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[New] Community Matters is on the move
POWHATAN– littlejoy alongthe way, said organizerRachelMassengill ofPowhatan.The eventraised morethan$3,000forthe foundation but isstillacceptingdonationsusingtheQR code.
Grouchandhisfurryfriends beatout a pairof Venus fly traps, a friendlyhedgehog and a scrumptiousicecream totakefirstplaceatthe12th annualPumpkinsforKids Project.
POWHATAN – Community Matters – the resource that aims to connect Powhatan’s 55 and forward residents with new connections, entertainment and local services – is evolving again.
Theannualpumpkindecoratingcontestonce again saw businessesfromaround theregionparticipatingin a lighthearted(althoughstill competitive) competitionFriday, Oct.28atIndependence GolfClubinPowhatan.

Theannualbenefit forthe Children’s Hospital Foundationisalso a way bringthe businesscommunitytogether for a goodcauseandspread a
Starting in January 2023, Community Matters is increasing the number of days a week it will meet and relocating to a familiar place – the training room of the Pocahontas Landmark Center (PLC), according to program coordinator Jayne Lloyd. The change takes effect on Tuesday, Jan. 3.
“Thisisridiculous.These companiesputsomuchinto thisandthey dosuch a great jobdecoratingthesepumpkins. To know thekidsatthe children’s hospitalaregoing togettoseethisisgreat,” she saidafterthecontestended.

Starting the first week of the year, instead of having two sessions every Wednesday, Community Matters will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays in the training room of the gym at the center, which is located at 4290 Anderson Highway. The program is still free and open to Powhatan residents who are 55 and older.
Judgesfromthechildren’s hospitalandfoundationnarrowedthisyear’s 35entries downtothetop10,andthen PowhatanCountySheriff BradNunnallyandassistant
Community Matters actually used to meet in the training room of the PLC gym but moved to the Powhatan Rescue Squad Building because it offered more room to grow.
Lloyd anticipates that spreading out the programming over several days will allow