Islamic Republic of Iran 2018/2020

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CZECH CENTRES Czech Centres are an agency of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of the Czech Republic worldwide. They propagate the Czech cultural scene in the international field and advance Czech interests from their offices in 21 foreign capitals on three continents. They are members of EUNIC — the Associ­ ation of European National Cultural Institutions. Czech Centres promote all sectors of Czech cultural and creative industries, presenting the Czech Republic as a modern country with valuable cultural traditions. They bring together and promote the cooperation of foreign cultural institutions, experts and artists with their Czech counterparts. In the area of education, science, research and innovation, Czech Centres collaborate with universities and other higher learning and specialised institutions, help promote cooperation between them and propagate the achievements of Czech science abroad. They support the tuition and popularisation of the Czech language internationally. In the area of external economic relations, Czech Centres assist in the promotion of Czech trade interests in other countries. In promoting the Czech Republic as an attractive tourist destination, the Centres, in collaboration with their partners, devote themselves especially to the presentation of Czech regions abroad. As regards the provision of information about the Czech Republic, Czech Centres act as communication centres for the lay and expert public, the media and international entities abroad.

Česká centra – ústředí (Centre) Václavské nám. 816/49, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 234 668 211 E-mail: l More information at: l

CENTRE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC – ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK The Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (the Centre) is an intermediary and control body for selected operational programmes financed from the EU Structural Funds. The Centre also administers the Regional Information Service system, where information from the regions and municipalities of the Czech Republic can be found. The system is focused especially on the economic, social, and living environment, administrative division, public administration and local government, grants, etc. The Centre hosts one of the partners of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). This network was established by the European Commission in 2008 to support businesses and enterprises. Since then it has spread its activities throughout the world, so, today, it comprises 600 partners with more than 4 000 experts in over 50 countries – for example (apart from all EU countries) it has offices in India, China, Japan, and South Korea. EEN staff offer services to both Czech and foreign enterprises. Foreign firms can benefit from the following services: assistance in seeking partners for business, production and technological cooperation, information about the Czech business environment, setting up firms and information about taxation, Czech and EU legislation concerning business and opportunities of funding from national and EU sources. International B2B trade meetings organised by the EEN during selected important trade fairs are very popular among businesses, e.g. in the Czech Republic, during the International Engineering Fair in Brno and the FOR ARCH building Trade Fair in Prague.

Centrum pro regionální rozvoj ČR – Enterprise Europe Network U Nákladového nádraží 3144/4, 130 00 Praha 3 Phone: +420 225 855 312 E-mail: l More information at:, l

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