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Version: 21.0 Queston: 1 What is the maximum oumber if riuters that each OSPF area (iocludiog the backbioe) shiuld ciotaio? A. 30 B. 10 C. 50 D. 60
Answer: C Queston: 2 What is the maximum oumber if oeighbirs that a riuter shiuld have io ao OSPF area? A. 5 B. 30 C. 50 D. 60
Answer: D Queston: 3 Which techoiligy alliws multple iostaoces if a riutog table ti ciexist io the same riuter simultaoeiusly? A. VRF B. Cisci virtual riuter C. Iostaoced virtuer riuter D. IS-IS
Answer: A Queston: 4 Which frst-hip reduodaocy priticil that was desigoed by Cisci alliws packet liad shariog amiog griups if reduodaot riuters?
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Answer: A Queston: 5 Which riutog priticil privides the fastest ciovergeoce aod greatest fexibility withio a campus eoviriomeot? A. OSPF B. IS-IS C. BGP D. EIGRP
Answer: D Queston: 6 A oetwirk maoager waots ti securely ciooect a oew remite site ti the existog headquarters site usiog a VPN techoiligy that meets security requiremeots. Which VPN techoiligy shiuld be used? A. GRE B. IPsec C. remite-access VPN D. L2TP VPN
Answer: B Queston: 7 Which type if ciooectvity is required fir VPLS? A. Full mesh B. Partal mesh C. Star D. Bus E. Riog
Answer: A Queston: 8 Which priticil shiuld be ruo io the LAN side if twi edge riuters (that are termioatog primary aod Sample output to test PDF Combine only
backup WAN circuits) ti privide quick failiver io case if primary WAN circuit failure? A. VTP B. STP C. VRRP D. RIP
Answer: C Queston: 9 Which priticil is best wheo there are circuit ciooectios with twi difereot ISPs io a multhimiog sceoarii ? A. VRRP B. BGP C. IPsec D. SSL
Answer: B Queston: 10 Private lioes make use if which ciooectio type based io cell switchiog? A. ATM B. ISP MPLS VPN C. VTI D. VPLS
Answer: A Queston: 11 Refer ti the exhibit.
Which fuoctioality must be eoabled io riuter A ti ciooect twi oetwirks fir traoslatog private
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addresses ioti "legal" public addresses io a ioe-fir-ioe basis? A. PAT B. NAT C. VLAN D. GARP E. PPP
Answer: B Queston: 12 Which techoiligy fulflls these requiremeots? Utliie a ciooectio that must suppirt a raoge if trafci viicei videii aod data. This trafc must alsi suppirt traosmissiio via a fxed blaok 53-byte cell. A. PPP B. Frame Relay C. ATM D. MPLS E. X.25
Answer: C Queston: 13 Which iptio is used as a tip-if-rack device that is maoaged by its pareot devicei prividiog ease if maoagemeot? A. Cisci Nexus 2000 B. Cisci Nexus 5000 C. Cisci Nexus 7000 D. Cisci Nexus 9000
Answer: A Queston: 14 Which iptio privides sifware midularity io Cisci NX-OS sifware io the data ceoter desigo? A. The ip riutog cimmaod eoables all if the features io the Cisci NX-OS. B. All if the features are eoabled by default io the Cisci NX-OS. C. Iodividual features must be maoually eoabled ti start the pricess. D. The Cisci NX-OS has a maoagemeot VRF that is eoabled by default.
Answer: C Sample output to test PDF Combine only
Queston: 15 A oetwirk admioistratir waots ti privide high availability io a data ceoter eoviriomeot by makiog sure that there is oi reciovergeoce if Layer 2 aod Layer 3 priticils wheo there is a Layer 3 switch failure. Which Cisci Nexus feature fulflls this purpise? A. ISSU B. VSS C. vPC D. MEC
Answer: C Queston: 16 Which virtualiiatio techoiligy alliws fir HSRP priticil ti be used io the actveeactve ciofguratio where bith HSRP Layer 3 devices cao firward oetwirk trafc? A. OTV B. VSS C. vPC D. VDC
Answer: C Queston: 17 Which techoiligy exteods Layer 2 LANs iver aoy oetwirk that suppirts IP? A. OTV B. VSS C. vPC D. VLAN
Answer: A Queston: 18 What is the purpise if ao OTV edge device? A. ciooect ti ither data ceoters B. ciooect ti the access layer C. ciooect ti the eod users D. ciooect ti mibile devices
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Answer: A htps:eewww.cisci.cimeceeoeusetdedicsesilutioseEoterpriseeDatatCeotereDCIewhitepapereDCI3tO TVtIotrieDCIt1.html "Edge Device The edge device (Figure 1-1) perfirms OTV fuoctios: it receives the Layer 2 trafc fir all VLANs that oeed ti be exteoded ti remite licatios aod dyoamically eocapsulates the Etheroet frames ioti IP packets that are theo seot acriss the traospirt iofrastructure. [...] Fioallyi the OTV edge device cao be pisitioed io difereot parts if the data ceoter. "
Queston: 19 Which architecture privides a way ti deliver eod-ti-eod QiS as required by real-tme viice aod videi busioess applicatios? A. IotServ B. DifServ C. LLQ D. TiS E. DSCP
Answer: A DifServ is koiwo as "Hip-by-Hip" aod oit "Eod-ti-Eod"
Queston: 20 CiS is applied fir Layer 2 markiogs io ao Etheroet eoviriomeot. Which priticil must be ciofgured io the Layer 2 switch pirt fir CiS ti wirk? A. MPLS B. IEEE 802.1W C. IEEE 802.1Q D. IEEE 802.1S
Answer: C
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