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Inside A3 Special needs prom dances night away

Powhatan, Virginia

B1 Powhatan Football gearing for new season under new coach

Vol. XXXIII No. o. 7

August 7, 2019

Board votes not to adopt 5-year CIP, Warner named mulls change to 10-year document as new fire and By Roslyn Ryan Richmond Suburban News


OWHATAN – Citing a need to better understand how a number of proposed projects will impact the county’s debt service ratio, Powhatan County supervisors decided on July 29 to delay adopting this year’s five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Of particular concern is the possibility that Powhatan High School may need to be expanded and land purchased for a new county elementary school, which District 1 Supervisor David Williams cautioned would have an enormous impact on the county’s ability to reach the preferred 12 percent debt service ratio. Williams said he had asked the county’s financial advisors for a more detailed look at how the county would handle the debt and what it would

NORDVIG WILLIAMS mean for residents. “We need to know if we have a realistic plan,” Williams said, noting that he is not comfortable with a proposal that would push the school projects further than five years into the future. “What you are saying here is ‘Nope, they are not going to need a new high school. Nope, they are not going to need land for a new elementary school. That’s not realistic folks. We need to be planning to make sure we know what’s out there and make

informed choices.” Williams said his preference would be to ask for a 10-year CIP so that the board could better assess what the long term impacts of the proposed projects would be. District 2 Supervisor Larry Nordvig, speaking in support of Williams’ request, likened the process to the same one he uses to make purchases in his personal life. “I have a van that has over 330,000 miles on in,” Nordvig said. “It’s an incredible van, but I know I’m going to have to replace that van at some point in the next five years, so I’m planning ahead for that.” Nordvig acknowledged recent information provided by the county school division that indicated student populations—while high enough to raise concerns about capacity—had flattened out, but insisted that this was

rescue chief By Laura McFarland News Editor

POWHATAN – After serving for several months as acting fire and rescue chief, veteran firefighter Phil Warner stepped into the role fulltime on Aug. 1. Warner, who previously served as the assistant chief, brings almost 30 years of volunteer and career firefighter experience to the role. He got his PHIL WARNER start as a volunteer with the Fine Creek Volunteer Fire Departsee WARNER, pg. 4

see CIP, pg. 3

Couple pushes forward on dog park project

No smoking policy in place for parks and rec

By Laura McFarland

Richmond Suburban News

News Editor

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POWHATAN – A local couple who spent decades serving the community through their work with the Powhatan Volunteer Rescue Squad is now turning their attention to helping some of the county’s four-legged residents. Lynne and Allen Beach of Powhatan are two of the main champions behind the idea of building a public dog park in the Village area so people with dogs can bring them for some time to run and play with other

dogs. The idea was inspired by the couple’s love for their 2-year-old German Shepherd, Tanner, whom they often shuttle to the dog park in Rockwood Park in Midlothian so he can interact with other dogs, Lynne Beach said. “Tanner gets all the love and affection he needs from us on a daily basis, but he needs to have interaction with other dogs. They run and play, and by the end of about an hour, he is exhausted but it is a good exhausted. It's his fun, it keeps him young, healthy and

By Roslyn Ryan


New friends Fletcher, left, and Lilli play in the dog park at Rockwood Park, the model for a dog park a local couple wants to see built in Powhatan.

happy,” she said. So the couple did their research and brought a proposal and design based on Rockwood’s dog park to Powhatan County to see if it could be a viable idea for Fighting Creek Park.

Ramona Carter, director of public works, said the idea was met positively by county staff when the couple proposed it last year. “We thought it was a see DOGS, pg. 3

Those in the habit of smoking while visiting Powhatan parks and recreational facilities will soon need to find another place to light up. During the monthly meeting of the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors on July 29, members gave the go-ahead to spend $2,300 out of the county’s operating budget for the purchase of 38 “No Smoking” signs to be placed throughout the county’s parks. According to Ramona Carter, Powhatan’s Director of Public Works, the move comes after staff researched the polices of a number of other localities, including neighboring Chesterfield County, to see how they handle the issue. Noting that Chesterfield had dispensed see SMOKING, pg. 3

Library patrons go nuts for reading finale guests By Laura McFarland

DELIVER TO: Postal Patron Powhatan, VA 23139

News Editor

POWHATAN – Powhatan County Public Library went nuts for its summer reading finale party with a little help from some friends. Richmond Flying Squirrels mascots Nutzy and Nutasha were the featured guests of the summer reading finale, which was held on Thursday, July 25 at the library. About 100 people came to the event, which capped off a summerlong programming designed to encourage reading and get families excited about coming to the library. Children who attended the event had a blast meeting the mascots, who were happy to take photos, give hugs, help with crafts, and bring smiles to their faces, said Tracey Ingle, English instructional specialist for


Local youth pose with Nutzy and Nutasha. The Richmond Flying Squirrels mascots were special guests of the summer reading finale. More photos page 5.

Powhatan County Public Schools. Ingle said the finale was a great ending to this year’s program, which embraced

the theme “It’s Showtime at Your Library!” Some of the other programming include a magician, a juggler, a puppet show and zoo reptiles, all of

which patrons loved. “We had a huge turnout this year, which was awesome. It was consistent see READING pg. 4

Wireless printing and charging stations now available at library Contributed Report In support of the library’s mission to provide convenient access to the latest technology for community members, Powhatan County Public Library recently announced portable device charging and wireless printing services are now available in the library. Black and white wireless printing for laptops, tablets and smartphones is avail-

able for .15 per page. Wireless printing is compatible with both Android and Apple devices. Detailed wireless printing instructions are available at the library and, as always, library team members are able to provide assistance if needed. Busy patrons who need to charge their devices are welcome to use one of the library’s new mobile device charging units, which support most smartphones and tablets. The chargers must be used in the li-

brary and are available to cardholders in good standing. The library’s mobile charging units are not designed to be removed from the building or for home use. For more information, contact the Powhatan Public Library at 804-5985670 or visit www.powhatanlibrary.net. Please be sure to like us on Facebook at facebook.com/powhatanlibrary to stay current on all of the latest library news and information.

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