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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Stephanie Lennon

Vol. XXVIII No. 46

November 18, 2015

Local events honor veterans By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Powhatan County showed local veterans how much it cares last week with an array of events meant to honor them and their contributions to the nation. Five very different events were held on or around Veterans Day on Wednesday, Nov. 11 to highlight the sacrifices veterans have made and send the message that the community appreciates what those men and women gave for their country. From a concert to school programs, from a traditional military-themed community observance to a solemn candlelight ceremony, boil all of the events down to bare bones and the message to veterans was clear: “Thank you.” PHOTOS BY LAURA MCFARLAND

Veterans Concert

Top left, attendees at American Legion Post #201’s Veterans Day program sing the National Anthem on Nov. 11. Top right, Veterans are recognized during the 25th anniversary Veterans Day concert on Nov. 8 at Powhatan High School. Bottom The 25th anniversary Vetleft, a few dozen people attended the 11th annual Huguenot Springs Veterans Day Candlelight Service to honor veterans erans Day concert held on on Nov. 11 at Huguenot Springs Cemetery. Bottom right, Powhatan Elementary School students attend a special program see HONOR page 2A on Nov. 11 put on by the fourth-graders with help from the PHS JROTC Color Guard and Powhatan Junior High’s band.

Presidential candidate visits Powhatan By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson visited Powhatan County last week when he held a private fundraising event at Independence Golf Club. Carson spent several hours at the club on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at back-to-back receptions meant to garner support for his campaign, Giff Breed, who coowns the club with Alan Breed, said. The presidential hopeful first attended a private meet and greet with about 50 people and then spoke at the main reception to a group of about 120 attendees, Giff Breed said. Breed said the person or people who sponsored the event wished to remain anonymous. This was the first time the club has acted as the CONTRIBUTED PHOTO venue for an event for a presidential candidate, and Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks Breed said he was thrilled with how it turned out. “It is always exciting when national candidates or to guests at a private campaign event at national events end up in Powhatan. We hope to con- Independence Golf Club in Powhatan County.

tinue to bring those kinds of folks to Powhatan County,” he said of the exposure for the club, which has a Midlothian address but falls just inside the Powhatan County line. Carson spoke for about 20 minutes, addressing a variety of issues ranging from the economy to international issues, Breed said. He also fielded questions from the audience and posed for photographs before he had to leave. Breed said he was especially pleased with how nice Carson was to the club’s staff. “He took pictures with folks from the kitchen to all of our managers. He couldn’t be a nicer fellow,” Breed said. Adding to the excitement of the event for staff was working with the Secret Service to make sure the club was secure before the event, Breed said. Several national news media outlets reported that Carson and fellow Republican front runner Donald Trump were granted Secret Service protection this see CARSON page 4A

B S H A LU M , AU T H O R V I S I T S C O U N T Y By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – As Thornton Cline dramatically flung his hands and head down onto his keyboard and sighed, a room full of children burst out laughing. In that moment he wasn’t just Cline, a visiting published author and alumnus of Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School. He was Lily, a little girl acting out her frustration at making a mistake on the song she was playing on her piano. Cline shared Lily’s story with several Powhatan County children when he did readings and book signings for his second children’s book, “The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Piano,” last month at

Powhatan County Public Library and Blessed Sacrament. “I like to see how people react when I am telling a story,” he said. “I like to communicate and see the connection firsthand.” Cline graduated in 1973 from then Huguenot Academy after three years at the school. He went on to earn first a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree in music education and to channel his skills into becoming a musician, songwriter, music educator for students of all ages and published author. He plays eight instruments, is a registered Suzuki violin teacher with the Suzuki Association of Americas and teachPHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND es piano, violin and guitar at Cumberland Thornton Cline, an author and alumnus of Blessed Sacrament Huguenot

Inside A5 Holiday gala to benefit building fund

Catholic Schools, shares music and readings from one of his books with

see AUTHOR page 2A current students during a recent visit to BSH.

Sports B1 Indians’ season ends in regionals

Index Calendar A8 Classified B6-7 Crime Report A7 Letters A6 Obituaries A4 Opinion A6 TV Listings B4-5

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