Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia 2017/2018

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CZECH CENTRES Czech Centres is an agency of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of the Czech Republic in the world. Its task is to promote the Czech cultural scene on the international arena. The agency operates from its offices in 21 foreign capitals on three continents and is a member of the Association of European Cultural Institutions EUNIC. The offices of the Czech Centers Agency support all sectors of Czech cultural and creative industries. They present the Czech Republic as a modern country with rich cultural traditions and organise cooperation between foreign cultural institutions, specialists and artists and their Czech counterparts. In the area of education, science, research and innovation the Czech Centers collaborate with universities and other higher learning and specialised institutions, help promote cooperation between them and propagate the achievements of Czech science abroad. They support the tuition and propagation of the Czech language in the world. In the area of external economic relations the Czech Centers help promote Czech business interests in other countries. In promoting the Czech Republic as an attractive tourist destination the Centers, in collaboration with their partners, place special emphasis on the promotion of Czech regions abroad. With regard to the dissemination of information on the Czech Republic, the Czech Centres act as communication headquarters for the lay and expert foreign public, the media, and international entities.

Česká centra – ústředí Václavské nám. 816/49, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 234 668 211 E-mail: l More at l

CENTRE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC  ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK The Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic is a state-subsidised organisation, the principal task of which is to support the government regional policy realised with the aid of EU financial backing. It provides expert services in support of the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, while focusing its attention on the administration and control of the drawing of financial resources from EU funds. The Centre is part of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world´s largest consultation and support network serving small and medium-sized enterprises. The network was founded by the European Commission in 2008 in support of business. Today the network has a global character, operating 600 contact places in more than 60 countries and employing more than 4 000 experts. In the Czech Republic, it is represented by a consortium of six partners. Besides all the EU states, it has its representations in a number of countries in Asia, South and North America, and Australia. Apart from individual consulting for firms, Enterprise Europe Network organises professional seminars and conferences and mediates possibilities for firms to participate in international trade exchanges. Its mediation services are very important in assisting businesspersons to find contacts by means of a special international offer and supply database. Its professional publications on how to do business in the EU are also of significance. Businesspersons greatly appreciate the opportunity of attending international meetings at trade fairs organised by EEN, such as the International Engineering Fair in Brno and the FOR ARCH building fair in Prague. The services of Enterprise Europe Network are financed from the EU COSME grant programme, under Agreement No 737766, and by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Centrum pro regionální rozvoj ČR – Enterprise Europe Network U Nákladového nádraží 3144/4, 130 00 Praha 3 Telefon: +420 225 855 312 E-mail:, l More at, l

54 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

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