PQ+2 September 2024 Issue

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Dean’s Address

Welcome to the 2024-25 academic year!

On behalf of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, I am excited to welcome new and returning students to our beautiful campus and learning spaces I hope you enjoyed your summer break and are ready for another rewarding year ahead.

I began my term as dean in July 2023, and throughout this past academic year, we collaborated with our community to build a strategic plan called Charting New Paths Together This 5-year roadmap reflects our commitment to growth and innovation and to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment that is peoplecentred The plan outlines initiatives to prepare our students for future challenges by integrating digital healthcare technologies and expanding learning opportunities We will be rolling out this new plan in the coming weeks on our website and other communication channels so stay tuned!

I hope this coming academic year is filled with both academic achievements and personal growth As you continue your academic journey, please remember to reach out to your support network or to any of us in the faculty We are here to help you achieve success and I look forward to getting to know you throughout the year

Wishing you all an amazing year




Welcome to a new academic year at the University of Alberta Faculty of Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSciences!Whetheryou’rejustbeginningyourjourneyaspartoftheClassof2028or returningtocontinueyourstudies,Iamexcitedtohaveyouwithus.Ihopeyouallhadasummerthat allowedyoutorest,recharge,andpreparefortheyearahead

IamhonoredtoserveasthePresidentoftheAlbertaPharmacyStudents’Association(APSA)forthe 2024-25academicyear.Asweembarkonthisnewchaptertogether,Iwanttoshareafewthoughts thatIhopewillinspireyoutomakethemostofthisyear

Pharmacy school is an incredibly transformative experience It’s a time of significant personal and professionalgrowth,whereyou’llbechallengedinwaysyoumaynothaveimagined.Butwiththose challengescomeopportunities opportunitiestopushyourself,tostepoutofyourcomfortzone,and to discover your full potential. I encourage you to embrace these moments of growth, even when theyfeeldifficult.Remember,it’sthroughtheseexperiencesthatwelearnthemostaboutourselves andthekindofhealthcareprofessionalswewanttobecome.

While academics are, of course, a major focus, I urge you not to lose sight of the importance of balance Engaginginthemanyactivitiesandopportunitiesavailabletoyou whetherthroughAPSA events, intramural sports, community outreach, or simply spending time with your peers will enrich your time here in ways that go far beyond the classroom This is your chance to build lasting memories,formmeaningfulconnections,andcreateanetworkofsupportthatwillcarryyouthrough yourpharmacycareer

Aswelookforwardtotheyearahead,knowthatyouarepartofacommunitythatisheretosupport you.IwouldliketoacknowledgetheAPSAteam,whohasbeenworkinghardtoensurethatyouhave a year filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect From our cherished traditions including the annual RxFactor Talent Show, the Blue and Gold Awards Gala, to the Pharmacy vs. Dentistry HockeyGame,there’ssomethingforeveryone

Lastly,Iencourageyouto bekindtoyourself Pharmacyschoolcanbeoverwhelmingattimes,and it’s important to give yourself grace. Celebrate your successes, learn from your challenges, and rememberthateachstepyoutakeisbringingyouclosertoyourgoals

Thank you for being part of our community I look forward to getting to know you all better and to seeingtheincrediblethingsyouwillaccomplishthisyear.




JOSHUA LITKE Publications Director

Hello everybody! I am your Publications Director and it is my pleasure to be working alongside the PQ+2 Editors to present the Fall 2024 edition of this publication When I am not studying, I like to relax by staying active! You can find me at APSA events (more on page 17), taking part in intramurals (page 18), and playing games with friends (page not found).





Hey! I’m Remi from the class of 2027 and I’m looking forward to being one of your PQ Editors for this year! I finished a pharmacology degree at the UofA prior to pursuing pharmacy. When not memorizing therapeutics or forgetting social history in skills lab, I enjoy baking, jamming to music and solving puzzles Hope you all have a fantastic year !

Hey everyone! I’m Marissa and I’m part of the Class of 2027! I’m so excited to be one of your PQ Editors! Before starting my PharmD, I was previously studying biological sciences at the UofA Some of my hobbies include reading, finding new hiking trails, and grabbing coffee with friends. I’m excited to be a part of this team to document all the fun and memorable times here in pharmacy school!


Hellofolks!MynameisTristynAdam (she/her)andIamhonouredtoworkwith learnersattheFacultyofPharmacyand PharmaceuticalSciencesasaRegistered Psychologist.Icompletedmygraduatestudies inFall2020inCalgaryandregisteredasa PsychologistinSpring2022.

Myapproachtotherapyiscentredaround mindfulsomatictherapyandtraumainformedcare.ThismeansIhelpclients connecttotheirbodiesandusemindfulness tobringthedifferentpartsofthebrainand experienceintointegration.

Asyoubeginthefallterm,Iinviteyouto thinkabouthowyoumanagestress.Our bodiesevolvedtorespondtostressorsthat startandfinishwithinashortperiodoftime, allowingournervoussystemstorestand relax.Ourmodernworldisnotbuiltlikethat, andweoftenhaveongoingindividualand systemicstressorsthatdonotresolveatthe endofeachday.Therefore,ournervous systemsareoftenonhighalertandunableto relax,orwefeellowenergyandcannotfocus andcompletenecessarytasks.

Knowingthis,howcanyousupportyour nervoussystemasyoumovethroughyour academicyear?Itisimportanttospendabit oftimeeachdaytohelpsettleyournervous system.Movingyourbody,laughing,crying, wrappingyourselfupwithcozyblanketsand pillows,andothergroundingstrategiescan helpyoufeelmoreateaseandabletofocus. Howmuchtimeyouspendeachdayon stress-reducingactivitieswillchangedayto day.Onharddays,youmayonlyhave capacityfor5minutes;onotherdays,you mightbeabletoallot30minutestoreduce stress.Theimportantthingistokeep practicing,moving,andconnectingwith friendsandfamily.Thisdailypracticewill helpyoumanageyourstresslevelsoverthe courseoftheyear,insteadofonlythinking aboutthesepracticeswhenyouarealready overwhelmedwithstress.

Ifyouarefeelingoverwhelmedandwouldlike support,pleasereachoutto phstud@ualberta.caforundergraduate studentsandphgrad@ualberta.cafor graduatestudentstobereferredtoseeme andotheron-campussupport.Iwishyoua gentleandfulfillingacademicyear!




The Black Pharmacy Students Association (BPSA) is a dynamic community dedicated to empowering Black students in the field of pharmacy.Ourmissionistosupportanduplift Blackpharmacystudentsthroughmentorship, advocacy, and educational opportunities, fostering a sense of belonging and excellence. Ourvisionistocreateaninclusiveenvironment wherediversityiscelebrated,andstudentsare equipped to become leaders in healthcare. By joiningBPSA,you'llgainaccesstoasupportive network, professional development resources, andthechancetomakeameaningfulimpactin thepharmacycommunity.Formoreuptodate newsfollowusoninstagram@bpsa uofa!



CSHP is a national voluntary organization of pharmacyprofessionalscommittedtopatientcare through the advancement of safe, effective medication use in hospitals and other collaborativehealthcaresettings.TheStudentCoRepresentativesspreadawarenessabouthospital practice by running various educational and networkingeventsaswellasprovidingstudents opportunitiestoengagewithhospitalpractice!If hospital practice sounds interesting to you, gettingamembershipwithCSHPwillprovideyou access to various benefits. If you want to learn moreorgetamembership,pleasevisitCSHP.ca formoreinformation!





Areyoureadytotakeyourpharmacyeducation beyondtheclassroom?CAPSIisyourgateway to unique experiences, national connections, and professional growth. As part of a community that unites students from across Canada,you’llhavethechancetoparticipatein localeventslikeRunfortheCureandPharmacy AppreciationMonth.Plus,achancetosharpen your skills during CAPSI competitions and Professional Development Week (PDW). PDW is the best time to network with peers and industry professionals nationwide. Don’t miss out, connect with Jin or Max to learn more about CAPSI and start building the skills and connections that will set you apart in the pharmacyworld!


The International Pharmaceutical Students Federation(IPSF)isaglobaladvocacyorganization thatrepresentspharmacy/pharmaceuticalstudents and recent graduates around the world. IPSF also promotes public health initiatives through education,networking,publicationsandmore.We areasubgroupofCAPSI,soifyoubecomeamember of CAPSI you are automatically an IPSF member (which is why you’ll see us working closely with CAPSIthroughouttheyear).Ourgoalatthelocal level is to promote the annual health initiative, provide a link between our local pharmacy community and the national IPSF representative, organize activities during PAM, increase IPSF awarenessandbeLocalExchangeOfficersforthe Student Exchange Program We wear many hats! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions



The LGBTQ+ Pharmacy Students’ Club (LGBTQ+PhSC)ishappytowelcomeeveryone, newandold,foranotherschoolyear!Wearea student-affiliated group under APSA that represents queer pharmacy students and provides a safe space for students to connect withlikemindedpeersoutsideofanacademic setting. We strive to highlight a queer perspectivetopharmacypractice,fromboththe lens of the pharmacist and our patients. Whetheryouarepartofthecommunityoran ally, the LGBTQ+PhSC welcomes you to our club,andwehopetoconnectwithyouallsoon!

ThePharmacyChristianFellowship(PCF)isagroup of pharmacy students aiming to grow in our ChristianfaithaswejourneythroughthePharmD program and enter into the pharmacy profession. Westrivetocreateasafespacewithpeersupport andacommunitybuiltuponcompassion,loveand faithfulness reflected in our Christian faith. We meetbi-weeklyfordevotionsandbiblestudiesand alsohostsocialandvolunteeringeventsthroughout theyear.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorareinterested in joining us, feel free to contact the leaders Remi (qikun@ualberta.ca) or Ethan (enieuwen@ualberta.ca)


Class of 2028

Welcometo thePharmily Class of2028!

Essentials of a Pharmacy student

1. Laptop

Either for taking notes, making flashcaards or running a pomodoro timer, a laptop is a must have in pharmacy

2. Pharmacy Backpack

Why use you own backpack when you can brag about your status as a pharmacy student to others?

3. Business Casual Attire

Got to maintain those professionalism marks in skills labs, am I right?

4. Tim Horton’s App

10 minutes between classes isn’t enough time to get your ice coffee in person, so use the Timmy’s app to get your caffeine fix between lectures

5. Instagram, Facebook, Discord, etc.

Not that use students need reminders to check our social media, but the raffles, challenges and information makes checking your messages essential

6. APSA Membership

The amount of free food at Lunch& Learns makes these memberships worth it, even without the activities and discounts you get!

APSA Peer Mentorship Reflection

Personally, APSA's peer mentorship program is a fantastic means to connect with upper-year pharmacy students while developing connections with your peers. My mentor was always ready to provide help or encouragement when I needed it. She recommended various study strategies for different classes and supported me throughout my journey into first year. Even though we were both busy, my mentor would take the initiate to check on my mental well-being and see how I was doing.

Having coffee during lunch time was my favorite part and was something I would look forward to as it helped relive my stress during intense periods. Overall, I had a positive experience from this mentorship opportunity and would highly recommend it for incoming first year pharmacy students.


“When Breath Becomes Air” Book Review

Initially, I picked up this book thinking that the author would discuss ideas about deepening our healthcare-patient relationships. But this book was so much more about how to live life to the fullest. This book presents a biography of a neurosurgeon whose name was Paul Kalanithi and his battle with stage IV lung cancer. It shows his journey through medical school, residency, and navigating his terminal illness with his wife and family. It shows his struggle with understanding where he fits in the medical field as a cancer patient and how to move forward despite the hardship. Paul being an esteemed medical doctor was not an exception to his terminal illness, but it has allowed him to truly understand his role when supporting patients who feel like they can’t go on in life. Meeting patients where they are and being a support for them to continue is what Paul realized was the role of any healthcare provider. It’s not just about what we do for our patients, but how we can be there for them.

However, Paul’s life completely changed after his diagnosis, and it changed his mindset to pursue his passion for literature and write a memoir of his own life. Paul’s journey with discovering the meaning of life while facing an inevitable death was a raw and real struggle. He knew that there was nothing he could do to change the outcome, but instead focused on changing his response to it. My main takeaway from this book is that life doesn’t start after you’ve graduated from school, or even finished a residency program; but, life begins now, in this moment. There is nothing that we should be expecting to happen for us to enjoy the life we have now. We shouldn't wait for an unexpected event to happen in our lives to find meaning and purpose, but should actively discover our sense of self without a pressing event occurring to us.

Art Gallery of Alberta

Address: 2 Sir Winston Churchill Square

What can you do there?

There are always different art exhibits featuring art of different mediums, whether that's painting, sculpting, lino print, etc. It's such a nice way to immerse yourself in art, and check out exhibits that might be interactive or feature cool local artists!

Why do you love it?

All U of A students get free admission and their exhibits rotate around every two months making art a costfriendly activity and it's so close to downtown there will always be something to explore! It's super accessible, right by Churchill station, too!

Things to Do

Metro Cinema

Address: 8712 109 St NW

What can you do there?

Watching movies here for a great price! This is a cute retrostyle theatre that often shows films that might not be in big theatres, because they're: foreign films, aged out of chain theatres, small indie films, or for other reasons!

Why do you love it?

It's walking distance from the university, always good ticket prices for some real bangers showing, and a non-profit! They do some really awesome community partnerships, including Gateway to Cinema which does a free movie monthly for U of A students, pre-show beer tastings with Sea Change Brewing Presents, and so much more!

West Edmonton Mall (WEM)

Address: 8882 170 St NW

What can you do there?

Literally anything! You can go to the World Waterpark to cool off on a scorching summer day, go ice skating in the Ice Palace when the outdoor rink is closed, channel your inner foodie in BRBN Street, ride roller coasters at Galaxyland, the list goes on.

Why do you love it?

WEM has something for everybody! Where else can you go watch a movie, go bowling and play mini golf while also shopping and buying groceries? Also, it's the largest mall in Canada, which is pretty cool.

in Edmonton

According to Pharmacy Students

Highland Area

Address: 65 St and 112 Ave NW

What can you do there?

Get ice cream at Kind, eat burgers and fries at Fox Burger, buy some candy and gifts from Be-a-Bella

Why do you love it?

I love how peaceful and cozy it feels to walk around the neighbourhood and the tree-lined streets look great in all seasons

By: Avery Quema (she/her)




3 - I’m a combination inhaler with budesonide and formoterol

7 - I’m used for pain, but too much will hurt your liver

9 - I dilate your airways and am often found in a blue container

10 - I’m an antihistamine commonly known as Reactine


1 - I’m injected for weight loss and diabetes

2 - I’m the most widely used drug in the world

4 - I’m often used for cold sores

5 - I lower your cholesterol, but can cause aching muscles

6 - I originally came from mold and was discovered by accident

8 - I’m a class of pain medications that can cause GI bleeds

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