot. For instance, if you are only interested in voting for a school board member, you do not have to vote for any of the candidates for supervisor. Your vote for the school board member will still be counted.

of election inside. Calling ahead of time with the approximate time of your arrival can help. You may request an “audio ballot.” You will be given a set of headphones and the ballot will be read aloud to you. Audio ballots are available at all polling places. If you are blind, you may have anyone assist you with your ballot. If you are not blind but need assistance with your ballot, you may have anyone assist you EXCEPT your employer or union representative.

What if I make a mistake on my ballot? If you made a mistake on your ballot, you must change your vote BEFORE your ballot is cast. If you are using a paper ballot and have not placed your ballot in an official ballot container, ask an election official to void your spoiled ballot and for a new ballot. Once your ballot is cast, it CANNOT be changed, even if you made a mistake.

What if I have a disability or Is it possible to over vote? mobility issue? Yes. An overvote occurs when you All elections are required to be accessible to persons with disabilities. This includes accessibility to the polling place and devices to make the voting machine accessible. You may want to consider voting absentee by mail or in person before election day to avoid standing in lines. If you have a disability, you can help assure your right to vote by contacting your registrar before Election Day to discuss your particular needs. Anyone who assists you in voting must do so according to your instructions, without trying to influence your vote. Your assistant is strictly prohibited from in any way telling others how you voted. You may vote from your car. All polling places are required to offer “curbside voting” to anyone who has a physical disability or is 65 years or older. You may need to send someone inside the polling place to request curbside voting unless your precinct has a lookout or other mechanism in place to alert the officers

cast more votes than are allowed for the office or issue. For example, if you vote for two people for sheriff instead of one, neither vote will count. However, if you are allowed to vote for two soil and water conservation directors, and you vote for two people, that is not an over vote. Read over your ballot carefully to ensure you do not over vote. An optical scanner will reject your ballot if you over vote, and an election official will offer you a new paper ballot.

Is my vote secure?

A voting machine can only record your vote, not your name or any identifying features. No one can tell how you voted based on your submitted ballot. If an assistant helped you vote, he or she is not permitted to tell anyone how you voted. All voting machines in Virginia are rigorously tested and certified to be accurate and secure both before being authoFILE PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND rized for use in Virginia and prior to each Minors who are 15 years old or younger may go with their parents into the voting booth. election.

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015


2015 ELECTION GUIDE Powhatan County Voter Registrar’s Office information Address: 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Suite E Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5604 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 24 and 31 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 Karen Alexander, general registrar and director of elections kalexander@powhatanva.gov Jamie Swemba, deputy registrar jswemba@powhatanva.gov


Signs are posted outside of polling stations around the county, but people who are having trouble finding one may call the registrar’s office at 804-598-5604 to get directions.

Important dates to remember November 2015 Saturday, Oct. 24 Absentee voting available in the registrar’s office at the Village Building. Tuesday, Oct. 27 Deadline to apply for an absentee ballot by mail. Saturday, Oct. 31 Absentee voting available in the registrar’s office at the Village Building. Tuesday, Nov. 3 Election Day with polls open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Anyone present in line by 7 p.m. will be permitted to vote.


A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015


Absentee voting a good option for some Contributed Report bsentee voting is underway for the upcoming General Election on Nov. 3. Qualified Virginia voters may vote absentee by mail or in-person. Registered voters must meet one of the 19 eligibility requirements listed on the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application at http://elections.virginia.gov/Files/Forms/VoterForms/Virgi niaAbsenteeBallotApplication.pdf to vote absentee. Qualifying reasons are located on the last page of the absentee application. Requests for an absentee ballot by mail must be submitted to the voter’s local registration office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Applications must be received by that deadline in order to receive a ballot in the mail. On Wednesday, Oct. 14, the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) launched its new Citizen Portal, which will allow Virginia voters to apply for an absentee ballot online. The secure online system will take voters through the application process step-by-step and allow users to sign the application using their Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) credentials, building on the success of ELECT’s online voter registration system. Voters may visit http://elections. virginia.gov/ to view their registration record and request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballot applications may be hand-delivered, mailed, faxed or emailed to their local voter registra-



tion office. Voters have until 7 p.m. Nov. 3 to return their completed absentee ballot. The full list of local voter registration office addresses can be found at http://elections.virginia.gov/. Virginia voters also have until

Saturday, Oct. 31 to vote an in-person absentee ballot at their local voter registration office. Local offices will have in-person absentee voting available each business day through Saturday, Oct. 31. Registration offices also will be open the last two Saturdays before

Election Day. Virginia law requires voters to present an acceptable photo ID when voting in-person. For a list of acceptable forms of photo identification, or to find out how to obtain a free Virginia Voter Photo ID Card, visit the Department

of Elections’ website at http://elections. virginia.gov/. Voters also can find information about the upcoming election and check their registration status on the site. The Department of Elections’ toll free number is 1-800-552-9745.

Election Day results Unofficial election results will be announced live time in the auditorium of the Village Building, 3910 Old Buckingham Road after the polls close at 7 p.m. The county also reports the election results to the State Board of Elections, which will be posted at http://elections.virginia.gov/resultsreports/election-results/2015-election-results/index.html. The Powhatan Today will have election night coverage posted on the night of the election at www.powhatantoday.com.

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015



Research candidates for upcoming elections Presidential elections may grab the national headlines, but local elections also have a big impact on voters’ daily lives. Locally elected officials are typically much more accessible to voters, whose participation in local elections can bring about real change. With that in mind, here are some tips to prepare for Election Day, whether you are selecting state, county, town, provincial, labor union, or school officials. Solidify your stance. The first step to casting your vote is deciding how you feel about key issues and candidates. Some voters back a particular political party, while others spend more time moving across party lines and standing with politicians who have like-minded goals and ideas. Make a list of the issues that you find most important and want addressed in this election. Then research the stance each candidate takes on the issues that most resonate with you. Research the candidates. Conduct some preliminary research into each candidate running for office. Chances are

their websites provide background information regarding their qualifications as well as their stances on certain issues. Many times newspapers will offer their own round-up on local candidates so you can get to know them further. Such information can save you the time and effort of looking into candidates on your own. Delve further when needed to see if the facts are correct. Examine public records for policies candidates supported to confirm if their ideals are similar to your own. Ignore the polls. If you strongly support a candidate and his or her agenda, then stick with your preferences rather than relying on the polls. Polls may be used to sway indecisive voters. However, even though the polls may be indicating one thing, the real test of a candidate’s mettle is the end result come Election Day. Attend a town hall meeting. Many local candidates interact with voters at informal town hall meetings. This is a great chance to assess a candidate, and provides voters


Cast your vote for the right candidate this election season. the opportunity to have their to watch candidate forums on voices heard and ask questions television or online. about the issues that concern Stick to the issues. The them. You also may be able best candidate is not neces-

sarily the one with the biggest gan. Pay more attention to the campaign war chest. Resist the candidates’ answers on tough temptation to be swayed by the questions. flashiest signs or the best slo-Metro

Prepare now for Election Day Elections decide the leadership that guides legislation and enforcement of regulations. The right to vote is something many people take for granted, but elsewhere in the world many people have no say with regard to their political leaders, which only emphasizes the importance of participating in the election process whenever you’re afforded the opportunity to do so. The first step to prepare for Election Day is to confirm your eligibility. Age, legal residency


and citizenship status are just a few of the factors that may affect your eligibility to vote. County clerks, municipal offices as well as the Division of Motor Vehicles should have voter registration forms, and additional information is available online. Canadians can register or check voter registration status at www.elections.ca. Voter registration may have to be filed several weeks to a month in advance of Election Day in order for you to be eligible. In the United

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015

States, when voter eligibility is in question at the time of an election, a person typically may cast a provisional vote, which will then be considered after other ballots are counted. Once your eligibility has been verified, it is important to know the dates of key elections. Local newspapers often print schedules and this information can be found online as well. Various local and federal elections occur each year, and November is when national elections

take place in the United States. Before voting, voters should research the respective candidates for each election. To better understand candidates’ platforms, visit their websites as well as those of nonpartisan political organizations, such as The League of Women Voters. Deciding who to vote for requires more than just siding with a particular political party.

see PREPARE page 11C

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Endorsed by current Powhatan Sheriff Gregory A. Neal Endorsed by Sheriff Karl Leonard, Chesterfield County; Sheriff Darrell Hodges, Cumberland County; Chief of Police Jeffrey Faries, Colonial Heights; & Powhatan Deputy First Sgt. Scott Lane Will continue to forge strong relationships with law enforcement in surrounding localities and Federal and State criminal justice agencies to fight crime and keep Powhatan safe for your family

Law Enforcement Endorsed!


Proven Leadership in Public Safety


A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015


Learn more about my law enforcement experience, public safety leadership and background on Facebook at chrisdehartforsheriff & Twitter at @DeHartSheriff


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GRESHAM Powhatan Supervisor


www.FriendsofTimGresham.com Authorized and paid for by Friends of Tim Gresham, Scott St. John, Treasurer

I ask for your support, and promise to bring conservative, common sense values to the Board of Supervisors. I will work to cut taxes, cut spending, control debt, while properly funding core functions of government, like public safety and public education.

VOTE – DAN BRADLEY FOR SHERIFF – RD NOVEMBER 3 I am the only candidate who raised their hand and took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution when I joined the Navy during the Vietnam War. As a gun owner myself, I believe in and will continue to support all the citizen rights under our Constitution. DAN BRADLEY IS THE BEST CHOICE TO DEFEND YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS

Conservative Common Sense Republican It’s Time for a Change in the 5th District!




Thank you,


A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015

FriendsofTimGresham.com Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Tim Gresham, Scott St. John, Treasurer


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Continued from page 8C Read as much as you can on the candidates’ beliefs, concerns and voter history. This will help you make the best decision possible. In the days leading up to Election Day, confirm your polling location and voting options. USA.gov advises that if you need special assistance, contact your local elections office for information, advice, and educational materials about voting equipment and details on access to the polling place, including designated parking. Understand that voter intimidation is illegal. Never feel obligated to vote for one candidate because you felt bullied into doing so. Your vote should remain private unless you want to share your choice with others. Keep in mind that, in addition to voting for candidates, you may asked to answer additional questions about issues impacting your local community. These are called ballot measures. A voter guide also may include information about certain issues that will require your vote. Elections are on the horizon and preparing now can help voters make educated and sound choices at the polls -Metro

Proud to be Endorsed By

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• Former Powhatan Sheriff Lynne Woodcock • Former Powhatan Sheriff Nelson Batterson • Powhatan Chief Deputy Dan Giardini • Current Powhatan Lieutenant Adam Sadler • Powhatan Republican Committee • Mill Quarter Republican Group • VCDL 2nd Amendment Group • Powhatan Sr. Detective Jeff Searfoss • Powhatan Master Deputy Luxford

About Brad… Married 21 years with 2 beautiful daughters Graduate of Manchester High School Ukrops 12 yrs Studied Criminal Justice - John Tyler Law Enforcement Career 17+ years Currently 1st Sgt Patrol Division Instructor Certifications • General Law Enforcement Specializing in Officer Survival, Patrol Tactics, Building Searches, Domestic Law & Civil Liability • Firearms Instructor Specializing in SWAT/SRT Instruction, Patrol Rifle Instruction, Use of Force • Active Shooter Emergency Instructor • Advanced Sniper School Graduate • Constitutional Law Certificate Founding member of Powhatan Sheriff’s Special Response Team (SRT) Senior Sniper Sheriff’s Office Liaison to Powhatan Triad Group. District 4 representative Extension Leadership Council

nunnally4sheriff.com Metro


A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015


Newspapers remain a valuable resource Newspapers have been in circulation for centuries. Ancient Romans produced government announcements and posted them in prominent locations around the city. In ancient China, news sheets were circulated among court officials to share government news. However, it wasn’t until use of the printing press became widespread that the new media of newsprint became available to the general public. The 17th century was the first time much of Europe and other areas around the world began to produce something similar to what we now know as newspapers. Nowadays, many newspapers are still being Paid Political Advertisement

printed on a daily or weekly basis, but publishers also understand the benefits of digital content. That is why newspapers are now supplementing their print copy with digital and interactive versions online. Should a person desire to read a printed version, he or she can do so. Others can access content online, which is typically updated regularly as newsworthy items become available. Newspapers have frequently been the first source people turn to for information on various subjects, including current events and sports. Even now, despite the prevalence of television news, people still look to the newspapers for

in-depth coverage of hot topics. Additionally, some newspaper content is mirrored online or offered in some other complementary form. For example, fans of comics in the newspaper may not realize they’re a major source of syndication revenue. In an effort to snag a bigger chunk of key demographics, comics not only are being run in the newspaper, but also are being adapted into “apps� that can be viewed on tablets, computers and smartphones to further their visibility. The Internet may be creating a dramatic shift in the business model and the products offered by newspapers, but that isn’t necessarily a bad

thing, presenting new opportunities for newspapers to expand on their offerings in unique ways. Many papers now enable readers to express their comments about news stories online, which fosters a global discussion that can bring people from various parts of the world together. Newspapers also are shifting the mix of stories they offer to provide a stronger balance of entertainment, lifestyle and other subjects that are more relevant to people’s daily lives than politics and international affairs may be. In turn,

see NEWSPAPERS page 14C

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A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015

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ELECT JOHN KOCHENSPARGER Director, Monacan Soil & Water Conservation District

Paid for by the friends of Angie Cabell

KEEP UP WITH ANGIE at FB.com/CabellFor3

Authorized by the Friends of J Kochensparger Paid Political Advertisement

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CARSON TUCKER Powhatan Board of Supervisors

THE ISSUES RURAL CHARACTER: I will do whatever it takes to maintain the rural character and the beauty of Powhatan – through the Comprehensive Plan, through the Board of Supervisors’ Vision and Strategic Objectives, through the Zoning and other Ordinances, and through my vote.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: I will, with great purpose, pursue the implementation of the Economic Development Plan to widen the tax base and bring relief to homeowners and farmers. This includes an energetic commitment to Broadband.

FARMING: I will support the farming community. Period. SCHOOLS: I will support the vision of the School Board to create equity in teachers’ salaries. I will support their dream of having a school system, and a cadre of teachers second to none in the region.


TAXES: I will not support a tax increase. I am committed to rolling back the tax levy over the next couple of years as we claw our way back to economic vigor.

To These I Pledge Carson Tucker

(Authorized and paid for by the candidate)

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015


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Newspapers Continued from page 12A newspapers are attracting new readers both offline and online. Few can argue about the validity of newspapers for current events. Students exploring current topics and presenting them in school are frequently

urged to look to newspapers for content. Editors are largely apprised of up-and-coming trends and are given first-see information before the general public, which they later share in their publications. Local newspapers truly offer the best window into what makes a community unique. When searching for local jobs, events or mer-

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chandise, newspapers and their respective Web sites remain a reliable resource for their readers. Despite the ominous forecasts projecting the demise of newspapers, many publications are still going strong and proving just how valuable a resource they can be. - Metro

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Prompt, courteous responses to constituent needs Devoted to our community and our civic organizations

Trust yours when you VOTE on November 3rd! God Bless You!

Chairman of the important House of Delegates Committee on Finance

Norm West for Sheriff

“One of the guiding lights of General Assembly”—Richmond Times-Dispatch

“ In God We Trust ”

JOIN Norm West – For Sheriff

Tuesday, November 3,2015

www.normwest. c om


Authorized by Friends of Lee Ware, Bill Edmunds, Treasurer

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015



Principled, Effective Public Service


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Vote Bill Melton

November 3rd for District 4 Supervisor Promoting Positive Solutions


Regardless of who you voted for, voting in itself is an act to take pride in by sporting an “I voted” sticker when you are done.

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As chairman of the BOS:  The county’s bond rating has improved to AA+. We’ve saved $3million by refinancing our bond obligations (obligations that funded our schools).

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 I pushed for an aggressive economic development plan, which we now have. I am committed to making it a reality as this is the way forward to lower our taxes.  I heard your concerns and am facilitating the October 26 Community Broadband Meeting to start the ball rolling.  I led the effort to resolve the pay discrepancies for our teachers, meeting regularly with my school board counterpart, Sammy Frame, to make this happen. I am an INDEPENDENT, CONSERVATIVE LEADER and a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN who invests in Powhatan.

Our county is growing and needs a proven leader: • 20 years Ukrop's, Corporate office • Ukrop’s Procurement/Buying Department, annual sales; $500-600 million

What I’ve Given … What my opponent offers

• Developed & managed budgets in excess of $100 million annually • 30 years of Customer Service

A Proven Manager:

More with Less:

Someone who can do more with less • Balanced weekly budget • Negotiated with vendors and brokers • Planned, purchased, and set Ad pricing for Ukrop's • Generated, invoiced, and collected fees • Inventory accountability

• We don’t need to raise fees to add staffing. We need to be more effective and efficient with the staffing we have. In every role I’ve had over the past 30 years , I have leveraged technology to improve services and lower costs. I will do the same if elected as Clerk. My current role as Accounting Manager, I have reorganized, improved, and transformed my current position from two full time positions into one.

Years Calling Powhatan Home Board of Supervisors meetings attended Planning Commission meetings attended Local and regional boards served on Committees and community groups served on Hours invested to make Powhatan a better place to live

~3 0 1 0 0 0

I humbly ask for your vote on November 3rd. Please call me if you have questions 804-598-6252.

• Rex, my husband of 30 years, and I are both lifelong Powhatan residents • Two children who attended and graduated from Powhatan Co. Public Schools • Daughter, Brandy is a Longwood College graduate, son Cody is a VCU Engineer graduate • Rex operates Rex Jones Grading here in Powhatan • Active member in Holly Hills Baptist Church, roles include treasurer, children’s church teacher and Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box coordinator

Bill Melton Melton4District4.com PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF BILL MELTON


Paid for by the candidate.

Dave Bailey

20 125+ 175+ 4 20 4,000+ and counting

KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE to continue moving District 4 and Powhatan County into a Positive Future

Powhatan is Home:

Your vote is appreciated on November 3rd

Bill Melton

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015



POWHATAN COUNTY VOTING PRECINCT ADDRESSES District 1 101 / Subletts Fine Creek Fire Dept., 1825 Huguenot Trail 102 / Manakin Manakin Episcopal Church, 985 Huguenot Trail 103 / Flat Rock St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 2480 Batterson Road


District 2 201 / Powhatan Station Huguenot Public Safety Building, 1959 Urbine Road 202 / Graceland Graceland Baptist Church, 975 Dorset Road

A Special Supplement of Powhatan Today October 21, 2015

District 3 301 / Bethesda Bethesda Church of God, 2480 Academy Road 302 / Lee’s Landing Powhatan Christian Fellowship, 3308 Pleasants Road

District 4 401 / Powhatan Courthouse Company 1 Volunteer Fire Department, 3971 Old Buckingham Road 402 / Mt. Zion Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 2591 Ridge Road

District 5 501 / Smith Crossroads Powhatan Community Church, 4480 Anderson Hwy 502 / Pineville Fine Creek Baptist Church, 3619 Huguenot Trail 503 / Tobaccoville Macon Volunteer Fire Department, 6377 Old Buckingham Road

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