Guide for Configuring Sage CRM 7.1 integrated to Sage ERP 300 on Amazon Web Services

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Guide for Configuring Amazon EC2 Instance for Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage 300 ERP 2012 Parth Patel Sage Business Solutions Pty Ltd

Table of Contents

Introduction.................................................................................1 Prerequisites ..............................................................................2 Login to Amazon Web Service Console.....................................3 Amazon VPC..............................................................................3 Set Up the VPC and Internet Gateway................................................4 Configuring Security Group................................................................8 Configuring Security Group using the Amazon EC2 management console....................................................................................................8

Running your Amazon EC2 Instance ......................................10 Mapping your new EC2 instance with Elastic IP......................16 Create an Elastic IP............................................................................17

Login details to the Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012 Instance...........................................................................18 Configuring Elastic IP to work with Sage CRM 7.1 integrated to Sage Accpac ERP on client and server machine. ...................19 Changes need to made on Sage Accpac ERP side.................19

Applying your own company’s Sage Accpac ERP license key.....20 Run Accpac Web Deployment using the Elastic IP........................20

Changes need to made on Sage CRM side.............................21 Applying your own company’s Sage CRM license key..................21

Known Issues...........................................................................23 Accpac Screen when open from Sage CRM fails to work on client machine.................................................................................................23 Accpac Screens when opened from Sage CRM doesn’t show the buttons save, close etc........................................................................24

Introduction This Guide is for the Sage CRM and Sage ERP 300 Business and Development Partners for its use to create instances out of the base AMI that is shared as a private AMI (Amazon Machine Interface) from Sage Business Solutions Pty Ltd. This technical document details the tasks necessary to create instances out of base AMI for Version 7.1 integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012 (aka Sage ERP Accpac) onto Amazon EC2 Cloud. 1

Prerequisites There are list of prerequisites that need to be followed before proceeding to the rest of the document.  A valid Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.  You must have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) login credentials  You must be familiar with the pricing structure of AWS EC2 instances i.e. pay as you go, spot instances etc. 

You must maintain security and must manage your own AWS EC2 instance.


Login to Amazon Web Service Console Login to Amazon Management Console ( 1




Amazon VPC Amazon Virtual Private Cloud enables you to create a virtual network topology —including subnets and routing—for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) resources. If you're familiar with Amazon EC2, you know that each instance you launch is randomly assigned a public IP address in the Amazon EC2 address space. Amazon VPC enables you to create an isolated portion of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud—a VPC—and launch Amazon EC2 instances that have private (RFC 1918) addresses in the range of your choice (e.g.,


You can define subnets within your VPC that enable you to group similar kinds of instances based on IP address range. You can attach different types of gateways to your VPC to enable communication with the Internet or with your home network (over an IPsec VPN tunnel). You can set up routing and security to control the flow of traffic in and out of the instances and subnets.

Set Up the VPC and Internet Gateway 1. On the VPC Dashboard, locate the Your Virtual Private Cloud area, and click Get started creating a VPC.

The wizard starts and displays a page where you can select one of four options. Note: Use the first option for configuring Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012 on Amazon VPC


2. Make sure the button is selected for the first option in the list (VPC with a Single Public Subnet Only), and click Continue. A confirmation page is displayed, showing the CIDR range that we'll use for your VPC and subnet ( and, respectively). You can change any of these settings on this page.


3. Make any changes you want to the VPC, subnet CIDR ranges, and hardware tenancy settings. Then click Create VPC. The wizard begins to create your VPC, Internet gateway, subnet, and route table. A status window shows the work in progress. When the wizard completes, a page is displayed confirming that your VPC has been created.

4. Click Close, which returns you to the VPC Dashboard. 5. Click Your VPC in the left navigation pane to display your VPC's information.


6. Click Internet Gateway in the left navigation pane to display your Internet gateway's information. Notice that it has an ID (e.g., ig10ee1779). 7. Click Route Tables in the left navigation pane. Your VPC has two route tables. One is the main route table that the VPC comes with by default, and the other is a custom route table the wizard created. Your subnet is associated with the custom route table, which means we use the routes in that table to determine how the subnet's traffic flows.

8. Select the check box for the custom route table (the one with No in the Main column) and look at the route information displayed in the lower pane.

The first row in the table is the local route, which enables communication within the VPC. This route is present in the every route table by default, and you can't remove it. The second row shows the route that the wizard added to the table to enable traffic destined for any IP address outside the VPC (i.e., to flow from the subnet to the Internet gateway. We refer to this subnet 7

as public because all traffic from the subnet goes to the Internet gateway.

Configuring Security Group When launching an Amazon EC2 instance you need to specify its security group. The security group acts as a firewall allowing you to choose which protocols and ports are open to computers over the internet. You can choose to use the default security group and then customize it, or you can create your own security group.

Configuring Security Group using the Amazon EC2 management console. Go to VPC tab and under security select “Security Group�


Create a Security Group for e.g. Sage (Make sure you select the right VPC from the drop down)

The protocols to configure are SSH (Secure Shell), TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). You should add RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) -this is required for Remote access to the server. An HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to access Sage CRM 7.1 via Web Inbound Ports to open:


Outbound Ports to open:

The most important thing to note is the Source IP. When you specify “″ that really means you’re allowing every IP address access the specified protocol and port range. So in the example, TCP ports 80 and 443 are open to every computer on the Internet.

Running your Amazon EC2 Instance 10

Once the Security Group is created, now is the time to create a new instance out of the AMI that is shared by Sage Business Solutions Pty Ltd. In order to proceed you need to provide Amazon Web Services Account Id for us to share the image. You can find it from Account Activity:

Select the Correct Region “US West (N. California)”, Under Images select AMI’s and under viewing drop down select “Private Images”

Step 1: Select your private AMI and select launch tab

Step2: The image is 64 bit so you have range of options to select from for running EC2 instance, select the appropriate according to your need from “Instance Type” For Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 instance large (m1.xlarge) is sufficient.


Also select the availability zone to us-west-1b, the reason is the AMI image has been created in that zone. Once that is done hit “Continue�

Select VPC Radio Button and select the VPC which we created earlier above.


Step3: With the instance details screen just make a change to IP Address and type (this is IP Address of your instance for subnet)

Step4: Give the name of the instance and hit continue

Step5: Select a key pair, if you don’t have one create a new key pair and save it safely. Key Pair: In order to launch an Amazon AMI you need a named key pair. The name of the key pair is specified in the web service call that launches the instances and the private key is used by ssh to authenticate. On the Create Key Pair page, you can select an existing key pair or create a new one. 13

A key pair is a security credential similar to a password, which you use to securely connect to your instance once it's running. If you're new to Amazon EC2 and haven't created any key pairs, when the wizard displays the Create Key Pair page, the Create a new Key Pair button is selected by default. You'll need to create a key pair. 1. Select Create a new Key Pair, enter a name for your key pair (e.g., sageau), and then click Create & Download your Key Pair. Note: EC2 uses this name to also name the private key file (with a .pem extension) associated with the pair. 2. When prompted, save the private key in a safe place on your system and click Continue.


Step6: Select the security group that is created at the start and hit continue.


Step7: Review the details and you are done creating your first Amazon EC2 instance.

Mapping your new EC2 instance with Elastic IP ELASTIC IP: Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses designed for dynamic cloud computing. An Elastic IP address is associated with your account, not a particular instance, and you control that address until you choose to explicitly release it. The reason you use Elastic IP is the server name and the internal IP for the Amazon instance changes every time you stop and start the instance, so once you configure your instance using elastic IP and map it to the instance. You can login to the CRM application or you can RDP to the server using the same IP every time.


Create an Elastic IP Make sure you are in context of VPC tab, click on Elastic IPs under Virtual Private Cloud

Click Allocate New Address – you need to select VPC from the drop down.

Map the newly created Elastic IP to your instance:


Once the elastic IP is mapped wait for a while till you see the match below: The Elastic IP and the public DNS IP should match for you to RDP to the server using the elastic IP.

You can now access the VPC via the Elastic IP i.e. you can RDP to the Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012 server using the Elastic IP

Login details to the Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012 Instance The Login detail to Sage CRM 7.1 Integrated to Sage ERP 300 2012instances is set to below: 18

Windows Server Details: User Name: Administrator Password: p@ssw0rd321$ SQL Server Details: User Name: sa Password: p@ssw0rd321$ Sage CRM Details: Admin (No Password) Sage ERP 300 Details: User Name: Admin Password: admin

Configuring Elastic IP to work with Sage CRM 7.1 integrated to Sage Accpac ERP on client and server machine.

Login to the server with the details provided by Sage. Navigate to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc – hosts file Edit it and add the line below the IP listed here should be your elastic IP map it to local host

Changes need to made on Sage Accpac ERP side


Applying your own company’s Sage Accpac ERP license key. AWS (Amazon Web Services) EC2 instance shipped by Sage Business Solutions doesn’t have license key attached to the Accpac ERP install, it needs to be updated by steps below.

1. Go to C:\Sage Accpac 2. Paste your Company’s license key to this folder

Run Accpac Web Deployment using the Elastic IP. Run Web deployment and at the point step 5 punch in the Elastic IP that you have used to connect to the EC2 instance. The IP address here should match your elastic IP.


Changes need to made on Sage CRM side

Applying your own company’s Sage CRM license key. AWS (Amazon Web Services) EC2 instance shipped by Sage Business Solutions doesn’t have license key attached to the install, it needs to be updated by steps below.

1. There is a folder on desktop called “Sage CRM License Update” 2. Run the file “licensekeyupdatekey.exe” 3. Fill in your company’s license key details and follow the prompts and finish the update. 4. If running through the installation you get an error while the setup is restarting IIS, hit ok here and finish the installation

a. Go to start\administrative tools\services b. Start IIS admin service, world wide web publishing service and apache tomcat service c. If apache tomcat service is in stopping state like one below:

Go to task manager\processes tab – select tomcat6 for CRM and end process manually.


Once that is done you can also start the apache tomcat service, wait for 5 minutes and login to Sage CRM.

Login to Sage CRM as Admin Administration\Sage Accpac Administration\setup integration\Accpac Server Name – change the highlighted IP address to reflect your machines “Elastic IP”

a. Save it and try to import tables and customers – to confirm whether it works

Once every thing is verified you can go to any accpac integrated company and open accpac screens within Sage CRM.

b. You can now see that accpac screens opens successfully using the elastic IP on both Client and Server machine.


Known Issues Accpac Screen when open from Sage CRM fails to work on client machine. Some times on the client machines Accpac Screens fails to work with the error below but on the server it works fine.

In order to resolve, run the smdotnet.exe file first on the client computer....then run the a4wossup2.exe file....these are the 2 things that the client computer first downloads and installs when connecting to an accpac web server. You can find this files from accpac folder\web\cabs\


Accpac Screens when opened from Sage CRM doesn’t show the buttons save, close etc. This is a known issue, you have to add the http://<elasticIP>/CRM to local intranet (internet\tools internet options\security (tab))


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