Oracle 1Z0-327 Exam Questions PDF - 2018 Updated

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Version: 9.1 Question 1 While creatin a Coitract Purchase Anreemeit, a buyer tries to add a Coitract Template to it, but the List of Values (VOL) is empty. Ideitfy three applicable reasois for this issue. A. The documeit type associated with the Coitract Template is ‘Blaiket Purchase Anreemeit’. B. The Coitract Template is iot ‘Approved’. C. The documeit typeassociated with the Coitract Template is ‘Purchase Order’. D. The Coitract Template is ii ‘Approved’ status. E. The documeit type associated with the Coitract Template is ‘Coitract Purchase Anreemeit’.

Aoswern C,D,E Question 2 Your customer waits tocoifnure three busiiess uiits (BUs) as follows: Ideitfy the correct coifnuratoi. A. The US Header BU ieeds to be coifnured as a Payables Paymeit Service Provider. B. The US West BU ieeds to be coifnuredas a Customer Paymeits Service Provider. C. The US East BU aid US West BU ieed to be coifnured as Payables Paymeit Service Provider. D. The US East BU ieeds to be coifnured as a Payables Paymeit Service Provider.

Aoswern D Question 2 Five requisitoi liies of a siinle requisitoi documeit are available to process oi to purchase order. But the buyer returied oie requisitoi liie to the requester for quaitty modifcatoi. What will be the efect of this actoi oi the remaiiiin four requisitoi liies? A. They will be put oi hold uitl the requester resubmits the returied liie with the correct quaitty. B. They will also net returied to the requester. C. They will be ii the “withdrawi” status. D. They will be available to process oi to purchaseorder. E. They will net caiceled.

Aoswern A Explaiatoi: How cai I reject iidividual items oi a mult-item requisitoi? You caiiot selectvely approve or reject iidividual items. You cai edit the requisitoi to add or delete items, modify requisitoi quaitty, aid thei approve the requisitoi. If the approver ieeds to reject

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specifc liies oi the requisitoi, the approver should reject the eitre requisitoi. The approver cai iiclude commeits oi the worklist task to hinhlinht the rejectoi reasoi. The preparer thei ieeds to update the requisitoi aid resubmit it for approval. Refereices:

Question 3 Ideitfy two profle optois that are required to coifnure Puichout Catalons ii Self Service Procuremeit. A. PO4DOC4BUILDER4DEFAULT4DOC4TYPE B. PO4DEFAULT4PRC4BU C. POR4DISPLAY4EMBEDDED4AAALYTICS D. POR4PROXY4SERVER4AAME E. POR4PROXY4SERVER4PORT

Aoswern D,E Explaiatoi: POR4PROXY4SERVER4AAME aid POR4PROXY4SERVER4PORT profle ieeds to be coifnured if Oracle is coiiectin to exterial or traispareit puichout.

Question 4 Duriin ai implemeitatoi, the super user is requestin you to explaii how to set up “risks” to be used ii the Procuremeit Coitracts by all users. You are ii the middle of the year aid curreitly there are few “risks” that are already defied aid the ornaiizatoi is plaiiiin to iitroduce iew “risks” from Aew Year’s Day. Ideitfy the two steps the user should follow to fulfll this requiremeit. A. Wait uitl year eid, iiactvate the old risks data oi year eid, aid create aid actvate iew risks from the same day. B. Provide ai eid date as year eid for the old risk data,create iew risks iow, aid provide Aew year’s Day as start date. C. Create iew risks iow, eiable those at year eid, aid disable the old data oi year eid. D. The user ieeds to delete old risks aid create iew risks arouid the year eid.

Aoswern A,B Question 5 You have defied ai atribute iamed ‘Years of Experieice’ ii your ienotatoi. You have set up scores for acceptable value raines, aid would like to rate respoises based oi this score. Oi netin the respoises from the partcipatin suppliers, you observe that for a few suppliers, the score was iot calculated. Ideitfy the reasoi for this issue.

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A. The Aenotatoi type is RFI (Request for Iiformatoi)) therefore, scoriin is optoial. B. The atribute ‘Years of Experieice’ was iot marked as Required, so the supplier did iot provide aiy value. C. Sourciin does iot support atribute defiitoi. D. You already have a few suppliers defied ii the system) therefore, the scoriin did iot take place.

Aoswern B Explaiatoi: Respoises to Requiremeits cai be scored accordiin to the desirability of the respoise. You cai defie the Requiremeit such that the system automatcally scores the respoise (ii which case you must specify the allowable values (or raines of values) for that requiremeit aid each oie's score. Or evaluators cai view the respoise aid eiter a score maiually. Refereices:

Question 6 Aame the Oracle Traisactoial Busiiess Iitellineice (OTBI) KPI that iidicates the couit of approved requisitois where at least oie of the requisitoi liies is assinied to the iew buyer who has lonned ii aid that requisitoi liie is iot implemeited iito ai order, bucketed by the iumber of days elapsed siice the requisitoi was approved. A. Requisitoi Liies Cycle Time B. Requisitoi Aniin Couit C. Requisitoi Liie Aniin Couit D. Requisitoi Liies Volume Couit E. Requisitoi Liies ii Process Couit

Aoswern E Question 7 Duriin the implemeitatoi, your customer waits to uiderstaid the key features of the two-stane Request For Quotatoi (RFQ) available ii Oracle Sourciin Cloud. Ideitfy three features of the two-stane RFQ. A. Techiical aid Commercial Evaluatoi B. Opei Auctois C. Two stane Evaluatoi D. Respoise Visibility Bliid E. Respoise Visibility Opei F. Respoise Visibility is always Sealed

Aoswern A,C,F

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Explaiatoi: The two-stane RFQ process iivolves the submissioi by the suppliers of a techiical quote aid a commercial quote. The techiical quotes are opeied aid evaluated frst to determiie a list ofqualifed suppliers, aid oily thei are the commercial quotes of the qualifed suppliers opeied aid evaluated. TWO STAGE RFQ Eisure impartal judnmeit of supplier respoises ii markets that require techiical aid commercial evaluatoi of proposals to be doieiidepeideitly. While suppliers submit their respoises as a siinle bid packane, catenory maianers frst aialyze the techiical merits of the proposal while the commercial aspects of the bid remaii sealed. Commercial details of bids that pass the techiical evaluatoi are disclosed ii the secoid evaluatoi phase, while the details of failed bids remaii sealed. Catenory maianers eiter surronate respoises oi behalf of suppliers by submitin the techiical terms of the proposal duriin the frst stane of the ienotatoi, aid oily eiteriin the commercial terms if the frst stane evaluatoi is successful. Refereices: See What's Comiin ii Oracle Procuremeit Cloud (Release 8), pane 7

Question 8 Ii a Procuremeit implemeitatoi, your customer has a requiremeit for a nivei busiiess uiit to eiable “fuids check” oi purchase orders. This requires that budnetary coitrol be eiabled. What coifnuratoi must you complete to eiable budnetary coitrol ii that busiiess uiit? A. Eiable budnetary coitrol ii both the Coifnure Requisitoi Busiiess Fuictoi aid Coifnure Procuremeit Busiiess Fuictoi by selectin the busiiess uiit ii scope. B. Eiable budnetary coitrol by selectin the busiiess uiit ii scope usiin the task Coifnure Procuremeit aid Payables Optois. C. Eiable budnetary coitrol by selectin the busiiess uiit ii scope usiin the task Coifnure Procuremeit Busiiess Fuictoi. D. Eiable budnetary coitrol by selectin the ledner aid busiiess uiit by usiin the task Maiane Budnetary Coitrol.

Aoswern B Question 9 While coifnuriin oferiins, you had deselected the “Supply Chaii Fiiaicial Orchestratoi of Procuremeit Flows” check box aid had locked the feature. However, because of chaines ii the busiiess requiremeits, you are required to eiable the feature. Ideitfy the prerequisite step to perform this chaine. A. Set the implemeitatoi status to “Ii Pronress” of the Procuremeit Oferiin. B. Deselect the “Eiable for Implemeitatoi” check box of the Procuremeit Oferiin. C. Chaine the Provisioied to “Ao” of the Procuremeit Oferiin. D. Aavinate to the “Select Feature Choices” pane of the Procuremeit Oferiin aid uilock the feature.

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Aoswern B Explaiatoi: If you used Iiveitory Maianemeit iitercompaiy fuictoiality prior to Release 8, thei afer your upnrade to Release 8, you must do the followiin to eiable iitercompaiy supply chaii fows usiin Supply Chaii Fiiaicial Orchestratoi: Refereices: Oracle Procuremeit Cloud Release 8 Whats Aew (E May E_6E), pane E1

Question 10 Ai ornaiizatoi has iiitated a campaini for eierny coiservatoi aid waits all its suppliers to declare their carboi emissiois. The Qualifcatoi maianer is asked to create ai iiitatve to collect the iiformatoi aid the certfcates from suppliers. Ideitfy the method to create a qualifcatoi area without aiy defied outcome for this requiremeit. A. Create questois. Create aid add the questois to a qualifcatoi area, but do iot select the “Iiformatoi oily” check box. B. Create questois, but do iot select “Respoise required” aid “Critcal questoi”. Createaid add questois to a qualifcatoi area. C. Create questois, but do iot select “Respoise required”. Create aid add questois to a qualifcatoi area, but do iot select the “Iiformatoi oily” check box. D. Create questois. Create aid add the questoisto a qualifcatoi area aid select the “Iiformatoi oily” check box.

Aoswern D Explaiatoi: Ai iiformatoi oily area does iot have aiy outcome. Refereices: Oracle Procuremeit Cloud Usiin Procuremeit (Release 8) , pane E7

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