7 minute read
Library reintroduces Read 2 Rover program
Contributed Report
Powhatan County Public Library is delighted to reintroduce the popular Read 2 Rover program, offered by Caring Canines.
Caring Canines is a local organization whose goal is to provide emotional support and encouragement, and to share the joy and health benefi ts that dogs bring to our lives. This dedicated volunteer group will visit the library on the fi rst Wednesday of every month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The fi rst session will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
During each one-hour period, children read aloud to a therapy dog. According to research, many children’s readings level increase at least one grade as a result of participating in this program—and we don’t need any research studies to know that children will gain confi dence in their abilities and have fun, too!
How does it work? Parents may sign up a child ahead of time for a reading slot, either by visiting the library website or by calling the library at 804-5985670 and registering over the phone. Each child will be given a 15-minute time slot—10 minutes to read to the therapy dog, and fi ve minutes to get settled and then to say good-bye. A parent will join a library staff member and the dog handler in listening to the child read aloud. Reading sessions are held at the library fi replace. Children can bring a book from home to read, or pick out a library book to share with the dog.
Sign-ups for the program are available on a fi rst-come, fi rst-serve basis.
For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
Powhatan County Public Library is delighted to re-introduce the popular Read 2 Rover program starting Oct. 5.
Continued from pg. 1 dent Eric Jones appears to have had the appropriate effect, Teigen said in the separate interview. Total revenues for FY2022 were $52,269,146.24 versus total expenditures of $52,192,274.80. This means the FY2022 fund balance is $76,871.44.
During the meeting, Teigen also spent several minutes introducing Bob Aylor, interim director of fi nance. All of the school board members were aware of the concerns Banks raised and supported bringing in an interim director to investigate them and to lead the fi nance department until a suitable replacement could be found, Teigen said.
She pointed out Aylor brought with him 15 years of experience as director of accounting and fi nance for the Virginia Department of Education; 24 years as director of fi nance with Chesterfi eld County Public Schools; and several more years after retirement working part time as acting director of fi nance in Halifax County.
Aylor began work for PCPS on Aug. 23, starting by reviewing the division’s FY2022 and FY2023 fi nances, Teigen said. His review of FY2022 “showed no areas of concern from his perspective.”
Given his experience, skillset and ethics, Teigen said she considers Aylor “beyond reproach” and is grateful he stepped in to help until a new director of fi nance can be hired. The division is actively searching to fi ll the position, she said.
Raising concerns
In a three-page resignation letter, Banks raised several issues, offering a list of red fl ags: substantial defi cit spending; poorly managed grant reimbursements; antiquated procurement processes; long standing use of payroll accounting codes outside of state law; back of the envelope payroll procedures passed from person to person without formal written guidelines or procedures; staff objections to basic guidelines followed by peers in other divisions; and concerted resistance to board oversight or unifi ed county accounting and reporting systems.
In the two pages, Banks more thoroughly outlined his concerns and also
One female was charged on Sept. 7 with driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated (Misdemeanor). One male was charged on Sept. 8 with contempt of court (M). One female was charged on Sept. 10
with petty larceny (M). One female was charged on Sept. 12 with petty larceny (M). One male was charged on Sept. 12 with assault and battery of a family member (M).
Incident report for Sept. 5 to 11 - Incident type & total calls
Advice 35 Animal calls 24 Assault 1 Assist 13 Attempt to locate 8 B&E 2 BOL 2 Child welfare 1 Civil 4 Damaged property 1 Deliver message 1 Disabled vehicle 14 Disorder/disturbance 3 Domestic 5 Drugs 1 Found property 2 Fraud 6 Gunshot calls 4 Hit and run 2 Hold-up alarm 2 Investigation 6 Larceny 5 Lockout 5 Missing person 2 MVAs 19 Noise 1 Open door 1 Panic alarm 2 Pd alarm 8 Phone threat 1 Project lifesaver 1 Prowler 1 Psychiatric 2 Pursuit 1 Reckless driver 7 Road rage 2 Shoplifting 2 Stolen vehicle 1 Suspicious 24 Traffi c hazard 15 Traffi c stop 92 Transport 1 Trespass 2 Underage possession 2 Unknown emergency 13 Vandalism 3 Warrant service 2 Welfare check 3
Continued from pg. 4 ming, which includes competitions, calf births and milking demonstrations at the SouthLand Dairy Farmer Center and The Meadow’s livestock barns.
In the Meadow Pavilion, Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, which owns the State Fair, will host an educational display. Fairgoers can explore farms virtually in the Farm Tour Tractor Cab and learn about Virginia commodities at the Farm Product Kiosk.
A wide range of agricultural programming will be offered in the familyfocused Harvest Landing area, including Young MacDonald’s Farm with the ever-popular sliding ducks, hatching chicks and other farm animals. Guests in this area also can participate in an agricultural trivia game during the giant pumpkin and watermelon weigh-off on Sept. 24.
Visitors can explore the horticulture tent, where the products of farms and home gardens are displayed, including crops like corn, tobacco and wheat. This also is where fairgoers can view the winning giant pumpkin, which in some years weighs over 1,000 pounds.
The State Fair of Virginia is held each fall at its permanent home at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. The event celebrates the best of Virginia’s past, present and future through scholarship initiatives, creative programming and a focus on the commonwealth’s agriculture and natural resources industries. Virginia Farm Bureau Holding Corp. operates the fair and is a subsidiary of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation.
made recommendations on how to fi x them. He raised issue with payroll procedures, which he said used “obsolete codes outside of DOE state mandates for accounting. There is currently grave risk of fraud and errors involving the largest County expense.” He recommended “development and implementation of standard written policies, procedures, and guidelines in accordance with the DOE established chart of accounts.”
Banks asserted an immediate need for greater cooperation between PCPS fi nancial operations and the county, suggesting increasing the number of joint personnel and moving to a single fi nancial system “to build and promote greater effi ciencies and accountability.”
Another point Banks made a few times in the letter was that the fi nance department is overstaffed with two directors in it and so would be adequately staffed even with his departure.
“The key to excellent management is added effi ciency, sound formal policies and procedures, effective use of technological tools and applications, and greater cooperation. Proper team coordination involves cross training and occasionally lending a helping hand; not redundant and needless personnel costs. A 3.5 program staff / to 1 director (manager) ratio in Finance is more than adequate under any standard,” Banks wrote.
Addressing concerns
see CONCERNS, pg. 6
ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m.
2390EmmanuelChurchRoad 804-372-9254 www.newwalkbible.org SundayWorship10:00AM SundaySchool9:00AM BibleStudyWed.7:00PM
HollyHills BaptistChurch
www.HollyHillsBaptist.org (IndependentBibleBelieving) RandyBlackwell,Pastor
SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30 p.m. 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock
2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor
MuddyCreek BaptistChurch
SundaySchool-9:45a.m. Worship-11a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00p.m. PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad www.muddycreekbaptist.org
5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139
PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive”
9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy
804-375-9404 Hollywood
“AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr. 598-2763
SundaySchool at9:30a.m. MorningService at11:00a.m. BibleStudy EveryWednesdayNight at6:30p.m. 3964OldBuckinghamRoad
3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301
SundaySchool10:00a.m. SundayMorningService 11:00a.m. WednesdayMidDay BibleStudy11:30a.m. EveningBibleStudy7:00p.m.
Advertisein Powhatan Today’sChurch Directory. Call804-746-1235 ext.2fordetails.
Family WorshipCenter
“YourCommunity Church” 2901JudesFerryRoad
Powhatan,Va23139 804-379-8223
Sundays10:00a.m. Wednesday6:30p.m. Experiencingthepresence, powerandpersonofJesusChrist

2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoffRt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org SmallGroupClasses 9:00a.m. WorshipService 10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor
Contemporary–9:00a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 2p.m.the2ndSat.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org
3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor
BradRussell,Pastor 598-4241
Servicetimesare 8:30a.m.and10:15a.m. Worshiponlineat10:15a.m. 2202OldChurchRoad www.powhatanbaptist.org
Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org
Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm