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UNITHERM, s.r.o.
UNITHERM, s.r.o. has been in foreign markets since 1991, when it became an important Czech company in the field of heating. In 1999 the company made a strategic are used in grey cast-iron and steel foundries and in decision to expand its business activities to include the construction. Using them in the aluminium foundry construction of a foundry and an aluminium casting made it necessary to considerably change the forming machining shop. mixture regeneration technology. This foundry is an of casting depends on the client´s requirements, the quantity required, complexity of the casting and, last but not least, quality requirements. The Engineering Department designs the castings and the casting equipment using the SOLIDWORKS 3D program, with the support of the MAGMASOFT(R) program, which verifies the correctness of the construction of the casting and the casting technology and, at the same time, predicts the occurrence of potential defects in the casting. The foundry has nearly 1 350 different types of castings in its portfolio. It has its own machining shop with CNC machining centres and lathes and offers clients the possibility of machining the castings. In 2014 the company built a completely new foundry on its premises, where the technology of mould and core production utilises the self-hardening binder system based on geopolymers. Mixtures based on these binders ecological variant of the widely used toxic, highly UNITHERM, s.r.o. is predominantly an export this foundry, situated in a protected landscape area, is not allowed to company with customers in Germany, Swit- use. This unique foundry, built on the basis of its own research and zerland, Italy, Sweden, Norway, the USA and development, can form more complicated shapes while making it Slovakia, and a supplier for important Czech possible to produce larger sections with the minimum occurrence of firms. Its products include gearboxes, engines casting flaws, because additional water is no longer part of the sand and pumps, insulator flanges, pistons, parts of mixture. The complete line comprises continuous mixers, a compacwind power plants and covers and lids. tion table, slewing cranes with endless rotation, a portal crane, smeltThe foundry uses two technologies – sand cast- ing furnaces, a hammering grate and forming mixture regeneration. ing and casting into metal moulds. The mode We are persuaded that aluminium, now already widely used, is a

inflammable and carcinogenic furan mixtures, which

metal that will play an increasingly greater role in the composition of components and will become indispensable in industrial production and technology. That is why we use the most up-to-date technologies in the manufacture of components, which are at the same time environmentally friendly, and why we invest in the development of the company for it to be able to provide all-round services, from drawing documentation to surface finishing and control, which are needed for the correct functioning of the product.