6 minute read
JROTC Battalion honors 9/11

On Sept. 9, the Powhatan High School JROTC Indian Battalion remembered the events that occurred on Sept. 11th, 2001, with a special flag ceremony. The PHS Indian Battalion recognizes the sacrifices of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens and service members who perished on that day.
PMS to highlight non-traditional schools
Contributed Report
On Oct. 10, Powhatan Middle School will host an evening of “Non-traditional High School Options” with representatives from the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, Code RVA High School and the Powhatan High School/Reynolds Community College for Advanced College Academy Program.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide interested students and their parents with information regarding the curriculum, graduation requirements, extra- curricular activities, as well as answer questions regarding the application process for each high school option. Although the application process is open to current eighth grade students, fi fth, sixth and seventh grade students and their parents are also invited to attend in order to assist in course planning before they reach the eighth grade.
The evening will kick off with a review of Powhatan County Public Schools’ participation in these schools as well as answer some of the basic questions students and parents have about student participation
see SCHOOLS, pg. 6
Powhatan Today at Myrtle Beach

Colt Sowers, 6, and his siblings Greyson, 4, and Penny, 1, had a great time hunting for shark teeth at Myrtle Beach and took along a copy of the Powhatan Today to mark the occasion.
Continued from pg. 2 the nine activity stations they'll be sprayed with color powder while on the move! Participants will engage in activities at their own pace - such as walking, cornhole, bicycling, bocce ball, etc. and see how colorful they can get! A photo booth will be on site to capture colorful memories. Join family, friends and neighbors while enjoying the benefits of staying active. Participants in activities will be provided refreshments, and an event T-shirt (while supplies last). Chick-fil-A will be on site with sandwiches, chips and drinks for purchase. This goal of the event is to not only celebrate staying active, but to recognize an international initiative: Active Aging Week. This will be a first time event for Powhatan with hopes to continue in future years! Sponsors include PDSS, AARP and Senior Connections. Call or email program coordinator for more information at 804698-0438 RAServices.PVA@ gmail.com.
A Thanksgiving Food Drive will be held during the entire month of October and until Nov. 5 at Powhatan
County Public Library. Bring in five canned goods or nonperishable items to be entered in to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card. All donations will go to the local food pantry.
Powhatan Volunteer Fire
Department Company 1 will hold a Brunswick Stew Sale
see CALENDAR, pg. 8
Continued from pg. 1
The majority of the steel pieces and other items were distributed to museums, town governments, schools, nonprofi t organizations, and community groups including police, fi re, law enforcement and emergency response departments, according to the website. The recipients were required to commit that the artifacts they received would be used in a public display.
The steel piece Company 2 acquired has been stored inside the station with a temporary display until a permanent memorial could be built, Sullivan said. He added the piece has been displayed at different events over the years.
“There is a lot of pride and excitement that is built into this. We want to be able to share such an important piece of history both with the United States as well as with the rescue community,” he said. “It is a privilege to be able to do something like this. It is incredible that we have this piece of steel. It is important for us to share the history of what it came from, the events that took place around it and the symbolism that is built into this.”
Each part of the memorial will have a special meaning. Two brick pathways will represent those who died at the Twin Towers. A grassy space between them will honor the people on United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed into a Pennsylvania fi eld. They will both lead to a pentagon-shaped structure to remember those killed at the Pentaworking with county employees and Powhatan Fire and Rescue on plans since the station is county-owned, Sullivan said.
For more information, contact Baltz at 804-4674313 or Ljbal65@aol. com.
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Company 2 has planned a memorial in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Members and Girl Scout Troop 3029 are selling bricks that will be used in part of the memorial.
gon. The steel beam will be prominently displayed inside the pentagon. The entire memorial will stand near the fl ag poles in front of the fi re station.
Most of the memorial is expected to be funded through either donations from Company 2 members or the community, both through cash and in kind services. Where the members are seeking help is with the brick campaign.
Each walkway will have a little over 200 bricks, and 411 of them will be inscribed with the name, rank and company of a fi refi ghter, law enforcement offi cer or paramedic killed during the attacks, said Laura Baltz, troop leader for Girl Scout Troop 3029.
A donation of $23 will cover the cost of one inscribed brick in honor of a fi rst responder. To purchase a brick, visit www. bricksrus.com/donorsite/ memorial911. Checks payable to Troop 3029 may also be mailed to Laura Baltz at 1510 Holly Hills Road, Powhatan, VA 23139.
The fi re station had the plans for the memorial for several years but didn’t move forward on it for various reasons. Baltz proposed this summer that her Girl Scouts could help sell the bricks for the walkway as a community service project. The girls are earning community service hours that may also help toward projects such as Bronze and Silver awards or the community service seal at Powhatan High School.
The troop set up a booth to begin selling the bricks at the annual 9/11 remembrance event held Sept. 11 at Powhatan High School.
“I had my girls there. Some of them walked the track. I had one girl who walked the track the entire day- rain, shine, everything she walked it. Her name is Madelyn Chaffi ns. Others walked part of the time,” Baltz said.
For Baltz, helping with this project is hugely important. Her father was a part of Company 2 years ago at its fi rst location (current home of Habitat for Humanity-Powhatan), so fi rst responders have a special place in her heart.
“It is a personal thing for me. I wanted to help them out because it is a nice gesture,” she said.
Company 2 members are hoping all of the bricks will be purchased by midNovember so they can break ground this fall. The station has been
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TIME: Registrationbeginsat10:30, Shotgunstartat12:00NOON FORMAT: Captain’sChoice-4Men/Ladies/MixedTeams;WhiteteesforMen; GoldteesforSeniors(55+);RedteesforWomen&menover75 COST: $95.00perplayerincludes: GreensFee,GolfCart,PracticeBalls,Beverages, HotDogs,Chips,TournamentAwards(1st,2nd&3rdplaceteamprizes, closesttothepin,longestdrive,longestputt) Mulliganswillbeavailableforpurchase. ServingBBQdinnerbyWildwoodBBQatthepicnictablesattheconclusionofplay. Pleasecalloremail JimBlandfordatjimblandford@finecreekrealty.comtoregistertoplay. CONTACTFORINFORMATION: JIMBLANDFORD (804-513-3878) TERRYPAQUETTE (804-690-0177) FINECREEKREALTY,2405ANDERSONHIGHWAY POWHATAN,VIRGINIA23139•PHONE804-598-1525 *Registrationmustbenolaterthan OCTOBER2nd