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[New] Board considers larger issues as part ofrezoningdiscussion
By LauraMcFarland Managing Editor
POWHATAN– The roleofthecounty’s comprehensive plan, the expectationsofthe business community when making future plans andresidentperspectives wereallelements in a decision bythe Powhatan CountyBoardofSupervisorson a rezoning issue on Page Road lastweek
Duringthe meeting held on Monday, Oct. 24,the board voted3-2in favor of rezoning a 5.93-acre parcel on PageRoad fromAgriculture (A-10) to CommerceCenter(CC). The propertyisonthe westsideof
PageRoad approximately 0.2 miles northwestoftheintersection withAnderson Highway ChairMike Byerly, who representsDistrict 3; Steve McClung, District2; and Karin Carmack, District5, votedin favor ofthe rezoning,while David Williams, District 1, and Bill Cox, District 4, voted against.
Thecase dealt withthe decision of whetherto rezone the property which wouldallow for Stroud VenturesLLC to construct a contractor’s office alongwith thestorageof a limited quantityofmaterials,supplies and equipmentinside the building
However, thediscussion by the board as well as the feedback from the community was nevera straightforwarddiscussion ofwhat the business would or wouldnot bringtothe countyasitalsodelvedintoissues of traffic impact,the role of the comprehensive planindeciding future development and county interactions, andtransparency with the local business community
Eleven speakersaddressed the board about the PageRoad project either duringthe public commentperiodor a public hearing associated withthe case, with 10speakersasking for theproject to bedenied and one backing the business’ap-