1 minute read
[New] Middle school rolls out variety ofclubs to engage students

“We understand power outages disrupt our customers’ plans, especially during the holiday season. It’s even harder in the cold weather. Our crews answered the call and responded when our customers needed us the most, working around the clock until everyone’s power was restored,” he said.

to over one million people. However, GRTC’s fixed-route service
By LauraMcFarland Managing Editor
POWHATAN– Oscarthe Grouchandhisfurryfriends beatout a pairof Venus fly traps, a friendlyhedgehog and a scrumptiousicecream totakefirstplaceatthe12th annualPumpkinsforKids Project.
By LauraMcFarland Managing Editor
At peak, Southside had 453 meters off in Powhatan County, and the last member was restored at 12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, according to Jennifer Wall, communications specialist.

Typical to storms with severe winds, crews saw many trees and
POWHATAN– PowhatanMiddleSchoolwillbe buzzingwithdifferentkinds ofactivitiesmovingforward asnew clubsallow students tobondwithotherstudents

Coming into Winter Storm Elliott, Southside Electric was well stocked with poles, wire, transformers and additional materials, Wall said. Working with wind gusts up to 50 mph, in single-digit temperatures, safely, presented the main challenge and the storm requests.Thestudentscompletedtheirrequestsofwhat they wereinterestedin first. Thentheteacherssignedup tobe a sponsorfor a club andwesentitbackoutfor studentstosignup.Soit was allfocusedonstudentinter” saidMartin,whohas