7 minute read
[New] Youth baking workshop has delicious results
POWHATAN – A group of young bakers recently got a crash course in making yummy treats during a two-day Powhatan 4-H Holiday Baking WorkNine youth participated in the event, which saw them learning basic skills and putting them to the test with recipes such as cranberry orange bread, apple crisp, fudge and
Powhatan 4-H Extension Agent Cathy Howland said the workshop held on Dec. 19 and 20 introduced the children to kitchen equipment and techniques, how to follow a recipe and how to put a few healthy options in holiday baking – although there was still plenty of sugar, chocolate and other “good stuff,” she joked.
The workshop went really well, with some of the nine girls who participated following a recipe for the first time instead of following directions on a box mix, Howland said.
“These are life skills they will take with them. Hopefully, they will learn these basic recipes and continue into adulthood making recipes from scratch,” she said. “Honestly, I don’t think they are ever too young to get exposed to the kitchen, handling the kitchen equipment and learning what it takes to
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28 community matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. c hallenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the rescue squad building, 3920 marion Harland Lane. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan county reach for active services. call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 for more information. business network International (bnI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.bnIVa com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/bnIOnFire or contact executive director dawne Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804-690-9220 for more information.
Powhatan county Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on saturdays. check for holiday closings. meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using books to Go. With books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, dVds, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www.powhatanlibrary.net or call the library at 804598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-to-date library news, information and program schedules.
The Free clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, amelia and cumberland counties as well as select chesterfield areas. services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. eligibility requirements on website www.freeclinicofpowhatan.org/ patients. registration for new patients by appointment mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. call for holiday hours. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.
THURSDAY, DEC. 29 extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia cooperative e xtension ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can’t join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland Vce webpage and youTube video recordings can be found at https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL7_2QUVzrPXdpysV2Hy11cH8KbrluifyO. contact stephanie romelczyk (sromelcz@vt.edu) for information on joining the meeting live. Watched or listened to Vce aG Today? Let us know how we are doing! Find our survey here: https://vce.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ sV_6fiybb914ayrdn7
Just Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, and warm winter coats is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturdays. The shop is located in the memorial baptist church youth House, 3926 Old buckingham road. Just Kids is a ministry of may memorial baptist church. clothes cost $2 per bag.
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 batterson road. contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com. call for holiday hours.
The original Powhatan aa meets from 7 to 8 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village building.
The Powhatan rotar y c lub meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the county seat restaurant.
Powhatan state Park will hold a ranger-led hike of Pine Trail promptly at 10 a.m. on dec. 31. Would you like to have the chance to explore all of the trails in Powhatan state Park and meet new people? If so, you may enjoy our hiking series. each month we will hike a different trail in the park and learn about local history and wildlife. Pre-register by calling the park office at 804-598-7148, or by email at powhatan@ dcr.virginia.gov. Include “Hiking series” in the subject line and specify date(s), or alternates in the event a particular hike is fully booked. be sure to wear comfortable, closed toed shoes and to bring plenty of water. children are welcome, but be aware that some hikes may exceed 4 miles and require navigating uneven terrain in all weather conditions. Pre-registration required due to group size limitations.
Habitat For Humanity — Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful and generous participation. The Habitat restore at 1922 Urbine road will be open every saturday, come november 2022, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The office is located upstairs at the Habitat restore and the office number is 804-594-7009, ext. 2. call and volunteer. Help us at the restore, perform critical repairs and/or with our upcoming builds.
Powhatan aa meets at 8 p.m. every saturday at manakin episcopal church on Huguenot Trail.
SUNDAY, JAN. 1, 2023 Powhatan state Park is offering ranger-led and self-guided opportunities to explore the park on the first day of the new year on Jan. 1, 2023. Join a ranger for a guided walk along river Trail or participate in an on-your-own bingo adventure throughout the day. The guided walk begins at 9 a.m. Pre-registration is required and the group size limited to 12 participants. contact us at powhatan@dcr.virginia.gov to sign up. dress for the weather and wear footwear you don’t mind getting muddy. If you are participating in the bingo adventure, pre-register to receive a bingo card to print at home. Printed versions will also be available at the park office the day of the event. Take photos of the items found on the board. The first three successfully completed bingo boards submitted at the park office will be awarded a prize of items from the gift shop. Pre-register by email at powhatan@dcr.virginia.gov. Please include in the title “First day Photo Hike, bike or ride.” We will keep track of all email registrations, and send a mass reply containing a printable PdF file containing the bingo board required for participation the day before the event. detailed instructions will be included on the bingo board on how to participate, complete the board, and be eligible for a prize. dress for the weather, wear comfortable footwear, and stay hydrated during this Free parking day. We hope you will enjoy the winter outdoors during this free parking day. The park is located at 4616 Powhatan state Park road. For more information, call 804-598-7148.
MONDAY, JAN. 2 a Powhatan Hope n arcotics a nonymous (na) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every monday at Pcc church, 4480 anderson Highway, Powhatan, room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
The Huguenot ruritan c lub meets at 7 p.m. on the first monday of the month at m ay m emorial b aptist c hur ch. For more information, contact Tom Grasty at 804-598-0777.
The Heart of Virginia beekeepers will meet Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Prince edward county extension Office (100 dominion dr., Farmville 23901) near Lowe’s. The program will be a demo of making a candy board and other aspects of Winter Feeding of Honeybees. also on the agenda are sign-ups for the Jan. 14 Longwood conference and for the 2023 bee school. For anyone who has bees or is interested in bees. For more information call mary Jane morgan at 434-315-1433 or visit Facebook or our website heartofvirginiabeekeepers.org.
The Women in ag network meets virtually at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. The organization’s mission is to foster female farmers. The Women in agriculture net work will hold monthly Zoom sessions highlighting women farmers, offering opportunities for women to network, and educational opportunities. register at https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FaIpQLsdZn-I3gWp0zjOaazwFhvrTWnTK4bbesTrg6UosH1b3l62o_a/ viewform or call 804-598-5640. Pre-registration required. recorded sessions and more information: https://www.facebook. com/ vawomeninagnetwork.
PowH er Hour+ m onthly Luncheon is held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at different locations throughout the county. Visit https://www.powhatanchamber.org/events/ powher-hour-monthly-luncheon/.
The new bridge of reason aa meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan mennonite church, 3549 Old buckingham road, Powhatan. It is an open, decision and literature meeting for Powhatan, Goochland, and cumberland counties. aa meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at st Luke’s episcopal church on Huguenot Trail.
Girl scout Troop 3029 is helping the Huguenot Volunteer Fire department achieve a long-held goal of building a memorial to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks of sept. 11, 2001 at the station. The Girl scouts are selling 411 bricks inscribed with the name, rank and company of a firefighter, law enforcement officer or paramedic killed during the attacks. a donation of $23 will cover the cost of one inscribed brick in honor of a first responder. To purchase a brick, visit www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/memorial911. checks payable to Troop 3029 may also be mailed to Laura baltz at 1510 Holly Hills road, Powhatan, Va 23139. For more information, contact baltz at 804-467-4313 or Ljbal65@aol.com.
The Goochland Powhatan master Gardener association will hold a “Gardening 101” program on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. from January to march 2023. registration at gpmga.org has a deadline of Jan. 4, 2023. class size is limited. cost is $55 for 10 classes. no volunteer commitment; just the education. For more information, contact rebecca crow at 804-5987015 or gpmastergardener@gmail.com.
The american red cross is in urgent need