Inside Powhatan Picks The Votes are in!
Powhatan, Virginia B1 North over South, 25-13
Vol. XXXII No.. 26
December 19, 2018
Powered Up
Board focuses on county growth By Laura McFarland News Editor
By Laura McFarland News Editor
OWHATAN – Even on the cold winter days of the holiday season, drivers traveling around Powhatan County at night are more likely to find quiet dark roads than a long line of homes lit with Christmas lights. But occasionally when roaming the network of fairly dark byways of the county, drivers will very rarely stumble upon a light display that completely takes them by surprise. While the thrill of discovery is fun, the Powhatan Today continues to try to take out some of the guess work in discovering those hidden gems with the second an-
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Shown are light displays at 2224 Judes Ferry Road, left, and 3777 Old Buckingham Road, both on the Powered Up tour.
nual Powered Up Powhatan light display list. We have added a few more homes to the list as well as two businesses that have provided some interactive opportunities for merriment in your own backyard. People who decorate the sites on our list do so for the love of Christmas and the joy of sharing that holiday cheer with others. A few reminders though. This list does not adhere to the more strict requirements of Richmond’s Tacky Lights Tour, which asks for a minimum of 40,000 lights to participate. But they still feature some
fantastic displays that are worth seeing. Unlike Richmond homes, the Powhatan sites on this list are often found on rural roads that are dark and sometimes have pretty steady traffic. In several cases where the homeowners give permission, people are welcome to park and walk up to look at the displays as long as you are respectful to their property and that of their neighbors. But be extremely mindful of the lack of visibility and the speed with which everyone knows drivers sometimes use even on dark, see POWERED UP, pg. 3
New sports editor joins staff Staff Report
Richmond area, including Powhatan. “I am excited to further cover all POWHATAN – Nicholas Vandesports across Powhatan County, and loecht has joined Richmond Suburam looking forward to meeting and ban News as the sports editor for Powhatan Today, The Goochland covering the teams and athletic leaders in the counties of Gazette and Cumberland Goochland and CumToday. He officially asberland,� he said about sumed the position on his new job. Dec. 10. Vandeloecht is a Vandeloecht comes to member of the Class of RSN from The Progress2007 at Maury High Index in Petersburg after School in Norfolk. A three years as sports edihistory major, he gradutor. ated cum laude in 2011 He brings six years of from the University of experience, having startVANDELOECHT Mary Washington in ed his newspaper career as a Fredericksburg. reporter in his hometown at the North“With his experience and enthuern Neck News in Warsaw. After two siasm for community journalism, years, he became editor. While his work in Petersburg fa- we’re pleased to welcome Nicholas miliarized him with the communities to RSN,� Managing Editor Melody of Petersburg, Colonial Heights, Kinser said. “He ‘hit the ground runHopewell, Dinwiddie, Prince George, ning’ last week despite the snowMatoaca and Chester, Vandeloecht storm that stalled school activities.� Vandeloecht can be reached at said assignments in those areas had him traveling throughout the Greater
POWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors dove back into the complicated issues of the 2017 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan and the future of the Residential- Commercial zoning district at a recent workshop. During the workshop on Thursday, Dec. 13, board members tried to make headway on where they could find agreement on the two issues and what the next steps forward need to be. The first part of the meeting was a discussion solely between the board members and county staff regarding the comprehensive plan, which has been under review since the planning commission started updating it in 2016. The specific topics they still needed to come to a consensus on regarding the comp plan were the chapters on transportation and land use and the Future Land Use Map. After reaching an informal consensus on several points, the board directed staff to make plans to put their final draft out for review by citizens at public open houses in January. The
goal seems to be to have the board have its public hearing and final approval of the revised comprehensive plan at its regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 28. The second half of the Dec. 13 workshop was focused on Residential-Commercial (RC) zoning, which the county has been considering doing away with, but recent pushback from R-C property owners and developers has made the process slow down. David Williams, who represents District 1, presented the findings on R-C zoning from a work group committee made up of himself; Bill Melton, District 4; planning commission chair Karin Carmack, and Andrew Pompei, planning director. The group had been charged with coming back with recommendations on the comp plan, which they did at a previous workshop, and R-C zoning. After his presentation, several members of the public asked Williams questions and denied the need for the elimination or restriction of R-C zoning. The discussion carried on for a short time, but chairman Carson Tucker, District 5, cut it short see BOS, pg. 7
frosty fun
Tripp Scurlock and canine friend Chloe enjoy one of Powhatan’s recent snow days. More photos see page 8. ne n ewh hor oriz izo on nba ba b b a
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