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Inside A7 New Virginia congressional map redraws 4th District

Powhatan, Virginia B1 Powhatan’s Livermon breaks RMC record

Vol. XXIX No. 2

January 13, 2016

Constitutional officers stand against board By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Powhatan County’s five constitutional officers presented a united front against a resolution regarding memorandums of understanding being considered by the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors last week, but whether their stance will be enough to change the board members’ minds is yet to be determined. The five constitutional officers and one citizen spoke during the public comment period of the supervisors’ meeting on Monday, Jan. 4, all expressing their desire for the board to vote against a resolution asking the constitutional officers to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the county. Those who spoke were Richard “Dickie” Cox, commonwealth’s attorney; Faye Barton, treasurer; Brad Nunnally, sheriff; Jamie Timberlake II, commissioner of the revenue, and Te-

resa Hash Dobbins, clerk of the Powhatan County Circuit Court. Jason Gillespie of Powhatan, a private citizen, also spoke. The resolution states the officers COX would work with Pat Weiler, county administrator, to finalize an agreement regarding their respective offices that is “substantially similar” to a draft provided in the meeting’s board packet. By signing the MOU the constitutional officers would be agreeing the county’s employee handbook covers their employees and deputies, “thereby establishing a uniform personnel system.” This would guarantee the constitutional officers’ employees “will have the same rights and benefits, and will be subject to the same procedures and regulations as other County employees,” unless otherwise noted.

When the resolution came up for consideration, the board unanimously voted to defer the issue to allow them to meet with the constitutional officers as a group and discuss the issues both sides feel need to be addressed. The board set a special workshop at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20 in the Village building to meet with the constitutional officers. The meeting will be open to the public, but the board may go into closed session if the meeting touches on issues such as salaries. The workshop will be held before a joint meeting with the Powhatan County School Board at 7 p.m. Depending on how the meeting goes, the resolution may come up for a vote again at the board’s meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25. Understanding the MOU The board packet included a draft agreement of an MOU that says it is substantially similar to those the constitutional officers would be asked to

sign. The MOU says employees of the constitutional officers, but not the officers themselves, would be covered by the county’s employee handbook and DOBBINS therefore its personnel policies and regulations. This excludes the grievance procedure and advertising of position vacancies, which have to be consistent with Virginia Code. The MOU states it cannot be interpreted to infringe upon the authority of the constitutional officers to control the operations of their offices, including, without limitation, the authority to direct their employees’ work; hire, promote, transfer, or appoint employees, and discipline, suspend, demote, dismiss, or terminate the appointment of any employee. see BOARD page 2A

Melton elected chairman By Laura McFarland

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Williams, District 1, Angie Cabell, District 3, and Carson Tucker, District News Editor 5. POWHATAN – Bill Melton was The elections were held at the start elected chairman of the Powof the meeting, beginning hatan County Board of Suwith the chairman. pervisors for his second Melton is entering his straight year at the board’s fifth year on the board of sumeeting last week. pervisors after being newly Melton, who represents re-elected in November District 4, was approved 2015. He was elected as unanimously by his fellow chairman in January 2015 board members in a vote takand served as vice chairman en at the board’s first 2016 in his first year in office. MELTON meeting, which was held on He served 12 years before Monday, Jan. 5. Melton abthat on the Powhatan County stained from the vote. Planning Commission and has lived in Larry Nordvig, District 2, also ab- the county for 20 years. stained when his fellow board memAfter the meeting, Melton said it bers unanimously voted him in as the was humbling to have the confidence vice chairman for the coming year. see MELTON page 7A The board also consists of David


After an unseasonably warm holiday season, Powhatan County got hit with a cold front last week that included the first snow of the season on Monday, Jan. 4. Carla Nelms snapped this photo of a neighbor’s house during a brief but heavy period of snowfall. She said after not having any snow so far this winter, the intensity of it was amazing. “I couldn’t believe how much snow was coming down out of nowhere,” she said.

Republicans pursue election lawsuit By Laura McFarland News Editor

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POWHATAN – A challenge to state election law that originated in Powhatan County was back in front of a federal court judge last week. U. S. District Judge M. Hannah Lauck presided over a hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 7 that saw the Powhatan County Republican Committee and four men who ran as Republican candidates for the Powhatan County

Board of Supervisors in the fall suing the Virginia State Board of Elections. The lawsuit challenges a state code the plaintiffs say unconstitutionally prevents the political party affiliation of local candidates from being included on official ballots next to candidates’ names. Va. Code § 24.2-613 requires party affiliations be listed “for elections for federal, statewide, and General Assembly offices only.” The Jan. 7 proceedings saw Pat Mc-

Sweeney, chairman of the Powhatan Republican Committee, acting as the lawyer for the plaintiffs and Joshua Heslinga, assistant attorney general, representing the defendants, the board of elections. The plaintiffs in the case are Robert G. “Bob” Marcellus, who ran for the District 2 supervisor seat; David T. Williams, District 1; Barry Hodge, District 3; and Timothy L. “Tim” Gresham, see LAWSUIT page 5A

Former State Senate candidate arrested in Henrico By Laura McFarland

Loser ran as a Libertarian for the 10th District Senate in the November 2015 general election. He finished fourth of POWHATAN – A Powhatan man who four candidates in a race won by Republiunsuccessfully ran for the can Glen H. Sturtevant Jr. 10th District seat in the At 9:47 p.m. Friday, Jan. State Senate last year was 1, Henrico police stopped a arrested on New Year’s Day vehicle at the intersection of in Henrico County. Havenwood Drive and LauThe Henrico County derdale Drive for speeding, Police Division charged Eley said. According to the Carl Richard Loser, 25, of police report, the vehicle Powhatan with assault on was traveling 47 mph in a law enforcement, which is 35 mph zone. a Class 6 felony, and speedThe officer attempted to ing, Lt. Chris Eley, public explain and issue the sumLOSER information officer for the mons for speeding while the division, said. The charge is driver, identified as Loser, dethe lowest level of a felony. bated the summons, Eley said. Loser said on Tuesday, Jan. 5 that he “This traffic stop lasted about 40 minwas innocent and that the body camera utes for a speeding ticket because he was worn by the officer should be checked. debating the ticket on the side of the road,” He said he is seeking an attorney and Eley said, adding that is much longer than couldn’t speak further on the incident. usual for a speeding ticket. News Editor

The officer was attempting to get Loser’s signature on the summons and told Loser not to roll up the window because his hand was there, Eley said. Loser continued to roll up his window before signing the summons, closing it on the officer’s hand. Eley said the officer’s thumb was caught in the window but he was not injured. Loser was taken into custody and charged with assault on law enforcement and speeding. Online court records show Loser was arraigned in Henrico County on Jan. 5 and given a date to have an attorney by Jan. 21. Under Virginia law, if convicted of assaulting a law enforcement officer, the charge carries a mandatory minimum of six months in jail. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Page 2A

Supervisor trial date set for March 11 By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – Powhatan County supervisor Carson Tucker was arraigned in Powhatan County General District Court last week and assigned a trial date of March 11. Tucker, who represents District 5, appeared before Judge Mayo Gravatt in General District Court on Friday, Jan. 8, accompanied by his attorney, Anthony Troy with Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott. Tucker had been served with a releasable class 1 misdemeanor warrant on Tuesday, Dec. 15, for sexual battery. The warrant was served by the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office, but the office is not investigating the case. In December 2015, Michelle Whitehurst of Powhatan filed a complaint with a magistrate and obtained an arrest warrant that alleges Tucker touched her on “the back, buttocks and legs on the right side” in two incidents that happened in December 2014 at a Christmas party. After the arraignment, about 30 people followed Tucker out of the courtroom. Several of them said they had come to support Tucker and lauded all of the good work he has done in the communtiy. After the arraignment, Troy said Tucker expressed appreciation for the support he received from a number of his friends and constituents. With the trial date set for March 11, Troy said they intend to fully defend the matter because “Carson Tucker is not guilty.”

Board Continued from page 1A

The agreement gives the officers the same authority as the county administrator to grant exceptions to the working hours of employees as allowed by the employee handbook. Fringe benefits and future pay increases above those set by the State Compensation Board would be set by the board, according to the agreement. Employees of the constitutional officers would receive any cost of living allowance, merit, or other general pay increase granted to county employees. However, any pay increase granted to the employees of the constitutional officers by the State Compensation Board may be offset against pay increase granted by the board so all employees receive the same net pay increase, the document said. If a county employee is granted a salary increase within a specific pay grade and a constitutional officer believes he or she has a similarly situated employee, the constitutional officer can apply to the board of supervisors for that employee to receive the same percentage raise, according to the draft. The MOU agreement would be effective until Dec. 31, 2019, unless either the county or a constitutional officer canceled it with 60 days written notice. If the agreement were canceled, no employee or deputy would have their salary decreased below either their salary level on Jan. 1, 2016, or the level set by the State Compensation Board the day the agreement was canceled, whichever is more. “Upon cancellation of the agreement, the board shall not be obligated to increase the salary of any employee or deputy so affected above the level set by the State Compensation Board regardless of increases provided by the Virginia General Assembly,” according to the agreement.

Constitutional officers speak Cox was the first to


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bring up the issue of the MOUs, walking forward from the back of the Village Building auditorium to stand at the podium in front of the supervisors. The back of the room was filled with Powhatan deputies, the constitutional officers and others. Cox asked the board to vote against the MOU resolution, pointing out that all five constitutional officers were present and would likely share that same request. He prefaced his statements by saying he feels privileged to work with the board members and Weiler and has had no issues with any of them. However, since the MOU issue came up

constitutional officers will act in the same way, he added. “I can guarantee you from my part as commonwealth’s attorney and having witnessed them in action, we will be honest, we will be fair,” Cox said. “We will do what is best for Powhatan County, and we don’t need anything hanging over our head to do it. We will do it because it is right and we will do it because that is our duty.” The other four constitutional officers followed Cox. Barton said she has worked for the county for 23 years, the last 16 as treasurer, and has no problems with the board or Weiler. And while she

no issue explaining every dollar of the county’s money that I will spend to provide for its security,” he said. “This same system provides autonomous control of the dayto-day operations of the constitutional offices to the duly elected constitutional officers. I will not sign any agreement that fundamentally infringes upon that authority.” Nunnally said he has no issue with the content of the proposed MOU agreements and that it covers things his office is already doing. He went on to say any more discussions of an MOU are a waste of the board’s time, the county administrator’s time and his

Jason Gillespie said he came to talk about the MOU resolution from a citizen’s standpoint. He said he opposed the county attempting to require the constitutional officers to sign the agreements. “I believe the fact that the citizens of Powhatan County elected these officials should give them the right to administer to their departments however it is needed to make them as efficient as possible,” he said. Having read the resolution, he said he is sure it is legal but “it is almost extortion.” If a constitutional officer doesn’t accept the MOU, the county isn’t obligated to increase their employ-


Jason Gillespie, from left, a private citizen, Faye Barton, treasurer, Jamie Timberlake, commissioner of the revenue, and Brad Nunnally, sheriff, all spoke to the board of supervisors asking them not to approve a resolution regarding memorandums of understanding with the constitutional officers.

about a year ago, it has served only to create tension and distrust between the constitutional officers, the board and the county administration, Cox said. “I don’t think that was an intended result. It obviously wasn’t. But that is the truth; that is what has happened,” he said. If the board voted to go forward with the resolution, Cox guaranteed “some will sign and some won’t.” The lack of MOU will not impede the functioning of Powhatan County’s government, constitutional officers or the board, Cox said. But the people who would be subject to any “retribution or punishment or disservice” would be a select group of county employees who may not be subject to raises or benefits offered by the county, he said. “They would be the victims, not any of us constitutional officers,” he added. Cox was referencing the part of the resolution that addresses what happens when a constitutional officer does not accept the Powhatan County personnel system by signing an MOU. The resoultion says the supervisors shall provide the salaries and benefits prescribed by Virginia law to the constitutional officer and his or her deputies and employees and continue to pay them the salary amount previously approved by the board as of Dec. 31, 2015, if it is greater than that prescribed by Virginia law. The resolution does not specifically say those employees would not receive raises in the future. The board of supervisors holds the purse strings of the county and will take whatever action is appropriate when that need arises without needing an MOU to tell them to do it, Cox said. The

was one of four constitutional officers who agreed to sign an MOU in 2015 – Dobbins was the only one who refused – Barton said she has come to oppose the current MOU resolution that would cover the next four years. In her 23year career in Powhatan, no treasurer has been asked or pressured to sign an agreement with the county for any reason, she said. “I was the first to sign the original document, but I don’t like phrases like ‘sign this or you won’t get that.’ Never has our salaries of our employees or myself been threatened with a piece of paper,” she said. She said her employees have always received the same increase as other county employees, and the only reason that shouldn’t happen is because of a bad evaluation. There is nothing in the resolution regarding the rules for the county government that her office doesn’t already do, she said. “Therefore, I see it as a distrust issue, and that to me is degrading,” she said. Comments continue Nunnally said that while he appreciates the brevity of the county’s employee handbook, the sheriff’s office already has one that addresses the standards and issues of the office. He said he is fundamentally against signing any MOU with the county since the constitutional officers’ authorities are granted by the state constitution, as are the checks and balances that govern the local system of government. “I respect and agree that the board controls the purse strings that my office needs to provide for the public safety of Powhatan County. I have

office’s time. “My first day in office, I spent three-quarters of today dealing with this issue. I do have quite a few things to get in order,” he said. Timberlake said the MOU issue has actually wasted two years of county employee time. He agreed with Nunnally that there is nothing in the agreement that makes him not want to sign it, but the more it was examined, the more little things came out that created a “negative spin on the entire thing.” However, he admitted if the board votes in favor of the MOU resolution, he would probably sign it for his employees’ sakes if the county intends to take their salaries. “I have worked extremely hard in my eight years in office to get those employees to the level they are at now,” Timberlake said. “When I took office, there were two employees that were over $5,000 below the minimum poverty level, and they are not there anymore. They have been moved up. They are still not where they are supposed to be.” Timberlake said that all of the employees’ actions should speak to the fact they want what is best for the county, not a piece of paper. Dobbins, who has been the strongest opponent of the MOU agreements, said she thinks it has been a waste of taxpayer dollars for so many people to spend so much time on a piece of paper that is asking us to do “what each of us is currently doing at the moment.” “We have work to be done. We have the citizens’ business to be dealt with on a daily basis and not the legal wrangling of one board against another elected official,” she said. She asked the board to vote against the MOU resolution.

ees’ salary regardless of what the General Assembly provides. “The way this is written ties the hands of the constitutional officers to reorganize their offices in a manner that is reflective of what they promised in their campaigns and to their constituents,” he said. “If this is the way the government was intended to be organized, I think there would not be constitutional officers, there would only be a board of supervisors and a county administrator.” He ended by saying “if you are holding something over somebody’s head in order to get them to comply with what you are doing, your leadership style is wrong” and that there is probably a better way to get what they need accomplished.

Board member reactions When the board reached the part of the agenda concerning the MOU resolution, Larry Nordvig, who represents District 2, said he had heard the constitutional officers’ comments and understood. He said the last thing the supervisors or county staff want is to have tension and distrust caused by the MOUs. He added that he heard them express a couple of things that he believes are misconceptions that need to be discussed briefly. “I do not want to drag this MOU thing out. Two years is long enough,” he said. However, he suggested deferring the decision on the resolution to allow the board to meet in closed session on Jan. 20 with any of the constitutional officers who would like to attend. David Williams, District 1, said he thought the see BOARD page 4A

Page 3A

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Board appointment causes tense moment By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – A round of appointments to boards, commissions and committees by the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors during its meeting last week grew tense when voting on two regional positions unexpectedly ousted a member currently leading one of those groups. Of the 16 separate boards or groups voted on by the board at its meeting on Monday, Jan. 4, only two hit any snags: appointments to the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC) and the Richmond Area Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). The RRPDC is a regional planning agency with major emphasis in the areas of transportation, local technical assistance and information services including demographic, economic and geographic information systems, according to its website. It is comprised of elected officials and citizens who address mutual problems and develop solutions for the local governments which benefit from intergovernmental cooperation. The TPO’s mission statement is to serve as the federal and state designated regional transportation planning organization that serves as the forum for cooperative transportation decision-making to assure excellence in mobility and safety within and through the Richmond region, according to the website. At the beginning of the meeting, David Williams, who represents District 1, served on both of those boards and was currently the chairman of the RRPDC. Williams was obviously surprised when chairman Bill Melton, District 4, nominated Larry Nordvig, District 2, and Carson Tucker, District 5, with March Altman, deputy county administrator, as an alternate to the RRPDC. Williams responded by nominating himself. Powhatan’s representation on the RRPDC is through two supervisors and one planning commission member. Melton said the planning commission member will be appointed at a later date. As far as deciding who would serve as the representatives, Tom Lacheney, county attorney, said they should be voted on in order of nomination and the first two nominees to receive three votes would serve. Before the voting started, Williams clarified that if he is not reappointed it is effective immediately, meaning he could not serve his last six months as chairman of the RRPDC. Tucker and then Nordvig subsequently received the three votes they needed. Tucker tried to nominate Williams as an alternate, but Williams declined. Williams said he was “more than a little bit disappointed� with the proceedings and specifically addressed Tucker, saying he had seen firsthand how Powhatan County changed the TPO and the role Williams had played, including helping hire Martha Shickle as the RRPDC executive director using regional resources. “You are going to go back and now send a message to the (RRPDC) that you didn’t re-appoint David Williams – that you chose instead to do something for other reasons,� Williams said. “That is extremely disappointing. I am disappointed in you Carson.�

Melton responded by saying he “did to be revenue neutral,� he said. wants to do compared with its debt canot enter in this thought process lightly. I He said he would also like to see busi- pacity and wanting to provide that tax weighed all options and I did what I felt ness personal property and machinery relief. He pointed out the county’s high like was best for Powhatan County.� and tools taxes reduced. real estate tax rate and business taxes Tucker then nominated Angie Cabell, Pat Weiler, county administrator, gave compared to other localities. District 3, for the alternate position and a timeline of when some of those unMelton said the board should keep all she was approved. known figures are likely to become avail- of that in mind and work to be as “frugal The voting for the TPO followed, with able. as possible with the citizen’s money. Nordvig chosen as the representative and Williams said he is looking for tax reNordvig also said economic growth Altman and Tucker as alternates. The lief – “something below a nickel as a should be kept in mind while still making planning commission member will be starting point.� He said he will be looksee APPOINT page 8A determined at a later date. ing closely at the projects the county None of the other appointments caused issues or debate. Other business handled at the meeting included: Giving direction to county staff on the fiscal year 2017 operating budget. Charla Schubert, director of finance and administration, gave a presentation on what numbers the county has now that will impact the FY 2017 and priorities of the board that staff needs to know. “We are presenting all of this to you so we can get what your priorities are for the next year so that we can continue to move forward and get you your proposed budget. I believe we are going to present it at the Feb. 22 meeting,� she said. Schubert talked about some numbers the board had already seen when the

county’s real estate assessments were presented to them on Nov. 16. Because of new construction in 2014 and 2015, the county’s real property assessed values increased from almost $3.3 billion as of Jan. 1, 2014 to $3.6 billion as of Jan. 1, 2016, she said. That was a countywide increased value of about 6.4 percent. The current tax rate is 90 cents, but given the 6.4 percent increase in the county’s overall assessed value, the board would need to set a real estate tax rate of about 85 cents to see no effective increase or decrease in the average taxpayer bill, Schubert said. This effective tax rate sees * /

& , 0 3 4 56 5 78 a change in the rate itself, but the taxpay #& $ 2 /& $ ! " er still ends up paying the same bill. The new assessments will not have an effect on residents until they pay the first half of their FY 2017 real estate taxes in . &$ * / % 0 % 01 November 2016. The second half is due OUND DATION PROBLEMS? CRACKEED BRICKS? UNEVEN FLOORS in May 2017. Based on 2016 and 2017 assessed val- RACK KED DRY WALL? MUSTY SMELLLS? LS? STIC STICK CKING DOORS? ues, personal property taxes are increasing an estimated 4.1 percent, she said. The board budgeted for $2.6 million in FY 2017 estimated sales tax, but after a trend analysis and evaluating the first four months of this year, it is already increasing 14 percent, she said. The current “unknowns� in regard to Owned & Operated by the county’s FY 2017 budget are the state budget, Board of Equalization adjustProfessional Engineers ments to reassessments, personal propJesse Waltz, PE & Stella Waltz, Owners erty assessments estimates, the VRS rate, MELLS? STICKING DOORS? BOUNCY FLOORS? STICKING WINhealth insurance rates, Phase 2 of the STY CRAW CRAWLSP PACE? ACE? W WET ET B BASEMENT? ASEMENT? MO OLD LD & FUNClass and Compensation plan, imple- OWS? NASTY menting an economic development plan, US? TERMITES, MIITES, BUGS, BUGS, RO ODENTS? DENTS? FFOUNDATION OUNDATION PROB BLEMS? L an emergency communications center, a RICKS? UNE UNEVEN FLOORS? FLOORS? CRACKED CRACKED DRY DRY W WALL? broadband initiative and four capital im- RACKED BRICKS? provement projects. The projects are the MUSTY SMELLS? ELLLS? STICKIN STICKING DOORS? DOORS? BOUNCY BOUNCY FLOORS? FLOORS? STICKrenovation of Powhatan Junior High NG WINDOWS? WS S? NASTY NASTY C CRA RAWLLSPACE? SPACE? W WET ET B BASEMENT? ASEMENT? MOLD School to create a new middle school, a PRO OBsally port, a joint transportation facility & FUNGUS? TERMITES, BUGS, RODENTS? FOUNDATION P for the schools and county and a radio EMS? MS? C CRACKED RACKED BRICKS? BRICKS? UN UNEVEN VEN FLOORS? F CRACKED DR RY Damp Crawl Space? system. WALL? LL MUSTY SMELLS? STICKI STICK G DOORS? DOORS? BOUNCY BOUNCY FLOORS FLOORS? After the presentation Melton said he CK WINDOWS? NASTY CRA WET BASEMENT? NT? wanted to go on record that he wants to TICKING WetLSPACE? Basement? see not only the tax rate but taxes go MOLD N down. OB ED “I think the plan at minimum should RO capture the nickel that has been proposed RY YW

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Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Page 4A

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesday, Jan. 13

Thursday, Jan. 14

Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers are needed starting at 10 a.m. Additional help is needed on Jan. 19, Feb. 2, 10 and 16, and March 1, 9 and 15. To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com.

The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesdays in the Plainview Office Center, 2152 Plainview. Contact Theresa Fields at 804-389-9136.

Powhatan County Public Library’s family storytime is held at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as on the second Saturday of the month. Library hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. The library is closed on Sundays and county holidays. For more information, call 804598-5670. Powhatan Domestic Violence Services and Goochland Family Services hold a support group for survivors of domestic violence from Powhatan and Goochland counties and surrounding areas every Wednesday. The group meets in the evening with childcare provided. All women are welcome. For more information or location, contact Powhatan Domestic Violence Services at 804-598-5630 or go to the organization’s Facebook page and send a private message.

Powhatan AA meets from 7 to 9 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village Building. The Powhatan Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the County Seat Restaurant. The Powhatan Republican Committee’s monthly meeting is held at 7 p.m. (with a social mixer at 6:30 p.m.) at Rosa’s Pizza Restaurant, 2470 Anderson Hwy in Powhatan. Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 7:30 p.m. every Thursday at St. John Neumann Catholic Church.

Friday, Jan. 15 The Powhatan Moose Lodge will host smoke-free Bingo with doors opening at 6 p.m. and games starting at 7 p.m. For more information, call 804-598-2809.

Saturday, Jan. 16 Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail. The Christian Motorcyclists


Continued from page 2A

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board should have a workshop with all of the constitutional officers and make it open to the public. “What we have never done is gotten into a room, all of us, and had this discussion sitting around the kitchen table,” he said. “One of the constitutional officers may bring forward something that another constitutional officer hasn’t thought of that would develop more conversation of that particular topic.” He said that accord-

SECOND ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 1059 Dorset Road Powhatan, VA 23139 Reverend Mark A. Divens, Sr. Pastor

Praise and Worship Service

questrian.com. The War Memorial Roundtable for all Veterans meets at 7 p.m. at the War Memorial Cultural Arts and Community Center, 2375 Skaggs Road. Contact Ruth Boatwright at 804-337-6859. The Chrysalis Writers Group will meet at 5 p.m. in the small meeting room of the Powhatan County Library. For more information, call 804-598-1795.

Monday, Jan. 18 The fifth annual MLK Jr. Youth Breakfast will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. at Powhatan United Methodist Church, 2253 Rosson Road. The event will feature guest speaker Nick Snead and several performances. Breakfast is $10 for adults and $8 for youth 11 and under. Tickets are limited so purchase tickets as soon as possible. For tickets contact Margaret Gillis at 804-375-9404.

The Powhatan High School PTO will meet at 3 p.m. in the PHS office from September to June. The group is looking for board member to help students and teachers at Powhatan High School. The PTO is looking for parents to help with the post prom committee. It will keep this event in Powhatan and hopefully at the high school. Anyone interested in participating may contact 804-6514503 or jakeb3rd@aol.com.

Powhatan Crime Solvers meets at 7:30 a.m. at The County Seat. Contact 804403-HELP (804-403-4357) or go to www.powhatancrimesolvers.com.

The Powhatan Junior Woman’s Club meets at 7 p.m. The nonprofit volunteer organization is open to women over the age of 18. The club promotes friendship, community service and leadership. For information about the club, meeting locations or becoming a member, call Joy Matkowsky at 492-3038.

Tuesday, Jan. 19 Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers are needed starting at 10 a.m. Additional help is needed on Feb. 2, 10 and 16, and March 1, 9 and 15. To volunteer, call 804318-6485. Visit www.lde-

ing to what he is hearing from the constitutional officers, a majority of the things addressed in the MOU are already being done by those offices. “I am going to focus on results, outcomes, as opposed to an MOU which I have heard repeatedly over the last two years has caused angst, distrust and taken away from things we really should be focusing on,” Williams said. Nordvig said he suggested the closed session might be better because the issue deals somewhat with contractual issues


Worship - 10:30 am Bible Study Wednesday 7 pm

Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God!

(Independent Bible Believing)



Randy Blackwell, Pastor Pastor Shawn Dandridge, Sr. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Bible Study Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Ministry - 6:00 p.m.

H.O.P.E. – Helping Others Prepare for Eternity is a Ladies Group that meets at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Cartersville Baptist Church. All women are invited to join. H.O.P.E encourages Christian development of ladies in the church and community through missions, spiritual outreach, community involvement, and Christian fellowship. We take our name to heart and work hard to do God’s will on many levels, supporting local, state, national, and international missions on a regular basis.

Ongoing The Coalition of Powhatan Churches needs drivers for clients to go to doctor appointments and small errands as present volunteers are being overwhelmed with requests. For more information on volunteering, contact Liz Benton at 804-372-6384 or angels5517@aol.com.

The Powhatan Moose Lodge will host Bingo with doors opening at 6 p.m. and games

involving employee salaries. Tom Lacheney, county attorney, said the board could start the workshop as an open roundtable discussion and if a topic arose that needed to be discussed in closed session, they could close it at that time. Chairman Bill Melton, District 4, said he has spent a great deal of time discussing the MOUs with constitutional officers and one thing that created the angst and ill will between them and the county was the board of

supervisors’ lack of professionalism. What he wants to come out of the meeting, he said, is clarity about what the majority of the board wants to do and then to have a final vote on the issue at its meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25. Whatever the vote is, that is the direction that will be given to Weiler, “who got caught in the middle of this thing last time,” and the matter will be over, he said. “It will not drag out like this past one did. I will not stand for that because it created angst

Office: 804-598-2667 Worship Service, Each Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School, Each Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study, Each Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Reverend Lawrence A. Wilson, Sr., Pastor 804-379-3539

Pastor Gregory L. Beechaum Sr.

"The church where Jesus is Alive"

379-8930 1659 Anderson Highway 3½ miles east of Flat Rock


Baptist Church

Dr. Michael Edwards, Pastor Deborah Thompson, Minister of Music Carla Crump, Interim Minister of Children Chris Wondree, Minister of Youth Irma Alvis, Organist Nita Porterfield, Organist Emeritus

“A Church Where Love Never Fails!” Pastor Otis B. Lockhart, Jr.

598-2763 Sunday School at 9:30 am Morning Service at 11:00 am Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm 3964 Old Buckingham Road

Muddy Creek BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church


2591 Ridge Road Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-598-2051

3920 MAIDENS RD., POWHATAN Pastor Vera Rhyne


Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship - 11 am Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 pm


3470 Trenholm Road www.muddycreekbaptist.org

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid Day Bible Study 11:30 a.m.


Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Jeff Beard, MA, MBA

Powhatan County Public Library will hold Monday Movies for Seniors from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25 in the large conference room. Admission is free. The event is not limited to seniors. The title of the movie, which is PG-13, cannot be publicized, but the film involves Queen Elizabeth II struggling with a sequence of events nobody could have predicted after the death of Princess Diana. For more information, including the movie’s title, contact 804598-5670 or email Sara Durrett at sdurrett@powhatanlibrary.net, visit the library’s website or come by the library.

and problems, and that is not what the intent of this is,” he said. Before the board closed the issue for the night by voting to defer the decision until Jan. 25, Carson Tucker, District 5, addressed the constitutional officers. “I very much appreciate the dignity and the decorum with which all of the constitutional officers spoke tonight. Thank you very much for doing it that way,” he said. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Graceland Baptist Church SBC Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor

Praise & Worship 8:30 am Sunday School 9:45 am 2095 Red Lane Road Worship 11:00 am 1/2 mile off Rt. 60 on Red Lane Road Children’s Worship 11:00 am 804-598-2455 Prayer Service - Wednesday 6:30 pm www.redlanebaptist.org 598-3481 Worship Service 9:00 a.m. 975 Dorset Road Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Four miles south of Flat Rock Wed. Night Classes for all ages 6:30-7:30 www.gracelandbc.org Dr. James Taylor, Pastor

5680 Cartersville Road • Powhatan, Virginia 23139

9:45 a.m.-----------Sunday School 10:45 a.m.----------Prayer & Praise 11:00 a.m.----------Sunday Morning Worship Kid's Church on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays 7:30 p.m.-----------Tuesday Night Worship & Bible Study

Wednesday Prayer - 7:30 p.m.




Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.

Powhatan Fire and Rescue will take applications year round for its Junior Emergency Technician program, which will give youth the chance to learn about their local fire, rescue and emergency services organizations. The program is free and open to 12- to 15-year-olds from all parts of the county and will meet on the second Sunday of each month year round. Applications may be picked up at the fire administration office in the Village Building. Contact the office at 804598-5646 or preams@powhatanva.gov.

Powhatan, Virginia Located on Lee's Landing Road

Powhatan, Va

Holly Hills Baptist Church

11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School

AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.

No one deserves to be abused. Find safety, options and support. Women’s support group based in Powhatan but open to all women impacted by domestic violence. The group is free, confidential and childcare is

2901 Jude’s Ferry Rd.


Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor

available. Contact 804-5985630 ext. 2422 or 2420 for more information.

St. James Baptist Church

Christian Fellowship

Bill Sisson, Pastor

Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Wednesday Children’s Choir, Church Supper, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action, May’s Kids, TeamKID, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study Youth and Adult Handbells, Adult Choir

starting at 7 p.m. every Tuesday. For more information, call 804-598-2809.


Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.

4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491

Association Powhatan chapter Living Wheels will meet at 6 p.m. at Company 1 Fire station at the intersection of Old Buckingham Road and Mann Road. Find out what they have been doing, and where their next ride or event will be. For more information call Tom Barnes at 804-690-4884 or Frank Vaughn at 804-512-8835.

3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-403-3070 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor

Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241 First Worship 8:30 am Bible Study for all ages 9:45 am Second Worship 11:00 am Wed. Family Ministry 6:30 pm

2202 Old Church Road www.powhatanbaptist.org

Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory

Call 598-4305 for details.

A Loving Church that Worships and Serves a Loving God!

www. firstbaptistpowhatan.com (Independent, Fundamental Bible Believing) Travis Keith, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 am • Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service - 6:30 pm • Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00 Contact - 794-7054 2109 Anderson Hwy Across from Food Lion & Wendy's

Page 5A

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Lawsuit Continued from page 1A

District 5. Williams was the only one elected on Nov. 3, 2015. In early September 2015, Lauck denied a preliminary injunction mandating that the names of the individual plaintiffs be accompanied on the official ballot on Nov. 3 by their political party affiliation. The late timing of the request for the injunction was a major factor in the reasoning she gave in a 22-page memorandum opinion filed on Sept. 9. The State Board of Elections had a deadline of Sept. 11 to make challenges to entries on ballots and of Sept. 18 to print them in time to be sent out for absentee voting. Lauck pointed out in September that the plaintiffs didn’t file suit until Aug. 17 even though they received their nominations on May 21 and learned on Aug. 3 from Karen Alexander, director of elections for Powhatan County, that party affiliations would not be on the ballot for local candidates. McSweeney and Heslinga had already filed briefs with the court that laid out their arguments for why Lauck should issue a summary judgment in their favor. During the Jan. 7 hearing, they again went over many of their arguments and answered questions from the judge to clarify their points. After McSweeney and Heslinga had laid out their arguments, Lauck said she expected to issue her judgment in written form within seven days.

Arguing against the state code The plaintiff’s lawsuit asked the judge to declare the part of the Virginia code that prohibits a party identifier on the ballot for local party-nominated candidates unconstitutional and enter an order preventing the State Board of Elections from implementing the provision as long as the commonwealth allows party identifiers on the ballot. The suit does not attempt to declare the entire code section unconstitutional, only the specific phrase regarding the limit on who can use a party identifier. Nor does it claim a right to compel the display of a party identifier on the ballot, which it refers to as a governmental benefit granted by the commonwealth. It does argue that giving a benefit to some candidates but denying it to others “without a legitimate reason violates the plaintiffs’ right of association and their right to equal pro-

tection.� “The provision we have challenged denies the right to party identification on the ballot. That is the only thing involved,� McSweeney said. McSweeney argued the commonwealth hadn’t adequately justified the discrimination suffered by local candidates in not being allowed to identify by party on the ballot. He said there isn’t a “qualitative difference� between local candidates and federal, statewide, and General Assembly candidates and making a distinction based on the titles of the offices they are seeking “is not rationally related to the purpose of that statute and cannot justify disparate treatment.� McSweeney argued against what he said was the defense’s stance that the characteristics of local elected offices that set them apart from other offices are that several local constitutional officers are either “quasi-judicial or administrative� and the local governing bodies exercise policymaking discretion that is more limited than that exercised by the offices sought by federal, statewide and General Assembly candidates. He said those same factors are present among several offices in the federal and statewide classifications. In regard to the commonwealth’s intention to minimize partisanship, McSweeney’s brief said that denying a party identifier to any candidate, not just local candidates, does not effectively reduce partisanship. He said the commonwealth has “formally countenanced partisanship� both by selectively allowing the display of party identifiers on the ballot for candidates other than local candidates and by identifying candidates by their parties on the official election website. McSweeney said a ballot is not about a place for arguing messages, but a simple presentation of candidate names and party affiliations has never been treated as a message by the courts.

Defense lays out its case In one of its responses to the plaintiff’s contentions, the defense argued the case concerns the ballot, not plaintiffs’ expression or association; the plaintiffs hadn’t proven an injury to constitutional rights, and that the ballot expresses the commonwealth’s official messages, and as such the plaintiffs have no right to compel alterations. Heslinga’s brief contended that the case is not about association or the pri-

vate expression of such association since the code in question does not limit parties’ and candidates’ ability to associate with each other or “restrict or penalize the myriad ways and places that parties and candidates can express that association.� “What they have been denied is official recognition and official endorsement on the ballot,� Heslinga said. The brief said the plaintiffs haven’t offered proof the distinction between offices in the code has any harmful effects on voters, parties or candidates. In also takes issue with referring to a ballot party identifier as a governmental benefit since, unlike Food Stamp benefits or other financial assistance, “which is inherently beneficial, there is no evidence that a party identifier is a benefit at all.� “This is not a time of universal acclaim for political parties and partisanship; by some measures, regard for political parties has never been lower,� according to the brief. “Absent evidence, it is just as plausible to claim that a ballot party identifier is harmful and the absence of an identifier benefits local office candidates by increasing their ability to appeal to independent voters and others who do not like or affiliate with a candidate’s party.� Heslinga said the commonwealth has three main interests: minimizing partisanship in local government and elections; promoting impartial local governance and administration of law, and attempting to ensure that as many citizens are eligible to hold local office as possible. It is erroneous to believe that there is no difference between local offices and the offices (federal, statewide, and General Assembly) for which the ballot identifies candidates’ parties, according to the brief. Several local offices have a different nature and even

the most similar local offices have a fundamentally different policy-making role under Virginia law. The defense argued the fundamental difference between an official elections website and the ballot. The “What is on my Ballot?� website used by the board of elections for the general election “relays factual information to voters and connects them to candidates,� while the “ballot is the tool for final decision-making.� Invalidating the restriction on party identifiers on the ballot would facilitate more partisan candidates of recognized political parties and of political parties. It would also create broader confusion and threaten to undo Virginia’s nonpartisan candidate qualification processes, according to the brief. “A ruling for plaintiffs would promote partisanship generally and partisan candidacies specifically and would undermine nonpartisan nomination processes, all of which would reduce the ability of federal employees to seek and hold local office,� according to the brief. Ballots are closely identified with the state and express the commonwealth’s official messages, and as such, the state maintains direct control over the design of the ballot and has created detailed laws and regulations governing ballot content. Each ballot is a government article serving the critical governmental purpose of conducting elections, according to the brief. The brief argued the claim of discrimination fails because governments are allowed to promote a program, to espouse a policy, or to take a position without having to convey alternative messages. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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The Episcopal Churches of Powhatan welcome you!

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church SUNDAYS

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

8 AM Holy Eucharist 9 AM Family Service of Holy Eucharist with children’s sermon 10 AM Christian Formation for all ages 11 AM Holy Eucharist Guests Welcome

Turn South At Post Office at Rt. 522 on Emmanuel Church Road

Route 711 at Three Bridge Rd. • 794-6953 Visit us at www.stlukespowhatan.org

Visitors Welcome The Rev. Stephen P. Beatty, Vicar

EVERGREEN COMMUNITY CHURCH (PCA) Proclaiming & Practicing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Worship service at 9:30 AM Meeting at Flat Rock Elementary School www.EvergreenPowhatan.com

598-8844 Rev. Leonard Liu, Pastor

9:15 am – Worship "A Traditional Episcopal Church"

Manakin Episcopal Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 985 Huguenot Trail

The Bridge The Church of Jesus Christ of Church Latter-day Saints “It’s an Experience� 1957 Capeway Rd., Powhatan, VA

Sundays: 804-403-3963 Morning Worship 10:00 AM Stephen Shelton, Bishop Wednesday: Family Life Night 7:00 PM Sacrament Service – 9:00 am 2480 Academy Road Gospel Doctrine – 10:20 am 598-7159 Priesthood/Relief Society – 11:10 am Pastor: Johnathan M. Whichard Located off Route 60 at Lower Hill Rd.

Providence Presbyterian Church

3931 Old Buckingham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 804-403-3100 Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

(1 mile west of Rt. 288)


794-6401 www.manakin.org

Located 1950 Ridge Road (Rt. 627) 2/10th of a mile north of Rt. 13

Visit us at new-harvest.net

Pastor Linda Beyond Our Doors Lowe

Meeting Sundays in Powhatan, Midlothian, Fork Union & Online. Visit pccwired.net for services times & locations. 598-1174 pccwired.net

Worship: 2253 Rosson Rd. 8:30 Just off Rt. 13 in8:30 the Village Worship: & 11 a.m.& 11 a.m. Sunday School: 598-4438 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m.


www.powhatanumc.us 2253 Rosson Road

Weekday Preschool (ages 2-5)

t ff Rt13 i th Vill


Mount Calvary United Methodist Church Baptist Church Hobson’s Chapel

& (


1801 Huguenot Trail Sunday School 9am

Sunday Worship 10am

Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm Rev. Bryan M. Holt, Pastor 378-3607 ! " # $ % & ' (

Sunday Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM 492-4366

www.EmmausChristianChurch.org Located on Route 13 (Old Buckingham Road)

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am Wednesday Night 7:30 p.m.

Powhatan United Methodist Church “A church where you don’t have to leave your mind at the door!�

Powhatan Christian Fellowship

2020 Red Lane Road Powhatan, VA 23139

Pastor, Larry B. Collins Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Office 804-598-2398

3308 Pleasants Road, 1/4 mile off of Route 711 Russ Cress, Pastor 598-0733

St. John Neumann Catholic Church Rev. Walter G. Lewis, Pastor Saturday - 5 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org Located behind Flat Rock Village Shopping Center

Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory

CALL 598-4305 for details.

What winter activity is your favorite on a cold day? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses.

January 13, 2016

Page 6A


First board meeting doesn’t bode well for future relations By Laura McFarland News Editor


s new beginnings go, members of the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors could have done better in their inaugural meeting of 2016. For a meeting that only lasted an hour and 42 minutes and didn’t have any “fireworks,” it packed a punch – and not always in a good way. Near the beginning of the meeting on Monday, Jan. 4, Powhatan County’s five constitutional officers addressed the board during the public comment period asking the members not to vote for a resolution requesting the constitutional officers sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the county where they would agree to the county’s employee handbook. In their respectful but earnest speeches, they worried employees of non compliant constitutional officers may be subject to retribution or punishment; described feeling distrusted and degraded; flat out refused to sign a document that might infringe on the authority of the officer, and spoke of the need to protect employees. All of these are huge red flags. Despite the fact these MOUs have been an ongoing issue for one to two years, depending on the officer, the board decided a group meeting between them and the constitutional officers on Jan. 20 will clear up the “misconceptions.” What misconception is there when language in the MOU specifically states not signing the agreement or signing and then canceling somewhere down the road means your employees – Powhatan County employees – aren’t guaranteed a raise above what the State Compensation Board lays out “regardless of increases provided by the Virginia General Assembly?” The board needs to answer to that question, but it wasn’t the only instance in the meeting where I question the members’ reasoning. Board appointments to different

commissions and committees are usually a routine issue, so, imagine my surprise when one of those appointments was anything but routine that night. When chairman Bill Melton, District 4, nominated Larry Nordvig, District 2, and Carson Tucker, District 5, as the county’s two supervisor representatives to the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC), you could see the shock on the face of David Williams, District 1. After all, as the current chairman of that commission, he had a reasonable expectation that he would be reappointed to represent the county again. Notice I didn’t say “reasonable right” – I am not supporting absolutes here. Williams nominated himself, but, because of the rules of order, the first two supervisors to receive three votes are chosen. Nordvig and Tucker got the votes. Williams was out and will not serve his last six months as chairman of the RRPDC. Both during the meeting and in a conversation afterward, Williams expressed disappointment that the hard work he has put into the commission was seemingly being ignored by his fellow board members. After all, he served on the RRPDC four years while he was on the planning commission and for his last four years as a supervisor. In the board meetings I have covered since the summer of 2014, I have frequently heard Williams reference the RRPDC and what it is doing for the region. In our conversation last week, he spoke of particular pride about his role in helping hire the commission’s new executive director. First, there was the way it was handled. Williams was obviously blindsided by Melton’s calculated move, a tactic I don’t find attractive or conducive to “transparency” in board members. I have previously taken Williams and former District 3 supervisor Barry Hodge to task in editorials for last minute ambushes and feel to not do so here would be remiss. And then there is Williams’ other point: “You didn’t hear anybody give a


reason as to why they didn’t reappoint me.” He’s right. Tucker, Cabell and Nordvig said nothing. Melton’s only explanation was that he “did not enter in this thought process lightly. I weighed all options and I did what I felt like was best for Powhatan County.” Not having attended an RRPDC meeting, I cannot attest to the way Williams runs the meetings or comports himself. Not wanting to make ignorant assumptions, I called the RRPDC to gauge reaction to the news. Chuck Gates Jr., the manager of community affairs, said he didn’t necessarily believe the board’s actions, as Williams said, “put Powhatan in a bad light” since localities frequently change their representatives. However, he said that in the six months Williams was chairman he was involved and influential and “helped navigate the commission through a difficult time” when it was without an executive director, which provided the staff a great deal of security. “He made great contributions. He was very hands-on,” Gates said, adding that Williams was always asking and willing to do more than just run a monthly meeting. This writer was not looking for Melton to start verbally bashing Williams as justification for why he didn’t want him reappointed to the commission. After all, only minutes before the board unanimously agreed to a code of ethics that included not using abusive, threatening or intimidating language. On the other hand, when citizens don’t receive any explanation for elected officials’ actions, what is left but conjecture about possible motives? Here’s hoping this first meeting wasn’t a teaser of what citizens can expect for the next four years this board is in office when it comes to how the members treat each other and how open they are regarding their motives. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Twins a double dose of joy By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist

I’m not sure how the magical bond between twins actually works, but I can attest to its reality. It’s a subject I’ve witnessed first-hand as I’ve watched my twins, Jack and Emma, as they’ve progressed through childhood, much of it spent joined at the hip, so to speak. At first glance, the two seem as different as night and day, but it doesn’t take long to detect a special bond that allows them to communicate almost telepathically. Looking at them, you wouldn’t even know they were twins. Emma is tall and strong, adventurous and curious, and approaches life as a wonderful journey with new experiences

and all of life’s joys awaiting. Her energy and zest for life is infectious, but her kindness and pureness of heart are the things that make a parent thankful each and every day. She has an unbridled love for all animals, and spends her free time on weekends volunteering at the local ASPCA. Jack is one-half Emma’s height, and, as years have progressed, the difference is more noticeable, to everyone except them. Jack is studious and quiet, deliberate and determined and tenacious. Every task is performed to the highest level, and no detail is unimportant to his detailed eye. He is neat and organized, punctual and efficient in everything he pursues. For the past five years, Emma and the rest of our family have dealt with Jack’s medical challenges after his diagnosis P.O. Box 10 Powhatan, Va. 23139 Phone: 804-598-4305 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-598-7757

Publisher Market Manager

Joy Monopoli


Birgit Weeks


Melody Kinser


Production Manager

Denine D’Angelo


News Editor

Laura McFarland


Sports Editor

Billy Fellin


Susan Marannano


Cindy Grant


Managing Editor

Sales Representative Classifieds

with Multiple Dystrophy. It’s affected almost every aspect of our lives with the distinct exception of one, the bond between Jack and Emma and their connection as twins. As a parent, you take the most valuable pleasures from the most insignificant aspects of your children’s lives. I treasure those moments when the smallest things can bring the most influential contentment to a parent watching a child. I feel that way when I watch Emma and Jack. They have become so connected and close, and Jack’s “little” sister has his back as he meets the enormous challenges of living with MD. When Jack drops something on the floor, Emma retrieves it for him. If a pesky step is an obstacle for Jack, Emma see LOVE page 7A

Charges against Carson Tucker are unbelievable Dear Editor, Carson Tucker is one of the most honorable people I know. The alleged sexual battery charge is not just unbelievable, it is outrageous - impossible! I was not there, but surely there must be a mistake. I have known Carson privately and professionally for many years and believe in his honor with no reservations or convictions. I am sure the real reason for this allegation will come out soon and wipe this heinous record from history. The article made me think, “What possible gain or advantage could there be for making up such malicious nonsense about an honest man?” Political comes to mind. Abraham Lincoln once said, when unkind people had cast dispersions upon him: “Nobody kicks a dead dog.” But how can one ever defend against such allegation in the general society? Only one’s reputation can keep it at bay, and then just with those who know the truth. The stigma of being accused will always hang over the person accused, and that is not fair to the innocent. Something like this – that is so obviously contrary to someone’s nature – is the lowest kind of character assassination. Any person of reasonable mind would not give half a second of thought to such nonsense. I for one, never had a moment’s doubt of Carson’s honor, and reading this news in the Powhatan Today did not give me the slightest thought that this could be true to any degree. The accuser must somehow have made a mistake. Everyone who knows Carson, or who sees and hears him at county meetings, knows the high degree of intelligence Carson has. Yet how unintelligent would one have to be to carry out such a thing in a crowded room – and more so with a husband close at hand? There were obviously many people at this gathering; and I hope some of them will come forward to help exonerate an honest man. This makes no sense at all. How credible is an accusation that takes many months to be lodged? Freedom of speech is a right for all of us unless it is untrue about someone. Then it is punishable by law of man and God as well. God’s ninth commandment states unequivocally: “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Carson has long been a leader of our county – much like the term “elder” in past years. The Bible verse I Timothy 5:19 states: “Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.” That should be applied in this case. Randy Schulkers Powhatan County

WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Monday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff.

Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: Powhatan Today, P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va., 23139. Subscription Rate: $23.50 per year. Single copy price is 50¢. © 2016 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.

Page 7A

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

New Virginia congressional map redraws 4th District By Andrew Cain Richmond Times-Dispatch


three-judge panel in Richmond has imposed a new Virginia congressional map that seeks to give blacks a chance to elect candidates of their choice in two districts, not just one. The map - one of two proposed by the judges’ expert - lowers the black voting age population in the 3rd District, represented by Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, a Democrat, from 56.3 percent to 45.3 percent. It raises the black voting age population in the 4th District, represented by Rep. J. Randy Forbes, a Republican, from 31.3 percent to 40.9 percent. Powhatan County is part of the 4th District. The district also includes all or part of the counties of Amelia, Brunswick, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Nottoway, Prince George, Southampton, Sussex, and the cities of Chesapeake, Colonial Heights, Emporia, Franklin, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Suffolk.


Adult classes keep learning going Staff Report Adults interested in everything from chocolate to tips to living on a fixed income to improving computer skills have the opportunity to grow their knowledge with Powhatan County Public Schools’ upcoming adult education classes. Registration closes on Friday, Jan. 15 for the variety of exciting evening classes offered to any member of the community who are 18 or older and out of high school. The list of non-credit classes available for this session cover subjects such as CPR training, first aid, GED preparation (free), beginning guitar, recreational basketball and volleyball, knitting, crochet, several Microsoft Office programs, Chocolate 101, gluten free baking, photography, living on a fixed income, investing, shag dancing and cake decorating.

Judges have imposed a new Virginia congressional map that involves District 4.

The three-judge panel had twice ruled that in 2012 Virginia legislators packed too many additional blacks into Scott’s majority-minority district, thereby diluting their influence in surrounding districts. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal by Republicans in Virginia’s congressional delegation. Lawyers for Republicans in the delegation had urged the three judges not to impose a new map before the Supreme Court rules later this year.


But the three judges said in a ruling this afternoon that waiting would compound the injury. “Finally, we find that the public interest aligns with the plaintiffs’ and defendants’ interests, and thus militates against staying implementation of a remedy,” the judges write. “As noted, the harms to the plaintiffs would be harms to every voter in the Third Congressional District. In addition the harms to the commonwealth are public harms.”

Classes range from free or $10 up to $90, but most cost $25 or under. Individuals who are 62 years of age or older may take classes free of charge as part of the “Gold Card” program. Anyone who is interested in obtaining a “Gold Card” should contact Michele Wilson at 804-5985700. Seniors with a “Gold Card” may register by calling Ms. Sharon Faubert at 804-598-5710, ext. 307. Refunds will only be granted when a class is filled or canceled. Classes will not meet when schools are closed for holidays and inclement weather. Every effort will be made to make up classes, but make-up classes are not guaranteed. Register by mail by Jan. 15 with check or money order payable to Powhatan High School. Registration must be postmarked by Jan. 15.

C R I M E R E P O RT Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015

calls in the 1100 block of Avatar Court.

Road. A deputy responded to a report of harassing phone calls in the 2400 block of Mountain View Road.

A deputy responded to a report of threatening phone calls in the 4300 block of Piece Road.

A deputy responded to an animal bite in the 2900 block of Pleasantwood Road.

Thursday, Dec. 31, 2015

A deputy responded to a vicious animal in the 2300 block of Millyard Circle.

A deputy responded to a man who shot himself in the hand on Ridge Road.

A deputy arrested a drunk driver in the 3400 block of Anderson Highway.

Friday, Jan. 1, 2016

A report of threatening phone calls was made at the sheriff’s office.

A report of harassing phone calls was made at the sheriff’s office.

Saturday, Jan. 2

A deputy responded to a larceny in the 1600 block of Wildwood Shores Drive.

A deputy responded to a larceny from a vehicle in the 5600 block of Cartersville Road. A deputy responded to a report of harassing phone

A deputy responded to an animal bite in the 1000 block of Clement Town


Sunday, Jan. 3 A deputy responded to a public drunkenness call in the 700 block of Clayville Road.

Monday, Jan. 4


Continued from page 6A

helps him over it. She carries his backpack, opens his drinks and protects him in every way she can. She has taken that special bond between twins and taken it a step further. Realizing that Jack has evolving limitations with his mobility, Emma is patient and deliberate in her commitment to making sure Jack’s life is full and safe. We don’t use the word caregiver around here, because I’d like to think we all care for each other, and Jack often gives so much more than he receives. But, Emma has assumed a role she cherishes as Jack’s best friend and protector. And the feeling is mutual. More times than not, the first question I field from Jack on a daily basis is “Where is Emma?” I’m not sure if the connection is totally twin-related, or the result of a caring and compassionate heart that refuses to give up or give in to the immense challenges of Jack’s condition. Either way, it does a heart good to see the dedication and love displayed by a twin for her match, and offers me the peace of mind that knowing Jack will be cared for can provide. I’ve often heard twins described as a double dose of joy, and those blessed with the combo know it’s an accurate observation. Watching Jack and Emma together exemplifies a bond that reflects true love in its most pure form. And, I’m lucky enough to be close enough to marvel at the results.

MARCEE ADAMS Marcee Martyak Adams, AFSP, 50, died on Monday, January 4, 2016. She is survived by her husband, Steve Adams; daughter, Amanda Seymore of Powhatan; mother, Theresa Martyak of Ashville, Pennsylvania; brothers, Shawn Martyak (Wendy) of Maryland, Scott Martyak of Cresson, Pennsylvania, Joel Martyak ADAMS (Sherry) of Patton, Pennsylvania; four devoted companions, Gizmo, Lily, Dahlia, Levi; and many nieces and nephews. Marcee was a graduate of St. Francis University, a partner with Garner, Adams & Associates, always put others before herself, loved to travel and was a lifelong Steelers fan. The family received friends from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6 at Bennett & Barden Funeral Home, Powhatan. Services were held on Saturday, January 9, in Pennsylvania. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to freetobreathe. org.

NATHAN PLEASANTS Nathan Pleasants, 70, of Powhatan, entered into eternal rest on Friday, December 25, 2015. He leaves to cherish his fond memory his devoted wife, Wilnet Pleasants; one son, Delonta Pleasants; grandson, Mason Pleasants; one brother, three sisters, three sisters-inlaw, and a host of nieces, nephews, great-niec-

Melton Continued from page 1A

of his fellow board members to serve as chairman again. “I hope that I do it efficiently and yet actively listen and be as caring as possible,” he said. In his coming year as chairman and his four-year term as a supervisor, Melton said his focus will continue to be on economic development, a broadband initiative, addressing the renovation and building of Powhatan Junior High School into a new middle school and working hard to be as frugal as possible with Powhatan taxpayers’ money. He cited several changes made in the meeting for the board, including moving board meetings to 6 p.m. on the fourth

es and nephews, cousins and friends. His remains rested at the Robert Mealy Funeral Home, Goochland. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 2, 2016, at Powhatan Community Church. Dr. Delmar P. Wright officiated. Interment Hollywood Baptist Church Cemetery, Powhatan. No repast.

JANET SUTTON Janet Throckmorton Sutton, 75, of Powhatan, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, December 29, 2015. She is survived by her husband of 30 years, Lewis Harvey Sutton III; her children, Alice J. English (Chuck), Roger Jamerson (Sheri), Jennifer Sutton Booth (Dave), Lewis H. Sutton IV; grandchildren, Lewis H. “Quint” Sutton V (Lauren), Ashley Jamerson, Taylor Sutton, Nelson Sutton, Megan EngSUTTON lish, Maggie Booth, Emily Jamerson, Sarah English, Nick Booth, Blake Jamerson and Sydney Jamerson; and three great-grandchildren, Caroline Sutton, Olivia Sutton and Avery Sutton. The family received friends from 3 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 2, 2016, at the Huguenot Chapel of Woody Funeral Home, Midlothian. A memorial service began at 4 p.m. immediately following the visitation. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Meals on Wheels, 1415 Rhoadmiller St., Richmond, VA 23220.

3143 Gullane Court, Powhatan; Terrence W. Beltz to Philip F. Jacoby, $65,000. 1688 Indian Pipe Court, Powhatan; Kenneth F. Hardt to Thomas H. Stewart, $365,000. 2579 Moon Glow Drive, Powhatan; Wil E. Benitez to Richard S. Kearns, $202,500. 1989 Old Tavern Road, Powhatan; Kenneth M. Haislip to Trevor V. Garner, $285,000. 1638 Olde Links Drive, Powhatan; Builder Funding LLC to Richard Martin, $336,900. 6092 Preakness Stakes Lane, Powhatan; HPCPET LLC to Jeffrey M. Causey, $302,500. 1220 Quail Run Road, Powhatan; J. Andrew Austin to Mark V. Chaney, $295,000. 2710 Rocky Oak Road, Powhatan; Fairlane Construction Corp. to David M. Bartles, $236,000. 3932 St. John’s Village Way, Powhatan; Southern Builders Inc. to Marie R. DeHart, $359,000. 1088 Timber Trace Road, Powhatan; James E. Noonan to Christopher Staffieri, $289,950. 5678 Wood Street, Powhatan; Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Troy Lee Crawford, $151,100.

Monday of the month, having a Nordvig said he was flatset time for public hearings tered that his colleagues would during meetings and adopting a entrust him with the position, code of ethics and bylaws for especially after less than a year the board. on the board. “Being the new “I am looking forchairman with a new ward to working with board, I just wanted chairman Melton and to make sure everymoving the county one understood their forward. It is an oppriorities and the portunity for me, and code of ethics that we I embrace it,” he passed and the bysaid. laws and what we are In addition to supall being held acporting the chairman Nordvig countable for,” he in his duties, Nordvig said. would lead the board Nordvig is entering his first in his absence, both of which full term as a supervisor and are big responsibilities, he his first position within the said. board. He was first elected in a Beyond that, Nordvig said special election in February he felt being vice chairman 2015 and re-elected in Novem- gives him a little bit more ber 2015. “punch to maybe forward my

vision for Powhatan County, which basically revolves around aggressive economic growth in a rural-friendly way.” He said he will continue to support economic growth by aggressively seeking out businesses that fit Powhatan County and work to improve relations with the Powhatan County School Board. The schools are the county’s biggest budget item and largest employer. “I think we need to work really well with the school board, so that is a high priority with me,” he said. “But overriding all of the other concerns is the health and safety of our citizens. That is our No. 1 job.” Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Page 8A

Appoint Continued from page 3A

sure to preserve the county’s rural character, which is prized by residents. He said he would like to see more than a 5 cent drop on the real estate tax rate because the “citizens have carried the burden long enough.” The county needs to find more balance between the residential-commercial tax burden, he said. “I think we are about 92-8 on our split, and to me that is the problem right there,” he said. He added he would rather grow the county into lower taxes, not scrimp and save into lower taxes. Adopting a code of ethics and standard of conduct. The board unanimously voted to adopt a code of ethics and standards of conduct. Melton said board members had one-

on-one meetings that influenced the document, which includes 16 items under code of ethics and 13 items under the standards of conduct. Some of the code of ethics call for board members to “seek to find and use the most equitable, efficient, effective, and economical means for getting tasks accomplished”; “adopt policies and programs that support the rights and recognize the needs of all citizens regardless of race, sex, age, religion, creed, country of origin or handicapping condition”; “ensure the integrity of the actions of the board of supervisors by avoiding discrimination through the dispensing of special favors or unfair privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not”; “make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of any office, since a public servant has no private word that can be binding on public duty,” and “never use any information gained confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means of making pri-

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vate profit.” Other items address avoiding policies, programs or activities that discriminate against or offend individuals; exposing corruption, misconduct and neglect of duty when discovered; adhering to the principle that the public’s business should be conducted in the public view by following the letter and spirit of the Freedom of Information Act regarding closed sessions, and abstaining from using the media to criticize of vilify colleagues or citizens. Standards of conduct outlined in the agreement call for board members to “avoid during public meetings and during the performance of public duties the use of abusive, threatening or intimidating language or gestures directed at colleagues, citizens, or personnel”; “avoid choices and behaviors that cast public doubt upon the integrity and competence of the county government”; and “avoid criticism of colleagues or county employees in public places or open meetings.” The standards also ask the members to be tolerant, respectful, attentive and concise; maintain the confidentiality of closed meetings; and follow a set process laid out regarding a complaint that a board member has violated the code of ethics and standards of conduct. Voting on Virginia’s Urban Crescent Letter to governor Terry McAuliffe and the 2016 Virginia General. Weiler explained that on Dec. 11, 2015, more than 150 government, school division, and business representatives from Virginia’s Urban Crescent met to discuss concerns regarding the commonwealth’s share of funding for public education. The group created a letter that states that local governments cannot realistically sustain the extraordinary funding demands of the past several years without continued dramatic impacts on other essential local government services, she said. Urban Crescent member jurisdictions were invited to sign the letter calling upon the 2016 Virginia General Assembly and governor to “meaningfully increase the commonwealth’s proportional and required share of funding for a high quality public education system.” The letter points out that since fiscal year 2009, the commonwealth has reduced its share of funding for public education by more than $1 billion; state funding on a per pupil inflation adjusted basis has decreased from $4,275 per pupil in FY 2009 to $3,655 per pupil in FY 2015; Virginia local governments are contributing double the amount required under current statute for public education, even as property values have significantly declined In comparison with other states, Virginia is in the top ten in both per capita and median household income, but in the bottom ten for public education funding, the letter said. Melton said he saw it as a “pretty straightforward” letter and that he was in favor of it. Williams said he wouldn’t vote to sign the letter because it doesn’t say where the money is going to come from and there is no discussion about how it will be done. He heeded caution before the board puts its name on a document when the members can’t be sure how that document will be used. “I can see somebody taking this letter and standing up on the floor of the House or Senate saying, ‘look here, we’ve got these localities that say we have to fully fund education.’ You don’t know what path they are going to take but you have signed off on this letter, and they are go-

ing to use it for whatever fix they come up with,” Williams said. The motion to sign the letter passed 3-2 with Melton, Cabell and Tucker voting in favor of it and Nordvig and Williams against it. John Waters, who lives on Morningview Drive, spoke during public comments at the beginning of the meeting saying he has lived in his house about nine years and raised a family there. With his children grown, he said he wants to sell his house, but can’t because of an “eyesore across the street.” Waters said a problem with a neighbor’s property having “clutter, filth, squalor,” has been ongoing for nine years and is keeping him from selling his home. He said he was glad to hear the county was addressing trash in its zoning ordinance, but he was still waiting to see results from that. “I would like to see the ball get rolling because these people have not made any effort to clean up their property, and it’s right outside my window, right outside my door,” he said. Hearing comments from the county attorney. During the part of the meeting for county attorney comments, Lacheney said the county filed a petition in General District Court on Jan. 4 for 2406 Morningview Drive, the first case where it is enforcing the new ordinances. A court date has been set for 9:15 a.m. on Feb. 1 with a $1,000 fine and the county asking the court to enforce the cleanup of the property. Waters had already left at that point. Williams said he spoke to Waters by phone before the meeting and Waters came to speak to the board because of the lag time in getting the situation handled. Although it is a new process, Williams suggested getting a protocol in place so the county handles situations in an “expeditious fashion.” “People have suffered for years on this trash issue,” Williams said, and the county has raised expectations with passing its new trash ordinance that the problems are going to be addressed. “So they are anxious to get relief,” he said. Lacheney pointed out that there is a self-help remedy in the county code that said it could have already gone to clean up the property, but the budget to do so has not been provided. This would speed up the trash cleanups dramatically, he said. “It is really not budget that is permanently lost because it allows us to put a lien on the property so it is recouped at a minimum at property sale. So you can view it more as a loan that a direct expense,” he said. Lacheney said people who have problems with trash on adjacent properties need to contact David Dameron, zoning administrator. Lacheney also was asked by Tucker to look into an issue raised during a previous meeting by Carl Loser of Powhatan. Loser wanted the supervisors to pass an ordinance in the county that would allow a citizen referendum on anything that the citizens wanted to do. Lacheney said the request, “though sensible and probably in line with what our founding fathers would have anticipated,” is not legal in Virginia. According to state law, “no referendum shall be placed on a ballot unless specifically authorized by statute or charter.” Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.


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January 13, 2016

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B


Powhatan native Hannah Livermon (23) takes a 3-point shot against Virginia Wesleyan College on Jan. 6. Livermon would make this 3-pointer to break the 10-year-old Randolph-Macon all-time 3-pointers made record. She made a second 3-pointer in the game and has 216 for her career.

Livermon breaks RMC record By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

It isn’t easy to break a 10-year-old collegiate record. But, Powhatan High School graduate Hannah Livermon did just that at Randolph-Macon College. Livermon, a senior, broke the school’s all-time record for 3-point shots made. Livermon got her

215th career 3-pointer against Virginia Wesleyan on Jan. 6, breaking Jenn Kohler’s previous mark of 213 made. Kohler played for the Yellow Jackets from 1992-1996. “It feels really awesome,” she said. “I never really knew we had a record book, but I never really looked into until last year when I was notified that I was close (to the 3-pointer

record). It’s kind of nice to look up there now and see your name at the top and knowing I have a lot of season left.” Coming into the season, Livermon was notified that she was within striking distance of Kohler’s record. Livermon averaged about three 3-pointers per game last season, racking up 77 over 25 games. She had 44 in 2013-14 over 29

games and 58 in 2012-13 over 27 games. “I didn’t know exactly when it would happen,” she said. “I only needed 34 to break the record.” At Randolph-Macon on Tuesday against the Marlins, numbers 35 and 36 fell for Livermon. If Livermon keeps at her average of three 3-pointers per game, with 13 regular season games remaining in

the season, at least 39 more 3-pointers could be added to her record, if she continues to shoot at her average. She also is one of 20 Yellow Jackets players that have eclipsed the 1,000 point mark. Livermon currently stands at 1,120 points and counting in her Randolph-Macon career. Perimeter shooting for Livermon goes back to her days at Powhatan, and has

transitioned with her to the Yellow Jackets, just as her game as evolved since her days as an Indian. “The high school 3point-line is closer than the college 3-point-line,” she said. “I was always known as a shooter, but my freshman and sophomore years, I really worked hard to knock down wide open shots and see RECORD page 2B

Trio lead Knights past Warriors By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


BSH’s Noah Dowdy (10) drives through the Tidewater Academy defense.

It was just the kind of game that the Blessed Sacrament Huguenot boys basketball team can build off of. The Knights jumped out to a double-digit led before visiting Tidewater Academy could get a basket and used that lead to stay in front the entire game and win 69-58 over the Warriors on Jan. 8. “Well, it’s a win, so I’m happy on that front,” Blessed Sacrament Huguenot coach Luke Bobbitt said. “It’s a conference win, so that’s a little extra bonus. We told the guys to

use the positive and we told them this was a big game, and an opportunity to right the ship. They executed pretty good.” The first 10 points of the game exemplified the Knights’ (2-5) offensive capabilities when they are firing on all cylinders. Daivon Edmonds opened the game with a basket, followed by Mason Livers scoring and Noah Dowdy and Edmonds hitting backto-back 3-point shots. Edmonds and Dowdy hit two more back-to-back after Tidewater Academy scored its first basket of the game and the Knights had exploded out to a 14-point lead.

“Offensively, really, to start the game, I was really happy,” Bobbitt said. “In practice, they really listened to what the 1-3-1 was and how to attack it. We were very pleased with that.” In his third game back with the team, Edmonds was once again the high scorer with 27 points. Livers had 20 points and Dowdy had 15. “We don’t want to rely on one guy for all the scoring,” Bobbitt said. “We know that guys might have a bad shooting night. You want that balanced scoring. I know those guys can see KNIGHTS page 3B

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Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Page 2B

Indians fall twice to start 2016 By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

Powhatan’s girls basketball team got 2016 off to a rough start. The Indians faced Western Albemarle on Tuesday and were behind by double-digits after the first quarter alone. Powhatan managed to make some second-half noise, but the Warriors’ lead was too large to overcome and the Indians fell 47-33. “We came out flat,” Powhatan coach Paulette Bowman said. “We came out like we’ve been off for a long time.” Turnovers and a hardpressing Warriors (7-6) defense caused a host of issues for the Indians. Thanks to those turnovers, some from the Warriors, others from miscommunicationfromPowhatan,

and missed baskets, in the blink of an eye, Powhatan trailed 20-6 in the first quarter. The trend continued in the second, as Western Albemarle went on an 11-0 run to push the lead to 33-6 before Kylee Maiolo stemmed the tide a three point run of her own. Powhatan came out in the second half more effective than the first, as Maiolo led the team on a five point run to open the half. After one Warriors free throw, Maggie Salomonsky had a personal five point run of her own to give the Indians some life. Maiolo led the team with 12 points, while Calie Rehme had seven points. That fight was something that Bowman said she was happy to see from her squad. “They came out with some intensity in the sec-

ond half,” she said. “I told them that they now see how they play all the time. Other teams do it, now we have to do it.” Despite Western Albemarle only scoring 10 points combined in the second half, Powhatan (4-7) was unable to sustain any consistent scoring pressure to attempt a comeback. Bowman said that 11 games in and the youth of the roster is still showing. “We have a lot of young people who played JV ball, but some that even played eight grade ball last year,” she said. “They haven’t seen that kind of pressure before. That’s what we’re going to see. It’s frustrating to me, and frustrating to the team. But, we have to learn from it. It should motivate them a bit.” Powhatan faced Orange on Friday and fell 62-49. Maiolo and Shelby


Powhatan’s Kylee Maiolo (10) dribbles upcourt against Western Albemarle. Maiolo led the Indians with 12 points against the Warriors.

Hodge led the team with nine points. Against Orange, the Indians had trouble covering Laine Harrington, who had 15 points, including four 3-

point shots. “All we can do is stay with it and keep working at it,” Bowman said. “We have a young team and have to go through the

bumps.” The Indians hit the road on Tuesday against Albemarle and Friday against Louisa.

Schwartz throws for new PR at FUMA meet By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

The Powhatan indoor track team had a bit of an eye-opening experience at the Fork Union invitational track meet on Jan. 8. “This was, for most of the kids, the largest meet they’d ever been to,” Powhatan coach Gregg Whisler said. “It was a different format than Green Dragon. Being a young team, it was a learning night.” While the meet might have been large and of a different format than they may have been used to the Indians still got well earned experience and had some good finishes throughout the events. The highlight of the

meet for Powhatan was Will Schwartz winning the boys shot put with a throw of 46-feet, four-and-onehalf inches. The throw was two feet longer than second place Jeremy Arthur of Nelson County. His throw also was a new personal record, making it two meets in a row that Schwartz has set a new personal best. “For him to reach 46 (feet) is pretty good,” Whisler said. “Since last year, I think he’s increased his throws by over a foot, which at that distance for shot put is pretty good.” Chase Miffleton won his heat in the 3,200 meter run at a 11:06.30, which almost lapped the field in

his heat, according to Whisler. Miffleton finished overall fourth in the event. Caileigh Dintino was fifth in the girls 3,200, her first year running the event, with a time of 13:24.27. Schwartz, Miffleton and Dintino are the three members of the team that Whisler said he really looks to as leaders. “Those three right there are our team leaders,” he said. “Will is a junior, Chase is one of the seniors, and Caileigh is a veteran of the female runners.” Hannah Adams and Rebecca Jordan finished 22nd and 27th, respectively, in the long jump with jumps of 12-feet, four inches and 11-feet, two-and-one-half inches.

Adams, the school record holder in the 55 meter dash, was also 20th in the triple jump with a 25-foot, 10 inch jump. In the boys long jump, Perrion Morris had the 11th best leap, at 18-feet, two-and-one-half inches. Dylon Bryant finished 16th with a 16-foot, onehalf inch jump in the same event. Danielle Bigham, Jordan, and Emma Bennett finished close to each other in the girls shot put. Bigham was 20th with a 23-feet, one-quarter inch throw, while Jordan was one spot behind with a 22foot, eight inch throw. Bennet was 23rd in the shot put with a throw of 21-feet, five-and-one-half

inches. Phillip Martin was 17th in the boys shot put with a 32-foot, 11-and one-half inch throw. The girls 4x800 meter relay team of Bennett, Dintino, Ashley Coopoer and Meghan Remillard was eight with a time of 11:58.52. The boys team of Miffleton, Connor Fletcher, Tyler Steinruck and John Cavedo were ninth in the boys 4x800 relay with a 10:21.06. Fletcher had a good run in the 1000 meter as well, with a 13th place 3:03.78. Tarik Johnson was 11th in the 55 meter hurdles with a 9.79. “I think it was a really good thing that a lot of

those younger kids see how an indoor meet with that many people worked,” Whisler said. “Some of them have only had experience with outdoor, so some of the relay teams were confused with the exchange zones. But, it’s a learning thing so it’s overall good.” As the holiday break put the team on hiatus for a bit, this meet at Fork Union will kick the team back into high gear for the remainder of the season. “Without a meet during the break, we’re going to get back into it,” he said. “There’s going to be a little more consistency with the practices now. We’ll have something every week.”

Zimmerman leads Knights past Tidewater By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

The Blessed Sacrament Huguenot girls basketball team got on a roll on Friday night. The Tidewater Academy Warriors attempted to get in the Knights way, but Blessed Sacrament Huguenot would not be denied in a 41-17 dominating win. Tidewater Academy

got the first basket of the game, but the Knights would go on an 11-0 run that featured a personal seven point run by Brieanna Zimmerman. That was followed by another 11-point run, which featured a 3-pointer by Ann Marie Kemp and six points from Abbi Sill. Zimmerman led the Knights with 18 points, and was active on both the

offensive and defensive side of the court. She had three 3-point shots go through and forced steals and bad shots for the Warriors on defense. Sill had 10 points for the Knights. It was an important win for the Knights after a 6939 loss to Amelia Academy on Jan. 5. Sill had 17 points and Zimmerman added 11 against Amelia Academy. PHOTO BY BILLY FELLIN

Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Brieanna Zimmerman (13) gets on a fast break against the Tidewater Academy defense. Zimmerman was a strong shooter against the Warriors in a game that the Knights dominated.

Record Continued from page 1B

different moves, like off screens. I also worked on getting my footwork right

to make my shot even better than it ever was.” Livermon has not forgotten about her days at Powhatan. In fact, she’s already starting to give back to the program which led

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her to Randolph-Macon. She said that she’s been to a few Powhatan games this season and has helped the team when she can. Some of the Indians coaches and players traveled to Ashland on Jan. 9 to see Livermon and the Yellow Jackets take on Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) foe Lynchburg. The Yellow Jackets fell in that game 82-66 to the Hornets. Livermon had 11 points in that matchup, and added another 3-point shot to bring her career total to 216. Livermon’s mentor role with the Powhatan team also helps her practice one goal that she has for her fu-

ture—coaching. “When I go home for breaks and they have practice, I usually go and practice with them,” she said. “I actually taught them an offense this year. It’s been cool to teach them stuff because one day I do want to coach basketball at a high level. It’s nice to get involved and help them out.” Livermon is one of four Yellow Jackets in their senior seasons, along with Katie Anderson (Patrick Henry), Lauren Vugteveen (Amelia Academy) and Khajae Hester. The team stands at 6-6 overall and 2-2 in the conference after the loss on Saturday to Lynchburg. The game against Virginia Wesleyan on Jan. 6

started the majority of Randolph-Macon’s conference schedule, which extends to mid-February. The four seniors are most all of the leadership and experience that the Yellow Jackets have, as there is only one junior in Taylor Intermill and one sophomore in Teal Reynolds. The remaining members of the team are all freshman. “We have so much potential on this team,” Livermon said. “We only have 10 players, but it’s going really well. Everyone is in tip-top shape because we only have 10 players, so no one gets breaks at practice and everyone gets time on the floor. It’s really good

that we have these four seniors as leaders on the team.” Livermon said that she hopes to earn another ODAC crown, which the Yellow Jackets earned in 2011, her sophomore season. Randolph-Macon was also ODAC tournament champions in 2011 and 2014, and made NCAA tournament appearances in both of those years. “That’s my ultimate goal,” she said of the ODAC crown. “It’d be nice to win it my senior year and go out with a bang.” Randolph-Macon had a home game against Eastern Mennonite on Tuesday, and travel to Bridgewater on Saturday.

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Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Indians go 3-3 over three days



Collin Gerardi of Powhatan High School upends the wrestler from Atlee High School, Wednesday night at Cosby High School.

By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

There was a lot of wrestling during the past week for the Powhatan team. First, on Jan. 6, Powhatan faced off against Cosby and Atlee in a trimeet at Cosby. The Indians went 1-1 in the tri, falling 48-25 to the Titans, but took down the Raiders 48-42. Wrestling coach Jonathan Tanaka said that the tri-meet at Cosby was challenging for the team, since illness and injury had taken its toll.

“We had a bunch of kids out,” he said. “We were missing so many people that it was tough to compete.” Against the Raiders, all of Powhatan’s wins were by pin at the 106, 113, 126 and 220 weight classes. In the loss to the Titans, JD McMillin (106), Jeffrey Hoyt (145), and Hunter Honebein (170)all grabbed wins by pin. Collin Gerardi (126) had a win by a major decision. On Friday and Saturday, the team traveled to the Hampton Coliseum for the Virginia Duals. The In-

dians went 2-2 in the prestigious tournament, defeating Nansemond River and Mills Godwin, while falling to Oscar Smith and Poquoson. “It’s a really tough tournament and I’m really proud for how we wrestled,” Tanaka said. “We had everyone back and the lineup back together. We did a lot better than last year and that’s the kind of improvement I like to see.” Among the notable results was Gerardi falling to an Oscar Smith wrestler, which was Gerardi’s first

J.D. McMillan from Powhatan High School upends his opponent at Cosby High School on Wednesday night during a tri-meet with Atlee.

loss in the state of Virginia. McMillin, a freshman, went up against the defending 3A state champion at Poquoson and was also defeated in another tough matchup. Tanaka said that the event not only was a good test for his team, but also a good preparation for the state tournament, should any Indians wrestler make it to that level of competition. “It’s the same set up, and a similar venue,” he said. “There are eight mats on the floor. The hope is

that when we are at states, (the wrestlers) won’t be intimidated by the environment. They’ll have already been exposed to that, and can focus on the match itself.” The Virginia Duals featured five different divisions, including college wrestling. Iowa State defeated Virginia Tech in the final for the National College division. Kutztown won the American College division, NazarethArea (Penn.) won the National High School division, while Eastern View won the

American High School division and Grassfield won the Black and Blue High School division. Tanaka said that it was a great team bonding time. “It was a good time for the team,” he said. “There was a lot of down time and we were around each other a lot. There was a lot of bonding time. The JV wrestlers came as well. They all got to see some top flight competition.” Powhatan returns to the mat tonight against Midlothian at 6 p.m., then will head to Louisa on Saturday.

Inaugural Solar 8 Miler set for Feb. 20 at PSP Staff reports The inaugural Solar 8 Miler is a new charity race that will be run on Saturday, Feb. 20. The race will run though the newly developed trail system at Powhatan State Park. All proceeds will benefit local charities, as well as the Powhatan Junior High School and Powhatan High School cross country teams.

Proceeds will also benefit student-driven solar power initiative projects. The event will feature professional chip timing, a student-sun national anthem, custom race shirts and age group awards. Age groups will be divided into 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 4044, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-65, 65-69, and 70 and up. All runners must be older than 15 years old

Knights Continued from page 1B

score in bunches. If we can get those guys to score on a nightly basis, with guys like Matt and Reid contributing, we’ll be able to put up enough points to beat people.” Throughout the game, the Warriors (1-9) would get surges, but the Knights would consistently be able to stem the tide and get going offensively again. One surge was at the start of the fourth quarter, when Tidewater Academy went on a 7-2 run and trimmed the lead to 11 points. But, Edmonds hit a 3-point shot, and Livers forced a turnover on the inbounds pass that he put in for an easy layup for a

due to the distance of the race and all runners should have experience and/or training at long distances. The entry fee is $20 in January and $25 in February and on race day. Signups on race day will be accepted until 8:45 a.m., with the race starting at 9 a.m. Online entry closes on Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. Shirts will be guaranteed to the first 100 runners. Bib and shirt pickup

quick five point run. Any momentum that might have been gained was quickly erased by that run.. One problem that plagued Blessed Sacrament Huguenot throughout the night was fouls. By 5:30 remaining in the third quarter, the Knights had already amassed 10 fouls, so the Warriors were headed to the line for two shots with any foul. Fortunately for Blessed Sacrament Huguenot, Tidewater Academy left points on the table, going 13-of-27 from the free throw line. Hunter McKenney was the leading Warriors scorer with 20 points, followed by Nick Powell who had 17. “I try to tell them you play defense with your feet not hands. I think when we went on those runs with the full-court

will be Feb. 19 at Lucky Foot’s Midlothian store from 4-7 p.m. There will also be pickup available on race day until 8:45 a.m. The event is rain or shine and all entries are non-refundable. Lucky Foot and Yardworks are sponsoring the event. For more information and to sign up online, visit SUBMITTED PHOTO solar8miler.wordpress. The first 100 runners will be guarenteed a Solar com. 8 Miler shirt, with the design seen here. press, they were moving their feet,” Bobbitt said. “When we picked up those fouls, it was a lot of ticky-tack, reaching in. It’s a little bit of a concern. You want them to be aggressive, but not getting stupid fouls.” The Knights went 1-1 on the past week, falling to Amelia Academy on Jan. 5. Matt Schiefer led the team in scoring with 15 points. Blessed Sacrament Huguenot trav-

eled to Brunswick Academy on Jan. 12 and then will be home again against Banner Christian on Friday. “We’ve told the guys, we can right the ship and get back and have a chance to finish in the top three,” Bobbitt said. “These games are winnable and use this momentum. We got the win tonight and we can let that carry over to the next game. We have to take it one game at a time.”

Let a loved one know just how much you care this Valentine’s Day.




Daivon Edmonds (4) goes up for a layup as Mason Livers (2) and Matt Schiefer (35) look on. Edmonds led the Knights with 27 points on Jan. 8.

Single Heart $15 Double Heart $30

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Deadline: Feb. 3 Publish: Feb. 10 Reserve Your Space Today! Contact Cindy Grant at 804-775-4616 or Michelle Wall at 804-775-4610

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

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Women’s College Basketball: DePaul at Butler. UFC Embedded Å UFC Unleashed Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports Sports NBA Basketball: Timberwolves at Thunder NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at Houston Rockets. SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball College Basketball: Evansville at Illinois State. SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA NFL Live NBA Basketball: Washington Wizards at Indiana Pacers. (N) Postgame SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet ACC Wheel Jeopardy! Last Man Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank (In Stereo) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Undercover Boss Å Hawaii Five-0 (N) Å Blue Bloods “Cursed” News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef (In Stereo) Hell’s Kitchen (N) News First Spo Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Undate Superstore Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Parks Parks Parks Parks Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Clever Creations Rachael Ray The Perfect Accessory Clever Creations Friday Night Beauty IT Cosmetics PBS NewsHour Å Wash McL’ghlin Willie Nelson: The Library: Indies: Austin City Limits Å Charlie Rose (N) Å Journeys Roadtrip Antiques Roadshow Death and the Civil War: American Experience: PBS NewsHour Å Willie Nelson: Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Death Row Stories Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Lockup Lockup Lockup American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Black Hawk Down” ›› “White House Down” (2013, Action) Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx. ›› “White House Down” (2013) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› “Friday” (1995) Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å ››‡ “Red” (2010, Action) Bruce Willis. ››‡ “S.W.A.T.” (2003) Samuel L. Jackson. Å Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl ››› “Role Models” (2008) Seann William Scott. Cougar Cougar Criminal Minds “P911” Criminal Minds “Hit” Criminal Minds “Run” Unforgettable (N) Å Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “Hit” Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Kevin Hart: Little Man: Kevin Hart: Laugh: Kevin Hart: Saturday Night Live Gold Rush “Crew War” Gold Rush - The Dirt Gold Rush (In Stereo) Killing Fields Gold Rush (In Stereo) Killing Fields Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Love; Lust Swipe Say Yes Say Yes Love; Lust Swipe Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse Masters (N) Alaska Alaska Treehouse Masters Make, Pop Parents Harvey Pig Goat Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Liv-Mad. Austin ›››‡ “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012, Comedy) Å Phineas Marvel K.C. Girl Meets Jessie Jessie Harry P ›› “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” (2004) Shadowhunters Å The 700 Club Å “Step Up 2 St.” Griffith Griffith ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere. Premiere. Å Younger Younger King King King “Love Letters” (1945) ›››› “Stagecoach” (1939) John Wayne. Å ›››‡ “Murder, My Sweet” (1944) Dick Powell. ›› “Raw Deal” (1948) Last Man Last Man Home Imp. Home Imp. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Bring It! Å Bring It! (N) Å Bring It! “Hell Week” The Rap Game Å The Rap Game Å Bring It! Å Island Island Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunt Intl Dream Hunters Love It or List It Å Disney Cruise: Diners Am. Diner Diners Diners Diners Burgers Diners Diners Diners Diners Criminals at Work Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Lip Sync Daily Show Wendy Williams Show ›› Beastly ›‡ “Red Riding Hood” (2011, Horror) Amanda Seyfried. The Shannara Chronicles “Chosen” (In Stereo) Shannara Chronicles ››‡ “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam Sandler. Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Mob Wives (In Stereo) We Bare Adventure King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Childrens Neon Joe Eric Andre Aqua Teen ››‡ “Final Destination” (2000) Devon Sawa. ››‡ “Final Destination 2” (2003) Ali Larter. ›››‡ “Evil Dead 2” (1987) Bruce Campbell. “Tombstone” (1993) ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998, Suspense) Will Smith. Å ››› “Bad Boys” (1995) Martin Lawrence. Å Last Man Last Man ››› “The Lost Boys” (1987, Horror) Jason Patric. Å I Love Kel Cowboys Cheerleaders Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Pawn Pawn American Restoration American Restoration Smartest Smartest Live to Tell (In Stereo) American Restoration Supernat. Potters Trinity H. Lindsey End/ Age P. Stone Praise the Lord Å The Bible: F.K. Price Fontaine


FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å Monster Jam Preview Motorcycle Racing College Basketball SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å College Basketball NFL Great NFL Live Å NFL Fantasy Football Now SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Basketball SportsNet Redskins Football SportsTalk Football Atlantic 10 Cavaliers Va. Tech Basket. ACC College Basketball Good Morning America Good Morning Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Rock-Park Explore Raceline Paid Prog. CBS6 News CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (S) Å Battle Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Innovation Bull Riding Live Life Wild Amer. Paid Prog. Cooker Paid Prog. BestPan! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ID Theft Best Pan Ever! Today (N) (S) Å News Today: Saturday LazyTown Nina’s Ruf-Tweet Astroblast Clangers Luna! Soccer FeelSexy WEN Hair Skincare Paid Prog. Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Washington This Week (S) IT Cosmetics AM Style With Leah Williams “Beauty Edition - IT Cosmetics” (N) Garden Greener Victory This Old House Hr Hometime Woodright Woodsmith Chefs Life Cook Martha Kitchen Tiger Tiger Curious Curious Thomas Builder Tiger Tiger Curious Curious Wild Kratts Wild Kratts New Day Saturday (N) New Day Saturday (N) Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Up (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt ID Theft Paid Prog. Skincare Cancer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics 21 DAY Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In Bob Massi Jour. Anger Anger Two Men Two Men ››› “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012, Docudrama) Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke. Black Hk Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics NCIS: Los Angeles (S) English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) Colony “Pilot” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Bailout” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› “Duplex” (2003, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Å ››› “Role Models” (2008) Seann William Scott. Tiny House Nation (S) Tiny House Nation (S) Tiny Tiny TBA TBA Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. BODY Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue “Bug Bite” Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer ›› “Hit & Run” (2012, Comedy) Dax Shepard. Paid Prog. Nutrisys. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Diesel Brothers (S) Diesel Brothers (S) Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Extreme Weight Loss My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Too Cute! (S) Å Cats 101 (S) Å Bad Dog! (S) Å To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Parents Harvey Pig Goat Rangers Alvinnn!!! Tmrrwland PJ Masks Mickey The Lion Phineas and Ferb (S) Bunk’d (S) K.C. Girl Meets Austin K.C. Undercover Å ›› “Step Up 2 the Streets” (2008, Drama) Shadowhunters (S) “Another Cinderella Story” (2008) Drew Seeley “Princess Diaries 2” Family Feud (S) Å FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Roseanne Roseanne Å Roseanne Roseanne Reba (S) Reba (S) › “Scared to Death” ››› “Snowfire” (1958) › “The Son of Rusty” (1947) ›› “Jinx Money” (1948) Huntz Hall ›› “She” (1965) Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Cloudy With a Chance of Love” (2014) CIZE! Paid Prog. Nutrisys. Paid Prog. FeelSexy Paid Prog. Skincare Cosmetics The Rap Game Å The Rap Game Å Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Be.- Made Brunch at Daphne D. Southern Farmhouse Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Valerie’s Giada Paid Prog. P. Popoff Foxx Foxx The Jamie Foxx Show Foxx Prince Prince Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prince Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. › “Red Riding Hood” (2011, Horror) Amanda Seyfried. (S) The Shannara Chronicles “Chosen” (S) Å Saturday Night Live (S) Mob Wives (S) Å Mob Wives (S) Å Love & Hip Hop (S) Love & Hip Hop (S) Hit the Floor “Pilot” (S) Teen Teen Pokémon Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Wabbit Wabbit Supernoob Supernoob CIZE! Paid Prog. ›› “Hostel” (2006, Horror) Jay Hernandez. Å ››› “Se7en” (1995, Suspense) Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman. Å Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman ››› “Appaloosa” (2008, Western) Ed Harris. Å ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) Hot 20 Countdown (N) Å I Love Kel Lost Boys Apocalypse Man: (S) Angels & Demons Decoded: (S) Å Gates of Hell: (S) Å God vs. Satan: (S) Å Veggie Prince Kids Club Stories RocKids Auto B. Gd Paha. Is. Veggie Monster Hopkins Lassie (EI) Goliath




UFC Main Event Å UFC Embedded Å College Basketball: Washington at Arizona. Å College Basketball: California at Stanford. (Live) College Basketball: Iowa at Michigan State. (N) College Basketball: Pittsburgh at Louisville. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: Connecticut at Tulsa. (Live) College Basketball: BYU at Gonzaga. (N) (Live) Basketball Profile NFL Live (N) Å NHL Hockey: Vancouver Canucks at Washington Capitals. Capitals SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Ovechkin Wheel Jeopardy! Beyond the Tank Å My Diet Is Better Than Yours (In Stereo) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Nightline News Hollywood Big Bang Life in Mom Å Angel-Hell Elementary (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang American Idol “Auditions No. 4” (N) (In Stereo) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Heroes Reborn (N) The Blacklist (N) Å Shades of Blue Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Once-In-A-Lifetime Gold Jewelry (N) Gold Jewelry Gala “All Sale Prices” (N) Inspired Style PBS NewsHour Å Currents Inside Out Community Idea Stations and Quill Theater Infinity Hall Live Å Charlie Rose (N) Å Well Read As Time... Finding Your Roots Independent Lens (In Stereo) Å Autism: PBS NewsHour Å A Few Great Bakeries: Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anthony Bourd. CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360: Post Debate Special: (N) Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Restaurant Startup Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit “FuelFood” Restaurant Startup Restaurant Startup Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Hotel Transylvania” “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” (2013) “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” (2013) “Austin Powers-Spy” ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” WWE SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Colony “Pilot” (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Castle “Child’s Play” NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at San Antonio Spurs. NBA Basketball: Lakers at Warriors Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Broke Girl Broke Girl Conan (N) Å Broke Girl Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Nightwatch (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The Comedy Central Roast “Justin Bieber” Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync ›‡ “Friday After Next” (2002) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Work. Idiotsitter Daily Show Nightly At Mid. Work. Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Extreme Weight Loss “Tony” (In Stereo) Å Skin Tight (In Stereo) My 600-Lb. Life Wild West Alaska Å Wild West Alaska (N) Alaska Alaska Alaskan Bush People Wild West Alaska Alaska Alaska Make, Pop Thunder “Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed” (2004) Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Bunk’d K.C. ››‡ “Cars 2” (2011) Voices of Owen Wilson. Austin Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Best Fr. Jessie Jessie “Nat’l Treasure” ››› “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (2007) Daniel Radcliffe. The 700 Club Å “Mirror Mirror” (2012) Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Stand Up and Fight” ›››› “Gone With the Wind” (1939, Romance) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. “Things to Come” Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Child Genius: Battle Child Genius: Battle Project Runway: Junior Child Genius: Battle Project Runway: Junior Child Genius: Battle Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Flip or Flip or Chopped “Rock Stars” Chopped “Knife Strife” Kids Baking Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Kids Baking ›› “Boomerang” (1992) Eddie Murphy. Å Zoe Ever Husbands Criminals at Work Criminals at Work Wendy Williams Show Ridiculous. Ridiculous. “A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas” (2011) Ridiculous. Story Broke A$$ Ridiculous. Story Very Har Mob Wives (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) ››‡ “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler. “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) We Bare Adventure King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››› “The Conjuring” (2013) Vera Farmiga. Å ›› “Silent Hill” (2006, Horror) Radha Mitchell. Å ›‡ “Silent Hill: Revelation” (2012) “U.S. Marshals” (1998) ››‡ “Transporter 2” (2005) Jason Statham. ›› “Transporter 3” (2008, Action) Jason Statham. Å Matrix ››‡ “The Bodyguard” (1992, Drama) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. I Love Kel I Love Kel Younger Younger Cops Rel. Cops Rel. American Pickers Å American Pickers Å American Pickers American Pickers Smartest Smartest American Pickers Å Drive Potters Trinity J. Osteen Prince Hillsong TBN Highlights 2015 Acts of Faith: Bless Lord



The Herd Varied Programs Best Thing I Herd Varied Programs SportCtr Outside Football NFL Insiders NFL Live Question Around Pardon SportsCenter Re-Take Varied Programs Nation Varied Re-Take Question Around Pardon Varied Programs Best Cook Varied Programs Patrick Varied Programs Redskins Football Varied The Chew General Hospital The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC News The Young Bold The Talk Ellen DeGeneres Show Steve Harvey News News News CBS News The Doctors Meredith Vieira Jerry Springer Maury Jdg Judy Jdg Judy FamFeud FamFeud Days of our Lives Rachael Ray Wendy Williams Show News Inside Ed. News News News NBC News In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Key Capitol Hill Hearings Varied Programs Key Capitol Hill Hearings Varied Programs Builder Cat in the Sid Cliff Pup Arthur Martha WordGirl Odd Cyberchas Wild Kratts News Business Virginia Senate Dinosaur Dinosaur Super Why Thomas Sesame Cat in the Curious Peep C. Rose Varied Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper The Situation Room The Situation Room MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts MSNBC Live With Kate Snow MTP Daily With All Due Respect Power Lunch Varied Programs Closing Bell Varied Programs Fast Mny Varied Mad Money Happening Now The Real Story Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto The Five Special Report How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Anger Anger Two Men Two Men Movie Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Bones Bones Bones Castle Castle Castle Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy New Girl New Girl Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs Varied Programs Guy Code Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Varied Key South Park South Park South Park Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Varied Programs Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Varied Programs Pit Bulls and Parolees To Be Announced Varied Programs PAW Blaze Alvinnn!!! Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Henry Thunder Varied Programs The Middle The Middle The Middle Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Home & Family Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Last Man Last Man Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Varied Programs Pioneer Contessa The Kitchen Giada Giada Contessa Contessa Pioneer Varied Programs Payne Prince Varied Prince Martin Martin Payne House of Payne Payne Varied Programs Varied Programs Mob Wives Varied Programs Love & Hip Hop Varied Programs Uncle Gra. Uncle Gra. Teen Teen Teen Teen Supernoob Supernoob Gumball Nexo Kni. Teen Gumball Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Cowboys Cheerleaders Cowboys Cheerleaders Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Last Man Last Man Varied Programs Pickers Varied Pickers Varied Marriage Varied Robison Potters The 700 Club J. Hagee Varied Praise Varied Programs





College Basketball College Basketball: Xavier at Marquette. (Live) Hoops College Basketball: Seton Hall at Providence. UFC College Basketball College Basketball: Texas Christian at Kansas. College Basketball: Kentucky at Auburn. (Live) High School Basketball College Basketball College Basketball: Notre Dame at Duke. (Live) College Basketball: West Virginia at Oklahoma. College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball: Drexel at Towson. (S Live) SportsNet Wizards Athlete Energy World of X Games (N) 30 for 30 (N) Bones (S) Å News ABC News College Basketball: Villanova at Georgetown. (N) (Live) Å The NFL Today (Live) NFL Football: AFC Divisional Playoff ›› “Shall We Dance?” (2004) Richard Gere. Cooker Coach (S) Sports Gone Wild Perfect Cooker! FamFeud FamFeud English Premier League Soccer Football FIS Alpine Skiing CIZE! Inside Ed. News NBC News Walker, Texas Ranger Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary “M.” (S) Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week (S) Commun Washing Calista Tools Hair Care Hair & Makeup (N) TATCHA - Skin Care A Host of Beauty WEN by Chaz Dean “Hair and Body Care” Chef Pépin Paint Paint This Travel Equitrek Antiques Roadshow Aviators Currents Weekend Charlie Odd Arthur This Old House Hr Julia Child Victory Old House Old House Old House Hometime Charlie Rose (S) Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish Weekends-Witt Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News HQ America’s News HQ The Five America’s News HQ ››› “Black Hawk Down” (2001, War) Josh Hartnett. ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011, Action) James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender. Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” ››› “The Town” (2010, Crime Drama) Ben Affleck. ›› “S.W.A.T.” (2003, Action) Samuel L. Jackson. Å ›› “Red” (2010) ››› “I Love You, Man” (2009) Paul Rudd. Å Friends Friends Friends Friends Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Born This Way (S) Å Born This Way (S) Å Born This Way (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Hit & Run ››› “The Blues Brothers” (1980, Musical Comedy) John Belushi. Å ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. Moonshiners (S) Å Moonshiners (S) Å Moonshiners (S) Å To Be Announced Extreme Weight Loss Extreme Weight Loss “Tony” (S) Å 20/20 on TLC (S) Å 20/20 on TLC (S) Å 20/20 on TLC (S) Å To Be Announced Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. ›› “Scooby-Doo” (2002) Freddie Prinze Jr. Thunder Thunder K.C. K.C. Bunk’d (S) Jessie (S) Austin K.C. Girl Meets Austin (:10) K.C. Undercover (:10) “Wreck-It Ralph” “Princess Diaries 2” ›› “Twilight” (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. Shadowhunters (S) John T Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Å ›› “She” (1965) ›› “From the Earth to the Moon” (1958) Å ››› “Sleeper” (1973, Comedy) “Knights of the Round Table” “June in January” (2014) Brooke D’Orsay. “Just the Way You Are” (2015, Romance) “Harvest Moon” (2015, Drama) Jessy Schram. The Rap Game Å “Sole Custody” (2014, Suspense) Julie Benz. “Double Daddy” (2015, Drama) Mollee Gray. “Babysit Book” Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Kids Baking Cake Wars Worst Cooks Chopped Junior Restaurant: Impossible Guilty Top 5 Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Å Martin (S) Martin (S) ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007, Romance) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. Shannara Chr Teen Mom (S) Å Teen Mom (S) Å Story Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Kicking Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Teen Teen Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball We Bare We Bare Teen Teen ››› “The Cabin in the Woods” (2011, Horror) ››› “Evil Dead 2” (1987) Bruce Campbell. ›› “Final Destination” (2000) Devon Sawa. ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence. Å ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998) Will Smith. ››› “The Lost Boys” (1987) Jason Patric. Å › “Hope Floats” (1998, Romance) Sandra Bullock. Å Reba (S) Reba (S) God vs. Satan: (S) Å Hell: The Devil’s Domain: (S) Å The Next Nostradamus: (S) Å After Armageddon: (S) Ishine Inspir. Praise the Lord Å M Lucado News Praise the Lord Å The Bible:


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Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

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FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å SportsMo. Motorcycle Racing: Monster Energy Supercross: San Diego. Å Big East NFL PrimeTime Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Insiders Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Å Profile NFL Fantasy Football Now Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Golf SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet Game 365 Redskins Football Va. Tech Shell Football Adventure Sports Good Morning America Good Morning This Week In Touch First Baptist Church Energy Cars.TV CBS 6 Sunday Morning St. Paul’s Deliver CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) Face the Nation (N) (S) Changers To Be Announced Faith: Paid Prog. Miracles How- Win Fox News Sunday Attkisson CIZE! FOX NFL Kickoff (N) FOX NFL Sunday Å 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour Paid Program Search Creflo Doll David Paid Prog. In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Washington Journal (S) Newsmakers (S) Washington This Week (S) Cleaning Sol. Sundays With Carolyn & Dan “La-Z-Boy” La-Z-Boy In the Kitchen David WordWorld Peep Curious Farming Richmond Religion Charlie American McL’ghlin Contrary Mack Inside Out Sesame Tiger Curious Curious Sid Dinosaur Sesame Tiger Curious Curious Wild Kratts Wild Kratts New Day Sunday (N) New Day Politics State of the Union (N) Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Lockup Business PoliticsNation (N) Up (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Skincare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) News HQ Housecall Ellen (S) Buffy, Vampire Slayer Mike Mike How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011) Paid Prog. Jeremiah P. Chris J. Osteen Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) ››› “Zoolander” (2001, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Old School Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å What Would You Do? What Would You Do? What Would You Do? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Off Road Engine Truck Muscle ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008) Christian Bale. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park ›› “National Security” (2003, Comedy) Martin Lawrence. Paid Prog. Amazing J. Osteen In Touch Killing Fields (S) Å Killing Fields (S) Å Moonshiners (S) Å Moonshiners (S) Å Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Untamed and Uncut (S) Untamed and Uncut (S) To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. Rangers Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Turtles Rabbids Ladybug Alvinnn!!! Tmrrwland PJ Masks Mickey The Lion Jessie (S) Jessie (S) K.C. Austin Austin Liv-Mad. Free- Heard “Another Cinderella Story” (2008) Drew Seeley ›› “17 Again” (2009, Comedy) Zac Efron. ›› “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart. Old Christine Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls The Golden Girls (S) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls ›› “Miss Annie Rooney” (1942) ›› “Saint Joan” (1957) Jean Seberg. Å “Blue Skies” (1946) ›› “The Firefly” (1937, Musical) Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Love’s Complicated” (2015) Ben Bass In Touch Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen FeelSexy Dance Moms Å Pitch Slapped Å Pitch Slapped Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Contessa Contessa Giada Trisha’s Pioneer Guy’s, Bite Valerie’s Pioneer Giada Trisha’s Southern Brunch at Paid Prog. Creflo Doll P. Popoff P. Chris Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice ›› “The Wiz” (1978, Musical) Diana Ross. Premiere. Å “Kicking & Screaming” (2005) (S) Story Shannara Chronicles Shannara Chronicles Teen Mom (S) Å Teen Mom (S) Å ›› “Step Up Revolution” (2012, Drama) (S) ›› “Dance Flick” (2009) Shoshana Bush. (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Pokémon Wabbit Wabbit Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen “Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy” Teen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Twi. Zone › “6 Souls” (2010, Horror) Julianne Moore. Å ››› “Drag Me to Hell” (2009) Alison Lohman. ››› “The Karate Kid” (1984) Ralph Macchio. ›› “Red Dawn” (1984, Action) Patrick Swayze. Å ››› “Top Gun” (1986) Tom Cruise. CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) Hot 20 Countdown Å “Hope Floats” (1998) Cajun Pwn Cajun Pwn Cajun Pwn Houdini: (S) (Part 1 of 2) Å Houdini: (S) (Part 2 of 2) Å Hatfields & McCoys: By Faith Dr. Tony Passion Touching Franklin Turning Walk Win Walk Prince Carpenter Schuller In Touch

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

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UFC Prefight Show (N) UFC Fight Night: Dillashaw vs. Cruz - Prelims. UFC Fight Night: Dillashaw vs. Cruz. (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) World/Poker NFL PrimeTime (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å NFL 2016 Australian Open Tennis: First Round. (N) (Live) Å Hockey Capitals Ovechkin Ovechkin Ovechkin Cap Cent SportsNet Cap Cent Shogun Fights SportsNet Wizards Funniest Home Videos Galavant (N) (In Stereo) Quantico “Found; God” (In Stereo) Å News Scandal (In Stereo) Blue Blood NFL Football 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Madam Secretary Å The Good Wife Å News Person of Interest Å Extra Å Simpsons Burgers Simpsons Barrett Fam. Guy Bordertwn News Big Bang ROH Wrestling Big Bang Mod Fam Dateline NBC (N) Å Dateline NBC (N) Å Democratic Debate (N) (Live) News Inside Ed. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods “The Job” Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Washington This Week Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Road to the White Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Quacker Factory by Jeanne Bice La-Z-Boy Susan Graver Style La-Z-Boy G.I.L.I. - Got It Love It Globe Trekker Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Mercy Street (N) Å Masterpiece Classic Mercy Street Å Purpose: Nine: My Music: Country Pop Legends: (In Stereo) My Music: Country Pop Legends: (In Stereo) Masterpiece Classic CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourd. CNN Special Program: CNN Debate Special: CNN Special Program: Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Lockup “Inside L.A. County” Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å FOX Report (N) Fox News Reporting Stossel Greg Gutfeld Fox News Reporting FOX Report “X-Men Origins” ››‡ “The Wolverine” (2013, Action) Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada. ››‡ “The Wolverine” (2013) Hugh Jackman. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam ››‡ “Red 2” (2013) ››‡ “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013, Action) ››‡ “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013, Action) Gerard Butler. Con Air ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper. Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Red Carpet: The 21st Annual Critics’ Choice Awards: (N) (In Stereo Live) Å The 21st Annual Critics’ Choice Awards: Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. (In Stereo) ›‡ “Red Dawn” (2012) Chris Hemsworth. I Legend ›› “The Change-Up” (2011) Å Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy: Å Gabriel Iglesias: Fat: Gabriel Iglesias: Fluffy: Gabriel Iglesias: Fat: Last Frontier Alaska Last Frontier Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Killing Fields Å Last Frontier Say Yes Say Yes Long Island Medium Medium Medium Married by Mom & Dad Medium Medium Married by Mom & Dad To Be Announced North Woods Law (N) North Woods Law (N) Finding Bigfoot (N) North Woods Law Finding Bigfoot Nicky Game Henry Henry Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends “The Incredibles” Å K.C. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Girl Meets Best Fr. Jessie K.C. Liv-Mad. Jessie Jessie “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Shadowhunters Å ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012, Science Fiction) Jennifer Lawrence. J. Osteen Jeremiah Reba Å Reba Å Reba “Thanksgiving” Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Long Trailer” ››‡ “Design for Living” (1933) ›››› “Jules and Jim” (1961, Drama) Jeanne Moreau. “The Blue Bird” (1918) “Perfect on Paper” (2014) Lindsay Hartley. “Autumn Dreams” (2015, Romance) Jill Wagner. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Ghosts-Girlfrnd” The 21st Annual Critics’ Choice Awards: (N) (Live) Å The 21st Annual Critics’ Choice Awards: Å Beach Beach Beach Beach Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life Ellen’s Design Caribbean Caribbean Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Worst Cooks Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Worst Cooks “Good Deeds” Zoe Ever Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Zoe Ever P. Popoff Paid Prog. ›› “White Chicks” (2004, Comedy) Story ››› “Zombieland” (2009) Woody Harrelson. Shannara Chronicles Shannara Chronicles Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor “Steal” Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Mob Wives (In Stereo) Steven Steven King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Rick Chicken Aqua TV ››‡ “The Faculty” (1998) Jordana Brewster. ››‡ “From Dusk Till Dawn” (1996, Horror) Harvey Keitel. ››‡ “John Carpenter’s Vampires” ››‡ “Rambo III” (1988, Action) ››› “First Blood” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. ››‡ “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985, Action) Rambo III “Gran Torino” (2008) Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Ax Men “Root Canal” Logged and Loaded Ax Men “Log Eat Log” Live to Tell (In Stereo) Live to Tell (In Stereo) Logged and Loaded Lead Way BlessLife J. Osteen K. Shook Copeland Creflo Doll St. Paul of Tarsus:


Motorcycle Racing UFC Fight Night: Dillashaw vs. Cruz. Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports Best-Herd College Basketball: Syracuse at Duke. (N) (Live) College Basketball: Oklahoma at Iowa State. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Women’s College Basketball 2016 Australian Open Tennis: First Round. (N) (Live) Å Women’s College Basketball: Tigers at Hokies Wizards Cap Cent SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet SportsNet Wheel Jeopardy! The Bachelor (N) (In Stereo) Å Bachelor Live (N) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Nightline News Hollywood Supergirl (N) (In Stereo) Scorpion (N) (In Stereo) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef Celebrity Showdown: (N) (In Stereo) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Superstore Telenovela The Biggest Loser (N) (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Inspired Style LOGO by Lori: Isaac Mizrahi Live! PM Style with Shawn Killinger Unique Gardens PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow 1964 Fight for a Right: Sacred Journey Charlie Rose (N) Å Geneva: Gantt: One Night: Community Idea Stations and Quill Theater PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom Live Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit The Profit Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Madagascar 3” ››› “Despicable Me 2” (2013, Comedy) ››› “Despicable Me 2” (2013, Comedy) › “Stealing Harvard” Law & Order: SVU WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Colony “Pilot” CSI: Crime Scene NBA Tip-Off (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Warriors at Cavaliers NBA Basketball: Houston Rockets at Los Angeles Clippers. Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Conan (N) Å Broke Girl Conan ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe. Å War & Peace: (Premiere) (N) (Part 1 of 4) Å War & Peace: (Part 1 of 4) Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Vegas Jail Å Key Key Key Key Key Key Key Key Daily Show Nightly At Mid. South Park Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud (N) Å Diesel Brothers Å Fast N’ Loud Å Diesel Brothers Å 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. To Be Announced To Be Announced “Rufus” (2016) Å HALO Thunder Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Mako Mako “Descendants” (2015, Comedy) Dove Cameron. Bunk’d Best Fr. Girl Meets Austin Jessie Jessie ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012, Science Fiction) Jennifer Lawrence. Shadowhunters Å The 700 Club Å The Middle The Middle Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Cabin in the Sky” ››› “The Learning Tree” (1969) Kyle Johnson. ›››› “Sounder” (1972, Drama) Cicely Tyson. “Cooley High” (1975) Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls ››› “Taken” (2008, Action) Liam Neeson. Å War & Peace: (Premiere) (N) (Part 1 of 4) Å War & Peace: (Part 1 of 4) Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunt Intl Ellen’s Design Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny Tiny Ellen’s Design Diners Diners Kids Baking Cake Wars (N) Guilty Top 5 Diners Diners Cake Wars ›› “Crash” (1996, Drama) James Spader. ››› “42” (2013, Biography) Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford. Å Wendy Williams Show Sucker Free (In Stereo) MTV Special Awkward. Special Todrick (N) Girl Code Wolf MTV Special (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop (N) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop We Bare Adventure King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen “From Dusk Till Dawn” ›››‡ “King Kong” (2005, Adventure) Naomi Watts, Jack Black. Å ›› “Outlander” (2008) “Shawshank” ››› “The Bourne Identity” (2002, Suspense) Matt Damon. ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998, Action) Tommy Lee Jones. Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Cops Rel. Cops Rel. American Pickers Å American Pickers Å War & Peace: (Premiere) (N) (Part 1 of 4) Å War & Peace: (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 4) Å Rodriguez Potters Trinity GregLau Franklin Duplantis Praise the Lord Å Graham J. Osteen P. Stone




College Basketball: Creighton at DePaul. (Live) Monster Jam (N) Å UFC Main Event Å UFC Embedded Å UFC Weigh-In Å PBA Bowling Globetrotters 90th World/Poker World/Poker World/Poker Golf Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball: Baylor at Texas. Golf (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Women’s College Basketball: Tribe at Pride Red Bull Signature Series Capitals NHL Hockey: Rangers at Capitals FeelSexy Raw Travel Paid Prog. McCarver Paid Prog. Raw Travel Paid Prog. Athlete Box Office 1st Family News ABC News TBA College Basketball: Michigan State at Wisconsin. (Live) Å NFL NFL Football: AFC Divisional Playoff NFL Football: NFC Divisional Playoff -- TBA at Carolina Panthers. (S Live) The OT (N) To Be Announced On Money Paid Prog. Beauty Inside Ed. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CIZE! PGA Tour U.S. Figure Skating News NBC News In the Heat of Night Person of Interest (S) Person of Interest (S) Person of Interest (S) Person of Interest (S) Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week (S) Newsmakers (S) In the Kitchen With David La-Z-Boy Spring Fever “Garden Special Preview” La-Z-Boy Currents Real Va. The Power of Purpose: (S) Å Nine: Earth’s Natural: Father Brown (S) Å Weekend Start Up Odd Odd Arthur Cyberchas Wash Charlie Contrary Religion Cooking Martha The Power of Purpose: Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Meet the Press Å Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Bob Massi Jour. America’s News HQ MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011, Action) ›› “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) Hugh Jackman. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU › “Exit Wounds” (2001, Action) Steven Seagal. ›› “Con Air” (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage. Å (DVS) ›› “Red 2” (2013) Bruce Willis. ›› “Old School” (2003, Comedy) “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” ›› “The Hangover Part III” (2013, Comedy) Hangover ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” (2011, Adventure) ››› “Gladiator” (2000, Historical Drama) Russell Crowe. (S) Å › “Red Dawn” (2012) Chris Hemsworth. (S) ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008) (S) ››› “I Am Legend” (2007, Science Fiction) Will Smith. (S) ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) Steve Carell. ›› “The Change-Up” Gold Rush “Crew War” Gold Rush (S) Å Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge. Sponge. SpongeBob SquarePants (S) Å Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. The Thundermans (S) Free- Heard Austin Dog Girl Meets I Didn’t Jessie (S) Best Fr. K.C. K.C. “The Incredibles” ‘PG’ ›› “Twilight” (2008) Shadowhunters (S) › “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) “Blue Skies” (1946) ››› “A Thousand Clowns” (1965, Comedy) ››› “The Odd Couple” (1968) Jack Lemmon. “Long Trailer” “The Sweeter Side of Life” (2013) James Best “Love on the Sidelines” (2016) Emily Kinney. “Recipe for Love” (2014) Danielle Panabaker. › “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” (2009) ››› “Hitch” (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. Å “Ghosts-Girlfrnd” Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach The Kitchen Cake Wars “Nintendo” Cake Wars Cake Wars Kids Baking Worst Cooks ›› “The Wiz” (1978) ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007, Romance) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” (2012, Drama) Teen Mom Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculousness (S) Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. White Chk Hit the Floor “Passing” Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Hit the Floor (S) Teen Teen Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball We Bare We Bare Steven Steven ›› “The Grudge” (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar. ›› “I Know What You Did Last Summer” (1997) › “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” ››› “Top Gun” (1986) ››› “First Blood” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. ›› “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985) Å “Rambo III” (1988) › “Hope Floats” (1998) Sandra Bullock. Å Reba (S) Reba Å Last Man Last Man ››› “Gran Torino” (2008) Clint Eastwood. Å Hatfields & McCoys: Hatfields & McCoys: (S) (Part 2 of 3) Å Hatfields & McCoys: (S) (Part 3 of 3) Å Live to Tell (S) Å PowerPnt. Is Written Pathway Super Kelinda Jesse J. Hagee Marriage Bal. Living G. Dickow T.D. Jakes J. Meyer



UFC Main Event Å UFC Embedded Å UFC Weigh-In Å Motorcycle Racing: Monster Energy Supercross: San Diego. (Live) Å Basketball SportCtr 30 for 30 Å 30 for 30 Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL PrimeTime (Live) College Basketball College Basketball: Florida at Mississippi. (Live) College Basketball Basketball NFL Great Wizards NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Washington Wizards. (N) Postgame NHL Hockey: Dallas Stars at San Jose Sharks. (N) Paid Prog. Jeopardy! ›››‡ “The Social Network” (2010) Jesse Eisenberg. Fresh-Boat News The Good Wife Å Castle NFL Football NCIS: New Orleans Criminal Minds 48 Hours (In Stereo) News Person of Interest Å Elmntry Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen Second Chance Å News Mod Fam Animation Domination Paid Prog. RightSide Paid Prog. Football NFL Football: NFC Divisional Playoff -- TBA at Arizona Cardinals. (In Stereo Live) Å News Saturday Night Live (N) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) How I Met How I Met Washington This Week (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: IT Cosmetics Shawn’s Beauty Secrets “IT Cosmetics” (N) La-Z-Boy Lawrence Welk Keep Up As Time... Doc Martin (In Stereo) Masterpiece Classic Globe Trekker Globe Trekker Earth’s Natural: Nature (In Stereo) Å NOVA (N) (In Stereo) Secrets of the Dead Infinity Hall Live Å Steves Indies: CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. The Runaways The Runaways Lockup Lockup Lockup Lockup Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å FOX Report (N) Stossel Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” (2013) “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” (2013) Mike Mike American Horror Story: Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Colony “Pilot” Law & Order: SVU ››‡ “Red” (2010) ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48: Survivors The First 48: Survivors The First 48: Murder The First 48 (In Stereo) Jail Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Kevin Hart: Kevin Hart: Little Man: Kevin Hart: Laugh: ›› “The Change-Up” (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds. Å Hell Baby Dual Survival Å MythBusters (In Stereo) To Be Announced 20/20 on TLC Å Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Sex Sent Me Untold Stories of ER Sex Sent Me Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Pit Bulls and Parolees Treehouse Masters Pit Bulls and Parolees Henry Henry Game Nicky 100 Things Thunder Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends “Wreck-It Ralph” Å ›››‡ “The Incredibles” (2004, Comedy) Å Lab Rats Lab Rats Best Fr. K.C. Jessie Jessie ›‡ “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012, Musical Comedy) Anna Kendrick. ››‡ “17 Again” (2009, Comedy) Zac Efron. “Pretty Woman” (1990) Teachers Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Knights-Round” ›››‡ “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” (1947) Å ››› “Billy Budd” (1962, Drama) Robert Ryan. “World-His Jury” “Love’s Complicated” (2015) Ben Bass “Love on the Sidelines” (2016) Emily Kinney. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Babysit Book” Movie “A Teacher’s Obsession” (2015, Suspense) Movie Fixer Upper Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å House Hunters Reno Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers Å Diners Am. Diner Cake Wars “Lego” Cake Wars Cake Wars Cake Wars Cake Wars ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” (2012, Drama) Tyler Perry. Å Bottom Up Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne ››‡ “Kicking & Screaming” (2005, Comedy) Will Ferrell. ›› “White Chicks” (2004) Shawn Wayans. Story “Zombieland” (2009) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Hit the Floor (In Stereo) ››‡ “Step Up Revolution” (2012, Drama) Teen Teen Dragon King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Dragon Akame ››‡ “Final Destination 2” (2003) Ali Larter. ›‡ “The Order” (2003, Suspense) Heath Ledger. Å ››‡ “The Faculty” (1998, Horror) “Enemy of the State” ››› “Top Gun” (1986, Action) Tom Cruise. Å ››‡ “Red Dawn” (1984, Action) Patrick Swayze. Å Last Man Last Man ››› “Gran Torino” (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Å Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. After Armageddon: The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse: Å 21st Century Prophecies Revealed: Apocalypse: Precious Memories In Touch Hour Power: Schuller Graham Classic “This Is Our Time” (2013, Drama) Brain:





College Basketball College Basketball: Georgetown at Xavier. (Live) Hoops Boxing: Jamal James vs. Javier Molina. (Live) College Basketball: Illinois at Indiana. (N) (Live) College Basketball: LSU at Texas A&M. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: Kansas at Oklahoma State. 2016 Australian Open Tennis: Second Round. (N) (Live) Å NHL Hockey: Capitals at Blue Jackets Capitals SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Cap Cent Wheel Jeopardy! Captain America: Marvel’s Agent Carter (N) Å News Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Nightline News Hollywood NCIS “Deja Vu” (N) NCIS: New Orleans (N) Limitless (N) (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang New Girl Grand Brooklyn Grinder Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Hollywood Game Night Chicago Med “Bound” Chicago Fire (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Funniest Home Videos ››› “Red Dragon” (2002, Suspense) Anthony Hopkins. Å How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Unique Gardens You’re Home With Jill Scott Living Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms White Sale (N) PBS NewsHour Å Finding Your Roots (N) American Experience Frontline (N) (In Stereo) Independent Lens Å Charlie Rose (N) Å Scully Keep Up Cool Spaces! Å Willie Nelson: The Library: Bluegrass PBS NewsHour Å American Experience Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Profit Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit (N) The Profit The Profit “Courage.b” Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “The Bourne Legacy” ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013) Vin Diesel. Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU Castle (In Stereo) Å ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å Broke Girl Conan Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Fit to Fat to Fit Å Fit to Fat to Fit Å Married at First Sight Dredd ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009, Science Fiction) Shia LaBeouf. ››‡ “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Daniel Craig. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Show Nightly At Mid. Tosh.0 Moonshiners Å Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners (N) Å Killing Fields (N) Å Moonshiners Å Killing Fields Å Kate Plus 8 (In Stereo) The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å Kate Plus 8 (In Stereo) The Little Couple Å Kate Plus 8 (In Stereo) River Monsters Å River Monsters Å Madagascar: (In Stereo) Å River Monsters Å Madagascar: Å Make, Pop Game Henry Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Mako Mako Liv-Mad. K.C. Bunk’d Girl Meets Jessie Best Fr. Girl Meets Austin Jessie Jessie Pretty Little Liars Å Pretty Little Liars Å Shadowhunters Å Pretty Little Liars Å The 700 Club Å Shadowhunters Å Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Blackbeard” “Springtime in the Rockies” (1942) ››› “Penny Serenade” (1941, Drama) Irene Dunne. Å “Sombrero” (1953) Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Pitch Slapped Å Dance Moms (N) Å Dance Moms (N) Å Pitch Slapped (N) Å Child Genius: Battle Dance Moms Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper (N) Å Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Chopped Chopped Junior (N) Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped “Fig Out” Chopped Martin ››‡ “Madea’s Family Reunion” (2006) Tyler Perry. Zoe Ever Husbands Zoe Ever Husbands Wendy Williams Show Sucker Free (In Stereo) MTV Special MTV Special Shannara Chronicles The Challenge: Battle MTV Special Hit the Floor (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop ›‡ “Are We Done Yet?” (2007) Ice Cube. Hit the Floor (In Stereo) We Bare Adventure King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ›››‡ “Skyfall” (2012, Action) Daniel Craig, Judi Dench. Å The Expanse (N) Å 12 Monkeys Å 12 Monkeys Å “The Bourne Identity” ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon. Å ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence. Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man ››‡ “Tower Heist” (2011, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Digging Deeper To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced The Curse of To Be Announced Supernat. Potters Trinity J. Meyer Prince Cornelius TBN Highlights 2015 War & Faith: Impact

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

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Legal Notices

By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated December 15, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 630, Page 1396 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Powhatan, VA, securing a loan which was originally $215,000.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court, located at 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia 23139 on: February 2, 2016 at 1:30 PM improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying and being in Spencer District, Powhatan County, Virginia, designated as Lot 15 of Lake Randolph Estates-Section B on plat of survey by Woodrow K. Cofer, Inc., C L S, dated November 20, 2003, recorded April 20, 2004, in the Circuit Court, Clerk’s Office, Powhatan County, Virginia, in Plat Cabinet G., Slide 69, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description., and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold "AS IS," WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 2700 Daphne Lane, Powhatan, VA 23139

improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of ALL that certain parcel of land lying and being in Huguenot District, Powhatan County, Virginia, containing 10.40 acres, shown and designated as "Parcel G" on plat of survey by Foster & Miller, Certified Surveyors, dated February 2, 1970, a copy of which is recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia, in Deed Book 93, page 518, and in accordance with said plat being more particularly described as follows. COMMENCING at the point of the Northern and Western lines of the Northern terminus of a fifty foot road called Daphne Lane as shown on the aforesaid plat, said point being marked thereon "A", thence from said point of commencement proceeding with the said western line of said Daphne Lane South 33 degrees 58’ 30" West 300 feet, thence leaving said Western line of said Daphne Lane and proceed North 56 degrees 01’ 30" West 252.07, thence North 25 degrees 27’ 40" East 39 68 feet, thence South 86 degrees 17’ 30" East 77 61 feet, thence North 3 degrees 57’ 00" East 786 54 feet, thence South 86 degrees 17’ 30" East 555 55 feet, thence South 4 degrees 02’ 20" West 483 30 feet, thence South 73 degrees 32’ 45" East 39 80 feet, thence South 23 degrees 00’ 21" West 338 72 feet, thence North 56 degrees 01’ 30" West 238 92 feet to the point of commencement, and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold "AS IS," WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents.




Pursuant to Sections 15.2-1427 and 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, notice is hereby given that the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on Monday, January, 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Building Auditorium located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA, 23139. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public comment on the following proposed ordinances:

FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for the Secured Party) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com

By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated May 29, 2008, and recorded in Deed Book 749, Page 001 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Powhatan, VA, securing a loan which was originally $267,500.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court, located at 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia 23139 on: February 2, 2016 at 1:30 PM

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“Thank you for supporting your local Habitat for Humanity chapter, building homes and hope in Powhatan County.”

Ordinance O-2015-01 (15-03-REZC) Riverton Associates (Subletts/Manakin/Flat Rock Electoral District) request the rezoning from Residential–Utility (R-U) and Commercial (C) to Village Center Planned Development (VCPD) and amendment of the zoning district map of approximately 50+ acres of land fronting 584 feet on the south side of Huguenot Trail and on the along Winterfield Road. Density and use will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as Village Center, Village Residential and Natural Conservation on the Route 711 Village Special Area Plan Map. Reference to Tax Map Parcels 32-44A, 32-44C, 32-45B1, 32-45B2, 32-46, 32-46A, 3258B, 32D-1-1, 32D-1-3, 32C-2-1, 32C-2-2, 32C-2-3, 32C-2-4, 32C-2-5, 32C2-6, and 32C-2-7. Ordinance O-2016-02 (15-11-CUP) Blanton and Debora Gordon (SmithsCrossroads/ Pineville/Tobaccoville Electoral District) request a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a country inn on two adjoining parcels in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83.162(49) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as Rural Preservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. One property is located at 1660 Ballsville Road and is approximately 2.65 acres in size and the second property is approximately 43.8 acres in size and has not been assigned an address. Reference Tax Map Parcels #35-17B & #35-17. Ordinance O-2016-03 (15-12-CUP) Richard W. Dressler (Powhatan Station/ Graceland Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a commercial landscaping operation in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83-162(50) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The property is approximately 33.05 acres in size and is located east of Dorset Road (Rt. 622) north of its intersection with Stavemill Road (Rt. 634). Reference Tax Map Parcel #5378.

Ordinance O-2016-04 (15-15-REZC) Academy Park II, LLC (Bethesda / Lees Landing Electoral District) request the rezoning from Residential– Commercial (R-C) to Village Center (VC) and amendment of the zoning district map of approximately 2.47+ acres of land fronting 511 feet on the north side of Anderson Highway (U.S. Route 60). Density and use will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject properties as Village Center on the Courthouse Village Special Area Plan Map. Reference to Tax Map Parcels 39C-2-2 and 39C-2-3.

Ordinance O-2016-05 (15-10-CUP) Virginia Solar LLC (Powhatan Courthouse/Mt. Zion Electoral District) requests a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a solar energy farm in the A-10, Agricultural District per §83162(26) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Residential on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 350 acres of the 898.4 acre parcel and is located west of Old Buckingham Road (Rt. 13) south of its intersection with Old Plantation Road (Rt. 644). The lot at 4325 Old Buckingham Road is also a part of the CUP, is 3.6 acres, and will serve as the access point for the use. Reference to Tax Map Parcels #38-28 and # 38-3-1.

Ordinance O-2016-06 Ordinance amending and re-enacting Article II, Fire Prevention Code, of the Code of the County of Powhatan related to the appointment of a local Fire Marshall and delineation of the Fire Marshall’s responsibilities, and modifications to the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code requirement enforced in Powhatan County.


(804) 598-4305 - Office (877) 888-0449 - Toll Free (804) 598-7757 - Fax P.O. 10, Powhatan, VA 23139 Joy Monopoli, Publisher (804) 775-4614 jmonopoli@rsnva.com Birgit Weeks, Market Manager (804) 598-4305 x 19 bweeks@powhatantoday.com Denine D’Angelo, Production Manager (804) 775-4624 ddangelo@mechlocal.com Melody Kinser, Managing Editor (804) 775-4622 mkinser@mechlocal.com Laura McFarland, News Editor (804) 598-4305 x 13 lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com Billy Fellin, Sports Writer (804) 598-4305 x 18 wfellin@powhatantoday.com Susan Marannano, Sales Representative (804) 598-4305 x14 smarannano@powhatantoday.com Cindy Grant, Classifieds (804) 775-4616 classifieds@powhatantoday.com

ONLINE facebook.com/powhatantoday twitter.com/powhatantoday twitter.com/ptsports

A copy of the proposed ordinances may be reviewed at the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office located at 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Suite A, Powhatan, Virginia, during normal business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearings. Persons requiring special assistance to attend and participate in the hearings should contact the Powhatan County Administrator’s Office at (804) 598-5612 at least three days prior to the meeting.


Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for the Secured Party) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com

Advertise in the Bulletin Board! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.


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Call 598-4305 to advertise with your community newspaper!

Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

Business & Service Directory SIDING Miller’s Exterior Works All types of repair jobs, or new jobs! Decks, soffit & facia work, sheds, wood wrapping siding, siding repairs, replacing entry doors & wrap them, & all your handyman jobs. Call Marlin Miller 804-512-3131

Merchandise MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Mattress Truck Load Sale - Twin $89; Full $99; Queen $129; King $189. Delivery/Lay -A-Way. Call 804-218-0680.



GENERAL May Memorial Baptist Church, a moderate Baptist congregation in Powhatan, VA is searching for a part-time minister to children. This position includes regular responsibilities with children in the church and community, including weekly faith development opportunities, camp, mission projects, and fellowship activities. Please send your résumé & any questions to Michael Edwards, revmkedwards@gmail.com Richmond Times-Dispatch Adult newspaper routes available in Central Powhatan area. Please contact Kara Eagle at 804-598-2385. Carriers are independent contractors.

HEALTHCARE MENTAL HEALTH SKILL BUILDING SERVICES SUPERVISOR - Goochland Powhatan Community Services is seeking a FT supervisor of services for adults with serious mental illness. Clinical license or license eligible required. $48,063-$50,250. Visit www.gpcsb.org for application & details. Deadline: 1/22/16. EOE

PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION COUNSELOR wanted for a clubhouse model day support program for SMI adults. FT w/ benefits, QMHP-A required. Visit www.gpcsb.org for application, job description & salary. Open until filled. EOE.

TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS - Part-time. Goochland Powhatan Community Services is seeking drivers to transport individuals to and from facilities in Goochland and Powhatan Counties. Qualified applicants must be 25 yrs. or older. Must be able to work w/people, and work morning hours and late afternoon hours. A valid VA Driver’s License w/ a good driving record, pre-employment drug screening, and criminal background check required. $10.14/hour. Call 804-556-5400 or visit www.gpcsb.org/Job-Opportunit ies for job description and application. Open until filled. EOE.

Advertise in the Bulletin Board! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.

GENERAL Electrical Automation Technician Come work for a growing process automation company as an Automation Technician. No experience necessary & travel required with all expenses paid. Full Benefits Package. Send resume to: ethautoinc@comcast.net FABRICATOR/WELDER - Brookfield M&W is currently seeking an experienced Fabricator/Welder. Please apply @ 9135 Barricade Ln, Mechanicsville. Salary is negotiable depending on experience. Call (804) 746-0488.




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Homes for Sale

Residential for Rent

Real Estate Policy All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Virginia Fair Housing Law, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap.”

Apartment Referral Services Policy Apartment referral service companies sell lists of available apartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure that you understand and agree to all the terms and the cancellation policy of the contract.

We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all the dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Cumberland - Nice 2 Bedroom Apt. Appliances included. Nice yard. Convenient to Powhatan, Midlothian & Farmville. $550. per month + deposit. Available now. Call 375-3111.

ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

3 Bedroom, 1 Bath

$850. per month + deposit. No Pets. Call 804-314-5191 3-bedroom, 1-bath house with detached garage. Newly renovated & new heating & air system, new floor coverings, new paint. Very Clean. No pets. No smoking. $1,000/month + $1,000 security deposit. Call 757-876-5295

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Rentals Available in Powhatan & Surrounding Areas

HOME SITES, LOTS, LAND POWHATAN - 20 acres, 1 mi. off of Anderson Hwy. on Rt. 522. By owner only, $190,000. Call 804-9209869, 252-489-1452



www.HankCosby.com Click RENTAL PROPERTIES for more details. 5603-01


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This is YOUR Newspaper ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!


List your house for sale with Powhatan Today! Call (804) 598-4305 for advertising information today!

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Powhatan Today, January 13, 2016

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