26 minute read
OSC, a.s. Company Works with Energy
As a rule, the key issue in making an investment decision is the profitability of the project. In renewable electricity production, the inputs are not easily influenced – the water, the wind and production and use these to advantage. the sun are controlled by Nature. What, however, can be Besides testing the status of the machines influenced, is production efficiency. This of course requires themselves, it is also recommended that their specific “know-how”, equipment and, most importantly, years controllers are tested and adjusted. However, specialists of OSC, a.s., a Czech of experience. engineering company, do much more than just carrying out the above-mentioned acHYDROELECTRIC ENERGY tivities. In the area of hydropower, the company provides expert At the takeover of new production equipment, services not only for turbines in hydroelectric power plants and it is very important for the investor to verify pumps of all types, but also for fossil fuel and nuclear power the contractually declared parameters as an stations. Its clients include both small and large operators and indicator of the correctness of the investment. manufacturers (EDF, ČEZ, Andritz, VOITH CKD Blansko, LitoA very important requirement, therefore, stroj Power, Sigma, etc.). is the guarantee measurement, where an OSC, a.s. participates in projects in Europe, Asia, and America. In independent expert company evaluates, by 2007, it set foot in Scandinavia, where it collaborates successfully measuring, whether the efficiency require- with firms like Fortum, E.ON/Uniper, Statkraft, Norconsult, Bilfinger, ments and other parameters of the machine SWECO, AFRY, ONE Nordic, etc. Its most interesting projects there are met. It is also important to ensure com- are putting Francis turbines into operation, with prehensive technical support during commis- 45-metre-long shafts (HPP Noppikoski and Vassinkoski) and sioning of units, which includes the setting of 60 MW poly-jet valve functionality verification (HPP Trollheim). sensors, analysis of problems occurring when OSC specialists publicise their vast experience regularly at interputting the machine into operation, recording national professional conferences, such as Hydro and IGHEM, and the operating behaviour of the machine, and participate in the creation of international standards.

regulation and verification of all the required parameters. In the course of its operation, the machine wears out and the operating conditions may also change. It is therefore very important to verify regularly the actual condition of the machine and to take diagnostic measurements of still other important operating parameters (pressure pulsations, vibration, cavitation, noise), in addition to the machine´s efficiency. On the basis of the results, the optimum operational diagram of the machine is determined. The results may serve to assist the operator in deciding whether the machine needs repair or overhaul. An important task is on-cam verification of Kaplan turbines, which can easily uncover potential reserves in energy ABOUT THE COMPANY OSC, a.s. is a specialised joint-stock company founded in 1994, operating in the area of power production and control. Over the years, following successful development, it has become established on markets in and outside the Czech Republic. Hydroelectric energy services are only a part of its offer. The company provides quality engineering services and products focused on the specific needs of customers. The principal areas of its activities are: l Measurement and regulation of technological processes in power plants, and optimisation of control systems. l Development and supply of modern training simulators, especially for nuclear power plants.
Training Simulators for Nuclear Power Plants
Delivery Modifications
Upgrades Maintenance
Technical Support

Engineering Services for Electric Power Industry
Distributed data acquisition and control systems
Design of collaboration of power plant units or heating stations with new technologies such as gas engines, electric boilers or BESS for balancing services
Preparation of power plant units for balancing services for TSO, electricity balancing market and TERRE, MARI, PICASSO European platforms
Design, commissioning and optimisation of power plant control circuits to increase efficiency and reduce emissions
Emergency states of electric power systems (solution design for island operation and black-start operation)
Guarantee and efficiency measurements on all types of hydropower turbines and pumps
Cyber security in the energy sector
GPS time units and time servers, development and manufacture of special electronic modules
Collaboration with TSO in the process of creation of a new Grid Code
Institutions Present Themselves
The Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Associations of the Czech Republic (Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů ČR – KZPS ČR) is an open, independent, special-interest association. l it unites eight representatives of employer unions in the fields of construction industry, textile industry, small and medium-sized businesses, production and consumer cooperatives, agriculture, mining and oil industry, wood processing industry, education, healthcare, culture, and social services; l it represents 22 000 bodies with over 1 300 000 employees; l it supports the promotion of specific interests of its members in the legislative field and in other areas; l it formulates common business and employer interests of its members and promotes them in cooperation with relevant state authorities, other employers’ organisations and trade unions and especially in various forms by consulting the government; l it is one of the social partners representing the side of entrepreneurs in the Council of Economic and Social Agreement (Tripartite).
KZPS ČR’s members: l Association of Textile, Leather, and Clothing Industry l Union of Czech and Moravian Producer Cooperatives l Syndicate of Businesspeople and Tradespeople of the Czech
Republic l Association of Entrepreneurs in Building Industries in the Czech
Republic l Union of Employers’ Associations of the Czech Republic l Employers’ Association of Mining and Oil Industry l Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic l Union of Czech and Moravian Consumer Co-operatives
Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů ČR Václavské náměstí 21, 113 60 Praha 1 Phone: +420 222 324 985 Fax: +420 224 109 374 E-mail: kzps@kzps.cz
l More information at: www.kzps.cz l CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
WHO WE ARE l Independent public institution of entrepreneurial self-governance l Largest and most representative business association in the
Czech Republic, including small, medium, and large companies, self-employed entrepreneurs, associations, unions, and craftsmen organisations l Network – regional (regional and district chambers) and professional (unions, associations, etc.) l Platform for 15 thousand members representing more than 60 % of GDP of the country and 66 % of employable population in the Czech Republic in non-compulsory membership scheme l Member of European and international organisations
WHAT WE DO l Support of International Trade l Organisation of business missions targeting particular territory or sector l Organisation of business missions accompanying state and government officials on their visits abroad l Organisation of business forums, seminars, round tables etc., targeting particular country or territory l Organisation of bilateral meetings between Czech entrepreneurs and foreign business delegations l Involvement in various European Commission’s programmes l Support to foreign companies in finding suitable business partners in the Czech Republic l Publishing foreign demands, offers or tenders on Chamber website l Czech Business Representation in Brussels (CEBRE) l Consultancy & advisory services (subsidies, projects, export & foreign trade, legal issues, etc.) l CZECHPoints (registers, documents, certificates, services, etc.) over 50 one-stop-shops throughout the country l Professional Education – national certification programmes (recognised occupation), skill competitions, l Thematic courses & seminars, etc. l Obligatory commenting point for new business legislation l Lobbying at local, national, European & international level l Issuing own monthly KOMORA.cz magazine and weekly electronic news distributed directly to members
Hospodářská komora České republiky Florentinum, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha1 Phone: +420 266 721 300 E-mail: foreigndpt@komora.cz
Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic Václavské náměstí 51, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 774 123 370 E-mail: info@nordicchamber.cz www.nordicchamber.cz
VANAD… Your Vision – Our Machines

Founded in 1994, Vanad is a fully family-owned, traditional Czech manufacturer specialised in the development and manufacture of affordable high-performance CNC cutting machines.
Customised solutions
Export to more than 30 countries 1 500 delivered machines
VANAD PORTFOLIO The Vanad portfolio covers machines for precise oxy-fuel cutting, state-of-the-art plasma technologies, and fiber lasers for small, medium, and large-sized businesses.
NO SINGLE VANAD MACHINE IS THE SAME Vanad provides comprehensive, cutting-edge solutions, flexibility, and variability to enable the adaptation of standard cutting machines to individual customer requirements and to propose tailor-made solutions.
THERMAL CUTTING SHOWROOM Long-term collaboration with leading suppliers of technologies for thermal cutting allows Vanad to run one of the largest demonstration centres for thermal cutting in the Czech Republic, with 8 permanent cutting stations.

VANAD CUSTOMERS ACROSS THE SECTORS Users of Vanad machines are firms specialising in
Electrotechnical industry
Food industry
Chemical and Mining industries
Art and Advertising
Vocational schools
Civil Engineering
VANAD IN SCANDINAVIA To name a few: Höre Industri AB, Sweden (running the Vanad PROXIMA since 2003), B Göransson Produktion AB, Sweden (running the Vanad PROXIMA since 2003). “The Vanad PROXIMA has convinced us and completely fulfilled our long-term requirements.” Västerviks Gymnasium is one of the schools to have been using the Vanad KOMPAKT Light machine since 2015.
LOCAL PRESENCE Vanad is represented by its agents, who service major installations in the EU, Russia, the UAE, Australia, Canada, Africa, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

TRIANGOLO spol. s r.o. is a stable and continuously developing industrial forge located in Hulín, Czech Republic. We specialise in custom production and the forging of small and medium-size production series. We have a wealth of experience, excellent references and know-how, enabling us to process steel of all quality grades in our production facilities for use in different industrial sectors.
Our product portfolio can be divided into two main parts:
(manufacturers of building machinery, power generation equipment, production machinery, bearings, etc.) and delivery of forged products for rail transport (wheel tyres for trams, trains and the subway, pressed rings, axles, etc.)
As regards the technology used, the company manufactures rotary-shaped die forgings (rings, flanges, etc.), open die forgings (strips, shafts, rings, discs, perforated discs, connecting rods, draw rods, spindles, blocks, etc.), and now especially seamless rolled rings (smooth rings, shaped rings, flanges, etc.). We own the entire production process, which means that we oversee the production of orders per client specifications and documentation from material delivery and preparation to heat treatment, machining, and quality control in our own production facilities.
As part of output control, we check all dimensions and hardness and carry out ultrasound tests in accordance with ČSN, EN, ISO, DIN, SEP, SEL, and other standards, as required by the customer. Since 1998, the company has been regularly certified according to ISO standards and holds the TÜV Management Service quality certificate. Since 2017, we have also held a certificate of technical qualification as a supplier for Czech Railways.

Production possibilities:
Heat treatment – annealing, quenching and tempering
Forging – longitudinal forgings in square, rectangular, and round cross-sections, cubes – blocks, mounted and bevelled shafts, full and perforated discs (wheels, couplings, flanges), die forgings, forgings with forged heads (carriers, axles), shaped and smooth rolled rings, open die rings, hollow bodies.
Machining – maximum external ring diameter 2,500 mm, minimum internal ring diameter 300 mm, maximum thickness of the ring wall 150 mm, minimum height of the divided ring 30 mm, maximum weight of the divided piece 1300 kg.
Testing of Materials
Mechanical tests (static – tensile test, dynamic – bend impact test, hardness test – Brinell)
Structural evaluation (macrostructure tests – Braumann method, microstructure testing – grain size, micro-purity, evaluation of carbide phases)
Dimension control (internal defects – ultrasound test, surface defects – capillary test, magnetic test)
Chemical composition (spectrometric test)
We make 5000 wheel tyres a year. We process 7,225 tons of steel a year. We have 63 years of experience.
www.triangolo.cz www.facebook.com/triangolohulin info@triangolo.cz
Triangolo spol. s r.o. is a member of Anacot Capital investment group, which also comprises the following companies:
ANACOT Services s.r.o. (www.anacot.cz) based in Ostrava, CR V-NASS, a.s. (www.v-nass.cz) based in Ostrava-Vítkovice, CR ELFE, s.r.o. (www.elfe.cz) based in Krnov, Czech Republic TRESTLES, a.s. (www.trestles.cz) based in Dětmarovice, CR
Overall performance of Anacot Capital Group in 2019: CZK 1.9 billion Number of employees in the whole Anacot Capital Group in 2019: 800 Return on investment of Anacot Capital Group in 2019: 10.7 %
We unite the leading companies and industry associations in the Czech Republic. We advocate the common interests of our members. We influence the economic, social, and environmental policies in the Czech Republic. We improve business conditions. We promote international trade and investment.
WE ARE l The largest and most influential independent organisation of employers and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic l A representative of the Czech Republic’s leading companies, representing a crucial part of the industry – especially the automotive, electronics, chemical, and mechanical engineering sectors, the power industry, transportation, ICT sectors and many others l A volunteer organisation, independent of the government, political parties, and trade unions l A respected social partner and a participant in the European social dialogue WE REPRESENT l 11 000+ companies – our members employ more than 1.3 million people l 32 industry federations and associations from key areas of the
Czech economy l Over 135 significant individual member companies OUR PRIORITIES l Supporting industry as the main pillar of the Czech economy l Strengthening the significance of research, development and innovation in industry l Continuing development in technical education and expanding the technically skilled labour force l Creating a business-friendly environment for entrepreneurs and international investors l Advancing international trade and exports l Improving the transport infrastructure l Furthering the digitalisation of the economy and e-Government l Writing and agreeing on a stable, enforceable and predictable legislative framework INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION l We organise international conferences attended by heads of states and governments l We organise international business and trade missions l We cooperate with partner confederations and business chambers worldwide l We coordinate incoming business and trade missions l We represent our members at international trade fairs l We organise conferences, seminars, and workshops promoting exports
Svaz průmyslu a dopravy České republiky Freyova 948/11, 190 00 Praha 9 Phone: +420 225 279 111 E-mail: spcr@spcr.cz INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE/ICC
ICC is – and has been throughout its long existence – a steadfast rallying point for those who believe, like our founders, that strengthening commercial ties among nations is not only good for business but also for global living standards and for peace. ICC was founded in 1919 in Paris. Today, ICC represents 6.5 million companies and associations in more than 130 countries and transmits their interests to high official representatives including the UN, EU, WTO, OECD, and G20, where ICC has been granted the highest level consultative status.
PRESTIGE Being an ICC member is a question of prestige. PRINCIPLES ICC creates rules and principles that are fully respected and used in everyday business and have become one of the most important pillars of international trade. PARTNERSHIP ICC provides a large portfolio of services fundamental for foreign trade, such as educational and advisory services, as well as creating opportunities for establishing partnership with foreign business partners. ICC Czech Republic was founded in 1999. The main aim of ICC Czech Republic is to assist Czech companies and other businesses to integrate into world events through this prestigious world organisation. TERRITORIAL WORKSHOPS The main aim of these workshops is to support the efficiency of Czech economic diplomacy under the presence of Czech ambassadors to introduce trade and investment opportunities to Czech exporters, to help diversify Czech exports to perspective markets and to help establish useful business contacts. In the period of 2017/ 2018, these workshops were focused on e.g.: Greece, Thailand, Nigeria, Albania, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Iceland, the USA, Cuba, Kuwait and Qatar, Macedonia, Romania, Ireland and many others. SEMINARS, PROFESSIONAL COURSES Our extensive range of educational programmes is targeted at specific topics associated with conducting international trade. Lecturers include experts and professionals with long-time experience or managers working in the given field – Incoterms 2010, Bank guarantees and experience with URDG 758, Documentary Credits and Standbys – International Standard Banking Practice and Practices in the USA, Terms of international sale contract in foreign trade.
Národní výbor Mezinárodní obchodní komory v České republice Florentinum, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 257 217 744 E-mail: icc@icc-cr.cz
l More information at: www.icc-cr.cz l
WHO WE ARE AND OUR AMBITIONS The Czech Centres is an agency established for the promotion of the Czech Republic internationally and managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Our organisation provides a global network throughout three continents and 24 cities and we are active members of EUNIC, the European Union National Institutes for Culture. Our primary aim is the development of enduring international cultural and economic links between the Czech Republic and other nations. We create and support partnerships for Czech industries and culture on a local and global level through both public and private bodies.
OUR WORK, YOUR OPPORTUNITIES We accomplish these aims by fostering cooperation between foreign cultural institutions, experts, and individual artists with Czech entities through highly successful international events, projects, and schemes. These are successful because of our connections to the best Czech institutions of education, science, and culture and by providing access to research and innovation and identifying and exporting the most dynamic driving forces of science and creativity of the Czech Republic. We support the development of institutions, such as universities, start-ups and professional bodies, through mutual international cooperation to promote their success and in doing so, provide unique opportunities to anyone interested in working with and investing in the Czech Republic. In addition, our organisation provides practical skills and knowledge. We are renowned and trusted in our support for those teaching and using the Czech language, enrolling over 2 800 students in Czech language courses worldwide in last year. The Centres present the Czech Republic in cooperation with regional partners abroad. Having many professional partners, we act as a focal contact point for information sought by general public, media and others. WHERE WE ARE Locations of our global network: Athens - Berlin - Bratislava - Brussels - Budapest - Bucharest – Jerusalem - Kiev - London - Madrid - Milan - Munich - Moscow - New York - Paris – Rome - Rotterdam - Sofia - Seoul - Stockholm - Tel Aviv - Tokyo - Warsaw - Vienna.
Česká centra – ústředí (Centre) Václavské nám. 816/49, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 234 668 211 E-mail: info@czech.cz
Czech Centre Stockholm Slottsbacken 8, Stockholm, 111 30, Sweden Phone: +46 70 234 42 55 E-mail: ccstockholm@czech.cz Web: http://stockholm.czechcentres.cz/
l More information at: www.czechcentres.cz l

CzechInvest: Your gateway to success in the Czech Republic
The Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest is a state contributory organisation subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. Services include sector-specific market intelligence, identification of business properties and sites, investment incentives, identification of potential business partners, suppliers and acqusition targets as well as aftercare services. The Agency contributes to attracting foreign investors operating in the manufacturing industry, business support services and technology centres, and also supports Czech enterprises in their expansion efforts. To simplify communication between the state, business, and the European Union, CzechInvest acts as an umbrella business-promotion organisation for companies using both EU and national funding. CzechInvest is exclusively authorised to file applications for investment incentives at the competent governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Its task is also to provide potential investors with current data and information on business climate, investment environment, and investment opportunities in the Czech Republic.
All services are provided free of charge.
CzechInvest Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2 Phone: +420 296 342 579 E-mail: fdi@czechinvest.org
CzechInvest Scandinavia E-mail: scandinavia@czechinvest.org
Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (the Centre) has been founded by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic and is the implementing agency for European funding programmes. The Centre hosts one of the offices of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the largest international network (with more than 600 partners worldwide) set up and run by the European Commission with the purpose of supporting businesses. Its consortium based in the Czech Republic (CR) consists of six partners in four cities – Praha, Brno, Plzeň, and Ostrava. The mission of the EEN is to help especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with entering the EU and foreign markets and doing business there. Its experts provide comprehensive advisory services to businesses with the aim of broadening the international cooperation of companies, raising the innovative potential of enterprises in the EU and helping SMEs to become integrated more widely in the EU framework programmes. To foreign clients, the Centre – EEN Praha office offers: information about the CR, about the business environment in the CR, Czech legislation, about how to find Czech partners for cooperation, information about starting a business in the CR, sources of financing from Structural Funds and other information. Services of the Enterprise Europe Network are funded from the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020) under the grant agreement No. 831241 and by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
Centrum pro regionální rozvoj ČR – Enterprise Europe Network U Nákladového nádraží 3144/4, 130 00 Praha 3 Phone: +420 225 855 312 E-mail: een@crr.cz
l More information at: www.crr.cz, www.een.cz l
The Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism is an allowance organisation of the Ministry for Regional Development and its goal is the successful presentation of the Czech Republic on the domestic and foreign markets. It uses its central office in the Czech Republic for that as well as its network of foreign offices both in other European countries, including Germany, the UK, and Spain and in non-European countries such as China, Brazil, and the United States. The basic objective of the network of foreign CzechTourism representative agencies is to promote the Czech Republic in the respective markets, build brand awareness of destinations and stimulate the volume of arrivals of foreign visitors to the Czech Republic. CzechTourism Agency branches offer a wide range of promotional activities. Their basic tools include campaigns (on-line, print and outdoor), press and excursion tours, road shows, participation in trade fairs, promotional events, organising presentations and workshops, collaboration with foreign and Czech entities and establishing and developing contacts with strategic partners. The main vision of the CzechTourism Authority is shaping a new perception of the Czech Republic. It is precisely a change in the perception of tourism by the residents themselves and increasing their brand loyalty to the “Czech Republic” in the context of domestic and incoming tourism that is one of the fundamental objectives of the agency for the coming period. CzechTourism promotes the Czech Republic brand on the domestic and foreign market on several levels. It participates in dozens of domestic and foreign tourism fairs and publishes sets of publications, brochures and maps in several languages attracting visitors to the Czech regions. An important element of promoting the Czech Republic abroad is to introduce tourism potential through press and excursion tours, i.e. trips to the Czech Republic designated for foreign journalists and tour operators. Another agenda is to support major domestic events of both a local and international character. The promotion of the Czech Republic in the field of congress and incentive tourism on the domestic and foreign market is the mission of the Czech Convention Bureau, closely cooperating with the various regional offices, covering the work of the regions, thus contributing to maximising the utilisation of all the congress potential that the Czech Republic has to offer.
Česká centrála cestovního ruchu – CzechTourism Vinohradská 46, P.O.Box 32, 120 41 Praha 2 Phone: +420 221 580 111 E-mail: Info@czechtourism.cz
Czech Tourism Authority – CzechTourism for Scandinavia and Finland Villagatan 21, 114 32 Stockholm Phone: +468 44 04 221 E-mail: stockholm@czechtourism.com www.czechtourism.com
l More information at: www.czechtourism.com l

of smoke from aerosol generators with a real energy source. This methodology
Aerosol generators may generate smoke, as required by a customer and project
lorry (150 m3 / s of smoke) for any period of time
be installed on a vehicle, it is within our Produced visualization smoke - aerosol is non-toxic
move in it without major problems during the test.
equipment and after the test it is possible to commence normal operation immediately.
Tests are suitable both for tunnels newly put into operation and also for tunnels already in operation, where it is necessary to verify design parameters of
moving vehicle.
Part of the tests is to arrange all necessary matters from creating a scenario through These tests were successfully implemented at a wide range of tunnels in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Switzerland.
evaluation of tests, video footage taken from tests using mobile cameras and ensure
temperatures in various distances from
thermocouples. All data are sent into a control system while the entire test can be controlled
outbreak (wireless). ventilation in underground garages, warehouses and multi-storey atriums in buildings.
Preparation of this methodology "Verifying functionality
and Trade of the Czech Republic.

K.B.K. fire, s.r.o. Heydukova 1093/26 702 00 Ostrava-Přívoz tel.: +420 553 810 560 obchod@kbkfire.cz
Useful Contacts
Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark Maltézské náměstí 5, 118 01 Praha 1 - Malá Strana Phone: +420 257 111 900 E-mail: prgamb@um.dk www.tjekkiet.um.dk
Embassy of the Republic of Finland Hellichova 1, 118 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 251 177 251 E-mail: sanomat.pra@formin.fi www.finland.cz
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland Botanická 834/56, 602 00 Brno Phone: +420 602 720 194 E-mail: Finsky.Konzulat@aquatis.cz
Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway Hellichova 1/458, 118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana Phone: +420 257 111 500 Fax: +420 257 111 501 E-mail: emb.prague@mfa.no www.noramb.cz, www.norway.no
Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden Úvoz 13, Prague 1, (for visitors) P.O.Box 35, 160 12 Praha 612 – (postal address) Phone: +420 220 313 200 E-mail: ambassaden.prag@gov.se www.swedenabroad.com/prag
Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic Václavské náměstí 51, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 774 123 370 E-mail: info@nordicchamber.cz www.nordicchamber.cz
CzechInvest Scandinavia E-mail: scandinavia@czechinvest.org
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí www.mzv.cz
Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu www.mpo.cz
Ministry of Agriculture Ministerstvo zemědělství www.eagri.cz Ministry of Transport Ministerstvo dopravy www.mdcr.cz
Ministry of Finance Ministerstvo financí www.mfcr.cz
Ministry of Regional Development Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj www.mmr.cz
Ministry of the Environment Ministerstvo životního prostředí www.mzp.cz
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí www.mpsv.cz
Ministry of Health Ministerstvo zdravotnictví www.mzcr.cz
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy www.msmt.cz
Ministry of Culture Ministerstvo kultury www.mkcr.cz
Ministry of Justice Ministerstvo spravedlnosti www.justice.cz
Ministry of Defence Ministerstvo obrany www.army.cz
Ministry of the Interior Ministerstvo vnitra www.mvcr.cz
Embassy of the Czech Republic Ryvangs Allé 14-16, 2100 København Phone: +45 3910 1810 E-mail: copenhagen@embassy.mzv.cz www.mzv.cz/copenhagen
Pravčická brána - Hřensko, Bohemian Switzerland
Phone: +45 88 80 82 40 E-mail: aarhus@honorary.mzv.cz www.mzv.cz/copenhagen
Embassy of the Czech Republic Armfeltintie 14, 00150 Helsinki Phone: +358 9 6120 880 E-mail: helsinki@embassy.mzv.cz, Commerce_Helsinki@ mzv.cz www.mzv.cz/helsinki
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic Rinnekatu 16, 33250 Tampere Phone: +358-503449993 E-mail: tampere@honorary.mzv.cz
Embassy of the Czech Republic Fritzners gate 14, 0264 Oslo Phone: +47 22 12 10 31 E-mail: oslo@embassy.mzv.cz www.mzv.cz/oslo
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic - Trondheim Tungaveien 38, Trondheim, Postboks 1862 Lade, 7440 Trondheim Phone: +47 9323 3100 E-mail: trondheim@honorary.mzv.cz
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic - Sjøvegan St. Hansveien 36, Sjøvegan Phone: +47 9097 5599 E-mail: sjovegan@honorary.mzv.cz

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic - Bergen Skanselien 14, 5031 Bergen Phone: +47 91750395 E-mail: bergen@honorary.mzv.cz
Embassy of the Czech Republic Villagatan 21, 114 32 Stockholm Phone: +468 4404 210, +468 4404 225 E-mail: stockholm@embassy.mzv.cz www.mzv.cz/stockholm
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic World Trade Center, Jungmansgatan 12, 21121 Malmö Phone: +46 7323 32199 E-mail: malmo@honorary.mzv.cz
CzechTrade Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland) Villagatan 21, 114 32 Stockholm Phone: +46 707 640 353 E-mail: info@czechtrade.se www.czechtrade.se
Czech Centre Stockholm Slottsbacken 8, Stockholm, 111 30, Sweden Phone: +46 70 234 42 55 E-mail: ccstockholm@czech.cz Web: http://stockholm.czechcentres.cz/
Czech Tourist Authority – CzechTourism for Scandinavia and Finland Villagatan 21, 114 32 Stockholm Phone: +468 44 04 221 E-mail: stockholm@czechtourism.com www.czechtourism.com
The Most Important Websites
General information on the Czech Republic Businessinfo
Doing Business in the Czech Republic
Portal of the Public Administration
Company Contact Information ARES
Hoppenstedt Bonnier
Inform.cz Kompass European Databank
Czech exporting companies
Legislation Iuridika Portal of Czech judiciary Finance Czech National Bank Prague Stock Exchange RM-System Czech Insurance Association Statistics
Czech Statistical Office
Fairs and Exhibitions BVV – Brněnské veletrhy a výstavy/Trade Fairs Brno Miscellaneous
The Industrial Property Office
The Czech Science Foundation
The Register of Advertising Agencies
Česká pošta (the Czech Post)
Residence of Foreigners in the CR Association for Foreign Investment Cadastre of Real Estate Road Toll in the CR National Register of Vocational Qualifications Portal of the Regional Information Service The Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants www.czech.cz www.businessinfo.cz
www.vlada.cz Official site for the CR Official site for business and exports General information on business climate, structure, and development of the Czech economy The electronic gateway for the public to administration and government services
www.inform.cz www.kompass.com www.edb.cz http://exporters.czechtrade.cz/ en/ Access to Registers of Economic Subjects/Entities
The most important companies in the CR and the SR
Czech Company Catalogue Czech Company Catalogue Information operator
Company-Catalogue Czech Exporters Directory
http://iuridica.eunet.cz www.justice.cz Directory of legal services and official bodies Course of legal proceedings
www.cnb.cz www.pse.cz www.rmsystem.cz www.cap.cz
www.domavcr.cz www.afi.cz www.cuzk.cz www.mytocz.eu
www.ahrcr.cz Monetary, financial, and macroeconomic data Prague Stock Exchange data Czech Stock Exchange Directory of insurance companies operating in the CR
Official statistical data and information covering different subjects
List of exhibitions and fairs in the CR and relevant information
Patents, trade marks, utility models, and industrial designs Awards grants to the best projects of basic research in all branches of science Expert assistance in choosing and working with advertising and communication agencies in the CR Incl. postcodes of municipalities and its districts (PSC), philately etc. Advice for living in the CR Support for entry of foreign investors Information system, contains data on real estate in the CR Information on toll and charges Survey of professional qualifications recognised in the Czech Republic Information website on the regions
Directory of hotels in the CR