Inside A2 Issue of prayer at school board raised
Powhatan, Virginia B1 Knights swimmers qualify for states
Vol. XXIX No. 3
January 20, 2016
Moslow receives Kathy Budner award By Laura McFarland News Editor
POWHATAN – The fact that Connie Moslow knew ahead of time she was going to be the recipient of the Powhatan Chamber of Commerce’s Kathy Budner Award of Excellence didn’t take away in any way from her pride at the announcement.
Moslow admitted she was supposed to have left for Florida a few days before the chamber’s January social, where the award is typically announced, and someone had to
clue her in as to why staying a few extra days was so important. But as past recipient Dan Jones told the crowd present on Wednesday, Jan. 13 of the long list of contributions to the community that led to Moslow being chosen for an award named in recognition of the chamber’s first executive director, she said she was honored and pleased.
“If you think of the chamber, you think of the community. It is being part of the community,” Moslow said. “Powhatan is a great place, and I love being part of it. Being honored by my peers is very special.” Moslow, executive director of the Free Clinic of Powhatan, was the sevsee AWARD page 2A
School board elects Kunka new chairman
Culture through cuisine
By Laura McFarland News Editor
tax assistance service will begin preparing and electronically filing the federal and Virginia tax returns of low- and moderate-income taxpayers in Powhatan County in two weeks, and volunteers will be ready to go, Maureen Emerson, local coordinator, said.
POWHATAN – James Kunka was named chairman of the Powhatan County School Board for the secondstraight year at its meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Kunka, who represents District 2, was once again approved unanimously by his fellow board members in a vote taken at the board’s first 2016 Kunka meeting. Rick Cole, District 1, who was chairman for two years before Kunka, was unanimously voted vice chairman for the coming year, a post held in 2015 by former memCole ber Sammy Frame. The board reorganizes every January for the upcoming year. Kunka said he was happy to serve as chair again and that he was pleased and honored that his fellow board members have the confidence that he can do a good job for them. He promised to do the best he can, as he did in 2015, and in the two years before that, when he was vice chairman under Cole. “I think we have a lot of good goals and challenges and we have a lot of good support now, which we didn’t always have in the past. We’ve got support from the county with the new junior high school and the transportation facility. We were able to come together on building something that is best for the county not just for the needs of the school,” Kunka said. “I think it is going to be a very promising four years from what I can tell.” Being chairman in 2015 took some adjustment as he got used to the protocol, Kunka said. Once he got used to it, it wasn’t too bad. It is an important role, Kunka said, but first and foremost his responsibility is to represent the needs of District 2. “The meetings are half of it. The other half is the constituency. When they have issues in the school system, you get calls from people in your dis-
see TAX HELP page 2A
see S.BOARD page 2A
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Thanks to the hospitality of local restaurant manager Victor Fonseca, Powhatan Junior High School World Languages and Spanish I students celebrated the traditional Hispanic “Día de los Reyes Magos,” or Three Kings Day, at El Cerro Azul in Powhatan on Wednesday, Jan. 6. The field trip allowed Powhatan students to participate in an authentic cultural activity and apply Spanish language skills and cultural knowledge in opportunities beyond the classroom. For more on this story, see page 7A.
Ayers leaves planning commission After 20 years of service, commissioner lauded for dedication to community News Editor
POWHATAN – Longtime Powhatan County Planning Commission member Richard Ayers was honored at his last meeting as a commissioner this month for serving 20 years in the post. At the commission’s meeting on Tues-
see AYERS page 3A
Volunteers ready to help with taxes By Laura McFarland News Editor
POWHATAN – Before worries about W-2s, W-4s, form 1040s and more have time to settle in, local volunteers with AARP Tax-Aide are already preparing to help ease some of those concerns. The nation’s largest free, volunteer-run
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By Laura McFarland
day, Jan. 5, Ayers’ fellow commissioners, Powhatan County Board of Supervisors members and a the man who started his career on the commission thanked the outgoing member for his service and talked about the influence he had on them.
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