A ribbon cutting was held Wednesday, Aug. 24 for the 24hour gym, which will serve county employees and fire and rescue volunteers, at the Pocahontas Landmark Center. The two rooms used in the former middle school gym had not previously had a purpose since the building was renovated for the county’s use. The workplace fitness center was created to help the county promote a better wellness philosophy, which improves quality of life, brings optimal health and the sense of well-being, and helps people rest actively, work effi ciently and fully participate in public and social life, according to Kim Schmitt, operations manager for Powhatan 911 Communications and one of the fitness room coordinators. The fitness center is also meant to help employees manage stress, which in turn helps with increased productivity, greater job satisfaction, reduced sick leave usage and staff turnover, as well as improving overall morale. “Opening this fitness room is a see FITNESS, pg. 3
PatronPostal Powhatan,
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
PHOTO BY LAURA McFARLAND Training for the Sept. 11 remembrance run this past Sunday morning were Stan Edwards, from left, William Willersdorf, Russ Holland Jr., Christa Warren, Mary Walton and Phil Warner.
StandardPrsrt. PAIDPOSTAGEU.S. VAPowhatan, No.19Permit A6 InsideCommunitysharesfirstdayofschoolphotosB1Volleyballgoes1-1
PHOTO BY LAURA McFARLAND County employee Thomas Vo, supervisor Karin Carmack and others check out the new fitness room at the Pocahontas Landmark Center. The gym will be available 24 hours a day for county employees and fire and rescue volunteers.
Powhatan County Public Schools began the 2022-2023 school year on Aug. 22. Above, Pocahontas Elementary School instructional assistants Monica Beach, left, and Shannon Etheridge welcome students Waylon Blaska, Nora McGary and Selena Monroe and attach bus tags to their bags. See more photos from the elementary school and Powhatan Middle School on Page 5A.
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
POWHATAN – Community members are once again invited to honor those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and celebrate local first responders at the fourth annual Sept. 11 remembrance run. The event will begin at noon on Sunday, Sept. 11, on the track of Powhatan High School and is open to anyone who wants to participate. For this year’s event, a trio of runners will work together to run 34.3 miles around the track in honor
August 31, 2022Vol. XXXVI No. 09o. 09 Powhatan, Virginia
POWHATAN – A few dozen county employees and fire and rescue personnel gathered last week for the official unveiling of a new fitness center created to help improve their health.
Supervisors find common ground on problem and plan
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor – A contentious discussion that has spanned several meetings and caused deep tension among the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors took a proactive step forward last week as members came into total agreement on one thing –there is an issue with the county government’s classification and compensation system that needs to be addressed. While the issue of the cause of the problems with how the county is following or not following its employee classification and compensation plan was never fully settled – at least not to two supervisors’ likely satisfaction – the actions the board took at its meeting on Monday, Aug. 22 did unite the members on a possible path forward on what they all now acknowledge is a problem deserving of closer scrutiny. At the end of a lengthy discussion –one that has been a topic in one way or another at several meetings and workshops – the board took a complicated, amended vote that passed unanimously.
Sept. 11 run will honor the fallen, celebrate local first responders
Staff to compensationreview
Chairman Mike Byerly, District 3, tried to amend Williams’ motion to include Smither in the group looking at the problem.Athird motion made by Karin Carmack kept Williams’ motion but added that staff should also begin working on updated job descriptions and an updated compensation scale. Acknowledging the issue some board members would have with Smither working on the project with Lowe and Lacheney, she said the pair could bring their findings to the board and county administrator simultaneously. Steve McClung, District 2, agreed that as Lowe’s boss, Smither shouldn’t be part of the group. In the discussion that followed, Lacheney explained the potentially massive undertaking Carmack’s request represents and said it would likely involve updates in phases with a possible need to come back to the board with a request to hire an outside consultant. Several board members’ expressed their understanding
Blessed8A. welcomesSacramentstudents
David Williams, who represents District 1, made the motion that, in light of salary increases and regrades of job positions that were authorized by county administrator Ned Smither over the previous year, the board should direct human resources manager Melissa Lowe and county attorney Tom Lacheney “to assess the integrity of the county’s compensation and classification plan to determine how well it meets or does not meet its purpose of protecting county employees and providing legal protection from potential litigation.”
see SEPT. 11, pg. 8 see SUPERVISORS, pg. 4
County unveils fitness room for employees, volunteers
PCPS opens for 2022-23 school year
PHOTO BY LAURA MCFARLAND Blessed Sacrament Huguenot School’s Head of School Paula Ledbetter, left, and assistant principal Meredith Perry, center, greet upper school students at the first day of school convocation held Aug. 23. The convocation was held outside since renovations on Parker Gym – part of a massive renovation of the school done this summer – won’t be complete until after Labor Day. BSH welcomed 391 students on its first day. See more photos on

Page 2A Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022 OBITUARIES MOYER see CALENDAR, pg. 3
Extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia Cooperative Extension Ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can't join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland VCE webpage and YouTube video recordings can be found at https:// www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL7_2QUVzrPXDpYsV2HY11CH 8KBrluifyO. Contact Stephanie Romelczyk (sromelcz@vt.edu) for information on joining the meeting live. Watched or listened to VCE AG Today? Let us know how we are doing! Find our survey theTheinThewww.powhatanfair.org.Highway,7Thehttps://vce.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6fiYBb914AYRdn7.here:PowhatanCountyFairassociationmeetingwillbeheldatp.m.atthePowhatanFairgroundslocatedat4042AndersonPowhatan,Virginia23139.Formoreinformation,visitoriginalPowhatanAAmeetsfrom7to8p.m.everyThursdaythePowhatanVillageBuilding.PowhatanRotaryClubmeetsat7:30a.m.everyThursdayatCountySeatRestaurant.
The Heart of Virginia Beekeepers plans to meet at 7 p.m. at the Prince Edward County Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA 23901 next to Lowe's. Anyone who has bees or is interested in bees is welcome. For more information call Mary Jane Morgan at 434-315-1433. To check on possible cancellations or changes, visit Facebook or our website: heartofvirginiabeekeepers. Haveorg. you ever wondered what tree you were walking by in Powhatan State Park? This walk may be just what you're looking for. Led by a local master naturalist volunteer, the walk is an introduction to the basics of native tree identification. The walk will take approximately 1.5 hours on an easily travelled trail that passes many of the native trees found in central Virginia. Be sure to wear closed toe shoes and bring plenty of water. All ages are welcome. The walk begins promptly at 10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Playground Shelter through the end of August. Call the Park Office at 804-598-7148 for more information.
Reading is Grand will have adults 55+ register to be paired with a child 5 to 10 years old so they can to read to each other, enjoy a craft and refreshments at 10 a.m. Sept. 13. (Yay for intergenerational opportunities!) Registration space is limited. Use this link: https://forms.gle/8W71BniojphtHESG6 Future 'Grandreader' dates will hold another registration.
Like Mike Auto Show presented by Seay’s Autobody and Towing will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18 at 2693 Rocky Oak Road, Powhatan. The event is held annually in memory of Virginia State Police Special Agent Mike Walter, who died in the line of duty on May 27, 2017. This year’s event is also being held in honor of Kieran Hathaway. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Ask Childhood Cancer Foundation (www.askccf. org). The nonprofit helps fund the Pediatric Oncology program
Powhatan Cruizer’s car club, which is open to any vehicle or motorcycle owner, meets at 6 p.m. on the first Friday of the month at the Powhatan County Fairgrounds. Meetings are open to anyone. For more information, contact Charlie Williams at 804-8980876.
Saturday, Sept. 3 Join the Rural Substance Abuse Awareness Coalition from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Passion Community Church, 4480 Anderson Highway, for a family-friendly celebration of the local recovery community. This event is co-hosted with The ROOT Project and serves as a local kick-off to National Recovery Month. RSAAC will have live music, stories of recovery, a REVIVE naloxone training and vendor tables from community partners. Boka Tako RVA will be serving tacos (the first 50 people will receive a $10 voucher for their meal). Bring the kids because there will be arts and crafts activities and a bounce Farmershouse!Market at Tavern 19 is open from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturdays through October on the grounds of Independence Golf Course, 600 Founders Bridge Blvd, Midlothian, VA 23113. The new Farmers Market at Tavern 19 is a grower’s market, featuring farm fresh seasonal produce, grass fed meats, fruits and berries, honey, baked goods, value added products and select artisan crafts. Independence Golf Course is the ideal setting for a farmers market – it’s a park-like setting with plenty of parking and grass covered by large shade trees. The market has free Wi-Fi, a stage, electricity, food provided by Tavern 19, picnic tables, live music, kid’s activities and more! Come grab some dinner and stock up for the week on fresh local products! For more information, visit https://rvagriculture. Habitatorg/. For Humanity - Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful, kind and generous participation. The Habitat Store at 1922 Urbine Road will be open on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. During this pandemic, anyone coming into the store must wear a facemask. The office is located in the Habitat Store and the office number is 804-594-7009. Call and volunteer! Donate! Help us Powhatanbuild!!
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@ Thegmail.com.Huguenot
Monday, Sept. 5
Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, which is located at 6137 Old Buckingham Road, provides year-round therapeutic horseback riding exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. As of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. From April through October, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 10 a.m. Upcoming dates are: Sept. 13, 20 and 28; Oct. 4, 18 and 26. In November, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. Upcoming dates are Nov. 1, 15 and 30. There are no sessions in December. LDEC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome Dove, visit http://ldequestrian.com/ or contact 804-318The6485.Be
Beekeepers Association is a group of experienced and beginner beekeepers that are dedicated to promoting beekeeping in our communities and supporting each other in our beekeeping activities. The group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. in the auditorium of the Powhatan Village Building, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. Visit https://huguenotbeekeepers.org.
One Motorcycle Club Powhatan Chapter will hold Car, Truck and Bike Show Round Two on Saturday, Sept. 10 at the Powhatan County Fairgrounds, 4042 Anderson Highway. Gates open at 9 a.m. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Entry fee for show vehicles is $20 per bike and $25 per car. Judging begins at 1 p.m. sharp. Trophies will be awarded. A donation of $10 per person will be collected at the gate. The event will also include food, table vendors and a life DJ. Bring your own coolers and lawn Helpingchairs.
BENJAMIN WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Benjamin "Benny" Lee, 62, of Powhatan, went to be with the Lord Thursday, August 25, 2022. He was preceded in death by his parents, John D. Williams Sr. and Hazel Condrey Williams. He is survived by his brothers, John David Williams Jr. (Judy) and Keith Williams (Wenona); sister, Martha Hawkins (David); and numerous nieces and nephews. Benny enjoyed all sports, playing golf, NASCAR and a good card game. He worked as a sales manager for Richmond Ford and Pence Nissan for many years. There wasn't anyone Benny met that was considered a stranger. He loved spending time with his family and friends. The family received friends 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday, August 28 at Bennett and Barden Funeral Home, 3215 Anderson Hwy. His funeral service was held 1 p.m. Monday, at Graceland Baptist Church, 975 Dorset Rd. Interment followed in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to Palliative Care Unit at Massey Cancer Center, Box 843042, Richmond, Va. 23284-3042.
SHIRLEY MOYER MOYER, Shirley Stinson, 89, of Powhatan, was called home to be with the Lord on August 19, 2022. She is survived by her husband of 66 years, Eugene B. Moyer; son, Kevin F. Moyer (Kim); daughter, Tracey M. Brandon; grandchildren, Travis, Taylor, Tanner, Trent; sister, Patricia S. Smith of Hampton; as well as many nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews, all of whom she loved very much. Shirley served the Lord as a lifetime member of Calvary United Methodist Church. She taught Sunday school to preschool children for over 50 years. A funeral service was held at Calvary United Methodist Church on Monday, August 29 at 12:30 p.m. with visitation one hour prior to the service. Interment followed in Genito Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Powhatan. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Calvary United Methodist Church.
A Called to Care Meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month at Powhatan United Methodist Church. This organization offers both support to persons who have health issues and those who are caring for persons with health issues. The meetings may include guest speakers on a myriad of topics related to aging and good health. Guest speakers have included a nurse practitioner, neurologist, nutritionist, physical therapist and many more. All are welcome to attend. This group is facilitated by Judy Cain-Oliver, licensed clinical psychologist. A Caregiver Support Group will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. the first Thursday of every month at May Memorial Baptist Church, 3922 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. Build a support system with people who understand. For more information, contact Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438. Visit alz.org/grva to learn more about caregiver programs and resources.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 email:mwall@timesdispatch.com 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116
Wednesday, Aug. 31 Community Matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. Challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Rescue Squad Building, 3920 Marion Harland Lane. At the Aug. 31 event, the 10 a.m. session will be about embroidery with limited stitches and each participant will do a sample project. The noon session will be an Art Class with candle making. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan County Reach for Active Services and also by calling the Powhatan Library 804-598-5670 and selecting option 3 to hear an updated recording. Call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804698-0438 for more information. Powhatan County Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books and materials to borrow in person or by using Books to Go. With Books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, DVDs, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www. powhatanlibrary.net or call the library at 804-598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-todate library news, information and program schedules. Business Network International (BNI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.BNIVA. com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/BNIOnFire or contact executive director Dawne Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804-690-9220 for more information. The Free Clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, Amelia and Cumberland Counties as well as select Chesterfield areas. Services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. Eligibility requirements on website www.freeclinicofpowhatan.org/patients. Registration for new patients by appointment Mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637. Thursday, Sept. 1
The Huguenot Ruritan Club meets at 7 p.m. at May Memorial Baptist Church. For more information, contact Tom Grasty at 804A598-0777.Powhatan Hope Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Monday at PCC Church, 4480 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, Room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible. Tuesday, Sept. 6
The Women in Ag Network meets virtually at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. The organization’s mission is to foster female farmers. The Women in Agriculture Network will hold monthly Zoom sessions highlighting women farmers, offering opportunities for women to network, and educational opportunities. Register at vawomeninagnetwork.sessionsorWp0zjOAAzwFhvrTWNTK4BBesTRg6UoSH1b3l62o_A/viewformhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZN-I3gcall804-598-5640.Pre-registrationrequired.Recordedandmoreinformation:https://www.facebook.com/
PowHER Hour+ Monthly Luncheon is held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at different locations throughout the county. Visit onAAPowhatan,Road,TuesdayTheLuke’sAwakenevents/powher-hour-monthly-luncheon/.https://www.powhatanchamber.org/toHopeAl-Anonmeetsat8p.m.everyTuesdayatSt.EpiscopalChurch.newBridgeofReasonAAmeetingisheldat7p.m.everyatPowhatanMennoniteChurch,3549OldBuckinghamPowhatan.Itisanopen,decisionandliteraturemeetingforGoochland,andCumberlandcounties.meetsat8p.m.everyTuesdayatSt.Luke’sEpiscopalChurchHuguenotTrail.
The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from noon to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at Powhatan County Public Library, 2270 Mann Road. Call 1-800- RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter “Powhatan” to schedule an appointment. Download the Blood Donor App for easier access. Community Matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. Challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Rescue Squad Building, 3920 Marion Harland Lane. At the Sept. 7 event, the 10 a.m. session will be by the Department of Wildlife Rehab – “BearWise” teaching how to live safely with bears, fun quiz and hands-on game planned. At noon, Wells Fargo employees will talk about fraud prevention and online banking. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan County Reach for Active Services and also by calling the Powhatan Library 804-598-5670 and selecting option 3 to hear an updated recording. Call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804698-0438 for more information. At 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 8, a caregiver support group will meet specific to dementia and Alzheimer's at May Memorial Baptist Church. Find support and a safe place among others on a similar Thejourney.Cobra
Hands Ministry of Second Antioch Baptist Chruch presents an evening of Gospel Music featuring the New Dynamic Holy Gospel Singers. The event will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10 at the church, 1059 Dorset Road in Powhatan. The annual Sept. 11 remembrance run will be held Sunday, Sept. 11 on the Powhatan High School track. This year, event creator a trio of runners will run 34.3 miles around the track in honor of the 343 firefighters who died that day. The run begins at noon and the community is invited to join in walking or running for all or some of the laps. A silent auction will last from noon to 5 p.m., a 50/50 raffle will be held, and T-shirts will be sold. . As always, all the proceeds go to the five Powhatan Volunteer Fire Companies and the Volunteer Rescue Squad. First responders are especially invited to participate in the final lap, which is expected to be at about 6 p.m. Sept. 11 is the deadline for registration for the Color Challenge '22! This fun relay will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4 at Fighting Creek Park with refreshments and event t-shirt provided. You must be registered and 55 + . Use this link for more details and to register: https://forms.gle/VRS1wNzL9YLzQcQB6 This event is Powhatan's first activity held in recognition of International Active Aging Week! You can sign up for the relay with your own team (with team name and member names of those who are also registering with same agility level) or sign up without a team and we'll group you with others to compete with.
WILLIAMS BRITT STANLEY BRITT JR. BRITT, Stanley Burton Jr., was called home Wednesday, August 24, 2022. He is survived by his devoted wife of 59 years, Mildred Donner Britt; his daughters, Rebecca Harrison (Cliff Harrison) and Elizabeth Thompson (Tom Thompson); grandchildren, Andrew Harrison (Paige Harrison), Leslie Anne Watson (Colton Watson) and Katherine Harrison; and brothers and sisters in Christ. There was a Celebration of Life at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at Ragland Memorial Baptist Church, 2838 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, Va. A reception followed provided by his loving church family. In lieu of flowers, please consider contributing to a charity of your choice. Arrangements are being handled by Norman Funeral Chapel in Goochland, Va.
AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Just Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, had its official opening June 7. Moving forward, the store will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The shop is located in the Memorial Baptist Church Youth House, 3926 Old Buckingham Road. Just Kids is a ministry of May Memorial Baptist Church. Clothes cost $2 per bag. The Powhatan Village Farmers Market is open from 4 to 6:30 p.m. every Thursdays through September on the grounds of Bienvenue, 3841 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. The market offers families a great way to unwind with live music and food truck fare while catching up with neighbors. The Powhatan market meets all your local farm produce and pastured meat needs, as well as those specialty goods you’re looking for like honey, soap, baked treats, unique artisan crafts and more. Lots of SNAP and Double SNAP options! We’re excited to welcome you to the Powhatan Village farmers market! For more information, contact 302-893-0068 or visit https://rvagriculture.org/.
Friday, Sept. 2

Arrests One
female was charged on Aug. 16 with possession of Schedule I, II controlled substance (Felony) and possession or distribution of controlled paraphernalia (MisdeOnemeanor).female was charged on Aug. 21 with violating protective orders (M). Incident report for Aug. 15 to 21 - Incident type & total calls
PHOTO BY LAURA McFARLAND Powhatan Board of Supervisors Chairman Mike Byerly cuts the ribbon on a new fitness center for county employees and fire and rescue volunteers. Also pictured are fire and rescue chief Phil Warner, from left, Tom Nolan, director of public safety; supervisors Steve McClung and Karin Carmack; and sheriff Brad Nunnally. at Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Kieran was treated at this clinic. The event will have a $20 entry fee for vehicles but spectators get in for free. For more information or to donate, contact Wes at 804-833-1644 or Zac at 518683-3955.GospelLight Baptist Church will hold its sixth annual Tent Revival from Sunday, Sept. 18 to Friday, Sept. 23 at the church, 2109 Anderson Highway, Powhatan. Services start at 6:45 p.m. nightly. A free dinner will be served nightly from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. Be our honored guest and come experience an old fashioned, spirt-filled time of preaching by Evangelist Adam Borden and worship.
room a reality: L3Harris, Powhatan Auto/NAPA, Powhatan Lions Club Foundation, Powhatan Bar Association, Byron Burns, AMK Services, Mountain Valley Tower Services, Altairis Technology Partners and MotorolaAnySolutions.timecounty employees are healthier and happier, the county also benefits, especially with first responders, county administrator Ned Smither said during the ribbon cuttingPowhatanceremony.Board of Supervisors Chairman Mike Byerly, who represents District 3, pointed out a large number of people participated in making this fitness room a reality. He said it is indicative of the prevailing spirit in Powhatan, where “you come together, you work together, and when things are tough, you reach out and put your arm around each other and grasp and say let’s go forward.”
Continued from pg. 2 CALENDAR
Contributed Report
Byerly noted that the gym could not only help with the physical fitness of employees and fire and rescue volunteers but their mental states as well. “It is going to offer a great opportunity to help the mental health aspects of people who are in pretty difficult situations – our first responders – who go out and see things that not the average citizen sees,” he said. “It gives them the opportunity to get out and release some of that stress and be able to communicate in a way that is maybe just internal to them. That is a big positive for the county and for them because they are the people that show up when we need something – not when we want something but we need
clear indication that Powhatan is investing in the health and well-being of our employees. This means something,” Schmitt said. She also pointed out that having the gym available 24 hours a day improves work-life balance. Some county employees and volunteers who work long hours or overtime regularly will now have the chance to break away for a quick lunch break workout or get their workout in before or after a night shift. “I do still work overnight. I could get off at 5 a.m., come and work out and then go home and get my daughter on the bus. So that is a huge benefit,” sheThesaid. county received $11,850 in cash donations and a few equipment donations to fill the tworoom gym with a treadmill, a row machine and various weights, Schmitt said. She pointed out the project would not have been possible were it not for the efforts of Tom Nolan, director of public safety, to solicit donations, purchase and assemble equipment, and organize manpower to move heavy equipment.
Check out our flyers, call the library, or visit the library’s Facebook page for movie title information. On Saturday, Sept. 17, Oct. 15 and Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m., the library will hold Gentle Beginner’s Yoga with Joanna Bartles. Participants will learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. Bottled water will be provided. Thanksgiving Food Drive: During the entire month of October and until Nov. 5, bring in five canned goods or nonperishable items to be entered in to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card. All donations will go to the local foodBepantry.onthe lookout for a return of the Writer’s Round-up of local writers, book clubs, and new real information series that will include genealogy research sources. More information is coming soon. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
Dillwyn man killed in single-vehicle crash on Anderson Highway
Page 3APowhatan Today, August 31, 2022
A 2017 GMC 1500 pickup ran off the road to the right and struck a tree. The driver, Joseph Rogers Stanley, 81, of Dillwyn was transported to VCU Medical Center, where he succumbed to his injuries. He was not wearing his seatbelt. This crash remains under investigation. Submitted by Sgt. Jessica B. Shehan, public information officer - Division 1 Richmond.
tingsaidRescuecutting.5,KarinClung,Supervisorssomething.”SteveMc-District2,andCarmack,DistrictalsoattendedtheribbonPowhatanFireandChiefPhilWarneraftertheribboncut-thatthefitnessroomisagreatopportunityforhisstaffandvolunteerstohavetheabilitytocomeinonshiftoroff-shifttoworkout.SheriffBradNunnallysaidheishappywiththegymandgivescredittoNolanforcomingtohimandWarnertotalkabouttheneedforaphysicalfit-nessprogramforlocalfirstresponders.“PhilandIbothwerehappytosupporthim,andheputallthistogeth-erandthengotthecountyinvolvedandendedupmakingitsomethingthatallthecountyemployeescouldbenefitfrom,”Nunnallysaid.“Itwillbenice,too,asthecountyisgettinglarger,wedon’talwaysknoweachotheraswellasweusedto,so Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. The library is thrilled to offer a Sunshine Art painting workshop, Yoga with Joanna, Retro Movie Mondays, a contest, Writer’s Round-up, book clubs, and a new informational series! All PCPL’s fall adult events are generously funded by Powhatan County Public Library’s Friends of theSunshineLibrary.Art is coming to PCPL! On Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 11 a.m., Shelley Crawford with Sunshine Art will be here to help 20 lucky folks with a fall-themed paint day! Immerse yourselves in artmaking, with a pre-planned drawn-in fall image. No supplies are needed. This is an amazing opportunity and space is limited, so you must be registered to attend. Registration can be found on the library Facebook page, over the phone, or on the library website. Every second and fourth Monday throughout the fall at 11 a.m., the library will hold Retro Movie Mondays. Come in and enjoy some popcorn, watch a classic movie and reminisce.
this is going to be a place for other employees from different departments and offices to come together, get to know one another, workout and hopefully improve their lifestyles.” Laura McFarland may be reached at day.com.farland@powhatanto-LmcPowhatan Library plans fall programs for adults Continued from pg. 1 FITNESS 598-0799 “AllWorkPersonallySupervisedbyOwner,RichardStanley” LocallyOwned&Operated ProudlyservingPowhatanandthesurroundingcountiessince1985 FullyLicensed&Insured• ClassAContractor• FreeEstimates ALL-STAR PAVING www.allstarpavingva.com A FallGolfClassic atTheFoundryGolfClub Monday,September19,2022 12:00pmShotgunStart RainDate:Tuesday,September20,2022 The11thAnnualBackpacksofLoveFallGolfClassic’s Hole Sponsor OpportunitiesAvailable!! Feedingover1,500childrenweekly! BACKPACKSOFLOVE 3035LowerHillRoadPowhatan,VA23139 www.backpacksoflove.org Office:804-598-2723Fax:804-598-2990 BenefitingaUniqueLocalNon-Profit ThemissionofBackpacksofLoveistoeliminatehunger inschool-ageboysandgirlsinCentralVirginiaby providingfoodfortheirweekends. SponsorshipOpportunities Feedingover1,500childrenweekly! BackpacksofLove,Inc.(BPOL),a501(c)3non-profit organizationfoundedin2011inPowhatanVA. **Becomea HoleSponsor foronly$500! Every$4.00feeds ahungrykidfora weekend! 11TH YEAR 1ANNIVERSARY H R IVE R 2011 2022 Contributed Report The
CRIME REPORT Abandoned vehicle 1 Advice 42 Allergic 1 Animal calls 13 Assist 15 Attempt to locate 9 B&E 2 Civil 3 CPR 1 Damaged property 2 Death investigation 1 Disabled vehicle 8 Disorder/disturbance 6 Domestic 3 Drunk in public 1 Dumping 1 Follow-up 3 Found property 1 Fraud 8 Gas drive off 1 Gunshots 1 Hold-up alarm 4 Investigation 2 Larceny 3 Lift assist 1 Lockout 3 Loitering 3 Missing person 2 MVAs 14 Parking violation 1 Pd alarm 15 Phone threat 1 Psychiatric 2 Pursuit 1 Reckless driver 13 Recovered property 1 Sex offense 1 Suspicious 17 Traffic hazard 9 Traffic stop 68 Trailer inspection 1 Transport 3 Trespass 4 Unauthorized use 1 Unknown emergency 23 Vandalism 1 Warrant service 1 Welfare check 4
An 81-year-old Dillwyn man died recently as a result of a single-vehicle crash in Powhatan. At 11:05 a.m. on Friday, Aug, 19, Virginia State Police responded to a single-vehicle crash westbound on Anderson Highway a half mile east of Bell Road in Powhatan County.
Nolan thanked several sponsors for the donations it took to make the fitness

to move Carmackforward. argued Smither did have the authority, pointing to the adoption with a 3-2 vote of a resolution on May 18, which she, McClung and Byerly supported and Williams and Cox opposed. In addition to adopting the operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2023, the resolution included language that said the “County Administrator is authorized to make changes to grades, titles and classifi cations as necessary to carry out the Board’s direction, and to adjust the number of seasonal, parttime and temporary fulltime employees within the adopted appropriation provided for in the annual budget.”Both sides also referenced the county’s employee handbook to support their points.
tects both employees and the county, the focus of the problem Cox and Williams raised has been placing blame on Smither as county administrator for making changes that they said were unauthorized and pulled the county further and further away from adhering to the classification and compensationAtplan.the board’s July 25 meeting, the supervisors were completely at odds when Byerly, Carmack and McClung successfully voted to give Smither a raise and make a few favorable changes to his contract while Cox and Williams were pushing for his resignation. A significant justification for the pair asking for the resignation was changes they said Smither had made without board authorization, with Cox citing 32 instances of changes made to regrading, title changes, salary adjustments and promotions. The changes led to salary increases that ranged from 3% all the way up to 28%. Most recently, Cox and Williams were again pointing the finger at Smither in a discussion during the Aug. 16 workshop about possibly ratifying all previous salary adjustments applicable to current employees – a move they were opposed to and Lacheney advised against, especially without specificity. None of the other board members voiced support for it either, but debate continued, mainly focused on what authority the county administrator has been granted or should have in the future according to the various board members. Cox and Williams maintained throughout that Smither had overstepped his bounds and argued the board needed to uncover and understand the breadth and depth of the “mess” they need to clean up in order
PowhatanChristian Fellowship SundayMorningWorship 11:00a.m. SundaySchool10:00a.m. WednesdayNight7:30p.m. 3308PleasantsRoad, 1/4mileoffofRoute711 RussCress,Pastor 598-0733
WeekdayPreschool(ages2-5) 598-6090
Cox went through examples of changes to salaries, job titles and job position creation he said were made by Smither and questioned Lacheney about the county administrator’s authority to have made them.Williams, who had started the discussion off with his motion that was later amended and passed, briefly took the discussion back to the broader issue of the county needing to have an employee handbook, employee staffing plan, and classification and compensation plan that are “synchronized” and work to protect both employees and the county. But he also came back to the issue of what authority the county administrator should have versus authorities the board should not relinquish.Carmack and Byerly both pointed out that the board has been in office more than two and a half years and no one has ever pushed to make the classification and compensation plan or the need to update it an issue until now.The lengthy arguments fluctuated from the broad to the specific, talking about how to interpret what is represented in the position classifications versus in the actual operating budget; a county administrator’s ability to make decisions that make Powhatan competitive in attracting and retaining employees, and eventually moving into discussions about Williams’ original motion and finding the best way forward.
pg. 1
SundaySchool10AM WorshipService11AM PastorJohnEngle 603-933-0141 3540OldBuckinghamRd. www.pmchurch.net 1801 Huguenot Trail SundayWorship 10am BryanM.Holt, https://www.facebook.com/2emmaus/www.EmmausChristianChurch.org804-378-3607Pastor
Powhatan County contracted with Condrey and Associates in November 2014 to develop a classification and compensation plan. Condrey and Associates conducted the study and was able to come up with appropriate job titles based on employees’ tasks, assign a grade to them so there is equity within the county and make sure the county is in compliance with the Federal Labor Standards Act. The study also addressed making sure the county is offering salaries that are competitive with similar jurisdictions, with each grade having a minimum, mid and maximum range. On June 15, 2015, the then-board of supervisors adopted the Powhatan County Employee Classification and Compensation Plan. Since then, the board of supervisors has voted to amend the plan with changes such as market adjustment increases to the compensation scale, new positions, changing the exempt and non-exempt status of certain positions, and making grade changes and maintenance to the compensation scales. The focus on the issue of classification and compensation has been brought up at recent board meetings by Williams and Bill Cox, District 4. In addition to affirming why it is important to Powhatan County to have a fair and equitable plan that pro-
The discussion on the county classification and
2253RossonRd. JustoffRt.13intheVillage 598-4438
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Providence Presbyterian Church “WorshipingandWitnessing inWesternPowhatan since1825” WorshipService11:00am AllAreWelcome! 598-4970 Located1950RidgeRoad (Rt.627) St.JohnNeumann CatholicChurch Rev.WalterG.Lewis,Pastor Saturday-5p.m. Sunday-8:30a.m.&11a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org LocatedbehindFlatRock VillageShoppingCenter
compensation plan at the Aug. 22 meeting lasted an hour and 21 minutes, starting along much the same track as previous discussions.
Instarted.bringing the lengthy discussion to a close so the board could vote, Byerly said, “I think we all agree up here that there is an issue, we want to address it, and we want to take care of it. We want to look out for the employees of this county. That is the bottom line from my perspective.”Theboard voted unanimously to approve Carmack’s amendment, which took away the need to vote on Byerly’s amendment. The board then voted unanimously to approve Williams’ original motion to get the
Laura McFarland may be reached at day.com.farland@powhatanto-LmcbecauseIsensedsadness.Iwasso luckythatIwassaved,andbroughthere, Ihavemoreplaytime,Igetblanketsand toys,andmostofallIgetlotsoflove fromthestaff,andtheDogWalkers. Iamaround2to3yearsold,Iam neutered,anduptodateonmyshots, Iamalsomicrochipped.Sothat’sjust alittleaboutmeIwouldlovetoknow yourstorywhilewesitonthecouch relaxing,andwatchingamovie.Iwill alsoshowyoumypersonality,andmy devotiontomyfamily.Ifyouwouldlove tomeetme,Pleasecontactthestaffat
372-9074 WorshipwithusthisSunday
Continued from SUPERVISORS and agreement, making it clear they just wanted to get
Church Directory. Call 804-746-1235 ext.2 fordetails. Advertisein
ForkUnion,Midlothian, PowhatanandOnline. Visitpccwired.netfor servicestimes&locations. 598-1174pccwired.net
Genito Presbyterian Church 2910GenitoRd.Powhatan,VA Churchservice@9:30AM
At one point at the Aug. 16 workshop Byerly pointed out there is not a “perfect scenario” but added that if there is situation to correct they need to “correct it and move forward” instead of “castigating a county administrator” for an issue that started even before he arrived.The Aug. 16 workshop at times devolved into a quagmire on understanding meeting procedures and protocol and talking over each other before the discussion was ended without resolution.
Sundayschool@10:30AM St.Luke’sEpiscopalChurch SUNDAYS 8:00AMinpersonserviceinthechurch 10:30AMinpersonserviceinthechurch (livestreamed) www.stlukespowhatan.org AllareWelcome Formoreinformationvisitwww.stlukespowhatan.org Route711atThreeBridgeRoad794-6953
E VERGREEN C OMMUNITY C HURCH (PCA) Proclaiming&PracticingtheGospelofJesusChrist WorshipServiceat10:00AM Meetingat2375SkaggsRoad,Powhatan. ECCPCA.ORG 598-8844 Worship: 8:30&10:30am www.powhatanumc.us
LivingAsChrist’sDisciplesWithinOur HeartsandBeyondOurDoors MountCalvary BaptistChurch 2020RedLaneRoad Powhatan,VA23139 Pastor,LarryB.Collins SundaySchool9:45a.m. SundayWorship11:00a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy 7:30p.m. Office804-598-2398
ball rolling on assessing the integrity of the classification and compensationSmither,plan. in his county administrator comments at the end of the meeting, said that had the board not voted to take these actions, he already had a plan in place to work with staff to address the classification and compensation issues.
Page 4A Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022
The board may have a full presentation in the future to better understand Robert’s Rules of Order, which are used to guide parliamentary procedure, but in the meantime Lacheney started the Aug. 22 meeting with a basic review of the most common parts of the procedures that the board is likely to use. That reminder did seem to help at that meeting when motions got complicated.
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MeetingSundays inFarmville,
Classification compensationand
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SECONDANTIOCH BAPTISTCHURCH 1059DorsetRoad Powhatan,VA23139 ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m.
2390EmmanuelChurchRoad 804-372-9254 www.newwalkbible.org SundayWorship10:00AM SundaySchool9:00AM BibleStudyWed.7:00PM
OLDPOWHATAN BAPTISTCHURCH BradRussell,Pastor 598-4241 Servicetimesare 8:30a.m.and10:15a.m. Worshiponlineat10:15a.m. 2202OldChurchRoad www.powhatanbaptist.org
Powhatan County Public Schools welcomed students for the first day of school on Aug. 22. Shown are students arriving for their first day at Powhatan Middle and Pocahontas Elementary schools.
MuddyCreek BaptistChurch SundaySchool-9:45a.m. Worship-11a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00p.m.
MOUNTZION BAPTISTCHURCH 2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor 10a.m.–WorshipService 8:30a.m.–ChurchSchool
PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad www.muddycreekbaptist.org Advertisein Powhatan Today’sChurch Directory. Call804-746-1235 ext.2fordetails. Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm TravisL.Keith-Pastor ChurchOffice:794.7054 JustAcrossfromSouth CreekShoppingCenter!www.glbcpva.org Family WorshipCenter “YourCommunity Church” 2901JudesFerryRoad Powhatan,Va23139 804-379-8223 Sundays10:00a.m. Wednesday6:30p.m. Experiencingthepresence, powerandpersonofJesusChrist Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org 1530CookRoad(Rt.636)
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor Contemporary–9:00a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 2p.m.the2ndSat.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org RandyBlackwell,Pastor SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30 p.m. 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock 5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive” 9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy 804-375-9404
3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor
FIRSTANTIOCH BAPTISTCHURCH 3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301 SundaySchool10:00a.m. SundayMorningService 11:00a.m. WednesdayMidDay BibleStudy11:30a.m. EveningBibleStudy7:00p.m.
Hollywood BaptistChurch “AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr 598-2763 SundaySchool at9:30a.m. MorningService at11:00a.m. BibleStudy EveryWednesdayNight at6:30p.m. 3964OldBuckinghamRoad HollyHills BaptistChurch www.HollyHillsBaptist.org (IndependentBibleBelieving)
2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoffRt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org SmallGroupClasses9:00a.m. WorshipService10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor
Page 5APowhatan Today, August 31, 2022 PCPS kicks off 2022-2023 school year

Page 6A Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022 Families share first day moments CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS Powhatan County families shared their first day of school photos. The new school year started for Powhatan County Public Schools on Aug. 22. See more first day photos from the community on Page 3B. hCfilih

8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116 Phone: 804-746-1235 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-344-8746
The news that the fourth annual Sept. 11 remembrance run being held in Powhatan in a little over a week is shifting focus this year somehow felt right. In 2019, a man I had never heard of before announced he would be running 343 laps around the Powhatan High School track in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. I covered the event for the Powhatan Today, showing up for the midnight start and stopping by a few times throughout the day to take photos, talk to people and walk around the track a few times.All the while, Russ Holland Jr. went round and round, hour after hour, in the dark of night and the brightness of day, in remembrance of those who gave their all. In the two years that followed, the event shifted and evolved as needed. Held in the Village area in 2020, the event goal was 72 miles to honor the 72 law enforcement officers who died in the terrorist attacks. Last year, on the 20th anniversary of that tragic day, the event moved back to the high school track and the original 343 laps.
Compared to today’s slickly produced television specials masquerading as conventions, the gatherings actually meant something when the parties met in 1968. Nixon was headed to Miami and so was I, although it won’t surprise to learn how our paths southward were quite differently motivated.The once defeated former vice president was headed to South Florida to attempt to regain his party’s nomination after the failed effort in 1960. He faced formidable opposition in formidable challenges from California Governor Ronald Reagan and New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller.Expertspredicted a calmer than usual GOP atmosphere, a more serious approach to the perceived unrest and violence taking place in American cities. Nixon vowed to restore law and order and return safety to American streets. Honestly, I didn’t even know we were on the same path. I was headed to Tampa with a friend and then on to Miami for a few days of rest and relaxation in the midst of summer vacation. We loaded up my 1967 VW and purred south without a mention of the upcoming convention or how it could possibly intertwine with our plans.Following a night in Tampa, we headed down the Orange Blossom Trail that cuts across the state of Florida through the most dense area of orange trees in the state, at that time. Only portions of I-75 or the Florida Turnpike were completed, so the trip through the Orange Country seemed like a seldom seen look to Florida’s past, the numerous citrus warehouses and small towns where all the buildings seemed painted white. We finally made it to Miami Beach, staying with my friend’s uncle and aunt in their comfortable home on the causeway. He was a pilot for Eastern Airlines so his schedule allowed him few hours to entertain, and my friend and I spent most of the days lost around the city, a much less congested and smaller city at that time.It was also a time of transition for the city, one of series that seemed to be occurring more often at the beachfront paradise.
These young people, of course, are the lucky ones. I would be willing to bet that for the majority of those who recently graduated from high school, the next few years do not appear as a perfectly outlined plan that will lead them step-by-step to all the success and happiness life has to offer. Instead, as they file into lecture halls or fill out post-high school job applications, they may—as so many of us have—be wrestling with the unsettling fact that they don’t have a solid plan for where they want to go or who they want to be.
As the newest group of college freshmen settle in on campuses across the country, there are probably at least a few who have little doubt about the path ahead. For them, the course is charted, and the goals are set. In their minds, they know who they are and what they want, and now must simply put it in the required work to get there.
Sports Editor
Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 © 2022 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 11,026.
Regardless of where it was held or the format, there were a few things that remained constant about every event – the emphasis on honoring the fallen, celebrating and fundraising for our own local first responders, and a community coming together to help do Yes,both.the first year had a huge emphasis on the feat Russ was accomplishing, and rightly so; he paid tribute to the fallen firefighters in an amazing way. But as more people have stepped up to help behind the scenes or by finishing lap after lap, mile after mile, the spotlight on Russ has spread out a little, which is something he seems more than fine to see happening.Hetold me last week that there would be a few changes this year. The format would be shifting to a 34.3-mile course around the high school track instead of 343 laps, mostly out of necessity since Russ is coming back from an illness and hasn’t been able to train to the level needed to run 343 laps in a day. The first laps will start at noon on Sunday, Sept. 11 at the high school track and are expected to finish in time for a final lap dedicated to local first responders at about 6 p.m. For the same reason, he will also be sharing the miles with two Powhatan residents, Christa Warren and Mary Walton, with one or more of them always on the track. In addition to letting the main runners rest, it also lets them actually enjoy the event and take time to actually talk to the people who came out in support.Thespirit of the event will not change, even if the shortened day necessitates some adjustments. For instance, the names of the 343 firefighters will still be called out to remember them, but they will be announced by their fire companies instead of one name per lap. And off to the sides, there will be opportunities to support our five local volunteer fire companies and one volunteer rescue squad through a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. As Russ talked about sharing the laps with Christa and Mary, like I said above, it felt right. Powhatan’s Sept. 11 remembrance event, while having its roots with one man taking on a monumental task, has evolved beyond that to fully become a community event that can be shared by all. It is an opportunity for anyone to come out to take a moment and remember those we lost and honor those who serve our community. Whether you walk a few laps, bid on a silent auction item or just thank a first responder for what they do for our community, you can’t go wrong. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.
thaynie@mechlocal.com Classifieds
ddangelo@mechlocal.com Managing Editor
“Is this the right major?” “Is this the right job?”
First, the strip along Collins found its niche as a small Southern beach town with well heeled hotels that featured the now synonymous art deco designs. An invasion of Northerners made the trip to landmark hotels during the 1950s, and many never left. By the time we arrived, those once beautiful hotels had been seriously neglected, the once colorful paint chipped and fallen. An older generation occupied the lawns along the main street, resting in their lawn chairs or playing a game of shuffle ball near the beach.You could feel the rumblings of a community in conflict, a battle of generations for precious real estate. An influx of younger residents resented the status quo that offered no vision of revitalization.Werodeby the convention daily with no delays or congested traffic. We marveled at the long line of network satellite trucks lined along the adjacent street to what looked an aged facility.We’d take a couple of laps, search the streets for someone we recognized, and then head off to the beach for the remainder of the day. At night, my friend’s uncle treated us to a part of Miami Beach that represented a new version of an old theme. Dining along Collins Avenue presented an endless variety of five star restaurants, many of them located in swanky hotels.Nixon got the nomination and flew off to campaign; and we left the following day for the long drive back to Richmond. We talked about those wonderful nights on Miami Beach, the white sand beaches and beautiful water and how wonderful it must be to live in Florida; but we said little about the convention. Perhaps, that’s just the way it was designed, a no-ceremony, business-only approach to government that they were selling to the public that fall. The real fireworks came later that summer in Chicago, when the democrats hosted what can only be described as a political fiasco. A contentious nomination process ensued as rioters fought with police yards away in the adjoining park. It was a summer of political and social unrest, but not in Miami Beach.
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist It was a time in American history that is still recognized by a single season and date – Summer, 1968, a year that immediately evokes memories of protest, an unpopular war in Southeast Asia and unrest in the streets. As both political parties prepared for their annual pilgrimages of allegiance, better known as conventions first introduced their party’s choice to the public. Politics at that time had not become full-time big business, and often candidates were not actually confirmed until the final day of the multi-day events.
A different summer of 1968
August 31, 2022 Page 7A
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
Shifting event focus highlights community
“Am I the only one of my peers who has no earthly idea if I am making the right choices or just wasting time?”
“Am I working hard enough?”“AmI falling behind?”
How do you plan to celebrate Labor Day? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or share them on the Powhatan Today’s Facebook page.
To these young people, it’s tempting to simply say “relax.” It will all work out. Work hard, do good, and you will be fine. But sometimes—particularly for those who are questioning everything—platitudes like these are far from comforting or helpful. So instead, to those who might be struggling right now to find direction, I’d like to offer a very short story about a Goochland native who was once in exactly the same boat. Back in the late 1960s, a gentleman by the name of Carl Gordon found himself in something of a crisis. Having served in the military, dropped out of college and become mired in a series of low-paying, dead-end jobs, Gordon was living in New York City, nearing 40, and running low on both money and hope. Nearing his breaking point one night, exhausted, Gordon called out to God for help. It was only then, he recalled in an interview years later, that he heard a voice from somewhere deep within himself.“Why don’t you try acting?”Gordon recalled that it seemed insane at the time— he had never even considered becoming an actor—but he decided he had nothing to lose. He enrolled in an acting workshop (where he was the only black student, as well as they oldest and the only college dropout), and eventually began finding work. He would go on to a successful career on Broadway and also win acclaim as a television actor with roles on “Law & Order,” “ER,” and, perhaps most notably, “Roc,” a popular early 90s sitcom about a workingclass black family in Baltimore.Gordon died in 2010 at age 78, leaving behind a legacy that reminds all of us that success rarely has a set timetable, and that is important to keep looking for your purpose, even when it feels like you are fumbling in the dark. One never knows when the call might come—or from where.You just need to be brave enough to answer.
Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Thursday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff Joy Monopoli D’Angelo Laura McFarland lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com Robby Fletcher rfletcher@powhatantoday.com Tom Haynie Cindy Adams
Finding purpose in life can happen at any time
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By Roslyn Ryan Richmond Suburban News
jmonopoli@rsnva.com Production Manager Denine

PHOTOS BY LAURA MCFARLAND Blessed Sacrament Huguenot School returned for the 2022-2023 school year on Aug. 23 with 391 students. Students and staff returned to classrooms and the library renovated. Parker Gym, which also underwent renovations this summer, is expected to be complete afte r Labor Day. A new arts center is expected to be finished in November. Demolition of the cafeteria and Sullivan Gym is complete and work will begin soon on the new student activities center. of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives in the attack. Event creator Russ Holland Jr. will be joined by two Powhatan residents, Christa Warren and Mary Walton, to complete the laps, with at least one of them on the track at all times.The event will have its solemn moments as the fallen firefighters and other victims are remembered, but the day is also a celebration of those who continue to take the risks to keep people safe every day in Powhatan. “It is OK that people have a different mentality about it. A lot of people are truly out there because they knew somebody in 9/11 and they need a minute to remember that and cry about it in a safe place. That is awesome, too. The stories I hear while we are out there just floor me,” Holland said. The trio will begin their laps at noon and are expected to wrap up in time for a 6 p.m. first responders lap, where men and women involved in local fire and rescue are invited to join and be recognized. Between those times, the community is once again invited to come and participate by walking or running laps around the track to show their support. They can also bid in a silent auction and try their luck with a 50/50 raffle, with proceeds benefitting the five local volunteer fire companies and one volunteer rescue squad, Holland said. There will also be a DJ, a display of the 343 firefighters’ photos, and a food truck selling food. Having the event act as a fundraiser for the local volunteer companies is important because all of them are nonprofits that raise money to help maintain their buildings and reinvest into their members, said fire and rescue chief PhilSinceWarner.itstarted, the remembrance event has seen significant changes every year, Holland said. The first year, Holland ran 343 laps in honor of the firefighters, with a different name read out at the start of each lap. The emphasis that year was heavily on educating youth about this monumental event in American history. The run shifted to the Village area in 2020 and lasted for 72 miles in honor of law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the attacks, he added. “Last year was the 20th anniversary and we were just generally celebrating the event but also really trying to create more community awareness of it, not just focused on the kids like we did the first year,” he said. This year’s total course is shorter but organizers don’t want it to be any less memorable. Instead of reading out the names with each lap, they will be read out by the companies that responded, which was Warner’s suggestion.
Continued from pg. 1 SEPT. 11 PHOTO BY LAURA McFARLAND Participants in the upcoming Sept. 11 remembrance run train both for the event on Sept. 11 and to improve their overall health. AttentionAllSouthsideElectric CooperativeMembers! It’sTimeforAChange. VOTERODNEYMOONFOR SOUTHSIDEELECTRIC COOPORATIVEBOARD -IamaRandolph-Henry HighSchoolGraduate andlifelongresidentof CharlotteCounty -35YearSelfEmployed BusinessOwner IWillBeYourVoicefor Reliable andAffordable ElectricService Pleasevotebymailingproxycardonthebackof September ’sissueoftheCooperative LivingMagazine. ThankYouforYourSupport! PaidForbyRodneyMoon(434)470-0809
“One of the things that really impacts people the most is seeing us stop and focus on the people we are celebrating, either with a picture or a group of pictures. We didn’t want to lose that even though we were doing less laps,” Holland said. “So the company idea that Phil had is a really good way of going about that and also gives the emcee a chance to dig in a little bit more about what those people did.” Warner said he hopes the shorter day creates a more focused event where members of the community and first responders can come in and participate. He is really looking forward to the first responder lap at the end of the day and seeing those men and women recognized.The remembrance run tends to have key elements that change every year, but the heart of the event –honoring first responders – remains the same, Holland said. This year, a theme was chosen to focus on improving first responders’ health. Some of the worst dangers they face when responding to a call is not just emergencies like a Firefire.and rescue members have been meeting at the high school track on Sunday mornings to get healthier, he added.
Page 8A Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022 Smallclasses!Nomorethan10children! Highlyexperiencedstaff! Affordablescaledtuitionrates. “Sr.Beulahisanamazingteacher!” “Mychildlovesschool!” AcertifiedVirginiaQUALITYSite Fullylicensedschoolprogram. Pilon©WORKSHOPWAY© ...asystemofhumangrowthforeducation Callortext804-837-9960 preschoollzwway@gmail.com preschoollzwway.org 5662CartersvilleRd Powhatan,VA23139 RegisterNOW! BSH welcomes students for 2022-2023 school year

Powhatan Today
Henderson to step down as basketballIndianscoach
(From left to right): Alex Bulluck, Ali Bulluck and Hannah Morris won titles at the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation Mid-Atlantic Open Championships on Aug. 20.
On the subsequent kickoff, the Ponies returned the ball 65 yards, setting up a scrambling touchdown by their quarterback a few plays later and a two-point conversion.Aftermore strong running by Case and Fichter, senior tight end David Mann caught his first touchdown of the season on a play-action throw, while Case again scored the two-point conversion.
The Knights’ season opened with a 54-26 road win against the Chincoteague Ponies on Aug. 26. In humid conditions, the Knights rattled off the first 16 points of the game, starting with a 20-yard touchdown run down the left sideline by junior Will Fichter and junior Hunter Case scoring the two-point conversion.ThePonies’ opening drive was stymied by senior defensive lineman Tanner Wood, who darted through to get a sack on thirdThedown.Knights’ next possession took two plays, with Case scoring on a darting run up the middle from the 23-yard-line before putting in his second conversion of the game.
The Knights would give up a long touchdown throw on their next defensive possession as the Ponies battled back, but senior safety Jeb Hatfield and Woods stopped the two-point conversion in the backfield.
Powhatan volleyball opened its season with a tough pair of games to start its season, and after going 1-1 in those two games, the team answered the call with a promising start to theHostingyear. the Goochland Bulldogs on Tuesday, Aug. 23 and later the Manchester Lancers on Thursday, Aug. 25, the Indians faced adversity in their seasonopener with the Bulldogs, winning one of four sets in a loss, but bounced right back and came out with a purpose against the Lancers for a 3-1 win of their own.Against the Bulldogs, it was a battle between two teams entering the season with similar situations, with both heavy in experience, but still replacing some key contributors from last year’s roster. The Bulldogs came out of the gate strong, jumping to an 8-4 lead in the first set that then grew to 1812. The Indians showed great fight though, including winning a point on a long back-and-forth rally that saw both sides send blistering strikes over the net until senior Samantha Flippo delivered a kill to make it 18-13. It seemed whenever the Indians delivered a nice offensive attack to perhaps pick up some momentum, the Bulldogs would respond with a timely block or a hard-earned point, and that led to them taking the first set, 25-16. The next set also belonged to the Bulldogs. This time, the Bulldogs jumped out to a 7-0 advantage, though the Indians were able to get some strong points from senior Chesed Russell at the front of the net to keep them in the game. Russell finished with six kills. Down 20-12 and coming out of a timeout, Powhatan did its best to make things interesting, but the set was Goochland’s to lose, and the traveling opponent came out with a 25-12 win entering see VOLLEYBALL, pg. 2
The Ponies’ final drive before the half was stopped by a strip-sack of the opposing quarterback by Mann, who consistently put pressure on the quarterback all game long. The Ponies opened the scoring in the second half with a long touchdown run on a slant pass that broke free over the middle. Mann’s pressure on the quarterback kept the Ponies from converting the subsequent two-point try. The next Knights possession was marked by a huge play by junior quarterback Afton Harrow, who darted through a gap in the line and scrambled 40 yards down the field in the longest run of his career. Then, two plays later, Hatfield would score yet again on a short pass to the flats, bringing his total to three scores on the day. Newcomer senior running back Kendrick Sheffield rumbled into the endzone for the subsequent two-point
Contributed Report Powhatan Today Congratulations to Powhatan powerlifters Ali Bulluck, Alex Bulluck and Hannah Morris for their excellent lifting at the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation Mid-Atlantic Open Championships on Aug. 20 that was held at the Mechanicsville Gold’s Gym. Ali Bulluck deadlifted 105 kilos (231.5 lbs) and bench pressed 42.5 kilos (93.5 lbs), and she took first place in the Masters Division 45-49/114 weight class.Alex Bulluck deadlifted 82.5 kilos (181 lbs) and bench pressed 32.5 kilos (72 lbs) at the championships. She took first place in the Teen 16-17/ 114 weight class. Both of her lifts were new state records. Then, Morris deadlifted 117.5 kilos (259 lbs), which set a new state record, and bench pressed 55 kilos (121 lbs) after. She took first place as well in the Teen 16-17/ 165 weight class.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
PHOTO BY AMANDA HATFIELD BSH senior Jeb Hatfield celebrates a touchdown with his teammates in the team’s 54-26 road win against Chincoteague on Aug. 26. see KNIGHTS, pg. 2
The next possession saw more strong running from the Knights offense, and Mann was again targeted on a long pass play before Hatfield scored the first of three touchdowns. The Knights defense stiffened, and a strong tackle by Hunter Case stuffed the Ponies in the backfield on a fourth-and-1 from their own 45-yard-line, and that led to another Hatfield touchdown. Case again scored a two-point conversion to make the score 3614 in favor of the Knights.
Local lifters set state records at Mid-Atlantic Open Championships
FILE PHOTO Kristy Henderson (center) instructs two of the campers in a 1-on-1 drill at the summer basketball camp in 2019. Powhatan girls basketball head coach Kristy Henderson is stepping away from her position as leader of the Hendersonprogram.ledtheIndians for the last five years and helped lead the team to a state quarterfinals appearance this past season, but she tells Powhatan Today that with her daughter Faith playing basketball at Christopher Newport University and her son Matt playing football with the Indians, now was the see HENDERSON, pg. 2
Powhatan senior Chesed Russell attempts an attack in the volleyball team’s season-opener against Goochland on Aug. 23.
Contributed Report
August 31, 2022 Page 1BPowhatan, Virginia FOOTBALLALL-STAR 800.296.6246 l cffc.com CitizensandFarmersBank C&FBank’sAthleteoftheWeekC&FBankAthleteoftheWeek WHO: WILLFICHTER WHATHEDID: Withfootballseasonjust aroundthecorner,theBlessed Sacrament-HuguenotKnightsare workinghardintheirfinalpractices astheypreparefortheirfirstgame againstChincoteagueonAug.26. Astheseason-openingdepth chartstartstotakeshape,one playerwhohasstoodoutasa potentialbreakoutcandidateis juniorrunningbackWillFichter. Fichterscoredfourrushing touchdownswithover400yards lastseason,andheisprimedfor alargershareofthecarriesinhis juniorcampaignafterimpressing coacheswithhisdevelopmentasa runningbackandhisworkethicin theteam’strainingcamp. Fichterwillpairwithfellow juniorHunterCaseinthebackfield fortheKnights,whointendononce againbeingarun-heavyteamthat aimstowininthetrenchesand controlpossessionthroughtheir talentedrunningbacks.
Volleyball team goes 1-1
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
Knights score 54 in opening win

Powhatan’s Conner Hedgepeth reacts after a shot in the Indians’ home finale versus James River and Clover Hill on Sept. 23, 2021.
theTonight.make it 21-11, amazing defense on the Powhatan side was highlighted by a fantastic dig from Russell before a Goochland shot went out of bounds. The team ultimately took the set, 25-13. Head coach Cindy Bryant credits a switch to a 5-1 rotation for their third set success.
“That third set shows what we’re capable of, we’ve just got to bring that every set,” Bryant said. In the fourth and final set, the Bulldogs recaptured the momentum with an 11-2 start and won the set and match with a 25-13 score. On the statsheet, the Indians were led by senior Sydney Wade in passing with five assists, while Russell and freshman Mazie Harmon led on the serve with two aces apiece. Defensively, Harmon also had a standout debut with a team-high nine digs, followed by four digs from Flippo, Wade and senior CarlyAgainstRehme.the Lancers, the Indians brought heart and hustle in their response victory, with a balanced attack helping them pick up their first win of the season.The Indians jumped out to a two-set lead, winning 25-16 in the opening set and 25-18 in the second before losing a tight third set 25-23. They responded with a close win of their own, winning the matchdeciding fourth set, 25-19. Flippo led the attack with nine kills followed by a six-kill evening from Moss, who also served seven aces. Rehme meanwhile recorded four kills, two aces and a block, while Wade showcased her passing ability with 16 assists.The Indians play again on Sept. 6 in a home matchup versus Midlothian at 7 p.m.
HENDERSON right time to hand the keys to someone else. “It was a very tough and emotional decision to step away. We have an exceptionally close knit group of girls on the team and that made this decision even harder,” Henderson said. “It was time to put my family first after 29 straight years of coaching different levels of basketball, it was time for a Hendersonchange.” says she’ll miss the excitement of preparing for gamedays, preseason training with her teams and the feeling of watching her group develop over the course of a season, but the thing she says she’ll miss the most is the connections and bonds she developed with student-athletes that had a shared love for the game of Whilebasketball.it’shardto say what her best memory was of her time with the Indians, last season’s dramatic run that ended with the team finishing as the runner-up in the Region 4B Tournament and making it to the Class 4 state quarterfinals certainly stands out as a fitting swan song to her coaching career with the program.“Last year was a special season, no doubt about it,” Henderson said. “(I’m) certainly leaving with great memories of last season, but honestly every year is a special season with special memories. The fact we made it farther than any girls team in PHS history is an accomplishment I’m proud to say I was a part of.” Henderson says the support of the community and the school administration was also crucial to helping her develop and grow with the program.“Iwould like to thank all the community support, and administrative support throughout my career, but mostly would like to thank the girls who have made basketball such a special part of my life for so many years,” she Hendersonsaid.says she’ll still be an active part of the community, as she supports her son and her husband Mike, who is head coach of the Powhatan varsity football team, while still being an avid supporter of the girls basketball team that has six returning players from last year’s squad. After recently hiring girls basketball assistant coach Brock Geiman to be the new boys basketball head coach, athletic director Chip Boone will be tasked with finding a new coach to lead the girls team, who will start their season in late November. Robby Fletcher can be reached at hatantoday.com.rfletcher@pow-
Gallery: Indians take on Cougars in final scrimmage Staff Reports Powhatan Today
Continued from pg. 1 KNIGHTS conversion.Thenext possession for the Ponies saw them drive the ball all the way down to the 1-yard-line before being stymied on a huge fourth-and-goal stand by the Knights defense, with multiple tackles by Case and strong gap penetration by freshman defensive lineman Carter Cichowicz, who allowed Wood to make the touchdown-savingThetackle.Knights took over on downs on their own 1-yard line to open the fourth quarter, with Harrow completing a long pass on third-and-long to Hatfield. Head coach Gary Brock then went for it on fourthand-1 at his own 20-yardline, and the Knights effectively sealed the game in their favor by moving the chains.Astrong possession by the Knights and a couple of costly penalties by the Ponies saw the Knights move the ball down to the 1-yardline, where Harrow scored on a Freshmankeeper.
Brian Bodman scored his first points in a Knights uniform, carrying the ball over the line on the subsequent twopointTheplay.Ponies would score again on a long touchdown throw but it was too little, too late, and the Knights would go on to run out the clock for a victory.
Powhatan Indians football competed against the Collegiate Cougars in its last scrimmage of the preseason on Aug. 25.
The Powhatan Indians golf team hosted the James River Rapids at Mills Quarter Plantation Golf Course for a battle of Dominion District opponents on Thursday, Aug. 25. In a close contest that saw both teams get great contributions from its golfers across the board, it was the Indians who left with a victory, recording a low score of 162 to the Rapids’ 167.
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Page 2B Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022 ComeJoinOurTeam-NowHiring! neededatourPowhatanShop. Full-Time,CompetitivePay,PaidTimeOff, 401K,ProfitSharing, Health,Vision,&DentalPlan. Requirements: •HighSchooldiplomaorequivalent •Validdriver’slicense •2+yearsheavyequipmentand/orheavytruck experience Youcanapplyonlineat www.colonypaving.com orat2333AndersonHighway Office:804-598-1400 ColonyConstruction,Inc.providesequalemploymentopportunitiestoallapplicants foremployment&prohibitsdiscrimination&harassmentofanytypewithoutregard torace,color,religion,age,sex,nationalorigin,disabilitystatus,genetics,protected veteranstatus,sexualorientation,genderidentityorexpression,oranycharacteristic protectedbyfederal,stateorlocallaws.Thisappliestoallterms&conditionsof employment,includingrecruiting,hiring,placement,promotion,termination,layoff, recall,transfer,&leavesofabsence,compensation&training.
Hedgepeth leads Powhatan golf against James River
Led by a standout performance by sophomore Conner Hedgepeth, who helped get the Indians to the state tournament last season, the team shot consistently solid over the course of the 9-hole match and will look to build off the all-around performance and have it carry over into future contests. “It was a good day for the whole team and hopefully we’ll continue that momentum next week,” Powhatan coach Chris Leech said. Hedgepeth stood out among the pack, shooting a 39, which was tied with James River golfer Brooks Sheppard for the best score of the day. Next to Hedgepeth on the Indians was senior Jack DeBord, junior Luke McDaniels and sophomore Carter Estep, who all shot a score of 41. For the Rapids, Brandon Farris shot a 42 while Wills Boswell and Owen Krueger finished with a 43. Though Sheppard went neck and neck with Hedgepeth, it was the strong scores of Hedgepeth’s teammates that proved the difference against the Rapids, helping the Indians push ahead in a tight battle early in theTheseason.Indians will take to the course again on Thursday, Sept. 1, traveling to the Lake Chesdin Golf Club for a matchup with Clover Hill and Midlothian. Robby Fletcher can be reached at hatantoday.com.rfletcher@pow-
the third set. The Indians went down swinging though with an excellent third set, scoring the first three points and taking an 11-7 lead into a Goochland timeout after a kill from senior Olivia Moss, one of six for her on Continued from pg. 1
Continued from pg. 1
Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot senior Jeb Hatfield (13) gets past a Chincoteague defender.
Powhatan football had its final scrimmage before the regular season goes underway, taking on the Collegiate Cougars of the VISAA on Aug. 25. Playing on their home turf in front of an excited crowd that was anxious to see some action, the Indians played well in the scrimmage and looked like a team ready for the regular season. The teams had familiar contact-based scrimmages that allowed both squads to get into game shape and prepare for the rigors of the season, but also had some stoppages that got both teams on the same page as they worked together to take advantage of some crucial practice time to work on certain situations. Both teams had chances to line up their kicking units for PATs, allowing the special teams players to get clean kicking attempts, but with a defense rushing them to add to the pressure. Though the Indians are slated to officially kick off their season against the Mechanicsville Mustangs on Thursday, Sept. 1, that game may be up in the air with the Mustangs football team currently under investigation for hazing allegations. The school suspended all football-related activities until further noticed, and already forfeited its seasonopener with Deep Run. The next game on Powhatan’s schedule is a matchup with Huguenot on Friday, Sept. 9 at home at 7 p.m.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor FILE PHOTO

CaseNo.CA22000005-00 ORDEROFPUBLICATION Theobjectofthissuitisforthecloserelative adoptionofChristianDevonWarren. ItappearingfromanaffidavitthatEddieRay Warren’swhereaboutsareunknown;hepreviouslyresidedinTennesseebeforemovingto Ashville,NorthCarolina,buthislastknownaddressisunknown,heisnotaresidentofthis countyandthatdiligencehasbeenusedbyor onbehalfofpetitionerstoascertainhiscurrentwhereabouts,withouteffect,itisORDEREDthatEddieRayWarrenappearbefore theCourtwithintensdaysafterduepublicationofthisnoticeanddowhatisnecessaryto protecthisinterestherein. ENTER:8/11/2022 PaulW.Cella, JUDGE Iaskforthis: BrookeS.Barden,p.q. Smith,Barden&Wells,P.C. 1330AlverserPlaza Midlothian,VA.23113 804-794-8070 804-794-5475Fax bsbarden@smithbardenwells.com Business& ServiceDirectory CONCRETEWORK POWERWASHING TREESERVICE Education &Instruction INSTRUCTION&TUTORING Farmers’ Markets HAY&GRAIN Merchandise MISCELLANEOUSFORSALE Homes forSale RealEstatePolicy Allrealestateadvertisedhereinissubjectto theVirginiaFairHousingLaw,whichmakesit illegaltoadvertise“any preference,limitation ordiscriminationbased onrace,color,religion, nationalorigin,sex,elderliness,familialstatus,orhandicap.” Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertising forrealestatethatis inviolationofthelaw. Allpersonsarehereby informedthatallthe dwellingsadvertisedare availableonanequal opportunitybasis. HOMESFORSALE Legals LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES CLASSIFIEDS PLACEYOURADTODAY (804)746-1235ext.2 CALLPOWHATANTODAY 1.800.476.0197x16LEGALS ShortonCash? Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFY FOR A $1,500SIGNINGBONUS Benefits of this part-time, contract opportunity with the Richmond Times-Dispatch team: • Manage your own schedule and free up most of your day; work only 3-4 hours between 1-6 a.m. daily •Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration. Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout. ContactusNOWatRichmond.com/Carriersor (804)649-6872tolearnmore. HOMESRENTALSACREAGE 5603-01 RentalsAvailable inPowhatan& SurroundingAreas www.HankCosby.com Click RENTALPROPERTIES formoredetails. NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARING POWHATANCOUNTYPLANNINGCOMMISSION Noticeisherebygiven,pursuantto§15.2-2204oftheCodeof Virginia,thatthePlanningCommissionofPowhatanCounty willconductapublichearingon Tuesday,September6,2022, at6:00PMinthePowhatanCountyVillageBuildingAuditorium, 3910OldBuckinghamRoad, toconsiderthefollowingrequest: Case21-09-REZ:StroudVenturesLLC (District1:Manakin/ FlatRock/Subletts)requeststherezoningofTaxMapParcels #43-39BfromAgricultural-10(A-10)DistricttoCommerce Center(CC)Districtandamendmentofthezoningdistrictmap ofapproximately5.93acresoflandlocatedonthewestsideof PageRdapproximately0.2milesnorthwestoftheintersection withAndersonHighway.Thisrequestisbeingmadetoallowfor theconstructionofacontractor’sstorageoffice.The2021LongRangeComprehensivePlandesignatesthesubjectpropertyas RuralAreasandProtectedLands(Route60CorridorEastSpecial AreaPlan)ontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan. Case#22-09-AZ:TheCountyofPowhatanrequeststhe amendmentoftheprovisionssetforthinChapter83(Zoning Ordinance)ArticleIV(VillageGrowthAreaDistricts)Division2 VillageGrowthAreaPlannedDevelopmentDistricts,Sec.83-314 tocreateanewPlannedDevelopmentDistricttobeutilizedby areasdenotedinthe2021ComprehensivePlanasEconomic Opportunity.Thisamendmentwillcreateanewzoningdistrict thatwillallowEconomicOpportunityparcelstofeaturedensities andcommercialdevelopmentconsistentwiththevisionofthe 2021ComprehensivePlan. Themeetingmaybewatchedlivebyvisitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/ 432/Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings. AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsareopentothepublicand interestedpersonsareencouragedtoattendonthedayandtime specifiedabove.Copiesoftheproposedplans,ordinances,and amendmentsmaybereviewedintheDepartmentofCommunity DevelopmentinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding (3834OldBuckinghamRoad)between8:30AMand5:00PMof eachbusinessday.Copiesofstaffreportsareavailablepriorto thePublicHearinguponrequestandwillbeavailableonlineat leastfive(5)dayspriortothemeetingathttp://powhatanva.gov/ agendacenter.Pleasecall(804)598-5621withanyquestions. Families share first day moments CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS Powhatan County families shared their first day of school photos. The new school year started for Powhatan County Public Schools on Aug. 22. See more first day photos from the community on Page 6A.
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Page 3B Powhatan Today, August 31, 2022
VIRGINIA:INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE COUNTYOFPOWHATAN INRE:ESTATEOFJAMESRANDOLPHMILES, DECEASED NOTICEOFTAKINGPROOFOF DEBTSANDDEMANDS AttherequestoftheExecutoroftheEstateof JamesRandolphMiles,deceasedandpursuant toSection64.2-550oftheCodeofVirginia, 1950,asamended,Ihavefixedthe 20thdayof September,2022at2:00p.m. asthetime,and myofficelocatedat3866BOldBuckingham Road,Powhatan,Virginia,astheplaceforreceivingdebtsanddemandsagainstJames RandolphMiles,deceased,orhisestate. ThorntonL.Newlon CommissionerofAccounts 3866BOldBuckinghamRoad P.O.Box383 Powhatan,Virginia23139 Telephone:804-539-7162

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