Inside A2 Landfill opponents gather to plan future strategies
Powhatan, Virginia
B1 Indians scrimmage Cavs in first action of ‘18
Vol. XXXII No.. 10
August 22, 2018
Nine join Class of 2018 in summer graduation By Laura McFarland News Editor
OWHATAN – The Powhatan High School Class of 2018 was joined by several new alumni last week when nine students ended a summer of hard work by graduating in a special ceremony held at the school. The high school held its special summer commencement on Monday, Aug. 13, marking the fourth straight year Powhatan County Public Schools has held a ceremony to recognize those students who have traveled a different path than their classmates who graduated in June. The students were a mix of younger students who worked ahead to
The students who joined PHS’s Class of 2018 were Jonathan Kenlee Baugh, from left, Alexander Scott Baugh, Gracie Skylar Davidson, Braiden Carter Samuel, Tarik Kairi Brown Johnson, Sebastian Wayne Murnahan, Ryan Nicholas Rohr, and Megan Angelena Sylvia. Not present was Jacob Dylan Jeter. Shown left, Murnahan accepts his diploma from Dr. Mike Massa, principal.
graduate a year early and some Class of 2018 members who needed just a little bit longer to achieve this important goal.
The nine students who joined PHS’s Class of 2018 roster were Alexander Scott Baugh, Jonathan Kenlee Baugh, Gracie
Skylar Davidson, Jacob Dylan Jeter, Tarik Kairi Brown Johnson, Sebastian Wayne Murnahan, Ryan Nicholas Rohr,
Braiden Carter Samuel, and Megan Angelena Sylvia. Jeter was not present. The graduation address was once again giv-
en by Dr. Mike Massa, PHS principal, who spent a great deal of his speech talking about the contestsee GRADUATION, pg. 5
Young accident victim meets rescuers By Laura McFarland News Editor
POWHATAN – When 3-year-old Joel “Jojo” Seabrook was carried into the room in his mother’s arms, it was obvious he was a little overwhelmed by the large number of adults eager to see him. For the people waiting in the room it was a relief to see the little boy up and moving around, even if he shied away from all the attention. Because just a week and a half earlier some of these same people were PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND fighting for his life – a group of On Aug. 17, the sheriff’s office arranged for Jojo Seabrook, 3, and strangers frantically working to free his mom, Shequita Carter, front, to meet some of the people who the little boy from a car he was rescued him from a car he was pinned under. They included Josh trapped under. Barnes, from left, Dolly Blanks, Kevin Lippy (who was also in the accident), Jordan Springer, Vernon Grady, and Cas Schirra.
see JOJO, pg. 4
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Judge Paul Cella swears Andrea Weber in as the new member of the Powhatan County Electoral Board on Aug. 10.
Andrea Weber sworn in to electoral board
YMCA Bright Beginnings kids go back to school shopping
By Laura McFarland
By Laura McFarland
News Editor
News Editor
POWHATAN – The aisles of a local retailer were hopping last week for three days straight as volunteers and their young shopping buddies did some serious back-toschool shopping. On Aug. 14 to 16, three groups of 30 children who participate in the Elizabeth Randolph Lewis Powhatan YMCA’s Bright Beginnings program took turns being paired with volunteers and sent off into the Target at WestPHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND chester to shop for clothes A YMCA Bright Beginnings parin time for the start of a ticipant shows off the shoes she new school year. got during a special shopiing trip.
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POWHATAN – When Andrea Weber made the commitment to herself earlier this year to become more involved in local elections, she had no idea it would lead to becoming the newest member of the Powhatan County Electoral Board. On Friday, Aug. 10, Circuit Court Judge Paul Cella administered the oath of office for Weber, who is filling the unexpired term of democrat Jeanie Renger, who recently resigned after having served the county on the board for 20 years. Weber’s term will last until March 1, 2021. Weber and her husband, Rory, moved to Powhatan in 2004 and have two daughters, Ella and Eastan, who both attend Powhatan schools. She currently is the vice president and director of operations for Fidelity National Financial. Weber said she was looking forward to digging into the training manual for the electoral board and learning the process. Because of her professional background in operations, she said she is a workflow process expert who really enjoys solving problems. Since there are no
see SHOPPING, pg. 6
see WEBER pg. 3
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