the upcoming Powhatan Festival of the Grape on Oct. 1.
brace she received working for the chamber members. It is a rapidly changing world and technology makes

POWHATAN – Even periods of heavy rain couldn’t damper the spirits of community members and first responders who gathered Sunday to honor the lives lost in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11,The2001.fourth annual Sept. 11 remembrance run held on the track of Powhatan High School was a mix of somber and joyous moments, with time taken to both remember the fallen and honor those who continue to serve as first responders.
When he was 14, Wes Simons started saving up money for his first vehicle. His dad gave him the option of buying a
Simons was no stranger to the world of cars. He loved cars growing up in Powhatan watching his dad, Willie Simons, and grandpa, Paul Simons, fixing up old cars because his dad used to drag race.

County votingbuildingpurchasesforearlydrivethru

But it was at that car show in the late 1990s that Simons had his eyes truly opened to the world of possibilities out there and was truly hooked.
September 14, 2022Vol. XXXVI No. 11o. 11 Powhatan, Virginia TO:DELIVER PatronPostal Powhatan, 23139VA StandardPrsrt. PAIDPOSTAGEU.S. VAPowhatan, No.19Permit A3 Car show vehiclesinvites of all InsidetypesB1IndiansspearFalconsinlong-awaiteddebut

see SEPT. 11, pg. 8

The board didn’t have far to look. Riley has worked for the chamber since September 2021 as the programs, initiatives and events coordinator. She officially started work as the new executive director on Aug. 22, but Cabell will stay on until after

Director of elections Karen Alexander said she expects the shed to be ready for the start of early voting on Friday, Sept. 23. Powhatan voters will be able to drive up and either vote from their vehicles, as has been the option since 2020, or walk up and feed their paper ballot into a voting machine in the shed themselves.The county has been using a rented tent since the 2020 General Election, which has come with its own set of problems related to weather – heat, cold, wind and rain being a
see SIMONS, pg. 5
A 280-square-foot shed was delivered on Sept. 7 behind the Village Building that will be transformed to take the place of the no excuse early voting tent that has become a regular occurrence since the COVID-19 pandemic.

He gave full credit to the organizers who do all the behind the scenes work to make the event happen, including putting together the support tents, T-shirt sales, silent auction items, donations, hydrations station, food truck and more.
Simons seeks to make his mark one amazing car at a time
POWHATAN – The Powhatan Chamber of Commerce is hoping for another “perfect fit” as it transitions in coming weeks from outgoing executive director Angie Cabell to Nicole Riley, who has been hired to fill the position.Cabell, who has been the executive director since January 2014, told the chamber board this summer that she would be resigning but gave them time to find her replacement. She said she “gave them all the time they needed” as she had no particular timeline.

trio on the track, running and walking as an announcer read out the names of firefighters by their fire companies.
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
POWHATAN – The Powhatan Office of Elections took a step to improve upon the early voting experience with a permanent structure installed last week.
Cabell passes the torch to Riley

Holland, who first conceived of the idea to run 343 laps in honor of the fallen firefighters three years ago, said a few hours into the event he was so excited to see so many people come out to support the event. The run has become a true community event, which is wonderful to see, he added.
Middle school honors 9/11
POWHATAN – When he was in his early 20s, Wes Simons’ friend took him to his first car show and he got a glimpse of what he wanted to do with his future.
dirt bike with the money he saved up or fixing up a 1969 Chevelle. He chose the latter, working on the truck until he could finally drive it to school his senior “Buildingyear.a car from the ground up made me appreciate it. We tore it all the way down the shell of the body and the frame. We replaced every panel that needed to be replaced, painted each piece,” he said.
Angie Cabell, right, recently announced she was resigning as the executive director of the Powhatan Chamber of Commerce, a position she has held since 2014. Nicole Riley, left, is the newly hired executive director.
PHOTO BY LAURA McFARLAND Becky Brown, a sixth grade English teacher at Powhatan Middle School, talks with Jackson Shupp about the meaning of the Sept. 15, 2003, cover of The New Yorker as part of a lesson to help the younger
pg. 3
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
The event was shorter than in previous years, with runners Russ Holland Jr., Christa Warren and Mary Walton sharing the responsibility of competing 34.3 miles around the track in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives in the terroristCommunityattack. members and first responders, some in full gear, joined the
Powhatan County Director of Elections Karen Alexander stands on the porch of a small building the county purchased to use during no excuse early voting. VOTING,
“This is all the work of a bunch of people that are either with the county themselves or very invested in celebrating the first responder community in the county. It is a huge team of people,” Holland said.
First responders carry a 9/11 flag during the memorial walk/run held Sunday on the track at Powhatan High School to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, as well as honoring local first responders. See more photos Page 8A.

By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
Cabell said she knows Riley will receive the same warm, loving em-
Community comes together to honor Sept. 11
“I just needed a change.”

By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
see CHAMBER, pg. 3
Wes Simons, owner of Seay’s Auto Body and Restoration, talks about the paint work on a 1939 GMC Panel Truck. The truck was fully restored this summer.

turn a stranger into a friend, his sense of humor and his incredible generosity. There will never be another like him.
see CALENDAR, pg. 4
Sunday, Sept. 18
The new Bridge of Reason AA meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan Mennonite Church, 3549 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. It is an open, decision and literature meeting for Powhatan, Goochland, and Cumberland
Run For Tanzania will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the state park. A Kids Fun Run will be held at 8:30 a.m. and an Adult 5k trail run (or walk) begins at 9 a.m. Registration is $30 for adults and $10 for children, and includes a T-shirt. Plus, enjoy access to a coffee truck (including lavender lemonade and other refreshments), as well as prizes and the park playground. Register at more!19,abysettingsettingcrafts.goods,grassmarket,newFoundersthetoFarmersEnglishmoreimpactforpeopleMediumtowardbasedRunForTanzania.,inTanzaniaarebetterequippedtocaretheirfamilies,servetheircommunitiesandpositivechangesintheircountry.LearnaboutTogetherforTanzaniaandSaveLifeMediumSchool.MarketatTavern19isopenfrom9a.m.nooneverySaturdaysthroughOctoberongroundsofIndependenceGolfCourse,600BridgeBlvd,Midlothian,VA23113.TheFarmersMarketatTavern19isagrower’sfeaturingfarmfreshseasonalproduce,fedmeats,fruitsandberries,honey,bakedvalueaddedproductsandselectartisanIndependenceGolfCourseistheidealforafarmersmarket–it’sapark-likewithplentyofparkingandgrasscoveredlargeshadetrees.ThemarkethasfreeWi-Fi,stage,electricity,foodprovidedbyTavernpicnictables,livemusic,kid’sactivitiesandComegrabsomedinnerandstockup
The Be Like Mike Auto Show presented by Seay’s Autobody and Towing will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 18 at 2693 Rocky Oak Road, Powhatan. The event is held annually in memory of Virginia State Police Special Agent Mike Walter, who died in the line of duty on May 27, 2017. This year’s event is also being held in honor of Kieran Hathaway. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Ask Childhood Cancer Foundation ( The nonprofit helps fund the Pediatric Oncology program at Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Kieran was treated at this clinic. The event will have a $20 entry fee for vehicles but spectators get in for free. For more information or to donate, contact Wes at 804-833-1644 or Zac at 518-683-3955.
AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Page 2A Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022
Just Kids is a ministry of May Memorial Baptist Church. Clothes cost $2 per bag.
Wednesday, Sept. 14
Registration is open for the Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class. Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first class starts on Jan. 17, 2023, and they will continue through midApril. Training is followed by a 50-hour service internship. The application process opened Sept. 1 with a deadline of Nov. 1. The application is available online at, which can be reached through a link on the website. The fee this year is $145 plus an additional $35 if the trainee selects the printed version of the MG training manual. Cash or check must be submitted by Nov. 1 to either the Powhatan Extension Office (3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. Contact 804-598-5640) or Goochland Extension Office (2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA 23063. Contact 804-5565841). Contact Rebecca Crow at 804-598-7015 or its sixth annual Tent Revival through Friday, Sept. 23 at the church, 2109 Anderson Highway, Powhatan. Services start at 6:45 p.m. nightly. A free dinner will be served nightly from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. Be our honored guest and come experience an old fashioned, spirt-filled time of preaching by Evangelist Adam Borden and worship.
for the week on fresh local products! For more information, visit
Every second and fourth Monday throughout the fall at 11 a.m., the library will hold Retro Movie Mondays. Come in and enjoy some popcorn, watch a classic movie and reminisce. Check out our flyers, call the library, or visit the library’s Facebook page for movie title information. The Sept. 26 movie is “Steel Magnolias.”
Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. Sunshine Art is coming to PCPL! On Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 11 a.m., Shelley Crawford with Sunshine Art will be here to help 20 lucky folks with a fall-themed paint day! Immerse yourselves in art-making, with a pre-planned drawn-in fall image. No supplies are needed. This is an amazing opportunity and space is limited, so you must be registered to attend. Registration can be found on the library Facebook page, over the phone, or on the library website. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@
Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
Visit the Knights of Columbus’ 14th annual Pumpkin Patch at Country Living Homes site, 2504 Anderson Hwy. in Flatrock. The patch is open from Sept. 22 to Oct. 31, with hours on Sunday to Friday from noon to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional activities planned for some Saturdays! Bring your camera to take family photos! Stand next to our ‘‘Great Pumpkin’’ and see how you measure up. All proceeds benefit charitable causes. In past years, proceeds have benefited Habitat for Humanity, Free Clinic of Powhatan, Scouting, Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, and others. Closing at 3 p.m. on Halloween.
is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. Challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Rescue Squad Building, 3920 Marion Harland Lane. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan County Reach for Active Services and also by calling the Powhatan Library 804-598-5670 and selecting option 3 to hear an updated recording. Call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804698-0438 for more information.
A Powhatan Hope Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Monday at PCC Church, 4480 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, Room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Powhatan County has announced a Coffee with County Administrator event at 9 a.m. onSept. 15 at County Seat Restaurant and Gathering Place. The public is invited to get their questions
Thursday, Sept. 15
WHITLOW, George Walter, passed away on August 17, 2022, peaceful and surrounded by family. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, he moved to Norfolk as a young man before settling in Richmond for the remainder of his life. He is perhaps best defined by some of his greatest loves: above all his family, his lifelong support of the University of Virginia, his tremendous pride as a business and community leader, as well as his enjoyment of a good book, a round of golf, the music of the 60s and the company of friends. To those who knew him, he will be remembered for his kind and warm spirit, his ability to
Dove Equestrian Center, which is located at 6137 Old Buckingham Road, provides year-round therapeutic horseback riding exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. As of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. From April through October, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 10 a.m. Upcoming dates are: Sept. 20 and 28; Oct. 4, 18 and 26. In November, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. Upcoming dates are Nov. 1, 15 and 30. There are no sessions in December. LDEC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome Dove, visit http:// or contact 804-318-6485.
Junior Woman’s Club meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month from September to May. The nonprofit volunteer organization is open to women over the age of 18. The club promotes friendship, community service and leadership. For information about the club, meeting locations or becoming a member, call Joy Matkowsky at 804-492-3038.
calendars for the next Powhatan Civil War Roundtable meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 15 at the County Seat Restaurant. The speaker will be Codie Eash and he will be speaking on the subject of “The Lutheran Seminary at the Battle of Gettysburg.” Dinner will be included with a fee of $18 for members and $22 for nonmembers. To reserve space, contact Pat Whitmer at 240-298-0141 or Visit RSVP required by Sept. 11.
A Called to Care Meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month at Powhatan United Methodist Church. This organization offers both support to persons who have health issues and those who are caring for persons with health issues. The meetings may include guest speakers on a myriad of topics related to aging and good health. Guest speakers have included a nurse practitioner, neurologist, nutritionist, physical therapist and many more. All are welcome to attend. This group is facilitated by Judy CainOliver, licensed clinical psychologist.
Monday, Sept. 19
Village Farmers Market is open from 4 to 6:30 p.m. every Thursdays through September on the grounds of Bienvenue, 3841 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. The market offers families a great way to unwind with live music and food truck fare while catching up with neighbors. The Powhatan market meets all your local farm produce and pastured meat needs, as well as those specialty goods you’re looking
SHELTON, Francis C., of Powhatan County, August 29, 1936, to September 4, 2022. Raised in Chatham, Va., served in the National Guard, 1961 graduate of Va. Tech, masters University of Northern Colorado. Lover of quail and deer hunting, woodworking and furniture refinishing. Left behind his wife of 60 years, Sandy; daughter, Monica Sutton-Mott (Bryan); grandchildren, Quint Sutton (Rebekah) Taylor Stewart (Gareth), Nelson Sutton (Chloe), Kaithlyn Wetzler (Rodney), Taylor Anderson (Cody); and great-grandchildren, Caroline, Olivia, Avery, Riley, Ryland and Preacher. He was a strong Christian example in his private life, career and the many roles he served in his efforts to be of service to friends, family and the community. In lieu of flowers, a contribution may be made to May Memorial Baptist Church Schol-

Habitat For Humanity - Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful, kind and generous participation. The Habitat Store at 1922 Urbine Road will be open on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. During this pandemic, anyone coming into the store must wear a facemask. The office is located in the Habitat Store and the office number is 804-5947009. Call and volunteer! Donate! Help us build!!
Powhatan County Public Schools presents Let’s Pull Together Tab collection. Join the school division in collecting aluminum pull tabs to benefit the nearby Ronald McDonald House. The collection is ongoing through Oct. 21. Sent them to your student’s school. At the elementary schools, turn them in to student’s homeroom or front office. At the middle and high schools, turn them in to student’s first block or front office. The school that collects the most weight in tabs at the end of the first nine weeks will receive the Ronald McDonald House Tab Trophy.
Powhatan County Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using Books to Go. With Books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, DVDs, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www. or call the library at 804598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-to-date library news, information and program schedules.
Powhatan Cooperative Extension is offering a Drinking/Well Water Testing Clinic. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 20, residents may come to the Extension Office in Powhatan, otherwise known as the Powhatan Village Building, (3910 Old Buckingham Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139) and receive your well water testing kit along with directions on how to use it. Then, from 7 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, they may drop off the samples at the same location. However, you can stay in your car and drive through the back parking lot, accessed by Tilman Road. Then at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26, there will be an interpretation meeting of your results in the Powhatan Village Building, (same building as Powhatan Extension Office), in the auditorium. Cost is $65 per sample. Registration required at or by calling the Powhatan Extension office at 804Lonesome598-5640.
The Christian Motorcyclists Association Powhatan chapter Living Wheels will meet at 6 p.m. at Company 4 Fire station at the intersection of Route 711 and Judes Ferry Road. Find out what they have been doing, and where their next ride or event will be. For more information call Tom Barnes at 804-690-4884 or Mark Lewis at 804-432-1831.
The Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. On Saturday, Sept. 17, Oct. 15 and Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m., the library will hold Gentle Beginner’s Yoga with Joanna Bartles. Participants will learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. Bottled water will be provided. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804598-5670 or
ZEIGLER, Shirley D., departed this life on August 12, 2022, after a brief illness. Born on June 27, 1934, to Richard and Georgia Dalton, Shirley grew up in Powhatan County and graduated from Powhatan High School in 1951. In addition to raising her son, Michael and daughter, Susan, Shirley would go on to have a successful career as a secretary in the insurance field. After her retirement, Shirley enjoyed painting and crafts. She will always be remembered for her ability to make everyone around her laugh with her wit and humor. She was preceded in death by her husband, John. E. Zeigler; and her son, Michael W. Rose. In accordance with her wishes, there will be no service, but anyone wishing to make a memorial contribution may send it to care of The Hare Family, 19200 Stith Ln., Carson, Va. 23830.
Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
for like honey, soap, baked treats, unique artisan crafts and more. Lots of SNAP and Double SNAP options! We’re excited to welcome you to the Powhatan Village farmers market! For more information, contact 302-893-0068 or visit Just,anaffordableclothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, had its official opening June 7. Moving forward, the store will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The shop is located in the Memorial Baptist Church Youth House, 3926 Old Buckingham Road.
Gospel Light Baptist Church will hold its sixth annual Tent Revival from Sunday, Sept. 18 to Friday, Sept. 23 at the church, 2109 Anderson Highway, Powhatan. Services start at 6:45 p.m. nightly. A free dinner will be served nightly from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. Be our honored guest and come experience an old fashioned, spirt-filled time of preaching by Evangelist Adam Borden and worship.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Have you ever wondered what tree you were walking by in Powhatan State Park? This walk may be just what you're looking for. Led by a local master naturalist volunteer, the walk is an introduction to the basics of native tree identification. The walk will take approximately 1.5 hours on an easily travelled trail that passes many of the native trees found in central Virginia. Be sure to wear closed toe shoes and bring
Powhatan County Public Library will hold a weekly Story Time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Participants will read stories, sing songs, learn finger plays and more! Story Time generally meets in front of the fireplace, and occasionally in our outdoor space.
Production 360 Discussion Group typically meets at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. New members are always welcome to join if you are a seasoned beef cattle producer or just getting started. The group typically starts with a pot luck meal and are held mostly in-person on farms or at the Goochland or Powhatan Extension Offices. For more information, contact Rachel Henley at 804-5985640 or
The Free Clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, Amelia and Cumberland Counties as well as select Chesterfield areas. Services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. Eligibility requirements on website www. Registration for new patients by appointment Mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.
Extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia Cooperative Extension Ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can't join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland VCE webpage and YouTube video recordings can be found at
arship fund or charity of choice. A Celebration of life will be held at May Memorial Baptist Church, September 18, 2022 at 3 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 17
Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, which is located at 6137 Old Buckingham Road, provides year-round therapeutic horseback riding exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. As of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. From April through October, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.
plenty of water. All ages are welcome. The walk begins promptly at 10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Playground Shelter through the end of August. Call the Park Office at 804-598-7148 for more
Business Network International (BNI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit for information. To register, visit BNIOnFire or contact executive director Dawne Gulla at or 804-690-9220 for more information.
The event will have a $20 entry fee for vehicles but spectators get in for free.Proceeds from this event will benefit the Ask Childhood Cancer Foundation ( The nonprofit helps fund the Pediatric Oncology program at Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Kieran was treated at this clinic. People are also invited to bring canned food for the Powhatan Food Pantry.
“When the Powhatan Today today interviewed me when I was hired, the headline was a ‘Perfect Fit.’ And this was the perfect job with me. And I think we have captured lightning in a bottle with Nicole – she is another perfect fit,” Cabell said.
As she transitions into the role, it has been a nice boon to already have a year of experience working at the chamber and getting to know the members.
“So after several years of renting the tent, we realized if this was going to be something long term we needed something more permanent and cost effective that would be a safer sturdier structure to hold our voting equipment and our voting offi cials,” she said.
Powhatan Middle School honored the victims of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, in several ways on Friday, Sept. 9. The day started with a flag ceremony in front of the school. BSA Troops 1823, 1833 and 832 performed a flag ceremony and explained the symbolism behind the Freedom Flag. The seventh and eighth grade chorus also sang ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’ Many sixth graders also focused their attention on learning about the day in English class through exercises such as using virtual reality headsets to look at images of the Twin Towers and Ground Zero as it is today; studying The New Yorker magazine covers remembering the event and reading a graphic novel excerpt about 9/11.

Organizer Wes Simons, owner of Seay’s Auto Body, said he met Walter after he had been in business for three years and they became close friends.
The Be Like Mike Auto Show presented by Seay’s Autobody and Towing will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18 at 2693 Rocky Oak Road, Powhatan. The event is held annually in memory of Virginia State Police Special Agent Mike Walter, who died in the line of duty on May 27, 2017. This year’s event is also being held in honor of Kieran Hathaway.
help someone,” Simons said.

“I am extremely excited to have this professional-looking, sound, safe space to work out of,” she said. “It is going to make a world of difference in staying organized, and set up and break down time is going to be cut in half.”
The organizers like to make the show stand out. Instead of classes with first through third place, the show awards Top 40 prizes with one-of-akind trophies in Walter’s honor.
few, she said.

“He was one of my closest friends. He and I always talked about doing a big car show and use what we make to
“We really felt like she checked all those boxes really well. She is raising her family in Powhatan and her family has a business in Powhatan. It just checked all the boxes,” Melton said. “She is really good with being on top of social media. That is a big tool in today’s business world. I think she will continue to show her strength
Alexander pointed out that this is the next step in a creative process born out of necessity. The county had to get creative to accommodate legislative changes in 2020 to allow 45 days of no excuse early voting while maintaining social distancing.
“The great thing is there is nothing broken here. Angie has really built some great pillars. So I am looking forward to building off of that and bringing a fresh perspective,” Riley said.
“When I came on handling the programs and the events it gave me such an inside look at the members and their businesses. I don’t feel as overwhelmed in the role because I feel like I have been here and know them. Now I am just looking to make stronger connections
Middle school honors 9/11

ADA compliant and have security cameras installed. However, even with the building under video surveillance, she pointed out neither the voting machines nor the ballots will be left there overnight; they will be secured offsite.

Riley and her husband Jacob are raising their two sons, Brayden and Mason, in Powhatan. For the last 15 years, Riley has helped run operations for Superior Gutter, a small business she and Jacob own. She also had an event business with wedding planning, although she is not currently doing events.
The county got bids from three companies for the custom-made structure, with the winning bid of $18,968 from Buggy Top, she said. It was delivered last week, much to Alexander’s delight.

A small building is delivered behind the Village Building to be used during no excuse early voting, which begins Sept. 23.
“A lot of shows you go to you will see a majority of old cars, low riders, imports, motorcycles. Our show is open to everything,” he said. “To me it is more about the more people put into these vehicles and come to show, especially the younger generation, the less trouble they can get into.”
accommodating and convenient, that we decided to keep the process going for busy November elections,” she said, adding making that a permanent change meant also looking at the feasibility of using the tent moving forward.The empty shell that was delivered last week will now be outfitted for the office of election’s use by the county’s facilities department. Director of facilities Mark Piper said county staff will install carpeting and a mini-split for heating and cooling.
“It was such a huge hit by citizens who found it

For more information or to donate, contact Wes at 804-833-1644 or Zac at 518-683-3955.
For more information, contact the Powhatan Ofat 804598-5604
or visit gov/
Laura McFarland may be reached at
everything move so much faster, and while keeping up with those future changes and anticipating needs is always more difficult, the highly effective and organized Riley can handle it, Cabell said.

“I am not a stranger to small business. My husband and I didn’t have any small business management expe-

rience before the chamber so I really developed systems. I think you rise and fall to your systems,” she said.

and build better relationships,” she said.
When looking for a new executive director, Teresa Melton, vice president of the chamber board, said they wanted somebody that was community-minded, business-minded and collaborative.

If all goes according to plan with the final touches on the building, it will be ready for early voting on Sept. 23. No excuse early voting is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday as well as two Saturdays, Oct. 29 and Nov. 5. It will be closed Oct. 10 for Columbus Day.
Alexander said they will also be working on how to make the building

Nicole Riley
Page 3APowhatan Today, September 14, 2022 see CHAMBER, pg. 8 Be Like Mike Car Show invites vehicles of all types Continued from pg. 1CHAMBERContinued from pg. 1 VOTING Visitthe KnightsofColumbus 14thAnnualPumpkinPatch Location: CountryLivingHomessite, 2504AndersonHwy.inFlatrock Sept.22-Oct.31 Sun.-Fri,12noon-6pm • Sat.9am-6pm AdditionalactivitiesplannedforsomeSaturdays! Bringyourcameratotakefamilyphotos! Standnexttoour‘‘GreatPumpkin’’ andseehowyoumeasureup. Allproceedsbenefitcharitablecauses. Inpastyears,proceedshavebenefited HabitatforHumanity,FreeClinicofPowhatan, Scouting,LonesomeDoveEquestrianCenter, andothers. Closingat3p.m.onHalloween 598-0799 “AllWorkPersonallySupervisedbyOwner,RichardStanley” LocallyOwned&Operated ProudlyservingPowhatanandthesurroundingcountiessince1985 FullyLicensed&Insured• ClassAContractor• FreeEstimates ALL-STAR PAVING A

By Laura McFarland Managing Editor

POWHATAN – Cars of all kinds will flock to Powhatan this weekend for the annual Be Like Mike Auto Show to honor a brave fallen law enforcement officer and revel in a subject he loved – great vehicles.

“It’s open to all classes, makes and models, from bikes to lowriders, rat rods, 4x4 race cars, imports, golf carts, hot rods, muscle and original,” he said.

Riley intends to translate that organization to her new role with the chamber. Right now, all attention is focused on the making sure the wine festival is a success and there is as smooth a transition as possible at the chamber.Notonly will Riley be taking on the executive director position, but her former position will not be filled right away. It means more work, of course, but she intends to focus her attention at the end of 2022 on getting a good system in place for her so as they move into 2023, they are organized enough to let the creativity flow.
The couple started out with receipts in a shoe box as they were new in business. Now they have a bookkeeper and an accountant, she said.
Simons said the 2021 event drew about 200 cars but the location can accommodate much more, and they are hoping to have a great turnout for this year’s show.
This year the car show has been put on by sponsors Rapid Manufacturing, S&N Transmission, Gits Masonry, Seay’s Towing and Auto Body, Boatwright Concrete and Blackhawk Gym.

The show is important to Simons, who said the more support they get the more people they can help. It is open it to vendors and all vehicles.
fice of Elections

Genito Presbyterian Church 2910GenitoRd.Powhatan,VA 372-9074 WorshipwithusthisSunday Churchservice@9:30AM Sundayschool@10:30AM St.Luke’sEpiscopalChurch SUNDAYS 8:00AMinpersonserviceinthechurch 10:30AMinpersonserviceinthechurch(livestreamed) AllareWelcome Route711atThreeBridgeRoad794-6953 EachmonthSt.Luke’sEpiscopalChurchhostsForestChurch.Itslocationvaries anditisanopportunityforprayerandfellowshipoutinGod’sCreation. OnSeptember25at5:00pm,ForestChurchwillmeetintheparish’syardlocated at2245HuguenotTrailforatimeofworshipfollowedbys’mores.Thisisacasual gathering,andyouareaskedtobringalawnchair. CHURCH DIRECTORY PowhatanChristian Fellowship SundayMorningWorship 11:00a.m. SundaySchool10:00a.m. WednesdayNight7:30p.m. 3308PleasantsRoad, 1/4mileoffofRoute711 RussCress,Pastor 598-0733 MeetingSundays inFarmville, ForkUnion,Midlothian, PowhatanandOnline. Visitpccwired.netfor servicestimes&locations. Providence Presbyterian Church “WorshipingandWitnessing inWesternPowhatan since1825” WorshipService11:00am AllAreWelcome! 598-4970 Located1950RidgeRoad (Rt.627) St.JohnNeumann CatholicChurch Rev.WalterG.Lewis,Pastor Saturday-5p.m. Sunday-8:30a.m.&11a.m. 598-3754 LocatedbehindFlatRock VillageShoppingCenter E VERGREEN C OMMUNITY C HURCH (PCA) Proclaiming&PracticingtheGospelofJesusChrist WorshipServiceat10:00AM Meetingat2210BattersonRoad,Powhatan. PastorNickKrauss ECCPCA.ORG 598-8844 Worship: 8:30&10:30am WeekdayPreschool(ages2-5)

Office804-598-2398 Church Directory. Call 804-746-1235 ext.2 fordetails. Advertisein

SundaySchool10AM WorshipService11AM
It is our mission, as Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE), to provide an educational opportunity for

Contributed Report
LivingAsChrist’sDisciplesWithinOur HeartsandBeyondOurDoors
Contributed Report
10 a.m. Upcoming dates are: Sept. 28; Oct. 4, 18 and 26. In November, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. Upcoming dates are Nov. 1, 15 and 30. There are no sessions in December. LDEC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome Dove, visit or contact 804318-6485.
Continued from pg. 2
you to learn the intricacies of wells as well as how to test and maintain them. High levels of iron, sodium, fluoride, coliform bacteria, and possibly even arsenic can be found in your well water. The Powhatan Extension Office is providing a well water testing program that is affordable and available to all through the Virginia Household Water Quality program and Virginia Tech to better the health of Virginians. Not only is this water testing affordable at $65/sample, it is also confidential. The well water testing that is provided by VCE tests for hardness and pH of your water, in addition to amounts of sulfate, nitrate, lead, arsenic, dissolved solids, E. coli bacteria, manganese, copper, coliform bacteria, fluoride, sodium and iron.
Pastor,LarryB.Collins 7:30p.m.
Oct. 1, youth tickets 13-20 is $30 and adult ticket 21+ is $35. The 21+ tickets include tastings from our participating wineries.
HeyGuysandGals,MynameisSnickerdoodle’s butmyfriendsjustcallmeSnicker.Youmight recognizemeasIhavebeenhereinthe spotlightbefore.Iamaround2yearsold,Iam microchipped,neuteredanduptodateonall myshots.Igetalongwellwithotherdogs,but IwouldprefertomeetthembeforeImovein. Iwouldlovetohaveafamilytocallmyown, someonetoloveme,someonetosnugglewith whenhebedtime.Itgetsquitelonelyhere,I meanthestaffandotheranimalsherearegreat, butjustisn’tthesameashavingmyownhome, andfamily.Iwassavedfromanotherfacility whosaidmytimewasup,LuckilyIwasbrought here,andgivenanotherchancetofindmy home.Ifyouwouldliketomeetmepleasecall 804-598-5672andthestaffwillbehappyto assistyouwithschedulinganappointment,or Snickerdoodleansweringanyquestionyoumayhave. 598-6090 598-4438

Is your well water safe to drink? Have you ever experienced an unpleasant smell or taste in your water? Numerous homeowners in the state of Virginia have wells, but many have never had them tested. In addition to wells being unregulated, well water contamination can happen at any time and can affect the health of those in your household. Furthermore, it is recommended that your well water be tested at least once a year. As homeowners and well owners, it is your responsibility to check the status of your well water and address any problems that may arise.
On Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 7 to 9 a.m. you will be able to drop off your samples at the same location you picked up your kit, however you can stay in your car and drive through the back parking lot, accessed by Tilman Road.
The results meeting will help you identify the levels of each tested substance in your water. By comparing your results to the federal EPA drinking water standards, you will be able to determine any contamination issues. Through your results, you will understand the right steps to take towards safe drinking water.If you are interested in participating in our affordable well water testing program, register by registering online at or by calling the Powhatan Extension office at (804) 598-5640.
Mark your calendars for the following dates:
application is available online at, which can be reached through a link on the website. The fee this year is $145 plus an additional $35 if the trainee selects the printed version of the MG training manual. Cash or check must be submitted by Nov. 1 to the Powhatan Extension Office (3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. Contact 804-5985640) or Goochland Extension Office (2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA 23063. Contact,RebeccaCrowatorgpmas-
1801 Huguenot Trail
Registration is $30 for adults and $10 for children, and includes a T-shirt. Plus, enjoy access to a coffee truck (including lavender lemonade and other refreshments), as well as prizes and the park playground.
2253RossonRd. JustoffRt.13intheVillage
Contributed Report
MountCalvary Powhatan,VA23139

Join runners and families from all over the area as we team up at Powhatan State Park to do good for our friends in Tanzania!RunFor Tanzania will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the state park. A Kids Fun Run will be held at 8:30 a.m. and an Adult 5K trail run (or walk) begins at 9 a.m.

Planning is well underway for the 2023 class schedule for the Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class. Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who promote environmentally-sound horticulture in their acessservicefollowedmid-April.willJan.ThefromTuesdaysfilinedInstructorscommunities.arebeingupanddatescon-rmed.ClasseswillbeandThursdays9a.m.to12:30p.m.firstclassstartson17,2023,andtheycontinuethroughTrainingisbya50-hourinternship.Theapplicationpro-openedSept.1withdeadlineofNov.1.The
Color Me Active event is a free event open to anyone 55 and forward and focuses on movement and staying active. The event will be held at Fighting Creek Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4 (rain date Oct. 6, which would be announced on Powhatan County Reach for Active Services' Facebook page). Wear a white T-shirt as participants visit any of the nine activity stations they'll be sprayed with color powder while
PastorJohnEngle 603-933-0141
Master Gardener opens training class registration
On Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. there will be an interpretation meeting of your results in the Powhatan Village Building, (same building as Powhatan Extension Office), in the auditorium.
Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 P.S.Wehavesomeexcitingnewstosharetoyou! Wehavebeengivenanawesomeopportunity toupdateoutshelterkennels!Wearestartinga$$CashforKennels$$Fundraiser!Ourgoalistoraise $100.000fornewkennelsforthedogsandcats!Everydollarisgreatlyappreciated.Donationscanbe droppedoffattheshelterlocatedat4000OldPlantationRdormailtoP.O.Box133ATTN:AnimalControl.In thememowrite$$CashforKennels$$.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsplease call804-598-5672. PowhatanSheriff’sOffice|DivisionOfAnimalControl Phone:804-598-5672|Fax:804-598-5109 Ifyouwouldliketohelptheanimals inourcare,youcandosobydonatingtoour medicalfundatClawsandPaws, 4313AndersonHwy.,Powhatan,VA23139

BaptistChurch 2020RedLaneRoad
Powhatan Chamber of Commerce hosts the 19th annual Powhatan Festival of the Grape on Saturday, October 1. Join us at 3860 Old Buckingham Road in the Powhatan Courthouse Historic District from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to enjoy 30+ Virginia wineries, distilleries, craft beer, cider, mead, artisans, and live music by EN'NOVATION. Purchase tickets before Oct. 1 at the Powhatan Chamber office and participating C&F Bank branches to avoid the convenience fee. Tickets are available at with the following fee schedule: Tickets before Oct. 1, youth ticket 13-20 is $20 plus convenience fee and adult ticket 21+ is $25 plus convenience fee; tickets at the gate on

see CALENDAR, pg. 6
Register at thenityDon’tlishzaniaaboutcountry.positivecommunitiesfamilies,equippedincessumSavebuildingzaniaprofiPowhatan-basedTanzania.VA/Powhatan/,peopleTanzaniaarebettertocarefortheirservetheirandimpactchangesintheirLearnmoreTogetherforTan-andSaveLifeEng-MediumSchool.missthisopportu-tobethechangeinworldaroundus.
Page 4A Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022
Cooperative Extension offers well water testing

SundaySchool9:45a.m. SundayWorship11:00a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy
5K run to benefit school in Tanzania
On Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. you may come to the Extension Office in Powhatan, otherwise known as the Powhatan Village Building, (3910 Old Buckingham Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139) and receive your well water testing kit along with directions on how to use it.
Simon’s dream is to get a car accepted into the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, a trade show where people can see thousands of product innovations, the latest trends, and amazing custom vehicles on display.“Iwant to so bad. Just to be a little shop in the county to make it somewhere like that. You see things there that you haven’t seen anywhere else and all of the best of the best off of TV are there,” he said.
More than 20 years down the line, Simons is still passionate about helping create vehicles that make people stare and unable to look away – in a good way. The owner of Seay’s Auto Body and Restoration has been in business for 16 years in Powhatan, growing off of his family’s towing business but working to make a name of his own.
The beauty of auto body work is that every job is different, Simons said. He works on entire restoration jobs but subcontracts the interior working, recognizing doing everything in house ties them up for too long. The shop fixes vehicles that have been in accidents, does touch up work and even handles the occasional part for local farmers.
“Some people and shops turn some vehicles and old cars or custom paint away. I don’t. I look at some cars most think are too far gone as a challenge of what can it look like,” he said. “You have to explain to customers that it can’t be built as fast as you see on TV, but for a small crew we get a lot done and move a lot out. I have a good group of guys.”
“I have had some people after you have put it all together and painted it and they will walk right by their car. Those are the ones I like – where you change it so much they didn’t even know it was their car,” he said.
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor Contemporary–9:00a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 2p.m.the2ndSat.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad

“So I have had to make every body panel and running board for it,” he said.
“He is dependable and he is right on it, knocks it out and does quality work,” GitsArtsaid.Chadwick, owner of Chadwick and Son Orchid Inc. in Powhatan, recently got Seay’s to restore a 1939 Studebaker Commander. He decided not to have the interior or engine restored since he wanted the vehicle to sit by the side of the road and act as a unique sign for his “Thebusiness.ideacame from the Powhatan Chamber of Commerce. They said you could use something up front there that really stands out. For 30 years I have been listening to clients saying we drove right past your place, the sign was very small. And I have been paralyzed about what to do about that because signage is limited in Powhatan,” Chadwick said.

Hollywood BaptistChurch “AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr 598-2763 SundaySchool at9:30a.m. MorningService at11:00a.m. BibleStudy EveryWednesdayNight at6:30p.m. 3964OldBuckinghamRoad HollyHills BaptistChurch (IndependentBibleBelieving) RandyBlackwell,Pastor SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30 p.m. 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock 5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive” 9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy 804-375-9404 SECONDANTIOCH BAPTISTCHURCH 1059DorsetRoad Powhatan,VA23139 ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m. OLDPOWHATAN BAPTISTCHURCH BradRussell,Pastor 598-4241 Servicetimesare 8:30a.m.and10:15a.m. Worshiponlineat10:15a.m. 2202OldChurchRoad 2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoffRt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 SmallGroupClasses9:00a.m. WorshipService10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor FIRSTANTIOCH BAPTISTCHURCH 3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301 SundaySchool10:00a.m. SundayMorningService 11:00a.m. WednesdayMidDay BibleStudy11:30a.m. EveningBibleStudy7:00p.m. 3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor MOUNTZION BAPTISTCHURCH 2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor 10a.m.–WorshipService 8:30a.m.–ChurchSchool 2390EmmanuelChurchRoad 804-372-9254 SundayWorship10:00AM SundaySchool9:00AM BibleStudyWed.7:00PM MuddyCreek BaptistChurch SundaySchool-9:45a.m. Worship-11a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00p.m. PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad Advertisein Powhatan Today’sChurch Directory. Call804-746-1235 ext.2fordetails. Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm TravisL.Keith-Pastor ChurchOffice:794.7054 JustAcrossfromSouth CreekShoppingCenter! Family WorshipCenter “YourCommunity Church” 2901JudesFerryRoad Powhatan,Va23139 804-379-8223 Sundays10:00a.m. Wednesday6:30p.m. Experiencingthepresence, powerandpersonofJesusChrist Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle 1530CookRoad(Rt.636)

One of the biggest challenges Simons has had was in the shop recently – a 1939 GMC Panel Truck that only 300 were ever made and there are almost no parts available for the truck.

One that still makes him smile is a tie-dyed 1971 Volkswagen Beatle for the Gits family, which is very eye-catching.

“I caught a lot of flak because older generations said flames were for hot rods not little imports,” he said with a chuckle. “If you try something different and you go to a car show within a year you will see five or six with the same. You see a lot of people come to car shows to get ideas. So to see something a year later someone did based off of what you did makes you feel good.”
Jacques Gits of Powhatan said the “bug” was for his wife and Seay’s did a “beautiful job.” He has also had the business redo a 1970 Boss 302 and several trucks, including work trucks.

Clockwise from top left, Seay’s Auto Body and Restoration fully restored a 1939 GMC Panel Truck; before and after photos of a 1976 Firebird, on which the auto body shop cut out quarters, did some rust repair and fixed some dents before the paint job; Seay’s Auto restored the body and painted Art Chadwick’s 1939 Studebaker Commander, which has been acting as a sign for Chadwick and Son Orchid Inc. in Powhatan; and Seay’s Auto did a custom paint job for Lisa Gits, painting her 1971 Volkswagen Beatle with tie-dye colors.
“After that I wanted to build something that people wanted to walk around and look at. I think that is what took me away from racing to car shows,” he said.
the rough” that too many people don’t know does such amazing work.
Page 5APowhatan Today, September 14, 2022 Continued from pg. 1 SIMONS CHURCH DIRECTORY

The place where the shop really gets to flex its skills is with the custom work. Love it or hate, Simons likes creating custom work that turns heads.
Like many small businesses, he started doing the work in his own garage –custom jobs, fixing rust, doing restorations for friends. Later, he moved to a commercial space, locating a few places before settling in at their current location at 2405 Mitchell Road along with his parents’ towing business.
“I try not to forget where I started, so if people come in here with a bump on their car or a spot, I will do them too because I don’t want to forget where I started,” Simons said. “I think that is another thing I like about being in the county. You get older guys and farmers coming by here. They have parts on their tractor break. You know you are busy but you make time to do it anyway.”
to its original state as possible. That kind of work carries its own challenges, such as trying to track down old parts or research paint colors, which is why many body shops that focus on newer models and insurance work will send the older jobs his way. Seay’s also does “insurance jobs” – fixing vehicles after an accident or touchups – but the restoration work is more of a niche he can fill.
Drawing inspiration from other businesses that have effectively used antique cars, such as Three Crosses Distilling Company, Chadwick decided to go that route and found pieces of a Studebaker online in North Carolina. Based off of a friend’s recommendations, Chadwick hired Seay’s to turn those pieces of an old car into the beautiful shell and sign that now sits outside his business, with Courtois Signs in Powhatan putting the finishing touches with a vintage-inspired font.“Wes was very excited about it and within three or four weeks he had that thing completely done and ready. He was really inspired by it,” Chadwick said.He liked the first so much that Chadwick is having Simons work on the exterior of a 1950 Studebaker Champion that will be placed as a decoration on the property. He called Seay’s a “diamond in
Simons likes pushing boundaries and creating something new. The first car show he ever entered was with a little 1995 Nissan pickup truck. He airbrushed and painted flames across the whole front end and down the side.
“When you do custom stuff, even paint, it might not be the vehicle some people like but they are still going to look at it,” he said.
“Obviously they are incredibly capable and can do anything and they are innovative, too. They don’t have to work with an original part. They can make another part or get one from another old car. He knows enough about cars that he can pull one together,” Chadwick said.
Simons keeps customers apprised of the progress as a job progresses and even has them stop by to see the progress. But when they walk in and see the finished product, he loves the look on their faces.
But the work that really gets Simons excited are the restoration and custom paint jobs – the more challenging the better.He has done restoration jobs with the aim of getting a vintage vehicle as close
The area’s largest pumpkin painting contest is looking for local businesses interested in decorating pumpkins for a goodThecause.12th annual “Pumpkin or Kids” Project benefiting Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU is looking for companies willing to sponsor and decorate pumpkins.
The event will be held on Friday, Oct. 28 with judging taking place at noon at Independence Golf Course, 600 Founders Bridge Blvd., Midlothian. Pumpkins need to be dropped off between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Lunch will be served to participants while they wait for silly,Makeplayedreasons,pumpkinsglue.markers,ratekinsenjoy.tientschildren’stopRichmondthebybetweenparticipatingdecoratedwillSailawayjudging.Solutionsbedroppingoffun-pumpkinstocompaniesOct.5and14.JudgingwillbedonechildrenandstaffatChildren’sHospitalofatVCU.The10pumpkinsgotothehospitalforpa-andtheirfamiliestoThetop5pump-winprizes.Participantscandeco-theirpumpkinsusingpaints,feltorJustdon’tcarveas,forsanitarytheycan’tbedis-atthehospital.thepumpkinslookgoofyorfunny-any

care team named him Skunk! On Aug. 31, Skunk was cleared to leave the hospital, so Powhatan Animal Control staff went and picked him up and brought him to the shelter. Skunk rested and took it easy. The shelter is thankful for all the deputies who pitched in and came out to the shelter and continued his delicate care over the holiday weekend!
Page 6A Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022

Incident report for Aug. 29 to Sept. 4 - Incident type & total calls
tion Board and the Powhatan Extension Office. A huge thank you to the Timberlake family for use of space and tractor to load the heavy tires, the Powhatan Junior Emergency Technician (JET) program and the Department of Corrections for their help loading all of the tires.
One female was charged on Sept. 3 with petty larceny (M).
One male was charged on Aug. 30 with revocation of suspended sentence and probation (MisdeOnemeanor).malewas charged on Aug. 30 with destruction of property, monument (M) and assault and battery (M).
On June 25, the Powhatan Extension Office and the Anti-Litter Council teamed up to host a Farm Tire Recycling Day.
Tire recycling offers relief to farmers

Skunk the dog on the mend after accident

One male was charged on Sept. 4 with petty larceny (M).
on the move! Participants will engage in activities at their own pace - such as walking, cornhole, bicycling, bocce ball, etc. and see how colorful they can get! A photo booth will be on site to capture colorful memories. Join family, friends and neighbors while enjoying the benefits of staying active. Participants in activities will be provided refreshments, and an event T-shirt (while supplies last). Chick-fil-A will be on site with sandwiches, chips and drinks for purchase. This goal of the event is to not only celebrate staying active, but to recognize an international initiative: Active Aging Week. This will be a first time event for Powhatan with hopes to continue in future years! Sponsors include PDSS, AARP and Senior Connections. Call or email
style! We are sure it will make the children smile, so no scary ones. Make sure the pumpkins are labeled with company name when they are dropped off at the venue.
On Aug. 26, Powhatan 911 makedoctorssurgeryleftwenthisneededjurydoctorsRichmond.Veterinarytransportedleftbullold,TheyfromandRichmondsergeanttorespondedinHighwaytersectionthatp.m.receivedCommunicationsacallat11:30inregardtoadogwasinjuredatthein-ofAndersonandBellRoadPowhatan.Officersimmediatelyhelpthedog.Inroutetothecall,thereachedouttoAnimalCareControlforhelptheTommieFund.foundan11-month-neuteredmale,pitwithaninjurytohisrearleg.ThedogwastoVirginiaCentersinThestaffandevaluatedhisin-anddecidedhesurgerytorepairbrokenleg.OnAug.29,heunder-surgerytorepairhistibialfracture.Thewentwellandbelievehewillafullrecovery.The
When you’re driving down the road and you see the blue “TEAM TOMMIE” plates, remember those plates save lives! As a revenuesharing plate, after the sale of the first 1,000 qualifying plates, $15 of the $25 fee charged by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles is
Independence Golf Course donates the venue and Wegman’s is donating pumpkins and prizes, so all proceeds from donations will benefit the children’s hospital. Last year, the event raised more $5,000, and this year organizers have set a goal of People$10,000.mayalso support the event at,RachelMassen-at804-564-5444or
Contributed Report
Pumpkins for Kids looking for ContributedparticipantsReport
FILE PHOTO Pumpkins for Kids, an annual charity event that benefits the Children’s Hospital of Richmond, is looking for companies willing to participate by decorating pumpkins.
One(M).male was charged on Sept. 4 with violating a protective order
Powhatan County is seeking applications for the Powhatan County Department of Social Services Advisory Board. The Powhatan County Department of Social Services provides solution-focused services that promote enhanced quality of life for citizens. Applicants are asked to fill out the application found at: and submit it to
As a result of the event, volunteers filled almost two tractor trailers with 890 tires in total. The tires were then taken to a recycling center, where they were repurposed. This event was graciously supported by funding from the Powhatan Anti-litter Council, Powhatan Farm Bureau Federa-

Skunk the dog was rescued on Aug. 26 after being injured in an accident. Shown left is Skunk post surgery on Aug. 31 on his way to the Powhatan Animal Shelter, where he recuperated well, as shown in the photo taken Sept. 7.

One female was charged on Sept. 3 with violating a protective order
Bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. Bottled water will be provided. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or's Association Community Forum from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Oct. 20. If you or a loved one has been affected by dementia or Alzheimer's, you'll want to attend. The goal of this forum with community leaders and partners is to hear experiences from those in Powhatan and discover gaps in service or programming that Alzheimer's Association may be able help to improve Powhatan with. The event will be held at the Rescue Squad Building. Contact program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 or for more information.
On Sept. 6, Skunk went in for a check-up, the doctor said he is healing nicely and he got his cast taken off. He has more follow-ups in the near future. Powhatan Animal Control and Skunk are thankful for the Tommie Fund! It covered the surgery, hospitalization, medicines and follow-up appointments. Because of the Tommie Fund, Skunk’s leg is fixed and the bill was covered to take some stress off the shelter!
transferred to the Richmond Animal Care and Control Foundation and used to support its operation and programs in Virginia. You can purchase your very own and help save lives, too! The link is asp?PLT=TTOM.purchase/
CRIME REPORT Advice 36 Animal calls 21 Assault 6 Assist 25 Attempt to locate 8 B&E 2 BOL 1 Child welfare 1 Civil 3 CPR 1 Damaged property 1 Disabled vehicle 15 Disorder/disturbance 4 Domestic 11 Drugs 1 Follow-up 1 Fraud 9 Gunshots 1 Hit and run 1 Investigation 4 Larceny 2 Lewd acts 1 Lockout 11 Lost property 3 Loud music 2 Missing person 1 MVAs 12 Noise 2 Overdose 1 Panic alarm 1 Parking violation 1 Pd alarm 10 Phone threat 4 Project lifesaver 3 Protection order violation 2 Psychiatric 4 Reckless driver 15 Road rage 1 School threat assessment 1 Sex offense 1 Shoplifting 5 Suspicious 20 Traffic hazard 20 Traffic stop 35 Transport 1 Trespass 5 Underage possession 1 Unknown emergency 20 Warrant service 4 Welfare check 6
One female was charged on Sept. 1 with assault and battery (M).
One(M).female was charged on Sept. 4 with petty larceny (M).
On June 25, the Powhatan Extension Office and the Anti-Litter Council teamed up to host a Farm Tire Recycling Day.
The Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. On Saturday, Oct. 15 and Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m., the library will hold Gentle Beginner’s Yoga with Joanna Bartles. Participants will learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints.
Advisory board seeks members
program coordinator for more information at 804-698-0438 is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. A Thanksgiving Food Drive will be held during the entire month of October and until Nov. 5. Bring in five canned goods or nonperishable items to be entered in to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card. All donations will go to the local food pantry.
Contributed Report
This event allowed farmers and homeowners in Powhatan to recycle their used semi-truck, tractor, ATV and other car tires. Not many options are available for farmers to discard their large tractor and semi-truck tires in an affordable and sustainable manner. This unfortunate circumstance led the Powhatan Extension Office and the Powhatan Farm Bureau to discuss the possibility of offering a Farm Tire Recycling Day, which would allow the community of Powhatan to get rid of the tires on their property that may have otherwise been sitting for years to come.Producers and the general public were allowed to drop off their tires, free of charge, from 8 a.m. to noon, on the property of local farmer Jamie Timberlake.
One female was charged on Sept. 1 with trespassing (M) and assault and battery (M).
One male was charged on Sept. 3 with petty larceny (M).
Continued from pg. 4
In light of the recent announcement from the County that Powhatan residents are actually saving money, I believe that Powhatan taxpayers deserve an explanation.
September 14, 2022 Page 7A 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116 Phone: 804-746-1235 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-344-8746
I am writing to express my concerns about the hidden tax increase that Powhatan residents experienced when we recently received our vehicle property tax bills.
Roddy PowhatanDavoudCounty
I understand many found President Trump’s “bedside manner” lacking, but one cannot argue with his accomplishments, the economic health afforded the country, as well as establishment of a foundation upon which to positively emerge from the pandemic.
“Since I've started incorporating the lessons using this format last year, I've noticed a huge impact on the students' ability to make connections to the setting of the Twin Towers in New York City and the major themes of heroism, courage and hope stemming from such a horrible tragedy,” Brown said. “Those ideas can be hard to grasp for students born 10 years after 9/11, but using resources and technology that help them visualize and make connections to that day has impacted their understanding of that day.”Writing this column two days before 9/11 and thinking about the fact it has been 21 years since that horrible day – roughly half of my own life – I may not approach the questions that started this column with the same sense of incredulity that shook that littleButgirl.even after all this time, I remember that feeling she must have been experiencing as she tried to wrap her head around how such a thing was possible, and it still makes my heart hurt.
What are the most powerful ways you have observed Sept. 11 being observed?
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Thursday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff
Unfortunately, President Trump’s positive path was temporarily diverted by loss of the 2020 election. Some of us question the legitimacy of that outcome, but for the purposes here I acknowledge that Biden won the However,election.since
Even as simple as it is, it never fails to be a powerful event, and I was honored to be there to witness it.
The lesson plan was organized by sixth grade English teacher Becky Brown with the collaboration of Lambert and fellow teacher Jessica Malkerson. Brown told me afterward she has always tried to incorporate an article detailing the events of Sept. 11 into her reading instruction because it was such a tragic event in our history layered with stories of heroism and hope. She was inspired to make the lessons more engaging and interactive after receiving an Innovative Classroom Grant last year with Lambert.
When I went to the middle school on Friday, I didn’t know what was going to be one of the experiences I witnessed. Principal Samantha Martin invited me to the 9/11 flag ceremony held at 8 a.m. in front of the school, which I had attended before. BSA Troops 1823, 1833 and 832 led the flag raising ceremony, including describing the symbolism of the Freedom Flag. The seventh and eighth grade chorus offered a beautiful rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.” They all did a wonderful job putting on the event, which was recorded and shared with the rest of the school later that day.
Bringing understanding to younger generations
Dear Editor,
So I sat down, put the headset to my face and found myself gradually looking up at the towers that once stood so proudly on the New York City Skyline. It was similar to growing up and looking at images of far off places on reels slotted through a View-Master but much more immersive. It was an image I saw only once in person, on a visit as a child to the city that has admittedly long since faded from memory.
William M. CumberlandFrameCounty

you mean they flew a plane into the building knowing they wouldn’t survive?
Production Manager Denine D’Angelo
© 2022 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 11,026.

President Biden assumed office the prime directive has been acting diametrically out of phase with all President Trump did. Biden’s overarching policy motivation seems to nonsensically do the exact opposite of all Trump did regardless of the positives they brought.
But we do it because it is a day indelibly woven into the fabric of our nation’s history, and to not have
Gillian Lambert, instructional technology innovator, was using the VR headset to show the students images of the Twin Towers before the attacks and then the memorials that stand their today. I took a few photos of the students and then, because there was an extra pair of goggles available, accepted Lambert’s offer to take a look at what the students were seeing.
Reader: ‘Not in my backyard’ isn’t a good argument
I don’t recall seeing a notice or advertisement that this significant tax increase was going to be voted on by the Board of Supervisors.
Judge Ketanji Jackson – Simply fulfillment of a campaign diversity pledge. Let’s choose our justices on the basis of proven legal temperament, ability to honor the constitution, and not on skin color.
Because of the temporary “bubble” in used car values, the short-term increase in value has created a

Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035
I respectfully point out to Terry, the country made great strides under President Trump’s leadership, all while forced to combat the Russia hoax, 2 unsuccessful attempts at impeachment, and now having to contend with an illegal and unwarranted search of his privatePaquetteresidence.applauds Biden’s “accomplishments,” yet I contend all listed simply affords him a “feeling of accomplishment,” since the impact and supposed benefit of all claimed as “remarkable,” is yet to be realized and I contend never will.
Anyway in my opinion, not in my backyard isn't a very positive position to take without a serious effort to reach a compromise on issues that will work for all citizens. Some will still not be happy, but that is how compromise and discussion works. Not in my back yard.
Sales Representative Tom Haynie
our children know that history is inconceivable, even if we have to introduce it to them like this, in ageappropriate ways gradually over time until they fully grasp the magnitude of that day.
In addition to the headsets, the students analyzed New Yorker Magazine covers through the years to make inferences about the mood of the people following the event; used part of the article to preview it and make predictions about the text; read a 9/11 graphic novel excerpt; and did a word study of key vocabulary words.
Robert PowhatanPowersCounty
Dear Editor:
Who would do that?
Terry, as for the “Way to Go Joe” sign, enjoy it while you can as its life expectancy will be joyfully short.
All with exception of the proof points we clearly see every day, i.e., unfettered spending imposing a 40 year high inflation; loss of sovereignty at the southern border allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter our country; and the complete relinquishment of energy independence…just to mention a few.
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher
“Upon brainstorming ideas with her last year about how we could best incorporate VR into the

Switching party affiliation is a serious matter and I respect Terry Paguette’s decision to do so. However, experiences gathered over my 7 decades suggests such a change is fostered less by events or track record and more by an emotional reaction or simply not “liking” the other fellow.
Publisher Joy Monopoli
Classifieds Cindy Adams
Managing Editor Laura McFarland

classroom, she told me she had the ability for the students to view the Twin Towers through the VR headsets. I knew I already had several 9/11 based texts, so the idea for this particular lesson in the collaborative group format with five themed stations was born,” Brown said.
significant tax increase on used vehicles. I have a 2018 vehicle that was valued by Powhatan at $39,750 in 2021. That same vehicle is valued at $50,180 in 2022. That’s a whopping 26.2% increase. My tax bill for this vehicle in 2022 is $802.44 versus $589.50 in 2021. This $213.94 INCREASE is for a car that is one year OLDER. This particular vehicle is the worst case of the several vehicles I own, but the average increase I received was double digits on vehicles that are A YEAR OLDER.
As Lambert described the events of that day – a day that happened about a full decade before this young girl was born – the girl lowered her goggles and asked the questions above with such innocence – innocence you hate to see shattered with the reality of what human beings are capable of doing to each other.
Drastic vehicle tax increase needs a better explanation
Massive international response to Putin’s attack on Ukraine. FALSE to GROSSLY EXAGGERATED. The international community is not honoring any of the sanctions on Russia and for every dollar the U.S. spends arming Ukraine our “allies” spend a nickel, if not pennies. Preventable had action been taken in Jan./Feb. as Putin amassed 150,000 troops on the Ukraine border – asleep at the switch, yet again.
Dear Editor, Please not in my backyard. So I read that the landfill in Amelia has 70 years of useful time left. Now the proposed landfill in Cumberland I don't believe had a time span of usefulness anywhere near 70 years, and the Amelia landfill has been open many years already. Not sure of the exact number, but pretty sure it is double digits years in use already.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act – QUESTION: Seen any evidence of any infrastructure related work or job creation?
The earnest question that came from a wide-eyed sixth grader at Powhatan Middle School on Friday made my heart hurt. She was holding a virtual reality (VR) headset during her English class, sitting at one of the five stations aimed at helping her and her fellow sixth graders understand the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Don’t see any rationale for ‘congratulating’ Ole Joe
CHIPS Act – TRANSLATED: another Solyndra-like tax dollar give-a-way and ill-fated action by the Federal government to pick market winners.
E-mail answers to or share them on the Powhatan Today’s Facebook page.
A few comments on Paquette’s list of the “remarkable”:Ended the war in Afghanistan – NO! His method of doing so weakened the US on the world stage and emboldened our enemies. His action simply postponed what will end in our being engaged in another war to rid ourselves of the Taliban.

If the landfill in Cumberland is a MEGA Landfill, the Amelia landfill must be a SUPER MEGA Landfill with a railroad siding. Just haven't read many news stories on the total destruction of normal life style in Amelia County because of this landfill. Maybe I have missed them or there has been an attempt to keep any such issues on the down low. Is the reason counties such as Powhatan and Cumberland don't build landfills by their own county governments is the federal government regulations that have to be met to build such a facility? Is it just easier to ship the refuse to another area through the use of transfer stations? Maybe Powhatan and Cumberland could get together and build a landfill for only their refuse. I believe Henrico offered some deal on sharing water from its pump storage reservoir in northern Cumberland.
As the flag ceremony wrapped up and the students started going back into the school, Martin mentioned the lesson plan being put on for some of the sixth grade students and further extended the invitation inside. That is what led to the VR headset experience that followed a few minutes later.
“I love that we have seen members get married and

Reflecting back on her time with the chamber, Cabell said there have been plenty of ups and downs. Some initiatives have been a great success, like the PowHER Hour+ Monthly Luncheon, while others haven’t done as well, like the Mug Shots (Zoom meetings during the pandemic) or a podcast that they attempted during the pandemic.“Those did not catch on but we are not deterred by a misstep. We carry on and keep looking for innovative ways to support our members and the community,” she said.Then there is always the “happy chaos” of the wine festival, an event that existed before Cabell came and that she sees continuing for many years after she leaves the chamber next month. The festival is a beautiful showcase opportunity for the county when thousands of people from all over the region come into its borders for the day, ultimately benefiting many Powhatan businesses as“Butwell.what is extraordinary about the event is the community support. It is primarily a volunteer-led and manned effort, and that is a testament to the commitment. There are people on the committee now that were there 20 years ago when it began,” she said.
Walking with the first responders throughout the day and then in the last lap, Warren said it was incredibly important to make those connections in what is still a relatively small community.
Albert, a firefighter for Company 1, said he did 25 miles at the 2021 event and decided to do the full event this year in turnout gear, saying he wanted the full experience and to push his limits. He was honored for running 18 hours last year by being asked to carry
Susan Ash, chamber board member, said she has always believed and witnessed in her 15 years with the chamber, that the most important element is the executive director. As members come and go, as boards come and go, “it is the executive director that is a constant.”
Through the years, Cabell said she has nothing but admiration for the small businesses served by the chamber.“Every job is always changing. You’ve got to react to the external forces around you and nobody does that better than a small business. The fortitude that these small business owners have constantly amazes me. I can’t imagine the pressure,” she said.
source,” Cabell said.

the Freedom Flag this year. Donna Schultz was the official flag bearer of this year’s event.
At the end of the day, Mary Walton, who ran about 17.5 miles, said her second time participating in the 9/11 run was great. She loved being part of a trio that relayed to complete the full mileage, saying it was symbolic of how the different first responder agencies work together to keep the community safe.

Christa Warren, who ran just over 18 miles in her first 9/11 run, said she felt the event was important to honor both the fallen firefighters and current first responders. Her father was a paramedic for almost 35 years, which dramatically impacted his health, so she liked that this year’s event stressed the importance of looking after both the physical and mental health of first responders.
Even as she prepares to step down and get some much needed rest before she figures out what she wants to do next, Cabell said being executive director has been the best job she has ever had.
Angie Cabell
sion five years ago “and how helpless I felt in that situation and how thankful I was when someone who was properly trained showed up to relieve me.”

“’s visibility and credibility have been greatly enhanced by her efforts – efforts that go well beyond the expectations the chamber board had/has of its executive director,” he said. “Angie was the chief visionary and inspired the board to continually take the organization to the next level. This was all especially true when she went above and beyond the call of duty to support local businesses like mine when we needed it most during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
While nothing is set in stone, looking ahead, Riley said they have talked about adding offerings to the chamber such as a men’s group, a professional under 40 group and more personal development opportunities. The chamber will also be doing a good review of this year’s wine festival in anticipation of the 2023 event, which will be the official 20th anniversary festival.
He added that he feels the mark of a true leader is when they leave an organization better than when they arrived, and Cabell has definitely met that expectation and will be missed.
The chamber’s role has been to bring opportunities for education, for networking and for connecting the small businesses with professionals that can help them.
Each year has been somewhat different from the last, and that evolution has been possible as more people hear about it and want to become involved, she said. “As people hear about it they just want to do Garrettstuff.”
As she walked the final lap specifically meant to honor first responders, Walton said she couldn’t help but remember witnessing a fatal head on colli-

have children. We have shared some sadness with our members as well. It just seems like a family,” she said.

“Angie has been that leadership to us,” Ash said. “Keeping us moving steady when she came onto the position; moving us forward with membership growth; taking on tasks with the wine festival when we lacked volunteers for sponsorship; keeping up with all the organization of the wine festival (that is a 12-month task); doing her absolute best with Village Vibe to keep it on track; and, of course, seeing us through the pandemic when every day was uncharted and a challenge.”
Ward added it was an honor to walk in remembrance of the firefighters who died on 9/11, who knowingly rushed

Cabell’s list of accomplishments may not be any one tremendous event – although her example during the pandemic stand out – “but rather thousands of daily tasks and decisions that add up to her skills as a leader, decision maker, and all around dedicated employee and caring member of our chamber family,” Ash said.
Continued from pg. 1 SEPT. 11
“An insurance agent is not an HR professional, a web designer, an accountant, a bookkeeper or an IT guy, but you have to be a little of all of those things when you own a small business. Our goal was to ease the things that kept them up at night. We want to be a reliable re-
Page 8A Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022

Aside from the obvious facts that the chamber is in a better position than ever, financially, operationally, and functionally, and more focused on its purpose than ever, Cabell “has cultivated a cultural revolution in the chamber where local business professionals are more positive and supportive of each other than ever before,” said Kendall Ickes, treasurer for the board and a small business
The other great challenge is time – as in there is just never enough time to do everything you want to do, she continued. “That is certainly not unique to the chamber world or me. I am looking forward to having more time.”More than anything, Cabell said she will miss the relationships she formed and saw formed through the chamber of commerce.
Continued from pg. 3 CHAMBER

“I think that the previous executive directors would feel the same way,” she said. “This is a special place with an extraordinary commitment from the membership to support the initiatives the chamber takes on. So my goal was always to serve the member businesses as best we could and that is also the greatest challenge.”
into danger to try to save lives. “I believe if you asked each one of them, they would do it again.”
“There are our neighbors, these are our friends, these are co-workers, they are people we go to work with, and they are risking their lives for our community every day,” she said.
A large number of people came out throughout the day Sunday to support the 9/11 memorial. The event both honored the victims of Sept. 11, 2001, and celebrated local first responders.

Brigid Paciello, one of the organizers, said the event was amazing, especially since they only confirmed they would hold it a month out. The event, while shortened, still had some great moments of impact, such as the reading of fallen firefighters’ names throughout the day and 343 small American flags gradually placed around the track by participants.
there.”Ina letter he sent Friday to chamber members to announce the change, board president Edward Velasquez said the chamber board is “grateful and excited for her to join the organization and welcome her skills and perspective.”“Nicole brings many years’ experience in working with small businesses with a demonstrated success in building an organization from the ground up and an enthusiasm for optimizing resources and systems management,” he said.
Albert said he will have been a volunteer with the county for three years in October, and it is the community and how it comes together that makes him want to Davidparticipate.Ward,avolunteer with Company 4 since January, said the event held special significance for him on multiple levels. In addition to honoring his fellow first responders, it was a personal victory for Ward to be there walking the track as he is still recovering from a stroke he had on July 19. He said he has had his ups and downs, but walking the track Sunday was definitely one of the highs.
“I am going to walk as far as my body will let me today because I am still in PT and taking care of myself,” he said.
Community joins together to honor first responders, remember 9/11

Walton said she loved the entire event, even the rain. “Honestly, it really wasn’t that bad. It cooled us off, it gave us something to laugh about and broke the mood a little bit. And honestly what these guys and girls do every single day for us and the sacrifices that they make, it is nothing compared to what they do every day,” she said.

a full moon with great football weather, the Powhatan Indians played its first game of the year with a 36-12 victory over the visiting Huguenot High School Falcons.Although this was the second scheduled game of the 2022 season, the Indians’ opener against Mechanicsville never happened due to suspension of the Lancers program after allegations of hazing.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
After a scoreless first quarter, Powhatan scored first with a field goal to go up early in the second and then recovered its own kick-off with 10:16 remaining.
Wide receiver Matthew Henderson then scored the game’s first touchdown on a pass from senior quarterback Dylan Trevillian to send the crowd to its feet. With a successful extra point kick, Powhatan had see INDIANS, pg. 2
Defense rules in field hockey win over Maggie Walker
By Rod Short For Powhatan Today

As a result, Powhatan was credited with a win due to forfeiture.Cominginto this game, the Falcons may have sensed an opportunity for an upset against a young and inexperienced Powhatan team despite a 61-6 loss to Louisa the week before.

and powered home a shot into the left corner of the goal.
BSH junior Afton Harrow (7) runs toward the sideline in the team’s 32-8 win on Sept. 9.
Junior Casey Grell (8) takes the ball on the offensive attack in Powhatan’s win over Maggie Walker on Sept. 6.

BSH, pg. 2
Hosting the Rappahannock County Panthers, BSH took control early in its convincing 32-8 victory on Friday, Sept. 9.

September 14, 2022 Page 1BPowhatan, Virginia FIELDHOCKEYALL-STAR 800.296.6246 l CitizensandFarmersBank C&FBank’sAthleteoftheWeekC&FBankAthleteoftheWeek WHO: LEXICAMPBELL WHATSHEDID: PowhatanseniorLexiCampbell scoredthefirstgoaloftheseason forthevarsityfieldhockeyteam, butwhatmadethegoalallthe moreimpressivewasthecontextin whichitcame. Thestarplayer’sgoalproved tobethedifferencebetweena winandalossintheIndians’home opening1-0winagainsttheMaggie WalkerGreenDragonsonSept.6. Campbell,whohasbeenon thevarsityteamsinceherfreshman yearandhasledtheteamin scoringthepasttwoseasons,broke throughwithhergoaljustaminute intothethirdquarter.Shereceived apassfromteammateCaseyGrell withherbacktothenetandturned aroundwithashotthatmadeits waytotheleftcornerofthenetand gavetheIndiansalltheyneededfor theirfirstwinoftheseason. ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Name: Eli Timmons Graduating Class: 2024 Sport(s): Cross Country Stat/Accolade of the Week: Second finisher on team at senior night home meet at 18:52.80, which was within a minute of 18:00.90 personal record. Favorite Hype-up song: “Mighty Wings” by Cheap Trick Name: Hunter Case Graduating Class: 2024 Sport(s): Football and baseball Stat/Accolade of the Week: 121 yards, 3 rushing touchdowns, 10 tackles, 1 sack, 2 TFL, 1 safety and 1 INT against Rappahannock Favorite Hype-up song: “Paradise City” by Guns and Roses


Indians spear Falcons in long-awaited debut
Two games into the Powhatan field hockey season it has generated two nail-biting performances that came down to a singleWhilegoal.the first game went the other way with a 1-0 defeat at the hands of the hosting James River Rapids, the result in Powhatan’s home opener against the Maggie Walker Green Dragons went in the home team’s direction.“All week we worked on keeping possession of the ball and doing what we could to get the ball into the circle and just creating scoring opportunities,” head coach Stephanie Tyson said. “We had lots of chances and probably could have gotten a few more, and finishing is something we’re going to continue to work on, but we’re making progress.”
see FIELD HOCKEY, pg. 2
BSH returns to form in dominant win

The pads were cracking, Knights were flying all over the field and every big play accentuated what makes this team’s identity of gritty, run-heavy football work so well.
The 1-0 victory on Tuesday, Sept. 6 puts the Indians at 1-1 to start the season, and the team had to scratch and claw their way to earn that win. The winning goal came just a minute into the third quarter, when senior Lexi Campbell received a pass from junior Casey Grell with her back to the net
Powhatan’s swarming defense kept Huguenot’s offense in check with just seven first downs for the entire game. Powhatan won 36-12 in the home game on Sept. 9.

By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor

but was stopped at the 10-yard-line.Aftergetting the defensive stop, Case took the ball into the end zone as a ball carrier, scoring his
“I’ve been working really hard on being in front of the goalie, and I think I did that tonight,” Campbell said.
first of three rushing touchdowns with a four-yard score with 2:50 left in the opening quarter. Case also finished with 121 rushing see
“Our defense rose up a couple times tonight and did a great job for us and that was the primary focus for us to bounce back,” head coach Gary Brock said. “What happened last week, that’s over with, that’s in the past, let’s go on and focus on what’s ahead.”Led by thrilling performances from junior Hunter Case, who killed Rappahannock on the ground all night, and senior edge rusher David Mann, the Knights set the tone in the first quarter after going down 8-0 thanks to a Mann interception that he nearly returned for a touchdown
A week after getting a true punch to the face in their home matchup with Covenant, the Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Knights came back to their home turf with a purpose.

Out of the four teams in the 5K run, the Indians placed second in the girls team score at 37 and an average time of 24 minutes, 12 seconds while the boys outright won the day with a score of 34 and an
safety that was attributed to
O-2022-33TheCountyofPowhatan requeststheamendmentoftheprovisions setforthinCountyOrdinanceSec.80-67(Watermetersforoutsideuse).Two Ordinancerevisionswillbepresentedthatofferfinancialreliefforresidential wastewatercustomerscurrentlyincurringsewerchargesforwaterbeingutilized forresidentialirrigationsystems.
Powhatan cross country wins in senior night run
Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinarat,thentypinginthewebinarID83998792911.During thepubliccommentperiod,participantsmayraisetheirhandusingthezoom controlsonthecomputerscreen,or(ifdialingin)bypressing*9onaphone.
average finish time of 19:12.99.TheIndians braved the muggy conditions and sand-heavy trails of their home park with a productive day of running, with the lead runner being sophomore Ellen Weimer, who finished first in the girls competition with an impressive time of 21:07.21.Itwas a comfortable victory for the Indians star, whose closest competitor was Manchester junior Jenna Nolen, who turned in a 21:52.14 time.
On her senior night, Stevens finished 19th out of 31 runners, clocking in at 28:10.14.Ontheboys side, freshman Dylan Mapes had a terrific showing to start his running career at Powhatan, finishing in second with a time of 18:05.37, eight seconds behind the first place runner out of Manchester, junior Trevor Williams.

“We have 19 new starters that never started a varsity football game. It was their first game, and we have a lot of things to work on, but to see the guys tough it out when the score got to be 16-12 is one big thing I’ll remember,” head coach
Powhatan cross country seniors Raquel Iga (third to the right) and Rebecca Stevens (sixth from the right) were celebrated at th e team’s tri-meet on Sept. 6. Right, runner Eli Timmons crosses the finish line.

Withlead.the game settling into a back-and-forth contest afterwards, Huguenot silenced the home crowd by running back an intercepted pass for a score to close the gap to 10-6 after the extra point conversion failed.
scored twice in just 17 seconds to take a sudden 10-0
O-2022-34TheCountyofPowhatan isconsideringtheadoptionofanordinance toexemptequipmentandmachineryusedforforestharvestingandsilvicultural activitiesfrompersonalpropertytaxes.
NoticeisherebygiventhatthePowhatanCountyBoardofSupervisorswillconduct publichearingson Monday,September26,2022at6:30PM inthe Powhatan County Village Building Auditorium (3910 Old Buckingham Road) regarding thefollowingmatters.
Junior Eli Timmons also had a strong day of running, closing the 5K run in fourth place with a time of Junior18:52.80.River Leynes and Ian Timmons were the last top-10 performers for Powhatan, with Leynes finishing in seventh place with a time of 19:21.33 and Timmons finishing in 10th at Powhatan’ meet
Mike Henderson said after the game. “The other thing is that they (Huguenot) didn’t score any points on offense. Our defense played really well.”Powhatan’s first major test of the young season comes Friday, Sept. 16 when it faces 1-1 Manchester on the road. Manchester is ranked in the Richmond area’s Top-10 programs. Last season, Manchester beat Powhatan in a 38-6 final on Sept. 17, 2021. This year’s game kicks off at 7 p.m.
who else but Case.
BSH junior Will Fichter (3) celebrates a touchdown after scoring on a 25-yard screen pass in the first half.

Powhatan junior Ella Green finished close behind Nolen for third place, turning in a 21:59.14 result past the finish line.
The Knights will look to win consecutive games when they travel to Chesapeake to take on Greenbrier Christian Academy on Friday, Sept. 16. That game kicks off at 7 p.m.
Publiccommentsmayalsobesubmittedtoadministration@powhatanva.govorby leavingavoicemailat(804)598-5612.Anycommentsreceivedpriorto5:00PMof thedateofthepublichearingwillberecordedinthemeetingminutes.
FullcopiesoftheseproposalsmaybereviewedintheCountyAdministration OfficesinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckingham Road)between8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.
On the ensuing drive, the Knights forced yet another turnover, this one a fumble recovered by Harrow at the opposing 35-yard-line. Case didn’t let that third turnover go to waste, taking in a 15-yard touchdown run on a direct snap that found multiple defenders bouncing off the power running back, who seemed to get stronger after contact.“Ialways like to play physical,” Case said.
It was a tough break for sure, but the Knights didn’t let that kill their confidence.After another goal line fumble from Case that would have resulted in another Knights score, the turnovers cleaned up, while the defense continued to halt their opponent of any chance at Backedmomentum.upto their 1-yard-line, the Panthers had no space to breathe and were ultimately stopped in their end zone for a Knights
do amazing things.”
With nearly all of its team playing on both sides of the ball throughout the game, Huguenot looked visibly tired in the finalPowhatanquarter. took advantage by scoring two more touchdowns on the ground to lead 36-12 before backup quarterback Matthew Layman took over for the Indians with 3:46 left in the game.
“Running alongside such an amazing group of people and coaches has helped me become a better person and a stronger runner,” Iga said. “I am going to miss my team next year, but I know that they will
Stevens, who has run with the program since middle school, says the team has had a big impact on her life.
Using his 6-foot-3inch height to full advantage, Henderson caught his second touchdown pass of the night to extend the Indians’ lead to 16-6 with 3:37 remaining before the Powhatanhalf.then survived a scare after Huguenot’s Gregory Jackson ran for a touchdown on a long run, but the score was nullified on a Falcons’Huguenotpenalty. then marched to Powhatan’s 11-yard line threatening to score, but came away with a missed opportunity after being held back twice by the Powhatan defense as the half ended.
Page 2B Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022
On the next Rappahannock drive, Blessed Sacrament forced yet another fumble, this time coming from a Mann strip on the ball carrier that was recovered by junior Parker Gill to put the offense at their 25-yard-line.Afterdriving down the field with play after play picking up big yardage, the Knights faced a secondand-long at the 25 after a penalty, but they weren’t aiming for just the first down.On a screen pass down the left side from quarterback Afton Harrow, running back Will Fichter found blockers down the field and displayed his blazing foot speed to tightrope the sideline for the team’s second touchdown of unsuccessful

fense continuing to get stops and runners like Case and Fichter picking up yards, staying inbounds and draining the clock until Harrow was able to line up in victory formation to finish a convincing performance from the Knights.
With a 24-8 lead and a kickoff going their way after the safety, a great return put the Knights directly back into the red zone, where Case earned a 2-yard touchdown run. Harrow’s run for the 2-point conversion made the score 32-8 with a little over six minutes to play in the third quarter.From there, it was all about grinding out the clock, with the Knights de-
From team dinners after meets to the times she and her teammates have relied on each other through hard times, the experience is one she says has helped her grow as more than just an athlete.
Following the break, Huguenot ran back its second interception of the night for a touchdown
family-like atmosphere that the team has demonstrated in her time there.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
2-point conversion, the Knights took a 14-8 lead with 4:46 left in the half.
O-2022-35Case#22-09-AZ:TheCountyofPowhatan requeststheamendment oftheprovisionssetforthinChapter83(ZoningOrdinance)ArticleIV(Village GrowthAreaDistricts)Division2VillageGrowthAreaPlannedDevelopment Districts,Sec.83-314tocreateanewPlannedDevelopmentDistricttobeutilized byareasdenotedinthe2021ComprehensivePlanasEconomicOpportunity.This amendmentwillcreateanewzoningdistrictthatwillallowEconomicOpportunity parcelstofeaturedensitiesandcommercialdevelopmentconsistentwiththevision ofthe2021ComprehensivePlan.
yards, 10 tackles, an interception and a safety.
“It has given me so many fun memories and friendships and has been one of my favorite parts of high school,” she said.
to tighten the game.
Averaging 9.3 yards per carry on six rushes, Landon Hutchison ran for a TD in the third quarter to extend the Indian’s lead.
Allinterestedpersonsareinvitedtoparticipateinthepublichearingsandto presenttheirviewsand/ortosubmitwrittencomments.Personsrequiringspecial assistancetovieworparticipateinthosehearingsshouldcontactthePowhatan CountyAdministrator’sOfficeat(804)598-5612atleastthreedayspriortothe meeting.Fulltextanddocumentsrelatedtotheseproposalscanbereviewedby contactingtheCountyAdministrator’sOfficeatadministration@powhatanva.govor (804)598-5612.
The Powhatan cross country season may have just started, but it’s never too early to honor the senior class. At their meet at Powhatan State Park on Tuesday, Sept. 6, the Indians did just that, hosting Monacan, Manchester and Thomas Dale for their senior night ner,gram.they’vehonoredRebeccaSeniorscompetition.RaquelIgaandStevenswereforthehardworkputinforthepro-Iga,afour-yearrun-saysshevaluesthe
Following a Huguenot takeaway, Powhatan’s Landon Hutchison ran for a first down on a firstand-15 and then ran the ball in from 20 yards out for a touchdown to give the Indians some breathing room. Powhatan then led 22-12 after a failed two-point conversion pass with 2:46 to go in the third quarter.
After failing on a 2-point conversion, Powhatan still led 16-12.
will be the highly anticipated Adidas XC Challenge on Sept. 17 at WakeMed Park in Cary, North Carolina.
Up 22-8 with just 13 seconds left in the half, the Knights nearly added one more big play to their highlight reel when Harrow took a shoot deep down the right side that was completed by Fichter, but a Rappahannock defender made a touchdown-saving tackle that caused the Knights running back to fumble inches from the goal line.
Continued from pg. 1 INDIANSContinued from pg. 1 BSH
Page 3BPowhatan Today, September 14, 2022 VIRGINIA: INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHECOUNTYOF POWHATAN Inthematteroftheadoptionofachild knownas CHRISTIANDEVONWARREN By SHAWN&MARYKNIGHT CaseNo.CA22000005-00 ORDEROFPUBLICATION Theobjectofthissuitisforthecloserelative adoptionofChristianDevonWarren. ItappearingfromanaffidavitthatEddieRay Warren’swhereaboutsareunknown;hepreviouslyresidedinTennesseebeforemovingto Ashville,NorthCarolina,buthislastknownaddressisunknown,heisnotaresidentofthis countyandthatdiligencehasbeenusedbyor onbehalfofpetitionerstoascertainhiscurrentwhereabouts,withouteffect,itisORDEREDthatEddieRayWarrenappearbefore theCourtwithintensdaysafterduepublicationofthisnoticeanddowhatisnecessaryto protecthisinterestherein. ENTER:8/11/2022 PaulW.Cella, JUDGE Iaskforthis: BrookeS.Barden,p.q. Smith,Barden&Wells,P.C. 1330AlverserPlaza Midlothian,VA.23113 804-794-8070 804-794-5475Fax PowhatanCounty AgriculturalandForestalDistrict(AFD) AdvisoryCommitteeRegularMeeting TheAgriculturalandForestalDistrict(AFD)Advisory CommitteewillholdaregularmeetingonThursday, September22,2022(9:30a.m.)attheExtensionOffice (Basementof3910OldBuckinghamRd).Foradditional information,contacttheDepartmentofCommunity Developmentat(804)598-5621. Bernard’sConcreteServices Concrete,RetainingWalls,Pavers, Brick,Sidewalks.Install&repair. FreeEstimates.Licensed&Insured. References.CallorText804-874-9184 AffordableQualityWash Houses,Decks&More!Lic&Ins. Call804-550-2345/873-5125.ServingPowhatanforover25years. Angie’sListHighestRating! Miller’sExteriorWorks Alltypesofrepairjobs,ornew jobs! Specializinginreplacementwindows, decks,replacingentrydoors,wheelchairramps&allyour handymanneeds.Insured. MarlinMiller804-512-3131 Bernard’sTreeService TreeRemoval,StumpGrinding,Landscaping,Cleanout,Mulching,Planting &More!FreeEst.Licensed&Insured References.Callortext804-874-9184 Business& ServiceDirectory CONCRETEWORK POWERWASHING SIDING TREESERVICE Homes forSale RealEstatePolicy Allrealestateadvertisedhereinissubjectto theVirginiaFairHousingLaw,whichmakesit illegaltoadvertise“any preference,limitation ordiscriminationbased onrace,color,religion, nationalorigin,sex,elderliness,familialstatus,orhandicap.” Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertising forrealestatethatis inviolationofthelaw. Allpersonsarehereby informedthatallthe dwellingsadvertisedare availableonanequal opportunitybasis. HOMESFORSALE HOMESFORSALE HOMESFORSALE HOMESFORSALE Legals LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE CLASSIFIEDS PLACEYOURADTODAY (804)746-1235ext.2 CALLPOWHATANTODAY 1.800.476.0197x16LEGALS GENERAL &SPECIAL ELECTION –POWHATAN COUNTY U.S.HouseofRepresentatives(5th CongressionalDistrict) Commonwealth’sAttorney(forunexpiredtermtoend12/31/2023) MemberSchoolBoard-District1(forunexpiredtermtoend12/31/2023)

-Theofficewillbe open onSaturday,October29th from9a.m.to5p.m.
-Theofficewillbe closed onMonday,October10th inobservanceofColumbusDay.
Campbell generated chances all evening against a solid Green Dragons defense, though it was her early third period strike that proved enough to be the difference-making scoring opportunity.Both defenses were rock solid throughout the game, though it seemed the Indians were able to generate more chances that forced a save out of theStill,goalie.the Green Dragons threatened to score
-TheofficewillbeopenMonday–Friday,September23rd –November4th from9a.m. to5p.m.

•Anyregisteredvotermayvoteearly,inperson,usingtheDrive-UpEarlyVotingBuilding locatedintherearparkinglotoftheVillageBuildinglocatedat3910OldBuckinghamRoad. PleaseenterfrombehindthebuildingusingtheentranceoffTilmanRoad(bytheballfields).
-Theofficewillbe open onSaturday,November5th from9a.m.to5p.m.
-Saturday,November5th istheLASTdaytovoteinpersonpriortoElectionDay. mailedballot&correspondingenvelopeswithyoutosurrenderinordertovotein-person instead. DIRECT SUPPORTSPECIALISTS(DSP) Parttimeafternoon/evening&weekend.$18.50/hour. Morninghoursandlateafternoonhours.$18.00/hr.
HOMESRENTALSACREAGE 5603-01 RentalsAvailable inPowhatan& SurroundingAreas Click RENTALPROPERTIES formoredetails. Continued from pg. 1B

Powhatan sophomore Chloe Holt cuts inside against a Maggie Walker defender in the third quarter of the team’s 1-0 victory at home over the Green Dragons.FIELD, pg. 4B

AbsenteeVotingbyMail Application •IfyouhaveaVirginiaissuedDriver’sLicenseorStateID,youmaycompleteanabsentee applicationonline.Visit toapplytovoteabsenteebymail. •Call804-598-5604torequestanapplicationbemailedtoyou. SubmittingAbsenteeApplication •Print,complete,andsignapaperapplication. •Bymail: PowhatanCountyOfficeofElections/3910OldBuckinghamRd,SuiteE/Powhatan,VA23139 •ByFax:804-598-5607 •Byscannedattachment-email: Deadlinetoapply Friday,October28th isthelastdaytorequestanabsenteeballotbemailedtoyou.Youmayfax oremailtheapplicationasanattachmentorsenditbymailtotheelection’soffice.Applications mustbereceivedby5p.m.onOctober28th SubmittingAbsenteeBallot •ThereisasecureBallotDropBoxthatisavailable24hoursaday7daysaweekoutsideof theVillageBuilding(leftsidefacingtheparkinglot)locatedat3910OldBuckinghamRoad. •TheballotdropboxwillbeavailableSeptember23rd throughTuesday,November8,2022 at7PM. •Ballotsarecollecteddaily. •AbsenteeballotsmayalsobemailedtothePowhatanCountyOfficeofElections/ 3910OldBuckinghamRd,SuiteE/Powhatan,VA23139andmustbepostmarkedby November8,2022.Pleaseusetheprivacyenvelopeandtheself-addressedstampedreturn envelopeprovidedforyou. VoteonElectionDay:November8,2022 AlltwelvevotingprecinctswillbeopenonElectionDayforin-personvoting.Pleaseverifyyour assignedprecinctbeforegoingtovote.Manyvoter’sprecinctlocationswerechangedduringthe2022 summerredistrictingprocess. ImportantDates&Deadlines Beginearlyvoting Fri.Sept.23Mon-Fri•9a.m.-5p.m. FinaldaytoregisterorupdateinformationMon.Oct.17Before5p.m.EST LastdaytorequestaballotbemailedtoyouFri.Oct.28Before5p.m.EST Finaldaytovotein-personviaDrive-ThruSat.Nov.59a.m.-5p.m. ElectionDay Tue.Nov86a.m.-7p.m. ShortonCash? Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFYFORA $1,500SIGNINGBONUS Benefitsofthispart-time,contractopportunitywiththe RichmondTimes-Dispatchteam: • Manageyourownschedule andfreeupmostofyourday; workonly3-4hoursbetween1-6a.m.daily •Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration. Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout. (804)649-6872tolearnmore. Over3600squareft.homeon3.49Acresjust5minutesfromroute288&WestChesterCommons. Spaciousroomswith3bedrooms&3fullbaths,plusanadditional2bedroomswith1fullbathandextrafullkitchen upstairswithaseparateentrance. ****EXCELLENTINVESTMENTOPPORTUNITY!!!*** Also,ANTIQUES,COLLECTIBLES,STERLINGSILVER,2010MINIVAN,SHOPTOOLSandMUCHMORE! CASHorCheck,a10%buyer’spremiumapplies. REALESTATETERMS:THEREWILLBEA10%BUYERFEEADDEDTOTHELAST&HIGHESTSUCCESSFULBIDTODETERMINE THEFINALSELLINGPRICE.A10%DEPOSITOFTHESELLINGPRICEISREQUIREDAUCTIONDAY,CLOSINGWITHIN30DAYS WITHDELIVERYOFDEED.BALANCETOBEPAIDINFULLATCLOSING. GotoWebsiteforPicturesandDetails:WWW.CARWILEAUCTIONS.COM FORFURTHERDETAILSORUPCOMINGAUCTIONS,visit,AUCTIONZIP.COMandjoinusonFacebook! INFORMATION,CONTACT: TOMJONES@(804)402-6538 **AUCTION** REALESTATE&PERSONALPROPERTY EstateofJudyW.Waggoner 1800StonehengeFarmRd. Midlothian,Va.23113 (LocatedinEasternPowhatanCountyjustoffPageRd.) SaturdaySept.24th@9AM,RealEstatesells@11AM VAAR392 EOE AllPositionsAreOpenUntilFilled. Forfulljobdescriptionsandtoapplyvisit YOURNEWCAREERSTARTSHERE! BUSINESSSYSTEMSANALYST StartingSalaryrange$68,000-$80,000basedonexperience. DIRECTOROFMHOUTPATIENTSERVICES Startingsalaryrangeis$85,000-$95,000basedonexperience. DEVELOPMENTALSERVICESCASEMANAGER StartingSalary$50,000-$55,000basedonexperience. SUBSTANCEUSEDISORDERLEADCLINICIAN $5000SIGNINGBONUSOFFERED** Startingsalaryranges;Licenseeligiblecandidates$57,000. Licensed candidates$63,000-$68,000. PEERSUPPORTSPECIALIST Salaryrange$42,000-$45,000 INHOMESUPPORTSPECIALISTS,

third quarter, both in the span of 40 seconds, that nearly gave her a second goal with five minutes left in the quarter.

well these opponents match up with each other.
With the clock striking zero, the Indians were able to hold off any late magic from the Dragons, and the two teams that demonstrated complete respect for each other post-game concluded a thrilling defensive battle that showed just how
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until the very end, even getting a quality shot off a penalty corner with three minutes left in the third quarter that was miraculously stopped when sophomore Chloe James stepped in and intercepted the shot that would have likely been ongoal. James was able to control
Robby Fletcher can be reached at

the ball and safely move it out of the Powhatan striking circle. Then, with a little over a minute left, a kick save in net from Mackenzie Halfon was the final stop needed to lock up the win.Despite the low score, Powhatan had plenty of runs to the net that could have led to goals, but a strong performance in net from Maggie Walker junior
Page 4B Powhatan Today, September 14, 2022

One chance with six minutes to go in the second quarter saw junior Carter Quinn get a shot on goal after a pass sent forward from sophomore Evangeline Fridley gave her a goodCampbellopportunity.also recorded two more quality chances in the

Lily Postma kept the game level until Campbell broke through in the second half.
The Indians play again at home on Thursday, Sept. 15, when they host the Monacan Chiefs in a battle of Dominion District rivals. The game will start at 7 p.m.