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Inside B2 Powhatan wins four conference wrestling titles

Powhatan, Virginia

B6 Solar energy farm gets go ahead from board

Vol. XXIX No. 6

February 10, 2016

Board passes resolution over objections By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – Despite continued resistance by Powhatan County’s constitutional officers, the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors decided in a split vote last week to adopt a resolution that extends the county’s personnel system to the officers’ employees but only if they sign memorandums of understanding agreeing to certain terms. All five of the county’s five constitutional officers told the supervisors in meetings held on Jan. 4 and 20 that they opposed signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and felt the issue had been dragged out and had become negative and divisive. At both of those meetings, the constitutional officers asked the supervisors to vote against the resolution calling for the MOUs, and two of them even said outright that no matter what the board decided they would not sign. But in the end, the board voted 4-1 in favor of adopting the resolution during its meeting on Monday, Feb. 1. David Williams, who represents District 1, was the only nay vote. Before the vote was taken, all five of them gave

their reasons for why they would support or vote against the resolution. Larry Nordvig, who represents District 2, spoke in great detail about his reasons for supporting the reso-


Richard Cox, left, Powhatan County commonwealth’s attorney, and Teresa Hash Dobbins, clerk of the circuit court, both expressed disappointment in the board of supervisors for passing a resolution regarding agreements they would need to sign.

lution and the intentions of the board, and the three others who voted aye echoed many of his arguments. “This agreement is meant to guarantee the rights and benefits of constitutional officer employees in writing so as to eliminate any misunderstandings and to maximize administrative efficiency, fiscal stewardship and service to our citizens,” he said. “It is an effort to help this county to run better. That’s all. It is not meant to be used as a bargaining chip, to control their offices or subvert powers given you by the constitution.” The constitutional officers did not repeat their opposition to the resolution in the first public comment period, but three of them stayed to the end of the more than five-hour meeting to express disappointment in the board’s action. Richard Cox, commonwealth’s attorney, said he would have to think about whether he intends to sign an MOU or not. He said he was disappointed in the board’s action and that he needs time to think about signing because he “quite frankly did not anticipate this outcome.” “My position has not changed. I stand my ground in that I do not feel it is a necessary document in orsee BOARD page 2A

D R E S S E S B R I N G S M I L E S F RO M FA R AWAY By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – The little African girls stared at the dresses in wonder, not quite understanding what was happening. With most of them only owning two practical outfits – one to wear and one to wash – seeing a stack of brightly colored and decorated pillowcase dresses brought by the two visiting American ladies was not in their normal sphere of understanding, said Jeanette Brannan of Powhatan. Hearing they not only were receiving new clothes but had the right to choose which one they wanted was even more of a shock, she said. “Some of the little girls didn’t understand because they are not used to being given dresses. They didn’t even know how to put it on. So we had to show them how to put it on and how to tie the bows on the shoul-

DELIVER TO: Postal Patron Powhatan, VA 23139

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see DRESSES page 6A


Little girls in Tanzania hold up pillowcase dresses made by women at Powhatan United Methodist Church.

New development approved for east Powhatan By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors opened the door for a new development in eastern Powhatan County that will create a new retail space, 22 single-family “golf villa” units and 200 apartments. During its meeting on Monday, Feb. 1, the board voted unanimously to conditionally rezone about 50 acres of land near the intersection of Route 711 and Winterfield Road from Commercial and ResidentialUtility to Village Center Planned Development District. The applicant, Riverton Associates, plans to create a mixed-use development near the eastern county line that consists of see APPROVED page 9A


Above are plans for a mixed-use development with residential and commercial spaces included.

Planning commissioners sworn in for 2016 term The Powhatan County Planning Commission members are sworn in for their 2016 term, which runs from Feb. 1, 2016, to Jan. 31, 2020, by Circuit Court Judge Paul W. Cella on Tuesday, Feb. 2. Taking the oath were Owen Walker, from left, who represents District 2 and has served on the board since 1983; David Van Gelder, District 5, served since 2012; Jennifer Giovannitti, District 3, first term; Karin Carmack, District 1, served since 2007, and Bill Cox, District 4, served since 2012. PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND

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Board Continued from page 1A

der for us to be a proficient government,” Cox said. A few members of the public also spoke at the beginning and end of the meeting to voice opposition to the MOUs.

What employees could lose The resolution the board adopted states that if any of the constitutional officers want to accept the county’s personnel system for their employees, they must sign an agreement by Monday, Feb. 8. Although substantially similar, each officer was to work with county administrator Pat Weiler to decide on specific terms tailored to his or her office. The constitutional officers themselves are not affected by the agreements; the documents only relate to their employees. Currently the county has 145 full-time and 40 part-time employees, according to Linda Jones, human resources manager. Of those, full-time employees, 55 work for the sheriff, six for the commissioner of the revenue, six for the treasurer, four for the clerk of the circuit court, and two for the commonwealth’s attorney, Jones said. Each office also has one part-time employee except for the sheriff, who has seven. The biggest bone of contention in the MOU discussions has been a clause that addresses what happens if an officer does not sign the agreement with the county. Constitutional officers and the employees authorized by the state have part of their salaries and benefits covered by the state, but the county has chosen to pay over that salary amount to make it a living wage and provide the same benefits other county employees rececive. In the past, employees of constitutional officers have been treated basically like any other county employee, whether it be the extra vacation days or leave time over and above what the state allows or the across the board raises that come down from the General Assembly. But according to the clause in the resolution adopted by the board last week, for those who choose not to “accept the Powhatan County personnel system, the Board of Supervisors shall provide the salaries and benefits prescribed by Virginia law to the Constitutional Officer, their deputies and employees. In addition, the constitutional officer, their deputies and employees shall continue to be paid the salary amount previously approved by the board of supervisors as of December 31, 2015, if it is greater than that prescribed by Virginia law.” At the Jan. 20 workshop, which was held specifically to give the board a chance to meet face-to-face with all of the constitutional officers, chairman Bill Melton, District 4, said that employees of the officers who didn’t sign would not be included in Phase 2 of the Classification and Compensation Plan. Nordvig followed at the time by saying those offices could still come to the supervisors and request additional funds for those salaries. But while board members emphasized several times that no one was seeing a pay cut, what was less talked about was the benefits employees stood to lose. Both Melton and Nordvig pointed out the differences between the county benefits and those they must provide to the employees of constitutional officers according to state code. The state code calls for 12 holiday days and it is understood the governor usually grants additional days around Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day, according to a board handout provided by the county at the Jan. 20 meeting. The county employee manual provides for 14 holiday days, and half days on the day before Thanksgiving and on Christmas Eve. Annual leave is 80 hours per year under state code versus 96 to 192 hours per year under the county’s employee handbook. Sick leave is 56 hours per year under state code versus 120 hours per year with the employee handbook. The county’s employee handbook also lists several additional benefits not provided at all by the state: up to three days of bereavement leave for each event; 192 to 336 hours of accumulated annual leave with a payout of total hours accumulated; no maximum on accumulated sick leave, and $2 per hour accumulated sick leave payout up to $5,000 (2,500 hours). There are also benefits tied to on-call pay with certain positions, health insurance opt-out pay, and take home vehicles for sheriff deputies. The board did not make clear during the meetings when the employees of constitutional officers who did not sign an agreement would start receiving only comp board provided benefits. Officials declined to comment on Feb. 8 since the deadline had not yet passed.

Board members’ decisions Although all five supervisors spoke on the issue of the MOUs, Nordvig was the most thorough in giving his reasons for supporting them. His explanation focused on answering what he said were two key questions – why write an agreement between the two parties down and what happens if the constitutional officers do not sign. In regard to writing the agreement down, some of his reasons were that it allows for transparency to see how government operates; offers officers’ employees a written guarantee of benefits; gives clear direction to county staff; offers liability protection to the county; and represents an agreement pertaining to millions of taxpayer dollars. Nordvig pointed out that $3.4 million worth of

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016 county money is spent on the salaries and benefits of the constitutional officers’ employees. Weiler clarified after the meeting that the constitutional officers’ fiscal year 2016 budget was $6.1 million. Of that $5.3 is for salaries and benefits. The State Comp Board reimburses the county for $1.9 million for salaries, while the county puts up $3.4 million toward salaries and benefits paid from county taxes. Nordvig went on to say that if the constitutional officers do not sign an MOU, no employees will have their salary diminished below their salary level set as of Dec. 31, 2015 and that there will be “no meanspirited reprisals.” The constitutional officers will have lost written protection, he said, and will add to their work load. Monetary issues must either be presented as a line item in the county’s budget or the constitutional officers have to request a special expenditure from the board of supervisors. “You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t have all of the benefits of the county’s personnel system and no firm agreement on the proper expendi-

“The issue on the table is not about the board of supervisors TUCKER exercising control over the constitutional officers,” Tucker said. “The issue is fairness to all employees; clarity and guarantee of rules and processes to all employees, and careful husbanding of taxpayer dollars. ” Carson Tucker Vice Chairman Board of Supervisors District 5 ture, tracking and filing when dealing with taxpayers’ money,” Nordvig said. Nordvig said the constitutional officers will maintain control of their offices whether or not they sign. He told the constitutional officers he was voting yes because the resolution “extends to you the option of signing or not signing,” a right he would take away by voting the resolution down. Angie Cabell, District 3, said she views the agreement as a simple contract between two parties, not a means of control or an exertion of power by the board of supervisors or something to fear. She pointed out that the county’s personnel system is significantly more generous than the comp board’s so the MOU is a benefit to the constitutional officers’ employees. Cabell said she has a great deal of respect for the constitutional officers and appreciates the work they and their employees do. The agreement is not about disrespecting them, she added. “I was elected to serve the best interests of the citizens in this county. It is my opinion that those interests are best served when we all work together has members of one collective body, a team if you will with the same rules and expectations,“ she said. “It is my opinion that this resolution accomplishes those expectations.” Carson Tucker, District 5, said that when he went into the Jan. 20 meeting with the constitutional officers, he believed the damage to relationships that would be caused by passing the resolution outweighed the good it could do. However, on further contemplation, he became convinced that the MOU has “legitimate merit” because it adhered to certain principles the board of supervisors wanted to accomplish. The agreement would offer as near equity as possible in how the county manages employees; bring the most effective and cost-efficient processes and protocols to best spend taxpayer dollars; recognize the constitutional officers’ rights to manage their own offices, and address which areas of the employee handbook would not apply to certain offices because of their unique needs. “The issue on the table is not about the board of supervisors exercising control over the constitutional officers,” Tucker said. “The issue is fairness to all employees; clarity and guarantee of rules and processes to all employees, and careful husbanding of taxpayer dollars.

Board reasoning continued Williams, the lone vote against the resolution, said the board of supervisors has repeatedly heard “there is heartfelt conviction of the constitutional officers” that the MOU constitutes an encroachment on their authority. He pointed out that Teresa Hash Dobbins, clerk of the Powhatan County Circuit Court, felt strongly enough about it to hire outside counsel. “I didn’t want to be here tonight and have this vote. I have said consistently in our meetings with my colleagues that the last thing you want to do is have

this perception that you wanted to somehow hold something over somebody’s head to sign something,” he said. Many jurisdictions around the state, including some highly rated ones, don’t have MOUs, he pointed out. “It does happen. It happens in some of the best localities in the state,” he said. “So I am going to be a minority tonight. I will be voting against the written MOU.” The last board member to speak was Melton, who said the MOU has been driven by the board of supervisors, not the county administrator, and that his support of it has been unwavering. In the Jan. 20 meeting, he asked what the objections of the constitutional officers who had previously signed were and he heard only the argument that it is unconstitutional, which county attorney Tom Lacheney disagreed with, Melton said. “I don’t think we have damaged the relationship with our constitutional officers,” Melton said. “I am going to keep my relationship professional. I met with two constitutional officers yesterday. I will continue to meet with them and will keep an open ear at all times.” Melton said it is key that almost 70 percent of the money that funds the constitutional officers comes from local tax dollars. He and Nordvig also referenced the county being on the hook for $85,000 for accrued comp hours and a $91,000 liability for outstanding holiday pay and comp leave balances that need to be paid. The MOU is about being good stewards of the taxpayer dollars so situations like this don’t happen, Melton said. “I am in support of this – have been from day one. I have never changed my decision on that. I will not flop back and forth. I listened openly to all the concerns and discussion and still made my decision,” he said.

Other comments During the public comments, several constitutional officers and members spoke on the subject of the MOU. Sheriff Brad Nunnally said he was disappointed that the county chose to adopt the resolution, but the “decision has been made now so we can all move forward.” “I notice there is a deadline on Feb. 8. If it saves any time I just want to make sure you do understand the sheriff’s office will not be participating in the MOU,” he said. Chief deputy Adam Sadler also spoke, saying the sheriff’s office met on “the MOU and the consequences behind not signing the MOU and everyone in the sheriff’s office is in support of the sheriff and his decision.” Richard Cox also said he was disappointed in the board’s decision. He referenced the board members’ discussions about budgets and said “nobody’s budget has any fat on it of these five constitutional officers.” Cox also spoke to the board members’ references to how much of the constitutional office’s employees salaries are supplemented “When you talk about county supplements and what the state gives, I certainly hope, and I think you do, understand that we as government employees here in Powhatan don’t do the bare minimum. We could. I am not required to prosecute misdemeanors,” he said. “But I can tell you what. Without an attorney representing the commonwealth, I don’t think the sheriff’s office would be real comfortable when they have a defense attorney on the other side. I do it, and if you didn’t give me a penny more, I would still do it.” Dobbins also said she was “extremely disappointed” in the board’s vote after the constitutional officers and citizens came to the supervisors with their thoughts and issues. “I don’t recall a single citizen getting up here and saying ‘I think you need to go forward with this MOU.’ And I think as elected officials, you are supposed to listen to your constituents,” she said, adding that she guessed and was right about how this issue would turn out.

Citizen comments Several citizens also spoke during the public comment periods near the beginning and end of the meeting. Jason Gillespie of Powhatan said he has followed the MOU issue for the past few weeks and was disappointed with all of the supervisors except Williams, who voted against the resolution. He said he has attended all of the meetings this year and each time the MOU came up, the constitutional officers spoke against it and every citizen that came before the board members spoke against it, including him. “With ideology, your vote tonight says that your ideas are better than ours. You didn’t do what the people asked you to do, at least the ones that spoke in a public forum,” he said. At the beginning of the meeting, before the vote was taken, Don Silberbauer of Powhatan said the supervisors already appear to be breaking campaign promises of improving relations with other departments since with their first major action in 2016, they have “alienated five constitutional officers and their staffs.” “The board of supervisors now wants to manage these employees through the office of the county administrator, an appointed position not elected by the residents,” Silberbauer said. “This in my opinion is a power grab to diminish the authority of the constitusee BOARD page 3A

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Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

SCC approves reduced Aqua Virginia rate increase Contributed Report


he State Corporation Commission (SCC) has approved a reduced rate increase for Aqua Virginia Inc. The company services multiple water and sewer systems throughout Virginia, including in Powhatan County. Powhatan County currently has four systems using Aqua Virginia Inc. They are found in the Mill Quarter Plantation, Powhatan Courthouse, Academy Road, and Lake Shawnee areas. The SCC decision means some customers are due a refund, with interest, of all amounts that have been over-collected since the company imposed an interim rate increase on January 5, 2015. By law, interim rates are permitted pending a final decision of the commission. In August 2014, Aqua Virginia requested the SCC approve a rate increase to produce an increase in water revenues of approximately $1.3 million and an increase in wastewater revenues of approximately $406,000. The commission determined that an increase of approxi-

mately $1.1 million in water revenues and $314,000 in wastewater revenues is reasonable. Refunds will be for the amount of money collected by Aqua Virginia from customers by the higher interim rates that have been in effect since Jan. 5, 2015 and the new rates approved by the commission in its final order. The final order is the conclusion of a case in which the company’s request for a rate increase was subjected to a complete financial and legal review to determine whether the rate request was justified. The refund amounts depend on each customer’s actual water usage during each billing period over the last 12 months. Once calculated by Aqua Virginia, the amount of money owed is refunded with interest. Current customers should not expect to receive a check for the amount they are owed. Instead, the refund will appear as a credit on a future bill. Throughout the course of case proceedings, the SCC heard from 120 public witnesses and received more than 1,150 written comments. As noted in the final order, “We recognize the concerns

expressed by Aqua Virginia customers in this case…and are keenly aware that many of Aqua Virginia’s customers have been subject to multiple rate increases over the last few years…We also recognize the substantial capital improvements the company has made to recently-acquired systems that were in poor condition and not able to provide adequate service or meet regulatory standards…” The commission set a new return on equity of 9.25 percent for Aqua Virginia. The company was seeking a return of

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Fire Company 1’s monthly report

2015. Throughout the month, the company responded to three downed power lines, two brush fires, one vehicle fire, four structure fires, one traffic hazard, one public service, 44 EMS calls, one citizen assist, 12 alarms, six motor vehicle accidents, eight motor vehicle accidents, one fatal motor vehicle accident and four investigations. Public events the department participated in were the Powhatan Christmas Parade and the Cumberland Christmas Parade. As Powhatan County grows, so do the fire and EMS calls. PVFD Company 1 was 22 calls shy of 1,000 for a total of 978 calls during 2015. This broke the company’s previous record by more than 100 calls. The 2016 PVFD Company 1 Board of Directors was elected: Chief, Carroll Smith; assistant chief, Brian Keaton; president, Scott Daniel; vice

Board Continued from page 2A

tional officers. The constitutional officers see this for what it is. So do I and so do many Powhatan residents who are now paying attention.” Jim Carver of Powhatan, also speaking before the resolution was passed, said that any item that is so vehemently opposed by the constitutional officers should not be pursued as it only serves to drive a wedge between the board of supervisors and the constitutional officers. “I think to deliberately pass this resolution knowing that many of them have publically stated they will not sign it is unwarranted,” he said. “Any possible gains that may have been realized by an MOU are lost. We have reached an impasse. The situation, in my opinion, is unsalvageable.” Jamie Timberlake, commissioner of the revenue, also speaking at the

beginning of the meeting, apologized to Weiler, who he previously met with and said he gave the impression he would sign an MOU. “I felt that when we left there I had indicated to her I would sign the MOU. After meeting with other constitutional officers and a lot of citizens, I had reneged on that. I wanted to make sure I did not cause any hard feelings there,” Timberlake said. Timberlake also apologized for referring to the meetings about the MOU as a waste of time. “There were some good things that came out of the time that we spent on it. I still don’t think it’s needed and hope that you vote it down tonight. But I wanted to extend those apologies and the words that I used,” Timberlake said before the vote was taken. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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ompany 1 of the Powhatan Volunteer Fire Department reported its numbers for the month of December

president, Jason Stinnett; secretary, Brenda Breon; treasurer, David Samuel, and members at large, Steve Moore and Chris DeNoon. Company 1 also held its 2015 end of year awards ceremony. Award winners were: Most fire runs: first place, Carroll Smith; second place, Joe Shupp; third place, Chris DeNoon; honorable mention, Jarrett Sayles and Steve Pugh. Most EMS Runs: first place, Carroll Smith; second place, Chris DeNoon; and third place, Brian Keaton. Most Training Hours: first place, Brenda Breon; second place, Carroll Smith, and third Place, KellyAnn Cole. Most Work Hours: first place, Carroll Smith; second place, Brenda Breon, and third Place, Steve Pugh. Firefighter of the Year: Joe Shupp Chief’s Award for Outstanding Service: Steve Pugh for his five years of service as assistant district chief Special Recognition for Outstanding Service for PVFD1 Open House: Brenda Breon, KellyAnn Cole, Danielle Shupp, and Wendy Stinnett.


Contributed Report

10.3 percent. Also approved is Aqua Virginia’s request to reduce the current five water groups to three, and the current three wastewater groups to two in an effort to “reasonably balance the need to promote gradualism with the goal of moving toward a consolidated rate structure,” as stated in the final order. The SCC stated that its decisions in this case are in accordance with Virginia law and do not exceed the total costs incurred by Aqua Virginia in serving its customers.

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Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 4A

Murder suspect to be evaluated for competency By Laura McFarland

evaluated for competency to stand trial. Andre T. Eanes, 18, of Rice is charged with grand larceny, eluding a police officer and second degree murder in the death of Thomas R. Rut-

News Editor

POWAHTAN – The suspect in a three county crime spree that led to the death of a Powhatan County man is being

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The Virginia House of Delegates voted on Friday, Jan. 15 to pass an emergency piece of legislation that protects small businesses from a detrimental insurance change, according to Del. Lee Ware, R-65. Delegates voted on House Bill 58, introduced by Del. Kathy Byron, R-Bedford, an emergency piece of legislation that protects small businesses from an insurance change originally mandated by the federal government under the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.” Under the Affordable


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Monday, Feb. 1 A deputy responded to a report of a fraud in the 2500 block of Batterson Road. A deputy made a drugs arrest during a traffic stop in the 1800 block of South Creek One. Tuesday, Feb. 2 A deputy responded to a larceny in the 2100 block of Tower Hill Road. Wednesday, Feb. 3 A deputy responded to a larceny in the 1900 block of Anderson Highway.

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Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid Day Bible Study 11:30 a.m.


Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

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Graceland Baptist Church SBC Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor

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Baptist Church

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Sunday, Jan. 31 A deputy was in a police pursuit with an off road dirt bike. The suspect was arrested.



11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School

Saturday, Jan. 30 A deputy responded to a hit and run of property in the 900 block of Dorset Road.

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Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor

Care Act, small businesses with between 51 and 100 employees were due to be moved into the small group insurance market starting in 2016, Ware said. The smallgroup market is more heavily regulated than the market for larger businesses, and insurance rates for small businesses would rise under this change, he added. “By passing this legislation we are able to protect small businesses from significant premium increases and help ensure that employees across Virginia can keep their healthcare plans,” Ware said. “We are proud to support Virginia’s small businesses and we will continue to work to support them.”

2901 Jude’s Ferry Rd.

Even if a defendant had no intention of killing the victim, a second degree murder charge may be brought if the accidental death occurred while the defendant was committing another related felony, Cerullo said. “They are such minor offenses when you compare it with second degree murder that there is no need to go forward with them,” Cerullo said of the other charges against Eanes. “The other charges have been null processed by the respective commonwealth’s attorney in those jurisdictions on the request and with the agreement of this office that we would go forward with the most serious charges.” Eanes is currently being held in the Piedmont Regional Jail with no bond. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.


St. James Baptist Church

Christian Fellowship

Bill Sisson, Pastor

Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Wednesday Children’s Choir, Church Supper, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action, May’s Kids, TeamKID, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study Youth and Adult Handbells, Adult Choir

ing the Tahoe, refused to stop and sped away at a high speed. After the pursuit came into Powhatan County heading east on Route 60, it veered into the right lane and struck a 2009 Kia driven by Thomas Rutledge. Rutledge’s wife, Shannon G. Rutledge, was a pas-

senger. The couple was taken by Med-Flight to VCU Medical Center after the accident. Thomas Rutledge later died, but his wife received treatment for serious but non-life threatening injuries. The driver of the Tahoe, Eanes, was treated for minor injuries. Originally, charges were filed against Eanes in three different counties – Prince Edward, Cumberland and Powhatan. Cumberland had filed one felony and five misdemeanor charges against Eanes while he was also charged with grand larceny in Prince Edward County. However, several of the charges overlapped, so the commonwealth’s attorneys in each jurisdiction agreed to only have Powhatan move forward with prosecution of the three felonies, the most serious of which is second degree murder.


Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.

4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491


Contributed Report

Conveniently Located in the Powhatan Professional Center


in the posted 35 mph zone in the Cumberland County Courthouse area, state police previously said. When the trooper activated his emergency lights and siren, Eanes, who allegedly was driv-

Ware highlights bill that aided small businesses

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ledge Jr., 73, of Powhatan. But Eanes’ lawyer, Charles Cosby, argued on Friday, Jan. 29 in Powhatan General District Court that his client is not competent to stand trial, according to Rob Cerullo, Powhatan County deputy commonwealth’s attorney. Neither Cerullo nor Chief 11th District Judge Mayo Gravatt objected to the motion filed by Cosby to seek a psychiatric evaluation for competency. Gravatt appointed Dr. Evan Nelson, a licensed clinical psychologist with Forensic Psychology Associates, to perform the evaluation. The judge set another preliminary hearing at 11 a.m. on March 25 to hear Nelson’s findings and determine the next step, Cerullo said. On Tuesday, Dec. 15, Eanes allegedly was spotted by a Virginia State Trooper driving a Chevrolet Tahoe 79 mph

3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-403-3070 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor

Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241 First Worship 8:30 am Bible Study for all ages 9:45 am Second Worship 11:00 am Wed. Family Ministry 6:30 pm

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Call 598-4305 for details.

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www. firstbaptistpowhatan.com (Independent, Fundamental Bible Believing) Travis Keith, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 am • Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service - 6:30 pm • Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00 Contact - 794-7054 2109 Anderson Hwy Across from Food Lion & Wendy's

Page 5A

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

$11,000 in iPhones stolen from Powhatan Wal-Mart Eliminate High Heating Bills! Sta Report

scribed as black males, mid 20s to early 30s. Both

pants, Adidas tennis shoes with orange laces and a

Two thieves got away with more than $11,000 worth of iPhones last week from the Wal-Mart in Powhatan County. The Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office was looking for help from the public in identifying the two men, who were caught on surveillance cameras at about 1:58 a.m. on SUBMITTED PHOTO Wednesday, Feb. 3 at the The Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office is looking store at 1950 Anderson for two men who reportedly stole 18 iPhones. Highway. The men reportedly stole 18 Apple iPhones, whose combined appeared to be of medium dark bandana. This susvalue is more than build and average height. pect had a white Adidas $11,000. One man wore an Adi- Logo on the back of his The suspects are de- das sweatshirt, sweat- sweatshirt/jacket.

The second suspect was wearing a baseball cap, possibly red in color, with what appears to be a non-descript white sports logo on it. His jacket is described as dark colored front and back with lighter colored arms, in a “letterman� style jacket, and loose fitted faded/acid washed pants. The suspects had not been apprehended at press time. The sheriff’s office is asking anyone with any information to contact Powhatan Crime Solvers at 804-403-4357 or the Powhatan Sheriff’s Office at 804-598-5656.

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Rickie C, Allen, 67, of Powhatan, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, January 30, 2016. A Celebration of Life service was held at Midlothian Baptist Church, 11840 Lucks Lane, Midlothian, Va. 23114, at 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 7. A reception immediately followed. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Powhatan Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc., P. O. Box 247, Powhatan, Va. 23139. ALLEN

William T. “Billy� Martin, 95, of Powhatan, died on Monday, February 1, 2016. He is survived by one daughter, Barbara Childress (David) of Chesterfield; two sons, Tommy Martin (Faye) of Midlothian, Raymond Martin of Powhatan; one sister, Mary Martin of Cumberland; seven grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. He MARTIN was preceded in death by one sister and two brothers. The family received friends from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 4, at Bennett & Barden Funeral Home, 3215 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, followed by a funeral service at 12:30 p.m. Interment Virginia Veterans Cemetery, Amelia. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Bon Secours Community Hospice House at bsvaf.org/hospicehouse.

Thomas Jacob “TJ� Clayton of Powhatan, died peacefully with his family by his side on Monday, February 1, 2016. TJ was born in Linville, on January 8, 1939. He was preceded by his father, Thomas. He is survived by his mother, Wilda; brother, Paul; his loving wife of 55 years, Nancy; daughters, Cathy Howland (Ed), Tracy King (Dave) and Pam Barrafato (Tony). He was also blessed with seven beautiful grandchildren, Lindsay, Tommy, Emily, Ben, Brittany, Abby and SoCLAYTON phie. A proud Virginia Tech Hokie, TJ retired from the Commonwealth of Virginia as director of employee benefits. A dedicated Christian, TJ was an active leader of Three Chopt Presbyterian Church. Growing up on the family farm in Brandywine, West Virginia, he gained a love of hunting and fishing. He most enjoyed family time, especially vacations at the beach and traveling with his wife. Friends and family remember TJ most for his bear hugs, as well as his quiet, yet strong demeanor. Rest in peace- we miss you and love you so very much. A memorial service was held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 6, at Three Chopt Presbyterian Church, 9315 Three Chopt Road. Family visitation was from 3 to 7 p.m. on Friday, February 5, at the Claytons’ home in Powhatan. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Three Chopt Presbyterian Church and the National Kidney Foundation.

ROBERT PALMORE Robert A. “Bobby� Palmore, 86, of Powhatan, widower of Virda Palmore, passed away on Saturday, February 6, 2016. He is survived by his loving and caring wife, Eleanor Palmore; one daughter, Tammy Cook (Elmore) of Powhatan; four step children, Vada, Roger, Diane, Judy; one sister Mildred Webb of Midlothian; one brother, Ellis Palmore of Powhatan; one granddaughter, Leslie Boykin (Jason); two great-grandchildren, Ryan, Lexi; numerous step grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The family received friends from noon to 2 p.m. on Monday, February 8 at Bennett and Barden Funeral Home, 3215 Anderson Highway, Powhatan followed with a funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment Powhatan Community Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contribution may be made to the American Cancer Society. Family wishes to thank Hospice of Virginia for all their support and care.







Luke is a lab mix. He is around 4 years old. He is up-to-date on his shots and is neutered. Luke is a big goof ball. He loves his squeaky toys and to play fetch. Luke has been patiently waiting for his forever home. Luke needs to be in a home with older children. If you would like to add Luke to your family, please call 804-598-5672 to set up an appointment for a meet and greet. Please look at our other adoptable pets on Petfinder and Facebook. If you would like to make a monetary donations to our shelter, you can do so by mailing to P.O. Box 133, Powhatan, Va 23139.

Division Of Animal Control Powhatan Sheriff’s Office P.O. Box 133 Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone:804-598-5672 Fax:804-598-5109

We encourage you to adopt a pet today!

John W. Robinson Jr., 81, departed this life on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. John leaves to cherish his memory a see OBITUARIES page 8A



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Manakin Episcopal Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 985 Huguenot Trail

The Bridge The Church of Jesus Christ of Church Latter-day Saints “It’s an Experience� 1957 Capeway Rd., Powhatan, VA

Sundays: 804-403-3963 Morning Worship 10:00 AM Stephen Shelton, Bishop Wednesday: Family Life Night 7:00 PM Sacrament Service – 9:00 am 2480 Academy Road Gospel Doctrine – 10:20 am 598-7159 Priesthood/Relief Society – 11:10 am Pastor: Johnathan M. Whichard Located off Route 60 at Lower Hill Rd.

Providence Presbyterian Church

3931 Old Buckingham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 804-403-3100 Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

(1 mile west of Rt. 288)


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Mount Calvary United Methodist Church Baptist Church Hobson’s Chapel

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1801 Huguenot Trail Sunday School 9am

Sunday Worship 10am

Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm Rev. Bryan M. Holt, Pastor 378-3607 ! " # $ % & ' (

Sunday Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM 492-4366

www.EmmausChristianChurch.org Located on Route 13 (Old Buckingham Road)

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am Wednesday Night 7:30 p.m.

Powhatan United Methodist Church “A church where you don’t have to leave your mind at the door!�

Powhatan Christian Fellowship

2020 Red Lane Road Powhatan, VA 23139

Pastor, Larry B. Collins Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Office 804-598-2398

3308 Pleasants Road, 1/4 mile off of Route 711 Russ Cress, Pastor 598-0733

St. John Neumann Catholic Church Rev. Walter G. Lewis, Pastor Saturday - 5 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org Located behind Flat Rock Village Shopping Center

Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory

CALL 598-4305 for details.

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 6A

Dresses Continued from page 1A

der,� Brannan said. When she and fellow traveler Gail Timberlake of Powhatan stood back and looked at the little girls in their new dresses, the moment was priceless, Timberlake said. The pair traveled in November 2015 to Tanzania on a mission through Together for Tanzania, a Powhatan-based nonprofit, and took along 150 pillowcase dresses made by women at Powhatan United Methodist Church. After seeing so much hope in the face of unimaginable living conditions, seeing it in the face of a moment of kindness as they received the dresses was hugely important, Timberlake said. “The clothing they wear is often so threadbare there isn’t anything left to repair. But they have to keep on wearing it,� she said. “I remember even on the first trip, in church they had on their best. There was a little girl with a big hole, and I just wanted to get out a needle and thread and repair it while she was wearing.� To go from that feeling to seeing the little girls faces wreathed in smiles over their new dresses is


Above left, a little girl in Tanzania wears her new pillowcase dress. Above right, women at Powhatan United Methodist Church who made the dresses are front row, Linda Babb and Peggy Case, back row, Pat Cox, Jeanette Reames,Kay Dingus, Mary Blow, and Marvalee Unrein. Sewers seated below are Emma Lou Smith, from left, Pat Cox, Phyllis Sciarrone, Kathy Allanson, Charleen Stultz, and Lucy Swartz. Below middle, Jeanette Brannan (back row far left) and Gail Timberlake (far right and in bottom photo) are shown with Tanzanian girls who received the pillowcase dresses. Not pictured are Jane Brown, Connie Ashworth, Peggy Covert and Lois Schalow.

an amazing feeling, she added. It is a moment that, although she wasn’t on the mission trip to see it in person, warms Marvalee Unrein’s heart just thinking about it. It feels good knowing she helped sew some of pillowcase dresses that brightened those little girls’ lives, she said.

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Seed Sale! D BIR IL








“I feel like when a little girl is given a new dress and can put it on and feel pretty and feel loved, that is very special,� said Unrein of Powhatan. She said it also feels good knowing the 150 dresses that went on that mission trip to Tanzania were only a sign of what she hopes is to come.

Gaining support

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When she moved to Powhatan two years ago, Unrein brought an idea from her previous church in Missouri that was close to her heart and that she hoped might be embraced by women at Powhatan UMC who enjoyed sewing as much as she did. Fortunately, she was right. The pillowcase ministry takes attractive, cotton pillowcases and converts them into cute little dresses with embellishments such as pockets, lace, and rib-





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bons, Unrein said. Unrein was involved in a similar ministry in Missouri for six years. When she moved, she kept making the dresses at her home because the project had become that important to her. “I just keep sewing. Every single day I sit at my sewing machine. I feel it is a God thing. It is something I can do. I am capable of sewing. I enjoy it,� she said. “We have all been put on this earth for some reason and to share in some way. I feel this is my talent I have.� Still, she said she is glad it is a group effort making everything happen. When the need arises, the ladies involved in the ministry, including some women who are not church members, gather at the church and make the cute but durable dresses for little girls that are distributed by mission teams. “It is not a meeting group. When I hear from a mission group and know dresses are needed, I talk to ladies at church and put together a meeting to sew together,� Unrein said. “We sew on demand is a nice way to put it.� The seamstresses have also made some dresses that are big enough to fit adult women and shorts for little boys, Unrein said. Adding shorts came about when her grandson asked the simple question, “What about the boys?� Whatever the article of

clothing is, it is meant to be a blessing for someone in need to brighten their day and hopefully have a positive impact on their lives, she said. All of the volunteer seamstresses are asked to pray over the clothing items as they are making them. “When we get ready to send them on a mission trip the dresses and shorts are placed on the altar and are prayed for during the church service,� Unrein said. “We really do want the recipients of these clothes to know they are loved and to know that people this far away do care about them.� It took three separate sessions with anywhere from 15 to 30 women to make the dresses that the group sent to Tanzania, she said. Another mission trip

that went to Africa took 23 dresses and 13 pairs of shorts worn by the pillowcase ministry. The group has also sent clothes on a mission trip to Kentucky and would do the same if the request came for a trip to China, Russia, India or somewhere else, Unrein said. The point is not geography but helping people and making them feel good about themselves, she said. The pillowcase ministry is looking for volunteers from the community who like to sew to help with the project. Participants may sew as a group or on their own. For more information, contact Marvalee Unrein at 816-6997019. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday. com.

Of all of the events February holds – Groundhog Day, Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, etc. – which is your favorite and why? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses.

February 10, 2016

Page 7A

Kindness matters Just one more day! By Jim Ridolphi By Laura McFarland News Editor


rowing up, this writer was taught the power of being kind to others. The most memorable example was something small yet powerful and is something I still do today. We ate out fairly regularly as a family. In doing so, we experienced all kinds of service, from downright horrible to highly attentive and friendly. Now there are some people who have said they wouldn’t tip a server who did a bad job, whether it was being inattentive, getting orders wrong or having a rude or abrasive personality. Mom always said you can tip over and above for great service, but you never go below the socially acceptable 15 percent tip no matter how bad the service. She said you don’t know what is going on in their lives and if something is happening to them that is affecting their performance. Don’t add to their troubles. On the flip side, if we had great service, she regularly asked to speak to the manager before we left so she could tell him or her how good the server was. The managers were always pleased and often surprised. All of this was a lesson in how being kind to others can affect their lives in ways we don’t even know. It was actually one of my stories in the Powhatan Today that got me thinking about this. In January, we ran a story about a group of ladies at St. John Neumann Catholic Church who put invisible zippers in shirts to be used by cancer patients. The zippers are in the area of their chemotherapy ports. Instead of the indignity of having to take off their shirt and wear a hospital gown, they can wear cute or pretty shirts that just zip down to expose the port when they have a round of chemo. This group mostly does shirts for children and gives them three or four shirts because they get multiple days of treatment. What is so wonderful about this is that these ladies never get to see the reactions of the people who receive the shirts. Sometimes they get a great report passed on by nurses, but, for the most part, they do this simply because they hope somewhere out there someone going through a hard time gets a pleasant surprise that makes their day a little better. That ministry is not the only one. Both in my personal and professional life, I have talked with people who cleaned the houses of cancer patients, donated wigs so patients felt less self

conscious, had makeover days for women so they could feel refreshed, and so many more ideas. I have mentioned before that I belong to a local quilt guild, the Country Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Powhatan. In November 2015, the group had its annual Pillowcase Day and made 156 pillowcases for the group Ryan’s Case for Smiles. The group tries to lessen the trauma of hospital stays and give children an emotional boost with the special touch of having a whimsical pillowcase on their bed for their time there. By the way, lest it sound like I am tooting my own horn, I couldn’t make it to the pillowcase event. Still, I am so proud of the guild for holding the event. Actually, I am happy when anybody comes up with these small ideas that can make a big difference in a cancer patient’s life. They may be practical in nature, but they also carry the message that someone was thinking of them and wanted to show they cared, even if they were strangers. When my grandmother died in November 2003 from breast cancer, my family wasn’t aware of any of these types of organizations whose purpose it was to touch cancer patients in a small way to make their lives better. They may have been around, but we didn’t know about them. So Nana bought her own wig, prosthetic, special hats and other things. Hospital and hospice care workers were wonderful, but, when you are sitting there for hours receiving chemotherapy, if you couldn’t get someone to stay with you that day, it was incredibly lonely. Mom has since told me that she donated many of the items Nana bought related to treatment – hats, wigs, prosthetics – to a cancer support group in the hope that they could help somebody else. I also hope they were a help to someone. There are so many ways we as a society have partnered to fight cancer. I have been to two Relay For Life events in Powhatan County, and the support was awesome. But sometimes it is those small acts of kindness, like visitors from a church you don’t attend who just want to offer prayer and support, that can touch you the most. And those are the things all of us could think about doing with our own talents so we can be that person who makes life a little easier for someone going through something as monumental as cancer. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Contributing Columnist


f you are a school-aged child and there’s snow on the ground, life grinds to a halt around 4 p.m. each day to await the announcement of school closings for the next day. It’s the only serious threat to an otherwise unencumbered snow day, eight hours of non-school-related fun that can only be dampened by the impending doom of a reopening announcement. So, each day, as temperatures increased and more snow melted last week, we would gather in front of the television to receive the latest updates on whether our week of fun would end early. I attempted to explain to my kids that they were already far ahead of the game with three unexpected holidays that allowed for unlimited sledding and other ice-covered activities. I also explained the responsibility of making decisions on whether to reopen school and some of the factors that can affect that decision. I told them how superintendents from around the area ride every road in the county to decipher just how bad the roads are and if students can safely travel to and from school. And, then there are the unending number of sidewalks and parking lots that must be cleared at every campus to ensure children can return to school minus the hazards of ice and snow. I don’t envy the people who are charged with making closing decisions. It seems like a no win job, that, in the end, makes you a hero to some and a villain to others. First, you have thousands of children who prefer a non-opening in the best of conditions. Conversely, there’s a large group of parents equally interested but for different reasons. Snow days require altered child care plans, missed time at work and uncertain schedules for parents who must remain flexible as the decisions are made. School systems, in their infinite wisdom, include snow days in their regular schedules to allow for the missed time, but a serious snowstorm like the one last week can threaten those plans. When the announcement finally came down regarding schools on Wednesday, my children were not happy. Their schools would reopen Wednesday on a two-hour delay. That news was partly palatable, but

the accompanying announcement caused a furor at my house. To make up for the three missed days, Henrico County Public Schools students would not get a previously scheduled half-day off on Friday, and Monday’s Presidents Day holiday was cancelled. “Can they do that?” one of my children asked in disbelief. “They already promised us those days,” another said. I quickly interjected that schools are re-


quired to be in session a required number of days in a school year in order to qualify for state and federal aid, an explanation that didn’t deter their outcries. “They can’t change the schedule after it’s already made. They can’t do that,” my daughter said defiantly. “They can and they did” was my answer. As a parent, I’m thankful for responsible leaders who take the safety and welfare of children seriously, and I don’t question their sincerity in making hard decisions like closing schools for inclement weather. Explaining those decisions to thousands of kids who think snow days are a rite of passage is a much more puzzling task. Even the two-hour delay couldn’t remove the frowns on their faces as they walked past the sleds, picked up a backpack full of books, and walked out for their first day of school in almost a week. “I still say it’s not fair,” my daughter mumbled on the way out. Say hello to life.

Powhatan Today in Australia

L E T T E R TO T H E E D I TO R Local man asks for prayers for his friends Dear Editor I would like to ask for prayer from the community for my friends, Curtis and Katrina Blankenship and their

family. Thank you. John Tuttle Powhatan County

P.O. Box 10 Powhatan, Va. 23139 Phone: 804-598-4305 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-598-7757

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Gayle and Al Walters traveled to Australia for 10 days and spent several days watching the 2016 Australian Tennis Open in Melbourne. They took along a copy of the Powhatan Today and snapped a photo with it in front of the Rod Laver Arena and the statue of Rod Laver.

X WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Monday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff.

Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: Powhatan Today, P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va., 23139. Subscription Rate: $23.50 per year. Single copy price is 50¢. © 2016 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 8A

Championship horse and pony show recognizes 4-H youth Contributed Report


Announcing Clayton Wade Morrisette Doug and Vonda Bredemeier of Powhatan are proud to announce the birth of their grandson, Clayton Wade Morrisette. Clayton’s happy parents are Tim and Victoria Morrisette of Chester. Clayton was born at 12:21 a.m. on October 23, 2015 at Henrico Doctor’s Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 ¼ inches long. His paternal grandparents are Gary and Jamie Morrisette of Matoaca.

leven youth from Powhatan County competed in the 2015 Virginia State 4-H Championship Horse and Pony Show with great results. The competition was held from Sept. 10 to 13 in Lexington at the Virginia Horse Center and hosted more than 700 youth from across the commonwealth who competed in a wide variety of contests, as well as the State Championship Horse and Pony Show. Out of 415 horse show competitors and 2,000 class entries, congratulations goes to local 4-H member Madison Bonner, who earned the

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freshman at PHS and both she and Bonner are members of Powhatan 4-H Riders Equestrian Club. All of Powhatan’s youth are recognized for their accomplishments and ability to qualify to compete in this state contest. Following is a list of the local competitors and rankings: M. Bonner (first Senior Equitation O/F 2’6” Senior Large Pony, Large Pony 2’6” Course A, first Senior Large Pony 2’6” Course B, third Senior Large Hunter Pony U/S, and third Hunt Seat Equitation Pony Classic); Ashdin Clayton (eighth Cloverleaf Barrel Horse Junior, seventh Pole Bending Horse Junior and eighth Stakes Race Horse Junior); Jacqueline Dorset (ninth Senior Horsemanship Senior Horse, seventh WP Senior Horse Senior); Ava Furbee (first Senior Equitation O/F 2’ Med/ Small Pony, fifth Med Small Course A, second Small/Medium Pony U/S and first Hunt Seat Equitation Pony Classic); Elizabeth Jones (first in Senior Horsemanship

Cloverleaf Barrel Large Pony, fifth Pole Bending Large Pony and fifth Stakes Race Large Pony); Kyra Pantos (fifth Miniature Obstacles Junior, fifth Miniature Showmanship Junior and fifth Miniature Hunter Junior); Caitlin Reamy (fourth Dressage Equitation Classic, ninth in Senior Dressage Showmanship, seventh in Senior Dressage Equitation, fourth in Senior Hunter Trail Final, first Senior Training Level T1 and fourth Senior Training Level T2); J. Winall (third Walking Horse and Pony Equitation, second/second Lite Shod Walking Horse, 10th Non-Trotting Equitation Classic, and second Lite Shod Walking Horse Classic). In addition to the Horse and Pony Show, youth could also compete in the art contest, photography contest, project record book/portfolio contest, as well as many other horse related contests. Ellie Lancaster of Powhatan took sixth place in the Senior Art Contest. Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors of Powhat-

Board, the Virginia Horse Council, Blue Ridge Trailers, Virginia Farm Bureau, Southern States, Farm Credit, and Pizza Hut. The Horse Show Hero Program also helps to fund this event by allowing participants to raise monies in lieu of paying entry fees. The Virginia State 4-H Championship Horse and Pony Show is in its 54th year and draws in more than 2,000 youth, parents, and volunteers from across the state. The State Show is 99 percent run by volunteers, most of whom grew up in the program and continue to give back, many using their own vacation time. “Virginia 4-H volunteers and Virginia Cooperative Extension county agents are the most dedicated group of individuals I have ever met and this program would not exist without their efforts on behalf of Virginia’s youth,” said Celeste Crisman, Virginia Cooperative Extension Horse Specialist. For more information and detailed listings of results, visit the Virginia 4-H Horse Program website at www.4-h.ext.vt.edu/programs/anscience/horse.


of Richmond; stepson, James (Mendanora) Yates of Goochland; devoted grandsons, Jonathan and Christopher Yates; devoted goddaughters, Christy Jackson-Jones and Regina Cooley, four stepdaughters, nine grandchildren, one great-grandson, and a host of other relatives and

friends, including a devoted nephew, Joseph Cox of Philadelphia. His remains rested at the Robert Mealy Funeral Home, 2530 Dogtown Road., Goochland, where funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Monday, February 1. Interment St. James Baptist Church, Powhatan.

Continued from page 5A

Call Tracey McClung at 804-389-4300 or Shelly Blair at 804-305-9911 3835B Old Buckingham Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139

loving wife of 13 years, Sarah Smith-Robinson of Powhatan; brother, Junius “Jack” Robinson of Richmond; sister, Lady Mary Morton of Philadelphia; sister-in-law, Mattie Robinson

Happy Valentine’s Day!


an’s Celebration of the Horse for scholarship fees provided, which offset the cost of the State 4-H Horse Show for local youth to participate. The State 4-H Horse Show is self-funded through entry fees, donations by friends of the State 4-H Horse Program, and corporate sponsors such as the Virginia Horse Industry




Senior Horse, fourth/seventh WP Senior Horse Senior, fifth Western Pleasure Horse Classic Senior and eighth Western Trail Senior Final); Ellie Lancaster (second/fourth Senior Large HP Horse, fifth Senior Hunter Equitation on the Flat Large Horse, Anna Pantos (eighth

Caitlin Reamy, left, and Madison Bonner were among the youth who did Powhatan proud at the 2015 Virginia State 4-H Championship Horse and Pony Show.

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title of Champion in the Hunter Large Hunt Pony, Senior Rider Division. Bonner is a senior at Powhatan High School and this was the final trip to the State 4-H Horse Show for her. Jordan Winall, also from Powhatan, earned Reserve Champion in the Pleasure – Walking Horse and Pony Lite Shod Division. She is a

Page 9A

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Approved Continued from page 1A

a maximum 75,000-squarefoot retail/commercial/office space, 22 single-family “golf villa” units and 200 apartments, March Altman, deputy county administrator, said. After a lengthy discussion, the board voted unanimously to approve the conditional rezoning. Casey Sowers, representing Riverton Associates, introduced the board to more of the specifics of the development his company is planning. The project, Winterfield Place Phase II, will be located near the existing Winterfield Place Phase I development and built on the success it has had there. Riverton was responsible for the design and construction of the relocated Winterfield Road and the improvements and signalization of the intersection of Winterfield Road and Route 711, Sowers said. Powhatan County adopted an updated comprehensive plan in 2010 and Riverton Associates is asking to coordinate the land use of its project with that plan, Sowers said. The project will create the Founder’s Creek Court Extension, which will hold 22 new lots with two new open spaces acting as a transition zone between the new homes and existing homes, Sowers said. Although the new and old homes won’t look exactly alike, the group has created a harmonious architecture and design The group actually planned an extension back in 2003, but at that time it expected to build 27 new lots, have no open green spaces and no transition between existing and new homes, he said. The new homes will be built to existing golf villas architectural standards with a few exceptions, Sowers said. All yards and green areas that are to be maintained by association to be sodded and irrigated.

Apartments The other part of the project is an apartment complex with adult/senior units, Sowers said. The company wants to have 200 one- and twobedroom apartments ranging from about 700 to 1,200 square feet. The building will use the same building materials as Winterfield Place Phase I. The apartments are meant to attract a high end demographic, Sowers said. It will feature integrated garages in some units, adult-oriented recreational programming, an outdoor living area that includes swimming pool, an outdoor fireplace, grilling and gathering areas, and modern exercise facilities. . It will also be pet friendly. The buildings will maintain a typical footprint of less than 15,000 square feet per comprehensive plan, but may be connected with atria or other features to allow for convenient access to elevators and to promote pedestrian connectivity, Sowers said. Sowers said he has been asked why they want to build apartments there because that type of housing has taken on a negative connotation. His response is that this area has been developed as a retirement aged targeted development and it has been very successful at that. “There is a national movement on baby boomers renting versus owning and downsizing versus owning. We think this is the perfect place for this type of project and the market people tell us the

same,” he said. He said they are ready to downsize, they are looking for convenience, they like that it offers them flexibility instead of being tied down, They like that it is often less expensive, they want to avoid selling a house later and they are looking to make investments.

Retail complex The third component of the project is the commercial development, which is a continuation of what the developer built in Winterfield Place Phase I, a small-scale retail space with local shops and purveyors “that will really benefit from having 200 new residents living within walking distance,” Sowers said. The complex will have walkable accessibility for a wide range of customers, an innovative use of stormwater for irrigation, a cohesive land plan and architecture, a small scale “Village Center” concept, open space, walking trails, protected green spaces and be supported by adjacent residential development, including the apartments. The developer has also proposed a convenience store on the corner, which is “desperately needed in this area,” Sowers said.

Addressing issues Sowers also addressed several issues that were concerns going into the project, including the availability of a potable water supply, traffic and fire and safety concerns. Riverton Associates purchased 65,000 gallons per day (GPD) of the 180,000 GPD provided by Chesterfield County and owned by Founder’s Bridge Utility Company (FBUC). Since the zoning application was filed, FBUC and Grayco have moved forward with the expansion of water capacity for the FBUC system to increase peak water supply to system, Sowers said. “The goal is to provide water when the 180,000 gallons threshold is reached, to provide another source of water for those peak demand days,” Sowers said. “Fortunately though, over the last two years, the water consumption has actually decreased for the Founder’s Bridge Utility Company substantially.” This decrease is primarily due to the association focusing on water conservation techniques that have worked and a change in the rate structure for the utility company, he said. As far as traffic concerns, Sowers pointed out that Riverton Associates built and paid for the widening and relocation of new Winterfield Road, as well as the traffic signal at the intersection with Route 711 and improvements and turn lanes on Route 711. The company has already installed turn lanes into Phase II of the Winterfield project along Winterfield Road. Additionally, they worked with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) on the Route 711 widening project. VDOT will be installing a full access interchange into Phase II of Winterfield Place in conjunction with their widening project, and Riverton will install turn lanes into Phase II of the development. Concerns had been raised about fire and safety, especially since it is an aging population the development wants to attract, he said. The developer proffered about $112,500 in cash proffers for fire and safety, which will help pay for an aerial ladder truck being purchased by the county.

Chesterfield and Powhatan County have a shared services agreement for this part of the County which is designed to reduce call times, he said. The vast majority of Emergency Medical Calls are not paid for by the county, but rather reimbursed through insurance, so instead of costing the county money they generate revenue, he said. “This development is a very strong form of economic development. This is a $50 million project that has very little demand for services on the county. This helps the county and this is a good form of economic development in the right spot,” Sowers said.

Board questions After his presentation, Sowers answered a variety of questions from board members. Larry Nordvig, who represents District 2, asked about the future of the project since it currently will focus on attracting baby boomers and what negative feelings people may have toward the project. Sowers pointed out people are longer and but also a new generation of older people will come along as well. He also said that people often have fears associated with apartment complexes, such as them being inexpensive, a transient area, having a large number of children, being party areas and other concerns. “If you really look at what we are proposing to build, none of those things are attractive for the people that I think create that type of fear,” Sowers said. He also said that they are using high end materials, which will lead to top rents that bring in neighbors that aren’t going to cause those kinds of concerns. Angie Cabell, District 3, asked about the total number of houses on Founders Creek Court, which, with the additions, will be 51 houses. A discussion was later held about a county ordinance that says any more than 50 houses requires two neighborhood entrances. However, to create another entrance would require taking out at least a lot, which eliminates the need for the second entrance. The board decided to make an allowance for the one extra lot. David Williams, District 1, asked about fire and EMS for the area and asked fire and EMS chief Steven Singer to address the issue. Singer said the statistics for the area in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 show a total of 21 fire responses for the Winterfield area with only four requiring Automatic Aid from Chesterfield. There were 96 EMS responses, with 27 handled by Powhatan and 69 by Chesterfield. For the first half of FY 2016, Powhatan has had eight fire responses and handled nine out of 22 EMS responses. In doing future projections, adding 1,000 people to represent that new development, which is probably high, he said the department is still only projecting an increase of 8.6 to 16.1 calls due to the project. When the board called the vote, chairman Bill Melton said he thinks the development is a wonderful project that is consistent with the comprehensive plan. “I look forward to the revenue – $50 million is a great investment in our county and we look forward to the tax revenue that comes from it,” he said. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, Feb. 10 The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ mobile customer service center, DMV 2 Go, will be in Powhatan County from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The mobile center will be at 3834 Old Buckingham Road. Each full service office provides all DMV transactions. Thanks to DMV’s partnerships with other government agencies, customers may now purchase certified copies of Virginia birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates, obtain E-ZPass transponders, and apply for their hunting or fishing licenses. For more information, visit www.dmvNOW. com/DMV2GO. To connect with DMV 2 Go on Twitter, use @VirginiaDMV or #DMV2Go. Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers are needed starting at 10 a.m. To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com.


Friday, Feb. 12 The Knights of Columbus will hold its Friday Fish Fry’s from 5 to 7 p.m. every Friday from Feb. 12 to March 18 at St. John Neumann Church, 2480 Batterson Road, Powhatan (located directly behind Tractor Supply Company). The all-you-can-eat dinner is $8 for adults, $26 for a family, $5 for children, and $2 for desserts. A Valentine Gala to benefit the Free Clinic of Powhatan and Habitat for Humanity-Powhatan will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 12 at the Mill at Fine Creek. Tickets are $100 per person. The event includes fine dining and dancing and a varied silent auction. Make your check payable to the Free Clinic of Powhatan/Gala and mail it to FCP, P.O. Box 544, Powhatan VA 23139. Limited availability. For more information, contact Terry Sanders at 804-598-2750. Kay’s Krafters, a small branch of From the Heart Stitchers, will meet from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information and location, call Donna at 804-598-7514 or visit www.fromtheheartstitchers.org.

Saturday, Feb. 13 Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.

Monday, Feb. 15 AA meets at 7:30 p.m. every Monday in the gathering room at May Memorial Church, 3926 Old Buckingham Road. FILE PHOTO BY ANJIE HENLEY

Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center regularly needs volunteers to help with rides for wounded veterans.

Powhatan Crime Solvers meets at 7:30 a.m. at The County Seat. Contact 804-403-HELP (804403-4357) or go to www.powhatancrimesolvers.com.

Tuesday, Feb. 16 Powhatan County Public Library’s family storytime is held at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as on the second Saturday of the month. Library hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p. m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. The library is closed on Sundays and county holidays. For more information, call 804- 598-5670. Powhatan Domestic Violence Services and Goochland Family Services hold a support group for survivors of domestic violence from Powhatan and Goochland counties and surrounding areas every Wednesday. The group meets in the evening with childcare provided. All women are welcome. For more information or location, contact Powhatan Domestic Violence Services at 804598-5630 or go to the organization’s Facebook page and send a private message.

Thursday, Feb. 11 Powhatan County Public Library will host a series of financial workshops presented by Edward Jones’ Financial Advisor, Edward Velasquez. The events are free and open to the public. All sessions begin at 6 p.m. The topics for the Feb. 11 session is Ready or Not? Preparing for the Unexpected. For more information, call 804-897-1127. The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesdays in the Plainview Office Center, 2152 Plainview. It will not be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve. Contact Theresa Fields at 804-389-9136. Powhatan AA meets from 7 to 9 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village Building. The Powhatan Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the County Seat Restaurant. The Powhatan Republican Committee’s monthly meeting is held at 7 p.m. (with a social mixer at 6:30 p.m.) at Rosa’s Pizza Restaurant, 2470 Anderson Hwy in Powhatan. Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 7:30 p.m. every Thursday at St. John Neumann Catholic

Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers are needed starting at 10 a.m. To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com. The War Memorial Roundtable for all Veterans meets at 7 p.m. at the War Memorial Cultural Arts and Community Center, 2375 Skaggs Road. The program will be on James Doolittle and The Doolittle Raid to mark 74 years since the Doolittle Raiders bombed Japan. The group will discuss the men, the plane (B-25), the ship (USS Hornet) and the operation. Contact Ruth Boatwright at 804-3376859. The Chrysalis Writers Group will meet at 5 p.m. in the small meeting room of the Powhatan County Library. For more information, call 804-598-1795. The Powhatan High School PTO will meet at 3 p.m. in the PHS office. The group is looking for board member to help students and teachers at Powhatan High School. The PTO is looking for parents to help with the post prom committee. It will keep this event in Powhatan and hopefully at the high school. Anyone interested in participating may contact 804-651-4503 or jakeb3rd@ aol.com. The Powhatan Junior Woman’s Club meets at 7 p.m. The nonprofit volunteer organization is open to women over the age of 18. The club promotes friendship, community service and leadership. For information about the club, meeting locations or becoming a member, call Joy Matkowsky at 492-3038. The Powhatan Moose Lodge will host Bingo with doors opening at 6 p.m. and games starting at 7 p.m. every Tuesday. For more information, call 804-598-2809. AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail. H.O.P.E. – Helping Others Prepare for Eternity is a Ladies Group that meets at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Cartersville Baptist Church. All women are invited to join. H.O.P.E encourages Christian development of ladies in the church and

see CALENDAR page 10A

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 10A

B L E S S E D S AC R A M E N T H U G U E N OT H O N O R RO L L The following students at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School were named to the All A Honor Roll: Third grade: Elizabeth Davis, Skylar Maranto, Dixon Parrish, Clare Sheridan, Stephen Wheat. Fourth grade: Matthew Case, William Fichter, Elizabeth Norwood, Charlie Potter. Fifth grade: Nathan Barras, Max Buono, Will Carter, Eric Causey, Cabrey Forward, Anna Gregorio, Jeb Hatfield, Austin Merritt, Tabitha Ringling, Sidnee Wheat. Sixth grade: Guinevere Buono, Lauren Cook, Josh Decker, Alexander Gyi-Bassuk, Colin Hipps, Emily Hobson, Justice Laarman, Braelyn Lawhorn, Jack McMinn, Jack Milstead. Seventh grade: Marisa Claud, Carson Conner, Shaw Forward, Ella Schuetzinger, Emily Smith, Abby Stinnett. Eighth grade: Raymond Avery, James Hawkins, TK Johnson, Robert Kurtz, Sidney McMinn, Katie Schiefer. Ninth grade: Jacob Dowdy and Cameron Hipps.

Calendar Continued from page 9A community through missions, spiritual outreach, community involvement, and Christian fellowship. We take our name to heart and work hard to do God’s will on many levels, supporting local, state, national, and international missions on a regular basis.

Ongoing The Coalition of Powhatan Churches needs drivers for clients to go to doctor appointments and small errands as present volunteers are being overwhelmed with requests. For more information on volunteering, contact Liz Benton at 804372-6384 or angels5517@aol.com. No one deserves to be abused. Find safety, options and support. Women’s support group based in Powhatan but open to all women impacted by domestic violence. The group is free, confidential and childcare is available. Contact 804598-5630 ext. 2422 or 2420 for more information.

Tenth grade: Amy Bonds, Zachary Dickerson, Anna Gestwick, Molly Morgan, McKayla Roberts. Eleventh grade: Kirsten Anderson, Zane Buono, James Heldmann. Twelfth grade: Andie Fowkes, Olivia Klahn, Meredith Murphy, Rebeccah Pace, Anna Ransone, Tara Riley, Austin Thomas, Abby Timmons. The following students at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School were named to the A/B Honor Roll: Third grade: Katherine Book, Mary Davis, Sophie Thompson, Temple Williamson. Fourth grade: Waylon Bristow, Mckenna Gregorio, Makayla Gregory, Lily Hickey, Mason Hogan, Catherine Mullins. Fifth grade: Caroline D’Aguanno, Patrick Davis, Jackson Hawkins, David Johnson, Justin Johnson, Colson Purcell, Haley Roe, Berkley Roudabush, Jenna Schwab. Sixth grade: Whitley Bogue, Sara Cline, Cow Crowder, Gabe Fisher, William Gestwick, Kenny

Powhatan Fire and Rescue will take applications year round for its Junior Emergency Technician program, which will give youth the chance to learn about their local fire, rescue and emergency services organizations. The program is free and open to 12- to 15-yearolds from all parts of the county and will meet on the second Sunday of each month year round. Applications may be picked up at the fire administration office in the Village Building. Contact the office at 804-598-5646 or preams@powhatanva.gov.

Upcoming The Knights of Columbus will hold its Friday Fish Fry’s from 5 to 7 p.m. every Friday from Feb. 12 to March 18 at St. John Neumann Church, 2480 Batterson Road, Powhatan (located directly behind Tractor Supply Company). The all-youcan-eat dinner is $8 for adults, $26 for a family, $5 for children, and $2 for desserts. Powhatan County Public Library will host a series of financial workshops presented by Edward Jones’ Financial Advisor, Edward Velas-

Brand new location in Powhatan Courthouse NOW OPEN!

quez. The events are free and open to the public. All sessions begin at 6 p.m. The topics are Stocks: The Nuts and Bolts, Feb. 18; Focus on Fixed Income, March 3; An Investor’s Tour of Mutual Funds, March 10; Retirement by Design, March 17; Tax-free Investing, March 24; Preparing Your Estate Plan, March 31. For more information, call 804-897-1127. Tidewater Physical Therapy clinic, 3510 Anderson Hwy., Ste. 2 in Powhatan, will host a blood drive from 11:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 19. The Bloodmobile will be on site. To make an appointment visit https://vadonor.org. For questions, contact Jessica Myers at 804-5982100 or jmyers@tpti.com. To prepare for your donation, eat well, stay hydrated and bring a photo ID, which is necessary to have in order to donate. If you have questions regarding eligibility requirements, contact Virginia Blood Services Medical Help Desk at 800-989-4438. Powhatan Equine Rescue League will hold its semi-annual Tack Sale

Hickey. Seventh grade: Caroline Avery, Jackson Carmack, Lily Gentile, Jessica Johnson, Owen Long, Gabriela Murillo, Hayden Roudabush, Michael Timmons. Eighth grade: Rachael Bailey, Elizabeth Carter, T.J. Gates, Leo Gentile, Spencer Moran, Kailah Trainum. Ninth grade: Reilly Dickerson, Bevan Fichter, Michael Kemp, Kemper Roudabush. Tenth grade: Corrinne Anderson, Sarah Dutton, Kathryn Hardman, Kate Hatfield, Colby Johnson, Kathryn Long. Eleventh grade: Jacob Bonds, Tanner Dobrucky, Beatrice Goodwyn, Trey Gregg, Reed Hildebrand, Brian Lee, Coleman Smith, Jack Williams, Adria Yi. Twelfth grade: Josh Bishop, Ryan Cary, Jason Evans, Carter Evers, Michelle Golden, Jack Goodwyn, Ann Marie Kemp, Brittney Lawhorn, Liza Moore, James Mozingo, Caroline Odell, Kayla Rider, Addie Stone, Hannah Toler, Raleigh Willis, Brieanna Zimmerman.

from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20 in the gymnasium at Powhatan United Methodist Church, 2253 Rosson Road. Vendor spots are available for $25 but the number of spaces is limited. Contact 804-338-6506 or 860-921-6174.

by-6 space. Vendors are to provide their own tables and chairs. Proceeds benefit PHS JROTC and its support of Backpacks of Love. For more information, contact Debra at 804-366-0569 or coachdmenger@gmail.com.

Powhatan County Public Library will hold “Black History Month: A Local Perspective” at 11 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 29 in the large conference room. The program will feature local African American residents sharing their stories of living in Powhatan County. The event is free and open to the public.

A series of free monthly health classes is being offered on the second Tuesday of each month at Powhatan County Public Library by Dr. Brittany Wilkinson with Powhatan/Plaza Pharmacies. The class schedule covers a range of topics: March 8, sleep hygiene; April 12, allergy management; May 10, high blood pressure, and June 14, bone and joint health. The sessions are free but people are asked to reserve a space by contacting 804-379-6986 or Brittany.wilkinson@powhatanrx.com.

Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help with sessions with veterans. Helpers are needed starting at 10 a.m. on Feb. 10 and 16, and March 1, 9 and 15. To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com. The Powhatan High School JROTC Craft and Vendor Show will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 5 at the high school, 1800 Judes Ferry Road. Admission to the craft fair is free and open to the public. Cost for vendors is $50 for a 10-by-10 space or $30 for a 6-

Powhatan County Library will hold is Senior Social free Bingo events from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 21, April 18, and May 16 in the large conference room. There will hot coffee available with light refreshments, but people may bring their own lunches. Contact 804-5985670.

February 10, 2016

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B


Powhatan’s Elijah jordan takes down Dinwiddie’s Nick Pluntro during the Conference 20 championships at Huguenot High School on Feb. 6. Jordan won his third conference title in as many years with a 16-2 win over Pluntro. Jordan said he was incredibly confident heading into regionals.

Indians win four conference titles By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

The Powhatan Indians have started their road to the wrestling state championships. And, at least for the next stop on the road, they’ll be going as an entire team. On Saturday at Huguenot High School, the Indians finished second to Hanover in the Conference 20 wres-

tling tournament. The Hawks’ final lead over the Indians was just 223-204.5, and came down to the final matches. “I feel happy for our kids,” Powhatan coach Jonathan Tanaka said. “Teamwise coming in, I thought we had a chance to win the team title. We fell short, but we live to fight another day. We push all 12 kids to regionals. I’m proud of the

kids for battling and wrestling hard. Taking everyone to regionals is always a good thing.” The second place finish is one spot better than the last two years, when the Indians were third in the conference. “We came up a little short, and Hanover is a tough team and they’re a tough team for a reason,” Tanaka said. “We’ve been

chasing them. To come up to second is a really good job, but it’s a little bittersweet when you get that close.” Powhatan had five wrestlers in the conference final matches, including two matchups against Hanover. Of those five championship matches, the Indians were victorious in four of them, including three in a row.

Elijah Jordan kicked off the Indians’ wins in the 106 class, taking down Nick Plutro of Dinwiddie 16-2. Jordan was up 2-0 after round one, and then got a fast seven points in the second round. After that, it was just about not getting pinned for Jordan. Jordan, a junior, captured his third conference title in his Powhatan wrestling career.

“I was trying to stay dominant on my feet, and keep the control in my corner,” he said. “It feels good to have three (conference titles) under my belt. It gives me good momentum going into (the regional tournament). I’m pretty pumped up for hopefully winning a regional and state title.” Freshman JD McMillin see INDIANS page 3B

BSH falls in 2OT By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Daivon Edmonds hits a 3-point shot against Brunswick Academy on Feb. 5. Edmonds had 13 points for the Knights against the Vikings and was the co-leading scorer.

One overtime wasn’t enough to settle things between Blessed Sacrament Huguenot and Brunswick Academy on Friday. No, two overtimes were needed to decide the outcome and it still came down to the wire. In a loud and energetic environment, the Knights came up just short against the Vikings in a 59-54 decision. “It sucks to lose,” Blessed Sacrament Huguenot coach Bobbitt said. “The

guys played really hard. We played a good game against a good team and the ball didn’t bounce our way once or twice. Going to double overtime, every little thing matters.” Blessed Sacrament Huguenot led at halftime 2422, but went cold from the floor after halftime and the Vikings were able to take a four-point lead going into the fourth quarter. Part of the cold shooting in the third quarter was the Knights taking a lot of opportunities from 3-point range, but none of them fell the entire quarter.

“We thought they were settling for jumpers,” Bobbit said. “We played (on Thursday night). I don’t know if that factored into it or if they were just trusting in their jumpers a little more than we would have liked. We called timeout and tried to tell them to drive to the basket, or at least drive and kick. We got a little stagnant in the third quarter and that hurt us.” But, Daivon Edmonds hit two free throws at the end of the third and that started a 7-0 run that spanned see KNIGHTS page 2B



Will Schwartz had a remarkable week for the indoor track and field team. On Jan. 29 at the Jefferson District meet, he won

competitor. Just two days later, Schwartz won the shot put again, this time at the St. Christopher’s Invitational.

During that meet, his 45foot, six-and-one-half inch throw was tops, over a foot-and-a-half longer than second place. He’s been a bright spot all season for the Indians track team as the postseason approaches.

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Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 2B

New-look VHSL to hit 2017 season By Billy Fellin Sports Editor


owhatan High School is a member of Conference 20. At the end of next season, that won’t be the case anymore. It isn’t that Powhatan is going anywhere. The conferences are. The Virginia High School League’s Alignment Committee voted on Jan. 13 to dissolve the conferences at the end of the 2016-17 season and change things up once again for the schools of Virginia. “We’ve been talking about it ever since we first created this system of districts, conferences, and regions,” Powhatan athletic director Jim Woodson said. “It’s been a big discussion about it. Originally, the purpose of the movement was to provide a level playing field in the playoffs.” The 2017-19 alignment seems to be a melding of the pre-2013 alignment and what was implemented in 2013. The recommended alignment keeps the six class organization model of 1A6A from the major reorganization of 2013, and breaks them down into four re-

gions per classification level. The document on the VHSL website shows Powhatan in the 4A Central Region along with Caroline, Chancellor, Courtland, Dinwiddie, Eastern View, Hanover, Huguenot, King George, Louisa, Midlothian, and Monacan. This grouping of schools is a combination of the current Conference 19 and Conference 20. The Central Region of 4A would be joined by the East Region, North Region, and West Region in the 4A classification. There are 12 schools in the East, Central, and West regions, while there are 17 in the North Region. Midlothian is the only question mark of that group, as they may be moved up to the 5A level. Woodson said that when the conferences were formed during the 2013 realignment, the goal of leveling the playing field in the playoffs was accomplished, but other issues arose. “They created more problems,” Woodson said. “Those other problems were finances. You created another entity that needed money in the conferences. It’s a costly thing. It’s not just in the rev-

enue sports. You have to provide for the non-revenue sports. You’re trying to do twice as much.” “We’re going back and putting more emphasis on the districts,” Woodson said. “Then you’ll go to the regional level. It’s pretty close to where it was originally.” Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Louisa, Monticello, Orange, and Western Albemarle will once again be the foes of Powhatan in the Jefferson District. A VHSL survey conducted of the member schools last spring saw 67-percent increase in travel in postseason, while 58-percent were taking in less at the gate. Just this past fall, the Powhatan field hockey team had to travel to James Monroe High School in Fredericksburg for a 4A East playoff game, which was a 90minute or so drive. The volleyball team traveled to Courtland High School in Northern Virginia (another one hour on the road one way), and then drove to Jamestown the next night in region play, which was about a one hour, 22 minute drive one way according to Google Maps. Playoff-wise, this new system will

produce eight teams per classification for the state championship game, meaning there will be a state quarterfinal, semifinal, and a final. Under the current system, each classification only produces two teams that advance to the state tournament, with a state semifinal and a state final that follow. As far as Powhatan is concerned, Woodson said that the Indians are in a gray area of sorts, as the school isn’t huge and isn’t small, but is happy with the schools that Powhatan would go up against come playoff time. “It’s just where we are,” he said. “We aren’t quite big enough to be the big time school and we’re a little bit too big. We’re right in between. You have the rural schools like Goochland, then we’re here, then you have the big city schools. There’s never been a district for us. Right now, with the changes that are coming, we have a solid district that provides the competition that we need, and when we go to region play, we have outstanding competition there.” Billy Fellin can be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday.com. or on Twitter @BillyFellin.

Indians head to district tournament By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

When a team’s 3-point game is on target from the get-go, it can be very difficult to defeat them. On Tuesday, the Western Albemarle Patriots’ hit four 3-point shots in the first quarter and the Powhatan Indians couldn’t keep up, as the Indians fell 6444. “First of all, Western Albemarle is an extremely good team, and they showed us why they’re an extremely good team,” Powhatan coach Steve Washburn said. “They moved the ball extremely well and had us on our heels defensively. We couldn’t get a shot to fall early on.” All told, the Patriots (18-3) finished with nine 3point shots made, including five from leading scorer Chris McGahren who had 23 points and gave the Indians defense fits. Powhatan had only four points in the first quarter,

Knights Continued from page 1B

from those two free throws through the opening of the fourth quarter when Edmonds found his shot from 3-point range and Logan Cook got a layup to give the Knights the lead. And, from then, it started a battle of attrition. Starting at Cook’s basket, the game was tied three times and the lead changed hands twice, but no team had a larger lead than four points. While the Vikings were in the 1-and-1 bonus from the 4:50 mark on, they were only 50-percent from the free throw line, going 4-of8. Brunswick Academy’s Diron Valentine missing one of two free throws with 32 seconds remaining set up the last second heroics once again of Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Mason Livers. After Noah Dowdy attempted a 3-point shot, it was rebounded by Brunswick’s Dallas Hawthorne. But, Hawthorne was cornered and quickly traveled, giving the Knights another chance. The ball was passed

despite chances to make baskets. “A lot of credit goes to their defense, they were able to take us out of a lot of things,” Washburn said. “They really forced us to take tough shots.” Throughout the game, the Indians were unable to make consistent runs, and more importantly, make stops defensively. One run Powhatan was able to make was in the middle of the third quarter, when Justin Deleon and Joseph Santiago combined for a 6-0 run. “The guys just continue to work hard and believe in each other,” Washburn said. “Every second we’re on the court, we take it as an opportunity to get better. That’s what we did tonight. We worked to get better, no matter the deficit. We worked to get better and I think we did that tonight.” That cut the lead to 19 points, but Western Albemarle went on a 6-2 run that ended any chance of a Powhatan comeback.

But, the Indians did hang with the Patriots the rest of the game, being outscored only by five, one, and one point in the final three quarters, respectively. Deleon led the Indians with 15 points, while john Harris had 13. Harris had three 3-point shots. That mentality of never quit no matter the score has been a hallmark of the Indians team this season. “I was really pleased with our effort, especially in the second half,” Washburn said. “No matter the situation, this team continues to compete and work hard. For that, I think good things are ahead for this team.” Powhatan was able to come back on Friday, on senior night, and grabbed an 80-59 win over Orange. It was senior night for the Indians, and the team had a long list of seniors to honor. Joseph Davis, Scott Dickerson, Julius Edwards, John Harris, Hunter Mitch-

around the outside to Livers, who hit a 3-pointer from well beyond the arc with eight seconds remaining to tie the game at 48 and sent the game to overtime. It was Livers’ first game back after he injured his knee last week. “It was great having him back,” Bobbitt said. “I thought he looked good.” Livers and Edmonds led the Knights with 13 points, while Dowdy had 11. In the first overtime, the Vikings continued their cold streak at the line, missing four of their first six tries at the line. Tony Rivas hit two free throws with 1:02 left in the overtime, giving the Vikings a twopoint lead. But, Reed Hildebrand answered on the other end with a tying layup that tied the game at 50 and the Knights defense shut down any chance at the win, sending the game to a second overtime. The teams traded turnovers in the first two possessions, and neither team was able to gain an edge until Valentine hit a 3-point shot with 2:20 left to put the Vikings ahead. Valentine extended the lead to five points with two free throws as Livers fouled

out. Edmonds trimmed the lead to three at the 1:20 mark, but the Vikings answered with a basket of their own. Dowdy had a basket with 45 seconds remaining to cut the lead to three again, but time was running out and Blessed Sacrament Huguenot was forced to start fouling, already with over 10 fouls as a team. While Brunswick Academy was only two-of-six from the line from the 32.2 seconds remaining on, the Knights were unable to cash in on their offensive possessions, and fell short of the win. The Knights fell 58-44 to Collegiate on Feb. 4, and had another game on Saturday. Five games remain on the regular season schedule for the Knights before the VCC tournament. “It’s just one game,” Bobbitt said. “We’ll keep going to war. We’ll keep going and we’re going to be that team in the tournament that no one wants to play. We just told the guys they have to keep fighting, and that the loss sucks. We just have to get ready for the next wave of games.”


Powhatan’s Justin Deleon (3) gets a layup against Western Albemarle. Deleon led the Indians with 15 points against the Patriots.

ell, Shaun Raynor, Tyler Taylor, Devin Toman, Richard Toxey and Michael Wells were all honored prior to the game. Harris was the leading scorer against Orange with 14 points, while Austin Washburn had 12. Raynor

added eight points. Powhatan’s regular season ended against Orange, and the Jefferson District playoffs are next, followed by the Conference 20 playoffs. The Indians were 7-14 this season, but have been

playing better basketball as of late. They may be able to make some noise come district and conference time. Billy Fellin can be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday. com. or on Twitter @BillyFellin.

Westerman celebrates senior night


Powhatan’s Courtney Westerman (40) celebrated Senior Night as the lone senior on the team. Here, she crashes the boards at the baseline against Western Albemarle and puts up the hard layup for another two points. Westerman has a leader on the team this season on an overall very young team.

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Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Maiolo becoming a rising star for Powhatan By Billy Fellin Sports Editor

On Dec. 12 at the A.S.S.I.S.T. tournament at Meadowbrook High School, there were lots of comments made by coaches and scorekeepers along the sideline during the game. Anyone near the scorer’s table would have heard comments such as ‘wow,’ and ‘she can play,’ and ‘wonder how many she’s going to get today.’ All these comments, along with the roars from the crowd, were directed toward Powhatan sophomore Kylee Maiolo. Maiolo scored 23 points that game, leading her team. Although the Indians fell to Kecoughtan that afternoon at Meadowbrook, the area had their eyes opened to a young talent for the Indians. “That’s my high score,” she said. “I hit most of my free throws that day, which was a huge accomplishment since I’ve been working on them all season. I had the support of my teammates. I couldn’t have done it without them. It was a good feeling having all the moral support.”

Indians Continued from page 1B

was next up for the Indians in the 113 class, and faced off against Jordan Smith of Hanover. McMillin led 4-2 after round one, and was able to get two points on a takedown and two more on a near fall to put away the match against Smith. “It was more of trying to stay in control on my feet,” he said. “I was trying to push the match and make it so I was controlling and dominating the match. It

Maiolo has been a spark throughout the season on an overall young Powhatan girls basketball team. In addition to her 23 point outburst against Kecougtan, she led the Indians with 12 points against Western Albemarle in January, and sank two key free throws against Monticello in a 46-45 win in December. “I just try my hardest and go 100-percent,” she said. “I just leave everything on the court.” Though her youth has shown at times, as all the underclassmen have shown in the 4-11 season the Indians have had this year, flashes like the game against Kecoughtan show what she can do on the court. “Since we’re young, and small, it’s going well,” she said. “We’re so young, but it’s going well.” Maiolo is a three-sport athlete at Powhatan, having played field hockey in the fall and will be playing soccer in the spring. Off the court, she said she’s involved in clubs such as Leftovers, which she described as being similar to Relay for Life. She said that both field

hockey and basketball are great conditioning sports for soccer, which she said is her favorite sport. When asked if she was excited for soccer season, she had a very excited “yes” answer.

“Hopefully it’s better than the past few years,” she said of her outlook on the upcoming soccer season. “We’ve really grown as a team. We have our star players coming back, which is great.”

Before getting to soccer season, which starts March 14 at home against Monacan, Maiolo and the Indians have the Jefferson District and Conference 20 playoffs ahead. While their 4-11 record

may not show it, the team has the chance to make some noise given its gritty play throughout the season.

feels great, I’m glad that I won. It gives me a lot of good thoughts for next week for my first time in the postseason.” Defending Group 4A state champion Collin Gerardi completed the Indians three-match run in another dominating win over Ian Baker of Monacan. Gerardi got a quick five points in round one, three from a near fall and two on a takedown. After that, Gerardi got another five in round two as he cruised to a conference title.

“It was pretty dominant, like I expected it to be,” he said. “I got the outcome I wanted.” At 138, Powhatan’s Sam Tomlinson faced Reggie Mouton of Hanover. Tomlinson was in the match after the first round, down just 5-4, but a 3-0 run for Mouton put Tomlinson behind and he was unable to comeback for the win. “Sam Tomlinson wrestled a tough kid from Hanover,” Tanaka said. “He battled pretty hard there.” Hunter Smith in the 220 weight class was the next-

to-last match of the afternoon and he grabbed the fourth title of the day for the Indians. Smith faced Huguenot’s Maxwell Ajala, and was up 6-0 after two rounds with some quality takedowns. Ajala was able to get two points to start round three, but a reversal from Smith followed by a near fall closed out the match for the title. Powhatan will participate in the Region 4A East tournament on Saturday at Churchland High School in Suffolk. While some of the

Indians will be going to the region tournament for the first time, others, such as Jordan and Gerardi are veterans. Gerardi, for one, sees little standing in his way of repeating as a state champion. “I don’t see anything stopping me,” he said. “I’m just trying to get the team on the same page. That really builds it up, having everyone there. It really boosts everyone’s confidence.” Tanaka said that the team has done a good job

of exposing themselves to the type of competition that they’ll encounter on Saturday. “We just have to have a good week of practice, and make sure we stay healthy this week,” he said. “Great Bridge, Eastern View are both going to be tough. We’ve seen them already, so we know what to expect. It’s just a matter of preparing. We’re wrestling really well right now.”


Powhatan’s Kylee Maiolo (10) dribbles upcourt against Western Albemarle at Powhatan on Feb. 6. Maiolo is a sophomore and one of many young players on the Indians this season. But, she’s shown sparks of being a consistent scoring threat for the Indians in the future.

Billy Fellin can be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday. com. or on Twitter @BillyFellin.

Billy Fellin can be reached at wfellin@powhatantoday. com. or on Twitter @BillyFellin.


Left: Powhatan’s JD McMillin escapes from Hanover’s Jordan Smith. McMillin won the conference title with an 8-3 win. Center: Powhatan’s Collin Gerardi smothers Monacan’s ian Baker en route to a dominating 16-3 win. Right: In the 220 weight class, Powhatan’s Hunter Smith had an 11-2 win over Huguenot’s Maxwell Ajala to secure the Conference 20 title at that class.

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Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

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FOX Sports Live Å NFL Films Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge NASCAR Racing Stories SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College GameDay Å College Basketball 30 for 30 Shorts 30 for 30 Å 30 for 30 Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball SportsNet Redskins SportsNet SportsTalk Fame Atlantic 10 Cavaliers Va. Tech Basket. ACC College Basketball Good Morning America Good Morning Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Rock-Park Explore Raceline Paid Prog. CBS6 News CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (S) Å Battle Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Innovation Inspectors Bask Live Life Wild Amer. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Tip-Off College Basketball Today (N) (S) Å News Today: Saturday Floogals Nina’s Ruf-Tweet Astroblast Clangers LazyTown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ID Theft Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Washington Journal (N) (S Live) Washington This Week (S) Plow & Hearth Great Outdoors Unique Gardens Saturday Morning Q “Gardening Edition” Garden Greener Victory This Old House Hr Hometime Woodright Woodsmith Chefs Life Cook Martha Kitchen Tiger Tiger Curious Nature Cat Thomas Builder Tiger Tiger Curious Nature Cat Wild Kratts Wild Kratts New Day Saturday (N) New Day Saturday (N) Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Up (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Skincare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In Bob Massi Jour. Anger Anger How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “X-Men: Last” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Suits Å (DVS) English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) ›› “Rumor Has It...” Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Trophy” Law & Order (S) ››› “Collateral” (2004, Suspense) Tom Cruise. Å Exit Wnds Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House ›› “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep. Å (DVS) Valentine Tiny House Nation (S) Tiny House Nation (S) Zombie House Flipping What Would You Do? What Would You Do? What Would You Do? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996) Adam Sandler. (S) ›› “Tommy Boy” (1995, Comedy) Chris Farley. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Comedy South Park South Park Å South Park South Park South Park ›› “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” (2006) Rifles Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Deadliest Job Deadliest Job Deadliest Job The Age Of Aerospace Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme My Cat From Hell (S) My Cat From Hell (S) Too Cute! (S) Å The Secret Dogs Dogs 101 (S) Å To Be Announced Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Rangers Alvinnn!!! Tmrrwland Sofia Mickey The Lion Mako Mako Bunk’d (S) Girl Meets K.C. Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Austin ›› “The Object of My Affection” (1998) ›› “Dear John” (2010, Romance) Channing Tatum. ›› “The Perfect Man” (2005) Family Feud (S) Å FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud ››› “Boys on the Side” (1995, Drama) Whoopi Goldberg. Premiere. Å Reba (S) Bloodbros. ››› “Days of Heaven” (1978) Richard Gere. ››› “The Magnificent Seven” (1960) Yul Brynner. Å “American-Emily” Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Be My Valentine” (2013) William Baldwin. Å ID Theft Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Skincare Paid Prog. Sub-D Cosmetics Project Runway ›› “She’s Too Young” Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Be.- Made Brunch at Daphne D. Southern Farmhouse Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Valerie’s Giada Mercy Ships: (S) Prince Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Zoe Ever Zoe Ever Zoe Ever After Zoe Ever Martin (S) Martin (S) ››› “Elf” (2003) (S) ›› “Kicking & Screaming” (2005, Comedy) Will Ferrell. (S) Teen Mom (S) Å Teen Mom (S) Å Girl Code The Flavor of Love (S) The Flavor of Love (S) The Flavor of Love “Flavor of Decision” (S) The Flavor of Love (S) I Love New York (S) Pokémon Nexo Kni. Teen Teen Tom/Jerry Bunnicula Wabbit Be Cool Teen Teen Clarence Steven Paid Prog. Paid Prog. “Dungeons & Dragons: Book of Vile Dark” ››› “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986) Å Aliens vs Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Walk:Dead CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) Hot 20 Countdown “Hot 20 Countdown” (N) Å Party Down South Modern Marvels (S) Last Stand of the 300: (S) Å First Invasion: The War of 1812: (S) Å Weird Warfare: (S) Veggie Wonder Kids Club Stories RocKids Auto B. Gd Paha. Is. Veggie Monster Hopkins Lassie (EI) Goliath




NASCAR Race Hub UFC Fight Night: Hendricks vs. Thompson. (In Stereo) Å College Basketball: Oregon State at Stanford. College Basketball: Florida State at Syracuse. College Basketball: Iowa at Indiana. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: Connecticut at Temple. (N) College Basketball: Oregon at California. (Live) Basketball NBA NFL Live Å Wizards Wizards NBA Basketball: Washington Wizards at Milwaukee Bucks. Postgame Women’s College Basketball Wheel Jeopardy! Grey’s Anatomy Å Scandal (N) (In Stereo) Get Away With Murder News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood Big Bang Life in Mom Å Angel-Hell Elementary (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang American Idol “Showcase No. 2: Judges Vote” Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. You, Me and The Blacklist (N) Å Shades of Blue Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Elementary (In Stereo) Outsiders Å How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met US House of Representatives Special Orders: Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Denim & Co. AeroPilates Shoe Shopping With Jane Franco Sarto Oil Cosmetics PBS NewsHour Å Currents Inside Out Democratic Debate (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mercy Street Å Charlie Rose (N) Å Well Read As Time... Finding Your Roots Civil War Unt Shakespeare PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special: CNN Special: Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Profit Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit The Profit The Profit Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “The Watch” (2012) › “Grown Ups 2” (2013) Adam Sandler. Å Baskets Baskets Baskets › “Grown Ups 2” (2013, Comedy) Law & Order: SVU WWE SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Colony “Geronimo” (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU NBA Tip-Off (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Pelicans at Thunder Inside the NBA Å NBA Basketball Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Broke Girl Broke Girl Conan (N) Å Full Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48: Detective Nightwatch (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) ››‡ “Iron Man 2” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Bar Rescue (In Stereo) South Park South Park Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Work. Idiotsitter Daily Show Nightly At Mid. Work. Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Å To Be Announced Diesel Brothers Å Diesel Brothers Å My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Extreme Weight Loss “Jarvez” (In Stereo) Å Skin Tight (In Stereo) My 600-Lb. Life Wild West Alaska Å Wild West Alaska (N) Alaska Alaska Alaskan Bush People Wild West Alaska Alaska Alaska Paradise Henry ›‡ “Zookeeper” (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends K.C. Austin ›› “Teen Beach 2” (2015) Ross Lynch. Å Liv-Mad. Austin Bunk’d Girl Meets Jessie Jessie Lucky One ››‡ “The Notebook” (2004, Romance) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. The 700 Club Å “Just Married” (2003) Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “She Done Him” ›››‡ “Imitation of Life” (1934, Drama) Å ››› “Gold Diggers of 1933” (1933) ›››› “Top Hat” (1935, Musical) Last Man Last Man “Love on the Sidelines” (2016) Emily Kinney. The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway Child Genius: Battle Little Women: Atlanta Project Runway Beach Beach Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Five Day Flip (N) Å Flip or Flip or Chopped Kids Baking Chopped Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Chopped Martin (In Stereo) Å Martin Martin Criminals at Work Zoe Ever Zoe Ever Husbands Husbands Wendy Williams Show Story Story Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Story Broke A$$ Ridiculous. South Park South Park “Fool’s Gold” (2008) ››› “Hitch” (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith. Premiere. (In Stereo) ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith. (In Stereo) We Bare We Bare King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ›› “Resident Evil” (2002) Milla Jovovich. Å ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004, Horror) Wesley Snipes. Å Beowulf “The Return” Beowulf Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Walk:Dead Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Party Down South (N) Redneck Island (N) Party Down South Foxx Foxx Vikings “Born Again” Vikings “Paris” Å Vikings (In Stereo) Å Vikings (In Stereo) Å Vikings “The Dead” Vikings “Paris” Å Drive Potters Trinity J. Osteen Prince Hillsong Praise the Lord Å Acts of S. Furtick Bless Lord



The Herd Varied Programs NASCAR Race Hub Varied Programs SportCtr Outside NFL Insiders NFL Live Nation Question Around Pardon SportsCenter First Take His & Hers NFL Live Nation Question Around Pardon Hockey Varied Programs Paid Prog. Varied Best of Dan Patrick Varied Redskins SportsNet SportsNet The Chew General Hospital The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC News The Young Bold The Talk Ellen DeGeneres Show Steve Harvey News News News CBS News The Doctors Meredith Vieira Jerry Springer Maury Jdg Judy Jdg Judy FamFeud FamFeud Days of our Lives Rachael Ray Wendy Williams Show News Inside Ed. News News News NBC News In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods House of Representatives Varied Programs Varied Programs Dinosaur Cat in the Sid Cliff Pup Martha WordGirl WordGirl Odd Cyberchas Wild Kratts News Business Virginia Senate Live Dinosaur Dinosaur Super Why Thomas Sesame Cat in the Curious Peep Charlie Rose Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper The Situation Room The Situation Room MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts MSNBC Live With Kate Snow MTP Daily With All Due Respect Power Lunch Varied Programs Closing Bell Varied Programs Fast Mny Varied Mad Money Happening Now The Real Story Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto The Five Special Report How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Varied Anger Varied Two Men Mike Mike Movie Varied Programs Bones Bones Bones Castle Castle Castle Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy New Girl New Girl Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Varied Programs Dateline Varied Dateline Varied Dateline Varied Dateline Varied Dateline Varied Programs Pit Bulls and Parolees Animal Cops Houston To Be Announced Blaze Blaze Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Thunder Thunder Sofia Sofia Varied Programs Gravity Varied Jessie Jessie Varied Girl Meets Varied Programs Last Man Last Man Varied Programs The Middle The Middle The Middle Varied Programs Gunsmoke Varied Gunsmoke Varied Gunsmoke Varied Gunsmoke Varied Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Home & Family Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Last Man Last Man Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Varied Programs Pioneer Contessa The Kitchen Giada Giada Contessa Contessa Pioneer Varied Programs Payne Prince Varied Prince Martin Martin Payne Payne Varied Payne Varied Programs Varied Programs Ridiculous. Varied Programs Varied Programs Tom-Jerry Wabbit Uncle Gra. Uncle Gra. Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Clarence Steven Teen Gumball Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Steve Austin’s Cowboys Cheerleaders Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Last Man Last Man Varied Programs Marriage Varied Robison Potters The 700 Club J. Hagee Varied Praise Varied Programs





Stories NASCAR Racing Hub ARCA Series Racing: Daytona. (N) (Live) Å NASCAR RaceDay (N) College Basketball GameDay College Basketball: Kansas at Oklahoma. (Live) College Basketball: Virginia at Duke. (N) (Live) Basketball College Basketball College Basketball: Purdue at Michigan. (Live) College Basketball: Louisville at Notre Dame. College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball: Georgia Tech at Clemson. College Basketball: William & Mary at Towson. SportsNet Race Athlete Paid Prog. World of X Games (N) Shall We Dance on Ice: (N) (S) Å Bones (S) Å News ABC News College Basketball: Texas A&M at LSU. (Live) PGA Tour Golf: AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Third Round. (N) (Live) Å News CBS News College Basketball Hoops College Basketball: Xavier at Butler. (N) (S Live) Coach (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FamFeud FamFeud U.S. Olympic Trials: Marathon. (N) (S Live) Å Skiing Skiing News NBC News Walker, Texas Ranger Elementary (S) Å Elementary (S) Å Elementary “Heroine” Elementary (S) Å Blue Bloods (S) Å Washington This Week Washington This Week (S) Commun Saturday Morning Q Scott Living Unique Gardens Patio & Garden Unique Gardens Chef Pépin Paint Paint This Travel Equitrek Antiques Roadshow Aviators Currents Weekend Charlie Odd Arthur This Old House Hr Julia Child Victory Old House Old House Old House Hometime Charlie Rose (S) Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish Weekends-Witt Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ID Theft Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News HQ America’s News HQ The Five America’s News HQ “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) (S) ›› “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) Hugh Jackman. (S) “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011) ›› “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle” (2003) “Safe Haven” (2013) ›› “Rumor Has It...” ››› “Charlie’s Angels” (2000) Cameron Diaz. › “Exit Wounds” (2001, Action) ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987, Action) Mel Gibson. Å Open Court NBA Talent Challenge ›› “Valentine’s Day” (2010) Jessica Alba. Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch (S) Å Nightwatch (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å The First 48 (S) Å Tommy ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996) Adam Sandler. (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Vegas Cops (S) Cops (S) Super Ex › “My Best Friend’s Girl” (2008) Dane Cook. Å › “Good Luck Chuck” (2007) Dane Cook, Jessica Alba. Å Employee Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival (S) Å Dual Survival (S) Å Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud (S) Å Diesel Brothers (S) Extreme Weight Loss “Michael” (S) Å Extreme Weight Loss “Nyla” (S) Å Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” (S) (Part 1 of 2) To Be Announced Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. “Splitting Adam” (2015, Comedy) Jace Norman. Thunder Thunder Nicky Henry Austin Best Fr. Jessie (S) Jessie (S) Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin K.C. Bunk’d (S) Jessie (S) Girl Meets Girl Meets Perfect ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005) Debra Messing. › “License to Wed” (2007) Robin Williams. ›› “You Again” (2010) Kristen Bell. Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba Å Reba Å Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) “American-Emily” And the Oscar Goes To...: Å ›› “Best Friends” (1982) Burt Reynolds. ››› “Hooper” (1978) “Lead With Your Heart” (2015) Billy Baldwin. “Bridal Wave” (2015, Drama) Arielle Kebbel. “A Country Wedding” (2015) Jesse Metcalfe. ›› “She’s Too Young” “Stolen From the Suburbs” (2015, Suspense) “The Bride He Bought Online” (2015) Å “Damaged” (2014) Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Kids Baking Cake Wars Worst Cooks All-Star Academy All-Star Academy All-Star Academy Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Å Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Å Martin (S) Martin (S) Martin (S) Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code “Divorce” (S) Girl Code ›› “Project X” (2012, Comedy) (S) I Love NY I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love NY We Bare Gumball Teen Teen Clarence Steven We Bare Gumball Teen We Bare Regular Regular ›› “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem” ››› “Serenity” (2005, Science Fiction) Nathan Fillion. Å ››› “Men in Black” (1997) Tommy Lee Jones. Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Walk:Dead Party Down South Party Down South Redneck Island Redneck Island ››› “Gran Torino” (2008) Clint Eastwood. Å Weird Warfare: (S) Art of War: (S) Å Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Ishine Inspir. Praise the Lord Å M Lucado News Praise the Lord Å The Bible:


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FOX Sports Live Å FOX Sports Live Å Match Day Bundesliga Soccer NASCAR Race Hub (N) Dream SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside Reporters SEC Storied Wm. Basketball SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet Game 365 Redskins Fame Va. Tech Shell CSN Adventure Sports Good Morning America Good Morning This Week In Touch First Baptist Church Relief McCarver CBS 6 Sunday Morning St. Paul’s Deliver CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) Face the Nation (N) (S) Changers Bull Riding Faith: Paid Prog. Miracles How- Win Fox News Sunday Attkisson Paid Prog. Faith: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour Cosmetics More Gold Search Creflo Doll David Paid Prog. Law & Order (S) Å Performance LA Marathon (N) (Live) Å Washington Journal (S) News Washington This Week (S) Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms VitaMix: Blend: Sundays With Carolyn & Dan “Vitamix” In the Kitchen David WordWorld Peep Curious Farming Richmond Religion Charlie American McL’ghlin Contrary Mack Inside Out Sesame Tiger Curious Nature Cat Sid Dinosaur Sesame Tiger Curious Nature Cat Wild Kratts Wild Kratts New Day Sunday (N) New Day Politics State of the Union (N) Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Lockup Business PoliticsNation (N) Up (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends-Witt Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) News HQ Housecall Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike “Captain America-Avgr” Paid Prog. Jeremiah P. Chris J. Osteen Chrisley Colony “Geronimo” ›› “Safe Haven” (2013, Romance) Josh Duhamel. NBA Basketball: 2016 State Farm All-Star Saturday Night. Law & Order “Savior” Law & Order “Deceit” Sports Illustrated: Pirates Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) Friends (S) › “Cop Out” (2010, Comedy) Bruce Willis. Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Xtreme Off Engine Truck Detroit Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Comedy Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die 1,000 Ways to Die Ways Die Paid Prog. Amazing J. Osteen In Touch Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Animals in Love (S) Animals in Love (S) North Woods Law (S) North Woods Law (S) North Woods Law (S) North Woods Law (S) Sponge. Sponge. Rangers Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Tmrrwland Sofia Mickey The Lion Jessie (S) Dog Dog Austin Austin K.C. K.C. Jessie ›› “A Lot Like Love” (2005) Ashton Kutcher. ›› “The Perfect Man” (2005) Hilary Duff. ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005) Debra Messing. Old Christine Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls The Golden Girls (S) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls ››› “Love Affair” (1939) Å ››› “The Awful Truth” (1937) Irene Dunne. “Philadelphia” ›› “Fanny” (1961) Leslie Caron. Love Lucy Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Appetite for Love” (2016) Taylor Cole. Å In Touch Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Cosmetics Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta “What Women Want” Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Contessa Contessa Giada Trisha’s Pioneer Guy’s, Bite Valerie’s Pioneer Giada Trisha’s Southern Brunch at D. Grier Creflo Doll P. Popoff P. Chris Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice ›› “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (2008, Comedy) “American Pie 2” (S) ›› “American Wedding” (2003, Comedy) Jason Biggs. (S) ›› “Project X” (2012, Comedy) Thomas Mann. ››› 8 Mile I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) Rock of Love With Bret Michaels Rock Pokémon Teen Teen Teen Tom/Jerry Bunnicula Wabbit Be Cool Teen Teen Clarence Steven Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Magicians Å ›› “The Golden Compass” (2007) Nicole Kidman. Å “An American Werewolf in Paris” Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead “Conquer” Å The Walking Dead Å CMT Music (S) CMT Music (S) Hot 20 Countdown “Hot 20 Countdown” Å Steve Austin’s United Stuff The Godfather Legacy: (S) Å The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre: (S) Å Ax Men “Sloppy Joe” By Faith Dr. Tony Passion Touching Franklin Turning Walk Win Walk Prince Carpenter Schuller In Touch

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

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NHRA Drag Racing College Basketball: USC at Arizona. (Live) Å Daytona 500 Pole FOX Sports Live (Live) TMZ Big East SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2015 CrossFit Games 2015 CrossFit Games 30 for 30 Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportCtr Gymnastic 30 for 30 Rugby: Americas Championship TBA Sport Science (N) ESPN FC (N) SportsNet More Than CSN Shogun Fights (N) SportsNet Cap Cent Dell Int. Wizards SportsNet Cap Cent Funniest Home Videos The Bachelor at 20: A Celebration of Love: (N) Castle (In Stereo) Å News Scandal (In Stereo) Blue Blood 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Madam Secretary Å The Good Wife Å CSI: Cyber (In Stereo) News Person of Interest Å Extra Å Simpsons Burgers Simpsons Barrett Fam. Guy Bordertwn News Big Bang ROH Wrestling Big Bang Mod Fam Dateline NBC (N) Å Saturday Night Live The Tonight Show Valentine’s Day Special: (N) News Inside Ed. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› “The Game Plan” (2007, Comedy) Å ››‡ “Batman Returns” (1992, Action) Michael Keaton. Å ›››‡ “Big” (1988) Washington This Week Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Road to the White Q & A (In Stereo) Question Time: Quacker Factory VitaMix: Blend: LOGO by Lori: Susan Graver Style VitaMix: Blend: Computer Shop Globe Trekker Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Mercy Street (N) Å Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic JohDen: Rock My Soul: (In Stereo) Å John Denver: Country Boy: Å Rock My Soul: (In Stereo) Å Locked Out: Fall: CNN Newsroom The History of the Eagles “Part 1” (Part 1 of 2) The History of the Eagles “Part 2” Anthony Bourd. Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw The Filthy The Filthy 139th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Closing Night” 139th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show FOX Report (N) Fox News Reporting Stossel Greg Gutfeld Fox News Reporting FOX Report ››› “Thor” (2011) Å ››‡ “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) Chris Hemsworth. Å ››‡ “Thor: The Dark World” (2013) Chris Hemsworth. Å Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam NBA Tip-Off (N) (Live) Å 2016 NBA All-Star Game (N) (Live) Å 2016 NBA All-Star Game Å “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Tip-Off 2016 NBA All-Star Game (N) (Live) Full ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003, Action) Hoarders (In Stereo) Hoarders (In Stereo) Hoarders (In Stereo) Intervention (In Stereo) Fit to Fat to Fit Å Hoarders (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Bar Rescue “Chumps” Bar Rescue (In Stereo) Couples ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler. ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. Å “Zack and Miri Make” Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Last Frontier Deadliest Job Last Frontier Long Island Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Married by Mom & Dad Long Island Medium Married by Mom & Dad North Woods Law Å North Woods Law (N) North Woods Curse/Gold Curse/Gold North Woods Law SpongeBob Thunder Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends ›››‡ “Frozen” (2013) Å Stuck Bunk’d Jessie Liv-Mad. K.C. Stuck Austin Jessie Jessie ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. ›› “Monster-in-Law” (2005) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda. J. Osteen Jeremiah Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King ›››‡ “Sabrina” (1954) ›››› “Casablanca” (1942) Humphrey Bogart. ›››‡ “Now, Voyager” (1942) Bette Davis. “Jezebel” (1938) “Harvest Moon” (2015, Drama) Jessy Schram. “Anything for Love” (2016) Erika Christensen. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Wrong Swipe” (2016) Anna Hutchison. Å “Abducted: The Jocelyn Shaker Story” (2015) “Wrong Swipe” (2016) Anna Hutchison. Å Love It or List It Å Beach Beach Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunters Caribbean Caribbean Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Worst Cooks All-Star Academy (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Worst Cooks Payne Payne House of Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne P. Popoff Paid Prog. “Coach Carter” (2005) ››› “8 Mile” (2002, Drama) Eminem. (In Stereo) Å Story Story Story Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Mob Wives (In Stereo) Steven Steven King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Venture Aqua TV ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. Å ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) Brendan Fraser. “Mortal Instruments” The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Talking Dead (N) Å The Walking Dead Å Comic Walk:Dead “Grumpy Old Men” Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Redneck Island Party Down South Foxx Foxx Ax Men (In Stereo) Logged and Loaded Ax Men (N) (In Stereo) Live to Tell (In Stereo) Billion Dollar Wreck Logged and Loaded Lead Way BlessLife J. Osteen K. Shook Copeland Creflo Doll ›› “Love Comes Softly” (2003) “Love’s Enduring Promise” (2004)


Red Bull Crashed Ice NHRA Drag Racing: Pomona. Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports Best-Herd College Basketball College Basketball: Oklahoma State at Kansas. SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball: Bulls at Cardinals Basketball Nation Jalen NFL Live U.S. Olympic Trials: Marathon. (In Stereo) Race SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Wizards Wheel Jeopardy! The Bachelor (N) (In Stereo) Å Castle “Dead Red” (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline Grammy Red: The 58th Annual Grammy Awards: (N) (In Stereo Live) Å News Late Show-Colbert Big Bang Big Bang The X-Files “Babylon” Lucifer (N) (In Stereo) Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Superstore Telenovela The Biggest Loser (N) (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers ››‡ “Batman Returns” (1992, Action) Michael Keaton. Å ››› “The Last Samurai” (2003, Adventure) Tom Cruise. Å Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Inspired Style (N) Computer Shop PM Style with Shawn Killinger (N) Computer Shop Spring Decorating PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Doc Martin (In Stereo) Civil War Unt Charlie Rose (N) Å Steves-Rome: “National Gallery” (2014, Documentary) Nicholas Penny, Larry Keith. PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Quiz Show: Race: CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Quiz Show: Race: Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Profit 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (N) (Live) 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File “Hansel & Gretel” ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003) “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse” Law & Order: SVU WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Colony “Geronimo” “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” Law & Order Law & Order Major Crimes (N) Å Major Crimes Å Law & Order Law & Order Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Angie Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Full Conan Å Angie Conan The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) The First 48 (In Stereo) Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Unrivaled: Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk The Comedy Central Roast Å Daily Show Nightly At Mid. South Park Fast N’ Loud Å Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud (N) Å Diesel Brothers Å Fast N’ Loud Å Diesel Brothers Å Dateline on TLC Å Dateline on TLC Å Dateline on TLC Å Dateline on TLC Å Dateline on TLC Å Dateline on TLC Å To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Thunder Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends (In Stereo) Å Friends Friends Girl Meets Jessie Bunk’d Stuck Liv-Mad. Best Fr. K.C. Best Fr. Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Jessie Jessie “Nat’l Treasure” The Fosters (In Stereo) Recovery Road Å The Fosters (In Stereo) The 700 Club Å The Middle The Middle Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Desperate Journey” ››› “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” (1940, Biography) ›››› “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (1942, Musical) “Treasure-Sierra” Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls The Rap Game Å The Rap Game Å The Rap Game Å The Rap Game Å Little Women: Atlanta The Rap Game Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Ellen’s Design Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny Tiny Ellen’s Design Diners Diners Kids Baking Cake Wars (N) Cake Wars Chopped Cake Wars Criminals at Work Martin Martin Martin Martin (In Stereo) Å Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams Show ›› “Step Up 3” (2010, Drama) Rick Malambri. Teen Mom (In Stereo) Teen Mom (In Stereo) True Life (N) (In Stereo) True Life (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop ›› “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” (2005, Crime Drama) (In Stereo) “The Breaks” (2016, Drama) Gumball Gumball King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) The Magicians (N) Lost Girl (N) (In Stereo) Bitten (N) Å The Magicians Better Call Saul Å Better Call Saul Å Better Call Saul Å Better Call Saul Å Talking Saul (N) Better Call Saul Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Reba Å Reba Å To Be Announced Swamp People (N) Å Billion Dollar Wreck (N) Billion Dollar Wreck To Be Announced Rodriguez Potters Trinity GregLau Franklin Duplantis Praise the Lord Å Graham J. Osteen P. Stone




Dream Monster Jam (N) Å Women’s College Basketball UFC NHRA Drag Racing: Pomona. (N) (Live) Å PBA Bowling: USBC Masters. (N) (Live) Å Globetrotters 90th Spike Lee’s Lil’ Joints SportsCenter Special SportsCenter (N) (Live) Wm. Basketball Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball College Gymnastics Women’s College Basketball: Pride at Dukes College Basketball Women’s College Basketball We Have a Dream: Paid Prog. Raw Travel Paid Prog. Cars.TV Box Office 1st Family News ABC News College Basketball PGA Tour Golf: AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Final Round. (N) (Live) Å News NASCAR Racing Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sports Legends Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Two Men Two Men More Gold Snowboarding Skiing NHL Hockey: Boston Bruins at Detroit Red Wings. (S Live) News NBC News ››› “Big” (1988, Comedy) Tom Hanks. Å ››› “The Last Samurai” (2003, Adventure) Tom Cruise. Å ››› “Big” (1988) Washington This Week (S) Newsmakers (S) In the Kitchen With David “Vitamix” VitaMix: Blend: Quacker Factory Currents Real Va. John Denver: Country Boy: (S) Å Currents Smith Mtn. Lake Father Brown (S) Å Weekend Start Up Odd Odd Arthur Cyberchas Wash Charlie Contrary Religion Cooking Martha John DenverCB: Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN News All Ac CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Weekends-Witt Meet the Press Å Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetics Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Bob Massi Jour. America’s News HQ MediaBuzz Fox News Sunday “Captain America-Avgr” ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr. (S) Å ››› “Thor” (2011, Action) (S) Å Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp. ››› “Batman Begins” (2005, Action) Christian Bale. Å (DVS) ›› “The Pacifier” (2005, Comedy) Vin Diesel. ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Å “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Ocean 11 ››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004, Comedy-Drama) George Clooney. (S) Å ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” (2007) George Clooney. (S) Å Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) South Park South Park ›› “Employee of the Month” (2006, Comedy) Dane Cook. ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. Å Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Alaska: Last Say Yes Say Yes Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life North Woods Law (S) North Woods North Woods Law (S) North Woods North Woods Law (S) North Woods Law (S) Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Bunk’d (S) Girl Meets K.C. Austin Austin Austin K.C. K.C. › “License to Wed” (2007) Robin Williams. ›› “You Again” (2010) Kristen Bell. › “Bride Wars” (2009) Kate Hudson. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) Reba (S) “Philadelphia” ›››› “Adam’s Rib” (1949) Spencer Tracy. ››› “Born Yesterday” (1950) Judy Holliday. “Sabrina” (1954) Å “All Things Valentine” (2015) Sarah Rafferty. “Valentine Ever After” (2016) Autumn Reeser. “October Kiss” (2015) Ashley Williams. Å ›› “Made of Honor” (2008) Patrick Dempsey. “Kidnapped: The Hannah Anderson Story” Å ›› “What Women Want” (2000) Mel Gibson. Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Barefoot Contessa (N) Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking Worst Cooks ›› “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” (1996) Martin Lawrence. Å Payne House of Payne Payne Payne Payne ››› “8 Mile” (2002, Drama) Eminem, Kim Basinger. (S) Å Teen Mom “Forgive & Forget” (S) ››› “Coach Carter” (2005) Samuel L. Jackson. Rock Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Michaels Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret Rock of Love With Bret We Bare Gumball Teen Teen Clarence Steven We Bare Gumball Teen Teen Steven Steven AmerWere ›› “The Wolfman” (2010) Benicio Del Toro. ›› “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones” (2013, Fantasy) Lily Collins. Mummy Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Last Man ›› “Grumpy Old Men” (1993) Ax Men “Family Tree” Ax Men (S) Å Billion Dollar Wreck (S) Ax Men “Root Canal” Ax Men (S) Å Ax Men “Log Eat Log” PowerPnt. Is Written Pathway Super Kelinda Jesse J. Hagee Marriage Bal. Living G. Dickow T.D. Jakes J. Meyer



NASCAR RaceDay (N) The Masters Agility Championship: Motorcycle Racing: Monster Energy Supercross: San Diego. (Live) Å College Basketball College Basketball: Texas at Iowa State. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball College Basketball: Tulsa at Connecticut. (Live) College Basketball Basketball NBA Ovechkin Capitals NHL Hockey: Washington Capitals at Dallas Stars. (N) Capitals SportsNet Wizards SportsNet Hockey Wheel Jeopardy! Scandal (In Stereo) Get Away With Murder 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News The Good Wife Å Castle Hidden Court 48 Hours (In Stereo) Republican Debate (N) (In Stereo Live) News Person of Interest Å Elmntry Big Bang Big Bang NASCAR Racing: Sprint Unlimited. (N) News Mod Fam Animation Domination Paid Prog. RightSide Entertainment Tonight Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å Saturday Night Live News Saturday Night Live (In Stereo) Å Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) Blue Bloods (In Stereo) ››› “The Last Samurai” (2003, Adventure) Tom Cruise. Å Washington This Week (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Outdoor Escapes Gardening Made Easy Garden Party With Carolyn VitaMix: Blend: Lawrence Welk Keep Up As Time... Doc Martin (In Stereo) Masterpiece Classic Globe Trekker Bluegrass Chefs Life Changing Changing Nature (In Stereo) Å NOVA (N) (In Stereo) Earthflight-Nat Front and Center Å Globe Trekker CNN Newsroom The Sixties The Sixties The Sixties CNN Republican Debate Special: (N) (Live) My Mother’s Garden: The Assassination: Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å Undercover Boss Å FOX Report (N) Stossel Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine “Capt. America” ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr. (In Stereo) Å The People v. Mike Mike ›› “Safe Haven” (2013, Romance) ›‡ “The Best of Me” (2014, Romance) Michelle Monaghan. Colony “Geronimo” Suits Å (DVS) NBA Tip-Off (Live) Å NBA Basketball: 2016 State Farm All-Star Saturday Night. Sports Illustrated: ››› “Batman Begins” (2005) Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Angie ›› “Valentine’s Day” The First 48: Love Kills The First 48: Love Kills The First 48 The First 48 The First 48: Love Kills The First 48: Love Kills Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler. ›‡ “Big Daddy” (1999, Comedy) Adam Sandler. ›› “Employee of the Month” (2006, Comedy) Diesel Brothers Å MythBusters (In Stereo) Naked Afraid Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å Naked and Afraid Å My Fat Saved My Life: Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Sex Sent Me Sex Sent Me Untold Stories of ER Treehouse Masters To Be Announced Yankee Jungle (N) Pit Bulls and Parolees To Be Announced Pit Bulls and Parolees Henry Danger Å Thunder Nicky Bella 100 Things Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Girl Meets Liv-Mad. “Mark & Russell’s Wild Ride” Å K.C. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Austin Best Fr. Jessie Jessie You Again ›‡ “Bride Wars” (2009, Comedy) Kate Hudson. ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl. Premiere. ›› “Monster-in-Law” Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King ››› “Hooper” (1978) ››› “Steel Magnolias” (1989) Sally Field. Å ›››‡ “Being There” (1979, Comedy) Peter Sellers. Å ››› Lolita “Appetite for Love” (2016) Taylor Cole. Å “Valentine Ever After” (2016) Autumn Reeser. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Damaged” (2014) “Wrong Swipe” (2016) Anna Hutchison. Å “The Wrong Roommate” (2016) Eric Roberts. “Wrong Swipe” (2016) Fixer Upper Å Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å House Hunters Reno Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers Å All-Star Academy All-Star Academy All-Star Academy All-Star Academy All-Star Academy All-Star Academy Martin Martin ››‡ “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (2008, Comedy) ›› “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” (1996) Å Project X ››› “American Pie” (1999) Jason Biggs. ››‡ “American Pie 2” (2001) Jason Biggs. ›› “American Wedding” (2003) I Love NY I Love New York Å I Love New York Å I Love New York Å I Love New York Å I Love New York (In Stereo) Å Adventure Adventure Dragon King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Dragon Akame ›› “Men in Black II” (2002) Tommy Lee Jones. ››› “The Mummy” (1999, Adventure) Brendan Fraser. Å The Magicians Å Magicians Walk:Dead The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Å Walk:Dead “Gran Torino” (2008) ››‡ “Grumpy Old Men” (1993, Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Steve Austin’s Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Precious Memories In Touch Hour Power: Schuller Graham Classic “The Beautiful Beast” (2013) Shona Kay.





College Basketball: Creighton at Butler. (Live) Boxing (N) (Live) Å FOX Sports Live (Live) Sports Best-Herd College Basketball: Michigan at Ohio State. (N) College Basketball: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: West Virginia at Texas. (N) College Basketball: Iowa State at Baylor. (Live) Basketball Nation Jalen NFL Live NHL Hockey: Los Angeles Kings at Washington Capitals. (N) Capitals SportsTalk SportsNet Redskins SportsTalk SportsNet Cap Cent Wheel Jeopardy! Fresh-Boat Muppets Marvel’s Agent Carter What Would You Do? News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Hollywood NCIS “React” (N) NCIS: New Orleans (N) Limitless (N) (In Stereo) News Late Show-Colbert Corden Big Bang Big Bang New Girl Grand Brooklyn Grinder Fox News at Ten Å Mike Two Men Mod Fam Two Men ET Inside Ed. Hollywood Game Night Chicago Med “Clarity” Chicago Fire (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Meyers ››› “The Last Samurai” (2003) Tom Cruise. Outsiders (N) Å Outsiders Å Outsiders Å Outsiders Å Key Capitol Hill Hearings: (In Stereo) Capitol Hill Hearings: Heartfelt Home Valerie Great Outdoors Tuesday Night Beauty The Find With Shawn Killinger (N) The Ninja Kitchen PBS NewsHour Å Finding Your Roots (N) “Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution” Independent Lens Charlie Rose (N) Å Scully Keep Up Locked Out: Fall: American Masters Å “Mary Lou Williams” PBS NewsHour Å “Black Panthers” Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom Live Hardball Matthews All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Profit Shark Tank (In Stereo) Shark Tank (In Stereo) The Profit (N) The Profit The Profit Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013, Science Fiction) Chris Pine. Å The People v. The People v. The People v. NCIS “Semper Fidelis” 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Closing Night” (Live) Å Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Castle (In Stereo) Castle (In Stereo) Rizzoli & Isles (N) Å Rizzoli & Isles (N) Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å Broke Girl Conan Fit to Fat to Fit Å Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Fit to Fat to Fit Å Fit to Fat to Fit Å Married at First Sight ››› Drive ›‡ “Law Abiding Citizen” (2009, Suspense) Jamie Foxx. ›› “Four Brothers” (2005, Crime Drama) Mark Wahlberg. ››› Drive Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Not Safe Daily Show Nightly At Mid. Tosh.0 Moonshiners Å Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners Å Killing Fields (In Stereo) Å Killing Fields Å The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å The Little Couple Å Rattled (In Stereo) Å The Little Couple Å Rattled (In Stereo) Å To Be Announced To Be Announced Paradise Henry Henry Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends Girl Meets Austin “Jump In!” (2007) Corbin Bleu. Å Liv-Mad. K.C. Best Fr. Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Jessie Jessie Pretty Little Liars Å Pretty Little Liars Å Shadowhunters Å Pretty Little Liars Å The 700 Club Å ››‡ “Bruce Almighty” Griffith Griffith Everybody Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Grand Prix” (1966) ›››› “On the Waterfront” (1954, Drama) Å ›››‡ “Anna and the King of Siam” (1946) Å “Ghost & Muir” Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Dance Moms Å Dance Moms (N) Å Dance Moms (N) Å Pitch Slapped (N) Å Dance Moms Å Dance Moms Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper (N) Å Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped ››‡ “Just Wright” (2010) Queen Latifah. Å Wendy Williams Show Zoe Ever Zoe Ever Zoe Ever Zoe Ever Wendy Williams Show Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Teen Wolf (In Stereo) Shannara Chronicles Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. ›› “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” (2005) (In Stereo) ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence. (In Stereo) ››› “He Got Game” (1998, Drama) We Bare Regular King of Hill Burgers Burgers Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››‡ “Cloud Atlas” (2012, Drama) Tom Hanks, Halle Berry. Å Colony “Blind Spot” The Magicians “U.S. Marshals” (1998) ››› “The Bourne Identity” (2002, Action) Matt Damon. Å ››› “The Italian Job” (2003, Crime Drama) Mark Wahlberg. Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man ›‡ “The Waterboy” (1998, Comedy) Adam Sandler. Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å To Be Announced Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Supernat. Potters Trinity J. Meyer Prince Cornelius Praise the Lord Å War & S. Furtick Impact

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Page 6B

Solar energy farm gets go ahead from board By Laura McFarland News Editor


OWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors paved the way for a 180acre solar energy farm to be established on land off of Old Buckingham Road. The board voted unanimously at its meeting on Monday, Feb. 1 to grant a conditional use permit (CUP) to Virginia Solar LLC to build and operate a solar energy farm that will help fulfill a larger obligation required of Dominion Power by 2020. Virginia Solar, the developer of the project, plans to lease 350 acres of a larger 898-acre parcel belonging to Scott Timberland Company. Of that 350 acres, only 180 acres will be used for the solar energy farm, March Altman, deputy county administrator, said when introducing the CUP request to the board. Also included in the CUP request is a 3.6-acre parcel at 4325 Old Buckingham Road that will be used to provide an access road for the project to Old Buckingham Road, he said. A singlefamily home that sits on the property will either be relocated and repurposed or demolished to provide room for the access road. Virginia Solar then plans to sublease the “Scott Solar I” site to Dominion Virginia Power, which plans to construct and operate a 17

MWAC solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity generating facility. Dominion has an obligation to build and produce 400 megawatts (MW) of solar energy by 2020. Matthew Meares with Virginia Solar said the company was created to help Dominion meet that requirement. Meares said Powhatan was chosen as a possible site for a solar energy farm because the county has good electrical interconnections and this project is consistent with its comprehensive plan. The land chosen for the project works because it has good interconnections, has enough land that it is considered relatively remote even if there are houses around it, and is relatively flat and meets the needs for construction. The solar farm will hold approximately 77,500 solar panels and represent just over a $40 million investment, said Dianne Corsello, director of business development with Dominion. As for as the schedule of the project, the plan is to have all of the permitting completed in the first quarter of 2016, she said. Dominion would then move onto some preliminary site preparation and hopes to have the decision from the State Corporation Commission (SCC) on the project by July 1. After that, the project moves into the construction phase. “We do plan to energize this facility at the


end of this year,” Corsello said. The board and representatives with Virginia Solar and Dominion had a lengthy discussion that touched on a number of topics, including possibly finding a more productive use for the house that is to be moved or demolished; the types of trees that are to be planted in the buffer around the project for the adjacent neighbors and when they will be large enough to be an effective barrier; potential fire hazards; what days are available for noisier construction efforts, and lighting concerns with regard to neighbors. Carson Tucker, who represents District 5, also brought up a discussion on the fact that solar projects under 20 MW are exempt from local taxation. He wanted to make sure that the power company wouldn’t try to come back later and propose another project that stays under the exemption to get around paying any local taxes. Chairman Bill Melton said he agreed with Tucker’s concerns and felt if the company came back down the road and tried to get approval for another project under 20 MW, he would have a “pretty uncomfortable level” with that. The PV modules produce direct current (DC) electrical power that is collected and delivered to the inverter and transformer stations located throughout the site, where it is converted into alternating current (AC), according to documents provided by the county in the board packet. The power from the inverter stations will be collected from across


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the site and connected with a Dominion Virginia Power distribution line. By interconnecting with the distribution lines the facility will help power Powhatan County residents first, with the excess then flowing to the overall grid, according to the board packet.

Other business handled at the meeting included: Granting a conditional use permit to R. Blanton and Debora Gordon to operate a country inn at 1660 Ballsville Road. Blanton and Gordon currently operate a conference center on Ballsville Road that is used for weddings, reunions, corporate events and general family functions, Altman said. They want to construct and operate a country inn on their property for lodging overnight guests and need a CUP to do so. In their application for the CUP, the applicants point out that the nearest accommodations are 40 minutes away from the existing venue, so having a place on site where people can stay would be a great advantage to both the owners and the guests. Altman said the applicants have not submitted a site plan yet. Bill Melton, District 4, said he attended an event at the conference center and it was well managed and had a wonderful presence. He said he is looking forward to the owners’ next venture and hopes it is very successful. The motion for the CUP was approved unanimously. Granting a CUP to Richard W. Dressler to operate a commercial landscape operation. Dressler requested approval for a CUP for a commercial landscape operation on his lot off of Stavemill Road near its intersection with Dorset Road. Dressler currently operates a commercial landscape operation on the adjacent commercial zoned lot to the south, Altman said. There is a

barn/ warehouse structure on his property where he would like to relocate his business, Altman said. The motion for the CUP was approved unanimously. Granting a conditional rezoning of about 2.47 acres of land in the northwest corner of the intersection of Anderson Highway and Academy Road. The applicant, Academy Park II LLC, is requesting the conditional rezoning of about 2.47 acres located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Anderson Highway and Academy Road, on what is now the green space in front of the Food Lion parking lot. The rezoning request was from ResidentialCommercial to Village Center. The request allows for the construction of a one story, 7,225-squarefoot retail building that will be used as an O’Reilly Auto Parts. The auto part store will sit on a 1.235 acre parcel. A parcel of the same size makes up the other half of the land. The applicant does not have a proposed use or user for the second parcel but they are working toward that, Altman said. Melton said he was a little perplexed when he heard another auto parts store was coming in

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since the county already has three, but it is not the government’s job to pick and choose who comes as long as they adhere to ordinances and setback criteria. “Mr. Altman showed me some data that showed there was a shortage of auto parts stores in the county, which was pretty amazing to me,” Melton said. David Williams, District 1, said to keep in mind if there wasn’t a market for this kind of store, it wouldn’t be coming to the county. Designating January 25 to 29 as Constitutional Officer Week in Powhatan County. Not long after the board voted 4-1 in favor of passing a resolution regarding memorandums of understanding that the constitutional officers are opposed, the supervisors voted unanimously to recognize Jan. 25 to 29 as Constitutional Officer Week in Powhatan County. The proclamation read by Melton recognized Powhatan County’s clerk of the court, commissioner of the revenue, commonwealth’s attorney, sheriff and treasurer. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.


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Page 7B

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

Monacan SWCD offers scholarship opportunities Contributed Report Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is offering two kinds of college scholarships. Graduating high school seniors and/or college freshmen within Goochland and Powhatan counties planning to major in agriculture, environmental science, forestry or other conservation related subjects are eligible to apply for one or both scholarships. Check out Monacan’s Facebook page for a link to the VASWCD application. Four $1,000 Virginia SWCD Educational Foundation Inc. scholarships are awarded statewide each year. The purpose of these scholarships is to give financial support to students majoring in or showing a strong desire to major in a course curriculum related to natural resource conservation and/or environmental studies. Individual applicants must be full-time

students enrolled in or who have applied to a college freshman level curriculum. Applicants must also document a class ranking in the top 2 percent of his

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Completed applications can be mailed to the Monacan SWCD office at PO Box 66, delivered to 3064 River Road West, Suite F, Goochland, VA 23063 or faxed to 804-556-2017. or her graduating class or a document showing a 3.0 GPA. Applications must be returned to the Monacan SWCD by March 10.

The Monacan SWCD Scholarship is to be awarded to a promising graduating high school senior or college freshman pursuing a career related to agriculture, forestry, soil science, natural resources, or environmental ecology. Up to $1,000 may be awarded. Applications must be returned to the Monacan SWCD by March 10. Applications may be obtained by calling the Monacan SWCD office at 804-556-4936 or at your local school guidance office. Email inquiries may be directed to betty.mccracken@vaswcd.org. Completed applications can be mailed to the Monacan SWCD office at PO Box 66, delivered to 3064 River Road West, Suite F, Goochland, VA 23063 or faxed to 804556-2017. Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District accepts tax deductible donations. Contributions are deductible as a charitable gift so long as the gift is made for purely public purposes as allowed by Virginia Codes 10.538 and 58.1-322(D)(1)(a).

P RO PE RT Y T R A N S F E R S 6131 Autumn Bluff Road, Powhatan; JCM III LLC to Betty J. Tilghman, $299,950. 463 Bel Bridge Circle, Midlothian; Elbert J. Radford to H. Konrad Spicer, $572,000. 2000 Cedar Cross Court, Powhatan; Paul B. Green to Charles M. Hubbard Jr., $460,000. 2713 Creek Edge, Powhatan; Virginia Rose Ebbett Kelly to Ryan J. Kelly, $258,000. 1808 Dorset Ridge Mews, Powhatan; Charles E. Nelson to Milton J. Jones, $245,000. 2018 Eastwood Ridge Drive, Moseley; Kenneth M. Fisher to Stephen B. Davis, $264,950. 3216 Fortunes Ridge Road, Midlothian; Goodwyn LLC to Jeremiah Gerard Jimenez, $136,000. 4036 Foxrest Terrace, Powhatan; David P. Mansolino to Michele Leigh Nelson, $261,000. 3091 French Hill Drive, Powhatan; James S. Kuper to Joseph Michael Walker, $482,500. 1635 Giles Bridge Road, Powhatan; Anne M. Bergamini to Dane Joseph Bailey, $189,950. 2465 Gobber Ridge Road, Powhatan; Michael B. Hurd to Bruce N. Lapierre, $650,000. 2698 Huguenot Springs Road, Midlothian; Deborah L. Madison to W. Kent Stigall, $331,428. 3328 John Tree Hill Road, Powhatan; Federal National Mortgage Association to James A. Chapman, $265,000. 2364 Judes Ferry Road, Powhatan; James P. Greenwell to Brad A. Baughman, $437,500. 2650 Judes Ferry Road, Powhatan; Stephanie

Spingarn to William M. Radford, $320,000. 1845 Lower Mill Road, Powhatan; Julius Clyde Lilly Jr. to Jeffrey A. Snider, $333,500. 16243 Maple Hall Drive, Midlothian; Ronnie D. Onofry to Martin Sberna, $707,500. 1420 Mill Qaurter Road, Powhatan; David A. Faris to Jason R. Davis, $239,950. 5830 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan; Herbert Allen Hudson Jr. to Sam Salisbury, $162,000. 2203 Old Tavern Road, Powhatan; Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. to Donald D. Richardon, $252,900. 3250 Pineview Drive, Powhatan; Timothy D. Kennell to Obie Brook Arrington, $384,500. 2713 Ridgeview Road, Powhatan; James E. Nevius to Michael Johnson, $228,700. 2059 Rocky Ford Road, Powhatan; G.D. Hylton Builders & Son LLC to Jerry L. Butler, $242,150. 3383 Rolling Trail Drive, Powhatan; Alfred J. Colgan to Nathan Heatley, $260,000. 3391 Seasail Ave., Powhatan; Old Time Builder Inc. to Shane M. Reeves, $305,000. 3520 Sherwood Bluff Way, Powhatan; Margaret L. Fahey to Eric D. Jastram, $279,900. 1138 Sparrows Lane, Powhatan; Rock River Inc. to Russell A. Batten Jr. $359,900. 4375 Steger Creek Drive, Powhatan; Mark A. Winant to Benjamin Howell, $336,500. 1500A Swiftwood Drive, Powhatan; Elizabeth C. Stoddard to J. Paul Myers, $165,000.

4394 Three Bridge Road, Powhatan; JCM III LLC to Stormy W. Hepfer, $191,000. 5940 Wilburn Estates Court, Powhatan; Old Time Builder Inc. to Adam D. Daniel, $325,000. 1 acre; Harold F. Altman to Jessica A. Johnson, $164,000. 1.94 acres; Barbara Jones Mayo to Jesse C. Tibbs, $83,000. 10.08 acres; US Bank NA to Prince Construction Inc., $70,000. 14.066 acres; Donna Demonbreun Wicker to William E. Schaefer, $70,400. 2 acres; Elizabeth T. Privett to Roscoe LLC, $230,000. 2.323 acres; Robert L. Purkey Sr. to Jennifer R. Hagy, $235,000. 3.52 acres; John R. Poliquin to Regina M. Cossey, $115,000. 5.16 acres; Josh Hogston to Martin H. Dunivan, $53,000. Lot 14, Section 1, Oak Leaf; MCD Investments LLC to Dumont Homes LLC, $79,000. Lot 25, Bel Crest; George B. Sowers Jr. and Associates Inc. to Roseland Custom Homes LLC, $100,000. Lot 25, Section B, Branchway Springs; Goodwyn LLC to Michael B. Goodwyn, $52,000. Lot 33, Section 1, Aston; Windswept Development LLC to W.V. McClure Inc., $120,000. Lot A30, Red Lane; Michael L. Morin to James E. Nevius, $124,000.





48. Expression of uncertainty 50. Tells on 52. Bones 54. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 56. Singer Jolson 57. Atomic #73 59. Pigeon sound 60. Jr’s. father 61. 6th tone 62. Debt settled (abbr.) 63. Contrary 66. Chinese tennis star Na 67. 44th First Lady 70. Methyl phenol 71. Avid applause CLUES DOWN 1. Started growth 2. Biblical Sumerian city 3. Where Alexander defeated Darius III 4. Something to be borne or conveyed 5. Removed earth 6. Traveled by water 7. Hirobumi __, Japan 8. Antelopes 9. Japanese emigrant’s offspring 10. For instance 11. T cell glands 12. Acorn trees

13. Burdened 14. Wound deformity 15. Has faith in 25. Title of honor 26. Someone 27. Pouch 29. Comprehensive 31. Separates with an instrument 33. Noble 36. US, Latin America, Canada 38. Snoot 39. About heraldry 41. Angel 42. Female sibling 43. Former OSS 46. Stressed-unstressedunstressed 47. An imperfectly broken mustang 49. Call out 51. A long scarf 53. Coconut fiber 54. Scene of sports & events 55. Bodily suffering 58. Cloths 60. A way to agitate 64. No seats available 65. Linen liturgical vestment 68. Atomic #103 69. Home screen

CANCER • Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, it is better to make your choices sooner rather than later this week. Putting decisions off only complicates matters. It may be an anxious time, but you will pull through.

TAURUS • Apr 21/May 21 Interpersonal dynamics are constantly changing, and you may have a challenging time wrangling in your relationship to where it feels comfortable, Taurus.

LEO • Jul 23/Aug 23 Stop worrying about how others see you, Leo. This week own up to your beliefs, even if they seem to go against the norm. You may be surprised at the support you receive.

GEMINI • May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even if you are uncertain about someone’s intentions, it is best to give that person the benefit of the doubt. However, an ounce of skepticism never hurt anyone.

VIRGO • Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a hectic week leads to lots of demands on your time. Take things one task at a time and do not be afraid to say ÒnoÓ if you feel you are overwhelmed.

LIBRA • Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, frustration at work may not be directed at any one person, and you can’t let it consume your life. Make the frustration work to your advantage instead.

CAPRICORN • Dec 22/Jan 20 Accomplish something important based on what you learn this week, Capricorn. Keep your eyes and ears open to all of the possibilities around you.

SCORPIO • Oct 24/Nov 22 Romantic thoughts this week will have you on a mission to spend quality time with a loved one, Scorpio. You may do everything in your power to be near your significant other.

AQUARIUS • Jan 21/Feb 18 Try not to take the easy way out, Aquarius. When faced with some tough questions, stay strong and true to yourself. You will be happier in the long run if you do so.

SAGITTARIUS • Nov 23/Dec 21 Don’t try to erect barriers, Sagittarius. This week you have to let someone in and unburden some of the problems or thoughts that have been weighing you down.

PISCES • Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, take some time off if your job seems like a headache this week. If you have the time, enjoy a long weekend or a short jaunt during the week.


CLUES ACROSS 1. Construct 6. Seal 12. Last from Kent Haruf 16. A public promotion 17. Acutely insightful and wise 18. Yemeni riyal 19. __ Lang (country singer) 20. Blue Hen school 21. Decaliter 22. Point midway between S and E 23. 12th Greek letter 24. One point S of SE 26. Pools 28. Notes of hand 30. Algerian dinar 31. Metal cooking vessel 32. Short poking stroke 34. Mountain Standard Time 35. Dark hairs mixed with light 37. Hosts film festival 39. Frost 40. Former moneys of Brazil 41. Bodily perceptions 43. Baseball great Ty ___ 44. Before 45. __ Caesar, comedian 47. Containerful

ARIES • Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if you assumed you were right on track, you soon will see why it isn’t safe to assume. Do not take anything for granted and consider all potential outcomes.

Powhatan Today, February 10, 2016

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Legal Notices TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 4090 Old River Trail, Powhatan, Virginia In execution of the Deed of Trust dated March 1, 2012, in the original principal amount of $145,027.00, recorded in Deed Book 817, page 143, assigned in Deed Book 818, page 284, in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Powhatan, Virginia, default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder of the note, the undersigned, as Substitute Trustee, will sell at public auction at the front entrance of the Circuit Court for the County of Powhatan on February 19, 2016, at 1:00 p.m., the property located at the above address and described as 2.01 acres, more or less, as shown on plat recorded in aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 137, with non-exclusive easement of right of way 50’ in width for ingress and egress from and to State Route 617, County of Powhatan, Virginia. TERMS: CASH. PROPERTY SOLD AS IS WITH SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE. A deposit of $14,000.00 or 10% of the successful bid amount (whichever is lower) will be required immediately of the successful bidder, in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds only payable to "FIRST COLONY TRUSTEES, LLC, TRUSTEE", balance due within 15 days from date of sale. No personal checks accepted. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower filed for and obtained bankruptcy protection, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, or if trustee is unable to complete the sale, or if it is set aside or not fully completed for any reason except purchaser’s default, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Upon purchaser’s default, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and costs of the defaulting purchaser. Sale is subject to all prior liens, easements, restrictions, covenants, reservations and conditions, if any, of record, as well as inchoate liens and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. Real estate taxes will be adjusted to the date of sale. All costs of conveyance, deed, examination of title, recording charges, grantor’s tax and possession will be at the expense of the purchaser. All risks of casualty immediately pass to the successful bidder. Time is of the essence. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. For Information Contact: FIRST COLONY TRUSTEES, LLC, Substitute Trustee(s) 14-013BF (81.16) at: P.O. Box 120450, Newport News, Virginia 23612-0450 (757) 597-6440 Publish on: February 3 & 10, 2016

TAKE NOTICE that the County of Powhatan through the Building Official will proceed with demolition of the following unsafe structure(s) on or after March 18, 2016. 1001 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, VA 23139 Tax ID No. 031-28 Sook and Taylor Kim, Owners For further information, please contact Ralph O. Shelton, Jr., Building Official, Powhatan County, 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 or at 804-598-5622. The demolition is in accordance with Section 14-1 of the Code of Powhatan County, 1996, as amended, and as authorized by Section 15.2-906 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended.

Call 598-4305 to advertise with your community newspaper!


Announcements YARD & ESTATE SALES 2-Family Yard Sale - Indoor Rain or Shine! Saturday & Sunday, 8am-2pm, 5758 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, 23139.

Business & Service Directory ADULT CARE Experienced caregiver looking for private duty work with adults & seniors in their own homes and all of their daily needs. Can administer medication. Exc. refs. 14 yrs. exp. Own transportation. Good cook. Live in or out. Call Rita Adu, 860-532-8085 or 860-322-9422.

SIDING Miller’s Exterior Works All types of repair jobs, or new jobs! Decks, soffit & facia work, sheds, wood wrapping siding, siding repairs, replacing entry doors & wrap them, & all your handyman needs. Call Marlin Miller 804-512-3131

Advertise in the Bulletin Board! Call 598-4305 for rates and information.

Merchandise MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Mattress Truck Load Sale - Twin $89; Full $99; Queen $129; King $189. Delivery/Lay -A-Way. Call 804-218-0680.

Farmers’ Markets HORSES & CATTLE Registered Angus and Simangus Bulls, performance data available. 15 to 16 months old. Above average EPDs. Wricole Farm, Keysville, VA. Call 434-736-9608

Awesome House Cleaners needed (no experience necessary): Hours 8:004:00ish, M-F (no evening or weekends). Caring, passionate & committed individual’s who take pride in their work. A team player is a must! Valid driver’s license required. Salary $10 to $11/hr. (except during training) +paid time off + holidays and other benefits. We do background checks and drug testing. Located in Powhatan. SET Cleaning services www.setcleaning.com or 598-3210 for application.

Electrical Automation Technician Come work for a growing process automation company as an Automation Technician. No experience necessary & travel required with all expenses paid. Full Benefits Package. Send resume to: ethautoinc@comcast.net

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Rentals Available in Powhatan & Surrounding Areas

Richmond Times-Dispatch Adult newspaper routes available in Western Powhatan County area. Please contact Kara Eagle at 804-598-2385. Carriers are independent contractors.

RS Thomas Hauling, Inc. - Looking for a responsible mechanic with 10+ years experience working on heavy trucks. Must have tools & experience in electrical repairs, hydraulic repairs, air brake knowledge, perform routine maintenance such as brake jobs, wheel seals, king pins, oil changes and grease jobs. Expected to repair and change tires. CDL, air conditioning repair and welding a plus! Fast paced working environment. Benefits and good pay! Contact Ray Hamilton at 804-310-0271.

www.HankCosby.com Click RENTAL PROPERTIES for more details.



Recruitment CONSTRUCTION & TRADES Foreman/Equipment Operator - To run a 5-7 member crew & operate equip.. Exp in asphalt, concrete & pipe work. Pd holidays, Vacation & med ins avail.Drug test req’d.EOE Call Simons Contracting Co.,Inc.9a- 5p. 804-648-4600

ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

Local lawn maintenance company is seeking qualified individual to perform all types of lawn maintenance duties. References & valid drivers license required. Please call 804-257-0153 or email performanceirrigation@hotmail.com.

MECHANIC wanted to perform maintenance on road construction equipment and vehicles. Full-time position includes great starting pay, full benefit package, 401(k), etc. Must have a valid DL with acceptable point balance, CDL preferred. Weekly travel required. Submit applications at Slurry pavers, Inc. 3617 Nine Mile Road Richmond, VA 23223. Slurry Pavers, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace. www.slurrypavers.com 800-449-3662

Call 598-4305 to advertise with your community newspaper!

(804) 746-1235 ext. 2



Class A Dump Trailer Drivers Needed: Minimum 2 years dump trailer experience required and a good driving record. Health, Dental & Vacation Benefits! Call R.S. Thomas Hauling, Inc. at 804-598-6292 today! We are located at 2285 Batterson Road in Powhatan, VA.


Residential for Rent Apartment Referral Services Policy Apartment referral service companies sell lists of available apartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure that you understand and agree to all the terms and the cancellation policy of the contract.

HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom, 2-bath ranch style house on Judes Ferry Road. Large Family Room, Deck, New HVAC and Windows. 7 minutes to Rt. 288. $975 per month. Call 804-794-3293

WANTED RESIDENTIAL WANTED: Mother & Son looking for basement apartment or equivilent in Powhatan. $400 or less per month. Call 804-248-3116

ADVERTISE Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!

Call 598-4305 to find out about upcoming opportunities to advertise with your community newspaper in print and online!


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