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Powhatan, Virginia

The hometown paper of Gil Hughes

Vol. XXVIII No. 47

November 25, 2015

Residents receive new assessments By Laura McFarland

tation outlining what people could ex- rate that affects the FY 2017 budget, pect with the new assessments, which when the new assessments will be used. were handled by Wampler-Eanes Ap- The board must hold a public hearing OWHATAN – Powhatan praisal Group. before it can set that new tax rate. County residents’ new real esChairman Bill Melton, who repre“On page 2 of the assessment notice, tate assessments are in, but sents District 4, emphasized that we are required to show the taxpayer they don’t have to worry about Wampler is an outside agency contract- what their tax bill would look like if the paying them quite yet. ed to do the assessments and that no tax rate were 90 cents. We are required The 2016 real estate assessments county staff or supervisors had any in- by law to do that even though you were mailed out last week fluence over haven’t set the tax rate at showing residents the curthe process. 90 cents. If (the board rent fair market value of In January hasn’t) set a tax rate, we their properties as of Jan. 2014, the board are required to use your 1, 2016. of supervisors last tax rate,” Weiler said. However, the new aschanged its tax sessments will not have year from a Increase in values an effect on residents’ tax calendar year Powhatan County as a bills until they pay the first to a fiscal year, whole saw an increase half of their fiscal year Weiler said. overall in its real property 2017 real estate taxes in “That is assessment, Weiler said. November 2016, Pat Weiwhy these reWEILER TIMBERLAKE The county’s 2016 real propler, county administrator, assessments you erty assessed value as of Jan. said on Monday, Nov. 16 during the see are different from what people are 1, 2014, was almost $3.3 billion. Powhatan County Board of Supervi- used to. They are used to getting the asCombined new construction in 2014 sors’ workshop. The second half of the sessments in January and that becoming and 2015 of almost $94 million helped taxes is due in May 2017. effective in May. That is not going to be increase the county’s overall assessed The new assessed values will be ef- what is happening this year,” she said. value to $3.6 billion, Weiler said. This fective for FY 2017 and FY 2018 real One thing that Weiler stressed was was an increased value from 2014 to estate taxes. that while the current real estate tax is Weiler and Jamie Timberlake, com- 90 cents, the board of supervisors will missioner of the revenue, gave a presen- vote in May 2016 on the real estate tax see ASSESSMENTS page 2A

News Editor



Deputy cleared in shooting By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – The Powhatan County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office announced last week charges will not be pressed against a Powhatan County sheriff’s deputy who shot and killed a 71-year-old man in August. Based on witness statements, lab reports and physical evidence recovered from the scene during an investigation by Virginia State Police, Richard “Dickie” Cox, commonwealth’s attorney, said on see DEPUTY page 2A

Christmas Mothers share holiday spirit


Watkins honored by supervisors By Laura McFarland News Editor


Christmas Mothers from across the region gathered for a luncheon on Nov. 12 in Powhatan County. Regional 2015 Christmas Mothers who attended were, back row, from left, Barbara Wilson (Louisa County), Dianna Gordon (Goochland County), Becky Goshorn (2014, Henrico County), Thomas and Deloris Hooker (Dinwiddie County), Ruby Lee Dillard (Amelia County), and Kay Beazley (Hanover County), and front row, from left, Katherine Wintsch (Richmond City), Gayle Walters (Powhatan County), and Jill Cruz (New Kent County). See story on page 5A.

POWHATAN – Sen. John C. Watkins, RPowhatan, was honored by the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors last week in recognition of his retirement from the Virginia General Assembly. The county held a small reception for Watkins before the board’s workshop on Monday, Nov. 16, and then recognized him during the meeting when the supervisors voted 4-0 to pass a resolution to honor him. Barry Hodge, who represents District 3, was absent. see WATKINS page 6A


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A9 Board hears update on Lake Louise

B1 Knights energized for 2016 season

Index Calendar A7 Classified B8-9 Crime Report A6 Obituaries A3 Opinion A8 TV Listings B6-7

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