1 minute read
[New] Smith chosen as school board chair, Taylor as vice chair
“Thisisridiculous.These companiesputsomuchinto thisandthey dosuch a great jobdecoratingthesepumpkins. To know thekidsatthe children’s hospitalaregoing togettoseethisisgreat,” she saidafterthecontestended.
full potential.
As the board moves forward into the budget season, rising costs impacted by inflation will pose potential restrictions on what the school division can do, “but we have to find a way to do those things that the students need.”
Judgesfromthechildren’s hospitalandfoundationnarrowedthisyear’s 35entries downtothetop10,andthen PowhatanCountySheriff BradNunnallyandassistant commonwealth’s attorney
Part of accomplishing that will involve the presenting its budget to the board of supervisors so they fully understand the schools’ needs and fund them.
“Our priority and goal is always to do what is best for the students in Powhatan County, and that is that we strive to improve every year doing a better job of meeting all of our students’ needs,” she said.