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[New] Ride Assist Services is compassion in action
Ride Assist Services is a volunteer transportation program for seniors of Powhatan County age 60 and above who are unable to drive for basic needs. Registered riders make requests for transportation through the program coordinator. Vetted volunteer drivers receive all request details as well
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Mattersparticipants to choose the type of activities they are interested in and still connect with others. It is also likely to spread the attendance numbers out over the three days.
“In the last two years, I’ve learned the value of diversifying what is offered in order to broaden the appeal for the community. Interests, passions and schedules are all varied among the 55 and forward population,” Lloyd said. “As a community resource for this age group, we want to incorporate more classes, activities and opportunities to gather, socialize and experience something new among peers.”
Starting in January, Tuesdays will largely feature educational topics and lectures with the option for subjects spanning multiple weeks if necessary, she said. Wednesdays will focus mainly on activities such as The HumbleBee Project, skits, sing-alongs or a book club. Thursdays will feature games consistently since that is a as ride information and routes from the program coordinator and fulfill requests as they have availability. To find out more about volunteering as a driver or registering as a rider, contact Jayne Lloyd, program coordinator, at 804-698-0438 or RAServices.PVA@gmail.com. big demand by offering space to meet and mingle where games are made available or individuals can bring their own games and meet a few friends. of blood. a drive will be held Thursday, Jan. 5 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Powhatan moose Lodge, 4140 Old buckingham road, Hwy 13, Powhatan, Va 23139. To schedule go to: redcrossblood.org, the red cross app or contact elmorecook@aol.com. community matters is partnering with the Virginia cooperative extension again to launch a healthy lifestyle walking initiative for 55+ every Friday (beginning Jan. 6 and ending march 31) called movers & Pacers at 9 a.m. in the gymnasium at the Pocahontas Landmark center, 4290 anderson Highway. Participants will track cumulative steps weekly, log in with a facilitator first, then walk in the gym on Fridays throughout winter months. To register for this program, attend Friday, Jan. 6 at 9 a.m. and then login and walk weekly thereafter. meet others in the community finding more ways to stay active this winter! contact Jayne Lloyd, program coordinator, at 804-698-0438 or raservices. PVa@gmail.com with any questions. r e gister now for our first Heart of Virginia b eekeepers c onference to be held s aturday, Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p .m. in the b l ackwood b a llroom of
The schedule for the first week of January, with all programs at 10 a.m., will feature: Tuesday, Jan. 3, “Exploring iPad Basics”; Wednesday, Jan. 4, “Food Carving/Garnishing” (learning how to create a beautiful vase bouquet of roses made of radishes, parsley and green onions); and Thursday, Jan. 5, Game day, with lots of games made available (Taco/Cat/ Goat/Cheese Pizza, cards, Would You Rather, Scrabble, Boggle, jigsaw puzzles, checkers, etc.) or bring your favorite and a friend.
Lloyd said the participants she has told have been excited to know they have another option in the week if they have a conflict on Wednesdays. The offerings will now be “more along the lines of what you would find in a community center for 55 and up – that idea that you have different topics, different days of the week and different offerings so people can choose what they want,” she said.
“The ball on Little christmas,” a fundraiser to benefit the Powhatan christmas mother, will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 6, 2023, at The Venue at Flat rock, 2480 batterson road. Tickets are $75 per person. dJ Jamey Timberlake has donated his skill and many others are donating their time and materials for decorating and serving. Tickets are limited to 100 so purchase yours online asaP at powhatanchristmasmother.org.
Powhatan county Public Library has a wonderful line up of adult programs to get you out of your house on those wintery days. On saturday, Jan. 7 and Feb. 18, join other participants for Gentle beginner’s yoga with Joanna bartles. Learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. For details, contact Powhatan county Public Library at 804598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
Powhatan county Public Library has a wonderful line up of adult programs to get you out of your house on those wintery days. every second and fourth monday throughout the winter at 11 a.m., the library will hold retro movie mondays. come in and enjoy some popcorn, watch a classic movie and reminisce. check out the library’s flyers, call us, or visit the Facebook page for movie title information. For details, contact Powhatan county Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
The Powhatan anti-Litter council meets at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 11, in the Powhatan county cooperative extension Office in the basement of the Village building, 3910 Old buckingham road. For more information, contact detective rudy Gregory at 804-598-5656.
Powhatan county Public Library has a wonderful line up of adult programs to get you out of your house on those wintery days. shelley crawford with sunshine art will be at the library on Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023, for winter-themed painting. Immerse yourselves in art-making, with a pre-planned drawn-in winter image. no supplies are needed. This is an amazing opportunity and space is limited, so you must be registered to attend. registration can be done on the library’s Facebook page, over the phone or on its website. For details, contact Powhatan county Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
Longwood University in Farmville. For conference details and on-line registration, go to these links: bit.ly/HOVbconference or https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ heart-of-virginia-beekeepers-1st-annual. beekeeping for beginners school is designed for those who intend to start a honeybee colony. registration consists of four Tuesday night classes: Jan. 31, 2023, Feb. 14, 21 and 28 from 7-9 p.m. at the Prince edward county extension Office (100 dominion dr., Farmville, Va 23901) near Lowe’s. a Field day is planned for a date and location to be announced since it is weather-dependent. cost of $50 per person or Family Unit (Family Unit category subject to approval) includes all four classes, the Field day and one book and pre-registration is required. Presented by Heart of Virginia beekeepers. For more information or to register, text Tommy nelson at 434-5474225 or email tommyanelson@gmail.com. a fter a few years break, Powhatan county Public Library is pleased to bring back Writers roundup! come and meet some of our richmond area and Powhatan local authors, and also enjoy some snacks and conversation. mark your calendars! This event will take place Jan. 21 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. are you a local author? If so, and you are interested in participating, email charles Joynes at cjoynes@ powhatanlibrary.net.
The coalition of Powhatan churches has available resources to help people who would like assistance in learning to manage their finances. If you know of anyone who needs or would like to have this service, or to get more information, call robin cupka at 804-801-9851.
backpacks of Love, a nonprofit committed to eliminating hunger in school-age children by providing nourishing food for their weekend, needs help. bPOL is looking for delivery drivers that would be available to deliver on Thursdays. They are in immediate need of a driver to deliver to cumberland county and or amelia county. These are great jobs for students looking for community hours. always accepting food donations of single serve raviolis, spaghettios, apple sauce, cereal, cookies, crackers and more. contact Kevin Hardy at 804-350-1127 for more information.
Powhatan Food Pantry is currently seeking volunteer drivers who can pick up food from the local Food Lions on different days between 8:30 and 10 a.m. and transport them to the nonprofit at 2500 batterson road. contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com.
Powhatan county Parks and rec announced its Holiday Open Gym activities. The following programs will be held: special needs basketball (18+), monday 10 a.m. to noon; basketball Open Gym, monday to Friday, noon to 2 p.m. (dec. 19 to dec. 30; Pickleball, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Holiday closures are Jan. 2, 2023. activities are free for residents and county employees/ $10 non-residents. minors under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Pocahontas Landmark center Gym is located at 4290 anderson Highway. For more information, call the rec center at 804-598-5275. Follow us on Facebook @ Powhatan county Parks & recreation.
The Friends of Powhatan county Public Library’s bookshop is open during library hours and accepting donations again. The bookshop accepts books, movies, audiobooks, cds, and magazines. materials can be given to a library staff member or placed in the book shop corner (tuck them by the file cabinet in the back), which is at the end